#awful man
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mcnostril · 11 months ago
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The awful man's birthday comes yet again, and he will not leave until it is observed.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 1 year ago
I feel like DOG konig would be the type to not care about pubic hair.
Like she could be like, "I didn't shave," and his ass would be like "even better" 😭
LMAOO he's so obsessed it's disgusting.
You can expect him to drive his nose up your cunt without warning – our dog just wants to have a sniff! 🤷‍♂️ Bites you "gently" through your underwear and asks if he can lick your butthole one of these days, whispers this suggestion in your ear just when you're about to fall asleep.
You're like "What...?!" and König just says "Nothing... Good night, sleep tight," and then there's a nice, vile heh heh in the darkness.
Good luck sleeping after that :///
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ultraericthered · 5 months ago
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2003 Teen Titans!Slade Wilson/Deathstroke Appreciation Post
Among the greatest villains in the history of western animation, and still my personal favorite take on Slade to this day.
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aludraslytherin · 1 year ago
Why the fuck, when the Fidelius Charm was cast, did they not think to make a goddamn unbreakable vow !? Like, it's so obious ???
And Sirius ? They can literally take a memory into a pensine something and watch it, they have legilimency for crying out loud !! They have veritaserum ! So whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ??? It's so stupid!
And Dumbledore ! oh this sorry excuse of a human being !
He knew that Peter was the secret keeper ! So WHY IN THE EVERLY MOTHERLY FLIBBIDY FUCK didn't he said so ???
It makes me so fucking crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And everyone that is like 'ThE BoY WhO LiVeD' 'hE DefEtEd tHe DaRk lOrD' erh, NO ?! It was thanks to LILY ?? He was just an INFANT who had the chance to be under a protecting spell created by LILY when she SACRIFIED HERSELF for her son ? Why is everybody forgeting about her ??
Oh, and don't start me about Snape !
'hE wAs BulLiEd bY JaMeS, HiS WoRsE MeMoRy iS HiM BeinG BuLliEd' Yeah, because he called Lily a slur
'hE WaS jUsT MiSuNdErStoOd' No, he was a death eater, fully believing in Voldy's BS,he only changed side because the girl he was obsessed with was in danger... Because of HIM ! People tend to forget that he was the one searching and giving the prophecy to the dArK LoRd, resulting in Lily's death.
And, 'JaMeS WaS jUsT A BulLy' We only sees him throught Snape's pov, aka, when he got 'bullies'c after he called Lily a mudblood.
And if James is a bully, doesn't that mean the Snape is one too ? No because :
-He made fun of Hermione for her teeth
-He bullies his students
-he exposed Remus when he had no reason for, since he is the one brewing the wolfsbane potion
-he hates and bullies the son of 'the love of his life' because Harry had the infortune of looking like his father, that Snape resents
-he was a death eater
-he is a racist
-he is a blood supremacis
-he is Neville worst fear, the boy who literally had his parents torturedby Bellatrix. Shouldn't she be his boggart ?? But noooo, it's our 'wonderful and misunderstood' Snape
-when he hugged Lily's body, while her son was crying his eyes out, being hurt, seeing his mother die, having blood on his forehead, and then leaving the house without even comforting or taking Harry to Saint-Mungos !!
-blamed James for bullying him, when he created Sectum Sempra, and was into dark magic !
-trying to make Harry expelled
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loderlied · 9 months ago
gort with a whip...
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he'd be so terribly and horrifyingly perfect at wielding these. inflicting the exact amount of pain it needs to shape his tools (aka people 😬 more related hcs here :3)... precise and steady hands of a creator moulding to perfection--after his/the machine's design...
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tricitymonsters · 6 months ago
I’m a huge cat person. I want every cat I meet to be my best friend. Currently I’m imagining seeing Mori in his kitty cat form just outside, not knowing it’s him, then petting him and going “oh my god you’re so cute I love you so much forever” (which is how I react to every cat) then perhaps taking him inside thinking he’s a stray (I’m willing to bet he’d look scrungly), going to the pet store to get food and whatnot, then returning home to find a random hot guy in my apartment. And he ABSOLUTELY would bring up me saying I love him. Anyway yeah. Cat person.
This bastard can, has, and will continue to use his cat form to charm people for both intensive love bombing and snacks. I joked once that he'd transform back into a human and be like LOOK YOUR LOVE AND CARE HAS TURNED ME INTO A BEAUTIFUL MAN.
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ajaxbell · 1 year ago
Story of Kunning Palace is everything I shouldn't like and I love it
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I picked up Story of Kunning Palace rather spontaneously, something to watch when I couldn't sleep, something to replace the run of really awful xianxias I keep quitting after a couple episodes. I went in knowing nothing about SoKP.
I was not prepared.
Oh, I said to myself, Zhang Linghe is in this. Fun!
Well my friends, while you should watch this because it's excellent, you should also brace yourselves. I did not expect to be utterly obsessed with this show and binge it all in like a week. Like literally I never do that. But the plot is interesting. It's beautifully shot. The cast is quite excellent. And the chemistry is off the charts.
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Bai Lu is fantastic in this. She takes a complex roles and nails while giving the character an undercurrent of vulnerability that should win anyone over. She has sizzling chemistry with everyone she encounters, including one character who is the human equivalent of cream of wheat, and with the princess which is utterly delightful.
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But Zhang Linghe. Whew, let me sit down and fan myself for a second. This is not the man who deftly played both Changheng and Xiao Run in Love Between Fairy and Devil. This is not the sweater-clad romantic his Studio seems to want to portray him as. This is... something else. Let me start with the caveat that I rarely go for the villain. I especially do not go for the villains who do not seem redeemable. And here in SoKP his character, Xie Wei, does not initially appear to be redeemable. He is a red flag a mile wide. He is a calculated mask of refinement over seething rage that always seems on the verge of breaking through. He appears capable of real violence. He sneers. He threatens. He's possessive and jealous to a disturbing degree. He generally looks disgusted with the world around him. And it is sexy as fuck. Why I am so in to this character? I can barely explain it beyond good acting and good storytelling. He is an utterly unhinged character, a veneer of civility over a feral creature ready to kill you at the slightest provocation, at least until you penetrate his armor. And then whew. You're in for quite a bumpy ride from beginning to end with his character, but so worth it for some incredible character development.
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This is a reincarnation story of sorts, though slightly muddled since Chinese censorship won't allow those stories. It opens on the Empress, Jiang Xuening (Bai Lu) narrating her rise to power by any means necessary only to fall when rebels over take the palace. We see a lot of cruelty and violence and then rather than dying the Empress wakes up in the past with all her memories intact.
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In this new life Jiang Xuening does everything she can to change events from the future she remembers, but ends up in the thick of it anyway. Along the way she collects an incredible cast of characters who all seem to fall in love with her (as you will too) and a long list of enemies so vile you will find yourself shouting at the screen for our heroes to just poison these assholes already.
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It is especially interesting that here many of the side characters are the kind of good and honorable heroes, with excellent fighting skills or noble birth, that you often find at the center of these stories. Our secondary characters are sunshine, sweetness, and upright morality. But our leads are intensely morally grey, rely only on their wits, and are so packed full of trauma it's amazing they can function at all. And yet the story manages to wring some incredible depictions of friendship and loyalty out of this morally dubious center and make a story so irresistible that I lost sleep to watching several nights in a row.
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In fairness some of that was because I just sort desperately needed more of Xie Wei the walking red flag, because whew he was so compelling. But it is truly a good and intricate story so full of twists that the constant surprise makes it even more satisfying. Highly recommend. But don't go into it looking for a sweet love story, it's a violent palace intrigue story with a side of very morally dubious and toxic romance with a smattering of consent issues, but weirdly, maybe even better for that? (And if you have a choking kink, this show will reward you!😅)
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(And I'm not much one for celebrity gossip, but I will say that Zhang Linghe and Bail Lu gazing at each other in promo appearances for this has real 'get you someone who looks at you like Wang Yibo looks Xiao Zhan' vibes. Their on screen chemistry is searing, but it seems to have somehow carried over to or from real life because these people seem to very much, uh, admire each other.
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gif from here
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old-etonian · 2 days ago
What do you think about what Mohamed Al-Fayed’s views on the death of Dodi & Diana?
The man was a complete and utter charlatan. He had a cheek to claim that Prince Philip was a “psychopath”.
Total nutter. Seemed to blame everyone for their death’s besides his own driver, who was actually mostly to blame (and the media, of course).
The man called himself “Sheikh Mohamed Fayed”. Total weapon.
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redmantic · 5 months ago
My baby girl, I am so sorry.
You thought I left because of you, and your shadows affirmed that darkness.
I’m so, very sorry. That you hid in the bathroom because it was the one room that had a lock.
You liked to pick the neighbors lavender flowers because you liked the way they smelt.
Purple was your favourite/ so was playing family/ so was staying up later than 8:30 on a school night (even if it was only by 10 minutes)/ so was baked chicken with parsley flaked over the top (you said it made it more fancy).
My baby sister,
When I found you
You were cradled in the inferno that ravished through our house. And it took away Simeon (your stuffed bear).
Only you were home that night, my darling, sweet girl.
I was out at my friends house. The blaze took it all away from me. From you.
I’m sorry that I couldn’t do more for you, when I pulled your barely alive body from the tub.
You were so dry, and warm, and dirty. You smelled of burning pork.
I hate that I prayed that it wasn’t you I was holding.
That it was someone else- anyone, else.
But this pain, is mine alone. Everyone is gone.
I took you to the river, the one where we skipped stones (you used to pick the moss from the rotting tree trunk that we laid our bag on)
And I held you tight
Because I didn’t want you to sink. I didn’t want to let you go again.
You hacked out a croaky whisper
You asked me who started the fire.
And I told you that I didn’t know - a lie. Because I know that it was my fault.
And then your soul went into the sky.
The ash left a dark film on the surface water - like evil washing away.
I took your cooler body to the neighbour’s lavender bush. (Your skin was shrivelled and peeling from burn)
And I hope that the new flowers are as beautiful and purple as you once loved them to be. (Not that you can see them anymore)
My baby girl,
I’m sorry I wasn’t there.
(I miss you)
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transgayhawkeyepierce · 2 years ago
Imagine the evil BJ would get up to if he knew he was gay
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iminaworldofpureimagination · 11 months ago
wow im 2 eps in of my rewatch of vampire diaries and can conclude that damon is the worse. can't believe he gets a happy ending with elena.. after.. terrorizing vicky donovan/ he deserves nothing.
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gnzma · 1 year ago
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nobody likes walker. she's the worst. 💖
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"yea gonna tentatively swipe right on this one"
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ultraericthered · 2 months ago
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Count Olaf Appreciation Post
Recently remembered just how much I adore this character.
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zot3-flopped · 1 year ago
https://x.com/treacherouscafe/status/1731477025355866171?s=46&t=95vZ45S5qauKRcMVrJJKOw the qts 🤭
Taylor doesn't care which NFL wife she hangs out with as long as she has blonde hair.
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baby-xemnas · 2 years ago
Bro. I headcanon that Roberto can speak Spanish(even I don't know if they even speak anymore earth languages).
Now imagine that he speaks dirty talk in spanish to Meryl when they do the devils tango, but not only is just dirty talk, but also love confessions like, how grateful he is that Meryl is in his life and he will never regret meeting her. Meryl, sweet little Meryl doesn't understand anything, but is red like a tomato, because Roberto got that deep sexy smoker voice.
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turnthepagevn · 2 years ago
if Ellie did set up Robin and the mc, how would Robin approach the mc. if the mc was already seeing someone else, would he befriend the mc, get rid of the other person, and console the mc while trying to make them dependent on him.
Pretty much! Robin has no issues with manipulating the situation so that MC runs into his arms for comfort.
And once he has them in his arms, he'll never let go.
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