#azrael headcannon
angel-zophiel · 2 years
Headcannon: iii
Our Mind, Our Body
Jean-Paul doesnt trust anyone.
Trusting takes risks and risks are not something he wanted to dabble in more than he already needed to.
They were too unpredictable, too dangerous, and made him to vulnerable.
You can't control others.
You cant control when they decide to throw your faith in them back in your face or how deep the scars can go from the wound it creates
Trust requires you to be defenseless. It cant exist if your guards are up and your doors are closed.
So, if he couldn't trust others, he would have to be fine with trusting that part of him he so violently wished was dead.
Because despite the hatred he felt for Azrael, he had to trust it, that angel knew all there was to know about Jean-Paul.
It knew his fears, his worries and concerns.
It knew him like darkness knows the best ways to lure you back, or how anger knows the things that burn you the worst.
But Azrael didn't hate Jean-Paul in return.
It viewed him as part of what made him complete, and by default, trusted him just as much as his other half did, in reality, it respected JPV
This was clear in the way it would avoid taking the blows or slashes of weapons that aimed to kill them both.
In how it kicked in whenever danger approached to keep him safe, often having to completely take the reigns from JPV
Or how, when JPV can feel himself cracking along his edges, Azrael would gently overcome JPV's hold and take control of their body, forcing itself to be the one who had to face the demons plaguing their mind
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mandela-fiesta · 2 years
Was thinking of how good a parent Azrael and AG would be if they somehow came to raising a child of their own , and made a few headcannons:
-They both can cook.
-They both can sing
- Both can be VERY overprotective
- Both will send their child out in the world and forget about them as soon as they can
- Both have been lowkey highkey outcasted so if child experiences bullying or likewise, they understand
- Az is angel of death and can prevent you from getting killed
- Ag can tempt you to go to bed on time and get good sleep
-If they’re both busy, Ag has a million alternates to choose from that can be the child’s temporary nanny/caregiver
- Az doesn’t talk much. So he won’t interrupt child
- Ag on the other hand will talk nonstop and will be happy to share 8374837492478373838373937483839283383838383838 stories
- Aunts and uncles!
- Lucifer knows temptations and desires, so he knows exactly what his child likes and dislikes, great for gifts , shopping, and cooking
- Both are there to cuddle. Ag will smother in snuggles , Az won’t do anything and just let child hug him for as long as it wants.
- Az hunts down alternates so he can teach child how to fend for itself from a young age and be adept at fighting with weapons
- They’re also very ancient beings and can help very much with homework
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redfluffz · 7 months
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God | Lucifer | Michael | Gabriel | Jophiel | Raphael | Azrael | Ariel
Phew. So i done all scribbles for the seven archangels :D
Now i wanna improve them and write down my headcannons. But this might take a little bit more time.
Hope you like it. :D
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 11 months
Lizzaneia's Grimoire of Yandere Men
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Here's a masterlist of my yanderes! It will be updated regularly whenever a prompt or fic will be posted.
(I separated the second set since the photo got capped already ^^)
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RANKING REQ: The yanderes as fathers
SCENARIO REQ: The Yanderes with their yandere children
RANKING REQ: The yanderes and your period
SCENARIO REQ: The yanderes and their dream date
SCENARIO REQ: The yanderes and their Choice of Outfit for You
SCENARIO REQ: The Yanderes and their Darling's lonely birthday
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Top 3 yandere men (my OCs) when it comes to jealousy
ask: How would I define yandere?
Which OCs inherited their yandere-ness/Has yandere-ness in their genes?
My top 3 yanderes
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Yandere! Neuvillette (Genshin)
Yandere! Solomon (Obey Me)
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yandere! Artist Arlen
main fic
yandere! artist and his muse
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Yandere! Dragon Vincent
main fic
Req: Yandere tidbits: flying
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Yandere! Theater Actor Ignatius
main fic
ask: Soooo does this mean Ignatius got roleplay k!nk??
What if: reader is an otaku?
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Yandere! Butler Zero
main fic
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Yandere! Sugar Daddy Rowan
main fic
ask: Rowan can spoil me anytime :)
ask: Just read yandere sugar daddy AND GOD!! Plz do part 2. I want to see them dating🫣
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REQ: Yandere! Jock Damon
main fic (also had voice headcannons for the previous yan men)
Req: WHAT IF: Reader is a black belter in martial arts?
Ask: what if the reader doesn't like Damon's himbo personality?
Ask: What if Damon drops his facade?
Req: ask of a What if: Black belter reader met somebody else in the promotional test?
Req: Yandere tidbit: achievements
What if: darling posts a thirst trap?
Req: Yandere tidbit: Reward system
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REQ: Yandere! Assassin Azrael
main fic
req:yandere! Assassin and his conglomerate girlfriend
ask: oh. hm.. so. Azrael right? So he gonna tear us down eh?-- What would happen next 🤡?
ask: I'm actually scared for yan!assassin mc.......
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Yandere! Ex-boyfriend Lee
main fic
Req: WHAT IF: Reader is now a husk?
Req: WHAT IF: Reader knows how to protect themselves?
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Yandere! Cowboy Knoxx
main fic
Req: WHAT IF: Darling goes back to the city?
Req: WHAT IF: The reader goes back to the city, but this time with Knoxx?
Req: What if of a WHAT IF: Reader becomes a broken husk after the baby trapping?
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Yandere! Emo Ashton
main fic
req: Yandere! Emo and his beloved popular bitch
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REQ: Yandere! Werewolf Lyall
main fic
Req: Yandere tidbit: Knitting
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Yandere! Ex-husband Iñigo
main fic
Req: WHAT IF: You refused to marry him?
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REQ: Yandere! hospital chairperson Xavier
main fic
Req: WHAT IF: Darling got sick?
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REQ: Yandere! Villain Eros
main fic
ask: Darling avoids Eros turned Part 2
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REQ: Yandere! Politician Maximus
main fic
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REQ: Yandere! Mafia boss Hades
main fic
Req: WHAT IF: Reader is a rebel type?
Req: WHAT IF: Reader is "cheating"?
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luciferlightbringer · 6 months
Silly Lucifer Headcannon Time!
So I read somewhere the idea that the reason why the exterminations happened was because Azrael, the angel of Death, told Sera that Lucifer was trying to build an army in hell, and this freaked her out.
But what if it was all just like a really bad “game of telephone”? Like… Lucifer had talked to one of his siblings, probably Gabriel, about making his ducks and they were like “damn, that is like an army of ducks” and then somehow that info morphed and made its way to Azrael that Lucifer had an army and then told Sera.
Sera: “We need to keep the exterminations going as long as you have this army you are amounting.”
Lucifer: “Army? What army? I’m too busy with Charlie’s hotel, running hell in general, and my rubber ducks to be dealing with an army”
Sera: “Y-your… rubber ducks?”
Lucifer: “Yes” *holds rubber ducks up to the screen*
Sera: “…. How many of these rubber ducks do you have?”
Lucifer: “Uhhhh…” *pans video your room full of rubber ducks* “Gabriel called them my “army of rubber ducks””
Sera: *pinches nose* “AZRAEL!!!”
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nkn0va · 2 months
If it's ok with you could do a some headcannons of Tsubaki, Noel, and Makoto with a M!Reader that has acess to the Persona Izanagi-No-Okami
It's my personal favorite persona
Blazblue story would've looked mad different if there was a dude that could just whip out the Myriad Truths against Izanami and Terumi
For convenience sake, InO is going to be the result of S/O having a Drive to keep in line with lore.
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-You were...on the average side when it came to combat back at Torifune. Your Ars Magus aptitude and physical prowess weren't by any means bad but nothing spectacular. This was however, until you awakened to a Drive by growing a connection with the Azure.
-You got the chance to show this off for the first time proper during the battle against Azrael. You had to hold him off while Professor Kokonoe was making the preparations to teleport him somewhere far away where he could never return from, and Ragna was not looking too good since Celica was disabling him pretty hard.
-That was when you finally revealed Izanagi No Okami for the first time. A move which predictably fired up Azrael quite a bit.
-Tsubaki for her part wasn't watching what was happening, that is until she sensed a vast power coming from the arena. Even she couldn't ignore that.
-Looking inside, she saw you of all people battling Azrael, a huge figure in pure white robes at your back. Like everyone else she's stunned. Despite knowing you for as long as she has, you'd never revealed you could do anything like that, let alone being powerful enough to fight the Mad Dog.
-The rescue mission happened to break her free from the Imperator's curse and the first thing she did when she finally got alone time with you was ask what you did against Azrael.
-As she hears the explanation, she can't help but feel safe, for what feels like the first time in years. You'd broken her free of the spell and you were even strong enough now to hold off a beast like Azrael. The future she envisioned with you now became even more secure.
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-You've always been there to stand up for Noel, not afraid to throw down with anyone should you need to, no matter who they were. You seemed strangely confident in your combat abilities, no matter who you were staring down.
-Noel wished she could be as fearless as you, be able to stare down anyone in the eye with complete confidence. It was a huge reason she fell for you to begin with. She wanted to learn a thing or two from you on confidence.
-It was a while before she learned the 'why'. During the Ikaruga Civil War the two of you were deployed to intercept Sector Seven agents trying to do...something, it wasn't made clear what they were after.
-The two of you were ambushed, outnumbered and outgunned. That was until you revealed the power of your Drive for the first time. A manifestation of the creator god Izanagi himself, effortlessly wiping out the entire ambush force.
-Noel was only snapped out of her star struck state when you snapped her out of it and got moving again. Her admiration for you only increased tenfold that day, wishing she could do even half the things you could.
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-Similar to Noel, you also readily stand up for Makoto when she's facing racially motivated bullying. Even if it was someone from the Duodecim itself you were prepared to stand up for your girlfriend.
-The fact you could so easily match Makoto's vigor and energy was a huge reason she fell for you. Whatever shenanigans she got up to, you were ready to meet the challenge.
-You went with her when she went off to look for Tsubaki after she'd gone missing and was under the Imperator's control. No matter how much you two tried to reach out to her, it was useless.
-She was also much stronger than before, Makoto wasn't ready for the Izayoi's power. You however, certainly were.
-You obviously kept Izanagi-no-Okami from going all out, you didn't want to kill Tsubaki, but the difference in your strength was more than obvious, and she was forced to retreat.
-Makoto is in complete shock, not knowing how to react. She'd never seen anything like it before, causing her to start bombarding you with questions the moment she finds her voice again.
-Seeing you kick ass like that made her so proud to have you as her s/o. If you could hold off Tsubaki like that so effortlessly you could probably even fight Azrael in the tournament coming up soon.
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usi-thatdrawingguy · 3 months
Sir Azrael appreciation post!!!!!!!!!🙏🙏🙏
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I'd like to imagine that when Alux was a kid in the Castel, the only real parental figure he had that didn't scold him or was gone due to diplomatic discussions was Azrael.
If Alux had a nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep, Azrael would stay up to read him a bedtime story.
If Alux got hurt in training, despite his advanced healing abilities, Azrael would be there to help him.
Silly fluffy headcannons just to make Alux's life a bit more bearable for him. :)
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chubs-deuce · 5 months
Do you have any headcannons on where Alastor's mother is in the Dawn storyline?
Tbh the main reason I haven't really answered any asks about Alastor's mom in this AU (and there were a good few), is that I'm just kinda stuck on how exactly going to heaven affects a person's memory?
I would love to try and implement her in some way, if only for a brief cameo or something, but I've been thinking about whether or not to implement heaven essentially deleting your memories of the past upon entering, since bad or sad memories and grief from parting with loved ones would cause suffering and heaven is ultimately supposed to be a place that is completely free of it. It would be fucked up of them (imo) and be a great cause for some angst, but part of me also doesn't even really want angst? But the narrative potential with everything else I have set up so far would be so neat... augh!
You see my dilemma? :'D
Overall, since heaven is generally little bit more involved in the plot of this story, I've been wanting to figure out their side of the extended worldbuilding first before settling on any concepts or ideas of who's where and if there will be any meeting ups!
*cough cough* this is also why I made character designs for Azrael and Ramiel bc those two plus Emily are kind of pulling a bit of an undercover rebellion in heaven while the whole thing with Dawn is going on and are the main reason Charlie got her hands on Lucifer's old grimoire and ended up doing the ritual that created Dawn to begin with *cough cough*
Anyways, I'm 99% certain on the concept of Alastor's mother being in heaven at least, it's just a question of whether or not she'd remember Alastor if they ever were to meet at this point - which is also something I've yet to decide on after I figured out heaven's whole situation a little better.
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Got a random idea after reading some headcannons of MC having a guardian angel.
MC is a spirit medium (can see and speak to the dead), and what if their guardian was Azrael, the angel of death?
But here is the catch, Azrael gets on their nerves cause he always interferes with things. The brothers, the angels, Diavolo, Barbatos, and the other demons in the Devildom can tell that something is different about MC but don't know what it is because it is super rare for Azrael to be the guardian of anyone.
One day, one of the brothers or some random demon does something to them, and Azrael shows up, as per usual, to deal with it, and MC rolls their eyes and groans before reprimanding him cause he escalates the situation and goes straight for death to anyone who harms them in any way:
"Azrael! Leave them be. I've had just about enough of you and your meddling. I am fully capable of dealing with this myself, and you know it. Although, I truly doubt they will try anything again, now that they know about you."
And all the brothers are like: "Now we know why they have no issue reprimanding us...." Cause that is the angel of death, and he isn't one to be trifled with, and yet here is this human yelling at him.
I'd love to read about the brothers' reaction to that, lmao
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mintartem · 4 months
Adam X Azriel headcannons
Azriel doesn’t really like Lilith he wouldn’t say he dislikes her it’s just she complains all the time and need someone to do her own work and she doesn’t live life to the fullest. She wasted every day and she’s having her a little affair with Lucifer Azriel won’t tell father about it because he truly cares about his brother deeply he doesn’t want him to get hurt 
But with Adam, he lives his day every day like it’s gonna be his last he takes his own responsibilities and do them right like he did this once before sure he makes mistakes but he can laugh about it and he seems not to care that Lilith is cheating on him and it seems that he lives his life the way like he wants to and that’s what Azriel admires about him 
Azriel can shape shift just like Lucifer, his brother, but he really just likes using three animals to shape shift the first one is a crow. The second one is a wolf and the third one is a ladybug with yellow spots. When Adam found out his last form was a ladybug with yellow spots.Adam asked him why a ladybug because I understands the last two but why ladybug 
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Adam, please give the melancholic angel a hug! He needs it so much.
I love your headcanon! This is so beautiful!What I especially love is Azrael’s animal transformation meanings.
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angel-zophiel · 2 years
Azrael Headcannon: ii
A blessed duality
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The relationship between Azrael and Jean-Paul is pretty drastic
Valley is a shy and reclusive man that prefers the company of his cat (George the kitten) to that of man
But that doesn't mean that he hates people, no, they hadn't done anything to warrant such feelings
Yet the discomfort and desire to be left alone didn't need a reason to persist within him. It was there, and so he had to deal with it
Azrael would disagree with this though. Azrael sees man as a blight upon his god's earth
As stains and marks to be burned away from its surface, and so they fight, the duality of control and purity on an endless loop between the two
Despite how shy Jean-Paul is, he does everything he can to make sure that he is respectful and even submissive to others.
"A gentle soul to which whom does harm to none"
He speaks 'Yes ma'am or No sir' to everyone, a habit placed into him from his father, Ludovic
As Ludovic would say 'anyone and everyone exist as gods child, and all of his children are gems to be treasured'
And he does what he can to do just that. Empathy running through his veins, which in turn led him down the route of working at a hospice rather than as a programmer like he had originally planned to do
And so,
Jean-Paul keeps his head down, and his hands together, and stays out of the way, preferring to serve rather than lead
When it comes to Azrael, however, the opposite is true in nearly every regard
Azrael came with an aggression Valley did not realize was possible for him to experience
All Azrael knows is bloodshed, burning anger, and an intensity to life that rivals the fall of the morning star
But JP knows that he is Azrael, he tries to differentiate himself from it because he doesn't want to think about himself in a way that labels him as a weapon
He wants to be passive, to allow the tides of life to push and pull at his existence
To experience highs and lows as all man do
But he also knows that he prays for naught
For so long as his mind is programmed with the system, he is separate from his fellow man. Separated in a way that places him as the other
He is the one that others warn about
He is the threat to the village because he is Azrael. And Azrael is only as good as it is dangerous
There are times when JP can feel Azrael burning within him, clawing at the gates of his mind to take control
And Its hard, it wears at him, like walking with heavy chains wrapped around your legs
Each step dragging and a conscious labored effort to keep going, when in every sense it would be easier to just stop
Some days, JP doesn't want to fight him
Some days he is tired and knowing that every hour he has to listen and fight the raging, the yelling, and the blazing of Azrael within him
His grasp on those restraints start to singe his hands and sear the skin
And on those days, he wants to let go
"Fine. Im fucking done." He wants to say, submitting completely to the systems influence and letting go entirely
To allow the chains to bind him in place
"He deoesnt care." He'll say, "Let Azrael go. Let Azrael purify whatever the fuck it wants to purify"
But he cant
And so he keeps holding on
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grimfutureau · 10 months
Dtk and azrael headcannons? I’m so invested in this AU ❤️
most of my individual/general dtk headcanons are probably somewhere here
he really likes pirates and follows that fashion aesthetic (in the way that Kid has a sort of cowboy theme)
he can manifest wings
physically cannot lie (he's a worse liar than Maia)
extremely artistic
has an emotional support animal named Cerberus. Maia picked her up from an alley and took her home for Azrael. Cerberus is a Cornish Rex and Amelia's bitter enemY
Cerberus and Az also have a strong soul bond and Cerberus can manifest into a giant three-headed cat. He forms a sort of psychic link with her because yeah he can do that
he's got a pair of symmetrical freckles under each eye
A skeptic
Blindly obedient
(idk if we've posted any coloured Az drawings) His eyes are gold like Kid's but the third eye is red
Just in case we didn't clarify, he has the power of premonition
Loves honey! Probably his favourite food/flavour
Will probably duo wield Amelia and Maia at some point. They both end up as Death Scythes but I don't think he fights with them often
Oh yeah he doesn't do much combat
Freaks Amelia out sometimes
If Az has a nightmare he goes to Maia who will probably have one as well and they both do a sad middle night march to Amelia's room and she begrudgingly lets them crash there
Gets annoyed when Amelia smokes (doesn't like the smell)
cries a lot
can't swim
Likes to sit with Tsubaki and watch the rain in silence. She makes him tea with honey
doesn't talk a lot
Kid and Az:
can sense each other's emotions? similar to how Maia is sensitive to Soul's emotions but not quite the same
VERY IMPORTANT!! Azrael will hide in Kid's cape
They don't talk much to each other. They'll usually just sit in comfortable silence. Kid sometimes will talk to him about what he knows and that's probably how Azrael learns. Just by listening and observing
Azrael's hair is curlier than Kid's but he still has the matching (iconic) cowlick mullet thing at the nape of his neck
They look almost exactly alike, except Azrael has an extra freckle, different hair texture and sanzu lines, and the third eye
Azrael reacts more emotionally than Kid does, more like what Kid was like as a child but they have different anxieties
I imagine Azrael is good at the more functional aspects of Kid's job (planning, documentation, surveillance, protection) but struggles a little more with the diplomacy and the power parts of it all
Kid hides Azrael's existence from the public for a bit for a couple reasons. First because Azrael started out pretty rough with the whole necromancy witch situation, and he needs time to recover and adjust. Second because he was concerned that people would react adversely because his origins are associated with Morgana's Asura drama, and because of his appearance (Asura eye). Third because Kid probably wanted time to process everything
Death City tends to have mixed opinions on Azrael but Kid always defends him fiercely (and if that doesn't work Maia and Black Star go and throw some punches)
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chaoticcosmos666 · 2 years
Skyrim headcannon pt.2- Antagonists
Aye we got the antagonists now!!! I have three rn. I say antagonist cus they're not villains per say? Idk. Redemption arc and shit except for one. So let's get into it huh?
Azrael- Harkon's Protégé
Not to be confused with Azireth, the dunmer... He is a Daywalker vampire lord (race is redguard) even more powerful than Harkon himself. He's 6ft exactly and he's muscular due to the vampiric ways. He charmed the ladies of Dibella in Markarth, and met his now wife, anwen there.
Azrael was different from birth... He had known something made him special. More powerful than many. He actively searched for power. Drawn to Skyrim, He kept under the radar but something still called to him. He wasn't like the Nords anyway. Walking the coast that lined the Sea Of Ghosts... He felt it draw closer and more powerful. Then spotted the castle on the horizon. Was this his next source of power? Taking the boat he made his way... There he was met by the gate keeper who asked his purpose. There he said he sought the power calling to him. He was directed to Harkon, where the gift was given to him. A vampire lord was born. He kept his head low.... He had already sensed jealousy in orthjolf and vingalmo. years went on... Civil war erupted and new whispers of vampire hunters came up. Azrael continued his work. One day someone had brought back Harkons daughter, serana... Unknown to him it was Tiberius. He watched from the balcony. Something was off... But he couldn't put his finger on it. He just continued to work towards what he was to do. Finding the blood chalice and ways to make it more powerful. However on one fateful day he came back to the slaughter of his people. Stunned, he looked for Harkon. Both orthjolf and vingalmo clung to life, begging for azreals help.. but no. Azreal stabbed vingalmo and crushed in orthjolfs head as punishment to them. After he found Harkon in the chapel... Dying. Azreal promised to carry on his legacy. And in his last breath, Harkon gave azreal his heart for the Blood challace to make it powerful and to drink. There he mixed it and drank from it... Becoming a more powerful vampire than what he was... A new vampiric threat... Making new breeds of vampires that Skyrim has never seen.
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Cadhlah- Vigilant gone Mad
Name is pronounced Kai-lah. Name derives from Ireland and means beautiful/graceful. She is a Breton. Height is 5'5, and is much shorter than the other entries.
Ah Skyrim... The place of the Daedra worshippers... Or of course that's what Cadhlah saw. A student at the winterhold college (during Savos Arens time) turned Vigilant of Stendarr... She spent years cultivating her craft and her strong held belief. What many do not know is her dark secret... The fact she was a necromancer previously, before turning to a vigilant. She kept it hidden... Until the post she knew was wiped by vampires. She hated them with a burning passion. She watched families be torn apart by them. She didn't stand back idlely. Before the raid though, she was appointed as an enforcer, armed heavily with Stendarrs might. After the attack tho, she had a short stint with the dawnguard... But she felt that they didn't do enough. Especially since they didn't have the source of where it was. She left, still searching. She saw herself as pure even with her necromantic ways. After the second wave of vampire breaks... She had it. Armed as the Paladin of light (or what she referred to herself as), she and her two enforcers traveled to cyrodiil and confronted Tiberius on his handling. Accusing him of letting it happen for too long and accusing him of outrageous things. She wouldn't have it... She went back and went on a rampage, killing those who she saw as "unholy". But that would be her eventual downfall....
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Eivor Wolftooth- the wolf of the storm
Yea this is literally a name homage to AC-Valhallas Eivor wolfkissed. She's 5'9 and is one of the only female captains in the stormcloak rebellion. She serves beside Ulfric. This one is a bit short so I apologize
The rebellion was her calling. She was one of the ones captured during the ambush that saw her in helgen. That day she thought she would have died, but by Talos hand, she lived to fight on. Before she joined, she was a companion and a part of the inner circle... A werewolf. She could smell blood and track things for miles. As the war went on, she became battle hardened and ruthless to the Imperial Bastards. Her unit was known as "the Wolf Unit". She had gained the favor of Ulfric like Fenrir did... But unlike him, she stayed by Ulfrics side after the war. After catching word of a "new rebellion" she was ready to wipe it out by any means necessary.
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Anyway that's that. Feel free to ask about any of them. I'll do my best to answer about them. Pretty much no limits to what u can ask 👀
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asksilentbendy · 7 years
More about Angel Mute- aka Azrael
Angel Mutes new name is Azrael- Based off the Archangel known as the Angel of Death. Though he is like this rn being chaotic and rude he needs to be put into place before he can actually do his job as being an archangel Once more. -as the whole idea of Azrael being a thing was for mute to talk to himself, and let out all of his bottled up emotions to him, as the only way for him to cope with everything is if he had someone to truly understand him. That's where Azrael comes into play, 
“Archangel Azrael's name means 'whom God helps'. However, he is often referred to as the 'Angel of Death'. Azrael meets souls and helps them in the transition of death, in addition to helping newly crossed-over souls adjust. He also helps loved ones who are still on the earth plane in dealing with their grief and processing the loss. Archangel Azrael helps ministers and spiritual teachers from all belief systems and religions in their spiritual counseling and assists grief counselors to shield themselves from absorbing their clients' pain and to guide their words and actions. Archangel Azrael assists in all types of transitions and endings, not just those involving loss and death. He also helps with transitions related to relationships, career, addictions, etc., helping us to navigate as smoothly as possible through life’s “ -(The 7 Archangels and Their Meanings)
so, in reality, he thinks he's just a normal angel and doesn't have responsibilities until he gets his head in the game and realizes why he really is here for.
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sophi-s · 4 years
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Chaotic Angel Twins (CAT XD). For those interested, I wrote some headcannons for these two as well. You can find it under the cut.
Aurelion & Auriel headcannons
As I said before, they are twins. A brother and a sister.
Both have eyes after their father and (unfortunately for him) temper after their mother.
They were born too early. Thanks to Azrael all ended well but for a few weeks they were very weak and needed extra care.
This is one of the many reasons Abaddon is aggressively protective of the little fledglings.
Their birth changed the old, disgruntled angelic general. Brought back something from the times when he was younger and less bitter. Something that warmed his stone cold heart a little and no one was more surprised by this change than Abaddon himself. But don't say it out loud. It works only for his kids. He still won't hesitate to quite literally hand your arse over to you XD
In the end, they pulled through the worst and grew up to be quite a troublesome duo.
Aurelion causes the most mischief. He's the troublemaker number one.
Auriel is more collected and very closely attached to her father but once an opportunity presents itself, she won't hold back from joining her brother.
They love Abaddon but they wouldn't be caught dead actually obeying their old man.
Of course, there are moments when they do listen to him but it's only when they don't feel like causing trouble or if they see that their father looks down in the dumps, utterly exhausted or downright pissed off.
They might be cocky most of the time but when Abaddon gets really angry they turn into absolutely different children.
No, he wouldn't cause them any harm, the worst punishment they can get is yelling, stern reprimanding, getting grounded or sent to Ardent Spire to help older angels if they do something particularly bad.
"With all due respect, Lord Abaddon, but is this punishment meant for them or us ?"
One of their favorite games is called "hijack a griffin". Need I say more?
There are sometimes days when their father doesn't feel like going anywhere and can't focus on anything due to phantom pains of his lost eye, like white hot metal jammed into his skull and Uriel has to take over his duties for the time being (you know migraines? Now imagine it centered on your eye and ten, or more, times worse).
This is the only occasion when the squabs don't mess around and simply stay with him, prattling about various things to keep him distracted, or blessedly dozing off on top of him as he rests, waiting for the pain to lessen.
Abaddon thinks they're too curious for their own good. Another reason for being always on alert.
Lay a finger on either of them and the last thing you'll hear is the sound of an absolutely ballistic archangel teleporting behind you XD
Before you ask, no, the twins don't respect authority. At all.
Their favorite victims are the Archons. "They get mad in very funny ways." Besides, there's something so satisfying about pranking an Archon..
They love going out to watch the Hellguard train. After all, they too are going to be warriors when they grow up.
Aurelion and Auriel are so notoriously mischievous that now whenever someone knocks on Abaddon's door, the first thing the archangel says is "What did they do this time?"
Their favorite way of messing with their father is tying his feet together or running off when he's not looking.
Have you ever seen Abaddon seemingly pointlessly wandering around the White City, looking around and snapping at anyone who dared to interrupt him? Yeah, he was on a child-hunt..
The twins know their city like the backs of their hands so you can imagine how difficult it is to find them.
Don't get me wrong, the squabs can behave if they want to. The problem is that most of the time they don't 😂
"Let me see what you have" vine.
I mean, Abaddon did give them a couple of lessons on self defense but he wouldn't hand either of them any sharp objects. Not yet at least. The risk is not worth it.
(Optional for an OC insert) Even Raziel isn't safe from their shenanigans. They ain't scared of one archangel, no matter how unsettling even to adults he is.
In fact they see him as a friend and visit him frequently.
The only reason they tend to mess with the Keeper is his ability to scry. They see it as a challenge.
They would probably consider Azrael their friend too but since he's one of their tutors... you know. Authority = prank victim 😂
This is why they like annoying their father so much. You could say that its some funny sort of respect. You have to be worthy to suffer from their best pranks 😆
Turns out even Azrael's patience has its limits :P
Whenever both Abaddon and Uriel have to attend to their duties, the twins are left under the care of one of general's friends.
They love Nathaniel to bits and always enjoy his company. He's one of the few angels who aren't twins' target. Mostly because he's at it with them when no one's watching XDDD
Oh, btw. The Horsemen don't want to have anything to do with those little devils. Abaddon is bad enough but his kids are somehow even worse.
War finds them too chaotic and unruly. Ha can't reach an understanding with them.
Fury wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole. She dreads to think what they will become once they're adults...
Death thinks they're too... "strife'y" for his taste. Nah, that's Abaddon's problem, not his.
All of them stay away. Except for Strife. He likes the little squabs. He just needs to find a way to get past Abaddon in a "mother-hen" mode.
"I refuse to let you corrupt my children, Horseman, back off!"
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"Draw me like one of your French girls!"
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“I don’t have any French girls though...”
“But I, ah, drew this from memory. I hope it looks alright.”
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