#azucar ost
azucar-skull · 2 months
"you're safe now"
This doesn't pertain to any specific AU, just having some big feelings and processing it in the way I always do. So enjoy F!Leo comforting a traumatized Casey with some epic music I made again. I feel like Casey and Leo would support and comfort each other if they were both in the present timeline. They'd struggle with letting their guards down and avoid processing bigger emotions. I know I do.
I'll never forget that day I escaped. It still eats away at me sometimes.
Better image quality under cut:
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enekabe · 2 years
Explooooosion, de azucar en vos, de dulce en tu voz, de reinos con flow, sos reina del show y yo soy tu clown, permitime un respawn, mientras me haces sentir down, sintiendote mi own, pero es lo que sos, morocha con dos, ojos verdes de dios, dejame tu hoz, clavada en el ros, trotando hacia el mor, disco giró sobre todo el terror, de perderte o no, de reubicarte en el bol, hablame de love, dedícame un post y escuchemos tu ost, volándonos, mientras vemos Lost, que existe el low cost, mi boca so close, clausurada por tu religión mirando mis tocs,, adicta a que sea yo, a dejarme pilló, observamos tus shoes pero deja tus long socks, tus muslos mi shock, no pienso en otra hoes, suena tu rock, escucho tu tos, fue culpa del grow, anotalo en tu bloc, guardado en tu vlog,me dejó sin spoke, mientras juego al brawl, me muero a lo Bjorn, esperando que los, demas sepan que nos, otros escuchen tu bawl, que me cambie el humor,saná mi dolor, calmame este ardor, subime el vapor que sea por tu olor.
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kaoruyogi · 8 years
About Me Monsterpost
Okay, so @ladydracarysao3 and @ma-sulevin tagged me in some memes while I was gone and just after I came back. I’m gonna jam them all in this post, so if you’re interested, it’s under the cut!
Star sign: Scorpio
Height: 5′8″
Time Right Now: 9:00 am on the dot
Last thing you googled: “EVGA GTX 1070 SC vs FTX” (see this post)
Last book you read:  “Worst. Person. Ever.” by Douglas Coupland, though I’ve been reading a lot of novel-length fanfic lately too.
Favorite music artists: Y’cant ask me questions like this!!! I’l just say that lately (past couple weeks) I’ve been listening to a lot of Carla Morrison, Polica, Odesza, and video game OSTs.
Last TV show watched: The very last show I watched before going to bed was “Call the Midwife.” BBC show about midwives in the East End in the late 1950′s. I like it. It’s cute and kinda poignant when it wants to be.
What are you wearing right now: Black yoga pants with a blue striped band, a gray shirt with an “Underwood 2016″ logo (from House of Cards) and my gray/maroon Cullen Templar hoodie. I’m a walking ad for stuff I like.
When did you create this blog: I’ve had the account for years, but my first post was in July 2016.
What kind of stuff do you post: Cullen, mostly. Dragon Age stuff, my fics, music here and there...that pretty much sums it up.
Do you have instagram: Yeeeaaaahhh, but I haven’t posted in years. I was just using it to show my nail art.
Do you have snapchat: Nah. Not my thing.
Do u get asks regularly: Not really. I used to get more, but I’ve hermited for bar prep, and people don’t like that I guess. I’m always happy to answer asks, though.
How did you choose your url: Kaoru was the name of my favorite guitarist in my favorite band in high school, and Yogi was my nickname in high school. I’ve been using this for a looong time.
Gender: Cis female
Favorite color: RAINBOW! Then blues.
Average hours of sleep: Between 4-10 depending on where I am in my work week.
Favorite characters: Cullen Rutherford, Sera, Dorian Pavus, Garrus Vakarian, Nathan Drake, Ellie and Joel...I could go on for days like this.
How many blankets do you sleep with: One on me, one on my husband/over the rest of the bed, one in the middle for the dog.
Dream job: Intellectual property attorney (copyright, I think)
Random: I dunno...I started playing “Horizon: Zero Dawn” last night, and it’s pretty. But I was too sleepy to get really into it. Also it’s kinda tropey, at least in the beginning. 
1. How tall are you? 5′8″
2. What colour and style is your hair? Copper-red
3. What colour are your eyes? Hazel, gray-green-blue on the outside with a copper ring around the pupil
4. Do you wear glasses? Yeah
5. Do you wear braces? Not anymore, but I did when I was 14.
6. What is your fashion sense? T-shirts and yoga pants for home, jeans or jeggings or a dress for going out, a uniform or a rad pant or skirt suit for work.
7. Do you have any siblings? 1
8. What kinda student were/are you? Teacher’s pet all the way through high school. I was high performing student who loved to participate and always wanted to know more. In college, there were some classes I only showed up to if there was a test/quiz, but others I actively participated in (still came out with a good GPA). In law school I was tired, but generally prepared, and I participated a lot. And I graduated with scholastic merit.
9. What is your favourite subject? It was English and History when those were a thing still.
10. Favourite TV shows? Can’t ask me this!!! There are too many.
11. Favourite books? Also too many...I like stuff by Chuck Palahniuk, Douglas Coupland, Neil Gaiman, Janet Fitch, William Shakespeare and dozens of other amazing authors.
12. Favourite pastime? Vidja games, mostly. I’ve been playing some form or another since I was 9 months old and my dad got me a talking parrot game for his new computer.
13. Any regrets? Eh, not really. They’re pointless.
14. What is your dream job? See above in previous meme ^^^
15. Do you want to get married? I am, so...yeah?
16. Do you want kids? How many? Yeah, we want 2.
17. How many countries have you visited? 3-4 (depending on how you count Scotland), but I want to do 3-4 more in one go for our next big vacation
18. What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had? Usually ones where people are being horribly murdered...I have a lot of those. Don’t ask me why because I have no idea.
19. Do you have any enemies? Probably? I’m an oblivious archenemy I think.
20. Do you have a datemate? My husband, I guess?
a - age: 30 b - biggest fear: Failure c - current time: now 9:34 am d - drink you last had: Water; last non-water drink: Hubert’s Mango Lemonade e - every day starts with: Checking my phone f - favorite song: At this very moment? Either “Un Beso” or “Azucar Morena” both by Carla Morrison g - ghosts, are they real: Nah h - hometown: I don’t want people doxing me, so I’m just gonna go with Southern California  i - in love with: My husband (and our dog? XD) j - jealous of: People who own houses and already have babies...and maybe the people who passed the bar the first time. k - killed someone: At work, we have this thing where, if you answer the phone when someone was dead or dying, you “killed” them. So, in that case, sure. But I’ve never actually killed anyone. l - last time you cried: Day before yesterday. I cry a lot. n - number of siblings: 1 o - one wish: That I passed the bar this time so I can move the fuck on already. p - person you last called/texted: @ladydracarysao3 ^_^ q - questions you’re always asked: How’s school/studying? r - reasons to smile: My husband, my parents/sister, my dog, my friends, a nice comment on tumblr or AO3 s - song last sang: "Un Beso” t - time you woke up: 7:34 am u - underwear color: black  v - vacation destination: Next time, The Netherlands, Belgium, and Denmark w - worst habit: Nibbling on things x - x-rays you’ve had: From bottom to top: toes, ankles, entire spine, fingers, neck, head, teeth, and nose. I’ve broken some stuff and had some injuries. XD y - your favorite food: Pasta or salmon sushi...can’t make me pick more specifically than that. z - zodiac sign: Scorpio 
1. Favorite Color? See above ask meme ^^^
2. Favorite Movie? Too hard a question to answer. It probably falls somewhere between 2005  “Pride and Prejudice” and “The Fifth Element.” But who knows?
3. Favorite Music? See above ask meme ^^^
4. Best childhood memory? There are a lot of good ones...the mud fight in the front garden with my little sister, chasing bighorn sheep up the side of a mountain in Alaska, getting chased by a herd of startled elk in Montana, playing video games with my sister and/or my parents, movie nights...I had a pretty good childhood up to a point.
5. What are you most proud of? The life/relationships I’ve built.
6. Left or right handed? Right
7. If you could only keep 5 things, what would they be? My laptop, my phone, my chargers, my dog, and my wallet to buy the rest of that shit back!
8. Most embarrassing moment? Umm...I screamed on the air once while I was talking to units in the field, and about 300-400 people heard me? I dunno, I don’t get embarrassed easily.
9. Your favorite characteristic? A great laugh and great hugs
10. Water, wind, earth or fire? Depends on the day. Sometimes fire, sometimes water, sometimes earth.
HOLY SHIT THAT TOOK ME AN HOUR!!! Okay, if you’ve made it this far, congratulations!!! <3 I’m not gonna tag anyone because that would just be cruel. XD
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azucar-skull · 3 months
made another FCAU song--
best w/ headphones!
This is called "What Remains". The concept is that Cass turned into a zombie and still tried to raise Casey Jr, which is why he is feral, but after Cass was finally put to rest after years of suffering, she leaves behind Casey Jr and her partner, Raph.
Casey Jr and Raph are each other's only family now, the ghost of Cass haunting them from beyond.
Better look at art under cut:
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azucar-skull · 5 months
had a bad day so i wrote some music for fcau
tw kinda warpy ig? best listened to with headphones
I call this one "don't forget me" with a doodle symbolizing Casey's mind deteriorating as the Kraang infection takes over her, still holding on to the memory of her son.
i might add more to the song, idk. i just sorta messed with instruments and closed my eyes, picking smth that sounded nice.
Better look at doodle under cut:
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