#awesum ask stuff
fading-heart-dummy · 3 months
What do you know of Larry's murder? (Seems like he fell off the roof, pal.)
Got any trace of foul play? (I don't ask questions. I just sweep.)
What did you find inside of the body? (Here's my autopsy report.)
Have you a bead on any lead, 'cause I need it today!
Actually a piece of evidence was stolen!
Yeah our Blue Badger security camera.
Up on the roof we had it stationed! (And this... badger was a witness?)
Filming the world through cold dead eyes! (So the murderer removed it)
*Unitelligable ooghs*
Uh, translation? (Beats me pal. He keeps saying that.)
I think a view up on the roof could undo a few lies!
Get off my roof, you spike-haired nimrod! (Hey, Ms. Oldbag! You work here?)
Find someone else to go impugn! (Look, my friend's on trial for murder...)
Take it from me, that girl is a killer! (Have you even MET her?)
The push and the fall, I saw it all in the light of the moon!
I have to go... But Maya's innocent, you'll see!
Stay off my roof, whippershapper!
(how do I even form a good bundle of words to respond to this)
that sounds important..(??????) or is it a reference-
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eternalsa2z · 6 months
Savant 2 Fantasy Trophies
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(This is a continuation of a previous post called Savant. Because what's better than one secret bimbo genius? Two of them...duh!)
I tried to be happy playing fantasy with my secret silly weapon. But somehow it didn't feel right. Maybe it was my competitive side. Maybe I felt I didn't deserve a bimbo savant like Kiki. Or maybe it was some secret curiosity about exactly how she thought about things. So I asked her to help me understand what goes on inside that bimbo brain of hers.
"Like...you sure you wanna learn from a ditzy doll like me?" she asked incredulously. Eyes wide. Shining with excitement. I nodded and she squealed and hugged me. "OMG yaaaaaay! I soooo wanted a fantasy friend. A bimbo bestie who just, like, gets me...ya know?"
So soon I was being coached by an absolute cutie. Trained to look, act, and talk like her. Because as Kiki says, "Like, to be good at fantasy you gotta BE a fantasy. Duh!" It didn't really make sense. But I'll admit that when we went to a Super Bowl party dressed up in identical outfits, I felt a connection. Even if I just had a breastplate and wig on...I couldn't help but smiling just a brightly as my bestie.
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The training continued all summer. Kiki said I needed, like, a state of empty serenity. To clear my head of all my old thoughts. To just focus on picking out a cute outfit, like footballers select their cleats. Memorize how to get my makeup juuuuuust right, like a player putting on eyeblack. How to strut and sparkle and shine, just like a superstar fantasy stud. Or in my case...a superstar fantasy bimbo babe nicknamed Nally!
By the end of summer, things started to fit into place. Not just the thinkys. But, like, my body and stuff. Kiki was sooooo nice and saved some winnings from last year so I could get some lip filler, cute hair extensions, and real boobies!!! OMG we were, like, breasties now!
When draft time came and we showed up in these adorable 'lil outfits, it sooooo made sense. My costume was, like, my strategy! There was a cowboy hat cuz the Cowboys players were soooo sexy this year. Big high heels that were, like, hard to run in cuz running boys are less important to me. Oh and everything is red since, like, we watched that super good red team win the Superb Owl last year and they'll totes be hawt again!
I couldn't explain it. It was, like insti...instink...er, just felt right, ya know? Kiki was soooo supportive and even, like, finished my thoughts for me if I got too giggly or blank for too long. She's not just a great teacher...she's, like, a total awesum teammate to me. Oh and she even, like, started joking about 'Nally's Fantasy Lyfe' which turned into the cuuuutest team name for the year. NFL! Isn't Kiki is soooo clever?
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By the end of the year, like, I was sooooo happy! Kiki and Nally, like, both won all our leagues. I was sooooo proud that I was a strong, independent bimbo who just needed another bimbo to show me what to do. I'm like a sav...savvy...er, secret smartie skirt just like Kiki now! Or at least a trophy doll just like my breastie.
Oh ya! Like, speaking of breasties, I'm suuuuuper proud of my boobies too! Kiki suggested I do 'TDs for titties' so like every time a player of mine scored, like, I'd add a CC of silly-cone too my chest. As you can see, like, I did GREAT this year. So great that Kiki and I both got all dolled up to celebrate!
We were also dressed all pretty and stuff cuz we went to a special Superb Owl party. Not to watch the game, of course. I can barely focus on anything but the short commercials anyways. But since, like, it was kinda boring to win soooo much, Kiki wanted to introduce us to another fantasy group. One filled with other fantasy bimbo smarties just like us!
The competition next year will be fierce but the prizes will be enorm...humung...er, like, as big as the fake titties the winner gets! Losing also isn't so bad. Like, you get to be 'lil lesbian pet of the winner alllll summer. A lit-er-all fantasy trophy IRL. Honestly, like, Nally is trying to find a way to trade all her best players to her breastie so they can be top and bottom. Like, being a bimbo doll is the least Nally can do to thank Kiki for, like, showing her how to be a fantasy savant too!
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frannstrash · 4 months
Welcome to my blog :P!!
Take a look around my awesum art trash can ✨️
The name's Fran, pronouns he/they ^_^ i'm just a guy who draws whatever picks my interest, i mostly draw fandom art, but i do have ocs and a turtle son you might see around quite often.
I do art sometimes! I'm multifandom, but mainly into TMNT and UT or UTMV!!
You're a weirdo. Proshippers gtfo.
Basic dni criteria. Like being homophobic, transphobic, racist and a bunch more that are just the scum of the earth
Tags and some stuff ^_^
Reposting my art is allowed as long as you credit me!
Same goes for using it in edits or as pfps
All my art will be tagged as #fran art
Asks and me just talking abt anything will be tagged as #fran talk
And anything involving my son will be tagged as #splatter
That's pretty much it, i'll be updating this post in the future. Thanks for reading and having a look around my blog (・ω・)ノ
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tgcg · 4 months
ive been a tgcg fan ever since the earlyish days of the blog and i cant believe only now im going to send in an ask despite enjoying your work for a while now, going to fix that now i guess.. ahem.. i know you probably get dis alot but i jst wanna say i love love love your art, writing, playlists, comics & your interpretation of davekat as a whole, its a breath of fresh air and feels very 'in character' and comforting to me in a way? very silly and natural.. esp the dialogue in ur comix, it feels.. real,, i could reread your stuff for hours and stare at your pretty colour choices as well, vry awesum 😁 its been sooo cooool to see this blog improve &grow over time, i love going back here every now n again when i remember so i can like all the posts.. one of my fave piecez of yours is def the big dk week one, i love all of them actually but that one is spechul 2 me
..sorry if this is too long and/or annoying, i just had to gush over this blog cause its ceritified AWESOME. anyway, have a good day for the rest of ur days randy of tgcg 🍀🍀
hehe hey hell ya i recognise ur url from quite a while back!
thank u so so much. i rly have come a long way w my ms paint mouse skillz since i started this blog, which honestly wasnt even the point of the blog remotely, but i just got so into doing it. its gotten 2 a point where i get a lil embarrassed looking @ some of my earlier stuff, but i just think abt how much fun i had doing it & that it made ppl happy, & it goes away. this blog has always been abt fun
not annoying at all, im always blown away by the kindness of my fwlrs, u guys r rlly rlly lovely ppl & its smthing i never wouldve expected out of making this blog. U R certified AWESOMESAUC !
i hope u also have a lovely 4ever & thank u for sticking with me 🧡
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ganjamonster11 · 1 month
Master Snotrocket. Good Afternoon. Today i am going to mexican food (Holy crap) and then goinjg to a safari (What the freak??) what are your plans today andf also do you have a favorite type of cuisine ❓. i love a lot of them but i really like indian and ethiopian food (i dont like injera thoughj because j dont like sour bread you eat the food on it and also use it to eat wuth. i wish i liked it 😢 i reallyu like fossolia tjough which is like these reslly yummy cooked green beans and carrots....and abunch of other stuff....Wishing yoi a #blessed day and happiness and good food and no pain. #HappyTuesday
Good Afternoon Lady Beakernaut I can barely form a response to This ask with how much agony my tastebuds are in right now. This is the sweetest fucking Pumpkin Spice iced latte I’ve ever had in my entire life. Horrendous. Hopefully It will last the hour drive home because I Must pour a generous amount of milk into this as soon as I have the chance. Anyhow I Fucking love mexican food And i fucking love Safaris . My favrite cuisine would probably be Ummm um um. Greek. Japanese. Spanash. I danno I eat basically everything and anything.Fossolia is so Fucking good it makes me drool . It is awesum. It’s like putting awesome sauce on an epic plate of bodaciousness. Me personally I Just ate an omelet wrap with avocado. 7/10 Should’ve grabbed a ketchup packet on the way out. Sneak I think this latte is spiking my blood sugar levels off the charts it’s literally fucking Terrible god
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sillytunafish · 2 months
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i will post more art soon maybe perhaps possibly hopefully
kinda unimportant rambling
idk but school just started and it takes up alot of my day so now i only have around 7 hours of complete freetime compared to summer when i had the entire 24 hrs to do dumb silly wacky stuff but I GOTTA GET SMART BRO….i gotta get that education and then im gonna invent uranium twin pop /silly
jokes aside school takes up alot of my time with not alot of time to draw so not much art is happening rn unless weekends maybe but even that isnt guaranteed cuz i like being a little slug and doijg nothing sometimes :) but that also leads to little to no art so boowomp
i will probably only reblog stuff or answer asks that dont get hidden cuz for some reason tumblr hides some asks from me idk why but yeah i wont have alot of art to post
at least my teachers are awesum though especially my art teacher she is the coolest
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eggsteroids · 1 year
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ahoy! i'm deedee. redoing pinned post cuz i'm growin' distant from my previous ... uhhhh........ gimmick or layout i think. i don't know the words to use. regardless, this blog is usually just an art blog but sometimes i say something. Woohoo! the pony in the art above is my sona, taffy. my main interests are angry birds ( hyperfix ) , fnaf ( hyperfix ) , undertale , and a good bunch of other stuff. if you want to see my talk a whole bunch more, uhh......... idk. i have a twitter ( user: eggsteroids ) but i don't think it matters. if you follow for one thing in specific i have some BAD NEWS!!!!!! just kidding no i don't. if you want to talk to me about my interests please don't be afraid to HIT THAT ASK BOX or whatevz. i have adhd. i'm not good at this tumblr thing. all i do is post art then die off for a good week or so. luv u all have an awesum forever !
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glattax · 1 year
^O^ ohoho so there are some of you out there! okok, well, i posted this on twitter so ill do it here too.. i wanna practise some sprite work, sooo pls link me ur cute and cool and awesum characters! making stuff like this v
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need them for commission examples, just reply w a link or somethin! 👍🏻ask box is also open
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keypages · 3 years
hello!! so srry if you’ve answered this before but i was wondering what brushes and program you default to?? i love the texture on the brushes u use so i wanted to ask ^__^ thank u sm hope ur having an awesum day!!! ALSOOO i love ur art so much!!!its so fun
i use clip, and as of lately i go between the default “oil paint flat brush” and “thin gouache brush” for lines - “gouache” and “dry gouache” for colors aloooong with any pencil brush for shading. 
sorry if this is all rather basic stuff! thank you as well.
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fading-heart-dummy · 3 months
Leave @lunarwashere alone!! She has an opinion, respect it or leave her alone.
maybe muahhaha
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Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, when you are done tag up to ten people.
Tagged by: @ladyoftides Tagging: “just… take this and tag me.” Words of the last person, goes for me too! o3o/
A - Age: between 16 and 900 B - Biggest fear: Failure, loneliness and dying a painful death C - Current time: 7:52PM D - Drink you last had: Orange juice o3o E - Every day starts with: Big yawn and remembering what day it is F - Favourite song:  Omfgdogs theme...I just find it awesum...shut up G - Ghosts are they real: Probably yes, and I hope they aren’t menacing owo/ I - In love with: Since past ultra friend, I didn’t really find someone elso I’d live with I could (aka luv) K - Killed someone: Nu, thank gudness o3o L - Last time you cried: Last year some many times M - Middle name: Amadeu owo/ N - Number of siblings: One fatty brother bother O - One wish: Making people laugh and cheering them up, I wanna be famous and do that! \owo P - Person you last called/texted: Classmate friend...memes... Q - Questions you are always asked: “How do I get a beard like yours?” R - Religion: Agnostic (yu never know \owo/) S - Song last sang: Sweet Dreams by  Eurythmics, and DARUDE SANDSTORM T - Time you woke up: 6 and some stuff AM U - Underwear colour: Dass nasty to ask @w@ blue-y V - Vacation destination: Canada, gud Canada place? Japan! And French, and Flipinines! W - Worst habit: Having affection by who treats me well and hiding to not look like a weirdo. X - X-Rays you’ve have: Lungs and intestines, routine exams mostly  Y - Your favourite food: Lasagna...or spaghetti, or rice with meat owo/ Z- Zodiac sign: Crapiporn! (it’s the goaty goat boy o3o)
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fading-heart-dummy · 3 months
well he collapsed with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome on the ER floor!!
panic attacked, anaphylactic and ataxis
well the way he spun his butterfly risked all six his phalanges
Roman candles at both ends in his synapses!!
And the method with which he recycled his humors
Trojan horse'd his blood-brain barrier and raised the LD-50, yes, yes
And through his fight or flight revelation shame the Black Box Warrior, he skipped this town and headed straight down history!
Shields himself from reason in a Kevlar baby-blue Tuxedo
Quilted from the finest fibers, flesh, and fiberglass, and flowers
His ego a mosquito, evil incarnate good incognito
Pops placebos for libido, screaming, "Bless the torpedoes"
For what? For what? For what it's worth
If it was going to kill you boy, it would have by now
For what? For what? For what it's worth
There's no more looking back, it's looking up or looking down
Well, he was wearing stolen rubber shoes and wrapped a poison ivy noose
Around his Lotus jugular when they came
Well, they found him with a map to every victim of his love
And a tattoo of a blue jay on his face
And they waited for his vital signs to lie and let a flatline cry
A hymn out in Hungarian Harmonic
But he cocked his noggin, through his stoma sang, "For auld lang syne"
"Happy birthday to the succulents, I'll die your hydroponics"
His rib cage was a hornet's nest, palpitations set the beat
His vagus nerve a turk's head knot, an axel hitch, a carrick bend
He wondered if Christ Consciousness would charge a cancellation fee
Auf wiedersehn, au revoir, he gripped his wits right by their ends
For what? For what? For what it's worth
If it was going to kill you boy, it would have by now
For what? For what? For what it's worth
There's no more looking back, it's looking up or looking down
Hello, welcome, why don't you take a seat?
Get comfortable, relax, take a second if you need to
Now what's bothering you? Well, why don't we start at the beginning
Growing up, how was your relationship with the fundamentals of conscious existence?
Did you have xenon orchid sinews spilling down the outer center of your
Blooming Escher/Mandelbrot head?
And how about claustrophilic tendrils clapping caskets closed on seven-knuckle thumbs
Did you get along well with the Gideon Bugler pineal glands?
Your projector eyes casting sci-fi's on your STR'd strands?
Tell me about your nerve to steal nerves of steel from under Bacchus' bloody nose
Did Namibian Himbas tie-dye you, your ears pierced with a Phineas Gage flagpole
Did you die before your day?
Thursday traction, Tuesday titration
My hope is to assess through my objective report of
Your subjective conjecture
Whether this proprietary bled of expertise and seasoning works as well as this
Transorbital ice pick
Holistic ballistics, you got a better idea?
It's about the best we could come up with, what, you think ideas spread because they're good?
No, they spread because people like them
So now here we are once again, holding
As it were, a mirror up to your mirror
I guess it's just something people do
A bloody knife to split your infrastructure, wine to rev your motor function
Coital machinations of the dead
Well, you mainline your animus, karate chop your abacus
And learn to be an animal instead
But I never did think you better than this, your modus operandi causes
Nazi/Skoptzyism and suicide
Why to thine own self be true when it is you who are the problem
Not the things you do but something sick inside
Lithium and Dialectics, boy you really is defective
CBT don't seem effective for that Cluster B, accept it
Offer up your innocence, please ignore the side effects
You've lost your mind and almost lost your life before
So you'll be fine
For what? For what? For what it's worth
If it was going to kill you boy, it would have by now
For what? For what? For what it's worth
There's no more looking back, and why would you want to look back?
I mean, it's no good looking back, so try to look forward now
For what? For what? For what it's worth
If they were going to get you boy, they would have by now
For what? For what? For what it's worth
There's no more looking back, it's looking up or looking down !!!
(I'm so sorry)
I have been looking at this to see what the reference is but I'm not cultured enough to see what-
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fading-heart-dummy · 17 days
aw man my gift/j
wait oh naur that was a gift my bad let me eat it than
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fading-heart-dummy · 3 months
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GET OUT OF MY SKIN /silly /pos
i live in your brain rent free/silly
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fading-heart-dummy · 3 months
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rip medkit ig😭/silly
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fading-heart-dummy · 3 months
hi :D Coffee has prepared a gift for you!
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:) these are my friends :D
aww what happy fellows!
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