#ayyy i made something
nomsfaultau · 1 year
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The Nymph
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ilovebeingaturtle · 2 years
ok SO im rereading your fic and i LOVE hueso and leo. also chloe and leo is ADODORABLE I LOVE IT SO MUCH
(can you tell who my fav turtle is? lmao)
Gonna go out on a hunch and say it’s Mikey 🧡
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caguaydreams · 2 years
Season 3 of Final Space is such a devastating ride, man... EPISODE 8, COME. ON— I haven't honest to god cried and sobbed over a piece of media in a long time. Dammit I hate that this show got canned
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hairyjocktf · 6 months
Spring Break
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Noah was pissed. Today was supposed to be the beginning of the best spring break ever. He’d planned a week-long trip with his college friends to New York City. They’d had it all lined up- museums, restaurants, sightseeing, it was perfect. But about a week before, Noah’s mom had called and delivered devastating news. They were having a family reunion that week. In rural Florida. Attendance was not optional. She’d bought his ticket already and there was no way out.
The day had arrived, and he solemnly made his way to the airport and flew to Tallahassee. They were meeting at his relatives’ place in the Florida panhandle, in the middle of nowhere. He’d been once as a kid and vowed never to go back. After a two hour drive from the airport he made it, driving up a dirt driveway to the massive, yet ramshackle, house in the forest. The next hour was a blur of greeting extended family, most of whom he barely remembered since they tended to stay out here in the country. After that settled down his mom came up to him, clearly very excited about something.
“Noah! You’re not gonna believe this, but since it’ll be a few more days before everyone’s here, your cousins Chevy and Logan are gonna take you out on a hunting trip! Just for a couple days,” she was nearly bouncing off the ground.
Noah groaned. That was the last thing he wanted to do. He had nothing in common with his cousins, and certainly did not want to spend time alone with them out in the swampy wilderness. His mom was not hearing any complaints from him though, and she dragged him out back to reacquaint him with his cousins. Chevy and Logan were chatting with each other on the patio, beers in hand, decked out in the camo hunting gear Noah assumed they lived and slept in. They were only a couple years older than Noah, but looked quite a bit older compared to the baby faced city boy.
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“Ayyy Noah! What’s up, it’s been a while man,” Chevy walked over and gave him a bear hug, spilling some beer on his back.
“Hey Chevy, nice to see you too. I heard you guys were uh, taking me out camping,” Noah said unenthusiastically.
“Not just camping my guy!” Logan butted in, “We’re talking full on country backroads hunting boy’s trip! We’ll show you what you’re missing by being cooped up in the city.”
Noah’s heart sank; it was worse than he’d thought. They were gonna drag him out there and make him hunt? He didn’t like killing anything and worse, having to deal with the aftermath. He put on a forced grin since his mother was right there.
“Wow, that sounds real great guys, I can’t wait,” he said through gritted teeth. His subliminal messages to them were entirely lost.
“Hell yes bro! Here’s a pack with some of our extra hunting clothing, you won’t want a whole suitcase out there,” Chevy said, handing Noah a backpack. “We’ve got some extra gear that should fit you, it’s already in the truck. We’ll leave in 30 minutes, so get yourself ready.”
30 minutes?? That was immediate, he wouldn’t even have time to plead his case to get out of it. Begrudgingly he went back inside to get his stuff together. The next thing he knew, it was time. The boys were out front in their pickup truck, the back full of tents, camouflage gear, and who knows what else. Logan laid on the horn.
“NOAHHHHHH! It’s time to scram, let's get outta here!” Logan shouted over the blaring horn. 
Noah groaned, this was setting the tone for the whole trip. He looked at himself in the mirror, the camo pants and hoodie just looked wrong on him. He for sure didn’t want his clothes getting covered in mud though, so he sucked it up and headed out front. Chevy grabbed his bag and tossed it in the back before climbing in shotgun, leaving Noah in the cramped back seats. And with that, they were off.
“There’s a real nice game area ‘bout an hour, hour and a half from here,” Logan said. “We’ll get in, set up a nice camp, then relax. Then at sunrise we’ll start you off with somethin easy, maybe a deer or boar,” he turned and looked at Noah, grinning. 
Noah bounced around in the back of the truck as Logan drove through the forest on bumpy dirt roads. Chevy had put on some country music up front, and they were practically yelling to have a conversation over it. They tried talking to Noah about what he’d been up to, but Noah was sulking and gave only short answers. The sun was starting to hang low in the sky when they pulled off, offroading through some clear land towards a spot they’d clearly been to before. They stopped at a neat little clearing near a creek. It was objectively a beautiful little spot, but Noah was not in the mood to appreciate it, already swatting at mosquitoes swarming him. 
“Alright man, you ever pitch a tent?” Chevy asked Noah. 
“Uh, no, I haven’t”
“Well here, I’ll help ya out,” he said earnestly. “We’ve already got a well used spot here, so first we just lay out this footprint, and here let’s have you start with the poles.”
Noah fumbled around with the metal poles before eventually getting them together. He was frustrated, why would he ever need to know this? Chevy took the poles and got the tent up while Logan was still unloading the back of the truck.
“Alright we’re nearly done, just gotta secure it with these stakes,” he handed them to Noah. “Just stick these through the corner, make sure they’re deep in the ground now.”
Noah took the stakes and tried pushing them into the dirt, but they only made it about an inch in. He tried scraping the dirt away with his hands but that didn’t help. Chevy tapped his shoulder, holding a mallet as a suggestion. They’d just gotten here and already Noah was annoyed despite his cousin’s encouraging attitude. His hands were covered in dirt too, he hated being dirty! And he had no escape from all of it. He stormed off to the water’s edge in a huff while the other two finished putting their site together. The sun was really setting by then.
“Ey Noah!” Logan called, “Come have a beer with us man! We’ve got some chili cookin’ too, ya gotta eat somethin,” he laughed. Noah sighed. There was no point in sulking the entire trip like this, even if he wanted to. He walked back over and pulled a beer out of the cooler they’d brought and sat down.
“It seems his highness has decided to grace us with his presence,” Chevy mocked. Noah chuckled. He’d make it through this, even if it took all the beer in that cooler. The boys ate dinner and talked as the sun dipped below the horizon, with Noah actually giving some substantial answers this time. He was exhausted, having flown in and driven all day. He climbed into his tent to hit the sack. If he’d had a mirror in there, he would’ve noticed what looked like some dirt smeared on his face, just on his upper lip and the sides of his face by his ears.
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Noah was abruptly awakened by Chevy shaking him. “Hey bro! It’s just starting to get light out, let’s get moving.” Noah groaned, it was his vacation and he was getting woken up at five something in the morning. He crawled out of his tent, banging his head on the pole; was it really that small last night?  The boys were up and moving already, and Chevy handed Noah a granola bar to eat. “It’s a light breakfast I know, but we don’t wanna miss the prime time of the day,” he said softly.
Despite being exhausted, Noah’s annoyance was fading quickly. Maybe this would be a little bit of fun; at the very least it would be something different from normal. He scratched at his chin, his fingers brushing through the smallest bit of stubble that had sprouted overnight. Noah had never been able to grow facial hair, but for some reason this didn’t alarm him, it felt natural even. He put on his hat to hide his messy hair and began to chow down on that granola bar. As he did, that small amount of stubble began pushing out more, giving Noah a shadow across his jaw. It grew thicker, sticking out further until he had a rough, patchy beard. It made Noah look more natural in his hunting gear, aging him up just a hair. His clothes had also grown less baggy on him, attributing to an extra inch or two in height and some mass he’d never been able to pack on before.
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Within a few minutes, they were off, trekking through the tall grass into the brush. Logan guided them to a denser pocket where they set up watch and waited for some wildlife to show up. Logan had told them he knew there were deer that tended to feed nearby, so they just had to be quiet and wait. The tension grew as time passed, and before he knew it, a buck had shown up in the clearing. Chevy had prepared him for this, and he took the shot. The deer went down, and Chevy and Logan cheered.
“Hell yes dude! Nice shot, especially for your first time,” Logan patted him on the back.
Chevy gripped him with joy, “It must be in your blood bro, you’re a natural.”
The adrenaline was coursing through Noah’s veins and to his surprise he was actually having a good time. He couldn’t remember why he hadn’t wanted to spend time with his cousins, they were chill, and this was turning out to be better than being cooped up in the house. The three of them carried the animal back, working together to hoist several hundred pounds. The sun was fully up now and it was humid. Sweat ran down Noah’s back, and he could smell the putrid stench coming off Chevy in front of him. He didn’t mind though, after all, that’s what a working man smells like.
The sweat was clinging to Noah’s damp skin, beading on his forehead. As he slogged ahead, carrying this massive weight on his shoulders, his body began to adapt. His twig like arms expanded with new muscle, his thighs exploded with size, and his chest produced an impressive set of pecs before softening with a layer of fat. The sweat and smell really began to soak into his skin, and under his sopping shirt small brown hairs poked up around his nipples. Those soft, small hairs didn’t remain so for long, sprouting from his chest, covering the expanse in a curly rug that was slicked down with sweat. Noah’s stubble was not to be left out, pushing further out of his face. Hairs wriggled out in the gaps between old ones, leaving him with much better coverage on his cheeks. Around his chin it even started to fluff up a little, coarse hairs puffing out.
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They finally made it back to their camp, dropping the load and slumping into the chairs they’d left around the fire pit. 
“We’ll have to gut and clean that in a minute, but here champ,” Logan handed Noah a beer. It was cold, and exactly what Noah needed against the oppressive humidity. “Here’s to many more,” he toasted, before chugging his own down. Noah was finally able to take a breather, and thats when he noticed.
He raised his arms back behind his head, airing them out. The sweat drenched pits aired their stench to the world, but to Noah, he just matched his cousins now. The exposed pits had a few hairs plastered to the skin. As he sipped the beer and relaxed, more wisps of hair shot out from his skin, growing thick and wiry. What started as a few extra hairs quickly blossomed into a thick forest of hairs, tangling together and poking out of the sleeves of his t-shirt. The hairs itched as they grew in, prompting Noah to dig his fingers in there, scratching through the sweaty, smelly hairs. He didn’t question it, as far as he remembered he’d had hairy pits since middle school. The hairs spread out of his pits, connecting to the dense coating on his chest. The rug on his chest had started creeping upwards, reaching with thick tendrils of hair towards his burgeoning beard.
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After a short reprieve Noah was back on his feet, jumping at the opportunity to learn from his cousins how to clean their kill. They were eager to teach him, to fold him into their ways. Noah’s distaste for his cousins, the country, hunting, all of it was evaporating. He felt like he had so much in common with them now, how had he never realized? 
The rest of the day Chevy and Logan took Noah on a whole laundry list of activities they’d planned. Fishing, mudding, you name it. All hesitation had disappeared, Noah was in deep now. He kept drinking with the boys, not noticing that his gut was pushing tight against his shirt. In fact, his whole upper body was stretching out. His shoulders pushed out, growing broader. His frame was massive now, bigger than either of his cousins. He stood out on the edge of a pond in the harsh sunlight fishing, his shirt absolutely soaked with sweat that dribbled down his massive back. As it reached his waistband, it began fertilizing the growth of a new patch of hair right above his plump ass. The hairs sprung out of the wet skin, shooting up his spine in minutes. Before long the hairs had spread out across the wide expanse of his lats, pressing against the tight shirt. The fields of hair were thick, dense enough to darken the shade of his skin, and definitely didn’t help with the sweat situation. The hairs continued to spread, climbing over his round shoulders and down his arms, coating him with a wild fur that cemented his place out in the country. He was really starting to look like his cousins now, between his camo gear, hairy body, and beer gut. 
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When the three of them returned to camp that night, Noah was exhausted. He grabbed another can from the cooler and cracked it open. Putting up to his mouth, he tilted it a little too far, spilling foamy beer down his face and into his chest hair. He chuckled and half attempted to wipe the foam off. Where it sat in his beard, the hairs began to thicken and sprout. His mustache grew incredibly thick, making itself known above the rest of his scruff. His chest fur also took to the growth, turning into a real carpet that climbed up and out of his shirt collar. Noah let out a massive burp in response.
“Yo Chevy, we really gotta head back tomorrow? Shit rocks out here,” Noah said with a deeper voice than he’d ever had previously.
“Yea bro, Ma will skin us if we miss the reunion. But don’t worry man, I know you’ll be back out with us in no time,” he flashed a grin at Noah. 
Noah went and dug through their bags, finding a lighter and pack of cigars. Now that the sun was going down, it was cool enough to enjoy being outside. He lit it up and took a hefty puff, his huge, hirsute body taking it in like a champ. Any thoughts about his old spring break, his old life, had been dragged through the mud and stamped out. All he wanted to do now was relax, listen to the sounds of the crickets, and spend time with his bros. 
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Leon S Kennedy x GN!Reader
Summary: Leon being jealous of the fact that Luis is making you laugh with his flirting.
Warnings: Jelly Leon, petnames, being underground
Leon Masterlist
"Looking gorgeous, Amor." Luis greeted you as you and leon approached him.
He had been non-stop flirting with you since you and Leon first encountered him. At first, you remained professional and brushed him off, but soon started smiling and laughing at his words.
Leon almost stopped in his tracks when he first heard Luis make you laugh. It was a simple compliment that made you smile and hide your face. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, not even to himself, but he was jealous. Jealous over his partner, the person he works with, whom he was told to work for the president with.
And now, as the three of you walked through the underground mines of Valdelobos, Luis' flirting was ampt up to the max.
"When we get out of here, how about I take you on a date Cariño?" Luis proposed. Just as you were about to give a response with zero meaning behind it, Leon spoke first.
"Do you mind?" He stopped, turning to glare directly in Luis' eyes. "We are on a mission."
"Ayyy, calm down, Sancho.." Luis put his hands up and smiled at Leon, playing the entire thing off. "Just throwing around some talk."
You stared at both Leon and Luis, wondering if you should say something, but Leon once again ruined your chances as he started walking again.
You remain by the shorter man's side, trailing slightly behind Leon. Neither of them said anything, so you took that as your sign to finally speak.
"Sorry Luis, the only man I'm going on a date with after this is Leon."
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siscon-stsg · 2 days
your daddy!toji and bigbro!satoru awakened something in me that i didn’t even know existed. this is absolutely vile and filthy and wonderful and i adore you. keep making your gems!
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awww thank you so much!! LMFAO i'm glad to have made you a weirdo just like me ayyy. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
DADDY!TOJI and BIGBRO!TORU huh... how abouttt...
DADDY!TOJI and BF!TORU. it all started with TOJI angry that you're dating the rich boy from TV, and how much he disliked the brat, saying “he wouldn't know how to please you anyway”
then he was teaching BF!TORU how to fuck. showing him around your body because who knows his princess best than her daddy, right?
DADDY!TOJI and BF!TORU who take turns giving you many many orgasms, then take your holes at the same time and leave you a stuffed, overstimulated, brainless mess~
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yeeterthek33per · 1 year
Taken (Steph Catley x Reader)
A/n requested, hope y'all enjoy. 18+ Minors DNI. Smooty warning. As usual, the star marks the safe limit.
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"Steph, come on, we're gonna be late for YOUR team's party if you don't hurry up."
The defender had spent the better part of an hour in the bathroom, and now you were both running late to a party that Steph had asked you to come to.
She knew she was gonna cop it from you and her own teammates if she didn't hoof it, but she had to look good. Especially if she was walking in beside you.
Hence why she was wearing a sleeveless button-up blouse and jean shorts. Something that would definitely show off muscles to compliment your own.
When she steps out of the bathroom, her point is only proven.
She grins, looking you up and down, and you blush slightly under her gaze and roll your eyes at her antics.
You're wearing black denim jeans, a yellow crop top that leaves your stomach exposed, and a black leather jacket over your shoulder.
"Come on, we have to go. I'm meeting your other teammates for the first time, I do not want to be late."
At this point, the pair of you had been together for about seven months, having moved in without much communication to her team aside from Caitlin, who you'd spent time with together on several occasions.
So it took until now for you to actually be able to meet them in person.
You both head out to the car, grabbing your keys along the way. Steph is quick to open your door for you before jumping in the drivers side.
"Ever the gentlewoman." You give her a teasing smirk, and she smiles, pecking you on the lips before starting the car and backing out of the driveway, her hand resting on your thigh for most of the drive.
The moment you walk in, there's cheering from the girls as Steph finally makes an appearance.
"Ayyy Stephyyy, she's in finally, and who's this with her?" It's Katie who yells out first.
"Yeah, Stephy, who's this? She's looking fiiine!" That earns Stina a glare from the defender and a chuckle from you.
"Oooh, Stephy brought the girlfriend, be nice guys, she's a keeper!" It's Caitlin that has you blushing a little behind Steph.
"Stephy, when did this happen?"
And various other shouts are accompanying them all at once.
Steph just laughs, shaking her head.
"Alright, alright, alright. Everyone, this is Y/n, we've been together seven months. Play nice, nobody scare her away."
You chuckle softly at the brunette leaving a kiss on her cheek as you're quickly dragged away by Beth and Katie.
Caitlin slaps an arm around Steph and drags her over to sit with Viv, Manu, Frida, and Lia. Much to Steph's protests at being separated from you.
In the kitchen, you're being bombarded with questions from Katie. Occasionally, Beth intervenes and tells her to calm a bit before handing you a drink.
You're definitely a little nervous, but once the alcohol is flowing through you, Katie's not so intimidating anymore.
You spend some time just downing drinks as a mini contest with the irish girl, and you can tell straight away that the alcohol you're both consuming is probably not a healthy amount.
About two hours later, the three of you have been laughing at stories you've been sharing, and at one point, there's tears leaking from your eyes, you're laughing so hard.
There's a knock at the door about twenty minutes after that, and Katie is suddenly dragging you to the door with her, practically jumping with excitement.
"Ooh, ooh, I know who that is. It's Leah, you're gonna love her, she's a party girl like me. Blonde and tall and definitely a terrifying captain when she wants, but absolutely let's it rip at parties."
Something clicks in your head, and you go to respond before she rips open the door.
"Oh I know Leah, she's-"
"Leaaaahhh! You made it finally! My god woman, you gotta start getting here earlier. You missed all the fun with -"
Leah grins at you, a cheeky but confused smile on her face when she spots your slightly tipsy self standing at the door.
"Y/n? Oh, I know you've been having a good time then, Katie. This one will drink you under the table."
"You know each other?"
Leah gives you a cheeky wink.
"You could say that."
"Also, wait, there's no way she could outdrink me, I'm Irish."
"Katie, I love you, but she could end your liver if you tried that."
"Meh, I do that on my own accord."
Steph spots Leah walking in with you from the entryway, the music a little loud to hear what you're conversing about but she watches as the blonde puts an immediate arm around your shoulder and kisses your cheek as you grin and pat her face before heading to the kitchen again with Beth.
She feels a wave of heat course through her chest. Why were you so suddenly touchy-feely with her teammates? Why Leah in particular?
She pushed it down, rubbing it off as you were just friendly with the blonde and a little tipsy, if anything. She knows you'd never cheat on her.
Throughout the night, she watches you joke and muck around with the three girls. Occasionally, you converse with a couple of the others. But she focuses on the comfortability you suddenly have around the Arsenal captain.
She tries her hardest to push down any lingering jealousy, focusing on her conversation with Lia instead.
"And so she was talking to me like I knew her. So, the poor thing, I had to stop her and ask, and I just felt so embarrassed."
"Are you kidding me? She just freaking flopped like that?" You giggle, nodding at Katie as Leah huffs lightly, poking you in the ribs.
"You missy, need to stop telling everyone that, who brought you here anyway?"
"Oh, that's another thing I haven't gotten around to telling you yet."
Leah raises a brow at you questioningly. A playful look of hurt crosses her features.
"What haven't you been telling me?"
" I know you've been busy with your injury, and I didn't wanna dump it on you suddenly. But I kind of maybe am possibly dating one of your teammates..?"
Leah raises both brows now.
"Sorry, what? When did that happen? I know I was injured, but jeez, sis, why not tell me sooner? Who is it? I want to know."
"What so you can fight them? Hell no."
"Noooo, me fight them? Neverrrr."
She leaves a sloppy kiss on your cheek, and you shove her lightly.
Steph watches this happen from the couch, and she has to bite back a growl coming from her throat.
Caitlin can see the look on her friend's face and has to hide a knowing smirk. Steph was pretty good with you, but possessive was a trait she picked up quickly, especially with you.
You were kind of oblivious to it, though, making the hilarity of the situation that much better.
Steph can see you laughing with the blonde, and she spots you leaning on the taller girl's shoulder.
It's about five minutes of that before she snaps.
She watches you kiss Leah on the cheek and give her a wink.
That's the last straw for Steph in the other room. She couldn't watch handsy mccaptain continue, and you clearly weren't even fighting it. The fact that you were participating was worse. What is going on with you?
She grabs you by the hand to drag you outside. Leaving behind a bewildered Leah, a hysterically laughing Katie and a knowingly smirking Beth and Caitlin.
Leah just turns to the others.
"I-what? Is it Steph?"
Beth just nods with a small "I probably wouldn't go and ask them now though."
Back in the car, you're completely bewildered by Steph and her actions.
She looks absolutely mad, and she won't look at you. You barely got a "We're heading home early, I need to do something" out of her before you were both in the car headed back to your shared home.
"Seriously babe, what is going on with you?"
The alcohol running through your system is starting to fade off a bit.
"I could ask you the same thing."
Just as you go to reply to that. The car turns into the driveway, and she's out of the car, waiting for you to join her. Her arms over her chest, waiting impatiently.
You're completely and utterly confused by that.
You get out of the car, and you walk up to the door while Steph unlocks it, and the moment it's open, you're dragged inside and pressed harshly into the wood of the inside of it.
It makes you gasp, and Steph is pressed entirely to you, hand grasping your hip and the other in your hair.
Her lips meet yours hard, practically knocking the air from your lungs, and you can taste the strawberry daiquiri she'd been drinking just ten minutes earlier.
The kiss is rough and feverish, and it makes you dizzy and dazes you enough to momentarily forget the whole thing that just happened.
Her teeth tug at your lower lip, and she tugs st the collar of your jacket, pushing you into the wall perpendicular to the door.
Your chest heaves when she pulls away, trying to suck back in air as she kisses and nips her way down your neck, pushing your jacket off your shoulders.
"Baby, I-"
"Shut up."
*It makes you moan softly. You love it when Steph is this demanding and rough with you, and you're practically keening every time she tugs on your hair, holding your head back against the wall.
She pulls away just enough to whisper in your ear.
"Not a word out of you except 'Yes' 'No' 'please" and 'thank you' and anything otherwise I ask. Got it?"
"Yes, what?"
It sends a shiver down your spine, and you have to bite your tongue to not immediately moan at the sentence.
You'd both discussed this one for a while, but it never came into any situations til now.
"Yes, ma'am."
You can see the way her pupils dilate, and her breath catches in her throat.
"Good girl."
You preen under the praise, and your hands are trying to pull her closer to you. She doesn't budge, though, and instead, she lets go of your hair to pin your hands to the wall.
Her lips meet yours again feverantly, and she begins to tug at your crop top before her hand slips under it to grab at your breast and you arch softly under her touch.
You kick your shoes off intermittently, and she does the same.
At that, her leg slips between yours, pressing right into you, and you grind down on her with a whimper.
She whispers against your lips.
"So needy baby girl. Go ahead, try and get off like that."
If it weren't for the fact that your eyes were squeezed shut, they'd probably roll into the back of your head.
You roll your hips against her thigh, moving with a heavy amount of desparation and need. It just isn't enough contact, though, and you quickly find yourself whining in frustration, leaving Steph smirking as she watches you try to cum from grinding on her. Her hands release yours, and she grabs you by the jaw, walking you away from the wall and down the hall to your shared bedroom.
She presses you back into the wall again. Murmuring a "keep going."
Try as you might. You just aren't getting anywhere, and you're just about sobbing in pent-up frustration.
That's when she decides to have a little mercy on you and quickly relieves you of your crop top and flicks at the button on your jeans to open it.
You're pushed back onto the bed with a small thud, and Steph tugs at your pants to pull them off you.
Your breathing is completely ragged now, and the look in your girlfriend's eyes has you whining as she watches you writhe beneath her when she kneels either side of your right leg.
She quickly pins you again, this time she holds for second.
"Keep your hands there sweet girl. You move them and we stop, you hear me?"
"Yes, ma'am. "
You do as you're told and keep your hands latched onto the bedding above your head.
She sucks a few marks into your collar before kissing her way down to your nipple as her hands slip down between the two of you.
She grasps your thighs to spread them a little, where she looks up to watch your face as you clench your jaw.
She moves one of her hands to dip beneath the edge of your underwear, and she pulls back from you to watch as she pulls the dampened fabric from you.
Her eyes darken, and she growls a little, noticing the underwear you're wearing. Red lace.
"Were you expecting this baby girl? So desperate for me to fuck you, so needy huh? So fucking needy for me."
All you can do is whimper below her, squeezing your eyes shut once again. Holding your tongue so as not to beg her to fuck you, which would be out of line.
She can immediately tell, though, and she grins darkly.
"C'mon baby girl, tell me to fuck you, tell me how needy you were for me. How needy were you, tell me how you're such a brat as to test me like that so I could fuck this needy little pussy."
The words barely register in your brain before you're answering.
"So needy, please I need you to fuck me, fuck me til I can't remember my own name, only yours. I was such a brat. Only for you ma'am."
The words are out, and it only spurs the brunette on. She growls and finally pulls your underwear off you, leaving you bare to the cool night. You whimper, lifting your hips to meet her hand as she grazes her finger gently over your slit.
You're completely wet, and it makes her groan seeing you completely at her mercy. Her fingertips dip between your lips finally, stroking your clit and applying just enough pressure to dip inside you and back out again.
"Such a good girl for me now, aren't you?"
You moan out but when you don't say anything, you yelp at the slight spank she leaves on your thigh.
"Answer me."
Another spank makes you jump.
"Yes, ma'am!" It's basically a cry out, and you're thankful your neighbours house is more than two kilometres from your doorstep.
"Good girl."
Steph bends down to kiss down your chest and stomach, one particularly harsh bite has you gasping and you nearly move your hand to grasp her hair but you stop yourself.
Her mouth moves lower to your hip bown, tongue dancing into the groove where your leg meets your body and then across to just above your clit.
You have to clamp your jaw shut to avoid demanding her to move, do anything.
"I want you to scream nothing but my name and please, baby girl. My mouth is gonna be a little occupied so I want you nice and loud for me."
You moan at that.
"Yes, ma'am."
And with that, she swipes her tongue over your clit and shifts so her hands hold your legs open for her.
"Fuck, Steph!" She smirks against you, her tongue delving right into you, taking you in and sucking up your wetness, your taste exploding on her tongue.
Her lips wrap around your clit sucking it harshly and at the same time, she pushes two fingers into your entrance, setting a harsh pace, pressing right in your g spot with a curl making you see stars.
You cry out as she completely devours you. Her left hand moves to urge your legs up and over shoulders, your right staying put to allow her space to move, but a nudge from her elbow has it following the other leg.
Your thighs clench around her head, and when you start to shake around her, she doubles down. Your orgasm hits you hard and fast, and your moans echo around the room.
Knowing Steph's stamina, this would be a first of many for you. As you come down from that high, she nudges you further back onto the bed.
"So good for me, baby girl." It's said in a breathless whisper, and when she kisses you, you can taste yourself on her tongue.
"You can move your hands, baby."
With that, your hands are instantly on her. Running up under her shirt to feel the skin of her back before moving them to wait at the buttons of it.
She hums in thought for a second before urging you on.
"Go ahead."
She sits back on her haunches as you pull the buttons open one by one, enjoying the feeling of you stripping her.
She shrugs the shirt off, tossing it to only god knows where in the room. From there, you tug open the buttom on her jean shorts and unzip them. She stands off the bed to kick them off.
The dark red lace makes your mouth water a little, and as she crawls back onto the bed, your hands find the front clasp of the bra. You wait for permission, and she raises a brow, looking down at you from her position, kneeling, straddling your thighs.
"What do you say princess?"
"Can I please take these off you?"
She taps her chin for a second.
"Hm, I think you can try better than that baby girl."
"Ma'am, may I please take these off you? I've been such a good girl for you, please can I take them off?"
She leans down to peck your lips.
"Much better princess. Go on then. Take them off."
You don't wait for much else. You unclip the bra, and she slowly lets it fall from her shoulders to her hands before tossing it.
She watches as your pupils darken and you have to resist the urge to grab her straight away. Instead, she goes back to standing, and you follow.
Tugging at the elastic waistband of the panties, you slip them down her legs, and she steps out of them.
A whine gets caught in your throat at the sight, and you look up at Steph with pleading eyes.
She chuckles and runs her fingers through your thoroughly tousled hair. Her other hand cups your cheek, her thumb running over your bottom lip, pulling at it slightly.
She lets it dip between your teeth, and you do as silently instructed and suck it gently, letting it press into your tongue as you hollow your cheeks.
Steph groans and then pushes you back onto the mattress and moves to sit on your stomach. Your hands settle on her hips, and she looks down at you with a dangerous look in her eyes.
"You want to touch me?"
"Yes Ma'am."
"How bad?"
"God so bad, please."
She chuckles darkly and shuffles a little further up your chest.
"How about taste me?"
"Fuck, please, I want to taste you, please let me feel you."
"Good girl." It's a little more breathy, and she moves to hover over your head. You know better than to move without permission, though.
"Well? You want to taste, huh? Taste how wet I am for you. Do it."
That's all the permission you need, and you tug her down to sit on your face. Tongue lapping at her almost immediately, a breathy groan leaves you as you finally get a taste of her sweetness.
Fun fact: Did you know, the more upset a woman is, the sweeter she tastes when she orgasms?
Whatever had her upset earlier has her tasting like sweets to you to when she cums.
And that's exactly what you're gunning for as you fuck her with your tongue.
Her hips rock against you as she moans your name out into the cool air. Her hands are tugging your hair, and praises slip from her lips that only encourage you.
Her movements stutter, and she cries out, one hand steadying her on the bed, the other still clamped tight in your locks while you suck on her clit to bring her down.
Suddenly, it all clicks as her breathing slows to a calmer form. As she slips off your face. The memories of tonight set in over the top of the haziness and a smirk plays at your lips.
Her dragging you out directly after you kissed Leah on the cheek, her words about you intentionally testing her, being a brat, the immediate anger turning to heated passion as you get in the door.
It all makes sense now.
What Steph is not expecting to hear immediately after her orgasm is your soft voice in an almost cheeky tone whispering your safe word.
Her head whips up at that.
"What's wrong? Shit, was I too rough? Was I-." She catches herself at the look on your face. There's a smirk there and a mischievous look in your eyes.
"Were you jealous?" The undertone of your accent makes her shiver.
"I- no! I was not jealous! You were the one testing boundaries. I mean, I wasn't- she was touchy and-"
You chuckle softly and sit up to grab her face and kiss her. She kisses back but is slightly confused when you pull back. It's a much softer but still mischievous look on your face.
"Baby, it's cute that you were, but you definitely shouldn't be jealous of Leah."
She frowns slightly, a round of protests ready to leave her lips, but you lift a finger to them. You urge her back until she's leaning against the headboard and you're in her lap.
"I'm serious, baby, don't be." And you lean down slowly to whisper in her ear. "Fun fact. Us Williamsons really differ in how we look, so it's kind of hard to tell that we're sisters."
At that, the words process and her eyes close as she lets her head thump against your chest, and you start giggling softly.
She feels the vibrations of you laughing, and she looks up at you again, her cheeks having completely gone just about as red as the uniform her and your sister share.
She whines at you.
"Seriously, baby, that's who your sister is? You couldn't have mentioned that earlier? That your sister is my captain? Oh god, I've completely gone and embarrassed myself in front of her, too."
You can only laugh harder, tears coming to the corner of your eyes as she facepalms.
You slow your laughs enough to run your fingers through her hair and console her, though less meaningful than she likes.
"It's okay baby, you didn’t know, and honestly, I would have told you sooner if it wasn't for the fact that she didn't even know you existed til now. Well, that you existed as my girlfriend."
Her face only heats up more, and she just completely melts against you. To the point where she's just completely non functioning as she processes your words over and over.
Your laughter slows, and to your credit, you do whisper small apologies against her hair.
"So you're saying she never even knew we were dating before I went and dragged you from that party without a word to the other girls?"
"Baby, please, this can't get much worse, can it?"
You can't even keep a straight face at that.
"I'd only told her about me having a girlfriend on the team about five minutes before you grabbed me. I didn't actually tell her who it was."
"Oh my god, Y/n! For fucks sakes! Seriously?!"
"I mean, yeah?"
She huffs and pushes you back onto the bed with a small groan. She rubs at her face.
"Glad you're finding the whole thing funny, I don't think I can ever face her again!"
You give her a few minutes but shes still just sitting there with her head in her hands.
"You okay?" Its said in a half teasing tone and her answer comes back a resounding and muffled.
She drops her hands and tackles you back onto the mattress, and you squeal as she does so, and her hands pin your shoulders to the bed.
"You're so gonna pay for that."
"Oh yeah?"
Her lips slam back onto yours, and your hands almost slip up to grab her hips, but her hands grab them, slamming them back onto the mattress again.
"Oh, you don't get to touch for the rest of the night, little brat. That privilege is gone now."
You whimper under her hard gaze. And as she sits up a little, she whispers a soft "Stay."
You nod, and she gets up to reach into the closet, pulling out one of your ties.
You gulp as she walks back towards you, swiftly climbing back onto the bed and telling you to go back up by the headboards. Her hands manoeuvre the tie around both of your wrists and tighten them, locking them in place against the headboard.
She then gets up to go digging through the closet again, pulling out a box you know thoroughly by now.
She pulls out another tie when you go to plead with her, telling her you'll be good, and she ties it around your head.
"Not another fucking word, brat."
It makes your head fuzzy, and everything goes back to being hazy again.
She pulls out a small bullet shaped object that you know well what she's going to do with. And then she pulls out the strap and a dildo you hadn't seen yet. It's red and sparkly and makes you shake a little.
"If you cum before I say you can, you won't cum for two months. Hear me?"
You nod slowly.
The last time you'd disobeyed that, you were surpisingly proven wrong in thinking she would cave, but no, she edged you for a whole month.
You knew better than to try and finish yourself and risk getting caught because she would only add weeks on to the punishment. Touch starvation can be a cruel but effective persuasion.
Hell, Steph wouldn't kiss you during that first time you were punished unless you got on your knees and begged for it.
That was established on the first day the two of you had started experimenting with this.
The thought of having to do that again makes several shivers run through you.
"I say, we go for ten minutes, no cumming. If you can make it until then, I'll let you finish yourself off."
It's about four in the morning by the time your exhausted body is let down gently onto the mattress again. Steph is covered in a thin layer of sweat, and her hair is up but sticking to her forehead.
Her chest is heaving beside you. She'd taken the tie off you earlier to "Let you feel me fucking you. Mark me all you like baby girl, those hands dont leave me while I'm fucking that sweet little pussy."
The gag had come out much before then. For much more... visual purposes.
Your throat was sore and ran dry about thirty minutes ago. Your lips are swollen, and you're covered neck to knee in hickies.
Your ass cheeks were red raw and sore and your centre certainly felt thoroughly fucked through.
Steph's stamina never ceased to amaze you sometimes.
She tosses the strap into a corner off the room and takes very careful steps off the bed to go get water and a cloth, thoroughly pleased with herself at that.
She takes a drink and offers the bottle to you while she wipes you down.
You drink the remaining water in slow sips, watching through hooded but loving eyes as your girlfriend carefully cleans you up.
She walks to the laundry to dump the cloth and throws the bottle into the trashcan beside the bed. She goes to the bathroom to wipe herself down too and then staggers back to the bed and under the sheets, in beside you, thoroughly spent for the night.
You curl into her, letting her arm fall onto your waist, pulling you closer to her.
She kisses you softly. Gentler than she had been all night. Soft praises are muttered into the kiss. Followed by sweet nothings in your ear as you fall asleep on her chest.
Her lips press one final "I love you so fucking much, Baby girl." Into your skin as you drift off completely, letting the early morning hours take you into unconsciousness.
The next day at training is almost unbearable.
At least for Steph. You're back at home still under the covers, though now showered and in pyjamas while she's at the field, getting absolutely shredded by her teammates.
Leah isn't even doing anything. It's all Caitlin, Katie, Beth, and Lia ripping into her about the various marks on her neck and thighs and the slight limp in her run as she completes the various drills with them.
All the blonde captain does is watch on with an amused look on her face, even though Steph can't quite meet her eye the whole time.
Eventually, she does corner the brunette after training alone.
"Look, I'd give you the whole, 'hurt my sister, and I'll bury your corpse speech', but judging by the look on your face, you'd probably do that for me. I am just gonna say this, though. Might wanna consider using a better quality concealer than doesn't melt with sweat."
With that, the English captain gives the poor girl a cheeky wink and lets her go.
At least the captain knows her sister's taken now, though... right?
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Could you elaborate more about the fight Miguel had with your family that was mentioned in the soccer family proposal imagine?
Ayyy! It's the perfect chance to get the angst out of me jsksj. And of course, no relationship is perfect 💔.
What caused the fight Pt3
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Gabriel's eyes settled on the both as you entered Miguel's apartment. Solemnity and listless faces dragged inside.
Gabriel was as perspicacious as his elder brother. A habit rubbed on him through the years of sharing the apartment and drunk in mezcal and tequila talks.
You were teary eyed, unable to look him for more than a couple of seconds before acknowledge him with a lip tight smile and follow Miguel to his room like a scolded puppy. The room felt smaller, crumpling around you, almost suffocating. A couple of your belongings scattered around the place.
So far the only indicators that a woman occupied a spot in his life. Silence felt so deafening it crawled and bit on your tremorous skin. Dread had made itself comfortable in your guts along anxiety ever since you left your old house. Cause you'd certainly wouldn't able to call it home.
And after all these years the little to no improvement had only made you oath to yourself that you'd stay as far as possible from them.
You'd notice the white of his knuckles gripping so tightly at the wheel, that when you tried to get a hold of his hand, his hand recoiled from yours. An appalling contrast from hours ago where he'd held you and gave gentle touches to ease and relief your nerves.
You had warned him, and still the both got burned. Him specially. It felt like the person you had as a mother figure was doing it on purpose to upset you and him.
It couldn't be that bad between the both, right? If he was honest, at first he thought that nothing but a small fight had ensued and that you were a little immature about it. But as your relationship kept growing you'd tell him just the highlights of your mother's behavior.
Something that he actually related way too well. He knew that speaking of your family was still a sore point, something you were treating with therapy.
"What's wrong, Miguel?"
"Nada." (Nothing)
"Mentiroso. ¿Qué te pasa?" (Liar, what's wrong?
Silence. You were done with it.
"You haven't spoke much ever since we got back from my old house. You're not... even looking at me!"
"Your family thinks I'm a freak."
You frowned and shook your head.
"And I apologize for that. I warned you about them-"
"Thanks for the fucking late warning"
His massive back heaved with subtle anger as it turned to you. His hands in his waist.
"Miguel..." Your eyes went wide at his words, head buzzed with his hurtful words.
"I bet you didn't even tell them about me."
His accusing tone was certainly tugging too hard at your heart seams. "I barely keep communication with them, Miguel. You out of everyone knows it!"
"Are you ashamed of me?" His self doubt threw daggers at your heart with each syllable that formed the question.
"¿Qué no oyes? Te avergüenzas de mí o qué?! (Didn't you hear, are you ashamed of me or what?!)
"Le bajas a tu tono que no eres mi papá. No le permití jamás levantarme la voz para que tú lo hagas ahora." (Chill your tone down, you're not my father. I never allowed him to do so for you to come at me like that now.)
"And now you're scared of me"
"Listen to yourself, Miguel! Pull your head out of your ass for a second and listen to how you're talking to me! Haven't I been there for you and with you since last year?"
Gabriel gave a silent whistle as your fight grew loud enough for him to hear everything outside Miguel's bedroom door. He retreated to his room out of politeness.
"Yeah, we've been-"
"Then why you act like I'm being a burden to you all out the sudden? Why are you acting like I'm the one that hurt you?! You know that I'd never do that!. I'm not my family, Miguel."
Your voice cracked.
He shook his head. He had seen the way everyone stared at him when he tried to open the beer with his teeth. Fearful, disgusted.
The exact way he was looking at you.
To say it hurt was an understatement. He was deliberately prying open your chest and ripping your heart out while showing off and marveling at the process of such act.
"You... You don't wanna be with me anymore?"
The question sent a painful jab to his chest, but his wounded ego had taken all the controls on his rational side.
"Maybe it's time for you to get someone that's fucking normal. I'm clearly not. So why staying?"
A hiccup.
"Because I love you, you fucking idiot!"
A sob, and his heart sunk deeper.
Apologize. Now.
His mind chanted but his pride joined in the maneuvering of his spilled and jagged emotions. Adding more dry bones to the fire.
"But clearly this... this isn't working out, isn't it?"
Your head nodded as your arms braced your quivering form. A meek protection from his cutting words.
"Sorry to have wasted your time then." You spoke in between angry sobs as you removed the necklace he once gifted you and shoved it back to his hand.
His bottom lip pursed as he saw you picking up the little traces of you in a haste. He went for your shoulder gently.
"Mira, yo-" (Look, I-)
You recoiled away from him as silent tears kept rolling down your face. Some watered the carpet underneath your feet.
"You've said enough."
A way too polite 'Don't Touch Me"
You picked up your things in your arms, messily. The room was clutching at your throat, cutting bit by bit your breaths, but Miguel's indifference was the one that made your head spin from the sudden lack of air. He was killing you with his suffocating coldness.
You hadn't mind the little brostbites he'd gave you, but this one had been too bad for you to keep holding it up. The burn had been too much. Too fast and too deep for you to properly process. All you knew is that you needed to get out.
Bundling up the things in the cardigan, you went out his bedroom's door.
His steps followed you, but this time he was the one unable to catch up. You were already closing the main door with a quiet close.
His hands trembled as they found their way on each side of his hips. Gripping and provoking enough pressure to at least feel a fraction of the pain he just put you through.
The necklace in his hand still warm. His own heat dulling yours. Just like your smile. Just like you. Just like every damn thing that made him feel good and happy.
Self sabotage was his best trait. Something he clearly forgot to warn you. But it was late.
The texture of the metal chain crunched underneath his fist.
Too late.
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nadinescholtes · 14 days
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Here is something positive. I drew this right after the allergy page because I felt sorry for Dazzle.
Laia would gladly be Dazzle's mother figure.
Dazzle character design was made by @ayyy-imma-ninja
Laia by me
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justcallmesakira · 8 months
HIII OMG I haven’t had a good laugh in a while until i came across your fyodor’s sis dating dazai hcs IT GOT ME ROLLING ON THE FLOOR 😭 can i request for dazai’s sister dating fyodor if you’re up for it? fluff crack make it silly if you want i’ll enjoy anything from you for sure!!
"Dazai with a sister dating Fyodor!"
Sypnosis: Uh oh! Looks like Dazais one and only sister he grew up with is dating a rat who the entirety of yokohama is after!
Genre: crack, suggestive? (idk sth is wrong with me)
Warning: More blasting, bombing, terrorrist, rizz,
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nahhh like brother like sister :/
NO BCS i feel like fyodor just wanted to temper dazai by using his ugly breedable charms on you
But it backfired terribly! (like his posture)
Though you were his one and oNlY eNeMyS blood relative he just couldnt help but flirt with you and perhaps ykyk do those romantic stuff ppl do
This is so ooc rn ;skull emoji 69x;
However you were extremly LIKE extremly careful to not let your brother know
You literly sneaked off the house as if you were sneaking inthe kitchen to cook a whole buffet at 3am!!
Except you were sneaking off to EAT a whole buffet😏😏
Even the rat himself helped you to sneak to his rusty ahh apartment
Wow! The first thing he actually did for others!!!!!
Honestly dazai would be chill though-
Like oh his sister is dating someone? welp sure! i have exes all around the city hope its not one of them though hehe...HeHe
You took the risk of rizzing fyodor up infront of him though like:
"I am crime, I am punishment" you: "I know something else you can punish :3"
Dazai woke back from the dead with em bones fish eye when u said that
When he find out though.....oh god hes going to give you that light skin stare, with his eyes turning into nothing but a pitch black void
One day you met up with fyodor and you were so excited that you nearly threw his anemic ass to the ground
"Yaaaah fedya,!! we finally met! dont give me that face do u know how hard it is to come and meet you when my lazy ahh brother puts trackers on me!" "Malyshka, please calm down---''
All of a sudden u could hear shuffling which instantly cautions the both of you only for your eyes to be meeted with your brothers eye turning into nothing but pitch black like the face he gave when he saw mori
your getting grounded <3
"Out of all people...out of 8 billion people, sister😀" "I-i-i-i i can explain"
damn.. dazai become eminem
the shift mood between to u then to fyodor was so funny
fyodor honestly only glared at him with a smile that said "If they annoy you, go for their sibling"
dazai YANKED Your arm taking you back to you apartment and just stared at you as if you got a B in maths
uh oh...
So YEAH after hours of not being able to calm him down he finally accepted!
Dazai gifted fyodor a dead rat in a helicopter after he accepted you guys😍😍😍
No bcz i think u and nikolai would have matching energy--
Nikolai: "Dos-kun bites his nails!" You: "Real except he bites my neck!"
one day ranpo jolted up from his seat with fisheye and slowly turned to you as if you ate his (dead)mother
"Dazai Y/N, you did not..." "Oh yes yes i just did :3"
everybody was so confused like did you steal his snacks or sth???
"like brother like sister i guess...." -ranpo after finding out his bestie is doing unholy things to his enemy
Dazai acted so overdramatic omg- ugh hes so babygirl
dramatic gossip girlie fr
like its literly like
"I took your victory😈" "I took your sisters viriginty😈😈😈"
i am so sorry-WAHHHHHHHHHH- *gets shot in the head by reader for being so dirty*
during gatherings, they just smile at each other protesting in their minds who can take care of u better while your in a chair rollin around and going :3
kuro kuro kuro kuroooo kuro kuro kuro kuro ding luro kuro ding~
until your silly ahh falls! :D
And its just a second of time to see who can cath you first-
Dazais going to turn your wedding into an arson commitment!
"Breaking news!, Depressed man who half the fandom slanders burns down his sisters wdding venue with soy sauce!"
Well... its a funky ride! but hey its fyodor
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A/N: i know its short but i tried okay- ENJOY!! i love doing crack if i cant laugh or be happy i will make others happy!! <33
Divider crds: @nikolaismasquerade
tags! @silverbladexyz @riiwrites @chuuyasboner @heartsfourdazai @atlasnessie @atsquie @tojifile @biscuits-lovely-corner @darling--angst
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barcalover86 · 1 year
loved your jealous gavi fic .
Could we get a angry bird gavi fic where his always moody but reader knows how to deal with it 🥺
Thank youu!
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Pablo was always in no mood when he would lose a game, knowing that it was somehow his fault after all, which often that wasn't the case.
You learned that your boyfriend needs time to calm down and then you can go talk to him.
The truth is that he isn't calming down before he touches you in some way. Holding your hand, feeling your fingers playing with his..
You had some type of magic in you. Your eyes could make him get lost, and your voice would make him stop everything he is doing to listen to you.
Now, it was one of those days when he was really moody. It wasn't really because he lost the game, but also because some players would have told him something that really bothered him.
You didn't live in the same place, but decided to go to his after Lewa called you to tell you that your boy is not feeling too well. You wanted to make him feel better and stopped somewhere to buy some food for both of you.
You were standing at his house in Barcelona with food in one hand, and in the other a picture of him with a pen.
It was really late, and you texted Gavi right before the match that you are going to sleep earlier because you have some things to do tomorrow morning. He saw the text and only decided to say back one good night, hoping to see you soon.
You managed to knock on the door with all your things in your hands, and after 3 or 4 minutes, you saw your boy with a tired and sleepy face opening the door.
When he saw you standing right there, he immediately smiled and took the food from your hands.
"Holaa!" you said childish.
"Amorrr" he said after putting the food down and going for a hug.
"If my favorite player isn't too tired right now, could he sign me something?"
When he saw the picture of him and the pen from your hand, he chuckled.
"Ayyy, for sure, cariño, but come in first."
You laughed and came into his house. Now, that you could see him better, he wasn't tired anymore. His eyes were sparkling. He was only wearing some shorts and when he hugged you again, your cold hands on his warm body made him shiver a bit.
"Lo siento!" you chuckled.
He kissed you and then he started to ask a lot of questions. "How did you get here?" or "Why are you here?" or " Are you cold?" and a lot more. You answered him honestly and then sat at his table to eat the food you bought.
"You still didn't sign my picture!"
He immediately took it in his hands and signed it before he went to you to kiss you all over your face to sign you too.
You were laughing hard. He was always like this when he saw you after a bad game, and you were thankful that he wasn't that type of boyfriend who was letting his anger on you.
"So, why were you moody with your teammates, cariño?"
He sighed and explained all to you. How did he behave to his teammates, and how did he get angry because of some player. He blamed himself again for the loss, saying that he didn't play like he wanted tonight.
You explained to him that your teammates are as sad as he is, and having a bad behaviour with them wasn't going to make things better, but even worse. You told him that some games are better and some are the opposite, because even the best one have to lose sometimes to not get bored of just winning.
At that, he slowly laughed and promised to you that tomorrow when they had training, to go and apologise to his friends.
After you ate, you went to sleep because you knew how tired Pablo was. You cuddled, and the next morning, you two had to go to your daily tasks.
He went to training and apologised like he promised before being teased by his teammates that you are the only one who can calm him down. He was really thankful for having you in his life and smiled proudly that you were his and he was yours.
I don't know if this is exactly how you wanted, but I hope that you liked it.
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cmdrfupa · 3 months
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Kento Nanami, His Royal Highness, has found himself curious about you. He refuses to call it infatuation because that's for people with no self control, something he has loads of. But social media is becoming increasingly less effective. He wants to experience you in the flesh and the perfect opportunity to meet you has landed in his lap. Now if you could always stay this close to him.
ModernRoyal!Nanami x PlusSize!Reader (black/woc coded but all can read and enjoy obvs 😗)
a/n: Congrats on 3k and Thank you @ayyy-pee for letting me participate the jujutsu journal event! I got carried away sksksksks. But I was inspired by this song . Idk what it was but it felt right. Anywho, I hope you enjoy!
WC: 3.4K
c/w: partial smau, jealousy, sexual/provocative thoughts, stalker behavior, unhealthy infatuation and obsession, sexual acts, mentions of sex, italics aboose, internal dialogue, smut (vaginal fingering)
      He'd seen you in more and more of Gojos' IG posts over the last year, untagged. Assuming you were just a Gojo girl who wanted to be around for the perks of a wealthy socialite, He never asked to be introduced. But he did ask your name.
  A simple "Her face looks familiar" was all it took for Gojo to share not only your name and social media but also your profession, the university you were attending to get your degree, marital status, the name of your cat, and the fact that you lived in the US. Satoru loved to talk, thank goodness.
'Is that a Zenin? Tch'. A picture of you sitting in Naoya's lap, hand gripping your under thigh, sat on his dimmed screen. Maybe you had a reason for being seen with scumlike Naoya, but it wasn't a reason Kento wanted to know about. The following post was a brunch photo. A group of ladies with Gojo in the center. 'Keeping better friends. Smart girl.'. You were an enigma that brought him closer to the brink every time he saw your million-dollar smile.
His thoughts always started so pure before he thought about you in his bed, the strapless dress you wore in a photo captioned "Shawty got that dress on so the block is hot again" on his floor while at the same time, giving you the meanest strokes for teasing him this way. Thank heavens for the photos. Kento decided a throwaway Instagram account to like the posts and to look at your story would be brighter. Admiring more stealthily, he can at least fantasize about a life with you now that 'RateUp7_3' exists.
So put together. Every story or post included a bright smile or smolder in clothing that made him envy how they hugged your shape. Hair is always in its perfect, coiled natural state while you sit between Gojo and Geto or sit in their lap like some trophy. Satoru hugged you differently. Well. You were the only woman he seemed to hug in these photos. "Interesting," Nanami noted, something he should reanalyze when he has more time.
He pocketed his phone, realizing he had made it to his destination.
A small welcoming committee stood with broad smiles as they greeted HRH Crown Prince Kento. Bowing his head, taking the little book that was handed to him and began to look over the itinerary. "Busy week ahead! Your grandfather is waiting for you in Minato City." With that, his courtier, Ino, began to give him details for the coming week.
      Thanks to Gojo's extraordinary +1 privileges, you found yourself amid a private Gala he was obligated to attend. The champagne-colored satin gown, a cascade of elegance, draped your figure, accentuating the rich hues of your skin. A sight that could only be described as divine.
He broke off after briefly greeting Gojo, Geto, and others you weren't familiar with. He made his way to you near the bar, Easily making it seem like he was making his rounds to guests.
  "Good evening"
"Hello! You're Satoru and Suguru's' friend, right?" you inquired.
"I wouldn't say friend to Gojo. He's more like a gift with a purchase. But yes, I'm Ken."
  Giggles turned into a laugh once you both looked back over at Gojo, eating mini cupcakes, and Geto looking at him with concern.
Your laugh. It was the sounds of the heavens welcoming him to the golden throne. You snorted, and the resolve Kento had was officially withering.
"He's an interesting guy. I met him at a show I walked in a little over a year ago. Before that, he slid into my DMs and even sent me a pie to get my attention."
Kento didn’t think he could be jealous. That's for people who weren't self-assured. And he was very, very sure. Yeah, he's a man, but he's very strong-willed. No no. Not jealous. But this whole pie thing-
"Did it work?" Abruptly speaking. "The pie, I mean."
"Well, I'm talking to you right now. So what do you think?"
Kento exhaled a laugh, pushing back a strand of hair before looking over to you.
"He is a friend. A very good one. Always reliable"
"I've seen him in his element. He is indeed." sipping your cocktail, looking at him as you do.
"You mentioned walking in a show. Are you a model?" if you wanted to lie, it would've been a shame. He's already gone to see that your latest Savage Fenty ambassador collab dropped two days before you arrived in Japan. You looked ravishing in that fervently floral number.
"I am. I primarily work with small houses and on-the-rise designers. But that's how Satoru and I met. He was a guest model for FroviàGalón last season. It was a big hit. We've been working most shows together ever since."
This man could have any woman he wanted; He was Nanami family royalty. Handsome, smooth without even trying. He could buy a country with the proper connection if it mattered. But Gojo sending you a pie and practically being your purse dog makes him feel something. He was feeling jealous over a stupid pie and that white-haired imbecile. The slow unraveling because you snorted and the image of you spreading to show your glistening, plump, wet-
"The boy just loves to be in people's faces. He's one of the girls when we're out, so it's always a good time". Jealousy piques his nerves, and he notices your eyes trailing back to Gojo and Geto.
"He does enjoy good times."
"Speaking of, you plan on going to his after-party?" Innocence in your tone.
"After party? Of course, he finds that fitting for after a Gala."
His gaze lingered on your mouth, licking the remnants of the salted rim as you held the glass close to your body. The perfect honey-hued gloss with a hint of a shimmer. ’Her lips trailing down my chest, tongue lightly leaving a wet trail before swirling over my nip-‘
"You should come! I don't do parties, but since I'm on holiday, why not enjoy it?" the silky pep in your voice was going to be the death of him.
"I will consider it."
Get it together, Nanami.
Before he could offer to get you a drink, an older gentleman who looked very similar to Kento waved in his direction.
"I have to get going, unfortunately. But it was a pleasure meeting you. I.. don't know your name."
You tell him, smiling and holding your hand out.
"It was a pleasure to meet you as well, Ken. Hope to see you later tonight." He kissed your hand before walking off.
"Oh! And Bavarian cream."
"I'm sorry?" Confused, Kento turned back to you slightly.
"For the pie. I like Bavarian cream pie."
He smiled, turning away. "Fucks sake." He huffed, and his waistband was doing more work than anticipated tonight.
You made your way to the elevators, Gojo and Geto catching up as Geto wrapped his arm around your waist, pecking your cheek.
Kento watched you intently as he stood with his family. Saying goodbye to other guests was the least of his concerns when the swaying of your body had his mind completely occupied. Getos arm causing a severe problem for him as it sat right at your ass.
5… 4… 3… breathe Kento
He continued to make small talk with the guest, smiling as you three got into the elevator, doors closing, and his heart racing.
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  It was like Gojo needed to learn how to have a small party. His penthouse, one of many, was now an entire club. A spacious dance floor, an open bar, and a dessert bar because that man wasn't touching a drop of alcohol. But a slice of Black Forest cake? Different story.
With an area roped off, you headed through the crowded floor in that direction.
  "There's my girl!" Shoko stood first, taking the cigarette out of her mouth before hugging you tightly. "How are you, doll face?"
"Better now that I've seen you, babe."
“I'm glad you decided to show up over an hour late." Gojo chimed in, an overdramatized look of annoyance on his face while pulling you to sit beside him.
"Toru. You know me. I'm not wearing the same fit to an after-party, bookie. Your girl had to get cute and comfortable."
"And a pair of Versace platforms is comfortable?" Geto questioned, sass embedded in his tone with a smirk.
"Exactly. I knew you'd get it, SuguPoo." the group laughed.
"Suguru, she's a Versace and Moschino model now. Those platforms are nothing", Satoru closed in, a cheeky smile spreading across his face as he handed you a drink.
Your cheeks got warmer as he mentioned your latest gig. You had officially made your mark. You were now standing as one of the few black curve models to walk one of the major fashion houses, getting the gig with pure talent. "Oh, baby. The way I wasn't expecting to hear back after my little rant about fashion house politics. But who could say no to this body?" You ran your hands down your hips and lightly smacked your rear, pulling playful howls from Shoko and Gojo while Geto laughed, shaking his head at your antics.
"Come on, let's give our faves show. I've missed you!" Gojo grabbed your hand, leading you to the dance floor. Shoko and Geto sat back to watch with their drinks in hand.
Kento watched and waited until you left the area, hands finally relieved of the clammy feeling they had for the last hour. Trying to restrain the hard-on you gave him once he saw the tight dress you changed into, he slipped into the bathroom to wait you out.
Nanami joined them the moment you left the section.
"Where've you been?" Shoko questioned harmlessly.
"Was just talking with some old acquaintances. I was trying to get back to you guys."
"Your detail giving you some breathing room tonight?" Geto pointed with his chin to the security guard he was used to seeing with Nanami, in far less inconspicuous attire than usual.
"You could say that. Didn't want to kill the mood."
    It was as if the music slowed when Kento's gaze approached you. The dance floor was packed, but he knew where you were—dancing with Satoru, who he wished to flick away so you could be all over him instead.
The way your body was swaying, generous ass moving against Gojo to a very poor mix of Pour It Up by Rihanna. You made it worth sitting through an awful set if it meant seeing how you grind on literally anything. The short, amber-colored dress showed the ample flesh he felt so desperate to grip onto. ' If you could just sit in my lap so I could hold you up as I give you every fucking inch of me.’
"I'm gonna step out for some air." Kento stood up, grabbing his gin and tonic, not looking back to see if Geto or Shoko heard him.
  Outside, he leaned against the railing. The late-night weather was welcoming. The faint almond scent from the trees wafted past his nostrils pleasantly. Closing his eyes, he sighed deeply, leaning into the comfortable breeze against his skin.
Every bit of contact he'd had with you that day felt like a tiny gesture of sweet love. How your supple skin felt under his lips when he kissed your hand. Your laughter was a healing potion. He left the comfort of his estate to see a woman who made him weak just by snorting. You were the beautiful, intelligent woman who was friends with Gojo and Geto. Under 6 hours of finally experiencing your perfection in person without a barrier and he couldn't fucking breathe without his constricted dick throbbing. So many people had access to you and he wanted to know you better than they did. He wanted to be to only one with that access. You were a need. Needing you beside him, on top of him, under him, “I want to hear you same my name while I sing yours like a praise to the heavens. My angel. My everything”
    He brings the glass to his mouth, finishing the watered-down gin drink.
The sound of heels approaching brought him back to earth. "Having fun?" His angel came into view as he opened his eyes.
"More or less. It seems like you're having a blast." The shimmer of your lip gloss kept his eyes on your lips longer than he intended.
"For sure. Satoru is always my dance partner when we're out together."
"That happens often?"
"Eh. When I'm visiting here, only when Suguru doesn't feel like it. So very often."
Kento offered the space next to him as you both snickered. Standing by him, he finally saw your beauty under the moonlight. Everything about you was like an awakening. Flawless, gentle, soft.
A few moments of silence passed before you spoke. "You know, you should do a better job of staring from across the room if you were trying to be lowkey."
Your words stun him, a nervous laugh leaving his mouth as he stands up straight.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable by any means."
"I'm not uncomfortable. I wouldn't have come out here if I was."
Relief shows as the wrinkles in his forehead relax. "Was it really that obvious?"
"Maybe I'm delusional, but your eyes followed me most of the night."
"Not delusional. But, to be clear. I find you incredibly attractive."
Your cheeks were now warming as his brown eyes looked for yours. "I'm flattered.”
"Can I buy you a drink? Preferably at a quieter locale?"
"Are you asking me out, Ken?"
"I wouldn't subject you to a drink as a first date."
Your smile glowed a bit more as he placed his hand on your lower back, making your way to the closest exit with him.
"We can discuss a proper date during the drinks. I am a gentleman, after all."
"Show me the way then, Ken."
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"So hotel stays are your usual choice when you're here?"
Trying to keep your balance, you wrapped yourself around Kento's arm while you walked down the corridor from the bar.
“50/50. I grab a hotel if I get in too late or stay at one of Toru's places if I tell him in time. I'll be doing that in the morning once I check out."
'Toru? We will have to talk about these nicknames.'
"Well, I hope I was pleasant enough company this evening."
"You're fun, Ken," your voice echoed as you approached the elevators. "You are quite the man, and I had a great time getting to know you."
"It's been my pleasure. You are captivating and have my attention." The energy was refreshing for you both. He wasn't another menace from your DMs. A philanthropist finance guy was rare—a gentleman with a gentle disposition.
You stopped, going to balance against the wall, bending over to take off your heels.
"Here, let me."
"It's alright, I got it." you persisted, with no progress.
"Darling, you're missing the strap of the heel. I insist." You giggled and watched as he bent down on one knee to unfasten the dainty strap, removing the heels from your feet as you held onto his shoulders for support. A heat rushed to your ears as you felt how delicate he was being with you.
"Ken, you are indeed a godsend."
Nanami carried your shoes as he led you into the elevator, holding it open. "Which floor are you on?"
He hit the floor number and went to lean against the back wall. You stood in front of him, eyes on his exposed collarbone.
Noticing your unsteadiness, he stepped forward and carefully placed his hands above your waist.
"Easy. You okay?"
With your heart racing at 1000 miles an hour, you could only nod.
* Floor 4*
You leaned forward, placing your hand on his chest to steady yourself. Cedarwood and alcohol on his breath. Your eyes met his with a shared feverish desire as you peered up. You were buzzing now from the proximity.
*Floor 9*
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You don't know how your hand went from his chest to gripping his neck, nails running through his undercut, but it happened before you got to floor 20, where he stopped the elevator.
"Ken.. please,"
His large hands gripped your thighs, lifting one of your legs to wrap around him. Your dress was already short, now hiking up as he pressed his thick bulge into your inner thighs.
"Please.. please say my name again." He grinds himself into you, pang of desire in his voice, breath tickling your ear as you wriggle your hand between you both to unbutton his shirt from the top.
"Ken. Nngh, shit. Ken.. I need you."
Lips finding purchase on your neck, nipping at any skin he could sink his teeth into. The pads of his fingers run down your panty-covered slit. A shiver went through you as he circled at your throbbing bundle of nerves.
"Fuck! Please, Ken."
"Please, what, darling? Use your words for me." His voice grew gruff as he felt you trying to grind against him.
"Please make me cum for you,"
“You want to make a mess for me. You want to be a slut in this elevator?” The patronizing voice made you whimper as the sound of Kento ripping your thin panties jilted you, his middle finger sinking into you deeply. A deep moan was all you could muster as his thick digit pumped into you, nails leaving crescents on his shoulders as he kept you pressed against the elevator wall. "Keeennnn. Fuck”
"All that for me, princess? Your cunt this wet all for me?" He curled his thick finger inside, finding that soft, sweet spot that made your knees buckle. "Looking at my hands while I drove. Playing innocently with them while you sat beside me in the booth." Talking through his teeth, he brought his weight against you, keeping you up as he aimed to make you beg before the elevator automatically began to move again. "beautiful, plump cunt was begging to have my fingers fill you. Is this it? Hm? Is this what my princess needed?"
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, yes! P-please don’t stop." You were desperate for release. The sloppy noises of your wet cunt filled the elevator as he relished in the slippery sensation. Brushing his lips to yours, Kento languidly slid his tongue inside your mouth, rolling them his tongue over yours while his grunts grew louder—a string of saliva connected you, a shared fervid look as the elevator dinged.
His hand was soaked, but he couldn't let this be where he gave you an orgasm for the first time. Letting your leg down, he brought his hand to your mouth, running his fingers covered in your essence on your lips.
"When we get to your room, you are mine. All of you." The hungry determination in his eye didn’t leave room for question; you were to be devoured.
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The sun was like a death ray as the bright rays and the constant buzzing nearby awakened you.
"Ken," you rolled over to see him lying on his back, bite marks and glitter across his chest.
"Mm," his groggy tone, letting you know he was only halfway listening.
"Ken. Please get your phone. That shit is going nonstop."
"Sorry, angel"
He groaned as he moved, kissing your shoulder gently. You kissed his lips as he reached over you to the bedside table. The vibrations didn't seem to have an end in sight.
"No one should need me this early. I should have an open schedule."
Opening the first text in his sights, he begins to read, stomach sinking as he clicks the link Gojo sent.
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"Ken, you okay? "
Nanami sat his phone down, trying to keep his composure. He knew he had to prepare you for the whirlwind of a nightmare that was to come. For you, at least. He didn't have to take the drastic measures he originally planned to have you, at least.
This may be good. No more admiring outside of your photo shoots. No more trips with just Satoru and Suguru to islands. He would be your comfort; you'd be by his side only. This incident could be the beginning of a whirlwind romance. That is different from how he would've done things. But he could soothe this over eventually.
"Before I say anything, just know I will do everything possible to keep you comfortable. Okay?" the sincerity in his eyes had you. You nodded as you looked down at his phone, eyes widening as you read the now-trending story.
“Kento? What the fuck is this? Prince!?”
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thanks to the lovely @/saradika for the dividers <3
banner featuring art from @/narutoss_ramen! please go check them out!
Thank you for reading! <3
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emiruu-u · 1 year
But I finished watching Dragons rising and I made fanart!! So lemme share!
Btw this is a bit spoilers for episode 10 so beware!
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I loved the end scene where Lloyd takes on the power of the source dragon it looked so fucking cool! So i decided to draw it! I added some headcanon bits like the horns and the tail! I personally belive that after he connected with the source dragon the permanent changes he suffered were him getting dragon horns and a dragon tail cause like something to do with his dragon blood
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haravath0t · 10 months
𝐀 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝’𝐬 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨
𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐧-𝐋𝐚𝐰𝐬
𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝚗𝚎𝚞𝚟𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎���𝚝𝚎, 𝚣𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚒, 𝚊𝚢𝚊𝚝𝚘, 𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚊
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒊𝒌𝒂𝒏𝒆 𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑨𝒅𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑪𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒓 - 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝟹
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𝚜𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚜𝚒𝚜 : ̗̀➛ meeting the in-laws during the holidays…how does that work? (genshin men x Filipino!reader)
☕🤍🌿 𝚕𝚒𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚗'𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ! 𝚒𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚜 ! ☕🤍🌿
₊˚.༄ 𝘯𝘦𝘶𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦
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Oh, they’d love him.
The minute he walks through the door, his aura is undeniable. He’s practically the dream son-in-law any Filipino parent can ask for.
Taking off shoes at the front door? Check. A put together outfit? Check. Going up to your parents immediately to take their hand and doing the “mano”? Check. Your parents would eat it all up too! 
“Ayyy, wow! Mabait s’ya!” (Wow! He’s polite!) “Ang galing naman! Ay thank you, thank you!”
They would even notice that he took care of the refreshments too, it seems. By refreshments, we mean water bottles. Lots of it. It undeniably will be the brand that he likes the best. No, it is not the crystal geyser, no it’s not dasani, just a bunch of “flavored water with the best aftertaste.” (Don’t get your hopes up, it’s good ol’ mineral water.)
It’s all nice and all, but when he sits down? He may not look like it, but he’s a nervous wreck. “Is this alright?” “Perhaps I can say something. But what?” “Hmm, no, not that.” In truth, he’s amazed that he even landed on a beautiful partner, that is you, someone who has exercised so much patience and has taught him ways to express himself. However, to practice all he has learned from you in the face of other people, especially that it’s your parents? It is safe to say even the Iudex himself cannot help but feel queasy. 
He cannot bring himself to really start any conversation as much as he would like to, even the bustle of your family slowly trickling in cannot take away the unspoken worries he has. It is thanks to you holding his hand below the table that his worries ease even a little, as well as your inquisitive parents. 
The fact that your parents start off by asking questions eases Neuvillette, his posture as elegant as he looks, relax ever so slightly, something you notice by the slightest shift in his seat. The longer they talk to the quiet Iudex, the more your parents are comforted as well. Perhaps their daughter is in good hands, after all. 
“Please, do not worry. I shall swear to you that your daughter will live every day knowing how much she means to me.”
ᨒ ₊ ⊹ 𝘻𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪
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Like Neuvillette, he’d have an aura that one cannot deny. It’s as though he carries himself with a quiet yet powerful sense of confidence, truly the definition of finesse as he steps in. It’s as though a higher power has stepped into the party. (hah!)
He was well-dressed, having his dress shirt with a nicely placed tie, some nice slacks, and a trench coat that only accentuates his lean visage. As always, his long brown hair was in a ponytail, and he came in with leather gloves. 
The way he takes off his shoes and the way he practically bows down to your parents to “mano” them is pretty second nature to him. “Greetings. Thank you for hosting this night for us.” He’d say, and his deep voice along with the gentle tone he uses amuses your parents and even your cousins. Sure they knew he was a good man for you to be married to, and sure they have heard him speak before, but to hear him and be within his vicinity is such a shocker to them!
The titas are fawning over him already, trying to lean closer to hear this man talk, even approaching so that way they can greet him as well. His smile was so kind, his amber eyes something no one can look away from, and his stature made him look much taller than he already is. 
In his hands were a container of dumplings that you and he had made together, a suggestion made by him to thank the hosts, your parents. “Ay! Thank you!” Your parents seemed more than pleased. It is when he takes off his gloves and holds your hand does your wedding rings shine in the light, a reminder to the family just who he was happily married to. 
They cannot help but talk about you both now, watching Zhongli catch up with your parents quietly, all the while his hand subconsciously places itself on the small of your back, letting you take a plate and dig into the various foods and desserts you would like. Though your parents have talked to Zhongli several times before on smaller visits, they still cannot help but feel some form of intimidation towards the man, feeling as though it was too good to be true. 
Your titas love him alright, but your titos? Oh, they envy him. Almost every man in that party does. They felt as though Zhongli needed to be eased in, and what better way than through drinks and games? Mayhaps mahjong? Oh, that’s where they had made a mistake. 
Zhongli refuses beer, settling on tea while he talks to the titos with ease, though he wouldn’t hesitate to give out his opinions on some topics, which undeniably tarnish some of the pride your titos came into this party with. The worst part? He’s winning the mahjong matches no matter how many times the titos or your guy cousins switch. The man at this point seems unshakeable! He didn’t show it, but he was getting a hoot out of it. 
However, even if it may be so, he’s always coming back to you. Even amidst the noise, his smile truly appears when you’re near. Your parents don’t miss how easily you two reciprocate, and they cannot help but feel relaxed. 
“Salamat sa diyos,” (“Thank god”) Your mom sighs, looking at your father. “She’s taken care of.”
₊˚.༄ 𝘬𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘺𝘢𝘵𝘰
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Unlike the previous husbands, Kamisato Ayato is an intimidating type. Rather than him being a bit nervous around your parents, it’s more of them being nervous around him. 
They immediately approved of your marriage with him, his name alone already ringing a bell to both your mom and dad. When he met them, asking their blessing in your marriage? Oh, they cannot help but become nervous. They tried to dress their best, you came in with an extra spotless looking household, and the biggest array of Filipino dishes you can even recall. Admittedly, it was a little too much, that you even got a bit annoyed of how they were putting much more effort into this than they should, but you had to just let Ayato be, letting him praise your parents in turn. 
When you called your parents to notify them that you two were coming to this year’s Christmas party, it was the same reaction. Even though Ayato does his best to reassure them that he’s just “your husband”, it seems to never be so. 
And so, he’s dressed in a simple yet elevated outfit: a light blue collared shirt, paired with a black tie and vest, and a long black trench coat. 
The kids loved him, of course, but you can see your parents practically curl up. He greeted your relatives and your parents with ease, amusing them each time he even spoke to you so lovingly. 
“My love, let’s grab something delicious to eat.” He’s heard saying to you with a smile, gently guiding you through the crowded house where the trays of food are lined up. 
Though many are in awe of the famed Kamisato, they are undeniably going to think of your comparability with the young man too. The titas talk to your parents, and it’s a whole round table in itself. 
“Ang pangit ng damit ng anak mo!” (“Your daughter’s clothes look ugly”) A Tita whispers to your mother. “Lalo na sa tabi n’ya.” (“Especially next to him.”)
“Couldn’t your daughter have a better job?” “I feel like this is some joke.” “He could leave her one day, watch…let’s see if she can keep her act together.”
Your ears catch it pretty quickly, the women talking so loud. Undeniably it hurts your mother, but she lets them talk, trying to toughen it out. Ayato is quick to notice your concern. 
“Hey,” Ayato chuckles from behind, kissing your temple. “Why don’t you find us a seat? I’ll get us your favorite drink, hm?” His voice, as always, was so sweet, and you couldn’t help but smile. “Fine, fine,” you sigh. “I’ll be in the living room.” Ayato can only smile and look at you with loving eyes. “Good girl.”
And so, you opt to find a cozy seat on the couch in the other room, somewhere by the corner and by the window. Ayato was going to get your drinks from the freezer, yes, but also to make a quick stop. 
“Ahh,” Ayato chuckles, standing beside the circle of titas and your own mother. Immediately the chatter dies down, and he practically commands the flow of the topic, all the while he holds onto your drinks. “I don’t want to be so intruding, but I cannot help but overhear what you all are talking about!” It is only then that the titas start to feel a tinge of guilt, and Ayato stops them before they even come up with an excuse.  
“Why, if I may add my own contribution, I’d like to offer that before you begin to judge what my wife and I have with one another, that you all consider just what type of people you all are that makes you all so capable of passing judgment, hm? You won’t tarnish my impression of my wife, but you are tarnishing my impression towards you all.”
₊˚.༄ 𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘢
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Oh, your parents had their doubts when they met Childe. They couldn’t help but wonder if he was a bad influence or not, but they decided that they can’t really sway you to reconsider or to think about it a bit more. So alas, when you and your husband come in for the Christmas party, Childe, or rather, Ajax, was already having a happy face. 
He looked so cozy in your eyes, dawning a red crew neck sweater with gray pants, all put together with a black belt and a beige coat. No doubt he was handsome, and yet the elders can only stare at this rather loud and rambunctious man that was your husband. 
Your parents greet him, but he hugs them! It’s quite a shocker to them, but they couldn’t deny, his charisma was something that had them soften up. “If you don’t mind, I also brought along someone else!” He says to your parents, and before they can question him, out peeps a smaller boy behind his legs, someone who looked similar to Ajax. He had the same red hair and blue eyes, the same freckles, and your parents’ eyes went wide. 
Was this his kid? Your stepson? But the questions were immediately answered when your husband spoke: “This is Teucer! My little brother! He has been missing us, so I figured he can come along!” 
This made your parents second guess their previous view of Ajax. Did he really speak so highly of you and your parents that he trusted his little brother to come along? Yes, yes he did. The implication alone made them smile. Maybe they needed to rethink this. 
“No, it’s okay! Come, go eat na! There’s so much food!” Your mother beckons to Teucer, leaving you and him alone. He’s very affectionate with you, and openly so, that it makes your parents blush. They watch you two settle, watch Ajax sit you down on his lap while he feeds you food from a plate you two are sharing, all while Teucer fights his older brother to snuggle up to you. 
That’s only temporary, though, especially when the little boy gets whisked away by your own young nieces and nephews, causing the kids to be even louder than usual. Still, this gets your father and mother to talk to him. 
“So Ajax…” They start asking him questions one by one, and each makes them slowly relax. He’s ticking all the requirements: he’s making a steady income, you and him are getting along fine, and that you’re also being well received by his own family. 
But then comes a dreaded distraction: a yelling noise from a chorus of men that was your Tito’s. And Ajax’s head snaps in curiosity. “Oh, don’t mind them,” your father waves dismissively. “Pacquiao is fighting tonight.” It was then you see Ajax’s eyes widen. “Wait. Like the boxer?!” “YES!”
Your father did an immediate 180 if he hadn’t already. For all you know, Ajax wasn’t yours any longer, for he was already given a bottle of beer and within the crowd of various Tito’s, seeing him mimic punches as though Pacquiao himself was being coached by this man. 
Your mother couldn’t help but laugh with you, seeing the Tito’s and a now buzzed Ajax talk amongst themselves as though they have known each other as long as you and him have. 
“You know, anak?” Your mother starts, looking over at the sight of all these men gathered around the TV while your husband screams alongside your mother’s husband. “You were right. You married a good guy, a good family oriented guy. I like it.”
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chishiyasleftnut · 11 months
The Meeting Room
Ayyy, look at me go. I finished my first smut ( ノ ^o^)ノ
I hope you'll enjoy it! Feel free to request topics or stories if you want, but I have more planned for later! Read part 2 here!
🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 Warnings: Smut. That's really all, it's nothing spicy. Pairing: Chishiya x Reader.
Plot: Chishiya catches fem!reader looking at him during an executive meeting. He decides to take advantage of her obvious attraction to him.
2133 word. 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
This wasn’t like you. That’s at least what you tried to convince yourself after you for the third time caught yourself glancing at Chishiya during this (god-awfully) boring executive meeting. Surely something innocent about him was different that caused you to repeatedly look. His hair maybe? Had he used conditioner? No, it looked just as stiff as always. You weren’t even sure if he knew what conditioner was at this point.
During the fourth peek, it finally happened. Chishiya’s eyes met yours. Never before had you that quickly looked away from someone. The eye contact didn’t last much more than half a second, but it was enough for Chishiya to get smug. Out of the corner of your eye you spotted a growing smirk. You hated that smirk more than anything and yet today it felt… different.
While your eyes were firmly focused on Hatter (and your ears trying their very best to pick up whatever he was saying), you suddenly felt a warm hand resting on your thigh. The sensation made you jump and caused your eyes to flicker to the hand’s source: Chishiya. However, Chishiya wasn’t looking back at you. Instead his attention was on Hatter, and his smirk never fading.
Slowly you felt Chishiya’s hand caress the middle of your thigh. His touch was soft and light; it almost tickled. Accepting his touch, your eyes made their way back to Hatter. “This isn’t like me”, you once more told yourself. Yet, you didn’t protest. At the end of the day, you had to admit that the physical contact did feel weirdly nice.
As his hand slowly wandered upwards, you shifted slightly in your seat, trying to silently communicate to Chishiya that this wasn’t the time and place for this. Neither of you wanted to alert the others, after all. Nevertheless, Chishiya’s hand didn’t stop its slow journey. Instead it expertly pushed aside the thin fabric of your wrap beach skirt, exposing your bikini bottoms. Before long, his slender fingers had found their way to said bikini bottoms, gently following the seam of them. His hand was gentle and steady, showing no sign of nervousness. You, however, were a shaking mess. Whether it was nerves or anticipation you weren’t sure of, but you tired your best to keep your body still and your face neutral.
In reality, you were everything but neutral at this point. Your body was aching for Chishiya’s fingers to move away from the seam and towards the center of your swimwear. As if he read your mind, Chishiya did just that. His fingers glided smoothly across the polyester causing your breath to hitch once they found its way to your sweet spot. You tried to gather your composure by coughing inconspicuously, but this only causes Chishiya’s annoying smirk to grow even more. Although that smirk irked you more than anything else, you had no intention of stopping him. His fingers felt too good - you would have to wait with the clap-back until later.
His fingers glided up and down on your bikini bottoms, outlining your folds. You weren’t sure if Chishiya could feel just how wet you had gotten, but by the look of his complacent smile he definitely could. A quiet and soft moan escaped your lips when his long, slender fingers circled your clit. Your reaction caused him to repeat this movement over and over again.
Just as you began severely craving his touch and moving your hips against his fingers, he pulled them away, leaving you frustrated and confused. You turned your head and looked at him with furrowed brows, your eyes clearly saying “why the fuck did you stop?”. His eyes, however, never diverged from Hatter, who was now finishing up the meeting. A few seconds later the screachy sound of chairs scraping across linoleum flooring filled the room as the other executives stood up and made their way out of through the door.
You stood up too, your eyes never leaving Chishiya who seemed in no hurry to leave. Once the two of you were alone, you finally spoke up.
“What was that about?”, you inquired, trying your best to sound as if you mere seconds ago weren’t yearning for his fingers. Your question only made the seemingly permanent smirk plastered on his face grow wider.
“You didn’t seem to mind, Y/N”, he said with a shrug. His hands were, as always, buried deeply in the pockets of his white hoodie.
“Shut up”, you retorted, lacking a comeback right this second. The last thing you wanted to do was verbally confirming that you had in fact not just ‘not minded’ his actions, but instead thoroughly enjoyed them.
Chishiya, of course, had already picked up on this. He strolled towards you, causing you to back up. “You can just say no”, he said nonchalantly as if this was a normal occourance for him.
Not wanting to actually say no, you didn’t reply. Before you knew it, you had backed yourself away so far that you were now completely against the wall. The coldness of the wall gracing your bare back caused goosebumps up and down your arms. However, the sensation of the cold material soon enough got replaced by warmth, as Chishiya’s hands moved to your waist. He gently pressed you further up against the wall, giving you the chance to move away if you wanted to. You of course had no intention of moving, and instead complied with his silent command of staying still.
“That’s what I thought”, Chishiya murmured, sounding very pleased with himself. His hands began gently exploring your body, first squeezing the curves of your waist and then moving upwards towards your chest. His touch was a lot softer than you would have expected from him. Perhaps he liked it like this, or perhaps it was to just not scare you away until he got what he wanted. No matter what, you allowed his strong, warm fingers to travel over your body, taking in every inch of skin and fat on you.
He was looking at you like a starved animal. As he realized you weren’t fighting against his touch, his hands got firmer and rougher on your body. His right hand moved aside the bikini fabric on your left breast, exposing it to the cold air in the room. He looked down at it, enjoying your physique, before cupping your breast hard. 
You gasped from the shock caused by his roughness, but Chishiya didn’t give you a chance to say anything. Instead, he attacked your lips with his own, his grip on your breast only tightening more.
Just like his hands, his lips were soft and warm, even when the kiss was anything but gentle. You felt his tongue run over your bottom lip before it pushed its way inside your mouth, exploring every nook and cranny it could reach. His right hand went from aggressively cupping your entire breast to pinching your hard nipple and rolling it between his pointer finger and thumb. You moaned into the kiss, the sound being muffled by his tongue and lips.
His left hand, which had been squeezing your hip and pushing you back against the wall, now moved south, finding its way into your bikini bottoms. This time there was no fabric between his fingers and your body as he expertly circled your clit with both his index and middle finger. The sensation made your legs shake, and if it wasn’t for the force at which his body was pressed against yours, you were sure you would have slid down the wall until you hit the ground.
Chishiya’s lips finally withdrew from yours. However they weren’t motionless for long - instead he moved his lips to your neck, leaving plenty of love bites that you would have to somehow cover tomorrow. 
“You don’t carry condoms on you by any chance?” you asked breathlessly. Chishiya’s lips barely lifted from your neck to reply.
“Why would I bring condoms to a meeting?” he asked with a voiced laced with mockery. His fingers slid from your clit and into your core, causing you to moan once more. He mercilessly fucked you with his fingers, making sure to curve them just right to make you want to scream with every pump. 
“Fuck, I don’t know?” you said, now barely able to think. Perhaps it was this thoughtlessness that lead to your next desperate words:
“Just pull out before you cum, then”
The sentence was simple but somehow still utterly moronic. Chishiya caught onto this. While his fingers kept pumping in and out of you, he pulled back his face so he could look at you. Plastered on his face was that god-awfully annoying smirk that you knew all too well. It was first then that you realized you had said something idiotic.
“You know that’s not how that works, right?” he said with a sly smile before continuing. “Are you really that desperate for me, Y/N? Are you that desperate for my cock?”
You wanted to say no, to deny that you were longing for him - no, aching for him - but just as you opened your mouth, his thumb went to circle your clit, causing your vision to go blurry. All that left your lips was a moan as you threw your head back against the wall he had you pinned on. 
“That wasn’t a reply,” Chishiya said, almost sounding victorious. He was clearly having fun with this. “Say it, Y/N. Tell me how desperate you are”.
Not wanting to give him the satisfaction, you tried to say no again, but just as you opened your mouth he put added pressure on your clit.
“Fuck, yes fine!” you moaned, slightly exasperated by the fact that he made you admit it. “I want you”.
Your reaction caused Chishiya to groan. Although he was otherwise successfully diminishing it, his groan told you just how badly he wanted you too. His fingers sped up, the sound of your wetness only increasing with it.
“Mhh, that’s too bad, princess. I’ll need to owe you that for another time” he whispered into your left ear before gently biting your earlobe.
The moan that flew from your lips was caused by a mixture of pleasure and frustration. You wanted nothing more than to take all of Chishiya in - to feel him fill you up and stretch you to your limits. But all you got were the sensation of his bathing suit concealed hardness pressing up against your lower body - and of course his fingers.
Oh, his fingers. His middle and ring fingers were skilfully scraping your front wall, successfully making your head spin by repeatedly hitting your g-spot. The hand on your left breast moved up your upper body until he rested it on your throat. He didn’t squeeze nor even apply pressure, but the mere presence of his hand on such a delicate place sent you over the edge.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you felt your core pulsating, sending feelings of electric pleasure through your entire being. Your knees buckled, your body only being kept upright by Chishiya’s body pressing against yours to stabilize you. The sounds you made were loud enough for Chishiya’s hand to leave your throat and move to cover your mouth instead. He seemed very pleased with himself for causing such a reaction, but he wasn’t going to rub it in your face - not yet at least.
Chishiya helped you ride out your climax, his fingers slowing as you came down from your high. He removed his hand from your mouth before pulling his other hand out of your bikini bottoms, inspecting the glistening proof of your arousal coated on his fingers. With a smirk on his lips, he wiped his hand clean on his bathing shorts before looking you in the eyes again.
“Seemed like you enjoyed that” he said, now with his hands in his pockets once more. He strategically pulled the fabric of his hoodie down to completely cover his hard length.
You didn’t reply. Of course you enjoyed it, but you also didn’t want him to get further satisfaction out of you. This wasn’t like you at all - you had never looked at Chishiya like this before. You had never thought that you would allow him to control you in such a way, to be in charge of your pleasure. 
Chishiya chuckled at your silence before walking towards the door leading to the hallway.
“If you want to do this again, you know where to find me.”
And with that he opened the door and exited the meeting room, leaving you stunned and confused as to what had just happened. However, what you weren’t confused about was whether or not you wanted more of him: you absolutely did.
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bbyhoneybee-x · 1 year
Hi! I love your blog! I was wondering, I saw a post you did where they give their someone a black eye or something? And was wondering if you could do Michael, Vincent and Thomas? If it's too much I'm sorry! Thank you so much!
ayyy guess who's back from the dead! i would like to briefly apolgize for being in active on here for so long, i had lost insperation to write for a while but now im back to give it a second shot! hope you all like this
Michael Myers-
To say that Michael was a big man is an overstatement when he so easily towers over you without even having to try so there's gonna be times of where he might bump into you or knock you over without realizing that your there. By the time you had gotten back to your home sweet home it was late and you were just so very tired and all you wanted to do was cuddle up to Michael and go the hell to sleep, grabbing your keys you unlocked the house and made your way inside before you kicked off your shoes and called out for the masked man , " hey! im finally home" you said as you made your way upstairs to the bedroom you both share only to find Micheal laying on the bed his mask abandoned on the floor which has only been some recently that been been doing around you more often. With sleep filling your eyes you trudged on over to the bed and went to lean done to give him a small peak on his cheek. The thing you need to realize is that even though Micheal is a gigantic of a man and could very easily crush your or anyone's skull simply with his hand , without his mask on he feels very vulnerable , since he sleeps like the dead he didn't hear you come in and the gentle pressure of your lips against his cheek had him in a frenzy state where his fist had collided with your face sending you back on the floor in a ball of pain. His eyes widened as he stand up , his chest breathing frantically now , seeing you on the floor holding your face made his cold heart break softly. Without saying anything he gently picks you up in his huge arms and held you to his chest, even though he doesn't speak he tried to comfort you s best as he from what he knows [which isn't a whole lot] gently tilting your face up to meet his gaze seeing what damage he had cause. your eye had already swelled up and a dark purple color was filling the effected area quickly, sensing the panic in his eyes you gently held his hand in a way to not only comfort him but yourself as well " hey its ok mikey , i know you didn't mean to hurt me i startled you " you said as you gently squeezed his hand. Micheal shakes his head softly as he looked at your eye and a deep sigh had left his chest, he gently placed you down on the bed and gestured for you to stay there and he made his way down to the kitchen. after a few long minutes an hearing some concerning bangs downstairs he trudged his way back to you with item in his hands , an frozen bag of peas in one hand and in the other hand carried some ibuprofen and some Halloween candy. A softly smiles came across your face as he held the bag of peas to your eye trying to be careful of not wanting to cause you more pain then he already has , he placed the candy in you lap and open the bottle of the pain relief and place two in your hand before reaching over to the old wooden nightstand and handed you a tall glass of water. Micheal maybe be a stone cold killer and a nightmare to many people but for you he was soft and loving , he wouldn't be able to forgive himself for a while after the accident , his hands would tremble against yours every time you'd go to hold his hand as if he was afraid to hold you like you were made from glass but after a while he would start to com back around with the help of loving words from you and patience, soon enough he'd be back in your arms like the whole thing had never happened but the thought of it happening again is something that not only scares him but also you as well but with being able to put down rules in place and make sure that he knows that your there maybe this might just be a one time nightmare for the both of you
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Vincent Sinclair -
Making wax sculptures all day was a very tiring task for Vincent , usually by the time he was almost finished it was already dark outside and way past time bedtime. Normally you wouldn't go downstairs and try to bring him up since he was just a stubborn as Bo was, he'd shoo you off back to bed and he'd soon follow up after a few minute but tonight was different as you had not seen him once except for this morning when he woken you up by giving a small kiss to your head and it was down into the basement he went. He didn't even come up for breakfast,lunch or dinner which wasn't like him at all , it had worried a big hole through your stomach as you stood by the to of the step that led down to his workshop of sorts. You'd never really gone down there unless you really needed him since in his own way that space down there was a safe space for him and you didn't want to really upset him by barging in uninvited. But you were worried so he would come to understand that hopefully you thought to yourself as you started to ascend down in the darken basement. The sounds of your shoes echoed off of the stone walls as you make your way to the opening of the basement , " Vincent?" you called out as you stood by the door with your arms wrapped around your torso in a attempt to comfort your self . Without hearing any type of response you started to advancing deeper in to the room looking around when you finally spot the tall masked man looming over one of the wax figures , the sharp blade of his knife seemingly glows in the dark . you take a few more steps forward as you called his name out once more with no avail , this isn't like him at all . You approach him and gently places a hand on his shoulder and shook him softly " Hey vin-" your words were cut off as he spins around at a quick speed like you've seen before normally when hes trying to get his next victim , the tip of the knife had came across and gashes in to your cheek inflicting a stinging pain that cause you to cry out and fall own on to the floor. Vincent was in his own little world when he created these master pieces and normally he good about not getting to far into his head that much but today was different for him , Bo had given him a deadline to have these pieces down and out into the wax museum and hes not one to disappoint his twin brother he ended up blocking out the urges to eat and see you. His hands trembled as he drop the knife and falls down to his knees where his hand had cradled your face and his eyes widen with pure panic. He reached over to his work table and grab a rag which he held to your cheek , he might not be a man of many words but his eyes do all the speaking for him , he was sorry for hurting you accidentally. You gently placed your hand on top of his in comfort " You didn't mean to do it Vincent it's ok" you said as he began on cleaning up the gash and he could't help but be mad at himself for doing it but your words always had a calming effect on him. Soon the gash was cleaned and bandage up , he sat on the floor with you in his lap and you holding hi hands. In your eyes he's not a monster and you helped him see that from his eyes as well. Eventually you both have came up with a system to ensure that something like this wouldn't happen again , it was a simple belly attached to a string that led in to hr basement so you can ring it from upstairs and he'll know that you'd be coming down.
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Thomas Hewitt-
It's hot summer days like this that makes you want nothing more then to sit in the cool shade and sip on some fresh , ice cold lemonade with your beloved Thomas , but unfortunately today is a day where hoyt had thrown Thomas in to some hard bloody work. Normally he'd do it would out any complaint but the heat was starting to effect him, making him more irritable then he usually is. You stood in the kitchen softly sipping on the refreshing beverage as you heard Thomas grunt loudly in pain and slammed something hard down that caused the floorboards to shake from the forced behind it. Your heart breaks for him , he every rarely get anytime to himself or anytime with you since Hoyt made it his job to get his hands bloody and proved for the family , so you had made the choice to bring him a nice cool glass of lemonade in hope that it could help him feel better. "Poor thing must be suffering down there in the hot basement " you said to yourself as you carefully made your way down the old creaky stairs leading to the basement with the drink in on hand. Thomas came into your eyesight , he was hunch over the wooden work table , his shoulders moving up and down as he breathe heavily, one hand clutching onto the other seemingly had hurt it when he was working. Your eyes had widened a bit as you rushed over to him after setting the glass down on a different spot " Tommy? are you ok darling?" you said as you came over to his side trying to see what had happend to his hand , he grunts angrily and tuned his back to face you " Thomas let me see please" you said softly as your hand reached out to grab his arm but it didn't go to plan. The moment he felt the hand on his elbow his top had blew a fuse, reacting on pure instinct, he shoved you away from him but there are times of where he didn't know his own strength.Your head slammed into the wooden table behind you , black spot had filled your vision as Thomas had seen what his anger had done to his love of his life, any anger that he had immediately went away see you on the floor holding your head in pain. Thomas dropped to his knees and held your head in his giant hands looking closely to see if there was any blood coming out of it , he pulled your hand away from it to see some blood on it and he swear he could feel his heart shatter into million pieces , he picked you up in his arms and ran up stair to the room the both of you shared and lays you on the bed before he grab a basin ad filled it with clean water and grab some rags to help clean the wound. the time he took cleaning your head wound was spent in silence but you could hear his soft sniffles and you knew he didn't mean to ever hurt you on purpose. Once he was done wrapping up your head you turn to face him , he sat on his knee looking down at his hands , gently you sit up and wrap your arms around his neck bringing his head in to your lap gently hushing as he made soft sounds in protest afraid he was gonna hurt you again," Tommy is ok im gonna be fine i promise you said softly making his head rise up to look at you with silent tears in his eyes as his hands gently came up and brushed against your head , you gently grabs his hands and held them to your chest right over your heart, " im still here Thomas , i ain't going no where i know you didn't mean to hurt me me at all it was just an accident'' you said softly with a smile. Thomas leans his head on your chest and held on to you as if your gonna slip through his hands like sand. It'll take Thomas sometime to feel like his hands aren't gonna hurt you every-time he touches you, you can see the bit of fear in his eyes , but each time you reassure him that hes not a monster that he sees himself as, an that you love him regardless of anything that's happened. soon enough your Thomas start to come back around , now his hands are constantly on you all the time , but hey its not like either of ya'll have any complains at all.
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{ i hope you guys really enjoyed this! after not writing for a while it defently feels really good to be back! hopefully this is good if not better then my past works but let me know what you guys think!)
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