moorstreetpoet · 5 years
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Initially, I wrote this as:
“Art is truth is beauty is art,
There are no pretensions in poetry,
If not from the heart, then what?”
It is scribbled in my old notebook.
But then I decided to delete the second line to encompass all art.
After all, if not from the heart, why do/would we do it?
- Az Karim
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moorstreetpoet · 5 years
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i fell in love with you through your words with your words i fell in love i am in love and love is blind blind is love i am not tall not short not thin not fat just fine you're mine
Amen by Az Karim @moorstreetpoet
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moorstreetpoet · 5 years
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this is
the distillation
of all i
this folding
making of
when sense is
not my aim
not facts
my fiction
that yields
a drop
Az Karim
14.12.2002 | London
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moorstreetpoet · 5 years
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With one word
You shatter my defences
I am free from civility
 Is this what I’ve missed;
my thoughts for all to see?
 I fail to appreciate the liberation
of a naked heart
Az Karim
©2019 Az Karim
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moorstreetpoet · 5 years
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So Here We Are is a poem written way back in 2002 when Nokia was still popular. It is about two people meeting for the first time - at the National Portrait Gallery restaurant in London.
Image: Courtesy of the National Portrait Gallery
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moorstreetpoet · 5 years
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I like you most
When you are yourself
No, no; not like no one else
Just your tall gangly self
Hands in pockets
Yes like that
You think you look cool, eh?
Well, not too bad!
 I love you most
When you are alone
Your thoughts
To all but God and I
And maybe
A few angels
In the starlit sky
Az Karim @moorstreetpoet
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moorstreetpoet · 5 years
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Emotional Upheavals is the second poem that will be compiled into an anthology I hope to publish this year. This was written in the winter of 2002 in London when I was a graduate student living in a tiny room near Hyde Park. Love to me, at the time, was a metaphorical idea and I tried to understand it by writing how it would feel if I had really fallen in love.
©2019 Az Karim
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moorstreetpoet · 5 years
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moorstreetpoet · 5 years
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There will come a time when you need to let go of your past, your troubled youth, your regrets, your pains ... not easy, I know. One therapist I met said we need to heal our own wounds, put that balm on it ourselves. We cannot expect people who have hurt us to heal us because some cannot even heal themselves. Seek therapy if we do not know how to do it. Seek guidance. May you find the peace you seek.
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moorstreetpoet · 5 years
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beginnings and endings like laughter and sadness turned inside out overlap with alarming frequency when one least expect it to be as calm as the aftermath of a tropical rain ...
rain by Az Karim @moorstreetpoet
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moorstreetpoet · 5 years
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we only met once
but you seem so familiar
like out of a dream
or in some other sphere
have we loved before
in an alternate reality?
longer than a second
sweeter than an eternity?
Az Karim
  ©2019 Az Karim
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moorstreetpoet · 5 years
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Candy Floss
Follow your heart
The seed of your dreams
A wish sent to the furthest galaxy
in a silver capsule
takes off from Mars
Follow your head
Tick off the list
               of things to do
               before you are dead
               and buried
In a shadowless meadow
where the green meets the blue
and cotton clouds are spun
Like candy floss
               at a summer carnival
Az Karim @moorstreetpoet
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