#azalea x vanity
loveforvanity · 4 months
Here comes the happy sun🌞
Our life has just begun!
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🎶La la la la la la! La la la la la! 🎶
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Primrose, part Two
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Rating: NSFW Length: 2124 Pairing: Male Orc x Male Reader (both cis)
Primrose is there the next morning as promised, and all the mornings after that. He brings a packed breakfast from each morning onwards, each more extravagant than the last. I complain that my poor grandmother will have to roll me outside by the time she recovers; he laughs and tells me that he’d be happy to help. He comes out of his shell the longer that he spends time with me, but I’m the one that takes longer to emerge. I’ve been hurt before, and I’m not used to the earnestness of Primrose’s attentions—least of all from a man I’m also attracted to. He likes my biting tongue and doesn’t mind my skittish nature, and after the first hour of sitting in the shade watching me work, he grows restless enough to roll up his sleeves and join me.
He’s hopeless at weeding the garden. I squawk like a plucked hen when he pulls up one of my grandmother’s budding azaleas on the fourth morning, and he’s deeply apologetic for the rest of the day until we find that he’s incredibly talented at floral arrangement. It’s only a shame that we had to find out with the casualties of his “pruning”. He’s much better at working the soil, and I won’t lie and say I don’t enjoy watching his shirt come off before he pushes the plough through the dirt, trying his best to get even lines as his shoulders turn almost as pink as his hair in the sun.
It’s gratifying to watch him get dirt under his manicured fingernails, and I have to admit that I like his company. He’s a charming conversationalist and he never seems to run out of things to talk about, and I find myself drawn into conversation even when I’d been feeling reticent before. I learn that he’s the third child in a rich family—well enough off to do whatever he likes, and low enough in the pecking order to do what he pleases. I call him spoiled and he agrees with me, though that particular day he redoubles his efforts to learn how to tend to my grandmother’s flowers. I make him lunch and fresh lemonade every afternoon and we eat with our feet in the cool water of my grandmother’s fish pond, and every evening he packs himself into a carriage and heads home.
“Why do you keep coming?” I ask him after a few weeks of this charade, and I’m startled by the boisterous laughter that bursts out of the giant orc.
“You can’t really be that dense,” he says when he recovers, wiping tears from his sparkling eyes.
“I can be as dense as I like,” I reply with a touch of heat, though I suspect I know full well why the young orc is trying so hard. “Do you want to get into my pants? You won’t succeed.”
Primrose looks as though I’ve lashed him with a switch instead of my tongue. “Is that all you think I’m here for?” he asks, gesturing to our surroundings with a frown. “Why I’m learning how to garden?” He says my name in a chiding tone, and I can barely feel the condensation on my glass rolling down the top of my hand.
“Aren’t you?” I challenge, watching his face warily for any trace of malice or deception.
Instead, Primrose’s expression closes. “I think I’ll call my carriage now,” he says, and gets up to do so. I don’t stop him when he makes the call. I don’t stop him before he climbs into his carriage, and I don’t stop him after. He can go if he likes, I think. They all do, in the end.
The next few days, I find myself growing irritable. I’m upset with myself for letting him into my space, for letting him get under my skin, for thinking, for dreaming—but I stop myself before those thoughts can go far, growing all the more irritable for dwelling upon them, and then the cycle repeats. I find his ribbon when I’m emptying out pockets for laundry, and I have the irrational urge to burn it.
That’s when I know that I’m in deep.
That night, I decide to take a long soak in the bath, using salts and oils that I know have brought me peace in the past. This time is different; there’s a restlessness under my skin, an itch to touch and be touched, and I find that even the bathwater cannot calm me. I can hardly stand to be around myself, and so I pull on my bathrobe and march out of the house through the back door, intent on losing myself to the repetitive task of gardening.
“Whoa!” cries a voice when I throw open the door, and in the light I can see that I’ve slammed it right into Primrose’s face.
“Prim!” I cry, almost gasping around my words as I take in the position of his hands: one bearing a bouquet, the other cupped over his bloodied nose. “What the hell are you doing in my backyard? Get in here this instant! You’re bleeding all over the porch!”
“I was picking you flowers,” Primrose manages to say around his hand, following me into the kitchen and sitting down where I bid him to so that I can get a look at his nose.
“From my own damn garden? You’re lucky I didn’t break this,” I say, frowning and prodding gently at his nose; it will bruise, but it isn’t budging.
“They’re the prettiest flowers there are,” Primrose protests, lips bunching around his jewelled tusks—and that’s when I notice the way he’s dressed.
“Were you at a party?” I ask, incredulous, even as I wiggle a tissue up his nostril.
Primrose grimaces. “Some party,” he grumbles. “My birthday. But I wanted to spend it with you.”
My heart flip-flops in my chest like the day’s catch. “You don’t mean that,” I tut, keeping my eyes averted from his honest blue gaze. “You’ve had too much to drink again.”
Primrose draws himself up. “I haven’t touched a drop since we met,” he declares, in a tone that leaves no room for argument. “I haven’t needed it.”
“Needed it?”
“To feel good,” he explains, taking my blood-stained fingers in his and looking into my face. “Not since I met you. Let me court you.”
“Court me?” I feel like an idiot, parroting his words back at him like some nincompoop, but I can’t help but feel as though I’ve missed a step on my way down the stairs.
Primrose laughs, and I ache at how much I’ve missed that sound. “Yes, court you. I want you. I’ve wanted you since the first day we met, but I know now that I want to keep you, too. Let me keep you.”
“I’m not one to be ‘kept’,” I say, bristling at the word that I cling to in the maelstrom of things being said.
“Then keep me instead,” Primrose begs, sliding from the chair onto his knees in front of me.
“Primrose,” I gasp, aghast, but he doesn’t let me speak, instead thrusting the bouquet up at my face.
“Say the word and I’ll never bother you again,” he says, eyes as blue as the summer sky looking up at me from his large, flushed face. “One word and all that I can give you will be yours. Kill me or kiss me, right here, right now.”
So I kiss him. I kiss him, and I touch him, and I climb him like that damn tree I found him under all those weeks ago, and he groans like I’ve just righted all of the wrongs in his life. I smell crushed flowers as he turns and presses me against the dining table, my limbs moving of their own accord to wend and wind around him and pull him close. There’s the distant clatter of buttons hitting the wood of the table as Primrose yanks his overcoat over his head, then the sound of fabric tearing as his shirt follows suit.
I haven’t giggled in years, but I do now, giddy and exhilarated. “Those looked expensive, you buffoon,” I scold, moaning as he takes the opportunity to kiss along my throat and scrape his tusks along my jaw. “Gods.”
“No,” says Primrose, his voice deeper and more guttural than I’ve ever heard it, striking a chord in me that makes a thrill rocket up my spine. “None home at the moment. Come here, you delicious thing.”
In an instant, my arms are woefully empty, but Primrose’s mouth is gloriously occupied. I shout into the rafters when he gives his first hungry suckle, hands gravitating to his hair and grabbing fistfuls as he works me like I hold the answer to his prayers in my balls. “I didn’t dare think about this,” I whimper, gasping when Primrose throws my thighs over his shoulders and settles in for the long haul.
“I’ve thought of nothing but this,” he growls when he comes up for air, tongue delving between my cheeks and finding me still damp from my bath. “You taste like roses.”
“Oh, gods, shut up,” I groan, dragging my hands over my face in mortification—I hadn’t even realised that I’d chosen the rose oil to soak in until now. I whimper and moan as he works me open with his tongue, but I’m not inexperienced enough to think that a little spit will be enough for what I’ve spied tucked in his trousers when he hasn’t been looking. “Let me get oil, at least!”
Primrose laughs and carries me as though I weigh nothing more than a limp kitten, which I suppose I don’t, to a man so large. We grab the rose oil across the house and make it about as far as the bathroom vanity before he has his fingers in me, and I find myself riding them with a lusty abandon I didn’t know myself capable of. “Fuck, you look so sweet,” Primrose whispers, and I watch him watch me through the mirror. “You’ll look so much better on my cock.”
“Fuck,” I hiss. “Hurry up. I haven’t got all nigh—ai! Oh, fuck, my legs.”
“Mhm,” Primrose chuckles, fingers once again working along the most sensitive part of my insides. “I saw that. Do it again.”
“Fuck you,” I manage to choke out, even if my knees do, in fact, wobble again. He takes his time, driving me crazy in fits and starts until he finally pulls his hand away and replaces it with his dick. I’d sooner eat dirt than tell him, but it burns going in even with all the stretching and preparation—a burn I hadn’t felt since the first time I was stretched open and fucked—but I wasn’t going to feed into his ego any more than my body already had; he’d be insufferable. “Prim,” I gasp, reaching back to steady him and slow his onslaught. “Easy.”
“I’ve got you,” he says behind me, and I know that he does. I feel it in my gut, and in the ache of my chest, and in the way he strokes along my quivering back. It feels like an eternity before he bottoms out, and I almost laugh at the way we both heave deep sighs of relief. When he moves a minute later, it feels like he takes my whole body with him, so he stops and adds more oil as I recover a second time and tries again. The second time turns out to be the charm, then, as he moves in me like he’s always belonged inside me, and then the rest is a blur.
I remember pleasure. I remember pleasure and the pain of my hips digging into the vanity, and of my fingers clinging to the edge of the countertop for dear life. He fucks me until my legs give out and we end up on the floor, his big hands guiding my hips as I ride him like our lives depend on it. I don’t remember how many times I come, just that I come until my vision blacks out, and then I come again, fingers tearing at the tiles beneath me as I writhe like a man possessed.
When my consciousness swims back into focus, I find myself in my bed with a blanket made of orcflesh draped over me, Primrose’s legs tangled with mine as the early morning light seeps soft and grey through my curtains. I watch him for a moment, taking in his sleep-soft features and the way his hair falls into his face, and I decide that we could both deserve a little lie-in.
I can always scold him about being too warm to cuddle later.
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toofarintomcu · 6 years
Lightning and flower petals
Part two:
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Summary: Thor x reader where the reader doodles flowers on the guy next to her and they start to talk as she notices he is a dork inside a jock exteriors
Word count: 594
Warnings: none
“I’d love to.” Y/N replied with a small smile her cheeks still stained a rosy colored, resembling the azaleas she planted in her backyard. She was filled with joy knowing that in two days she’ll go out with her close friend.
It was a sunny day, no clouds were to be seen and the sun shined brightly. Flowers were in bloom and filled the parks with a variety of color.
As y/n woke to soft sheets, and the morning light trickled in through the blinds. Shedding her of the remaining glimpses of a dream, her eyes were still shut as she soaked in the warmth of the covers before letting her y/e/c eyes see the sun’s rays.
She quickly rushed to her closet and got her favorite pair of skinny jeans and her pastel pink tie front crop top and her converse. As she headed to the bathroom to add as little makeup required and tie her hair into a nice messy bun.
Y/N ran down the stairs across the kitchen until she reached the front door opening it and heading outside where her best friend Wanda Maximoff was waiting on her driveway in a black Mercedes C-Class Sedan. She locked the front door and got into Wanda's new car.
“Hey. Why are you smiling? You’re usually sleepy at this time?” Wanda asked glancing at Y/N. She knew something was up.
“Well, remember the guy I told you about?” Y/N said
“Yeah, Thor. Why?” Wanda stopped as they reached a red light. The streets were crowded with cars heading to work.
“I have a date with him.”
Wanda smiled and began to ask Y/N questions about him until they reached the school.
After school y/n headed to the locker to leave some books. On her way to the locker, Thor came running toward her.
“Hey sorry I wasn’t in geography coach told us we had a meeting,” he said while taking her books from her hand and taking her to her locker.
“It’s okay don’t worry,” she said while opening her locker and placing the book inside.
“So are you excited for our date today?” Thor asked leaning against the lockers.
“Yeah, of course, I’m excited” she beamed with happiness closing the locker behind her.
After their talk, y/n headed with Wanda to her car to go home.
Y/N got home rushed upstairs to her room and looked for the perfect outfit for her date. Her room wasn’t just a mess, it was a disaster zone. It looked like if a cyclone had erupted in her closet strewing across her clothes across the floor.
Following the mess, she was able to find the perfect outfit. Black skinny jeans, white top and a jean jacket and black leather flats.
Y/N then went to her vanity to do her natural makeup as she never really liked too much makeup. Finally, she straightened her hair and texted Wanda because she was nervous that she was going on a date with Thor.
Then the doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of someone.Y/N leaped out of her bed and ran downstairs before opening the door she fixed her hair then opened the door. There stood Thor looking very attractive. And then he gave her a smile that just seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that made her blush.
He leads her to his car opened the door and closed it and then he got inside his car and started to drive toward the place that he would take her to their date.
Part three:
Is out
Part: one , three , four , five , six , seven , eight
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iqvts · 5 years
4 ORCHARD LN, DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901 from iQ Visual Tours on Vimeo.
For more information: cbhre.com/listing/171-1818068/4-orchard-ln-doylestown-pa-18901
Room to roam in this 6 bedroom, 2.1 bath Colonial home in Old Orchard Farms, a delightful neighborhood within walking distance to the heart of Doylestown Borough. Wood floors throughout most of the home, including the stairs and all of the upstairs bedrooms. Enter into a tiled foyer, to the right is a dining room large enough to seat a crowd. On the left is the living room which can be a main floor office, parlor, game room, or library. The bright, remodeled eat-in kitchen has a u-shaped work area and new luxury vinyl tile floor. Sit at the kitchen table with views through sliding glass doors (with in-glass blinds) to the large EP Henry patio installed in 2015. Off the kitchen is the laundry room, walk-in pantry, and a powder room. Adjacent to both the kitchen and the dining room is the den which features a wood-burning fireplace with a raised hearth, surrounded by a full stone wall. Close the glass doors and turn on the heat-o-lator to enjoy both the sight and warmth of the fireplace. The den opens into a large beamed family room with 5 bright windows and access to the backyard patio. The second floor may be reached by either set of staircases - off the foyer or off the family room. Upstairs are 6 bedrooms with ample-sized closets and 2 full bathrooms that were renovated in 2017. Here there is opportunity for an office, a playroom or a hobby room. The master bath has a large vanity with double sinks, radiant heated floor, an extra-long soaking tub and beautiful Italian porcelain tile. There is also an oversized attached 2-car garage with storage and work space and a full basement. Outside the spacious backyard features a large patio (15~ x 35~) where you can cook-out, eat and relax. The level lawn is shaded by 2 mature sycamore trees. A river of dry rock connects to the garden to handle any accumulation from heavy rains. In the back of the yard is a 10~ x 10~ garden shed for your mower and tools. The property features azaleas, hydrangeas, hibiscus, crepe myrtles, red bud trees, a tulip tree and other shrubbery which provide privacy and color year round. The front yard features a flowering cherry tree and ~privacy~ garden of day lilies, black-eyed Susans, asters and a Japanese maple which shields the backyard from street view. Walk to Linden Elementary School, Fanny Chapman pool, Borough pond and park with walking and bike trails. This home has been meticulously maintained. Easy access to train to Philly. A one year home buyers warranty is provided for peace of mind.
Contact: Mary Lou Erk, Associate Broker (215) 870-4101 [email protected]
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joesbrownusa · 8 years
Houses For Sale in Kenansville, NC
1004 E S, Kenansville, NC
Price: $79900
This Lot/Land located at 1004 East S, Kenansville, NC is currently for sale and has been listed on theochomesearch for 228 days. This property is listed by Coldwell Banker Fountain Realty for $79,900. The property has a lot size of 18.74 acres. 1004 E S is in the 28349 ZIP code in Kenansville, NC.
111 Deer Hound Dr, Kenansville, NC
Price: $16900
Lot with county water, septic system and electric utilities in place ready for your double wide mobile home. Lot has a brick/concrete front porch in place if buyer desires to use them. Lot is only 400′ from Hwy 11 & 903 N.
323 Canal St, Kenansville, NC
Price: $199900
Beautiful brick home featuring 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, spacious kitchen with wonderful bar enough for seating 5, dining area, breakfast area, den with fireplace. A sunroom was an addition to the home, which offers lots of windows and light with entrance to a great patio area! Ready to move in. Concrete driveway and a 2 car garage and front porch area. 2 outside buildings, manicured lot of .64 acres. The seller will be interested in selling a tract of land adjacent to this home, ask for details! Mak e an appointment to see this home today!
838 N Nc 11 903 Hwy, Kenansville, NC
Price: $147000
5 bedroom home on 1.56 acres of land with a huge shop! brick construction. nice patio in rear. attached double carport. upstairs bedrooms could be used for bedrooms or used for other purposes.
125 Quinn Dr, Kenansville, NC
Price: $215000
Located at Duplin Country Club with golf course and other amenities available. Quality built home with many updates . Home has open floor plan, vaulted ceiling in large living room which has fireplace with gas logs. Formal dining room for family gatherings and kitchen with lots of cabinets and built-ins. Kitchen opens into living room and has lots of room for entertaining. . Two car attached garage with bonus room that has been finished. Perfect for game room. Screened porch for relaxing or entertaining and whole house generator for those stormy times.
406 S Main St, Kenansville, NC
Price: $399000
The Graham House Inn is a landmark, mid-1800’s Greek revival bed breakfast home located in the Historic District of the town in Kenansville, North Carolina. Ante-bellum Greek revival home built nearly 150 years ago amongst the deepest of local, state and national historic roots dating back to colonial times. Enjoy the acre of grounds covered with huge cedar, magnolia, sycamore, live oak dripping Spanish moss, azalea, camellia, Osage orange and wisteria right in the heart of a small, proud and prosperous rural agricultural town, quiet yet teaming with activity! The home is conveniently l ocated near the Duplin County Courthouse, the Duplin County Regional Hospital, James Sprunt Community College and numerous businesses all in the heart of the largest agribusiness region in the east.The Inn is less than two hours from Raleigh and less than an hour from I-95 to the north and Wilmington and the beaches to the south both via I-40 just 4 miles away. With Liberty Hall, the Cowan Museum, picnicking in the park and tennis courts all literally across the street and several churches within easy walking distance, you are sure to enjoy this lifestyle.
124 Doe Cir, Kenansville, NC
Price: $35000
Land has septic and electricity on property. Use to have a mobile home on it but has been removed. Great lot for another mobile home or a stick built home. It is very private and secluded.
410 Doctor Williams Rd, Kenansville, NC
Price: $59000
Over 9 acres well suited for crops or horses. Buildable lot with well and foundation already in place. Existing double wide home site with well, septic, and electric.
204 Country Club Dr, Kenansville, NC
Price: $199900
Golfer’s Delight! Spacious Home on the 18th Hole at Duplin Country Club. 4 Bedrooms and 3 Baths. Formal Living and Dining with hardwood flooring. Family Room with fireplace. Kitchen has hardwood flooring and Breakfast Nook. Large Master Suite features his & her walk-in closets, double vanities, jetted tub and separate shower. Sunroom offers great space for gathering and entertaining. More Laundry Room, 20×23 Deck, and wired Outbuilding.
164 S Country Club Dr, Kenansville, NC
Price: $225000
If you are looking for a quiet location with all amenities, this is your dream come true. Duplin Country Club has recently redone the club house, golf course, and swimming pool. Large lot on .91 acres gives you the view of a fairway. Brick five bedroom, four bath updated home. Large screened porch and deck. 20 x 20 storage building. Paved driveway, street safe for children to ride bikes. All this approximately five miles to I-40, one hour to area beaches, Raleigh, Wilmington, Fayetteville and Ja cksonville. Call today for an appointment.
140 Bowden Dr, Kenansville, NC
Price: $199000
2 Story home located in downtown area of Kenansville if perfect for growing families! This 4 BR home features hardwood flooring, a large den, open to the kitchen, formal living, and dining rooms. The kitchen showcases a large kitchen island, lots of cabinetry, cooktop and built in wall oven. The downstairs also has a two car garage, laundry room and half bath. Four bedrooms make this home great for those needing extra space. The den has a fireplace, and lots of shelving.The back of the home ha s a deck off of the kitchen/den area. The master suite features, walk-in shower, jetted tub an d spacious closet area. Walking distance to the courthouse, county library, and shopping. Call for your showing today!
204 N Country Club Dr, Kenansville, NC
Price: $199900
Golfer’s Delight! Spacious Home on the 18th Hole at Duplin Country Club. 4 Bedrooms and 3 Baths. Formal Living and Dining with hardwood flooring. Family Room with fireplace. Kitchen has hardwood flooring and Breakfast Nook. Large Master Suite features his & her walk-in closets, double vanities, jetted tub and separate shower. Sunroom offers great space for gathering and entertaining. More Laundry Room, 20×23 Deck, and wired Outbuilding.
112 Lee St, Kenansville, NC
Price: $130000
For sale by owner! Call me. This is a must see home! Homes are no longer built like this. Solid, solid, solid! Brand new roof with architectural shingles! (Completed February 17, 2017). This home is in a quiet neighborhood and is perfect for an individual, a family, or a retired couple. The house has been well maintained and is move-in ready. The beautiful new kitchen was completed in April 2015 and was only used for 2 months. Solid wood cabinets and countertops and a redesigned layout of the kitchen provided for additional cabinetry and more open feeling. Large area s for entertaining or just being with family. Large deck was added in 2014. Attic insulation blown in throughout house in 2015. Trane heat pump, hotwater heater, refrigerator, dishwasher, range, disposal all purchased since 2009. Remote controlled sealed gas logs in den purchased in 2007. Property owner has no affiliation with and is not endorsing any realtor. You may contact me directly via email by clicking “Property Owner” at the bottom of this posting or by telephone. Owner is usually readily available for showing. Feel free to call or email to view this home.
162 N Country Club Dr, Kenansville, NC
Price: $222400
This spacious ranch has so much to offer inside and out and is set up perfectly for entertaining, cook station outside and large pantry room and bar inside. Recent improvements include a new roof, vapor barrier and termite bond with Terminix. The home has 4 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths and a jetted tub – and is located on the 18th fairway of the Duplin Country Club, the pool and clubhouse are just a short walk.
105 106 S Country Club Dr, Kenansville, NC
Price: $40000
Beautiful wooded lot located in Duplin Country Club Estates. Located on hole #10 of the newly renovated golf course. Amenities include pool, clubhouse and golf course.
203 S Dobson Chapel Rd, Kenansville, NC
Price: $195000
This well maintained brick ranch has been beautifully renovated with incredible kitchen (stainless appliances, granite countertops, large island, 5-burner gas cooktop, huge kitchen), light-colored pine hardwood flooring, large open gathering areas, special reading room, formal dining room, large living room with beautiful gas fireplace. Three bedrooms, 2.5 baths, separate laundry room, home office, back deck, and wow! over two acres of land! This home is in move-in condition!
230 231 Quinn Dr, Kenansville, NC
Price: $40000
Ready to build on lot on hole number 13. Located at newly renovated Duplin Country Club Estates. Amenities include pool, clubhouse and 18 hole golf course. No HOA dues.
315 W Best Rd, Kenansville, NC
Price: $31200
3 beds/1 bath with a living room and an additional room for office or playroom. This home is on one acre of land and has a storage shed. New paint and vinyl flooring.
1098 E Wards Bridge Rd, Kenansville, NC
Price: $80500
3 bedroom, 2 bath home with covered front porch, large rear deck and workshop located on almost 2 acres. Home features open living room, dining room, large open kitchen, master bedroom with attached master bath and spacious bedrooms. Property is owned by the US Dept. of HUD, Case# 381-850157 Home is listed as UI, Subject to an Appraisal. Seller makes no representations or warranties as to the property condition.HUD Homes are sold AS-IS, Equal Housing Opportunity, Seller may contribute up to 3% f or buyer’s closing costs upon buyer request, For pre-1978 properties include the LBP (Lead-B ased Paint) Notices. HUD properties are offered for sale to qualified purchasers without regard to the prospective purchaser’s race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin
383 N Nc 11 903 Hwy, Kenansville, NC
Price: $150000
Great property with lots of extra’s including apartment out back and horse stables. Location is close to Kenansville Bypass. Could be use as commercial or residential. Has fireplace and thermal windows
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-kenansville-nc/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158061737005
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loveforvanity · 9 months
That's what 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 means to me, 𝓶𝔂 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮⋆。˚❄️˚ 。⋆🕊️ ˗ˏˋ ❤️ ˎˊ˗
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-ˋˏ ༻🎄༺ ˎˊ- It's been many weeks since I drew anything because of college. Anyway, I was feeling thankful for the optimistic year I've had because of my moments with Vanity. There's still more to celebrate! Stevie Wonder's song That's What Christmas Means To Me brightly mirrors my special relationship with Vanity Smurf, my one and only prince. I sing and dance like a champion when I hear it!
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loveforvanity · 9 months
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✿ 𝑀𝑒𝓇𝓇𝓎 𝒞𝒽𝓇𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓈 ༻✿ 𝐻𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓎 𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝒴𝑒𝒶𝓇 ✿༺ 𝓂𝓎 𝒹𝑒𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝒫𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝒱 ✿
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loveforvanity · 11 months
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You're Just Too Smurfy To Be True..... Can't Smurf My Eyes Off You 🪞👀💘
It's a mirror-cle come true....These words of love bring me closer to you. Can't smurf my eyes off you.
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loveforvanity · 10 days
Scene: Vanity and Azalea hold hands while strolling along their favorite swan lake. It's a peaceful and delightful afternoon.🦢🌸🌳🍄🦋🐦✨
Azalea: "Since we've been together, I've noticed something about you, Vanity."
Vanity: "I spend more time with you than with my mirror?"
Azalea: "Yes. I don't see you carrying it like-"
Vanity: "-before we met?"
Azalea: "Yeah. Do you feel good about it?"
Vanity: "Zelie, of course I do. With you in my life, why should possessions matter?"
Azalea: "Right. Things are not important. It's the precious spirit inside of us called joy."
Vanity: "Peace and love."
Azalea: "Innocence and smurfiness. They matter."
Vanity: "And what's more....there's not a mirror in the world that could give me what you've given me. Your love shines brighter."
Azalea: "And my smile?"
Vanity: "Your smile is contagiously spellbinding. I love your dimples."
Azalea: "Thanks, sweetie. Your smiles always cheer me up."
Vanity: "I know they do and will always. Because I love you so much."
Azalea: "Oh, Vanity! I love you, more than anything."
She joyfully wraps her arms around Vanity, squeezing him.
Vanity: "Happiness is worth more than a thousand mirrors!"
❤️❤️❤️The scene ends with spiraling red hearts and heavenly golden sun rays.🌅✨
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loveforvanity · 1 year
"Oh Vanity....I can't quit 𝔻𝕒𝕪𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕟' about you!" •ꗥ❀•ꗥ❀•
Enjoy my romantic dedication to you, Vanity! You'll always be my #1 handsome smurf-mate🌜✨
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loveforvanity · 1 month
My cinematic fairytale dream comes true! 💖💙🦢🦚🌸
The Smurfiest Couple On Earth🪞✨
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loveforvanity · 1 year
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Dia de los muertos Dress up! 🪞💀🌹🌸 Vanity x Azalea (Sanrio style)
Look how stunning this is! Me and my handsome Vanity….oh….we're gorgeous!! 🍁😘🌹
The red roses symbolize our romantic attraction and the mirror symbolizes life, love, sensitivity, and wisdom.
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loveforvanity · 28 days
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The most beautiful moments are being together forever✨🌛 Smurfily ever after🦚🦢
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loveforvanity · 1 year
We're living together forever! The most fabulous mushroom haven I designed for both of us is ours to cherish🌸🍄
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Modern Sunset AV wallpaper
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🪞Who's the smurfiest of them all?🪞We are! ✨
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Azalea x Vanity fountain is impeccable 🌟
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loveforvanity · 1 year
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loveforvanity · 1 year
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Birds Of Beauty: Flamingo Azalea x Vanity Peacock🦚🦩
Calling all majestic winged creatures! 🌺 It's a typical tropical beauty show for the most beautiful birds on Earth. We have a charming feminine Flamingo Azalea bursting in popping pink and soft plush feathers that sway with the breeze. Along with her royally magnificent male counterpart, Mr. Vanity Peacock, he is proudly flaunting his brightly colored feathers to attract eyes and hearts all around. These feathered follies hold their golden mirror for self-pleasure and good fortune. Behind them lays a big reflecting fountain pool surrounded with hydrated tropical flower beds.
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