mochis-hideout · 6 months
Welcome Home Circus AU!!! 🎪
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To read more, look at undercut ⬇️
Wally: Wally is the ringmaster and in charge of this whole circus, though he isn’t exactly the model image, he tries. Though his voice is monotone, it is still motivating to the performers and audience alike.
Barnaby: Barnaby’s the clown and he sure enjoy making that known. Whether that’s with an irritating clown horn or a banana peel, the others need to keep their eyes peeled.
Julie: Julie is the juggler, of course adding her own kick to it. Her own kick being juggling bowling balls or other wacky items.
Sally: Sally’s the circus acrobat and she takes her job quite seriously. She spends most of her time in her personal tent practicing, she must be perfect after all.
Eddie: Eddie’s the circus strong man, and a helpful fella at that. Whenever he’s not performing, he’s either helping others or training for the next show so he’ll always be ready for whatever life throws at him.
Frank: Frank’s the animal trainer, or in this case butterfly trainer. He’s very skilled at what he does too, and he makes sure he’s taken seriously, no matter how silly it may seem to others.
Howdy: Howdy is a magician, performing acts during intermissions to keep guests entertained. When he’s not performing or practicing, he’s helping Wally run the circus, at least finically.
And finally,
Poppy: Poppy is the tightrope walker, dazzling the audience with her flashy feathers. Though she seems pretty confident on stage, in reality, the poor gal’s got a terrible fear of heights…
Anyways that’s it for now! :]
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1000dactyls · 2 months
so invested in my thoughts about trans hiccup right now that in the span of one night i’ve:
Written more of my httyd au/retelling where hiccup gets taken with valka and then separated from BOTH his parents and somehow manages to find his way back to berk anyway
Drawn 4 pages of a comic exploring t4t hiccstrid with probably 8 more pages to go
Started a whole other wip fic exploring tgirl hiccup during rtte-era (which i literally haven’t even finished watching)
and so in honor of my lack of self control and especially in light of point 3… here’s tgirl hiccup U_U
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fumifooms · 5 months
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I WENT TO A COOOOON I finished pinning my bag just in time for it!! It was a small one but still my first one ever omg it was great. Someone recognized Marcille but not Chilchuck </3 People judged my ships on 3 different instances for 3 different ships, I got visibly emotional over Alois Trancy, I bought a Denji figure, it was great
I have preordered keychains and whatnot on the way still so I’ll def be updating my itabag composition + moving stuff around sort of soon, will give an update once it’s freshened up! Info on all the merch + some extra pics under read more Blue & green <3
Second pic is two custom badges I drew!! Never had bubble tea before so it acts as a con souvenir, + blorbos
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The itabag: link, by Iconografi
Bootlegs but artist is bkub
Bootlegs of official merch
Official art but edited to make nice badges (I thought the anime celebration artwork ones were official ngl
Keychains by 118ween
Keychains by Sleepywyrm, link
Loot Anime crate pin
Keychains by SolelleArt, link
Keychains by ACertainSheep, link
Keychain and charms by Aguichart
Ok that’s it for now~ To quote a buddy:
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I’m not used to having such high quality figures…… He fits so perfectly in my hand 🥹
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thesiouxzy · 3 months
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Can’t wait to be reunited with my cats, especially my B Creature 🥰 Bushy B my sun 🌞
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musubiki · 11 months
Would it be wrong to say Pom is basically Mochi's second mom?
NOT WRONG AT ALL LMFAO!!!! when originally designed she wasn't meant to be, she was supposed to be much more jiji-like where she just sits on the sidelines and makes snarky comments, but the more pom interacts with others in my head the more she strikes me as the asian mom type who loves you but is mean to you because the standard is so high
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boraxquinn · 6 months
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Or the worshipping song went somehow like that
....What in the world Jimin???
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shinydracozolt · 8 months
free my peach. it did all of that but the chicken dancing was objectively hilarious.
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candycryptids · 5 months
Okay, what is the most huggable creature for all YOUR characters? :D
Oh this is gonna b kinda silly so hold on to your seat or s/t 🫣 (Ty for the questionnnn I needed the distraction and something to keep me awake a little longer heheheh!)
Chuu: Carbuncle; became a summoner almost exclusively to be able to summon her own. They don’t need to eat or sleep since it’s sustained off your own aether so it’s like, the perfect pet for someone who’s idealized form is the flawed beauty of the Machine. Her other most huggable creature is This Thing, one of the Stubby Models whose name I can NOT finds
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Tuesday: is a simple guy. He thinks Peatie is the most huggable creature secondary only to June, his faithful and graciously patient Chocobo. They’re both pink, which is a hilarious coincidence.
Tangy: I mentioned in a previous post she’d enjoy having a Dodo/Pudgy Puk/Ahriman plush and that still holds, but I think she’d find Tonberries the most huggable. They’re not necessarily creatures, though,
Mochiie: hands down, finds Chocobos the most huggable creature in all the land. Their big round eyes. Their razor sharp talons. Their bone snapping beaks. The soft downy feathers!!! Can be also be swayed with horses, and Steppe-Dzo.
Colette: Behemoth. It is… Big Uppy Goggy. Reminds her of the [Magnamalo] which is also not very Actually huggable Tbf, but I think Colette could find a way to make it happen anyways.
Ishi’li: wants to hug a Coeurl and Not Die. Wants to hug one so bad. Wdym they’re full out danger electricity cats. :( they are so KITTY… is also extremely charmed by the Odder Otter, lol.
Levraut: finds [Canonball] the most huggable, an act of absolutely no bias whatsoever, definitely. (He also thinks Namazu look huggable, in that like… Cute Aggression way, where he kinda wants to hug one tight enough it makes a squeaking noise)
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zuctionary · 1 year
Big Brother :
Usually a dum-dum, but occasionally perfect for the role of protector of a younger sibling, and maybe even worth admiring. It's very hard to get them to do anything without complaining or sharing a sad, personal story, and they tend to be oblivious to other people's need for affection (especially if the person in question is their sibling).
These strange, complicated creatures are usually competent at their tasks, but only after a lot of hard work instead of just being naturally gifted. Their impatience and pride can lead them to self-sabotage, as they neglect their training, choosing instead to resent a person that is more capable than them at the given task (once again, especially if the person in question is their sibling).
However, for reasons beyond human comprehension, they CAN be effortlessly great at anything they want to accomplish, provided they put on a disguise first. If left to their own devices, they might take advantage of said anonymity to commit petty crimes, like stealing mochi from the palace's kitchen to share with their sibling, who was not given any dessert due to being grounded.
A prompt from @hello-nichya-here , for the text as well as for the drawing😊!
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9franklin3 · 4 months
This mix tho 😤
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mochis-hideout · 6 months
Puppet posting 👍
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Also here’s some doodles with my multicolored crayon @:3 (Wally looks bruised-)
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eldritchmochi · 9 months
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on this day in 2016 i got my package of used socks imported from Japan. i am sorry to report that said used socks were NOT purchased for honry reasons and in fact have only been worn in aggressively non sexual spaces because wester egl communities are just like that
this is hands down my favorite fb memory though and i get a good giggle out of it each time it crops up
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ousnap · 1 year
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Such a dreamy picture of him
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ivyxaur · 2 years
I made an online friend recently who’s around the same age I was when I got diagnosed. He’s bright, inquisitive, creative, and he will always do what is just, no matter the consequences. He’s realizing that he relates a lot to someone who’s openly Autistic, and it’s definitely way too scary to think about for him right now, just like it was for me.
We’d gone our whole lives knowing there’s something off about us, and deep down we both knew the one diagnosis that we dreaded the most was the answer. It meant that, fundamentally, at our core, there’s no fixing us. We’re trapped in a car with the brakes cut, doomed to be mocked forever.
But, since we’ve been talking, when I begin to dig my nails into my skin and pull my hair and taste my blood, I ask myself- would I ever dare to hurt him like I hurt myself? Would I pass to him the scourge, the discipline I use to atone for my social sin? Will I pass this self-hatred, or break the cycle?
There’s no cure for what we are. But if we can be gentler to ourselves, then that makes living through the rest all the more tolerable.
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thesiouxzy · 1 year
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Goodnight fellas 🐰🦦
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mochixkisses · 1 year
intimacy is when i went stargazing with someone and we kissed, and then just laid there talking about life the rest of the night
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