#azazel rage of bahamut
alicekwaii · 1 year
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Azazel (アザゼル)
"I fight for the demon's freedom. ...Now, you too take up a sword! Lend me your power!"
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theconjurervfx · 1 year
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laze-art · 11 months
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falling, laughing
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yandere-wishes · 8 months
Hii!! I really love your azazel headcanons if you're comfortable could you please write some headcanons about Azazel (Shingeki no bahamut) with a s/o whose beauty is out of the world like everywhere she goes everyone are entranced with her appearance and she's really sweet and lovely almost everyone likes her please!!!🙏🏻🥺
Sure I think I can whip something up for my fav black and purple boy! It might take a hot minute since I've been swamped with projects lately. Not to mention I have so many asks I need to answer and some fics I need to edit/work on and publish. But I'll definitely add him to the list.
I was actually thinking about him just the other day Anon, you're totally like a mind reader XD. By the way is there anyone still in the Shingeki no bahamut fandom or has it died and rotted over.
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amidonexor · 2 years
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bahamut requests
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flyby303 · 10 months
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Handsome devil! 🦇
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teodorawitchblade · 3 months
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an-angrygod · 2 years
I binged watch virgin soul all day and I can’t believe Mugaro is dead. Why! Just no. He was just so pure , I can’t stand this.
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icharchivist · 10 months
ok ok this is gonna be very off topic and it may sound absurd but i don't follow many people who are into granblue and i was talking with a friend about it before but listen, what if what Amira is looking for is also Estalucia? One of it's names is the seat of Genesis right? and she comes from "rage of bahamut Genesis", she has a character in the main pool and a summer limited featuring the MC of the anime, azazel has some involvement too and from what i know also the other blu ray characters have been "reworked" to function with granblue lore and have seasonal lines...like... they are not isekai'd like idk the shadowverse or the priconne or umamusume collabs, Amira in the anime was heavily connected to bahamut what if she's a sort of vessel here too? IDK it's been so many years ...after the 10th granblue anni and the main bahamut game dying out...i wonder if i'm being delulu or if there's a chance for them to finally have an event to officialize them in, after all Amira herself appeared in two events already (about food but STILL)
i admit i'm not super well versed into Rage of Bahamut in general, so i've only really read second hands conversation about all of this.
Most SNB character who crossed over to GBF have been fully reworked so they have different lore though, so it's not really isekai -- but a couple of the important ones were worked in with amnesia for instance, so it could eventually have them rework into their SNB origin.
for Amira, if i'm not wrong, in SNB she is Bahamut's daughter, she is linked to the omnipotent in a very deep way. But in GBF, she has amnesia and all she knows is that her mother is out there somewhere and she's been looking for her - but she is also not human and she still has designs elements carried away from SNB.
The theories have been about her being connected to our Bahamut as well, but without any of the memories from SNB that would actually tell us what the deal is all about. Whenever it's because she IS from SNB and has been moved to GBF, or otherwise, is up to theories.
SNB does have the same base lore of Bahamut being the god of Rebirth and Destruction, but while in GBF he's an absent God who has long stopped paying attention to the Skyrealm, from what i understood, SNB happens in the middle of a Destruction from the Rebirth and Destruction cycle, which is why everything is much more messy and the characters involved all have to radically take a stand against God.
One possible theory to link the two would be to see SNB as a possible previous timeline, the last time Bahamut rebooted the universe - and the people who fought at the time while the cycle happened, were somehow sent to the GBF timeline, as a rebirthing from this circle, and are still scattered and unsure of what it means about them.
I personally i'm not too sure about the theory, mostly because i don't actually think cygames wants to connect those two games that much -- i think they want those to be two separate stories and it's why the SNB characters who have been crossing over have totally new stories (because Azazel for instance is much more removed from his initial origins by now). But i also am not familiar enough with SNB to really affirm that it's impossible.
Personally i think Amira is still connected to Bahamut in GBF, maybe she is one of Bahamut's daughter, but neither we nor her know about it for now, and the answer to it all lies on her mother she intends to find one day.
for the rest, it's really a case by case thing.
but yeah, again, i'm really not the one with the lore and knowledge on SNB to answer this.
I hope you get to find more information on your end though!
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alicekwaii · 2 years
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Azazel (アザゼル)
"Though my soul may fall, I shall never bow my head to such weak, stunted creatures as mortals. I still possess a measure of pride"
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theconjurervfx · 1 year
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laze-art · 1 year
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falling, laughing
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amidonexor · 2 years
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modern!au azazel
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gbf-confessions · 28 days
Very important that everyone knows that there is a scene in the rage of bahamut anime of Azazel getting whipped and moaning in pain. I'm not an Azazel fucker, BUT... 👀
that zaza hitting different?
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puraiuddo · 7 years
me about Azazel in Genesis: what a piece of shit someone beat his punk ass and throw him in the garbage i love him
me about Azezel in Virgin Soul: i will protect him with my life if you hurt him i will hunt you down and you will catch these hands
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starlitreverie · 2 years
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[On dA] || [On twitter] happy💍anniversary // 12.06.2020 ~ 12.06.2022 2 years ago I gave this dumb demon a ring ♡ 'you're stupid. I like that in a man.' Art © Ange-ll-os@dA || starlitreverie @tumblr / @twitter Azazel, Djeeta, Granblue Fantasy, Rage of Bahamut © Cygames Please do not remove caption above, repost, use, or edit, thanks!
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