#ayaha oribe
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pythons-bow · 1 year ago
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Some CYL drawings this year with barista/cafe based prompts
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fe-smashorpass · 11 months ago
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patrik6090 · 2 months ago
y'all as fire emblem characters
@patrik6090 Makalov
@pennyroyald fomortiis
@mariyoursweetheart Nowi
@importantpeachfury Alfred
@hawaii-official bors
@system-of-cats 's minty Arval
@manicali arvin
@plutowhoops kronya
@groggle anisse
@mango-mentally-ill ayaha oribe
@stargazing-with-friends meng
@ms-macintosh Charlot
@lunaxio vampa
@losairr yashihiro
@official-saxony saphir
@letmeoutofthebasementplease ginnuhinugap
@illusionsignmisdirecti0n Bruno
@weenietickler mark
@thatonelemoneater kris
@wyfy-meltdown Hana
@not3catsinatrenchcoat thales
@mersinia Al
@roeldraws kilmar
@sentientballofpeas macuil
🤹 Layla
Girlkisser ladislava
Puki anon binks
R.S cath
Why does my guy still look like a fucking idiot :(
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dangerouseggwolfangel · 3 years ago
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Day 3
My vote goes to Ayaha from TMS.
It REALLY sucks that TMS got ignored despite the surprising amount of support it got in CYL 5. Voting for a TMS character is almost a moral obligation to fight such injustice.
But why Ayaha? Well, the thing is, the remaining main characters are conveniently enough to fill a banner + TT with Touma, Maiko, Yashiro, Tiki and Barry. But doing so would leave out Ayaha who is also an amazing character and deserves to get in FEH. Which is why I vote for her, because if she gets enough votes she might still get in as a Fallen Hero, or in a seasonal banner, or something. That's my hope anyway. Remember to keep voting your faves.
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yusuke-of-valla · 5 years ago
Ayaha, after coming back from the mass disappearance: Oh boy, I can’t wait to see how Rise, Yashi, and Kiri have changed! Kiria: *is repressing her emotions and is now all cool and confident but feels too closed off* Yashiro: *is a fucking ass now and all that work that they spent chipping his walls down was wasted* Rise: *had quit the idol industry for a short time but eventually came back and she’s the only one who’s positively grown good for her* Ayaha: ...ARE YOU KIDDING ME.
Ayaha, checking in on her friends after 5 years:
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ask-the-mirage-lord · 5 years ago
Itsuki, lying in bed, at 3 am: Wouldn’t we have the perfect murder weapons?
Tsubasa, from the room next to him: It’s 3 am, Itsuki. Go to sleep.
Itsuki: But think about it. We could just stab someone and no one could ever know because the weapons can be summoned and unsummoned in an instant.
Tsubasa: It’s too early for this, please!
Itsuki: But Ellie has the perfect weapon! She can snipe from above, leaving no DNA, and then immediately de-manifest the bow and arrow. There would literally be no evidence that she did it!
Ayaha, walking into the room: Sleep. Now. *covers him in a blanket*
Itsuki: Fine, let me just check... no asks. Good night, I guess.
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fiannalover · 5 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Genei Ibun Roku #FE | Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aoi Itsuki/Oribe Tsubasa, Akagi Touma/Aoi Itsuki, Kiria Kurono/Aoi Itsuki, Aoi Itsuki/Tsurugi Yashiro, Chrom/Aoi Itsuki Characters: Aoi Itsuki, Oribe Tsubasa, Akagi Touma, Chiki | Tiki, Shimazaki Maiko, Barry Goodman, Kurono Kiria, Yumizuru Eleonora, Minamoto Mamori, Tsurugi Yashiro, Chrom (Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE), Chrom (Fire Emblem), Oribe Ayaha Additional Tags: Only the tagged relationships are romantic, Fluff, Hachiko Date, Makeout Session, Bedrooms, hand kiss, Lady And Knight, Facetime, Baking, Coffee date, Blankets, Caring for someone asleep, they're not all happening in the same verse, spoilers here and there Summary:
It's far too easy to love someone so inherently pleasant.
Some love and affection for Itsuki, from all members of Fortuna.
PS: I have a Ko-Fi! Please check it out
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yumizurueleonora · 4 years ago
Chapters: 18/18 Fandom: Genei Ibun Roku #FE | Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, Persona 5, 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Oribe Tsubasa & Caeda, Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright & Aoi Itsuki, Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright & Persona 5 Protagonist, Amamiya Ren (Persona Series) & Aoi Itsuki, Aoi Itsuki & Kurusu Akira, Aoi Itsuki & Persona 5 Protagonist Characters: Oribe Tsubasa, Caeda (Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE), Takamaki Ann, Amamiya Ren, Kurusu Akira, Persona 5 Protagonist, Aoi Itsuki, Akagi Touma, Tsurugi Yashiro, Yumizuru Eleonora, Kurono Kiria, Sakura Futaba, Oribe Ayaha, Sakamoto Ryuji, Kitagawa Yusuke, Akechi Goro, Niijima Makoto, Okumura Haru, Yoshizawa Sumire | Yoshizawa Kasumi, Morgana (Persona Series), Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Niijima Sae, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey, Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma, Original Female Character(s), Sakura Sojiro, Navarre (Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE), Chrom (Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE), Tharja (Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE), Virion (Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE), Cain (Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE), Draug (Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE), Shimazaki Maiko Additional Tags: It starts w/ TMSFE but P5 and AA will be coming soon!, more tags to come, Major Character Death but also they don’t die, Lmao it’s wack just check it out, TMSFE: Post-Canon, P5: Post-Canon, AA: JfAish era, TMSFE enters at the Prologue, P5 enters at ch 2, AA enters at ch 6! Summary:
Ren Amamiya, Itsuki Aoi, and Phoenix Wright. Three people that are completely different are forced to work together to save the people that they hold dear.
Stolen Souls is officially completed! Thank you all for your support!
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entergamingxp · 5 years ago
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore review
I love a good crossover, even if they’re often limited to fighting games and online events. It’s exciting to see developers being fans of each other and working together to interpret and merge each other’s stuff, culminating in an enthusiastic collaboration across the industry. With this in mind, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, a crossover between the Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei series, sounds like a pretty fantastic idea.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore review
Developer: Atlus
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Switch
Availability Out January 17th on Switch
It focuses on the friends Aoi Itsuki and Tsubasa Oribe. Ever since Tsubasa’s sister Ayaha disappeared during a concert five years prior, the timid girl wants to become a singer to continue her sibling’s legacy as an entertainer. During her very first audition, Tsubasa is attacked by mirages, demons who are after the natural artistic ability within humans. To fight back, Tsubasa and Itsuki gain the power of Chrom and Caeda from the Fire Emblem series, who help them change into magical “carnage forms”. Unfortunately their new friends have lost all memory of who they are and where they’re from. The only thing that’s clear is that mirages regularly attack entertainers, so what better way than to join an entertainment agency to keep an eye on these occurrences?
It’s not the smoothest integration of a theme into its setting, but the entertainment industry gives Tokyo Mirage Sessions its own identity beyond being a crossover, in ways both good and bad. Let’s start with the good: Tsubasa and friends are training to become idols, Japanese all-around entertainers, and Tokyo Mirage Sessions makes great effort to showcase different facets of the job. Each chapter is dedicated to another aspect, whether that’s being a model, an actor or a show host. Chapters also often culminate in short anime music videos of your characters performing a new song. The round-based battles take place on a stage, a mass of adoring fans following your performance from the stands. Your characters whirl around acrobatically, draw their signatures in the air for every spell and cheer for each other. Each hero is wearing elaborate costumes that spell love for magical girl and boy design. If you complete side quests for the members of your party, they gain special attacks reminiscent of their signature performances. Each win is celebrated with applause and an amount of confetti I haven’t seen since Ace Attorney.
Without this stylish veneer however, combat is a familiar affair. Similar to the Persona games, themselves a sub-series of Shin Megami Tensei, offence is the best defence, and you have the best chances of winning if your opponent doesn’t even get the drop on you. If you can exploit an enemy’s weakness, for example by attacking them with a specific weapon or spell, you start a Session. If they have the right skill equipped, during a Session your other team members get to chain an attack immediately to yours, more often than not leading to a monster’s immediate demise. Battles are vibrant to watch without dragging on, and I loved every unnecessarily bombastic transformation and attack. If they still run too long for you, the Encore version now allows you to enable quick sessions and skip special attack sequences with the press of a button.
Combat is energetic, fun to watch and generally over quickly, though randomly appearing savage enemies sharply raise difficulty.
I also liked the dungeons. While the first one is pretty drab, the subsequent ones follow the style of the different chapters and each come with a different gameplay element. In one dungeon depicting a TV show set, for example, you run errands for a demonic production supervisor.
So far so good, but while I enjoyed Tokyo Mirage Sessions at first, as a crossover it’s decidedly weak. It retains the modern Tokyo setting from Shin Megami Tensei, but there isn’t much to do. Some characters, like Tsubasa, are really likable, others fall flat because they often only talk to you instead of each other, so don’t expect too much depth in the social element. During main quests, dungeons are pretty large, as typical for an Atlus game, but each features only one unique gameplay element, so after a while you will have done the same thing for hours, whether that’s solving switch puzzles or navigating changing floor layouts. To fully heal your party and unlock new skills, you have to visit your agency, so while you gain the ability to warp there early on, you still have to traipse back every time, a far cry from just having the entrance to the Velvet Room at the beginning of each dungeon.
It takes more than half of the game for Tokyo Mirage Sessions to remember that the #FE in its title stands for Fire Emblem. Generally, the Fire Emblem influence remains incredibly easy to ignore, certainly due to the Fire Emblem developer Intelligent Systems hardly having had a hand in either design or development. That makes Tokyo Mirage Sessions approachable for people who are unfamiliar with either series, but it seems odd to market something as a big crossover of two beloved properties and then skimp on the crossover elements.
Your friends are eager for your good opinion, but they’re not as fleshed out as other SMT protagonists.
With this in mind I wanted to judge Tokyo Mirage Sessions purely on its merit as a magical idol RPG, which raises a few difficult points. The whole idol industry has been a pretty niche interest in the West, until Korean idols such as BTS turned into international sensations. The idea of magical girl idols, who sing and dance by day and transform into fighters for justice by night, was devised with young girls in mind, right until the moment someone realised that there’s a lot of money in sexualising this concept. That’s where Tokyo Mirage Sessions comes in, because it’s not a game made for a target audience of young girls, but what quickly turned out to be the new number one customer of the idol industry – guys who like their girls to be what we consider barely legal, or let’s be honest, not at all. The idol industry sells itself in the perceived innocence of its performers. While several local different local laws apply, the age of consent in Japan is 13, which is why what we consider the sexualisation of minors is in fact perfectly legal, if still questionable and a very convenient loophole to sell idols not to hormonal teenagers, but adult men, whose gaze is the predominant focus of the game (as it is for most of the video game industry).
Protagonist Itsuki was purposefully designed as an everyman, an unassuming dude in argyle sweaters who is enough of a blank page that through him, players can live the fantasy having an idol all for themselves. “What do you think of my outfit?” Tsubasa will ask him, “How about this pose?” “Uwwah, help me, I’m so embarrassed to show myself to others like this, but doing this for you feels natural!” There’s a side quest in which Itsuki teaches his friend Touma “nanpa”, picking up women on the street. Just like any sort of pick-up artistry, nanpa is rarely associated with someone bumbling “Hey, come here often” and more with rape at worst and sleaziness at best. Yet, Tokyo Mirage Sessions makes Itsuki into a napa master, the hero popular with all the ladies, and only after the fact does someone ask if picking up women is really the best way to become a successful entertainer.
Of course a lot of Japanese content uses fanservice, but Tokyo Mirage Sessions is made uncomfortable by the reality of the industry it portrays. The idol industry is real, and directly responsible for the expectations fans have of how women should look and behave. In order to seem available, idols are barred from dating, leading to incidents such as obsessive fans threatening them for being seen with male idols in TV shows or private outings. Minami Minegishi, members of Japan’s largest girl idol group AKB48, once shaved her head as penance for dating. In 2016 Tatsuya Yamaguchi, bassist of hyper-popular idol band TOKIO, admitted to having tried to kiss an underage girl he frequently invited home with him – he’d promised to make her a famous idol. Just last year, an executive at an idol agency was convicted of several cases of grooming. Several idols were convicted of drug possession, in Japan a career-ending event, and most idols admitted that without stimulants they couldn’t keep up with their extraordinary workload. There’s a large cost in upholding the fantasy of the idol, especially for young girls.
Side stories and some good old grinding in special dungeons meant to help you earn experience points help you quickly unlock skills and new special attacks.
Nintendo released a cut for Western territories. Changes include raising almost all character’s ages to the age of consent in most countries, deleting panty shots and the revision of overly revealing costumes. Additionally a quest focusing on gravure modeling, a term for idols suggestively modeling in swimwear and underwear, was completely reworked to focus on fashion modeling instead. In an interview with Game Informer prior to the game’s original Wii U release, representatives from Nintendo America stated that “It was a priority to ensure the game feels familiar and appeals to longtime Atlus fans. Any changes made to the in-game content were due to varying requirements and regulations in the many different territories Nintendo distributes its products.”
While the Encore version also adds DLC content such as costumes, a new song and the albeit limited opportunity to have support characters further help out in battle, this Switch version is otherwise based on this altered version. I find the changes easy enough to ignore and I think anyone who gets incensed about less exposed skin on their anime girls should perhaps take a healthy walk around the block, Tokyo Mirage Sessions is still plenty sexual. Elements from boob jiggling to introducing characters cleavage first to many costumes that remain as revealing as ever can still be found.
If you want to truly learn more about the idol industry, here you’ll hear mostly platitudes, and beyond that all elements from characters to combat stay rather simple. As it stands, Tokyo Mirage Sessions is a stylish game with a unique theme that’s as often questionable as it is cute, but it doesn’t reach the depth of either of its crossover franchises to leave a lasting impression.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/01/tokyo-mirage-sessions-fe-encore-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=tokyo-mirage-sessions-fe-encore-review
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ask-the-mirage-lord · 5 years ago
Au where Rise, Kiri, Yashi, and Ayaha were friends before the mass dissapearance and they all have inside jokes.
Ayaha: *trips*
Rise: Don’t break the table!
Kiria: *kicks her mic stand up like she does in her Elblizzard sessions*
Yashiro: *being all broody and edgy*
Kiria: Hey! JD! Do I have to prepare for my last words to be Corn Nuts?
Rise: Do I have to be prepared for my dramatic solo?
Ayaha: Do I have to prepare for Lifeboat?!
Ayaha: *brings in her latest try at cooking for everyone*
Yashiro: Ah, it’s our lady of the underground.
Kiria: *gets into the drivers seat of a car*
Everyone else: Don’t put on When I Drive!
Kiria: ... *puts on Balaga*
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ask-the-mirage-lord · 5 years ago
Kiria, on a voicemail: Ayaha? I just want you to know that the way you tried to set us up wasn’t exactly right for us. Also we’ve been dating for two weeks already. The argument was a cover. I am still very upset at you for locking us in a closet, but the attempted homicide brought us closer, so thank you for that.
Ayaha, listening to it: I’M SORRY WHAT THE FUCK?????????
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ask-the-mirage-lord · 5 years ago
Congrats ayaha. They killed eachother
Ayaha: I’ll just wait for the corpses to rot before I open that door-
*door freezes and then is pierced by a sword*
Ayaha: ...fUCK- *runs*
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ask-the-mirage-lord · 5 years ago
Let’s see, Iksuki and Touma? Check. Ellie and Tsubasa? Check. Yashiro and Kiria? Not touching that with a 50 foot poll. Mamori? Baby. Barry? Baby. Tikki? Baby. Anyone I’m missing? *looks over at Maiko and Nobu working on My Complex* eh why not, dude’s basically in love with her anyway *shoves them in a closet* hmm *throws some alcohol in as well* there we go, my job here is done, you all are welcome
Ayaha: I see you got Horinozawa and Mom to get together... but looks like I’m the only one here courageous enough to throw Kiria and Yashiro into a closet.
Ellie: AYAHA, NO-
Ayaha: *locks them in a closet*
Touma: ...You know when they break that door down, they’re going to kill you, right?
Ayaha: I don’t fear them. Kiria used to do ballet.
Kiria, from inside the closet: Which gave me the physical strength to strangle you with my feet! *slams the door*
Ayaha: Ooh, sounds like things are getting hot in there!
Yashiro: Oh, things are going to get hot in here... when I burn this door down!
Kiria: Not if I freeze it down first!
*intense fighting*
Ayaha: ...I may have made a mistake.
*closet quiets*
Ayaha: ...?
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ask-the-mirage-lord · 5 years ago
Itsuki: No asks, huh? Well, the filming for the movie has started, and Touma, Ellie, and Yashiro are all tied up in it.
Itsuki: ...Things are way too quiet here.
Tsubasa: What about a Movie Night? Just Me, You, Kiria, and Mamori.
Itsuki: That would be amazing... if Kiria didn’t have a concert in a week and she wasn’t practicing 24/7 and Mamori wasn’t so busy with recording Microwavin. And you have a singing gig in three days. You have to practice.
Tsubasa: ...
Itsuki: You forgot, didn’t you?
Tsubasa: ...Maybe.
Itsuki: Go. Practice. Now.
Tsubasa: Alright.
Itsuki: Aaaaand... I’m alone. Again.
Ayaha: I’m here!
Itsuki: Why are you here?! You and Tsubasa are performing together for that gig!
Ayaha: I’ve been practicing all day, relax. Things are going to go right. I think you need to take a day off. You haven’t left the office in days. You’re literally sleeping here. Go home.
Itsuki: Fine, fine. I’ll go home.
Ayaha: See you later.
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yusuke-of-valla · 5 years ago
Y’know what I’d love? If Ayaha got a session attack. I understand why she’s not a Mirage Master, she’s fixing her Performa up after it was being drained by Aversa. But like. Give her a session. Hell, give her side stories! I want to learn more about her! I want Itsuki to help her go back onto her path to coming back as an Idol! Give! Ayaha! More! Content!
Definitely! You do get bits and pieces of characterization, especially once you’ve done her last request, but overall it’s a shame that she gets shoved to the side so much after everything she’s been through. Especially in regards to like, interracting with Kiria and Yashiro
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ask-the-mirage-lord · 5 years ago
Hey Ayaha, how would you felt if after Aversa had been defeated, she would have been purified and became your Mirage? I feel like your Carnage form would have been a darker, black and Purple version of your sister’s, maybe you could have been able to use Staffs like Kiria. Or would have even felt comfortable being partnered with Aversa since she did brainwash you, though Draug did do the same to Barry.
Ayaha: Aversa becoming my mirage? I... don’t think I would be comfortable with that. Barry knew what Draug was like before he tried to kill us all. Aversa... all I’ve ever known of her was that she tried to use me to hurt my friends and sister.
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