#awesome. awesome awesome awesome. of course expanding my life means more areas of my life that DID can fuck up.
knightdykes · 20 days
head in my hands. having amnesia between myself and the school part (callie??? that might be their name) is going to be a problem when it comes to homework. it just took me a full half hour to figure out which course I had homework for and what that was, all because it wasn't written down. I'm still not sure that this is what I'm supposed to be doing! I'm going to go fucking insane until we figure out what parts are present on campus and how to get in contact with them. this fucking sucks. when I was in school before the pandemic hit, I had so little awareness of my amnesia that I thought we didn't have any. now that I know what to look for, and that my "forgetfulness" is frequently from heavy amnesia... it's so much more obvious and difficult to deal with. I didn't care when I was in adult ed, I didn't really need to do much homework. now I do and the walls are so fucking high.
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fanhackers · 1 year
Radio, Radio!
I almost didn’t write this post for fear that you guys will think I’m even more of an old than I even am, but a) fuck it and b) there’s a way in which everything old is new again, so bear with me.  *takes deep breath*  OK, so when I was a young fan, a lot of my fannish life happened over the RADIO.  Yes, RADIO, that–I was about to say, that weird looking box with dials on it, but you probably don’t even have a radio. (*Shut up, shut up, I can’t hear you, la la I am going to live forever!*)  But you probably listen to something like radio on Spotify, or you listen to podcasts, or you might even use an app to listen to some great legacy radio station in your area.  So imagine you had a dedicated box just for that.
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Anyway, in the before-times, radio then–like podcasts now–was a way to do fandom.  Music people know this of course, but I’m both a fan and a theatre person, and man, radio theatre was the best, and fannish radio theatre even better.  Britain had and still has a really strong radio drama tradition, which is smart because it lets them produce new plays by new writers for a fraction of the cost of a staged production.  But NPR in the US used to do radio drama too–they had a show called NPR Playhouse / Sounds of Theatre which I was devoted to.  
I have two particularly strong fannish memories from this era. First,  the joy of hearing the original Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy on radio. Douglas Adams wrote Hitchhikers for radio and radio is the best way to experience it  - I mean, Zaphod having two heads and three arms is radio joke if there ever was one, and then all these poor TV and film people had to figure out how to actually get an actor with a second head. (Footnote 1).  I backtrack here to say that if you don’t know what I’m talking about, never read or saw any version of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy, click on the link and have yourself a whale of a time (or a bowl of petunias of a time.) (Sorry, the whole Hitchhiker’s thing makes me instantly 12 years old FOREVER. My whole world is Hitchhikers, Star Wars, and Doctor Who– Five.) 
Moving on: the second great fannish radio experience was NPR’s dramatized version of Star Wars, which had Mark Hamill and Anthony Daniels playing their original roles, and Perry King as Han Solo - Perry King, you will remember (who am I kidding, you will absolutely not remember, but anyway), became a fan-favorite for a show called Riptide, so that was okay, too. And they expanded the text! And added new scenes!  I can remember Mark Hamill giving an interview talking about how different it was to play the part for radio; he talked about how you had to sort of put movement in your voice at all times: “I’m–grunt–putting on my–harumph–jacket!” But he was great at it–obviously, since he’s become such a famous voice actor since. And it’s wonderful that podcasting has brought theatre and fandom back into the medium of sound - podcasts are the obvious new media version of all this.
Okay, so bring this back to fan studies, these personal fannish reminiscences (and awesome links—you’re welcome!)  are brought to you by Martin Cooper’s book Radio Legacy in Popular Culture: The Sounds of British Broadcasting Over the Decades (Bloombury, 2022, excerpt available at the link).  Make no mistake, this is a fannish book in its way - Cooper is interested not just in radio but in artistic works that are in some way about radio, which he regards explicitly as fanworks about radio: 
In the case of fandom it could be alternative storylines; in our case of radio listening, it can be a reinterpretation of what has been heard on the airwaves. Hence, it is plausible to think of the responses I analyse in the chapters that follow as reinterpretations and critiques of radio listening; that they have been produced by professional writers and musicians makes them less of a subculture and more of a series of transformative texts that extend the meaning and understanding of the medium of radio. They are portrayals of the everyday action of listening to the radio: of paying attention to the programmes, the discussions, the documentaries, the dramas, the daily shows and the DJs.  
Note that the book has a specifically British focus, but British music and drama have influenced fandoms all over the world. I mean, Radio, Radio; Video Killed The Radio Star; Oh Yeah (There’s a Band Playing On The Radio), Radio Clash –Cooper frames all these songs as part of a British transformative fannish response to the medium.  Radio on! 
–Francesca Coppa, fanhackers volunteer
(1) I got the chance to meet Mark Wing-Davey, who played Zaphod Beeblebrox both on the original radio show and on the BBC show--he's a big-shot theatre director now, but I honestly could not keep my inner 12 year old under control: I basically had my fists stuffed in my mouth because OMG Zaphod Beeblebrox!!! my heart!! and finally I just kind of choked out, "sorry, I can't--excuse me" and fled the dinner. *facepalm*
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Tag game that took me way too long to do
Hi, hello, I'm still here. Life and side-tracking happened a lot and, lately, my only online presence was some reblogs. Nonetheless!! It made me really happy to see that I've been tagged in this wonderful tag game by @inkoherentwriting and @dirty-bosmer and @blossom-adventures Thank you so much and sorry it took me this long to actually do it!
How many works do you have on AO3? Just 6 so far!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 100,271 (oh!! I didn't realize I hit the 100k word count before doing this!)
3. What fandoms do you write for? The Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age so far, but I would love to expand that list, and I have my eye on a few fandoms (looking directly at One Piece)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? I only have six fics, and I don't really like looking at the statistics because it makes me terribly sad and unmotivated.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes!!! Comments are everything to me. It may take some time to respond, but just know that I read the comments as soon as I get the email notification and I reread whenever I feel self conscious about my fics (which is *very* often lmao)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? My longfics are not finished yet, but if you read chapter 15 of WYGTYA, then you'll know which one will have the angstiest ending Spoilers: it's Hymn of the Highs Seas, it's prequel. Author's note: WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO, I AM SO EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED TO THE PIRATES. But I *will* find a way to make it as satisfying an ending as possible, and it will most definitely have a fluffy/bittersweet epilogue. HOTHS will not be sad, I promise!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? After all the shit I'll put Ravonna through, she deserves it the most, so WYGTYA, probably! Also, my Ralof/Hadvar fic has a really happy ending, if ya know what I mean :)))))
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not yet. I have this wonderful small community of dear readers and they're the most awesome people in the world <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Smut is not really my thing, so no. The most I'll do is imply.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I haven't, but I'll never say never!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of, and I doubt anyone would want to steal my writing out of anyone's
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No
13. Have you ever co-written a fic? No, but I think it would be a very nice experience! I've spoken to a few beloved mutuals about crossovers in which Ravonna meets their ldbs, and I have an idea in mind where I could write a few chapters, each of them exploring Ravonna accidentally teleporting into their ldb's world, but it's still just an idea at the moment :)
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? That I've written? I don't know if I can choose because I love them all, but Rumcurio and Ralof/Hadvar are incredibly underrated ships in the TES fandom and I wish they had more content! Fave ship of all time? Well, right now I am watching Jujutsu Kaisen and I am, of course, having satosugu brainrot. They could have had everything :(((( So beautifully tragic, this one. The fix-it fanfics are amazing, too! But if I had to pick just one ship to be my favourite, I think I'll go with the ineffable husbands because 6000 years of pining is just exquisite <3 <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? A very sad and romantic reincarnation AU of WYGTYA where we get to see many versions of Ravonna through the ages! I say romantic, but knowing myself, it won't be super sappy. It's Ravonna that we're talking about here :))
16. What are your writing strengths? I would say that dialogue, and banter in particular. That's what flows the easiest to me, and I think that is how I'm able to express a character's traits and personality the best
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I believe there's room for improvement in all areas, but what I struggle with the most is angst, probably. I need to practice focusing on describing the character's feelings more. Also, politics. Crucial to the plot, but my mind never cooperates when I want to write politics.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue on another language in a fic? If it's a few words, it's fine, I think it adds flavour to the chapter, but translations should be provided. However, I would avoid writing entire paragraphs in another language, that's just confusing to readers.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Skyrim! I wrote for the Tes Summer Fest event in 2022!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? I love them all very dearly, but hear me out!!! WYGTYA is my first baby, my longest fic and the thing that led me to start such beautiful friendships online. It will always have a special place in my heart! In my soul, there's a jewellery box dedicated to just WYGTYA, and it's all heart shaped and made out of love. Ravonna is by far my most developed oc, so much so that she feels like a real person sometimes when I think of her. She's even become a source of inspiration for me at times and her story with her fellowship will never fail to put a smile on my face. She's also such a big impact on my writing that I think she will become a blueprint for future stories that I write. Every story will have a Ravonna-type character, for sure. That's how much love I have for her! But I started writing WYGTYA as a beginner, and I sense that I will go back to some of the earlier chapters and re-edit some stuff. Right now, the fic that I'm most satisfied of is HOTHS. It's still at 2 chapters (soon to be three), but I'm so excited about this project, and the characters are all ocs, and my heart is so full of love for them that it overflows! It's also a pirate story, and I always have such a weak spot for pirates. It also follows the storyline and plot twist that I'm most proud of in WYGTYA, all about Ravonna's lineage. Damn, I guess I have Ravonna to thank for this, too. I'm just really happy with this twist and canon divergence in Deathbrand's character. I feel like he has so much potential in the TES Universe, and I'm about to explore all that and more in this fic!
Oh wow, that last bit got so very rambly, I'm so sorry! I don't know who has done this or not, but I'll tag @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @bostoniangirl21 @sheirukitriesfandom @illumiera
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
But professor… - c.9
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Summary: Walter and Penny can almost welcome their kid, however Penny starts to become very anxious
Professor!Walter Marshall x Penny Townsend (Asian ofc)
Wordcount: 2.3k
Warnings: Just mentions of punching people
Masterlist // But professor… masterlist // Previous chapter //
I’m thirty weeks pregnant and I know that I have around eight to ten weeks to go, however, this pregnancy has been pretty straining on my back, my pelvis and basically my entire body. Moving around is painful and my mom is over at our place a lot of the time to help me out. I’m thanking the heavens that I am not doing cosmetology school now as well, knowing for a fact that I probably couldn’t keep up at all.
If I’m not sitting on the couch reading, I’m crying because I am sitting in the nursery and think about having a little baby and all the bad things that could happen to them.
Walter is drained from a rough day of patrolling and he plops next to me on the couch. Just like any other day, I barely moved, however he still asks me the question.
‘How was your day, princess?’
‘Boring,’ I mumble. ‘How was yours?’
He simply shrugs, probably because something happened and he doesn’t want me to worry. I rest my head against his chest and without thinking it seems, he places his hand on my stomach. ‘Have they been good to you?’ he asks
‘They sure have been,’ I chuckle. ‘Just hate the fact that I’m practically glued to the couch.’
Walter nods, pressing a kiss on top of my head. I know he worries a lot and therefore confides to my mom, asking her what more he can do to help me out. Walter is being the perfect boyfriend, because even my mom said that he is doing literally all he can to help me out. One night I found him scrolling and searching for tricks to ease the pain and discomfort, though he never lets me in on it.
‘If you’re up for it, we could have dinner,’ he says, ‘somewhere other than our living room.’
‘Where do you want to go?’
‘I don’t know what you’re craving. I’m up for anything.’
‘Pizza?’ I ask. ‘I would really love a Hawaiian Pizza.’
Walter frowns for a second—probably remembering how I told him multiple times that I hate pineapple on pizza—but then he nods. ‘Of course, princess.’
✎ ✎ ✎
We’re sitting at a restaurant across from each other and it’s nice to be out and about again. I mean, I go to town with my parents a lot, I hang out with the ladies from the pregnancy class, but going out with Walter has been a while, especially because he has been working long hours and I’m tired after one trip to anywhere basically.
Walter actually stretched out his leg underneath the table, towards my side, so I can rest my feet on it. Every time I have a crust left, I hand it over to him and with a small smile he accepts them. ‘So,’ I say, ‘I’ve been thinking about a name.’
‘Tell me.’
‘I would say that for a girl we could call her Emma.’
Walter tilts his head. ‘Emma Marshall, sounds cute,’ he says with a smile. ‘You have a name for when it’s a boy?’
I shrug. ‘I don’t know. I actually think they’re a girl.’
He starts to laugh. ‘Why do you think that, princess?’
‘Just a gut feeling,’ I chuckle. ‘What do you think?’
‘I have no idea,’ he says, holding out his hand for me to take. When I placed mine in his, he adds: ‘I actually have a name for a boy. Wanna hear?’
Oh, that’s a lovely name. I don’t think I even know someone who is named Declan. ‘Declan Marshall. That sounds so cute. I absolutely adore it, Walter.’
Walter smiles and gives me a kiss on my hand. ‘We’ll see how we name them.’
‘Yeah,’ I chuckle. ‘Just around ten weeks or less,’ I say. ‘Kinda nervous.’
‘Why’s that?’
‘It’s giving birth, Walter. That’s scary. All these other ladies are so confident and proud of what their bodies can do and all. I mean, sure, that’s awesome, but it also terrifies me.’
‘Understandable,’ he says. ‘I’ll be there for you, every step of the way.’
‘I know,’ I chuckle. ‘It’s just that… I don’t know. With being pregnant, it’s just all a fantasy. With a newborn, it’s the real deal.’
Walter nods, taking in my worries. ‘Well,’ he says, ‘you and I can manage.’
‘You’re being awfully nonchalant about it.’
‘That’s because I need to stay calm for you. Believe me, princess, I’m freaking out on the inside.’
I frown, because that’s the first time he actually told me those words. Usually he says that he cannot wait for this baby to arrive, though it is a little scary every now and then, but saying he is freaking out?
That’s new.
‘What?’ I ask him. ‘Are you serious?’
He nods. ‘I mean, being a parent is difficult. Growing up I didn’t have the love and support I needed. I basically raised myself and judging from the person I am today, I didn’t really do a good job.’
‘You did an excellent job,’ I retort. I know about his youth and how he had to raise himself, how you can still notice it in his day to day life. ‘Walter, please tell me about your worries. You don’t always need to be the protective big bear who prevents me from any harm. I’m a big girl and I need you to confide with me. Please?’
He sighs as he is looking everywhere but to me. This is hard, I can see it, but from the looks of it, he is gonna agree with me. ‘Okay, I’ll try.’
✎ ✎ ✎
Dinner ended not so great. As we were walking back from the restaurant to our car, two guys thought it was necessary to whistle at me (I didn’t even notice at first, but then Walter’s entire demeanor changed, so that’s how I was informed about the matter).
Let’s just say, it evolved into an argument and then one of the guys thought it was an excellent idea to push Walter. I applaud him for having the guts to push my boyfriend, but it was honestly one of the stupidest things for him to do, because Walter wouldn’t be Walter if he punched the guy and his friend.
Multiple times.
I have been ignoring him for the entire drive and once we’re home, I still don’t know what to say to him.
‘Princess,’ he whispers, carefully trying to approach me as I’m sitting on the edge of the bed in his shirt. ‘Please talk to me.’
I purse my lips together, as tears burn in my eyes.
He sits behind me, placing his hands on my upper arms. ‘I’m sorry,’ he says.
‘Sorry for what?’
‘For scaring you. I was just protecting you, darling.’
‘What’s wrong with just ignoring the matter, Walter?’ I ask him, turning to the side so I can look at him without craning my neck. ‘You scared me back there.’
‘I’m not gonna let some dip shit whistle at you, especially not when I’m next to you,’ he defends himself.
‘You’re an officer,’ I tell him. ‘I don’t think this is proper behavior.’
‘I wasn’t gonna let anything happen to you,’ Walter retorts.
‘That’s not the point. The point is you put yourself in danger.’
I glare at him. ‘I don’t like this,’ I say. ‘Have you any idea how stressful it was for me? You know what, never mind. I’m going to sleep.’
He scoots back and I wrap my arms around the pregnancy pillow, with my back towards him. I love Walter, I really do, but this… I saw it all unfolding in front of my eyes.
It would start with an argument, some light pushing, until the other guys would pull out a knife, stab Walter, which would result in a trip to the hospital. Possibility of death. Me having to bury the father of my child.
I push my face in the soft fabric of the pillow, as hot tears slide over my cheeks. Walter sighs deeply next to me and starts to toss and turn next to me. His leg bumps into mine and it causes him to hold his breath. ‘Sorry, Penny,’ he says.
I dry my cheeks on the pillow. ‘Walter,’ I whisper, ‘you know I worry when you go to work.’
‘I know,’ he says, ‘but you don’t need to.’
‘You’re gonna be the father of our kid,’ I continue, ‘and I’d like to raise them with you, not in memory of you.’
‘Princess,’ he whispers, ‘we’re gonna raise this kid and eventual others together. You know, before I met you, I was an adrenaline junkie, detective or not. I got into a lot of shit, hence the reason I was suspended and started teaching. You, my love, made me realize that chasing danger like I used to, is not gonna get me further in life. Now I have you, I have the love of my life here with me and I’m never ever gonna do anything that’ll put me or you or our child in danger.’
‘Then why did you punch him?’
‘Because he started it,’ Walter says, only for him to realize how toddler like that sounds. ‘I just want to protect you against anyone,’ he says in a softer tone. ‘Because I love you, Penelope Townsend. You are my everything.’ He wraps his arm around my upper body, pressing a kiss against my temple. ‘I’m sorry I scared you, Penny. I never meant to do such thing.’
‘I know,’ I whisper. ‘Sorry for overreacting.’
‘No, no, no, you’re not overreacting. Maybe I was.’ He pulls me closer to his own body and places his hand on my stomach. ‘Just know that I will forever protect you and the baby.’
I chuckle. ‘I know that. Promise me you won’t do anything stupid anymore, not when I’m around at least.’
He smiles. ‘I’ll tone it down a notch, princess.’
✎ ✎ ✎
‘Is that that colosseum thing you were talking about?’ Walter gestures towards my chest and I look down, spotting two tiny wet patches near my chest area, before bursting into laughter.
‘Colostrum, Walter, not colosseum.’ Oh dear, he is totally blushing, because of his mistake. ‘Can you grab me another shirt?’
I barely asked the question, when he jumps up and rushes upstairs. I rub my stomach a little bit, slightly scared at how much it expanded. I’m close to the end of my pregnancy, having reached thirty nine weeks yesterday. I wonder how it’ll ever go back to normal.
Walter comes down again and without me asking he changes my shirt. ‘Have I told you I loved you today?’
‘A few times.’ I give him a kiss and whisper: ‘I’m proud of you.’
He frowns. ‘Why are you proud of me? You’re the one growing an entire baby here.’ He carefully places his hands on the side of my stomach. ‘The least I can do is to make things as comfortable for you as possible.’
‘But you always do it without complaining,’ I say. ‘I heard that Stacey’s husband is such a pain in the ass. Always complaining, groaning about how much he has to do nowadays.’
Walter scoffs. ‘Well, pregnant or not, I’d like to worship you, make your life as easy as I possibly can.’ He gives me a kiss. ‘What can I do for you, darling?’
‘Sex,’ I say, before I curl my lips in. Oh gosh, never have I been so straight forward. My cheeks heat up. ‘No, please, forget what I said.’
‘Is my girl asking me for sex?’ Walter starts to laugh. ‘The day Penny Townsend asked me for sex has finally arrived.’
‘I’m sorry,’ I laugh nervously. ‘It’s just been awhile.’ Awhile equals three months. I hate how he sometimes initiates, but I simply shake my head. It’s a combination of a very low sex drive, not feeling pretty and being in pain nearly twenty four seven.
He leans forward and kisses me. ‘Want to go to the bedroom, princess or is the couch acceptable as well?’
‘We can stay here,’ I whisper.
‘Then let me close the curtains and lock the door, okay?’
‘Okay,’ I mumble.
When he comes back, he takes off his shirt, so I can admire his beautiful strong body. There is something so special about Walter. He looks strong enough to left a car up with one arm, but he is a mushy man the second the front door closes and we’re together. He kneels in front of me, pressing open mouth kisses on my lips. ‘Shit, I love you,’ he says against my mouth. He disregards my shirt and admires me.
‘Stop,’ I say, rolling my eyes.
‘No, no, no, I could never stop admiring you.’ He places his hands on my expanded stomach and says: ‘You’re so beautiful.’
He gives me a long kiss and then I whimper. Not out of pleasure, but out of shock.
‘What’s wrong?’ he asks me.
‘I think my water broke.’
✎ ✎ ✎
Twelve hours later, I am looking at Walter, who holds the little baby in his strong arms. He sits next to me on the bed and wraps one arm around my shoulders. ‘Penny, princess,’ he says, ‘I don’t think words can describe how proud I am of you and how much I love you.’
I nuzzle my face in his chest. ‘I love you too. Thank you for not freaking out.’
‘Externally freaking out you mean, because on the inside I was fainting,’ he chuckles. He gives me a kiss on my temple. ‘I’m a dad.’
I actually see some tears in his eyes and I cannot stop my own either. ‘I know.’ I place my hand on the little bundle and whisper: ‘We’re officially parents. It’s so surreal.’ I let out a deep and content sigh.
The little baby opens their eyes and I cannot stop my smile.
‘Hi, little one,’ Walter says. ‘Oh no, Penny, we’ve created an exact copy of yours.’
I chuckle. ‘Good luck saying no to him,’ I say. ‘We love you so much, Declan Marshall. So so much.’
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littlenahsstuff · 3 years
In love, I swear.
A/n Literally my first time writing actual fanfiction. This might be a flaming dumpster fire idk. I will persevere and cringe later, but for now, enjoy.
supreme!Cordelia Goode x reader
TW:nothing much, just a big old fluffernutter sandwich. A little angst. Swears I guess.
Synopsis: Cordelia has just recruited you to be a counselor at Robicheauxs and it's safe to say you are head over heels for the supreme. Unfortunately, you aren't the one to tell her.
You always thought that you weren't too special of a witch, you had the basic witchy spells down and specialized in the people who struggled on the inside... but in a more witchy sense. You also helped the witches who needed to get their powers more developed or who ones that are just behind in school. A sort of glorified counselor you suppose. It's sorta funny, especially since you aren't the most confident, how you can talk to all of the girls. When it boils down to it you are just a witchy gal searching for love. Specifically Cordelia's. It could never happen though.
Your love life wasn't the only area you lacked in before Robicheauxs, you had been struggling to find a job suited for your interests. Let's just say that you have a lifetime ban from one of the Mcdonalds in Louisiana. Fire and grease doesn't mix.
Of course, if it wasn't for dear, sweet, precious, Cordelia, you would be living on the streets. Luckily that didnt happen and so here you are today, three months in to your teaching position at Robicheauxs.
Oh, the moment, "You're hired. I look forward to expanding the academy's family and getting to know you better especially," left the Supremes lips, the better off you were.
And yet, even with all of the joy that comes with finally getting paid, there were the challenges as well. For starters, everyone was extremely nice to you, even though you kept mostly to yourself, there was this one person that made this heaven more hellish. Madison the bitch witch Montgomery.
You had been warned by Zoe, your closest confidante in this new place and also Madisons freaking girlfriend, that she was no pleasant peach. Never in all of your doubtful thoughts, had how bad it actually was crossed your mind. It was never the cockiness that got to you, you had a different appreciation for it than most. Found the confidence refreshing almost. No, no no no no. It was in fact, that she was constantly trying to dig up dirt on you.
"You're too much of a goody two shoes y/n," she once stated with a glare. The same day you had heard Zoe squabbling about something and your name came up. Your name and the fact Madison had stolen your wallet to look at your license. It turned up later on your bed stand.
Madison's a lover of Zoe and drama you've come to find out.
It's harmless though really, you dont mind the extra bit of attention that comes with it. Its flattering so no need to complain to anybody, especially not Cordelia.
Cordelia, mmm, yeah now shes the biggest threat here. She is the reason you got this job and might be the reason you lose it.
She once caught you with your doodle journal. It was a harmless question,
"Y/n, what're you drawing?" She looked over your shoulder. You almost jumped out of your skin and your sketchbook went flying.
"Oh dear, are you alright?" She worried her lips a bit. Her big, plump, kissable lips. Come on Y/n, get out of it.
"Yes," you squeaked. Sinking farther into the sofa. She chuckled her beautiful chuckle and sat on the couch arm.
"So, what was my favorite school counselor drawing just then?" She questioned. Glancing to the thrown book.
Your face went red.
"Uh-" you paused, come on you're making it a bigger deal than it has to be, "you." You couldn't look into her eyes.
She gazed at you at you and it felt like a hole was being burned into your skull.
"Okay," Cordelia said, leaving it at that. Stood up and made to walk away.
"Wait!" She paused and turned back to you, seeing you scramble to get your sketchbook.
"Yes?" Her eyebrows raised in surprise.
"I- don't you want to see it?" You said and you slapped yourself mentally for about the hundredth time she walked in.
She smiled softly at you, "Of course, I thought you didn't. You looked scared to death, like bambi."
"Okay," you flipped back towards the page and cringed. It wasn't your best peice. You could never capture her beauty right.
Her eyes scanned over it, widening before squinting with her grin.
"It's so good!" She gasped.
"Yes, that is Cordelia Goode," you joked in a monotone manner. She slapped your shoulder jokingly, making you snort.
"You nerd, I didn't mean it that way. Either way, you did a fantastic job! I wished I looked as good as you make me seem," she muttered the last bit, bit you heard it. It saddens you to remember the damage Fiona did.
"Hey, Cordy," you started. You realized that you used a nickname that Madison did, but she doesn't seem to care.
"You know what I think? I think that you're wrong. You see I just can't for the life of me get your soft proud loving smile right. Your eyes aren't as warm and glowing as they are in reality. I couldn't manage to picture the right placement for those worry lines or crowd feet you have. You might not like them, but to me they show that you worry and care and that you laugh at the stupidest of things, which is a trait I adore. You are more perfect than any Davinci or Van Gogh," you say. You don't like when your friends feel bad about themselves.
Cordelia's tearing up a bit and wiles it away. "Didn't know you were a goddamn poet too?" She joked with a giggle, "thanks y/n, sometimes I need to hear something like that."
"No problem Cordelia," I can't help it, you're my muse, is what you want to say.
"Well, I have some paperwork, but it was nice to see ya," she hurriedly excused and rushed out.
Unbeknownst to you, Madison was watching. She knew exactly how to get dirt on you now. She had something all along.
The next week you spent daydreaming about Cordy...elia, you couldnt help but go back to that conversation. You needed to be more discrete, way more descrete.
So you made sure to draw your crush no more. That didn't change the fact you forgot to destroy the evidence in writing.
You had slept in a little too late, so in a rush you were to get to your office. The reason you had being you daydreaming about Cordelia and yours faux life together a little too long.
A bunch of new juicy stuff for Madison as she snatched it from your bedside table. It was too easy really.
She opened it up to the first page. It acted like a normal diary, just stating checklists of things to do and things you did. The size was fairly large, so skipping a few pages till she got to the juicy stuff and the part where you actually did know Cordy wasn't harmful.
It was a barf fest of emotion. "Oh Cordelia is so awesome, oh I'm so lucky to work with Cordelia, oh my, I won't ever get a chance with Cordelia, she's the supreme!"
"Ew," Madison groaned, whipping out her phone.
Then she found it, the goldmine of confessions. It was all the way in the back, meaning you had wrote it recently.
"Dear, myself
Cordelia today caught me drawing a picture of herself and said something I didn't particularly enjoy listening about herself. I can't believe Fiona would send her into such a deep hatred of herself that even with her gone she's hurting. She's no mother. Cordelia is the love of my life, even if I'm not hers, she deserves all the love I can give. She's not broken, but she just needs someone to love her and I do. I promise to give her as much love as possible without her finding out what kind it really is, I'm in love, I swear.
Sincerely, Y/N."
So she snapped a picture of the page.
After school was over Cordelia was not expecting Madison to barge into her office. Let alone with something regarding YOU of all people.
"Cordy, I've got something to tell you about y/n!" Madison sang out, waving her phone in front of Cordelia's face as she sat on top her desk.
Madison was just careless with others and too carried g about herself. It was the perfect storm. The only person who could ever take it too far to just prove a point. That there was something wrong with you.
If Madison Montgomery had taken one moment to actually think about it, she was just jealous. Jealous that another person at the coven was better than her to Cordelia. She was one spoiled bitch growing up. Guess it backfired.
"What?" Cordelia questioned in concern, "Is she okay? Madison what did you do to her!?" Her thoughts raced, Madison's pranks often went a little too far. She did kill Misty.
"Now now Cordy, don't get your panties in a twist. Here read this," Madison demanded to her supreme, she shoved it into her face and Cordelia grabbed it.
Her eyes expected headlines on the news or a mugshot, but she realized it was just your writing.
"Madison," she warned.
"Come on, I know you can read!" Madison poked Cordelia's forehead, prompting a slap from the Supreme.
Ms. Goode exhaled, "Fine."
Her eyes fluttered over the words, brows furrowing with every sentence. She couldn't comprehend, could she read?? It seemed to her as if her brain was creating what she wanted to see, but no, you wrote it. Unfortunately.
Everything's silent. Then the thought flits across her head, you like her back.
"In love, I swear."
Oh she's mad. Not at you, no, she could never. Madison on the other hand better,
"Get out of my office right now," Cordelia whispered. Madison's smile faltered.
"What, didn't you want to know your feelings are reciprocated? Come on, I'm just trying to get you two to speed up the process." Madison hopped of the desk and sauntered out.
What has she done.
Cordelia was wracked with guilt for awhile, with no way to tell you either. How does one even go about telling someone they read their deepest darkest secrets. How!?
She couldn't, so she did what she could. She pulled away from you and into her work. All of those lunches spent together stopped. The nights in the green house gone. Reading together on the weekends by the fire, gone.
And it left you empty. You had no idea what you did, but you must've done something.
So you decided to confront her, you hadn't gone much sleep since, so you were literally and figuratively tired of all of this shit.
Your knock on the door startled Cordelia, but your presence startled her even more. Both of you looked like wrecks.
"Oh, Y/n! Please, come in," Cordelia gestured and you did, closing the door behind you.
It was then that you finally broke down.
"What did I do Delia!?" You sobbed, falling to your knees. Yes it was dramatic and not even you expected it but you were holding your emotions for so long.
"Oh," Cordelia briskly moved over to you, concern painted on her face. She was watching you carefully, you looked so fragile. Just like she had felt at times.
"I'm sorry," you whimpered, "What did I do?" Her hand tilted your head towards her, but you still couldn't look into her brown eyes, opting for the floor. If you did, you probably wouldn't be able to look away.
"Y/n look at me sweetie," the nicknames never failed to make your heart soar. It was your weakness, your eyes met and they were glued there.
"What did I do?"
"Nothing nothing!" She took a deep breath, "I saw a page from your journal."
You froze, terror crept up your spine.
"Oh my god. Um Cordelia I am so sorry, you, wow I- god I'm so creepy! It's perfectly fine if you want to not be my friend or fire me. I didn't do it to be weird, it was how I expressed myself. I was trying to hide it I promise, i dont even know what happened!?"
"I'm gonna kill Madison, faster than my mother did," Cordelia groaned.
"Wh-" your brain malfunctions. Is-Is Cordelia kissing you? Right now?
Indeed she was and just like you dreamed about, her lips were so soft and her kiss gentle.
Maybe Madison could be forgiven... but not without a harsh talk.
"In love, I swear," she repeated in a whisper against your lips.
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Father’s Day Special
“Hey dad, I got you something” I announced, barging into the house.
“Hmm? Oh you shouldn’t have, there’s plenty of better things to spend money on than your old man.”
“Dad, for as long as I’ve known you, you’ve been wearing the same set of clothes every week. It’s Father’s Day! You deserve to have something new.”
He laughed. “Guilty as charged, put it in my room and I’ll have a look at it later.”
I did as he said, smiling to myself. I would do anything to make my dad happy, he had been so strong, so amazing, raising me all on his own. Not once had I ever heard him complain or lose his patience. If only I could do more for him… As my mind wandered, I began to feel a little woozy. Shopping for dad must have taken more out of me than I thought. I had even tried on some of the things I had bought for him. Of course I already knew his measurements but it was just for fun, to see the difference in size. I’m not sure what I was expecting, the pants sagged around my ankles and dropped down the moment I tried to put them around my waist. The belt hadn’t been any better, being way too long for someone like me to even consider. Still, I had earned at least a short nap. Surprisingly I could barely even keep my eyes open as I dragged myself to the bed. I was out in moments.
I gasped as I opened my eyes. I couldn’t have been asleep for more than a few seconds but something felt… odd. I somehow felt… thicker? Heavier? I shook my head to try to clear it which only reinforced the feeling that I had somehow grown a lot in a very short amount of time. I blinked and even the way my face moved felt strange. Looking down I saw that wasn’t the only thing that had changed. For one there was a lot more hair than I remembered, the thickest region right in the middle of my chest and more covering the rest of the front. I felt rather than saw, lines spanning my torso, defining muscles I had never bothered to develop. They were accompanied by a layer of fat and yet all of it felt, just right. Appropriate for a man my age. That thought gave me pause, I wasn’t sure when I had begun thinking of myself as a man but it certainly wasn’t within the last five minutes. Acting on instinct, I began to stretch. It felt good, better than I had ever known, the way my muscles pulled and tightened all around me. I took a deep breath and inhaled a scent that I knew instantly yet couldn’t place the name of. It was a few moments before I realised that it was coming from ME, it was what I smelled like. I took a few more tentative sniffs to confirm before putting my arms back down. I shook my head, I had hair all over my body in places I didn’t even remember. Everything felt distinctly familiar and foreign at the same time. I looked up to see a mirror, and saw my dad staring back at me.
I had never heard my dad scream before but somehow his deep voice still remained thunderous and commanding. I began to breathe faster, panicking. It was weird to say the least, to see my father, always so strong and stoic, having a meltdown. I swallowed hard attempting to calm myself and figure out just what the hell was going on. I scrambled to my feet, not even remembering having sat down. The weight and strength of this body nearly threw me off-balance even as I tried to stand up. Hesitantly, I looked into the mirror again, and saw my dad once again, making the same horrified face I had in my mind. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, feeling my huge chest inflate as I did so. Without even meaning to I felt blood rush straight to my member. I groaned, as if it wasn’t weird enough being in my dad’s body. I looked around me to confirm my surroundings. I seemed to be in my dad’s room. The shopping bag I had dumped here earlier was lying on its side. Looking down, I saw I was wearing the pants and belt I had tried on earlier except now they sat snugly around my waist, a perfect fit. I thumbed the material, scarcely daring to believe myself. I had shopped at the store so many times previously with no strange effects. Could something as simple as trying on clothes impart such supernatural properties? I wondered if my dad was in my body, experiencing the same weird scenario I was but given the complete silence throughout the rest of the house I was inclined to think otherwise. Somehow, I was possessing my dad’s body, filling out his suit pants. Now that I had gotten over the initial shock, another part of me couldn’t stop thinking how awesome this was, against my better judgment. I was my Dad. I was my own father. “This is crazy!” My dad’s voice boomed out of MY mouth, vocalising MY thoughts. I wanted to laugh, felt a mad urge to laugh and before I knew it was doubling over in the middle of the room, a lovely bass chuckle escaping my lips. My mind raced with all the possibilities that had opened up to me, I couldn’t even begin to describe the insanity of what was happening.
I felt my face with my thick, calloused fingers, feeling the tickle of the short bristles of hair on my head. A beard, I had an honest-to-goodness beard, well groomed and maintained. I ran my hands over the rest of my body, feeling newfound strength in my limbs and appreciated the WEIGHT of this body. It had never occurred to me just how well built, well proportioned my dad was but now I was seeing it in an all new light. I felt a bucking against my briefs as a small dark patch appeared on the trousers I had just bought. I laughed, I had always been a boxers man myself but couldn’t argue with how well the fabric supported my girthy new package. I ran my fingers through the dense pelt covering my chest and belly, taking a moment to circle my nipples, so much bigger and more sensitive than my own. My hands wandered down to my crotch and I began to unbuckle and unbutton, all thoughts of taboo replaced by the white haze of pleasure. However, as I slid the pants down past my knees, I began to feel woozy again, exactly how I felt before… this happened.
Coming to my senses, I quickly pulled the pants on again, the discomfort disappearing as quickly as I dressed. I couldn’t even begin to understand my powers but thought it best not to get too crazy for now. I flexed, striking a pose in the mirror and laughed as my dad obeyed my every command. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted my dad’s wallet. An idea coming into my head, I grabbed and thumbed through the wad of notes and cards stored within. I, my dad had never liked spending money but today was Father’s day and he, I deserved to enjoy myself. I quickly located my car keys and phone, smiling as I unlocked the latter with my strong fingers. I couldn’t recall the password at the moment but with a quick fingerprint scan I was reading through all of my dad’s messages. Details and memories of my life flowed smoothly in, informing my movements, my thoughts. I snapped up a crisp white button-down from the closet, swiftly pulling it on and tucking it in to my trousers. I tilted my head and arched my back as I felt my body a second time through my clothes. The fabric stretched tight as it hugged my skin, my nipples, me.
Panting, I retained the presence of mind to grab a set of my, my dad’s clothes and moved to leave it in my room. Knocking on the door, I swung it open to reveal my body, lying still on the bed. A quick check revealed I was still breathing. Resolving to study my powers later, I laid the pile of clothes on the desk before closing the door behind me.
I wasted no time driving to the local mall where I had purchased my gifts. I walked around the same department store I had been in just hours earlier but failed to uncover anything unusual. The only difference was the way other people looked at me, talked to me. Gone were the glances of disdain and fake smiles for the teenager grabbing clothes far too big for him. Now they were far more attentive, sincerely giving their best pitches, eager for my approval. I smirked and shook my head, my budget had expanded far beyond what they had on display. I strode out, leaving them to gaze at my impressive back. A small grumble sounded from my stomach and I grinned. Following the smell of sizzling meat I sat myself at the fanciest restaurant in the area. I politely declined a menu, I already knew my favourite. “Steak, medium-rare, and a glass of your finest red.” The waiter nodded and retreated as swiftly as he came. I looked casually around the room, easing my bulk into the soft cushions of the chair as I made myself as comfortable as possible. All around me were people who probably never even gave my dad the time of day now shooting glances in my direction. As they should be, despite my usual appearance I was not a man to be taken lightly. I rolled my shoulders and unlocked my phone, studying up on my life as I waited.
An hour later I walked out, fully satiated, having left a generous tip to boot. I felt a small pang of guilt as I saw my face in the glass, my dad would never spend this much money but I consoled myself that it was just for today, he deserved to enjoy himself. I was certainly enjoying myself. I strolled around, exploring stores I had never even looked at before.
“Billy!” I turned around at the sound before I could even process the words, somehow my dad knew this man. I gave him a once-over, he was taller than my dad but seemed just as fit. I felt a smile come to my face and a bulge in my pants.
“Evening Phil.” The words left my mouth as easily as flowing water. This was my son’s, my, best friend’s dad and fellow lawyer. I grimaced a little, the mix-ups were getting more frequent and slightly worrying.
“Looking good my friend, finally using that paycheck of yours?”
I laughed. “Gifts from my son. For Father’s day.”
“Ahh they grow up so fast don’t they? Nicky gave me a tie though I wouldn’t say no to a new belt either, suits you well.”
I glanced down and smiled at my handiwork. “It is nice isn’t it?” I grinned as a plan began to form in my mind. “Perhaps he’s waiting to give you the rest.”
Phil snorted. “Yeah, right. If that ever happened I’ll need to send him for an exorcism.”
I laughed harder than before, he had no idea how close he was to the truth. “Was good seeing you Phil but I must be going. Places to be, errands to run.”
We waved each other goodbye as I stepped in the direction of the tailors. A bespoke suit would do very nicely and Phil would indeed look nice with a handsome new belt around his waist. Might give a new sparkle to his eyes, I thought to myself, grinning madly as I did so. Happy Father’s day indeed.
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tpwkxxangel · 4 years
Side A: Track 2
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//hi! so i have finals this next week, so i thought i’d updated sooner rather than later! thank you for the kind comments on the last update too!! Okay, now onto the story! here is the masterlist//
June 2018
"Jeffery!?" Harry calls from his dressing room.
It's been two weeks since Harry meet his kiwi girl again for the first time in two years, and she has not left his mind since. The morning of the sunrise, they grabbed breakfast before she dropped him off at his hotel. He got a total of two hours of sleep before he had to get to the airport to fly down to Houston, but he couldn't complain at all. He was so happy to finally feel something other than sadness again. He slept the rest of the day after getting to his new hotel. His dreams were filled with the intoxicating green-eyed girl.
With Harry being back to his happy self, everyone has taken notice. Jeff of course has been asking about the mysterious girl and why Harry seems so much happier after their night together. Harry hasn't said a single word about that night, just that she's an old friend that he is thankful for running into her. Everyone can tell she's a little more than just an old friend to the singer by the way his attitude lifted from spending one evening with her.
The moment the sun rose into the sky that morning, Janis brought a light into his life that he never knew he needed. And today was the day Harry would see his sunshine again.
They have been messaging back and forth for the last few days. He's learned a lot about her. She got her undergraduate degree from Columbia in mathematics and was placed in an accelerated program that is allowing her to get her masters at the end of December. He now can confirm that she is full of intellect. She's from the Dallas area and her parents are socialites who own a business that has many locations across the US. They wanted her to take it over, since she is the oldest of three, but it was never her calling. Her twin brother takes after their father and is following in his footsteps instead.
Harry talked about his life too. He told her crazy stories about the times he spent in one direction goofing off in hotel rooms. He also talked about how his life was pure chaos for five years but how he wouldn't take it back for anything.
One night when they were on the phone, they opened up about past relationships. They both are starting to let their guards down and Harry couldn't be happier. He wants to get to know more about Janis every time he talks to her. There is no rational reason why this girl would make him feel the way she does, but it's amazing.
"Most people are intimidated by my intelligence. People had this idea of who I was before they even knew me," she scoffed, "They often underestimated me when I was placed in the more advanced classes, so when I open my mouth and add to the conversation, people will get turned off by someone like me," she continued nervously answering Harry's question of why she hasn't been in a real relationship before. There was something else in her voice that told him there was more to the story than she was leading on.
"To be honest, I've had some of the same issues. I think everyone believes that I am just a pretty face that can kind of sing," he chuckled.
"You are a pretty face, and you can sing, but you are so much more than that Harry," J giggles softly into the phone.
"Thank you love," Harry felt himself blushing at her kind words. "Knowledge has been something that I value above all else. Since I never went to college, I try to read as much as I can. That way, I can participate in deep conversations with people and expand my mind," he responded. Just because Harry left school a little early doesn't mean he doesn't value intelligence.
Her golden laughter tickled Harry’s ears and made him smile. "That's so wise, Mr. Styles." Every time she talks to him, she sounds just like a melody. Her voice is beyond sweet and he will never get enough of her giggles.
A knock on the door pulls Harry out of his thoughts.
"You alright, Hersh?" Jeffery walks into the dressing room breaking Harry out of his thoughts.
"Do I look okay?" He looks towards his manager. This will be the first time Harry is performing for J and he wants it to be absolutely perfect.
"You're missing your jacket," Jeff points out while sending off an email on his phone.
Harry’s eyes grow big as he lets out a big gasp. That's what's wrong! Where did he set it down? The last time he had it was in the green room. Maybe it's still in there?
Harry quickly rushes out only to bump into someone. He quickly reaches around the person's waist to stabilize them. The girl lets out a laugh and Harry's face flushes knowing exactly who that giggle belongs to.
"'Ello, love," he smiles shyly.
Janis smiles while bringing her arms up and around his neck. "Hello, Harry," she hums back, touching their noses softly together.
Harry's eyes flutter shut for a moment before he meets her eyes again. "Sorry for running into ya, I'm a bit of a mess before the show," he admits with a sigh. He has performed some of the biggest venues, but nothing compared to his nerves now. He wanted to impress this girl between his arms. The way her perfume consumes his senses makes him feel a high he never want to come down from.
She looks at his flushed cheeks and can see how embarrassed he is starting to get. "It's okay. I'm a bit of a mess too," she whispers as if it was their little secret, and her words instantly dissolve his nerves.
He glances down at her lips wanting nothing more than to kiss her. Just as he starts to lean in, Jeff walks out causing both of them to freeze and look at him. The manager's eyebrows are raised, and Harry instantly drops his arms from around his sunshine's waist. He misses her warmth already.
Janis looks between the two before recognition crosses her beautiful features. She unhooks her arms from around his neck slowly. "You must be Jeffery," she holds out her hand to shake, "I'm Harry's friend J." Harry doesn't like that term. Friend. Maybe that will change soon?
Jeff finally places where he's seen her before. In the dark club, he only saw her dress and hair. "Ah, so you're the girl that's got H so distracted lately," he rolls his eyes playfully before moving out of the way from Harry's shove, "You can just call me Jeff."
Her laugh sounds through the halls of the stadium. It instantly brings Harry a fuzzy, warm feeling. "To be honest, he's occupied my mind just as much," she smiles at the blushing boy.
"I'm so glad you made it," Harry turns to her with a relieved sigh. Jeff takes that as his cue to give them a moment.
Harry finally takes in what she's wearing. She's in a white two piece, accented with golden jewelry. The color complements her tanned skin. Her blonde hair is straight tonight and frames her face just right. Instead of her red lipstick, she has pink gloss on that makes her lips that much more intriguing.
"I'm excited to see you perform," she replies.
"You'll be in the VIP section. I know you said that you can't be in super crowded places, so having you there will be less people." He was a little nervous about her being at the concert when she told him about not being able to be in the pit at a concert. She promised him it wasn't as serious as it sounded, but his sunshine was slowly growing on him so he was bound to worry.
"That's very sweet of you," she says with a soft look crossing her features. She has never had someone listen to her as intently as Harry has the past few days. It's a nice change to feel heard.
They both look down the hall where his entire band is laughing and heading their way. Adam stops short and looks at the girl standing next to Harry. He can't place where he knows her from. He looks over to the singer’s face and sees him cringing. When it hits him, he lets out the loudest cackle which makes Janis jump slightly.
"Isn't that Kiw--" he starts, but Harry talks over him.
"This is J! She's super cool!" he shouts. This couldn't be more awkward for him. He's going to tell her about the song, but maybe after they start dating so he doesn't seem as desperate. Imagine having a song written about you by a complete stranger who is trying to start a relationship with you…it sounds a little stalkery.
Everyone looks at him oddly before J breaks the silence. "Hello. It's nice to meet you all. I've heard a lot about you guys from Harry." On one of their late night calls, Harry went on and on about his bandmates. They both ended up in tears from laughing so hard after Harry told her about their adventure on the road so far.
"Hi, I'm Adam the bassist. We just came to get Harry. We’re going on soon."
"My name's Mitch," the long-haired guy waves slightly. He seems more quiet than the others.
"I'm Sarah!" the beautiful brunette waves, "Are you ready H?" she asks turning to Harry. He knows the look she’s giving him. It’s the ‘you have a lot of explaining to do’ kind of look.
He nods and turns back to Janis. "Patty, my bodyguard, can show you to your seat," he pulls her closer once again, not caring that his bandmates are watching them. "I'll see you after the show?" he gives her a small pouty look.
"Absolutely," she kisses his cheek before giving him another hug and taking off with the muscled man, "Good luck!" she throws over her shoulder with a wink.
The band walks over to the stage entrance shortly after. Harry can't stop smiling and it's not because of the screaming fans calling his name. One of the staff members helps Harry into his white jacket.
Is it strange that he misses her already?
"Is that the same girl from that bar we went to before going to Jamaica?" Adam raises a curious brow at the lovesick boy.
Harry nods with a pink making its way to his cheeks.
"Does she know the song is about her?"
Harry shakes his head as the pink grows into a deeper shade of red.
Adam booms with laughter. "This concert is going to be so awesome!"
The concert was one of his best. The crowd was louder than ever. He looked at the VIP section often and could see Janis having a good time. After numerous songs, he finally gets to the one he's been the most nervous to play tonight.
"Alright everyone. I need you guys to be serious for a second," he says into the microphone, "We are having such a good time tonight. I want you guys to keep the same energy especially because I'm about to tell you that I'm having your baby!" The stadium erupts in cheers so loud he’ll be surprised if they have their hearing tomorrow.
The rock song starts of strong. The heavy beat sounds through the whole stadium as all the fans sing along. As the song goes on, Janis notices the familiarity of the words. She knows the song played at the club but that's not why the lyrics are bouncing around her head. As Harry gives his all to his performance, he makes eye contact with her when it finally clicks.
Normal people might be put off at the fact that someone wrote a song about them without knowing them at all, but Janis isn't the average person. She starts laughing hysterically and singing along. She's going to tease him about this later.
As everything starts to wrap up, Janis follows Patty back to the green room. She goes to the restroom before the night continues and by the time she enters the green room, all the band members are there except Harry. She goes up to a few of the people she hasn't met to introduce herself.
Harry walks into the room after a few minutes. He made sure to shower and change right after the show so he didn't have to part from his sunshine for too long. He sees his girl laughing with all of his friends and he couldn't help but feel a warmth spread through his entire body. He can see himself falling for this girl very easily.
A small smile pulls at his lips before he begins approaching her with a timid look. What if she didn't have fun? What if she didn't like any of the songs? What if--
All his worries went away when he met her eyes and they grew bright with admiration. "There's the Rockstar!" she exclaimed while throwing her arms around him. He grabbed her tightly and spun around.
He laughs slightly at how happy she looks. "I'm so glad you liked it, love."
She pulls back but he holds his arms around her firmly, so she won't get too far away. "It was truly a sight to see. You have this way about you that draws all attention to you. You're mesmerizing, Harry," a blush covers her cheeks, not meaning to say that last part.
"Thank you," he kisses her cheek lightly. He loves the slight pink that coats them. "What was your favorite part?"
"Probably when you held up the handcuffs," she smirks. Now it's Harry's turn to blush. Before they could continue talking, they got sucked into conversation with everyone in the room. Everyone planned on going back to the hotel and hanging out until the adrenaline of from the performance wore off, but Harry and Janis had other ideas.
"I think we were just going to go back to J's apartment for a little bit," Harry tells them. With that said, they say their goodbyes before exiting the venue with some security. Janis already had a car waiting for her outside, so Harry just tagged along.
The ride was relatively silent. It was comfortable and definitely not overrated. Harry had talked to her every day since he met her again, but he loved being able to physically pull her closer to him. Touching her was almost like a drug to him. He couldn't get enough of this woman and for the life of him, he didn’t understand why.
When they pull up to a tall building in the city, they both step out. She thanks her driver before taking Harry's hand and leading him into the lobby. From the golden tiling and pearl accents, he could tell that this place is very posh.
"Good evening, Ms. Rogers," the man at the door greats. He seems to be in his late forties with the graying of his hair. For some reason, her full name plays through his mind like he should know where it's from, but he just pushes that thought away.
"Hello, Mason! How's Lily?" she asks him with a kind smile.
"She's great! She loves the books you sent her. Can't stop reading them before bed!" he laughs.
"I'm so glad she likes them. They were some of my favorites when I was younger. You'll have to bring her by sometime soon so we can all go for lunch," she touches his arm before she grabs Harry’s hand again.
"I'll be sure to bring her by soon," he smiles kindly. J nods before bidding goodbye.
As step into the elevator, Harry turns to her with a fond smile on his cherry lips. "You're so adorable," he kisses her nose as she bursts into giggles.
"You're so sweet," she kisses his lips lightly before the elevator doors open, signaling they have arrived. There were only 4 doors in the long hallway. She walked over to the last one on the left and pulled out her key. When she opened the door, Harry faltered slightly.
She told him before that she comes from a wealthy family, but he thought that just meant she came from some money. The apartment that she is staying in is easily one of the most expensive places in New York. The decorations were filled with every color under the rainbow. Surprisingly, nothing was obnoxious. The more he looks around, the more he knows this is exactly what he expected her apartment to look like. There was nothing dull or boring on her walls. Painted pieces, flowers and photos cover the entire place.
"This place is amazing," Harry says under his breath.
"Thank you. Would you like something to drink?"  she offers.
"Some water would be lovely," she nods, taking his hand and leading him to the giant living room before heading to the open kitchen.
He takes this moment to really look around. There is lots of artwork around on the walls and sculptures scattered around. There's a large television in front of an all-white couch. The kitchen is behind the couch without a wall closing it off. This place is so open and vibrant that it just makes sense that this is where she would be. She's always been open and honest with Harry, and it has scared him a little bit at first. Even with that fear in him, he is determined to push himself towards being like her. Open and free.
"Here you go," she hands him the water before guiding him to the patio overlooking New York City. Her presence is so consuming, and he knows he could never get enough of it.
Once they settle on the outside couch overlooking the city, Harry finally asks the question that has been on his mind since they left the venue. "So, how did you like the show honestly?" he takes a sip of his drink.
"I meant everything I said before. You were meant to be on stage, Harry," she responds with a soft smile.
"Thank you, love," he says. He has been using that term of affection more and more lately because every time he does, a light pink coats her cheeks, and he can't get enough of how beautiful it makes her. "What was your favorite song?"
She thinks for a moment before smirking. "I really enjoyed that unreleased song 'Medicine'! Why wasn't it on the album?"
"You and everyone else," Harry chuckles lightly looking down at his lap. "It just didn't feel right putting it with all the other songs," he shrugs noncommittally.
She rolls her eyes. "I need a studio version, Harold."
Harry cackles at the nickname before sipping his drink again. "That's not my name, love, and you know it. But I'll see if I could find one for you."
She smiles cheekily at him. "I know. I did really like that song, but I'd have to say the one about 'Kiwi' was my all-time favorite," she giggles. Harry starts to fidget slightly. "Very creative with the words there. How did you come up with that one?"
"Um, well you know, I-" he starts to stutter, "You know, I d-don't like putting a definite meaning behind my songs just in case someone has their own meaning behind a song, uh," he stops himself cringing slightly at his rambling.
Janis laughs at his discomfort and she sounds just like a song. Her head throws back and her eyes squint closed. Harry couldn’t find her more beautiful. Once she settles down, she breathes out a sigh. "You know how I said I got into the wrong crowd a while back?" she waits for him to remember one of their late-night conversations. "Well, that guy was one of them. He was good fun and could take my mind off somethings that happened," Harry inwardly cringes about how he would do that exactly, "We went out that night because I'd just gotten back from visiting home, so I needed to relax somehow. While we were out, his girlfriend showed up. When she confronted me, those words just popped out of my mouth. I told her 'I'm having your baby, it's none of your business' as in, 'I'm with your guy now, what are you gonna do about it?'" she smiles at the memory.
Harry couldn't help but laugh at how crazy the story was. "R-really?" he gasps out.
She nods slightly. "Yeah. I won’t have used those words if I wasn’t drunk. Then later that night, I found out he was just using me to get to his father to release his trust fund. She was his actual girlfriend, and he was just a sleazeball using me," she shrugs, but Harry could tell the situation affected her more than she let on.
"So, you guys aren't friends anymore?" he asks curiously.
"No. I quickly dove into my studies and got back on the right path. I'm a good girl now," she giggles, "I even told his father about it, so both of them don't like me very much."
Harry shifts closer to her and pulls her onto his lap, "Well, I like you lots," he smiles feeling so lucky to have this girl in his arms. Her returning smile stuns him from being so bright.
"You do?" she confirms. He nods. "Well, Rockstar, I like you lots too," she kisses his lips gently. It was meant to be a small peck, but once he tasted her strawberry lip gloss, he couldn't let her get too far away. "Wanna know something really funny though?"
Harry hums, just wanting to hear more of her voice. He has no alcohol in his system, yet he feels just as tipsy as he would after a few drinks.
"I'm allergic to kiwis," she whispers to him.
"No shit?" Harry bursts into fits of laughter. She nods truthfully, join in on his laughter.
The rest of the summer evening was filled with giggles and stolen kisses. He made sure to keep her in his hold, within kissing distance. Every time their lips touched, he felt a high like no other.
Harry left in the early hours of the morning to get some rest before their breakfast date they decided on. Harry planned a perfect date for them. They were going for a picnic in one of his favorite places.
Harry picks her up from her apartment around nine in the morning. He texted her he was in the lobby. He's distracted on his phone when the elevator gets to the main floor.
Janis walks out and sees him standing there. She admires his beauty. It's an unusual feeling of being wanted by such an amazing man. All her life, she has been loved, but she found out rather quickly who her real friends are. Some people only found her interesting because of who her parents were. No one ever really cared about what she was like, so to have Harry not know exactly who she is, is quiet refreshing.
"You're so cute when you smile," her voice startles him. He looks up at his sunshine. She's sporting a lovely pastel green sundress and a pink sun hat. Her perfume drifts around him causing that familiar fuzzy feeling. He breathes it in an out.
"I've got a lot to smile about when I'm around you," he coos and greets her with a kiss on the cheek. Color flushes Janis’ face as she giggles, trying to not show how much his words affected her.
"You're too cheesy sometime," her voice is soft.
"Anything to make you blush like that," he grabs her bag and carries it out as they head to the car.
She laughs at how cute he is. He makes a funny face in response to her musical laughter, causing more fits.
The picnic was set up by the time they got there. He'll have to thank Jeff for setting everything up. They are hidden from the public by a few trees, just like that first night they spent together. They sit down on the blanket and take out some of the food that's packed. He made sure some of her favorites were in there. On a light night Skype call, she told him she could never get enough berries.
"Oh! Strawberries, gimme!" she makes grabby hands for the fruit. Harry laughs and gives it to her. She opens the container and grabs a bright red strawberry. Harry watches as she brings the fruit up to her mouth. It's the cutest thing when her tongue peeks out to guide the fruit into her warm mouth.
Harry's brain goes empty as she takes a bite and closes her eyes to savor the flavor. Her eyes close for a moment and her head lulls back. Oh God.
He looks back to the picnic basket, so he doesn't turn this date into something it isn't. He hands her a pre-made sandwich and grabs one for himself too. They get to talking about everything under the sun, wanting to get to know each other better.
"What's your favorite book?" she asks while popping in another grape.
"Um, that should be an easy question, but I've read so many," he thinks out loud. He found himself doing that so often with her. He knew she would never judge him, so he felt free to speak his mind whenever she was around. There are only a few people that make him feel that way.
"Well, which one are you reading right now?" she prompts him after a few seconds of silence.
"I'm reading 'Love is a Mixtape' by Rob Sheffield," he says. He is about to elaborate, because it's not a well-known book when she speaks up.
"I love that book," she says before drinking some water. "Rob's actually a friend of mine. He's a brilliant writer and definitely someone who is overlooked." Harry's jaw goes slack slightly. She looks at him oddly. "What?"
"You're friends with Rob?" Harry can't wrap his brain around how they would be in the same circles.
She nods. "He's actually friends with my father. My dad is...well, influential so Rob actually interviewed him in the early 90s. Ever since, they became friends. He's a sweet guy, very genuine."
Harry booms with laughter. "He's a good friend of mine too! That's how I got onto the book. On tour, I need something to occupy my mind sometimes, so I started reading his book."
"That's awesome! Maybe if we didn't meet at the bar, he would have introduced us," she smiles.
"That'd be pretty funny," he takes a sip of his water. "What book are you reading right now?"
"Well, it's not my favorite," she cringes slightly, "But it's called 'Watermelon Sugar' by Richard Brautigan." She makes a sour face at the mention of it. When she looks up to Harry, he is frozen in thought.
That book used to be Camille's favorite. This is the first time he has thought of her in the past few weeks. Oddly enough, it doesn't hurt as much as it had before. Spending time with Janis has opened his mind to new things and a brightness he has never known.
"Are you alright, Harry," Janis breaks him out of his thoughts by touching his arm gently.
"Um, yeah, sorry," he shakes his head. "My, um, my ex used to love that book," he shrugs.
Maybe she should have been uncomfortable with talking about the guy she like's ex, but she's not the jealous type.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" she asks while finishing off her sandwich.
He thinks about it for a second. Does he want to talk about her? No. It's not because he is avoiding the pain. It's because he truly doesn't find the need to. He shakes his head and looks at the girl in front of him. She's not who he thought she'd be. She is so much more. He pulls her closer to him.
"I'm okay. Thank you though," he kisses her temple. This feeling inside him is rising through his chest. He's felt it on more than one occasion with her. It's so wonderful and warm. "Why don't you like it?"
Her bottom lip pouts out slightly and her eyebrows draw together in thought. Harry can't help but find her absolutely adorable. "Originally, I thought it would be good because it has one of my favorite fruits in the title, but I was wrong. It's just a really weird story. I do like actual watermelon sugar though," she laughs, "It's sweet and delicious, just like you," she kisses his lips slowly before pulling back.
Harry's eyes are still closed from the taste of her on his tongue. He needs to change the subject quickly before he creates a scandal in the middle of this park, "So, you said that you have plans at the end of this month?"
She nods her head, popping another grape in her mouth. "I'm hosting an event for the charity that I run."
"Huh?" Can this girl be any more perfect?
"When I was younger, I always wanted to make some kind of impact. I saw so many people not using their voices to stand up for the right things or being completely selfish,” she scoffs while rolling her eyes at the memories, “One of the things I am most passionate about is learning. I want everyone to be able to learn whatever their heart desires, so I started a fund to sponsor children who want to learn about things that schools might not teach them. I’m working with art galleries, recording studios, research labs, and a few other companies to mentor these kids. They will have a chance to really see how things they are passionate about work."
"Oh my gosh, you're literally a saint, no wondering I'm falling--" Harry chuckles before he realizes what he was about to say. "Uh, I mean, uh--"
"What was that?" Janis asks while placing her arms around his neck to play with the baby hairs at the bottom of his neck.
Harry looks down blushing before looking up through his lashes. "I really like you Janis, and I, uh, I can see myself falling really hard for you. I don't know if I'm reading the signs wrong or something--"
Instead of letting him ramble on, she interrupts him with a kiss. Every word that is unsaid between the two seems to flow through them in that moment. She tastes like strawberries. His breath is minty from the gum he was chewing on after he ate. Their lips move in perfect sync. Harry feels like it’s so natural to be with her on this summer morning. Her perfume surrounds his senses. He breathes her in and out. Janis is the one to pull back first. She leaves one last peck on his awaiting lips and smiles.
"I can see myself falling for you too," she giggles.
Harry lets out a breath of relief. He grabs onto her disposable camera and takes a picture of the two of them smiling. They take turns posing for each other causing them both to fall into fits of laughter.
After a while, they pack up the rest of the picnic and take it to the car before going on a walk down the street. Harry doesn't have to be at sound check until two hours before the concert, so he has plenty of time to spend with his sunshine. They walk for a few hours, going to the little shops or the small bakeries along the street. They never let go of each other, that is until he hears an eerily familiar person call out his name.
He turns around to be met with the familiar icy blue eyes. "Camille?" There was no reason for her to be in New York, unless...
"Hi Harry! I was in the states and thought I'd catch your show," she shrugs with a grin. "Theo and I were thinking about going to DC for your show there in a few days," Camille notices the girl standing behind him and gives her a smile.
No one talks for a second, so Janis takes the opportunity to use the skills she learned when she was younger to defuse the awkward tension. She assumed this was the ex they were just talking about.
"Hello," she smiles genuinely at the obvious model, "I'm J." She didn't want to introduce herself as anything to Harry just in case Camille took it as her being aggressive. They just admitted their feelings for goodness sake.
"Camille," Janis goes in for a handshake, but the model pulls her in to kisses her cheeks, "It's lovely to meet you!"
"You as well. I love your top by the way," Janis says conversationally. She can't help but notice the beauty of the woman in front of her. It makes a lot of sense how this woman could be Harry’s ex-girlfriend.
"Thank you! I love your dress," the compliment is a little over enthusiastic, but luckily Harry broke out of his silence before Janis could think too much about it.
"So, you guys are coming to the show in DC?" Harry asks nervously. In his silence, he really thought about his emotions. He knows he is over Camille, but if her and her new boyfriend come to the show, he might have a harder time performing. The wound still hurts where she left, but he has Janis now.
Camille nods and looks down at the watch on her wrist. "Oh! I'm late for a lunch meeting. I'll see you in DC," she looks over to Janis and smiles, "I look forward to seeing you again."
"Absolutely!" she replies as the model walks away. The pair walk slowly down the street again. "Are you okay, Harry?" Janis asks after a few minutes of silence.
Harry laughs softly and pulls her to his side kissing her temple again. "Yes, love. It's just a little odd I guess."
"I bet. Will you be okay at the DC show?" she questions. She isn't sure when it is, but she's hoping she will be free to go. The reason she wants to be there isn't the fact that his ex will be there. It's the fact that Harry seems a little shaken by just one conversation with her. As someone that cares for him immensely, she wants to be there for him even if he might not need her.
"I think so," his eyebrows crease in thought. This is vastly different. Camille was very jealous when they were together. That was one of the reasons for their fights. Janis seems oddly content with the fact that his ex is talking to him. "Would you like to come to the show?"
She can sense that he isn't asking for her benefit. He wants her there. "What day?"
"It's this next Sunday."
Her charity even is on Monday, so she should be able to make it as long as she leaves in enough time. "I'm free. I've got the benefit the day after, but it should all work out," she smiles up at him.
"Lovely," he says. He's not talking about her being able to come, he's talking about her in general.
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achillestiel · 4 years
the parent trap only works if you’re identical | part four
Tag List: @littlerachelbee @imthedoctorlove @deancas-handprint @castiel-loves-dean @wanderermatthews @thelahatiel @priscillahc @mridzyp @multi-fandom-dark-lord @thefantasyfiend @harmonyhelms @imlivingliferightnow ​ @kara-merlin @still-clowning-in-this-house @never-forever-more @continuezmesfilserrants @2musiclover2 @castiels-bitch 
Ok Winchester, you can do this. Just be cool, calm and collected. Dean said to himself as he drove towards Foxhall Village, the area that Cas and Jack lived in. Jack had fallen fast asleep about an hour before and every now and then Dean would glance over, marvelling at how much Jack looked like Sammy when he slept. They would both zonk out instantly, mouth slightly open without a care in the world. As much as Dean missed Claire, because that pint sized tearaway was his whole damn world, he couldn’t help but wish that he’d been able to get to know Jack more. 
"Hey kid we're here." Dean said as they drove up the street Cas now lived on. "Nice place, what's your dad doing now here in DC?"
"Oh, he's the head of the council of economic advisers." Jack said. "Which sounds cool but it just means he talks about economic policy a lot. It’s cool when he goes to the White House, last time he stole a pen for me. Don’t tell anyone because I’m not sure if that illegal or not." 
Dean just sat there for a moment because of course Cas now had a great job within the government. When they'd first met Dean had made endless jokes about how Cas would be president one day. Cas had always rolled his eyes but smiled whenever Dean jokingly called him Mr President. 
"What's wrong?" Jack asked. 
"Nothing kid, come on. Let's get you back to your dad. No doubt Claire has driven him insane by now so getting her back will be easy." Dean said, getting out the car when all he wanted to do was clamber back into the impala and hightail it back to Kansas. Yes, he was being a coward but the idea of seeing Cas after all this time was doing things to his brain. 
"Doubt it, he's put up with Uncle Gabriel for all these years." Jack said. 
"Yeah, I remember your uncle alright. Ruined our damn couch." Dean muttered darkly. 
"That doesn't surprise me." Jack said as the pair walked up the driveway towards a large Tudor style house. Huh working in government definitely pays well Dean thought. Swallowing down his fear, Dean rang the doorbell. He prayed to whoever was up there that he didn't throw up on the tasteful doormat. The door opened and Dean braced himself to see Cas. Instead, he came face to face with-
"Uncle Gabriel!" Jack said happily. Dean suppressed a groan as he looked down at the short, cheerful-looking man. How was it possible that Gabriel looked almost exactly the same after twelve goddamn years?  
"Well if it isn't my favourite nephew." Gabriel said happily as he pulled Jack in for a hug. "And you brought Winchester! Never brought he'd leave Kansas. Is your brother still an Adonis of a man?"
"Was he ever?" Dean asked as he held out his hand for Gabriel to shake. Sure the guy might have wreaked Dean's brand new couch fourteen years prior but he was trying to be polite. 
"Oh he was and I let him know all the time. Shame he was so happy with Eileen." Gabriel said, looking wistfully as he shook Dean's hand. 
"Yeah well...not that it isn't nice to see you again Gabriel but I kind of need to grab my daughter." Dean said. Maybe he could do this whole thing without having to even see Cas. Part of him was relieved but that idea and the other part of him was just a swirl of emotions.  
"Of course, follow me to the kitchen." Gabriel said, stepping back inside the house and motioning for Dean to follow him. Dean obliged, looking around the pristine hallway for any sign of Cas. Jack was hot on their heels as they walked into the kitchen. Dean stopped and just glared at the sight in front of him. 
Claire, wearing one of Dean's flannel shirts that was definitely three sizes too big for her, was cheerfully stirring the contents of a large saucepan. Loudly humming along to a song on the radio, which after a second Dean placed as Queen. When Dean coughed loudly she looked up and grinned. 
"Dad! Come on in, we're making chilli for dinner." Claire said, looking far too happy for her own good. "Jack, grab some chips and gauc out the fridge." 
"We?" Dean asked while Jack sauntered past him towards the huge sub zero refrigerator. 
"Hello Dean." And damn if that didn't make Dean want to sprint out the house. He braced himself and looked over to where Cas was standing. All the breath in Dean’s body left him as his eyes fell onto Cas. He looked almost exactly the same apart from a few wrinkles around the startlingly blue eyes that Dean had always adored. His hair was still a complete mess and...son of a bitch, he was even wearing the blue sweater Dean had brought him for Christmas fifteen years prior. Seriously, was he doing this on purpose? 
“Um...hey Cas...long time.” Dean managed to stammer out. 
“Dork.” He heard Claire mutter under her breath. 
“Hey.” Dean said, rounding on Claire. “You got any idea how much trouble you’re in of this little stunt? This ain’t gonna be like the time you blew up the shed, you’re gonna be grounded until the day you graduate high school. Maybe even college.” Dean said. 
“You blew up a shed?” Cas, Gabriel and Jack all asked, staring at Claire mix of horror (Cas) and awe (Jack and Gabriel). 
“Ok, I didn’t blow up the shed. I started a small fire in the shed by accident.” Claire retorted. Dean and Cas both groaned as Jack walked over to give Claire a high five. 
“I really love this kid.” Gabriel announced. 
“Oh Jesus.” Dean muttered at the same as Cas. They both glanced at one another for a moment before Dean turned his attention back to Claire. “You. Car. Now.”
I should have stayed hiding upstairs. Cas thought as he stared, yes he was staring, at Dean. How was it possible that Dean looked even better after twelve years? Dean in his early twenties had been a sight to behold but Dean in his late thirties was a thing of beauty. His boyish good looks had turned into handsome roguishness.  
“Dad, I can’t leave yet. We’ve just laid the table.” Claire said to Dean.
"We thought you'd be hungry after driving all day so Claire and I made dinner." Cas said. In reality Gabriel had dragged him into the kitchen wherein he’d found Claire already making chilli. Cas wasn’t going to tell Dean that.
"That's a nice thought but-"
"Dad, I know all you've eaten today was gas store jerky.” Claire said, rolling her eyes. “Am I right?” she asked Jack who just nodded. “See? Now wash your hands, sit down and eat this damn chilli because I’m Aunt Eileen’s recipe and I know that’s your favourite.” Claire said, pointing a chilli covered wooden spoon at Dean. Cas simply could not fight the smile that spread across his face when he saw Dean’s terrified expression.
“Fine, just chill out. God you sound like Ellen when you do that.” Dean said, going over the sink to wash his hands before grabbing a seat and sitting down. Cas rolled his eyes, not even realising he was doing it until Dean looked over and glared. Dean was nearly forty and he was pouting like a small child.     
“Well while you all enjoy this little family reunion I’m going to grab some wine...maybe a enough for a vineyard.” Gabriel said as he sauntered out the room. 
“Does Gabriel live here?” Dean asked Jack.
“No, he was getting his condo renovated so he stayed here for a while. He’s back home now.”
“Longest eight weeks of my entire life.” Cas said quietly. “Jack, can you help Claire dish up?”
“Sure thing, let me run my bags upstairs and I’ll be right back.” Jack said.
“Oh I’ll help you!” Claire said as they both ran out the room. 
“Nice to know subtly isn’t their strong point.” Dean said with a nervous laugh. Cas just let out a long sigh and sat down across from Dean. 
“Yes, I’m starting to think they might be plotting something.” Cas said. “If Claire is anything like Jack in the determination department then we might be in trouble.”
“Oh believe me, Claire does not need any help when it comes to determination. She can wrap anyone round her finger. You know I still have a scar on my forehead from when she made me go rollerblading?”
“You went rollerblading?” Cas asked, utterly baffled by the idea of Dean Winchester going rollerblading. 
“Not voluntarily.” Dean said. Cas laughed and was shocked to see Dean’s face light up. “Um...I’m sorry to crash your evening like this. I didn’t think that I’d be here tonight.”
“No, when I went to the train station to pick up Jack I didn’t expect to see my twelve year old daughter.” Cas said. “You don’t have to apologise, I’ve enjoyed having Claire here.”
“Yeah, I really liked spending time with Jack, he’s a good kid.” Dean said. “Listen Cas-”
“Got the wine!” Gabriel said, strolling back into the kitchen holding two bottles of red wine. “Where’s Thing One and Thing Two.”
“Here!” Jack and Claire said in unison. Cas had a feeling the two had just been waiting outside the door for at least a minute. His suspicions were confirmed when he saw the smug look Jack gave Claire as they were dishing up dinner. Gabriel kept himself busy by pouring all the adults generous glasses of wine. Dean tried to protest because he still needed to drive back to Kansas but Gabriel laughed him off. 
“So Deano, what have you been up to all these years?” Gabriel asked after nearly ten minutes of awkward silence while they ate. 
“Oh...um...not much…” Dean said, staring down at his chilli. 
“You have!” Claire intoned. She turned to Gabriel and Cas with a proud look on her face. “When Uncle Bobby decided to retire five years ago Dad brought his share of the garage. It’s expanded so much over the past few years that last year Dad brought the empty lot next door. He’s restoring a 1957 Chevy Bel Air at the moment and it’s awesome.” Claire said with so much pride in her voice that it made Cas smile fondly. Dean had always had a love for classic cars and he was happy to see that he had made his passion a profession. 
“That’s amazing Dean, you should be proud.” Cas said.
“He is, he’s just awful at saying it.” Claire said. “We’ve got this old Firebird in the garage back home that Dad’s slowly been restoring. It’s really cool.”
“Are you planning on selling it once it’s restored?”
“Um...no...I mean, I was thinkin’ bout it but Claire loves the car so much that I’m planning on giving it to her as a graduation present.” Dean said, looking away from his plate of chilli to give Claire a quick, but loving, smile. “That’s if she gets good grades and promises to take care of it.” he added and Claire laughed. 
“Me and Jack could take a twin road trip when we both graduate.” Claire said excitedly. “See the grand canyon or hike Yosemite!”
“And Yellowstone! We could see the geothermal pools.” Jack said with as much excitement as Claire. 
“You know most teenagers would want to go to Tijuana.” Gabriel said. 
“Does Tijuana have cool rock formations like Antelope Canyon? If not I don’t care about it.” Jack said and once again he and Claire high fived. It was at that moment Cas realised this wasn’t going to be easy. Claire and Jack knew about each other now. They’d bonded while at camp and separating them again would not only break their hearts but Cas’ as well.
“Yeah well, we’ll see.” Dean said in a small voice, catching Cas’ eye. This isn’t going to end well he said with his eyes. Cas nodded in agreement. While Claire and Jack began to plan a road trip that was several years away, Cas coughed to get Dean’s attention.  
“I’m glad you’re doing something you love, with the garage I mean.”
“Oh...yeah, well you always knew it was a dream of mine to have my own garage.”
“I did and if I remember rightly I said that it would become a reality.” Cas said. 
“Yeah well, it’s not as big as working in the white house but…”
“Dean, I think we both know that your job is far more interesting than mine. I talk about budgets all day while you-”
“Are stuck in the guts of a car and come home covered in axle grease? Seriously, Claire hoses me down some days.” Dean said letting out a small laugh as, once again, he glanced fondly at Claire. 
“She’s amazing, I have to say. You’ve done an amazing job in raising her.” Cas said and he really meant it. True, most of the time he’d spent with a teenage Claire included Cas ‘spiralling’ but he’d enjoyed it. 
“You say that now because she’s on her best behaviour...sort of. You do remember she set fire to the shed right? You’ve got the real winner with Jack. That kid, he’s just awesome. Really smart, kind of reminds me of Sam.”
“Can we both agree that our kids are amazing and leave it at that?” Cas asked. Dean chuckled and Cas was flooded with memories at the sound. His stomach ached with longing to make Dean laugh like that again and again. This really wasn’t going to end well at all.
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outbythehighwind · 4 years
Tifa’s Fighting Style
One of the things that impressed me most about FF7R is Tifa Lockhart’s combat. Her mechanics were dazzling. Her combos left me awed. Her style was so realistic, but... what was it? Naturally, I did some digging, and happened to stumble across a blog where most of the work had already been done. So this post is courtesy of Flowerslightning, with thoughts and elaboration on my part. THANKS AND CREDIT TO THIS WONDERFULLY INSIGHTFUL BLOGGER (do check out her tumblr for more fantastic content).
First, let’s note that Tifa’s combat design is very much in the field of fighting games. To some degree at least, developers take inspiration from real-life arts. The style of Tekken’s Lei Wulong, for instance, is based on the Drunken First. Street Fighter’s Chun Li uses the model of Chinese Kenpo.
The FFVII devs - to my knowledge - have revealed nothing on Tifa’s inspired martial arts background. She adopted the monk style (the fisticuffs of FF-verse) from a traveler named Zangan. That’s all we know. She trained (obviously very hard) as his pupil for the 2 years between Cloud leaving Nibelheim and Sephiroth burning the town. Zangan then brought her to Midgar and continued his travels. The only path for discerning real-arts inspiration is through observing Tifa’s fights - though even such attempt is limited. Her style is not as straightforward as Lei’s or Chun Li’s. She seems to employ a mix of martial arts, specializing in the offense and using speed and dexterity to her advantage.
Here are the main styles that Flowerslightning deduced, supported by some of Tifa’s abilities.
1. Muay Thai [demonstrated by Somersault].
This is the known as the “Art of Eight Limbs” and is commonly referred to as “Thai boxing”. It differs from traditional kickboxing (which has its roots in Japan) most notably in being an 8-point instead of 4-point striking system. In other words, Muay Thai employs elbow and shin strikes in addition to kicks and punches. Tifa’s kicks, I would say, are actually more akin to kickboxing, for Muay Thai places emphasis on heavy kicks involving the shin bone. Yet her acrobatic style is very akin to the latter.
In addition to the key boxing techniques of both the Thai and Japanese art, Tifa’s elbow maneuvers provide further evidence for the former. This is most evident during her fight with Loz, where she uses her elbows for offense and defense. One could say she expanded her Thai-based skills during in the 2 years that followed saving the world.
Running a new bar and raising two under-10-year-olds would have left at least a... smidgen of free time, right?
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2. Muay Thai [demonstrated by Refocus].
Some may suggest this move of Tifa’s is a Taekwondo technique (we’ll get to that lovable sport soon, don’t you worry), but I agree with Flowerslightning in that her jumping style is more Muay Thai. Almost all Muay Thai techniques use movement of the entire body, rotating the hip with each kick, punch, elbow and block. This to me is the obvious discerning factor. Tifa exquisitely throws her whole body into the majority of her combos and limit breaks, ground and aerial alike. Specifically through that neat hip rotation. Refocus is but one example of many.
PS. Don’t you just love her boots? The gloves are really something but, those red boots... Just look at them.
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3. Taekwondo [shown in Overpower].
Literally the “Way of the Hand and Foot”, this is a Korean martial art set apart by its emphasis on kicks. Head-height kicks, jump spin kicks, swift kicks, the list goes on. (But of course, there’s plenty of hand blocking and take-downs too.) Did you know that Taekwondo is part of South Korea’s military training program as well as their national sport? Its skillset is heavy in self-defense.
Tifa is mostly an offensive attacker (and wow, do her strikes deal devastating damage). Yet her aerial maneuvers and acrobatic footwork certainly have elements of Taekwondo. What makes the Taekwondo kick-style unique is its elaborate, advanced forms. Xtreme 720s, for instance, are underpinned by precise technical soundness and accuracy.
Yes, these are literal 720° mid-air turns with a SERIES of kicks timed in utmost precision. They require extraordinary strength. Something Tifa deceptively pulls off with ease, no?
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4. Hēi-Hǔ-Quán [displayed in Starshower].
Flowerslightning deduces this ATB ability to be a Boxing combo. Though to me it looks more like Hēi-Hǔ-Quán (lit. ‘Black Tiger Fist’, a Shaolin striking art from China). Watch her hands closely: the thumbs are curled like the fingers rather than wrapped around them to form a fist. Tifa’s wide stances and acrostic kicks are a little less tiger-esque than Hēi-Hǔ-Quán, but there is definitely resemblance of the style there too.
All in all, she seems to employ a mixture of Shaolin arts and Boxing. Her finger-positions for fast jabs (as in Starshower and the Loz fight) are predominantly of the Tiger Fist. Her more powerful strikes, meanwhile, include Boxing crosses, hooks and uppercuts. The sewer cutscene demonstrates this clearly, when Tifa & Cloud encounter the Sahagin.
And damn, do we love the back-to-back Cloti in that scene. Surely I’m not just speaking for myself here.
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5. Boxing [displayed in Unbridled Strength].
Tifa’s aforementioned fist moves and powerful finishing punches are no doubt reminiscent of boxing. Also, she always enters a fight with her fists closed in a boxing stance (whether she will employ Shaolin or other hand techniques is irrelevant). Take her cutscene against the Whispers where she, Cloud and Aerith arrive at Sector 7. She begins with a cross and follows with a rotated hook - one of the most basic boxing combos.
BONUS FACT: Rather than orthodox, Tifa always employs a southpaw stance (right hand and right foot forward). This is the preferred stance of a left-hand fighter. Is Tifa left-handed? Considering her fighting alone, yes is the plausible assumption. Here are a few examples:
     - Unbridled Strength has her delivering a finishing blow with her left hand. We would expect such a move to be done with the power hand.
     - Her single strike that hurls Loz across the church is also with the left hand. This punch is not part of a combo; she could have used either hand.
     - In guard position, her left is the rear hand, to both attack and protect herself.
     - And of course, in southpaw stance, she always begins with a left-hand strike.
However, all of Tifa’s general actions (to my observance) - like bartending, catching Aerith in the sewer, carrying the Buster Sword into Corneo’s quarters, etc. - suggest that she is right-handed. So why use the left, the weaker, as her dominant hand in fighting? Could she actually be ambidextrous? That is a possibility. But weighing up the evidence in addition to Tifa's ingenuity, this could well be out of fighting strategy.
Southpaw can give Tifa a strategic advantage, you see, because of the tactical and cognitive difficulties her enemies would have of coping with a fighter who moves in a mirror-reverse of the norm. In other words, she takes advantage of the fact that most fighters lack experience against lefties. Doing this:
     - opens up chance for a variety of surprise combos;
     - puts her human enemies in danger of KOs by what would otherwise be ordinary strikes; and
     - enables her to trick her opponents should she unexpectedly convert to orthodox during fights.
Pretty damn awesome, huh?
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6. Gymnastics [dodging maneuvers].
Gymnastics, like fighting arts, enhances balance, strength, flexibility and agility - the four areas Tifa excels at. Now, we’ve talked a lot about her strong points. But what of her weaknesses? Players will have noticed immediately that Tifa has a major setback. She can accurately be described as a glass cannon, due to her low HP and defenses that counter-balance her speed and dexterity. That is precisely what makes playing as her so compelling; you get that sense of life or death intensity. The fight feels REAL. She is the least OP character in the party, in addition to by far being the most difficult to master. Utilized properly, she can be the strongest of them all. And wow, is that rewarding or what?
Because of her weak defenses, Tifa must constantly remain on the move, and gymnastics is the quintessential means in doing so. Hand springs, aerial cartwheels - you name it, she’s got it. As if those kicks and uppercuts don’t scream epic enough already. Doesn’t it just make her even MORE amazing?
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So I’ve added Hēi-Hǔ-Quán to Flowerslightning’s conclusion: that Tifa’s combat is Mixed Martial Arts, with her dominant skills as Kickboxing, Taekwondo and Muay Thai. And of course, the interweaving of Gymnastics, which adds an elegance to her epic kickassery.
Tifa lost her teacher after just two years, and spent the last five managing & running a bar, serving as AVALANCHE’s funder & treasurer, and effectively solo-raising Barret’s little daughter. Add two more years, and we have a completely absent Barret, a very sick child in addition to the one she is (now permanently) raising, and a depressed, distant Cloud who has left her to struggle as a solo barkeep, full-time nurse and single mother. How on earth did she find the time and will to master her fighting techniques?
Yes, we are talking about fiction, but this woman is nothing short of incredible. Not simply as a fighter - that isn’t even the start of it. Tifa is, to me, the character who has had it the hardest. Yet she perseveres. And not only that, but she gives. She gives and gives, and doesn’t give up, even when everyone else around her has. In addition, she is the only ‘ordinary’ member of the party: Cloud, on top of military training, had his senses enhanced with Mako & Jenova cells; Barret literally has a gun for an arm; and Aerith as the last Cetra possesses exceedingly strong magic. Tifa, like with everything she does, worked hard to hone her skills. And that, to me, is incontestably admirable.
As Flowerslightning put it, she was “ready to go through hell and yet still remain soft”. And those virtues she held to, where most people would have quit. Compassion and perseverance to the end, the two traits that uphold her - to me - as the most inspiring hero of fiction.
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arizona-trash-bag · 3 years
I can totally explain a bit of my thinking behind seeing lwj as autistic and wwx as autistic/adhd!! Before I get into specifics though, let me preface with where I’m coming from. I first saw CQL and then read the EXR translation of the novel. I prefer MDZS to CQL, but also want to acknowledge that because I do not read/speak Mandarin I am inherently experiencing this story second-hand and therefore am probably missing out on a lot of nuances. I am trying to learn Mandarin, but it will be a long time before I am even a little close to fluent lol.
Another preface- obviously not all autistic people present in the same way, and many of the things that I will mention are not solely specific to autistic people either. It’s one of those things where all of it added up together points towards asd, but each one individually would not on its own indicate asd, you know? Also, I will say that many of the things I picked up on for both characters are autistic traits that many autistic people have vs the clinical characteristics (much like most of the case I could make for wwx’s adhd would be adhd traits he has rather than symptoms that would lead to a real-world diagnosis.) Edit: OH! I almost forgot to say, that also all of these traits I’m listing are from a western perspective, and I would LOVE to read more about how autism presents in different cultures and to see conversations between autistc Chinese people specifically, so as to see if these traits are specific to western autistic people or not, but again, I do not speak Mandarin or Cantonese or any other Chinese dialect, so that’s a little inaccessible for me atm.
Ok, SO, for both characters I would list: strong sense of justice, lack of care for society’s opinion (I feel like it could be argued that lwj does to a certain point, but imo he operates more from what he morally considers to be correct and from a place of familial duty vs catering to the opinion of society at large), and then more vaguely, they both seem to be “nerdy” (this doesnt feel like the most accurate term, especially because it's not like being scholarly is specific to their characters, especially in ancient fantasy China- it’s more that their particular hmmm, flavor?? of love of knowledge feels very neurodivergent to me, vs like, being scholarly because it’s the thing that is expected of a Young Master, if that makes any sense at all- like the difference btwn someone getting an engineering degree because it is expected of them vs because they genuinely love engineering), and lastly for both- I would say that they are canonically kinky, and while I can’t cite any statistics, there’s a pretty high correlation between being autistic and being into kink. Obviously, not every person who is not vanilla is autistic, and not every autistic person is into kink…….but there is a high correlation.
For lwj specifically, the things that made me think he might be autistic are his lack of outward emoting combined with his depth and breadth of emotions, how he seems to thrive in and quite enjoy the very structured environment he grew up in, and then the last one off the top of my head (side note, I feel like a week from now I’m going to randomly think of other examples lol) I’m not actually sure IS an example, because I know (thanks to the awesome post from hunxi that you linked to that I had read previously) that his succintness does not equal autism, but I do kind of feel like it is very autistic to Always be so formal and to Always talk in textbook perfect language.
For wwx, I also think he likely has CPTSD! I’m not going to list anything for adhd or cptsd since we both agree on those :) As far as being autistic goes, there is, of course, the high prevalence of adhd/asd comorbidity. For specifc traits- while autism can show up as lack of facial expressions/tone, it can also show up as being overly exuberant and overexpressive. Especially for younger autistic children this can show up as being overly friendly/no boundaries w/ strangers (just?? going home with a random man who says he knew wwx’s parents???), making unusual connections that others do not can be both asd and adhd, his disregard for social status (disregard might be a strong word, and also I feel like this might be one of those things that got lost in translation and if I had read the original text I might have a different opinon, but what I mean here is the way that often autistic people learn certain social rules and try their best to follow them, but often do not pick up on specifics related to social hierarchy that are not spelled out for them- I think jyl’s take down of jin zixun is a great example of the /oppossite/ of what I’m talking about, and is a very neurotypical interaction. An example also of what I mean by disregard for social hierarchy, but from my own life, is how I’ve reflected on past convos w/ my boss only to realize that what I thought was just an interesting conversation about our opinons on a particular subject was actually them trying to tell-me-as-my-boss something they wanted me to do. We ended up doing things the way I wanted to do them because I didn’t realize that they were telling me to do something because they didnt explicitly say so, and because I just don’t pick up on when people are saying something from a social hierarchy pov. Idk if this makes sense or not, so I’m happy to try to expand if you would like me to. I feel like wwx could be described as having alexithymia, which is very common in autistic people, but could also be due to his cptsd. And then, I don’t feel like this is a true point because it is kind of based on headcanon? but wwx feels very demisexual to me, which is much more common for autistic people than it is for allistic people. But him being demi is not canon, just my perception of him (I see him as demisexual gay w/ massive comphet, but I know lots of people see him as bi, which also totally makes sense!!)
Tbh, I’m having a harder time than I thought I would listing wwx specifics. I might go through the book sometime this weekend and see if there are specific moments that pop out at me, but tbh w/ him its more that he Feels very adhd/asd to me?? Idk, I was diagnosed w/ adhd when I was 8, and all 4 of my siblings plus my father have offical adhd diagnoses. I’m 29 now and was only diagnosed as autistic earlier this year.  All of my close friends have always been either adhd, asd, or adhd/asd. There have been multiple people I have met that I’ve suspected were neurodivergent who have later told me they started looking into it and are now seeking formal diagnoses. I mention these things, only to give full context when I say that I have spent a lot of time observing the differences between interacting with neurotypicals and neurodivergents. I mean, obviously, it’s possible that I could just be projecting, but to me, Wwx gives off late-diagnosed/heavy masker autism/adhd combo vibes. Again, maybe I am projecting, but I did try to analyze whether I was or not previously, and determined that since in the past with other favorite characters (who I probably share more similarities in personality with) I did not feel like they were neurodivergent, so I figured that probably I wasn’t? That feels like a very convoluted sentence, but what I mean is that I have not thought that about other characters who have been my fav, so I figured that while I do project in certain areas that this particular area probably wasn’t one of them. Or, to say it in yet another way, since i did not project any of my neurodivergencies on past favorite characters, I figured I probably didn’t start doing so now.
I would love to hear more of your perspective on this, particularly because I worry that I do not have the cultural touchstones to realize when something wwx or lwj is doing is not actually a sign of being neurodivergent. I try my best to research things I don’t know about and to listen to fans who actually do have that cultural understanding, but there’s only so much I can look into on my own when I only speak/read english. And also, I love mdzs and I love talking about both adhd and autism, so I’m glad to talk about these subjects with someone else who also likes all of those topics :) Sorry for sending a book of a response and also I hope you are having a great day!!
wow wow wow anon THANK YOU for doing your research and acknowledging your blind spots you seriously made my day. I wanted to get to this as soon as I made that rant while sharing cyan’s post bc this is specifically an example of a well researched proposition based on actual lived experience and critical thinking.
I almost want to ask you to come forward so we can take this convo elsewhere for a more nuanced discussion bc you’ve already hit upon an issue that’s been holding me back from making a big blathering masterpost on the matter - that the ND experience is so unique and individual, and no one person can dictate someone else’s experience. at the end of the day, if you personally relate to these characters and gain more understanding of yourself and your experiences from them, who am I to take that away from you?
in a public space though I have to make the discussion very broad in order to accurately contextualize these issues, bc in typical autistic fashion I feel morally compelled to Do My Best and Get It Right even as the masses show no inclination of returning the favor, so apologies for the boring backstories I have to get out of the way before we can approach anything resembling new ground.
first from a diagnostic standpoint, while I recognize the traits you listed (and appreciate your clearly nuanced understanding of ND expressions) and would find value in exploring them in a personal context, they are not unique to adhd and/or autism and wouldn’t constitute a basis for diagnosis in a clinical setting. I know that's probably beside the point for this anon, but there's enough edgy teens hoarding labels out there without tacit encouragement from scientists (yes I am technically a scientist, even though my ideologies these days range from conventional to... wildly esoteric, shall we say)
from a cultural standpoint, it’s important for me to emphasize that the concept of neurodivergence is a uniquely western notion. for those unfamiliar, the term 'neurodiversity' was only coined in 1998. I was born in 1991. I existed for a whole 7 years as an autistic person before the idea of being neurodivergent was even a thing. this ND acceptance thing is very, very new - people were not making tiktok confessionals about their adhd diagnosis journeys when I was growing up.
china, like most asian countries, is about 20 years or more behind on just about every social issue compared with western countries. to better illustrate, the experience of being ND in china falls much closer to the conventional experience of disability (i.e. being eugenicized out of existence) than the tentative ND acceptance movement that’s been kickstarted in the past 20 years in the anglosphere.
safe to say, there is no ND coding going on in chinese media. characters are either explicitly ND or they're not. there's no basis for a creator subtly inducing ND-like traits in a character, because there's no such thing as ND awareness in the cultural context of where mdzs was written and consumed. any resemblance is purely accidental, as they say.
as to how this resemblance could exist - I could go into the layers and layers of historical, cultural, social and religious context that make up these characters and the xianxia genre as a whole. for this anon in particular i'm happy to, because they've done the work. please please get in touch in some way where we can have a fully fleshed out chat if you're interested in taking this further, I realize i’ve basically addressed none of the finer points you’ve raised but honestly it’s another level of discussion to be had that cannot be summarized in one blog post haha.
as for those who would scream 'but special interests!!' at a character whose sect was founded by a literal monk - what would be the point?
PS. to comprise a starting point for why it's possible to see ND4ND everywhere in media if you looked hard enough - I refer you to the seminal red oni blue oni trope 💁‍♀️
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siverwrites · 3 years
Trick or Treat Letter 2021
AO3: Siver
Thank you for taking this on! Here there are some general prompt details if you want them and if you already have some idea of your own, awesome. I can’t wait to see what you come up with.
Note sometimes I have some specific prompts for some characters while other don’t. This has nothing to do with priority or preferences. They’re just ones I happened to some specific thoughts for. Of course they’re only ideas and you’re free to ignore them!
All requests are for fic or art.
Art: Interactions of some sort: emoting at each other, talking, sharing some activity, taking a walk, hugs are always welcome, soft things, whatever suits the pair/group. I’d much prefer the character(s) doing something over just standing around looking cool.
Likes: fluff, hurt/comfort, found family, sickfic, fandom crossovers or fusions between requested fandoms, angst with a happy or at least bittersweet end, bonding, cuddling/hugs/holding, banter, mutual care and support, loyalty, pre-canon, post-canon, missing scenes, slice of life, supernatural stuff, mystery, adventure, world-building, creepy or unsettling atmospheres
DNW: NSFW, non-con, dub-con, underage relationships, unrequested ships, infidelity, explicit gore, modern AUs (college, high school, coffee shop etc), non-canonical permanent character death
Any combination of character tags within each fandom is cool. I have specfic pairs and groups listed at points but those are only for ideas. Heck, any crossover/fusion between any of these fandoms is welcome too, go nuts.
For treats: you can’t go wrong with fluff! Friendship, familial bonds, found family, romance for the few ship possibilities listed here.
For tricks: I like it atmospheric. Unsettling atmospheres. Unresolved mystery. Making use of the stranger environments canon may already provide. The surreal. The strange. The supernatural. Much prefer a subtler creepy factor over ‘jump scares’ and gore.
Ghost Trick
Pigeon Man
DNW: NSFW, non-con, dub-con, underage relationships, unrequested ships, infidelity, explicit gore, modern AUs (college, high school, coffee shop etc), non-canonical permanent character death
Ships I’m good with: Alma/Jowd/Cabanela, Alma/Jowd, Cabanela/Jowd (where the focus is there but without infidelity to Alma), Alma/Cabanela (again no infidelity just where the focus is)
I love this game, its characters and pretty much everything about it, so whatever you want to do will be great I’m sure. New timeline mysteries and missing memories are always welcome where it makes sense. Alternate timelines and what-ifs are cool to explore. Fluff, comfort, family found or otherwise and friendships are always a go. Spooky ghost shenanigans, mysteries in the night.
Any combination of these characters is more than welcome too!
Any combination of Jowd/Cabanela/Alma or Jowd & Cabanela & Alma is always welcome.
Always down for various combinations of Pigeon Man with Cabanela, Jowd and/or Kamila. Or PM with someone less expected like Alma! Or Sissel! Or Missile! The Jowd family expands and you cannot escape. In other words found family with Lynne or with Pigeon Man (or both of course).
Animal shenanigans on their own or with each other and fluff is great.
Sissel settling into the Jowd household and the shenanigans that ensue from having a ghost-powered cat.
Mino: What is Mino? Who is Mino? This is trick or treat, go weird, have fun.
Alma: We just need more of our girl honestly. Sweet relationship or family stuff. Go supernatural and consider Alma ghost either during game or temporarily post-game before being rescued by Sissel (Maybe helping Sissel save herself in that situation?)
Final Fantasy VI
Phantom Train
DNW: NSFW, non-con, dub-con, underage relationships, unrequested ships, infidelity, explicit gore beyond canon typical, modern AUs (college, high school, coffee shop etc), Gogo as Daryl, non-canonical permanent character death
Valigarmanda: I just want to know more about them (she? he? your pronoun of choice). What led to them frozen in Narshe? Do they still hold some form of awareness in that state? Do the moogles look after at all? Some form of communication between them? How did they feel joining the party as magicite? What exactly took place between them and Terra? So many possibilities or something else entirely.
Mog: I just like moogles okay. Throw him at anyone here in the above list and see what happens. Or a moogle adventure in Narshe or elsewhere. Sky's the limit, dance's the limit?
Chocobos: I just like chocobos okay. Throw one or more at anyone here in the above list and see what happens. If you want something more specific I will never have enough serpent trench travel with Sabin and Celes in the World of Ruin. Give them chocobos and off they go. Figaro chocobos are also good. Chocobo anything.
Phantom Train: I have no particular thoughts here but what better exchange than Trick or Treat for the Phantom Train itself? Exploring more about it whether it's just it or throw characters at it. All cool.
Celes and Sabin: as stated I'm an absolute sucker for world of ruin travel with these two and anything more is good. That said if you want to focus on just one of them or one of them with someone else that's great too. I've only lumped them together for sake of convenience. Sabin in Figaro? Sabin with another here? Celes travels in the saved world?
Interceptor: Does he interact much with any of the rest of the party? Or... dog and chocobo... Or just you know can't go wrong with Interceptor and Relm things ever
Relm: Any interaction with anyone here. Leaning on her Sketch ability would be cool. Mimic paint off with Gogo?
Gogo: Gogo's just neat. More of them good.
Carto's Puppy
Granny Maldpo
Shianan's Puppy
DNW: NSFW, non-con, dub-con, underage relationships, unrequested ships, infidelity, explicit gore, modern AUs (college, high school, coffee shop etc), non-canonical permanent character death
I just want to see a little more of these characters and this world. The game was so cute and neat. More travel or stories or some sort of cute moment with Carto and Maldpo, and puppy if post-game, on their airship! Granny Maldpo is so cool! Explorer pilot grandma hell yeah! A little adventure for her? More exploration of Shianan (and her puppy!)? A reunion with Carto again?
The story chalet was also just really neat so doing more with it and the Storytender is absolutely welcome. What does an average day for him look like in an ever-changeable library with books writing themselves?
The Last Guardian
The Boy
DNW: NSFW, non-con, dub-con, underage relationships, unrequested ships, infidelity, explicit gore, modern AUs (college, high school, coffee shop etc), non-canonical permanent character death
Give me all the cat-dog-bird fluff/shenanigans/playfulness/warmth/coziness. Anything while they’re together. Barrel feeding, snuggle time, riding, flying. Sweet or silly (Trico has his moments for sure) or something else. I adore Trico. I adore the boy and Trico’s companionship.
Alternatively something in the future. The boy grown up reuniting with Trico. A flight with Trico. A temporary willing return to the nest. Meeting Trico babies!
Baby Metroid
DNW: NSFW, non-con, dub-con, underage relationships, unrequested ships, infidelity, explicit gore beyond canon typical, modern AUs (college, high school, coffee shop etc), reliance on manga knowledge, spoilers for Metroid Dread, non-canonical permanent character death
While I don't have anything particular in mind here, I'm all about the mood for Metroid and would appreciate really leaning on the atmosphere and environmental aspects--either more lush areas (eg Brinstar, Tallon IV landing area) but still isolating, or the darker more tense places. I'm particularly fond of Super Metroid and Metriod Prime.
Any singular focus on one of the above three or some combo is good.
Regarding the manga: I know next to nothing about it, so light referencing without needed knowledge is fine; anything deeper than that please avoid?
Monkey Island
Guybrush Threepwood
Elaine Marley
El Pollo Diablo
Feral Chickens
DNW: NSFW, non-con, dub-con, underage relationships, unrequested ships, infidelity, explicit gore, modern AUs (college, high school, coffee shop etc), Escape from Monkey Island, angst, non-canonical permanent character death
Silly pirate-y shenanigans. Guybrush and Elaine team-up on something actually in one place? Any interactions with Murray are always a treat and we’ve never gotten to see those with Elaine in the mix.
Explore the legend of El Pollo Diablo in some way. What do the chickens get up to now they roam free across Puerto Pollo? What oh-so-nefarious schemes is Murray up to now? A feral chicken demonic skull team-up?? I mean, that’s kinda close to El Pollo Diablo right???
This is coming off as Curse of Monkey Island-centric (it is my favourite) but it doesn’t have to be. It’s just because of the chickens… and Murray. But mainly chickens. Anytime from the previous games, or future or off to the side is good too.
Bug Fables
Elizant II
DNW: NSFW, non-con, dub-con, underage relationships, unrequested ships, infidelity, explicit gore, modern AUs (college, high school, coffee shop etc), non-canonical permanent character death
I love the group dynamics! Party fun times while they’re travelling would be good. Really interested in more with Leif’s situation because that is a Lot and open to more introspection and dealing–Kabbu support go? Attempted Vi support go? Chompy being the best plant she can be? Snuggle that plant during hard times?
Exploring that lab more and cordyceps is welcome for the creepier end of things. Same with the Giant’s Lair and what IS that giant eye?
There’s also an interesting connection between Elizant II and Leif I’d be interested in seeing more. Leif’s out of his time but holds memories of Elizant I. Elizant II is a more direct connection he’s otherwise lacking and it’s nice to see how his opinion of her shifts and grows as she grows.
The Legend of Heroes
DNW: NSFW, non-con, dub-con, underage relationships, unrequested ships, infidelity, explicit gore, modern AUs (college, high school, coffee shop etc), spoilers for Hajimari or Kuro, Agate/Tita, Olivier/Schera, non-canonical permanent character death
Trails in the Sky
Estelle Bright
Cassius Bright
Lena Bright
Kloe Rinz
Alicia von Auslese
Celeste D. Auslese
Olivier Lenheim
Mueller Vander
Any combination of any of these characters could lead to interesting things. Some combo ideas:
In Phantasma, Kloe and Celeste talk... Estelle, Olivier or Mueller could be interesting too though... Or simply more about Celeste and the Hermit's Garden by herself.
Bright family time will always be welcome. And more love for Lena. Kloe and Estelle sister/best friend time.
Kloe and Olivier have a lot of potential for interesting interaction in how they parallel each other but are so wildly different at the same time. Kloe and Alicia family time!
Olivier & Cassius: I’m just really interested to see more interaction between these two whether while they’re still planning or something before Olivier goes back to Erebonia after Sky SC. Cassius can’t help himself when it comes to giving advice…
Olivier & Alicia: Royalty matters, knowing who Olivier actually is. Last meetings before he goes back to Erebonia?
Olivier&/Mueller stuff is all good
Ragnard: cool dragon is cool. Either something about him individually in the past? Or what he's up to now? A look at interaction between him and Cassius? Ragnard and Auslese (any of them)...?
Lloyd Bannings
Randy Orlando
Tio Plato
Elie MacDowell
KeA Bannings
Alex Dudley
Sergei Lou
No ships here please.
Bonding and found family is the name of the game here! Tio and Zeit spending time together. Lloyd and Randy having bro time or Lloyd trying to remind Randy that he does indeed belong with SSS. KeA and “Uncle” Sergei time! What might they do together, or what does KeA get Sergei to do with her? Lloyd and KeA spending time together, Lloyd spoiling KeA, KeA being a comfort to Lloyd. KeA turning on the charm on Dudley. Dudley and Sergei interaction. Any combination of any of the SSS related characters is great if you want a bigger SSS gathering. I love them all.
Anything exploring KeA's powers is very cool too.
Trails of Cold Steel
Alfin Reise Arnor
Priscilla Reise Arnor
Olivier Leheim | Olivert Reise Arnor
Mueller Vander
Alfin, Olivier, Priscilla: The Arnors have it rough dammit. Some soft moment for any combo of these three? Reunions after Olivier comes back and isn’t dead? We were deprived! Entertaining sibling times. A Priscilla bonding moment with Olivier when he was still getting used to living in the palace. And of course individually they’re interesting in their own roles and I’m always down for more.
Mueller: Of course anything with Olivier is good in my books. I’m running under the assumption that since he shows up with Olivier in the triumphant not-dead return, that he wound up at Valleria while Olivier recovered and I would be very soft for any moment taking placing during that time period. But when it comes to those two sky’s the limit. I’m good with platonic or ship. Mueller having some interaction with either Priscilla or Alfin would be great too!
Valimar: Given his history and knowledge it’d be interesting to see a conversation with Olivier or Alfin given also their family name Cedric’s positioning and, well, all the history there. Alternatively I love his interactions with Mint and how respectful of her he is, so anything between those two yes please. Or just something exploring him by himself in some way would be cool too.
Mint: I’m particularly interested in her during CS III and IV times and with Valimar as above. However, any Mint shenanigans is a fun time. She’s doing her best!
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bbwoulfc · 4 years
Lukanette Viking AU - Luka and Jagged: Picking A Dragon (REWRITE)
Viking Life was a mixture of many things.  Expand, learn, fight, trade, dragon training, etc, the list goes on.  Though, when it came to the Anarky tribe, chaos and fun were one important motto when it came to being a viking.
For the Stone-Couffaine clan, they believed chaos and fun allowed a viking to reach their full and true potential.  At least, that’s what Jagged and Anarka, the chief and chieftess, believe.  It’s what allowed the Anarky tribe to rule over areas of Sratha Cluade in Scotland and Ulaid in Ireland for so long.  They were fair and just but tended to focus more on kindness and fun, with a bit of chaos of course.
And though they were a bit chaotic, they had good allies.  One of those allies they were closest to is the Cruthachadh tribe; ruled by the humble and kind Tom and Sabine of the Dupain-Cheng clan.  Together, they helped each other strive with trade and goods which only strengthened their alliance.
This eventually led to the day that house Dupain-Cheng and house Stone-Couffaine decided to sign a contract of union with a marriage between their eldest children, believing they’d be a good match for one another and lead both tribes, once united, to years of prosperous reign.  Now, at the age of twelve, Luka, heir of the Anarky tribe, was betrothed to the heir of Cruthachadh’s heir, Marinette.
With the weight of the betrothal and upcoming visit from Marinette approaching, Luka was growing nervous and anxious.  He never gets the chance to meet Marinette as often as most betrothed or even friends would, and that made it difficult when your betrothed lived a couple day’s trip by boat away or a day’s flight by dragon on a separate island.
Would they be considered friends when they hardly see each other?  Does Marinette even consider themselves friends?
Luka sighed from the whirlwind of questions and worries.  Sitting at the dining table, he dropped his head on the heavy wooden tabletop and let out a grown.
“What’s got you all mopey?” he heard his sister quietly ask as she entered the dining and kitchen space.
“Just thinking about Marinette and our betrothal.”
“Oh, that again.  Then I’m gonna leave and go hang out with Alix and Kim.  Have fun sulking.”
“Love you too, Jules,” he called out as Juleka left the house.
Luka let out another sigh.  He really wanted to make this relationship work.  But now that Juleka ditched him, he had no one else home to talk about gift ideas.  And that was the nervous part of figuring out a gift, what kinds of things does Marinette like?  Does she like jewelry?  Weapons?  Crafts?
Where was someone when he needed it?
The front door to their home burst open with force as he heard someone enter the domain.
‘I take that back.’
“Eh, my boy!”
Pushing his head up, Luka greeted his father with a small smile.
Seeing his son’s dull expression, Jagged walked over and sat across from his son, his winged crimson pit drake hybrid, Fang, followed close behind.  Luka gave a small chuckle seeing the large dragon stopping beside his father, lay down, and curl up.  Fang might look like a terrifying beast, but that dragon was nothing but an oversized puppy with how his father spoiled him.  Well, until someone threatening came along, then that puppy side was gone.
“What’s got ya so blue, son?”  Jagged’s brows furrowed,  “Is...is dis ‘bout the betrothal?”
Luka huffed, “Yea.  I’m...I’m worried about screwing this up and ruining my chances making Marinette happy.”
A smile stretched across Jagged’s face, feeling guilty for his son’s turmoil.
“I’m sorry, lad.  Yer mother ‘nd I didn’t mean fer dis betrothal ta get ya worked up.  We all just thought da two o’ve ya would be great fer each other.” 
“It’s alright, dad.  I really like Marinette, don’t worry.  I just don’t want her to regret being stuck with me.”
“Ah, come on, don’t think like that, son.  Yer a good man,” -he pushed himself up to tap his finger against Luka’s forehead- “don’t forget that.”
Sitting back in his seat, he rested his arms on the table.  Jagged looked at his son, “So, tell me what ideas ya got fer Marinette.  I know you’ve been thinkin’.”
“I was hoping to get Marinette a gift when she came to visit.  I just don’t know what she likes or would like.”
Jagged gave his son a wide grin, “Well lucky fer you, I know exactly what ta get fer yer future wife!”
“Really?” Luka perked in relief.
Leaning forward to Luka, he gave his son a nod and whispered the answer like it was a secret.
“The perfect way ta a girl’s heart is a dragon o’ve their own.”
Luka looked at his dad with skepticism, “Really?”
He watched Jagged lean back with wide arms and bright smile, “Absolutely!  That’s how I won da heart o’ve yer mother.”
Well, Luka couldn’t really argue with that in all honesty.  Based on the bond between his parents, their relationship was one of strength and many other traits.  If his dad believed a dragon would help the start of his and Marinette’s relationship, it couldn’t hurt to try, right?
“Alright,” Luka breathed with new confidence and gave his father an excited smile, “Mind joining me to the nesting grounds to find a dragon for Marinette as a pre-wedding gift?”
Jagged gave Luka a starry-eyed look and jumped up excitingly in place.
“Of course!  We’ll get ta ‘ave a father-son bondin’ moment.”  Jagged ran around the table and picked up his son, missing the sound of a yelp from Luka.  Throwing his son over his shoulder as he ran for the front, calling his dragon companion to follow, “Come along, Fang!”  
 It didn’t take them long to navigate through the Scottish woods along the shore cliff sides that housed one of the larger gatherings and nesting grounds for dragons.  Nesting grounds were always a serendipitous place for vikings to come and bond with the majestic creatures.  To build lifelong companions and friends.
For Luka, he hadn’t been to the nesting grounds in two years when he came to find a dragon companion of his own at age ten.  Which turned out as a great experience if he had to say so himself.  
He remembers when he stumbled across the Icelandic hatchling with the golden eyes two years ago.
The white-colored dragon gazed at him with curiosity and hope.  Luka reached into his side pouch and pulled out a strip of dried fish to give the hatchling; reaching the piece of meat forward.  Perking and giving the item a sniff, the dragon took and ate the treat before moving closer to the young boy.
Dropping to his knees, Luka waited patiently for the hatchling to approach on his own will.  His parents told him that you’ll know the right dragon when you both bond and connect in mind.  So, as he waited, the hatchling stepped with his front paws on Luka’s knees and stretched up until the boy stroked his head.
Seeing the dragon wanting attention, Luka ran his hand along the smokey grey muzzle and snow-white head.  He felt a rumble-like purr and within a few moments, he heard a faint, new voice say “friend” enter his head.  Hoping it was a sign of the bond, Luka thought of the word friend in return and watched as the Icelandic hatchling opened his eyes from the nuzzling and looked at him in awe and excitement within those golden eyes.
‘Bonded?’ he heard from the dragon.
Luka gave the hatchling a nod and smile, “Bonded.”
The small dragon gave a chirp in happiness and nuzzled fully against Luka.
“You’re quite the majestic dragon, aren’t you?  Really cool and handsome looking,” he stated while taking in all the dragon’s detail.
The Icelandic hatchling heard the boy’s praise and sat back, standing boldly with a little cockiness and pride.
Luka chuckled, “Oh?  A little sassiness I see.”
The hatchling perked at the term of sassy.
“You like that?  Sassy?”  He heard the dragon bark in agreement.  “Alright then.  How do you feel about Sass for a name?”
‘I like it.’
“Then, it looks like you and I are bonded companions for life,” chuckling when Sass jumped into Luka’s arms. 
Finding Sass was one of the best things to happen in his life.  To have a companion and friend to talk to, who also came to enjoy some of his interests.  And in two winters, he would be able to add Marinette and her own dragon to add to his list of good things to happen to him.
When Luka and Jagged crossed the skirt of dangling tree branches, both men gasped at the utopia that was the nesting grounds.  The area was filled with hoards of dragons of all shapes, sizes, and colors.  It might have been only two years since he had been there, but he knew for a fact that there weren’t as many dragons last time.
“There are so many new dragons,” Luka mumbled in awe.  “I didn’t know there were so many types.”
He felt his father bump his shoulder, not removing his gaze from the joyous sight, “Maybe the dragons talk to each other and tell how awesome our land is.”
They both chuckled which built to laughter.  Together, once they calmed down, began walking again, slowly approaching further into the nesting grounds.  Taking in all the activity surrounding them, they saw dragons roaming, flying, lounging under the bright sun, and herds of hatchlings playing about among the green fields, small hills, and low mountains.  The scenery looked like a kingdom all its own, but he wouldn’t let the variety of dragons deter him from finding a hatchling for Marinette.
“Where to start?” Luka mumbled to himself, gazing at the nearby nests.
However, he wasn’t aware of Jagged moving towards another direction until the sound of grass rustling came beside him.  Looking to his left, Luka watched his father take off like a kid during the holidays, jumping from nest to nest or dragon to dragon; Fang following close behind in the same enthusiasm.  
“Dad!  What are you doing?!  This isn’t like being at one of the trading posts.”
Jagged looked back at his son and waved off his worries, “Oi, no need ta worry, son!  Fang will keep me safe.”  
‘Yea, but there’s a difference from looking fearsome and acting like one.’
Rolling his eyes, Luka followed his father and Fang towards the open meadow, heading to the opposite side.  Coming upon one of the nearest nests, he came across a familiar breed of dragon.  Seeing a mixture of gold, blue, and red eyes, the snow-white scales was no mistake.
Falling to his knees, the hatchlings scurried towards Luka seeking attention like most hatchlings sought.  Chuckling, Luka tried dividing his attention to all three hatchlings as they chirped and licked his hands.  He could feel the smoothness in the younglings' skin and bumps where future spikes and horns would develop.
Though, like all hatchlings, the attention span didn’t last long as the Icelandic younglings ran off to play with the other hatchling breeds.
At the sound of a chuckled rumble, the young heir looked up at the mother of the nest, her gaze distant to where her offsprings ran off.  After a few more seconds, the mother’s gaze shifted to Luka.  Wise blue eyes looked into young ocean filled ones.
“Hey, girl.  It’s been a while.”  Opening his travel pouch, he pulled out a piece of dried fish jerky meat, holding it up to the dragon.
The female lowered her head and took the piece of meat and ate it.  She lightly nudged her dull upward beak muzzle against Luka’s head in gratitude.  Raising his hands, he returned the gesture by petting along her jaw and snout, earning a purring rumble.
“You’re a good girl, aren’t you?”  He heard the dragon give another rumble.  Leaning back, he looked into her eyes with a smile filled with his own sense of gratitude, “I want to thank you for letting me have Sass.  We’ve both been very happy.”
He received a lick across his cheek when they heard the hatchlings return and huddle back into the nest, all three curling up to one another before falling asleep.  Feeling it was time for him to move on to allow the hatchlings to sleep, he gave the mother a wave goodbye before walking off.  The Icelandic breed was a gorgeous dragon, but he felt it didn’t suit Marinette.
Continuing on to another random nest, Luka came upon a family of Wyverns.  Strong but stubborn creatures, they were majestic in their own way.  Slightly smaller than the Icelandic dragon, they were more of, what Luka felt, bird-like in appearance.  Large and powerful wingspans and two strong powerful legs.  Forest green and browns in color, they would act like good camouflage dragons in the woods or forests.
Giving attention to some of the hatchlings, he took in some more of the details around the body.  Spikes traveling along the back and parts of the head, at the end of the tail it formed into a spike club shape.  Luka was sure the Wyvern would make a good fierce and loyal companion, but again, he didn’t feel confident it was the dragon for his betrothed.
“Oi! Luka, come here, son.”
Looking over towards the location his father was, he saw Jagged and Fang hunched over a smaller nest compared to the larger ones laying about.  Standing up, Luka headed over and knelt down beside his father.
“What do ya think o’ve these little guys?”
Jagged picked up one of the little dragons with butterfly-like wings.  The coloring reminded him of one of those butterflies with orange and black markings.  A Monarch he thinks it was after learning from a gentleman at a trading post when he was with his father.  
The little dragon looked up at the two of them with curiosity in those bluish buggish eyes and chirped.
“I don’t know, dad.  They look like one of those Feydragons.  They’re very small and I wanted to get Marinette a dragon she could eventually ride.”
“Well, maybe dis guy can be an inside home dragon companion, like a dog or cat.  There’s nothin’ wrong wit’ havin’ more than one dragon.”
Looking closer at the small dragon, it’s fins fanning out and wings fluttering from the light breeze passing, and chirped.
“The little guy is cute,” spoke Luka, “It probably wouldn’t hurt to have two dragons for Marinette.”
Smiling at his dad, Jagged returned one when the sight of the Feydragon’s body began to glow.  The father and son perked in attention at the sight and gazed on in their own curiosity, leaning closer to the little creature.
“Oh?  What’s this?” Mumbled Jagged.
Suddenly, the Feydragon sneezed, the body giving a spark as a small explosion burst out.  The smoke from the blast hit Jagged and Luka with a small light force, becoming coated in patches of ash and scorch marks across their upper body.  Blinking, Luka broke his gaze from the dragon and glanced up at his father with a fuzzled haze, taking in all the scorch marks and strands of his hair and beard sticking out of place.  A few strands sizzling or giving off smoke.
If Luka hadn’t been a part of the explosion, he’d find the sight of this whole event hilarious.  He was sure he sported a similar appearance and knew the moment they returned home, Juleka would probably laugh.  As for his mother, he wasn’t sure.
“I like this little guy!” Shouted Jagged, “Marinette would love this!”
“No,” vetoed Luka.  “I’m not giving her a dragon that has explosive sneezes.”
“Oh, I’m sure they grow out of it.”
“Still no.  I’m not risking my future wife with an explosive dragon.”
“You’re no fun, but I guess you have a point.  I bet Juleka would love him!”
“Oh, gods,” mumbled Luka.
He didn’t want to begin imagining the idea of Juleka owning a dragon such as this one.
His eyes widen at the sudden thought of Alix and Kim learning about this dragon breed.  The explosions would only add up on a daily basis.
He felt a weight land on his back and little chirps and clicks.  Turning his head to his left, he tried to catch a glimpse of what landed on his back, when a small reddish gold hatchling crawled up and rested on top of his shoulder.  Raising his right hand up, he waited patiently until the hatchling crawled in his palms, the dragon’s eyes never once leaving their focus from his.
“A Chinese Gold dragon?” he gazed at the structure and appearance, taking in certain details of the bat-like wings and size, along with the crests to signal it was a female.  He gave the little dragon a welcoming smile, “Well, aren’t you a beautiful girl.  It’s not very often we get to see your species around these parts.”
The red hatchling chirped and looked knowingly with her blue eyes and seemed to gleam at being called beautiful.  Reaching into his small pouch, Luka pulled another piece of fish jerky, ripping off a smaller strip and placed it in front of the hatchling.
Watching as she sniffed the food, gurgled in excitement, and snatched the piece of meat, eating it whole.  Licking her muzzle, the red hatchling pushed up with her hind legs and rubbed her head against Luka’s chin, causing the boy to giggle.
“You’re a lovable little thing aren’t you?”
The golden hatchling gave another chirp.  Luka looked over the dragon coated in gradients of reddish-gold with some smokey black markings on her back.  It really was a gorgeous dragon and seeing the blue eyes, it reminded him of Marinette’s when he saw her a couple of years ago when they were younger.  He felt confident that this was the dragon for Marinette.
“Would you like to come home with me?  I have someone special who would love you and make a great bonded companion.”
Wanting to let the dragon make the decision, it didn’t take long for the small hatchling to crawl up his shoulder and give a little lick to Luka’s cheek.
“Well, it looks like ya found yerself a dragon, son.”
“Ya.  Ready to head home?” Luka asked as he turned to his father.
“Yep!  I can’t wait ta show Juleka her new companion!”
Luka shook his head as he followed behind his father and Fang towards home.  He was sure their house was going to get slightly busier with all the new residents.
 It didn’t take them long to reach their village, taking the pathway leading to the Couffaine home.  Compared to the other houses, it wasn’t hard to find the large two leveled home.  Then again, it was said that the chief and chieftess homes were built to be a bit larger.
Walking up the front steps, the father and son entered the family home to find Juleka at the dining table, eating lunch.
Looking over to her father and brother, Juleka perked at the sight of them, taking in the messing appearance.
“What the heck happened to you two?”
“My little darlin’ daughter,” Jagged ran over to Juleka in pure excitement, “I got you a little companion.”
He held out the small Feydragon so Juleka could take a look.
“This little guy gives off explosions when it sneezes.  It’s so cute!”
Juleka’s eyes grew in awe and wonder, mumbling, “Awesome.”
As Jagged and Juleka continued to wonder over the small Fey hatchling, Luka jolted when he heard his mother’s voice to the side of him.
“What on earth happened ta ya, lad?”  He turned towards her to find her glancing at all his messed up appearance.  “What the Hel did you ‘nd yer father get up too?”
Luka motioned for the gold dragon to hop into his palms as he held her out to his mother.
“I wanted to get Marinette a special pre-wedding gift when she comes over to visit in two weeks.  Dad said that the best way to a girl’s heart was a dragon.  What do you think?”
Ankara looked at the Chinese Gold dragon hatchling and gave a warming smile.  As quick as lighting, his mother pulled him into a crushing hug.  He was thankful that the hatchling was quick as well as she jumped out his hands before being crushed.
“Oh, my boy is growin’ up,” Ankara softly spoke, “I’m so proud o’ve ya.  Yer gonna make a fine husband ta Marinette.”   
Luka sighed at his mother’s words, feeling thankful for having such support, but feeling a weight lift off knowing he was giving his all and that his family believed in him.  They might be chaotic, him having his own moments, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.  Hopefully, Marinette doesn’t mind a bit of chaos.
@lineith @depressedrainbowcake @fantastucbaby @hansa-12 @justafanwarrior @bugaboo-valerie
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colourful-void · 4 years
A potentially ‘perfect’ ending for The Owl House.
For a while, I’ve thought about how The Owl House might end, and how I could make everyone happy. After all this time, i think I’ve finally cracked it. This is my prediction for how the series could end if it were to have a ‘perfect’ or ideal ending.
This idea gives each character their moment to shine, as well as sets up the world for the characters to live their lives happily and truly thrive.
For the ending, I propose this. The civilians revolt and seize Belos’s portal, creating free travel between the human and witch worlds.
But to get there, we need to start simple...
Beyond the season one finale destroying Eda’s door, what is stopping Luz from going back and forth between the human and demon worlds?
Really, nothing beyond her mom! Given the show’s treatment of Camilla so far, I don’t really think shes a villain, she’s for sure misguided and needs to have a heart to heart with Luz, but Luz means a lot to her and vice versa. So my guess is that Luz gets the same idea i have about free travel, and seeks out her mom to agree.
Luz, about to leave: I just... I wish there was a way I could live in both worlds! With my mom, and with all of you... Luz, eyes widening: hang on a moment... why can’t I?
The witch and human worlds now have free travel, meaning Luz can go back and forth between the human and witch worlds whenever she wants. With Eda and her Mom’s permission she operates on a timeshare type schedule (similar to children of divorced parents) where she stays with her mom part of the time in the human world, while staying with Eda the other part of the time.
Not only does Luz get to spend time with her parent/parental figure, but this would also let her spend time with all her friends, go to witch school, while still enjoying all the pros of the human world (like nonlethal rain).
“But the portal was destroyed at the end of the finale!” You say, and you’re right! See this is where the rest of the plot comes in.
The series ends with Belos completing his portal, trying to use it to do something somethign evil, blah blah blah.
With the power of all of Bonesbourgh working together in an epic civllian revolt to seize the portal (led by Gus and Willow because this works better imo if the people being oppressed free themselves than someone else coming to ‘save’ them.) the witches (and Luz but she’s got more of a protag side plot going on where Gus and Willow have the numbers to tear down the government and are doing that as she like, goes and punches Belos in the face or something similar epic and deserving of Luz’s awesomeness that gives her a chance to shine.) defeat Belos and take control of the government and by extension, the portal.
(whether the isles turn to democracy or just go by a leaderless system with group contribution is up to you)
Now the portal is free access! Here’s some highlights from the battle.
Luz gets to do her epic protag thing, giving a speech while beating the sh-t out of Belos, probably quoting some Azura, She combines magic from all the tracks, knowing a whole lot more spells now. In the end, she destroys him as a result of her own hard work and dedication, being able to embrace her individuality and self expression as a chaotic force of good.
Willow got to do some really cool magic, proving once and for all she is the most powerful and capable witch. The respect she’s always deserved is granted to her by the greater isles area, but in general Willow isn’t all too concerned because she was just being herself. (maybe along the way she saves Boscha who does the whole ‘why did you save me’ thing, prompting willow to go ‘look Boscha, you’re a jerk and you need to work on yourself, but I don’t want to die. You’ll never learn if you’re a corpse.” and then Boscha is learning how to grow and be less mean when the story ends, working to earn Willow's forgiveness.)
Gus also gets to do cool stuff, perhaps taking over the local broadcasting system (similar to the season one finale but on a grander scale) and organizing everyone over radio/crystal ball i guess.) Best part is now that we’re A) in the future and B) not trapped into covens, Gus decides he wants to expand his education even further by being an Earth Exchange Student! (if Luz can do it, why not him!) He’s so good at school on the isles he graduated early, and he becomes the first witch exchange student on Earth. I really can’t think of a better ending for Gus considering everything I know about him, his character, and the show as a whole.
I don’t actually have a lot to say about Amity, but my best guess is a rebellion against her parent’s where she sneaks out the window and joins the revolt, led by Gus and Willow. (I don’t really see Amity as a leadership type, but 100% a stronger fighter, and support!) I’d really like a badass fight scene where she and Luz do the back to back fighting thing, with it ending by Amity taking a hit for Luz so she can go on and defeat the final villain.
Amity: *falls to the ground, mildly injured* Luz: Amity! Amity, it’s alright, we’re gonna fight the emperor together! Amity: No... you... go on without me... Luz: Amity no! Don’t die on me here- Amity: I’m not dying! You think I can be taken out that easy? No way! Luz: But- Amity: We don’t have time for this Luz. This is your chance, we can’t afford to lose this. Luz: Amity... are you sure? Amity: Don’t tell me you’re backing out now! You’re Luz, the strongest and most amazing witch I know. You can do this! Now, go!
Lilith and Eda both fight, of course, with Lilith now being redeemed after season 2 (or 3 if there is a 3rd season) they fight together, showing off to each other and boasting they can punch more soldiers than the other. Simultaneously heartwarming and badass! Eda ends up rallying a bunch of witch children, wondering when she got so good with kids, while Lilith just kinda glares at sad children like the emo she is.
(For King, your mileage may vary depending on whether or not you believe in my theory that King is actually incredibly powerful, but my guess is that King regains his once lost power, gets really big and strong, and helps destroy a bunch of things preventing the rioting witches from getting into the castle, and all around gets a bunch of people to love him and follow him. After the fight, he’s heralded as a hero, to which he says while he always protests that he is terrifying and should be feared, but really he’s thrilled everyone is giving him the praise he deserves.)
Every side character is in the fight, the trouble makers, principal bump, the twins, Skara and her boyfriend, the other students whose names i forget, everyone gets a few seconds to show off their magic and fight in the overall revolt.
Similar to Steven Universe Future, the fight itself takes place during the Semi-finale or at least part way through the Finale so there can be proper time to show off how the isles have changed now that Belos is gone. Maybe a time skip episode?
In the final moments of the show, Luz narrates how happy she is with her life, how she truly gets to be herself surrounded by the people she loved, and the show finally ends.
and that’s my guess!
I have more thoughts about the finale, other guesses and such, but I think this idea is the best ending for everyone with the pieces I currently have available. I might edit this later, but right now, I’m happy with this. Considering that this will likely not be canon, I’m calling it Free-travel Ending!AU so if I ever make content with it, which is likely, it’ll be tagged as that!
(if you like this idea and want to make content with it, please please do, tag me, i wanna see it)
That’s it, hope you liked it!
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sdvvillagers · 4 years
Can I get please get some of that good Pierre reacting to his sweet daughter hanging out in her room playing video games and having fun with the kind, smol, and gentle farmer? Thank you 💕
Okay, so this ask has been in my inbox for an EMBARRASSINGLY long amount of time.  I’m talking months.  To the original asker, if you’re still even here, I’m really sorry for how long this one took.  I experienced a heck of a motivation loss when it comes to writing and I’m only barely starting to get over it.  Thank you for your patience.  Enjoy!
The arrival of the farmer had breathed new life into the otherwise stagnant day to day life in Pelican Town. The old farm that had been abandoned for Yoba knows how long was finally up and running again and everyone in town seemed to benefit from the town’s newest resident.  The business owners in town were all pleasantly surprised to see a noticeable increase in profit as the farm expanded and even Pierre couldn’t deny that his sales had never been better.  His working relationship with the new farmer was advantageous, however outside of their business together, Pierre was a bit uneasy.  Everyone in town loved the new farmer, and why wouldn’t they.  The new farmer was kind, thoughtful, compassionate… they seemed to make friends with anyone they met.
The issue, however, was the friendship that the farmer had with his daughter Abigail.  Of course the farmer was well-liked around Pelican Town, but they seemed especially well-liked by Abigail who was spending far more time in the shop these days than normal.  Ordinarily this wouldn’t be reason to complain, Pierre was thrilled to see Abigail taking an interest in his business, but in his gut Pierre suspected that her sudden interest had nothing to do with running the shop and everything to do with how often the farmer arrived to purchase new seeds to plant.  In the beginning, Pierre shrugged it off as a fascination with meeting someone new.  In a place like Pelican Town, something like this scarcely occurred and Abigail was no doubt excited and curious about a new face in town.  After almost two seasons of this, however, Pierre knew that there was something else going on.
What had once been occasional trips by the farmer into the store for necessities had become almost daily visits.  Pierre was shocked one afternoon when the farmer arrived, not to make a purchase, but to spend time with Abigail.  Abigail had just received a new video game and had apparently invited the farmer over to play.  Of course his daughter was a grown woman and could certainly make her own choices, but Pierre couldn’t deny the feeling of unease he felt as he watched the farmer disappear into the back door of the shop toward Abigail’s room.
Seconds passed… minutes passed… hours passed.  Pierre was leaning against the counter, rooted to the spot as his fingers nervously drummed against the side of the cash register.  It seemed ridiculous that he was so nervous and paranoid about Abigail inviting a friend over, with how many times Sebastian and Sam were over for video games it was unbelievable to Pierre that he was this nervous.  And yet with the farmer, it was different.  Abigail didn’t look at Sebastian and Sam the way she looked at the farmer.  There was interest in her eyes.  There was intrigue in her expression.
By the time the shop had closed for the afternoon, Pierre couldn’t take it any longer.  He flipped the sign in the window from ‘Open’ to ‘Closed’ and paced the room for a moment in an attempt to burn off nervous energy.  It wasn’t working.  His eyes kept darting to the back door of the shop that led to his family’s living area, unable to stop wondering what Abigail and the farmer were up to.  After this amount of time, Pierre couldn’t believe any longer that video games were involved.  With a long, shaky sigh, Pierre crossed the shop floor and exited the back room into the hallway.  His gut twisted suddenly at the sight of Abigail’s bedroom door closed.  Pierre wasn’t entirely sure what he had expected, surely Abigail wouldn’t leave her door propped open, but it was still a jarring sight for Pierre and practically confirmed his suspicions.
At this point, Pierre had a choice to make.  On the one hand, his daughter was a grown adult and fully capable of making her own choices.  On the other, she was still living under his roof and was expected to adhere to certain boundaries.  One such boundary that was made clear to her by Pierre and Caroline was, put delicately, no romantic encounters under their roof.  Pierre knew in the deepest recesses of his mind that what he was considering was an incredible breach of privacy for Abigail, but he kept trying to convince himself that he was just checking in on them.  After all, it wasn’t unreasonable to assume that after many hours in Abigail’s room, he might want to make sure they’re okay.  That was all, this would be nothing more than paternal concern.  Pierre placed his hand upon the doorknob to Abigail’s room and hesitated.  The bad feeling in the pit of his stomach became worse when he heard Abigail giggle on the other side of the door.  Without dwelling on it any further, Pierre threw open the door, hoping that he wasn’t going to find exactly what he was dreading.
Pierre’s jaw dropped slightly at the sight before him.  Abigail was lying atop her bed on her stomach, nearly leaning over the foot of the bed as she held a video game controller in her hands while she stared intently at the television screen.  Sitting on the floor on a pillow, also holding a controller while looking incredibly focused, was the farmer.  They were both so focused, in fact, that neither of them had heard Abigail’s door open at all or even noticed Pierre standing in the doorway.
“On your left, on your left!” Abigail shrieked, sounding almost panicked.
“Got it!” the farmer replied victoriously.
“Thanks,” Abigail sighed, though she never once lost her focus on the screen.
“I don’t think I can make it to that power-up in time, you can have it,” the farmer remarked.
“Awesome, I’ve got a hoard headed my way, just watch me work some magic here,” Abigail said smugly.
A moment of silence passed and all that could be heard was furious clicking of the buttons on the controllers and all Pierre could see on the screen was a flurry of activity.  He wasn’t entirely sure if they were winning or not until Abigail threw her controller onto her bed and cheered loudly in celebration.
“YES!  We finally beat it!” Abigail cheered.  She looked ecstatic.
“That was awesome, you rocked it with that last power-up!” the farmer replied excitedly.
The farmer raised a hand in the air for a high five and Abigail turned and smacked the farmer’s hand as hard as she could, making them wince in response.  It was only now, as Abigail had turned to face the farmer that she finally spotted Pierre in the doorway.
“Dad!” Abigail called out in surprise.  “What are you doing in my room?!”
“Sorry, just wanted to check in on you two and make sure you’re alright since you’ve been in here for awhile,” Pierre replied as casually as he could.
“Yeah right, more like you wanted to spy on us,” Abigail replied, folding her arms as she raised an eyebrow skeptically.
“N-no, no, that’s not at all… I mean,” Pierre stammered, though he knew that she saw right through him.
“It’s alright, we have been in here for quite awhile,” the farmer reasoned.  “We just got so wrapped up in the game, I think we lost track of time.  I’m sorry, Pierre, next time we’ll be more mindful of the time.”
“Oh, it’s… it’s not that,” Pierre said kindly.  “I don’t mind how long you stay over, it looks like you two had a lot of fun together.”
Abigail rolled her eyes, knowing full well that Pierre was more relieved than anything else to find them actually playing video games.  The farmer, it seemed, was just happy to be here and seemed oblivious to Pierre’s suspicion.  And yet that suspicion melted away instantly when Pierre saw the look that the two of them exchanged.  Abigail smiled; a giddy, delighted smile that he hadn’t seen from her in quite some time.  Even the farmer, who was generally cheerful anyway, looked far more content than Pierre had ever seen them.  His gut twisted with guilt as he thought about how little he trusted his daughter or respected her privacy, fueled only by unfounded concern and a bit of parental authority.  Now, seeing how happy these two were just to be playing a game together, Pierre felt nothing but relief.
“I should probably get going,” the farmer said, setting the controller down on the floor.
“You don’t have to,” Pierre answered immediately.  Abigail whipped her head toward Pierre in disbelief.
“Dad, are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Abigail asked uncertainly.
“You’re welcome to stay for dinner,” Pierre clarified.
“That would be wonderful, thanks!” the farmer replied happily.
Abigail exchanged another look with the farmer just as Pierre turned his back to leave and he knew that they were both experiencing a mixture of excitement and disbelief.  As Pierre continued down the hall toward the kitchen to help Caroline start dinner, he couldn’t help smiling to himself.  It suddenly seemed so ridiculous to believe, even for a moment, that the sweet, kind farmer whom everyone in town loved would be anything less than perfect company for his little girl.
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dzamie-oc · 4 years
Smaugust 27 - Fruit
Sylvia the hammerspace dragon wants to indulge on her favorite day: the day the Dragonslayers Guild cafeteria has strawberries! Unfortunately, it seems fate and herself have conspired to set obstacles in her way. But she REALLY wants those strawberries! (2029 words)
cw: soft vore, digestion discussion, traumatized prey
Above the heads of dragonslayers and dragonslayers in training, soared a small, golden dragoness, only a couple of feet long. Sylvia flapped her wings, twisting herself through corkscrews and slow loops as she hummed a happy tune. She glided along over heads helmeted and unhelmeted, katul and human, on her way towards the cafeteria. It was a very special day that day, one that made her consider spitting out the pair of trainees who called her a harmless mascot. Well, spitting them out sooner. It made her light mood lighter still, the active reminder that she, too, could be a man-eating dragon and terrorize a rather small bit of countryside. Not that she would, of course, but knowing she could was pleasant.
With agility and grace, the tiny dragon slipped through the open door to the cafeteria and made a beeline for the desserts, where a number of slices of strawberry cake lay out for guild members. Sylvia landed behind them, folded her wings, and looked up at the human keeping that area stocked. "Hi, Bruce! I smelled strawberries~!" she called up to him in a singsong voice.
Bruce waved at her, his curly hair kept in check with a cap. "Hey, Sylvia. But you know strawberries are for those who aren't eating people, right?"
Sylvia's wings drooped and she swept her tail around her in a draconic pout. "Aw, c'mon, how'd you even know?"
The human crossed his arms over his chest and smiled, holding up two fingers. "Simple," he explained, "one, better than even odds this time of year. Plenty of newbies around who've yet to learn Rule Number One. And two," Bruce's smile grew into a self-satisfied grin, "you just told me. Lucky guess turned into a certainty."
The little dragoness huffed, flapping her wings once and slapping her golden tail against the table. She had been betrayed by her own words! "I still want strawberries, though," she insisted.
"So just- hold on," Bruce said, setting out a sleeve of cookies to replace the one that just got cleared out, "so head into the bathroom or something, spit 'em out, and come back for your strawberries."
"Turning my punishment for them into a punishment for me?" Sylvia observed, "pure treachery. Unfettered evil. I really want those strawberries." She tilted her head as she looked at Bruce, smiled deviously, and licked her muzzle with a long, forked tongue. "And you, Bruce, are standing in my way..."
The man regarded her with skepticism, eyebrow quirked to match. "They'll be here when you get back, trust me. And if you're thinking what I think you're thinking, you better not be." He gestured with a hand to the people picking up cookies or cake as they spoke. "I mean, if I vanish, who will refill this? Then you've got a bunch of dessert-less dragonslayers with a pretty good idea that a dragon is responsible for their lack of sugary sweets, and possibly which one in particular. Imagine the carnage."
Sylvia squinted at him. "Bruce, I must say that your reasoning is exactly as strong as mine," she said slowly, "and, as you are still keeper of the strawberries I so crave, I will concede and presently return, devoid of humans." She stepped across the counter, picking her way carefully around desserts until she found a good space from which to take off. Just before spreading her wings, she turned her little head to face him again. "Can I eat you after lunch, then?"
"Sorry little lady, I have some very important not-being-eaten-by-a-dragoness to do around then. Fully booked."
"Alas, schedules," Sylvia conceded, then leapt up and flapped her golden wings. Some crumbs from a nearby cookie blew away from her wings' downdraft, but it was otherwise a very polite takeoff. She climbed, then dove and banked to speed off towards an unoccupied restroom. And by unoccupied, she meant the out of order one.
The small dragon pushed the door open with some effort, then slipped inside and perched on a sink. It was easy to see why there was a sign up on this one - two of the sinks were simply not there, as were a few stall doors. Either way, it made the perfect isolated space to disgorge a couple wet fools. And so she did.
The tiger katul quickly got his bearings, then noticed Sylvia and skipped back to keep his distance. The human was a bit slower, and, on seeing the dragoness, she shot the katul a cocky smile. "See? We're perfectly fine."
The feline nodded, not daring to take his eyes off of her. "I'm grateful," he said in a quiet voice.
"You're welcome!" chirped Sylvia. "This would've ended differently if you were, like, graduated members who should know better. I'm nice to the new guys."
"Sure you are," the human remarked. "You're surrounded by dragonslayers; there's no way we were ever in any danger."
Sylvia turned on the tap she was perched near and took a quick drink before addressing the woman. "Under three humans or katul a week, with low hoarding, and they can't even challenge me, let alone force me to accept. It's part of the enchantments around their swords and the duel circle things." She gave each of them a pointed look. "Small category dragon, green/yellow threshold. You'll have to learn it for... what is it, second year? Well before you get your real Slayer's Sword." She turned to the tiger and smiled. "But she's kind of right - I'm rarely lethal, just like to remind people of that first Rule. Know what that is, guy?"
The katul opened his mouth to answer, but the human cut in faster, "yeah, yeah, take all dragons seriously, even if they don't look like a threat. But you're clearly not a threat. You're like a scared-straight... thing." She snorted. "Hell, you're probably an herbivore or something, can't even process meat so you just do what you did to us."
A growl rose and died in Sylvia's throat, and she turned to face the woman, baring her sharp yet tiny teeth in a wide grin. "Care to bet your life on it?" she asked, forcing a sweet tone too much to be natural. "I'll eat you again, and if I'm really harmless, I'll have to let you out eventually."
"A... and if you're not?" the tiger asked.
"Then I won't have a human in my belly, I'll have a large chunk of meat and some shiny accessories I'll want to add to my hoard," Sylvia replied in a nonchalant tone. "You, however, aren't at risk here, just Little Miss Doubtful here." The dragoness leaned towards the human. "Scared? I don't bite."
Sylvia was conflicted, herself; on one paw, it would be nice for the woman to learn her lesson and back down, but on the other, eating her would be so cathartic... Fortunately for Sylvia, it wasn't her decision to make. The human stepped forward and held out her hands, then smirked towards the tiger. "I'll see you in a few hours," she said, confident in her decision. Sylvia took the offered hands, easily gulping the much larger human down without so much as a bulge in her neck or belly. And then, it was just her and the tiger.
He took a cautious step forward, watching her. "Where did she..." he trailed off, bewilderment overtaking his newfound fear of the golden dragoness.
"Oh, right, you wouldn't have seen since I ate you first!" Sylvia swished her tail, reared up on her haunches, and flared her wings proudly. "Neat trick, huh? Hammerspace dragon. We're pretty awesome."
The katul glanced at the door. "Y-yeah... may I please leave, ma'am?"
"Yeah, of course, the door's right-" Sylvia paused as his phrasing sank in. "Oh, you're terrified of me. Whoops. Um, right, so I'll go ahead and leave so I'm not trapping you in here." She took to the air again and flapped over to the door again. She struggled to open it, but with just a crack open, the smell of strawberries reinvigorated her. "Ooh, right, strawberries! Gotta go and pester Bruce some more!" she chirped, then slipped back out and swiftly flew straight back to the desserts area.
"Such a hurry," Bruce remarked as she slowed, the tiny breeze from her wings blowing against his face as she rapidly decelerated, "I told you I wasn't gonna run out of them."
"And I told you," she replied, folding her wings, "that I really want them. Give the dragon her delicious strawberries, please!"
"Belly free of people?" he asked, watching her closely. It was simple enough that he didn't expect her to lie, but just in case...
"No humans, no katul!" she chirped.
"No dragons?"
Sylvia recoiled. "What sicko would eat a dragon?! Yes, of course no dragons!"
Bruce chuckled, turned around, and returned with a pound of strawberries in a small, cardboard container. He set it down in front of the small dragoness, whose mouth fell open in a broad smile and whose pupils expanded at the sight of her favorite fruit. As she placed her forepaws on the edge and leaned in, Sylvia said in awe, "so this is what a religious experience feels like..." before leaning in and slowly taking a bite from one of the fruits, moaning softly as the juicy, tart flesh filled her mouth.
"Sylvia, member of the Dragonslayers Guild Strawnagogue, and her holy book The Frageriah," the human said as he watched her lovingly devour one of the fruits. Anyone familiar with her could tell when she really liked a food, because she'd bite into it rather than swallowing it whole, and strawberries were by far her most beloved food. He glanced up and saw an unfamiliar tiger katul, damp fur only somewhat groomed down, walking up. "Hey there," he called when the katul drew near, "new here?"
"Yeah, it's been... rough. Is getting eaten normal for dragonslayers?" He picked up a slice of strawberry cake.
"Well, it's one of the more common ways to die trying to slay a dragon," Bruce said, "but it sounds like you're the one Sylvia swallowed earlier. She just about threw a fit since I wouldn't give her strawberries with someone in her stomach."
"I did not! Fits are unjustified and excessive; what I did was perfectly reasonable!" Sylvia retorted, poking her juice-soaked head out of the strawberries. The katul screamed and leapt back half a dozen feet, eyes wide on seeing her. "What's his prob-" she looked down at her paw, then licked her muzzle experimentally, discovering the red juices on her muzzle. "Oh. Wow, he's been really unlucky with me." She blinked, then ducked back down into her strawberry heaven, slowly working through the treat, bite by tiny bite.
The tiger pointed a shaky, striped finger at the little dragoness. "Stay away from her! She killed a woman in front of me, like it was just another Thursday for her!"
Sylvia froze. Bruce froze. "Sylvia..." the human said in a warning tone, "care to explain? Because I asked you about this before giving you those strawberries."
The golden dragoness took another bite. Bruce gently picked her up, pinning her wings with one hand and holding her neck in the other. She dropped the strawberry. "I... do not consider what is in my stomach to be a human?" she pled.
Bruce was not very convinced. He walked around the counter, keeping her a reasonable distance away from the frightened newbie, and marched towards the cafeteria exit. "No murder in the cafeteria," he scolded, "naughty dragons do not get strawberries. Try another day."
The little dragon wiggled in his hands, but could not free herself. "This is cruel and unusual punishment, it violates the Geneva Conventions!" she argued, "I simply made sure to eat a meal before my strawberry dessert. How dare you mistreat a responsible, mature dragoness like th- woah!" She quickly righted herself when he tossed her into the hallway, then left her there as he went back to his post.
"Next strawberry day," she resolved, licking her scales clean of delicious strawberry juice and seeds, "next time, I will get so many strawberries."
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andersunmenschlich · 4 years
Episode 13: Alone
All right! Finally I've managed to make time for another episode.
The title is promising. But... uh. We're getting another person talking now. Yeah, I'm not entirely comfortable with this. Bad enough there were all those background characters hanging around the archive, now we're hearing other people direct? And on an episode with a title like this, too!
I'm annoyed. This isn't what I was looking forward to. And Naomi Herne doesn't strike me as particularly polite, either. What, may I ask, is wrong with tape recorders? I quite liked recording things on tape when I was growing up.
...Ooh, interesting.
Looks like they started off trying to do the recording on something a bit more up to date than a tape recorder, and it didn't work.
I like that. I like that very much.
And it's fascinating that the head archivist is taking her statement himself! "I can have it transcribed later"? How very odd. Why not just have her write it down? Isn't that what they've been doing for decades? And even now: the statement-givers write things down, the assistants research and verify, the archivist makes an audio recording and files everything neatly. At least, I got the impression that that's how it's supposed to be done. So what is this? Surely nothing could possibly have been confirmed yet—the statement hasn't even been given!
It's untidy. I don't like it. Naomi Herne shouldn't be talking to Jonathan Sims, it doesn't make sense. Shouldn't she be talking to the receptionist, what's the name... Rosie? Isn't Rosie the one who takes the statements in usually?
I feel like we're missing a buffer, and it's both unsettling and extremely interesting.
Naomi Herne is here to tell the Magnus Institute about something that happened after her husband's funeral. And aha! Finally!
It's about time we learned when this podcast is happening. That's been niggling at me for twelve whole episodes now. "The date is the thirteenth of January, 2016." Awesome. So the first statement was transferred to tape at the end of 2015 or the beginning of 2016. I wonder how many they do a day, and whether they work weekends. It'd be pleasantly tidy if they recorded one statement to tape a day, every day. I'd like that.
Naomi Herne says the thing that happened was weird and inexplicable given her current knowledge of the world she lives in, and that she probably imagined the whole thing. Somehow I suspect she doesn't believe that at all, but would like to make herself believe it if she can.
...And Mr. Sims interrupts.
You know, I really don't like having more than one person here. It's an innovation I’m not particularly enjoying.
In any case, Jonathan Sims tries to leave, Naomi Herne wants him to stay... I don't understand either person here. Is there really a point to giving someone privacy while they make a statement that's going to be listened to and copied down and researched and so on by a whole team of people? What's the reasoning behind that thought? And, on the other hand, why would you not want to be alone?
Maybe it's growing up in a house with thirteen other people (nine siblings, two parents, two grandparents), but it seems to me that being alone is a rare and wonderful thing. You know I didn't even have my own bedroom until my late teens?
If someone is willing to leave you alone, in my opinion, you should be delighted.
Jonathan agrees to stay while Naomi gives her statement. Hopefully this won't lead to more conversation. I suppose we'll see.
Apparently Naomi Herne, like me, works at being a bit of a blender. Average, unnoticeable, overlooked—like the paint on a wall, something nobody really looks at or thinks about. A good choice if you want to get things done without being constantly interrupted by people wanting to chat or hang out or party or know what you're doing in a restricted area or who knows what all else.
Unlike me, however, she says she "did get a bit lonely sometimes," which I can't say I ever have. While it might seem useful to have friends as a sort of social camouflage, they're such a demanding form of camouflage that in practice it isn't actually worth it.
She says a Pastor David seemed worried about her comfort with her own company. Well, at least he was the only one.
Honestly, who worries about a thing like that?
[sarcastically] Ooh, it's not natural for people to live in isolation, humans are creatures of community by nature. Next I'll be hearing how I'm not human and don't really count as a person (again). Perhaps the definition of "human" ought to be expanded, hmm? Include some of those sentient, human-shaped beings who aren't, by nature, what people like Pastor David insist all humans are.
Well. Pastor David, according to Naomi Herne, was worried she might "get lost," whatever that means. Naomi says she thinks she knows what he meant by it—but for some reason she doesn't tell us! Inconsiderate. Eh, perhaps she'll do it later.
Naomi graduated from Leeds in 2013 with the highest possible honors degree in Chemistry.
I like chemistry. Seems like the closest you can get to alchemy in real life.
Anyway, she got a job as a science technician in Woking, near London, which is where she was applying for a better job—lab assistant in a biochemistry department at University College London—when she met someone named Evan, who was also applying for that job. Apparently she clicked with him. Got along with him so well, in fact, that she was happy to see him waiting for her outside the building after their interviews.
Of course, it couldn't stay this good. No. They had to start dating, and then living together, and then they got married, because everyone knows that's the natural progression when you actually get along with someone. No other flavors of relationship are valid (maybe not even possible).
Annoyance aside, Naomi Herne doesn't usually do relationships of this type. She says her past boyfriends left when they realized she wasn't all that thrilled about having them around, which seems like the polite thing to do, really.
This Evan, though, is basically her soulmate.
Despite the fact that he has a battalion of friends, and this ends up pulling her into having "what could perhaps be called a social life."
Doesn't sound particularly pleasant, but she says she didn't hate it, which I suppose I can almost see; it is easier to be around people when you have a trusted human buffer. And after Evan dies from a congenital heart problem, she stops hanging out with his friends and goes back to comfortably familiar solitude, which makes sense to me.
She did attend the funeral, though. It seems Evans had a very rich family, with their own personal mausoleum out at their mansion, Moorland House.
It was a very quiet funeral, and not a particularly friendly one.
Naomi says everyone there was wearing the same expression. Even the corpse. She doesn't say what expression specifically, though—just that it's hard and possibly angry. Oh, and finally we get a last name for her husband: he's Evan Lucas.
They send her away to do the burial. That doesn't seem usual.
So she drives off in the pouring rain in the middle of a storm, which doesn't seem safe, and naturally enough she crashes.
It's not a melodramatic crash, though. She just plows off the road into a field and then sits there with her engine smoking and definitely not running, and realizes it's been five hours since she arrived at the Lucas place... oh, and she has no cell service (or GPS functionality) out there.
This means she has to walk. In the storm.
She gets so wet it wrecks her phone, which she finds infuriating, so she throws the useless thing onto the ground, where it breaks further, then bounces off the road and buries itself completely in the mud. She walks and walks and walks, crying and soaked through and very cold, until finally she collapses, at which point she notices that the rain has stopped and now she's surrounded by fog.
...Fog that seems to be following her. And gives her the feeling that it's malicious. And wants something from her. Well, now. That's interesting.
And then she makes a point of saying there's no presence to it. Yeah, that makes no sense at all. Malice and desire aren't properties of nothingness! There has to be something present in order for it to want something from you.
"It made me feel utterly forsaken," she says, and in my experience it's always people who do that.
In any case, she gets up and starts to run down the road, hoping to reach the end. Instead she loses the path. It takes her a little while to notice that she's running on dirt and grass instead of tarmac. Once she does, she tries to backtrack, but can't find the road at all. So for some reason she decides to kneel down and check out the dirt, which is mist-damp but not rain-wet.
Ahaha, she went sideways, didn't she? This is delightful.
Whatever new dimension she's found herself in, it sounds most agreeable to me. No stars, no moon, no artificial lights, a night so dark you shouldn't be able to see—but you can. A shifting, slate-grey fog, skeletal trees, grass, dirt, old, abandoned gravestones....
If there were a sign saying "Stay, Wander Awhile," it couldn't be more welcoming than this.
In the center of the graveyard is a small chapel. According to Naomi Herne's description, "The top of its steeple was lost in the gloom and the windows were dark. There was stained glass in the windows, but without any light from inside I couldn't make out the design. Wrapped around the handles of the entrance was a sturdy iron chain."
At this point, for some reason, she starts shouting and screaming for help. I was prepared to be annoyed by this, but (wonder of wonders!) it's a sound-muffling fog. Oh, I like this place so much.
Naomi Herne, on the other hand....
This obnoxious individual continues yelling even after it's clear no one can hear her but herself, just to hear the noise. And then she goes looking for something to break a church window with because, inexplicably, she's decided being inside the church will keep the fog away from her. "Anything to get out of the fog"? Pardon me, Ms. Herne, but you're breaking a window, correct? It's just going to follow you in!
She also says "I was sure that eventually someone would find me," which isn't at all the impression I'm receiving from this dimension a step or two sideways from our own. Surely a place like this would keep you safe from everyone forever?
Whatever the case, she goes for a piece of stone that's fallen from one of the grave markers.
As she bends over to pick it up, though, she notices that the grave is empty. 
"The hole was neat, square and deep, as though ready for a burial. At the bottom was a coffin. It was open, and there was nothing inside. I backed away and almost fell into another open grave behind me. I started to look around the cemetery with increasing panic. Every grave was open, and they were all empty."
Ha. Well, it looks like someone missed the Rapture.
You know, if it weren't for the danger of being buried by sliding earth, I'd be tempted to climb into one of those empty coffins and take a bit of a nap.
—Oh. How prescient of me.
The fog starts pulling Naomi Herne, our statement giver, into that first grave. She says it began to weigh her down: "It coiled about me, its formless damp clung to me and began to drag me gently, slowly, towards the waiting pit."
Backing away, she slips on the damp ground and falls. Sliding towards the grave, she uses that heavy piece of stone as an anchor to keep herself out.
Hey, and she gets away! Well done, Naomi Herne.
Struggling to her feet, she suddenly notices that the chapel's doors are open now. The chain's just lying on the steps. Huh. Well, who or what did that? Hmm. Whatever the case, this looks like an invitation to me. But how inviting is the inside of this church? I practically grew up in churches, so they're as familiar to me as libraries (oh, all right: even more so). In my opinion, the least inviting church tends to be the one with the most worshipers in it.
Oh, but this church is very welcoming! It looks as though she's being invited to go deeper, further sideways, farther away from the world we know.
"Through that door, where the inside of the chapel should be, was a field. It was bathed in sickly moonlight, and the fog rolled close to the ground. It seemed to stretch for miles, and I knew that I could wander there for years, and never meet another."
Ahh, that's beautiful.
This is the kind of thing I take my midnight walks for. Hours alone in the mountains under the moon, while the wolves howl in the distance and the lights of the city fade....
Naomi Herne, however, doesn't seem drawn to it.
She turns away from the door—and nearly cries when she sees that beyond the graveyard's edge is that same field. You know, some people have all the luck and just don't appreciate it at all. Of course, I could be mistaken about this place. But I have the feeling a person wouldn't need to eat or sleep here; that physical needs would be optional. I could use that. I'm always acting as though I think they are, and then my body stops working properly. It's annoying.
Anyway, our statement-giver runs away from the field beyond the door and into the field beyond the cemetery.
It beats me why she's running.
Apparently this place doesn't see why she should run, either. "The fog seemed to be getting thicker, and moving through it was getting harder. It was like I was running against the wind, except the air was completely still. I could hardly breathe as I inhaled it."
Yes; that's because you're running. Slow down and everything should be perfectly fine.
Oh. How unexpected.
As Naomi Herne is running through this endless field in a world two steps to the side of our own, her dead husband's voice calls to her. "Turn left," he says. And she does.
Turning sharply to the left, she keeps on running. She runs out into the middle of a road in our world, and wham! gets hit by a car. "I remember a second of headlights, and then nothing until I woke up in the hospital."
...Wait. "I would suggest you leave the stone with us so we can study it"?
What stone?
Don't tell me she was running around carrying that heavy piece of headstone? Surely not. And then, what, whoever hit her decided to take the rock to the hospital as well? That doesn't make a great deal of sense. But I'm pretty sure that's the only stone that's been mentioned this entire statement which she could possibly have brought to the institute, so....
Mr. Sims suggests that Ms. Herne see a psychologist. Ms. Herne is offended. The tape recorder gets turned off.
See? There's a definite click when that happens. We'd know if Mr. Sims took a break to do research. ...Not that I've ever heard him recite any incantations either, though. Maybe it's his research assistants who can do the beholding spell.
They certainly seem uncannily good at getting their hands on information.
Whatever the case, Mr. Sims says research was done while the tape recorder was stopped. Evan Lucas died from heart failure 3-22-15 and his family handled the burial.
"All requests to the Lucas family for information or interviews have been very firmly rebuffed," which is impressive given how much data these archival assistants have been able to dig out of everybody else in the past twelve episodes. It's rare for people to refuse to talk to them, which I could put down to the use of some sort of magic—but won't, because I'm fairly certain I'm not magical and yet people are always telling me things about themselves even when I didn't ask.
Not that I'm not interested!
I'm always interested when a stranger comes up to me and strikes up a somewhat one-sided conversation which evolves into them telling me about their childhood, or fear of Alzheimer's so desperate they'd rather die than have their mind slip away from them, or why they decided to become whatever they are, or some such thing.
If I have to interact with people, well—I think listening to their deeply personal information is one of the best flavors of human interaction.
...Though I will admit that having people talk to me like this all the time has kind of confused my understanding of what things are supposed to be private.
In any case.
Naomi Herne got hit by a car at about one am March 31. The funeral was a week after the death, so that means Ms. Herne slipped sideways on the 29th, which means she was in that otherworld for a full day and change?
The person who hit her was named Michael Getty, and the place was "Wormshill in the Kent Downs," wherever that is. Her car was in a field five miles away.
She was concussed and dehydrated, but there's no mention of her having not eaten for a full day and then some, so either they're ignoring that or food really isn't necessary in fairyland. Though apparently liquids are, which is strange since she was surrounded by fog the whole time! Hmm. You don't think the moisture was coming from her own body, do you? Amplified, yes, enhanced somehow, but... the non-presence in the fog... it could have been her.
That would make a kind of sense.
You can't have things like malice or desire without something present to be malicious or desirous, yet she said "it wasn't as though there was another person there...." Yes, yes, that makes sense!
I hypothesize that, somehow, the part of Naomi Herne that likes being alone manifested semi-separately from the rest of her, sucking moisture from her body to surround her as a thick fog and guide her off at an other-dimensional angle into a world where she could be alone forever. The part of her that doesn't want to be alone was terrified by this, and that's why she ran.
That doesn't explain her dead husband's voice, though. What kind of solitary fairyland has the ghosts of other people in it?
Also, her husband had plenty of friends and was apparently just fine with people—I somehow doubt his heaven would look like that. So what the hey. I can't make sense of that at all.
Well. Back to Jonathan Sims.
Mr. Sims would like to dismiss the whole thing as a hallucination, but unfortunately for him, Naomi Herne was clutching a chunk of carved granite when Michael Getty hit her, and the unfortunate near-perpetrator of vehicular manslaughter apparently decided the woman and the rock were a set, so she was able to bring it to the Magnus Institute and show it to him.
It's got an engraved cross design, looks like it came off a headstone, and has one word on it that's probably from the marker: "Forgotten."
Jonathan Sims says it's going to artifact storage. You know, the Magnus Institute's artifact storage must be an interesting place full of some very weird things. I wouldn't half mind taking a look.
And the recording ends.
This is probably the last episode I'll be listening to for a while, since once I've got this piece of commentary saved in my Tumblr queue I'll need to box my laptop up and ship it across the country to myself. I've never moved my entire life quite this far before. It's proving to be a bit of an undertaking. Once I'm settled in, though, I want to come back to this.
The Magnus Archives is an excellent podcast. I very much want to hear more.
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