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roranart · 2 months ago
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hotniatheron · 21 days ago
Dylan O'Brien gay for pay in 2025, going back in time to tell my 17 year old self she was right to stand behind top stiles fic
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zaxlover · 2 years ago
Include why in the notes/tags if you'd like :)
Personally for me, it's the Thieves Guild because those 20 radiant quests are boring as Hell to do even when switching up what kind of job I take (and this is coming from someone who enjoys doing the Minutemen radiant quests in FO 4)
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wolfiewhiskeybutch · 2 years ago
Being stoney as fuck, eating a puppy chow blizzard, playing borderlands and hanging out on discord with my gfs is the best fucking way to spend the day 😍🥰🐺
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okaerina · 1 year ago
new user n theme in love 🐺😼🫂🫶🏼
b-but im in love with you 🥺👉👈
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mephibon · 4 months ago
i don’t know how much MORE OF THIS I can take
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chiistarri · 4 months ago
i am Not hated by life itself hashtag anti 自分が死んでもどうでもよくて i love life !! i love living and my teachers dont hate me and i am good at being a student and i am so super awesome cool my friends love me !
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eobe · 4 months ago
Hi Lupe 🤩🫶 I love reading abouts and I screeched I’m getting owlier with every post I guess 🦉 at some points I like to share with you of course!
The Hobbies list point 2 could be of my own feather heehee 😀 screech! 🦉
METAL HEAD! screeeeeech 🦉 I‘m absolutely in with Powerwolf, Amon Amarth, Eluveitie, Wardruna and especially Heilung. If you don‘t know them yet, you might like Skáld and Danheim 🥰
Also adopting your prequels and animated shows points!
Yup, Hunter soft hoot 🦉 is to blame. He got me in and now I don’t want to leave the woods 🪶(screech! 🦉 Hunter! Couldn‘t supress)
You love Fives? screeeeeeeeeeeetch! 🦉🦉🦉 I have plannnnnnnsssss… 😎 you may like. He‘s SO. DEFINITELY. on my list since I started my list.
So u awoo 🐺 an‘ me hoo 🦉 Let‘s roam Lothal and woods together throooough 🎶
😂 🫶
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I thought it would be fun to write a little bit about myself, so come over and get to know me! (As far as I know myself because I didn't come with a manual so I'm still figuring myself out..) If you have any more questions, feel absolutely free to ask them!
Expect a karkload of ramblings below the cut, this turned out so much longer than I intended I am so sorry, no one is probably going to read this but I'm just leaving this here anyway because I don't really have people to share my ramblings with
My name's Julie (she/her)
Lupe is actually my OCs name, but I adopted it as a nickname here on Tumblr when I first started posting and I kinda stuck with it
Quickly approaching my 30s help
I'm from the Netherlands 🇳🇱 so my first language is Dutch
That obviously means English isn't my first language, so please excuse any errors in my writing
I am Dutch, therefore I love cheese 🧀 (like Gouda, NOT cheddar)
I am an archaeologist! I've been a history nerd all my life
I work in a museum (obviously one with a history collection)
My #1 all-time favourite animals are wolves
In RL, I am super introverted and people scare the kark out of me
I never got any diagnosises, but I'm pretty sure I'm neurodivergent
I prefer the internet over meeting people IRL, because I feel way more comfortable to be myself and ramble about the things I love online than IRL
I tend to switch between my several hyperfixations from time to time, but I really hope to stick around the Star Wars fandom for a long time <3
Star Wars obviously ahahahaha what are you doing here otherwise?
Drawing, writing, photography, gaming, history, nature, collecting, listening to music
Drawing: has always been one of my favourite pastime activities. I used to draw wolves almost non-stop, until life happened I guess? I only recently picked up drawing again. Drawing humans is a struggle, but it's so much fun practicing with clones <3
Drawing: I'm currently drawing with my ergonomically irresponsible mouse in Photoshop CS6 (I've been using the same software for over 10 years now and I am too afraid to switch to something newer)
Writing: I used to write stories about wolves (shocker) but same as with drawing, life happened. Until I recently picked up writing again! I started writing fanfiction for the first time when I started posting on Tumblr around June 2024
Writing: publishing a book has been on my bucketlist for a long time but I'm not sure that's ever going to happen, so let's keep it with fanfiction for now (which I am REALLY enjoying)
Gaming: I prefer gaming on my PlayStation 3 and 4, but I occasionally play PC and Nintendo Switch games. I mostly play single-player games. Assassin's Creed got me into gaming and is still my favourite series. I also really enjoy The Witcher III, Red Dead Redemption I + II, LA Noire and Far Cry Primal. And others, obviously
Gaming: I play Pokémon GO! If you're a player as well, shoot me your friend code and I'll add you (:
Music: I'm a metalhead; metal is my favourite genre! But I also like (hard) rock and (folk) punk. My favourite metal subgenres are power metal and folk metal. But I can listen to movie/game soundtracks for weeks as well!
Music: Rammstein got me into the heavier stuff and is still an all-time favourite. I was a die-hard Volbeat fan for years, but I haven't felt drawn to their latest releases. My current favourite band is definitely Powerwolf (more wolves lol)! Other favourites are (among many others) Sabaton, Amon Amarth, Slipknot, Nightwish, Within Temptation, Dropkick Murphys, Flogging Molly, The Real McKenzies, Heilung, Wardruna, Eluveitie, and some amazing older stuff like Alice Cooper, Pink Floyd and E.L.O.
This is where the fun begins
I've been a Star Wars fan for as long as I can remember
My brother and me used to watch the OT and Ep I on VHS when we were kids and were lucky enough to see Ep II and III in cinemas
I missed watching EP I in cinemas this May (due to its 25th anniversary) because I was moving homes during that time and I am still crying about that, see you in 5 years I guess
What I like about the Prequels: everything? Obviously the clones ahahaha. But kinda everything. The setting, the plot, the characters, the tragedy. I know there's a lot of hate on the writing, but I grew up with them and I think they're awesome. Definitely not perfect, but (and please don't hate me) I would choose the Prequels over the OT anytime. Also the meme material coming from this?? Legendary.
What I like about the OT: the story and the characters! It felt less complicated back then, more about good and evil (there's a lot of grey area now, which is obviously more realistic; but as a kid growing up with the movies, good vs evil was less complicated)
What I like about the Sequels: BB-8, porgs, and the Somehow Palpatine Returns-meme, that's it. Maybe Poe Dameron, but that's probably because it's Oscar Isaac.
I also VERY MUCH like Rogue One; what a wonderful and sad story. I won't shut up about how much I love how this story blends into Ep IV/the OT; I think this was so well done, I- aaaaaaah I love it
What I like about the animated shows: CLONES. Clonesclonesclones. And Ahsoka. And a lot more, but at this time, the clone brainrot is real. I actually really like how some things are further explained in the animated shows (I think they're a real addition to the movies/story). And the angst and the tragedy, ugh my heart. Also the animation style of course! And clones, did I mention the clones?
Favourite characters (non-clones): Ahsoka Tano, Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi (prequel era), Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, probably Darth Maul too, Jyn Erso
Favourite clones: Hunter (he started it), Fives (I cannot put into words how much I love and feel for this man I just need to wrap my arms around him and tell him it's alright and that he and the clones deserve so much better and that I'm there to listen to him and it's going to be okay I'm going to make all his problems go away and also some adult stuff I'm not going to write here), Echo (my beloved), Wolffe (awooooooo), Cody (good man that Cody), Rex (obviously), Fox (you matter but please stop drinking caf and get some sleep), Vaughn (my love, my heart, my soul; I would die for you) (> I get obsessed over a different clone pretty often but it's safe to say I love all clones)
Favourite droids: R2-D2, Chopper, BB-8, Gonky, K-2SO, (also BD-1 is super cute), the droids helping out Ahsoka during Shattered/Victory and Death (R7-A7, CH-33P, RG-G1), mouse droids, (I haven't played Outlaws yet but I have normal feelings about ND-5)
Favourite animals: loth wolf (duh), tooka, massiff, varactyl, acklay
I used to collect Star Wars LEGO and Hasbro and I would love to put those on a shelf/into a cabinet one day
I would love to go to some sort of fan con one day but I'm afraid I won't survive all the stimuli/amount of people there
I did visit the Star Wars Exhibition in Brussels somewhere in the late 2000s/early 2010s; it was kriffing majestic
I used to play Star Wars Battlefront II (2005) with my brother all the time. We played it so much the disc got damaged by the PlayStation 2 itself and obviously we bought it again to keep playing
I played Jedi: Fallen Order (2019) and it was awesome! I really need to replay it so I can play Jedi: Survivor (2023) afterwards (haven't played it yet, I need to get myself a PlayStation 5 first, RIP)
Since we're talking about PlayStation 5, I'm dying to play Outlaws (2024) help (I need to know what is happening between Kay and ND-5??)
I really want to play Republic Commando (2005) (I even have a PS4 copy laying around) but haven't found the time yet
So one of my other hyperfixations is Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002), the 2D-animated movie by DreamWorks. (I know, I'm super weird; I'm a metalhead switching between Star Wars and an animated movie about horses (and some other hyperfixations but let's not go there).) I even created a fansite, if anyone's interested (which has still lots of WIP-pages I'm sorry I'm into Star Wars at the moment)
Alright that was a lot of super random information no one asked about. If you've come this far, holy kark my utmost respect to you, please leave a comment so I can send over some cookies because you kriffing deserved them?? I might consider writing a ficlet for you.
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bat-manly · 4 months ago
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awooo 🐺 🍑
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feralratsluci · 1 year ago
thank u to @helavent for the ideassss yippee
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Sinclairs more like sabertooth werewolves awooo 🐺
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dangerousbride · 1 year ago
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Awooo!! 🐺🌕 || (Extra)
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lumisparks · 2 months ago
☀️ 🐺 Awooo! 🐺 🌙
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rowdyhughesy · 9 months ago
Summertime madness ✰ Trevor Zegras
cocky rookie masterlist
Trevor Zegras masterlist
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liked by: biznasty, jamie.drysdale, cam.york and others
tagged: trevorzegras
yn.bizzy: offseason equals sexy shirtless boyfriend, day drinking and getting burned👁️🫦👁️
biznasty: I could’ve lived without you calling the little shit sexy
→ yn.bizzy: beloved sperm donor, it’s been years just finally admit you love him for your own sanity
→ biznasty: over my dead body.
→ yn.bizzy: careful what you wish for old man 😤👊🏻
jamie.drysdale: I’ll cheers to the drinking
→ yn.bizzy: don’t let ur mom see you saying that she’s gonna forbid you from being my best friend… again
→ jamie.drysdale: will u be the Juliet to my Romeo?
→ trevorzegras: 😟
trevorzegras: guys I made it, a hot girl called me sexy
→ yn.bizzy: and I’d do it again
_alexturcotte: ewww🥰
→ trevorzegras: hey now!
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liked by: jackhughes,_alexturcotte, brendan.brisson and others
tagged: colecaufield, yn.bizzy
trevorzegras: summa time😎
yn.bizzy: do you need a dog? I can bark
→ brendan.brisson: bark bark
→ trevorzegras: AWOOO🐺
→ biznasty: what’s this shit
→ yn.bizzy: ur old you wouldn’t understand what’s going on
jackhughes: 😎🤝🏼
frank_vatrano: Z in his model era
→ trevorzegras: stuntin on em
📍all over the place
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liked by: user1, _quinnhughes, leocarlssoon and others
tagged: trevorzegras, finley
yn.bizzy: oh how I love this summertime madness🫂🤍
trevorzegras: love ya bizzy w the rizzy
→ yn.bizzy: and I love you a thousand more
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superheat99 · 5 months ago
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I just moved so this is all I can offer enjoy my VERY OBVIOUSLY (AWOOO🐺🐺) SATIRICAL EDIT 😡😡😡
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hjeojeo · 9 months ago
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Awooo 🐺
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bufffbuck · 1 year ago
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Awooo and such 🐺
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