spacecadetruth-blog · 8 years
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spacecadetruth-blog · 8 years
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spacecadetruth-blog · 8 years
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l i f e. as. a. c r y s t a l
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spacecadetruth-blog · 8 years
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I can honestly say i’ve never seen a more entertaining ladle.
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spacecadetruth-blog · 8 years
Magical angelic legends. 
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spacecadetruth-blog · 8 years
I have been listening to Chopin and smoking weed all night. I'm happy about it.
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spacecadetruth-blog · 8 years
Why I Eat Food With My Hands As Much As Possible
Hello friend.
I woke up today. An hour after I set my alarm. It’s been harder and harder to wake up in the mornings. Mainly because I am working like crazy, but also because my lucid dreams are so much fun. It’s hard to not want to sleep as long as possible. I’ve been taking mugwort to help with this. If you haven’t heard of it, you should look it up: Mugwort Tea. It’s great for opening up your third eye. 
Anyways, after waking up late, I ate some oatmeal and planned the food I would have for the day. I’m flat fucking broke. I lost a client of mine, and I haven’t been able to tell my family yet. I know I can make this work with what little money I have. The jewelry line me mum and I are working on will be off soon, and the money will start coming in. We’ve been working so hard on our little business. It just has to be a success. For my mom’s sake. She needs this. She needs a way to make money. 
Like I was saying...I’m broke. So I decided I can eat oatmeal every morning, 1 avocado anytime I want, 2 protein shakes during the day, almonds in the afternoon, vegetable soup with beans for dinner with a salad from my roommates garden (lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, dressing, and spicy, spicy, spicy red peppers). Spicy red peppers and a sweet vinaigrette are to die for. I’m vegan and hate cooking so this is a great system for me anyways. And it will keep me on a tight budget. 
But this is what I wanted to share. Something odd I have been doing recently. I’ve been eating food with my hands. It started in Costa Rica really. Or at least the first step towards eating with my hands did. The food tasted so good, and the yoga retreat I was on had a focus on mind-fullness. I was trying to be more mindful of my food and what I was eating. After having many eating disorders, (you name, I’ve tried it) I wanted to rewire my brain to look at food as fuel. 
So what did I change? Well now I actually talk to my food and tell it how grateful I am for it. I ask for it to be blessed. I think about what it will do for my body and how it will give me energy and nutrition. I make a decision to eat slowly and not multi task but appreciate the fuck out of this delicious, nutritious treat because some people don’t have anything to eat. At all. Nothing. And every day I stuff my face with food like it’s nothing. I leave to-go bags at restaurants because I take it all for granted. So now, I just slow down...
I decided to eat with chopsticks to slow my eating down at first. And then my friend posted an article about the shape your hand makes when you eat food and your fingers are closed together. The shape is a mudra, which symbolizes grace and humility. The hand is also considered the most precious organ (hence to use the same ritual when feeding the body). Ayurveda believes that each finger is an extension of the soul: space, air, fire, water and earth. Each finger actually helps enhance the food so you are more conscious of the taste. Hindu rituals have beautiful hidden meaning if you look into them. 
And guess what? I’m actually completely full off of this diet and sometimes have to cut my meals in half. It’s amazing how a change like this has carried over to help my health and balance a steady, lean weight. 
Signing Off.
Space Cadet Ruth
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spacecadetruth-blog · 8 years
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🙏🏼 yes ma'am #frida #befearless
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spacecadetruth-blog · 8 years
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I'll just leave this here.
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spacecadetruth-blog · 8 years
I see you.
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spacecadetruth-blog · 8 years
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One of my favorite spots in LA. @sakehousemiro
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spacecadetruth-blog · 8 years
These are truly worth taking the time to look through. She is so young in some of these that it’s almost hard to recognize her. 
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spacecadetruth-blog · 8 years
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I can't get enough of Krischeart II. @for_ever_free #art #trex #rainbowwarrior
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spacecadetruth-blog · 8 years
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l i t t l e (girl) BLUE 💙 "In April of 1970, Joplin was tattooed by legendary artist Lyle Tuttle. He #inked a #famous #design on Janis’ outer wrist in his shop on Seventh Street in #SanFrancisco & the #symbol stands for the #liberationofwomen. She also had a #smallheart #tattooed over her left breast. “I wanted some decoration. See, the one on my wrist is for everybody; the one on my tit is for me and my friends.” She paused and chuckled, “Just a little treat for the boys, like #icingonthecake.” Read More: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Janis Joplin | http://ultimateclassicrock.com/10-things-you-didnt-know-about-janis-joplin/?trackback=tsmclip #janisjoplin #littlegirlblue #bigbrotherandtheholdingcompany #bobbymcgee #musicdoneright #blues #rock
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spacecadetruth-blog · 8 years
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H E L L O 🖖🏽 By: @slimesunday Did you know that the ISS goes so fast that it would go the #Moon and back in a day, that you can connect a #hairdryer in #Newark to a power plug in #NYC using its electrical cables, that is almost as big as Princess Leia's #spaceship, or that three crew members will eat the equivalent of 32,558 Big Macs in six months? Read on for awesome facts about the #ISS. 1. It took an astounding 136 space flights on seven different types of launch vehicles to build it. 2. It flies at 4.791 miles per second (7.71 km/s). That's fast enough to go to the Moon and back in about a day. 3. It weighs almost 1 million pounds including visiting spacecraft. Picture 120,000 gallons of milk in supermarket cartons in your mind. 4. It has 8 miles of wire just to connect the electrical power system. That will be enough to connect a hairdryer in Newark, New Jersey, to a power plug in New York City. 5. It has a complete surface area the size of a US #footballfield, which actually makes it almost as large as the Tantive IV, the #CorellianCorvette that carried #PrincessLeia. 6. It has more livable space than a 6-bedroom house. 7. It has two bathrooms, a gymnasium and a 360-degree bay window. 8. It's been the spaceport for 89 Russian Soyuz spacecraft, 37 Space Shuttle missions, three SpaceX Dragons, four Japanese HTV cargo spacecraft, and four European ATV cargo spacecraft. 9. All its research #experiments and spacecraft systems are housed in a bit more than one hundred telephone-booth sized racks. 10. The US #solar array surface area on the is 38,400 sq. feet (.88 acre), which is large enough to cover 8 basketball courts 11. According to NASA, "there are 52 #computers controlling the ISS." Just for the US segment, there are "1.5 million lines of #flightsoftware code run on 44 computers communicating via 100 data networks transferring 400,000 signals." 12. Its internal pressurized volume is 32,333 cubic feet, which is about the same of a Jumbo Boeing 747.
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spacecadetruth-blog · 8 years
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Love Wish Lanterns 🎐🎐🎐by Paula Belle Flores
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spacecadetruth-blog · 8 years
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the black stallion was always a favorite of mine growing up. the soundtrack is beautiful. #theblackstallion
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