drama-glob · 9 months ago
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Poor snake boi. <3<3<3
Vox knows where his priorities lie. ;) XD
And I'm so happy he's staying at the hotel too. ^_^<3<3<3
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aloneinthedark-eagle · 3 months ago
hello to life 🐣🐣
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pageofheartdj · 11 months ago
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sanzosin · 11 months ago
Hello Sanzo! Love your work!
Was wondering if you have any thoughts/sketches/ideas about Nisha and Jack post Angel's death... directly so. Maybe how Nisha found out, etc? I just killed her ingame and it made me cry a little not gonna lie
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and so they did..a little bit of everything !
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yeonjune · 1 year ago
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(231001) TXT_members twitter update: Once again, at the Gangneung beach
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thcrealheroes · 2 months ago
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PLEASE LIKE THIS IF YOU WISH TO BE MAINS WITH MY SWEETIE MUSES The only thing I do ask of you is that if there is a certain muse you want, please write in the comments on who you want. It doesn't matter how many you want. but least i know if i ever send memes, or starters for y'all i know WHO YOU WANT already !! And if you don't care who / or what- then just expect fun time with all the muses.
What does being mains mean ? It means your drafts/memes will be prioritized first. From time to time I love making aesthetics, liking this will also mean that you don't mind me making you exactly that ! Whether it's of your muse, or both of ours ! I get creative sometimes so you'll be spoiled with things of your or our muses ! ALSO, always a heads up: I'm up for crossovers as well. Like give me your best shit, and it can be done. I also do love plot with people I am close with because it's just easier when you have a connection with the mun- to be able to throw ideas at each other, so exclusive au's exclusive verses just between our muses. Or if there is a plot you want, but no one wants to do it with you, or you're shy, liking this means I am very much going to be open with you on exactly that. Us doing plots you want ! Or what I want, honestly, I'm all about collecting ideas for amazing things between our muses !! You'll be added to my carrd as one of my muses connections ( that's why I say let me know who you want so I can add you to their little connection box ! )
pre-established relationships ! Whether it is shipping or platonic !! I am open for what you got in mind. please and thank you. Honestly this is pretty basic, because y'all know the drill so I don't have to write a story about this. BUT YES. LET ME LOVE YOU AND YOUR MUSES ! let's make au's together, let me make you and your muses stuff !! And let's be bestie boos !! ♥ You'll have everything you desire 👀 come to me. lmao no but really. like if you wanna cha cha slide with my muses.
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yamsgarden · 10 months ago
yams please please tell us where'd you read the short story the meloghia nation is starving
aaa sorry for slow respond, i just woke up
but a kind soul share their screenshots here (click)
You'll have to translate them by yourself in either google translate or deepL
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pomellon · 11 months ago
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Little doodle for one of @/Zorthania's bytham drabbles, the idea of Basim snuggled up to a bunch a critters was just way too cute to resist <3
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cienie-isengardu · 10 months ago
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naehja · 2 years ago
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“Do you crave death?!”
Why are you so dramatic Kalego? XD
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drama-glob · 5 months ago
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Just look at that cute smile from this big, sweet goober. ^_^<3<3<3
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silverstarfics · 1 year ago
Since tumblr ate your asks (most scary thing, very evil)
*stuffs treats, tricks and candy into your mail box *
Extra bonus part of my fic that even grew extra long, because I just had to write this scene!!
(9- bonus!) Virgil took his brand-shiny-new firefighters uniform from Chief McCready’s hands, grinning face splitting wide. His own uniform, because for the next few weeks he was a proper part of Blue Watch, and a firefighter! 
It had even been modified to incorporate his IR tech and most importantly his green baldric over the top because couldn't imagine feeling properly prepared for rescues without it. 
He tugged the new jacket on right away over his flannel, feeling like a kid on halloween. He gave it a spin, the coat flaring out around him. Heh, if little Virgie could see him now, a proper firefighter.
“Whatcha laughing at, Tracy?” Cass clapped him on the shoulder. 
As soon as Virgil explained what had been his halloween costume for every year of his childhood, he was surrounded by Blue Watch, good naturedly demanding that they had ‘got to see photographic evidence.’
Virgil rolled his eyes, but called up John, the keeper of all the family photos on Five’s massive storage banks.
John obliged, and firefighters crowded around the holos projected from his wrist comm.
“Aww, you were an adorable kid, Tracy!” 
“You sure did grow up, but I don’t think the expression has changed at all!”
Then a snickering John decided to chime in with the whole practicing fighting fires with the garden house incident, and the consequences to hanging laundry and open windows.
Cass, serious, no nonsense Chief McCready was giggling, tears streaming down her face, hanging onto his shoulder to stay upright. 
Virgil snorted, then couldn’t help but burst out laughing too.
He was proud of his achievements to become a firefighter, they were all laughing with him, not at him, they were his team. He threw his arms around them, grinning along. 
Love love loveee this!!
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pageofheartdj · 1 year ago
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When Donnie is pissed, he is PISSED!!
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mcltiples · 1 day ago
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Send 'Soft gestures' + a number for my muses reaction to yours || accepting
@countlessrealities sent; 'Soft gestures' + 13 (help them with their BOWtie) [[ Vox for Alastor! ]]
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This was the new normal for Alastor now. Ever since they started their sexual relationship, unlocking a new side of himself that never had been apparent before, he began waking up next to the man that he would soon marry. Who knew that after so many years, he would find something like this in his afterlife. It almost made him want to laugh at how ridiculous it all was.
After dragging himself out of bed, showering in the high tech shower -- which frustrated him to no end, how was this thing supposed to work anyway? -- he would finds himself getting dressed in the presence of the other man. It dawned on him how domestic all of this was. Something so foreign, something that he thought would never happen to him.
Yet, here he was.
Just as he was about to fix up the bowtie, his fiancé approached him. In a silent fit of submission, he didn't even try to do it himself. He would let the Media Demon do it. Since it was implied that the other was adamant on doing it.
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"Not too tight, beloved, I don't want to choke through the day," It was a playful warning, mostly teasing. "Do you want me to make you some coffee while you're in that horrid excuse of a shower that you own?"
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despairforme · 2 months ago
// I had a random thought of Nnoitra just laying on his bed as Adelha cleans and Wesson just hops up onto the bed and boops Nnoitra's nose with a paw. I hope this makes you smile. :) //
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When Adelha had come over today, she would've been disappointed to see just how MESSY Nnoitra's apartment was. He'd fallen into a bit of a rut the past week. Dishes and laundry had piled up, and as the amount of work grew, he got less and less motivated to start cleaning. He'd been tempted to tell Adelha NOT to come over, but at the same time --- If he told her not to come, he'd miss out on getting her to clean for him. She was a woman, so she was good at that shit.
Seemed she'd kinda understood that he was in a bad mood, because she'd offered to clean, and told him that he could just relax. Since she was vacuuming the living room, he'd taken refuge in the bedroom, laying in bed. He'd be lying if he said it wasn't a huge fucking relief to have someone clean for him.
The door wasn't closed, and soon someone else wanted to escape the vacuum cleaner - Wesson. He invited himself onto the bed, jumping up and promptly booping Nnoitra's nose with a paw. Nnoitra made a face, but didn't push the puppy down. He lazily pet him a few times. He wasn't too fond of animals so... Yeah, he'd have to get the pet literally stuffed in his face to bother interacting.
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multicolour-ink · 1 year ago
♦ how about this one for Pio and Mia 🙂
headcanon meme
♦ - quirks/hobbies
Pio: Pio is very big on table top/miniature games. He may be a muscular man, but he has a careful, gentle hand, and can paint tiny figures with the utmost precision. He also loves board games, and gets very competitive (it does feel good to trounce his brothers in these games, especially because they aren't very good at them!).
Mia: Mia loves stories, and when the twins were born, she created little picture books for both of them, filled with illustrations and tissue paper covered pages. They were such beautiful creations and she still has them ^^
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