#awake jimenez
Me to myself: “ok you’ve been productive today you can stay up and read a bit of fanfic as a treat”
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jhilsara · 4 months
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I Can See You
Pt. 1/ Pt. 2/ Pt. 3/ Pt. 4/ Pt. 5/pt. 6/Pt. 7/Pt. 8/Pt. 9/ Pt. 10/
Pt. 11/ Pt.12/Pt.13/Pt. 14/Pt.15/Pt.16/Pt.17/END
Mariana Jimenez-Watson or MJ works in a normal pub living life paycheck to paycheck. Nothing exciting happens to her except the occasional drunk getting thrown out. She's 24 working away and finds a wrench thrown into her very boring life. His name is Hobie and she thinks maybe, a little excitement isn't awful. In fact she might start to crave some change for once.
Small moments of Hobie meeting his world's MJ. AKA I made an MJ variant and I think she's neat.
Chapter 11
Everything’s too cold, freezing almost, then it’s just as quickly too hot. She’s been rolling around in her bed for hours, trying to sleep but nothings working.
She looks over at her phone to check the time, it’s only ten at night but she’s been awake since four in the morning and she’s desperate to sleep. She’s tried everything, pills, tea, warm milk, nothing works. Nothing gives her the relief her mind needs.
She’s so frustrated she’s about to cry. She crawls out of her bed and shuffles into the living room. She’s in a hoodie and carries her big blanket with her. If she can’t sleep she might as well try to watch something and hope she passes out that way.
She makes a nest on the couch and tries to ignore the pounding in her head.
She’s sick, really sick. She’s running a fever and her body is aching in places she didn’t even know could be sore. She can’t remember the last time she was this ill… probably in university.
She’s practically begging her own body to just go to sleep.
The tv is playing lowly in the background but she’s not paying attention. She can’t look at it too long or her head starts swimming and she gets nauseous.
She’s already spent one night profusely puking, she didn’t need to do it again.
Her eyes are closed but she’s not asleep. Just resting to the best that she can.
Knock knock knock knock
She looks up groggily and sees Hobie at her balcony holding a small bag.
She motions that it’s open, refusing to get up. It’s a miracle her legs let her shuffle to the couch.
He gives a smile and let’s himself in, kicking off his boots. He walks over to her, leaning down to get better look, “Wow,” He whistles lowly, “You are sick.” He says reaching his hand out to check her forehead.
“I’m probably contagious, you should go home.” She slurs her words and squeezes her eyes shut again. She hasn’t heard her voice all day, it’s thick with congestion.
“Pfft. Not worried. I am worried bout you.” He says softly pulling some items out from his bag.
He sets a small prescription bottle down as well as some Pedialyte. He opens the medication and shakes out two pills for her to take. Making her sit up for it.
She groans as he helps her sit up. He holds his hands out for her and she dramatically grabs them as he pulls her up. He hands the medicine to her and she takes the pills happily.
“Where did you get these?” she asks as he presses the Pedialyte bottle into her hands.
He shrugs nonchalantly, “Know a few people in the pharmacy who owe Spider-Man a favor or two.” He says smugly.
“Now drink.” He tells her, “Know you’re dehydrated. You probably haven’t drunk anything all day.”
She drinks the beverage slowly, when she sets it down she gives him an unsatisfied look. “I had tea today…” She murmurs quietly.
“Ya only had the one cup didn’t ya?” he accuses raising a brow.
She rolls her eyes and goes back to drinking the Pedialyte. The silence answering his question.
“That’s what I thought. Scoot over.” He demands pushing his way onto the couch.
“What no!” She tries to stop him, her voice cracking and rough. “You’ll get sick!” she chastises.
“Don’t care.” He says and helps her readjust.
He lifts the blanket off of her and moves so she’s laying with her head in his lap. He gently covers her again and let’s her move so she’s comfortable.
She’s facing him, eyes closed, one arm wrapped around his thighs using them like a pillow. He gently runs his hand through her hair trying to get her to settle. She hums in contentment.
“Look tired…did you sleep?” he asks softly.
She shakes her head no, “Can’t, I’m miserable.” She whines with a yawn.
He rubs her shoulder reassuringly, “The meds should help.” He whispers, still lightly stroking her hair.
She opens her eyes to look up at him, eyes locking. She’s comfortable, more so than she’s been all day. Every touch has her relaxing even more, almost melting. He’s looking at her in that way that makes her stomach turn and flip. His gaze intense as he looks over her.
His gaze used to make her nervous, like he was searching for something she wasn’t willing to give… Not so much anymore. It’s a comfort, she didn’t know when that changed.
It’s nice to know if she looks out to find him in a crowd, his eyes are already on her. They’ve been looking for her since he played in the pub.
She doesn’t know when, but she does fall asleep on Hobie’s lap. She has fever induced dreams of webs, music, bright colors, and him.
It’s the best sleep she’s gotten in months.
When she stirs awake, it’s early morning light filtering in that wakes her. She’s still on the couch and she’s laying on a very solid form.
She makes a small noise as she rubs the sleep from her eyes and when she blinks through her blurry vision, she sees that she’s on top of Hobie’s very solid chest.
Her face burns as she looks up, he’s still asleep, head thrown back with small snores filtering through.
She breathes a sigh of relief, but finds her heart still racing as she looks up at him.
She almost laughs from how silly he looks, his mouth open as he sleeps, his hands lazily wrapped around her body.
She smiles warmly up at him, and lays her head back down. She wraps her own arms around him and nuzzles her face into his chest. She can hear his heartbeat. It slow and methodic as he continues to sleep. She wonders if his heart beats erratically like hers when they're together.
She finds herself wanting to hear that, wanting the confirmation that he’s just as flustered by her.
Her face warms up at that idea and she tries to go back to sleep, but she’s wide awake now.
She also notices how her body is achy again and that she’s still very congested. She doesn’t want to get up, but she knows she needs to take the medicine and probably drink some water. She groans to herself not wanting to move.
His hand moves up to rub her back comfortingly, “Mornin’…” He mumbles, voice thick with sleep and leans down to press a kiss into her hair.
She adjusts to look back up at him, “Morning, I didn’t know you were stayin’ here.” She says, voice still stuffy and low.
He just grins lazily at her, “Can’t leave ya alone after you finally fell asleep.” His smile turns to a smug smirk, “Ya started cuddlin’ and I couldn’t pass that up.”
She shoves her face into his chest slightly embarrassed, “Not my fault you’re comfortable…” she mumbles.
He just chuckles and tightens his hold on her. She feels his chest rise and shake but she also hears his heart beat quicken. She smiles to herself.
“I need to take those meds again.” She says going to sit up, she doesn’t want to move but she needs to.
“Stay here, I got it yeah?” He tells her. He moves to sit up with her in his lap, as he leans over to grab the pills off the table.
His one arm is wrapped lazily around her but presses her into him. She leans her head into the crook between his shoulder and neck.
“You’re seriously gonna get sick…” she mutters to him as he presses the medicine into her palm and holds the Pedialyte bottle.
“S’fine.” He mutters watching her take the medicine. “Just means you can take care of me when I inevitably get ill.” He grins at her.
She sighs in response and finishes the drink. “I don’t know if I’m this good of a nursemaid like you are.” She says playfully.
He pulls her back down to lay on the couch again, pulling the covers over them, “Sure ya are. You patch me up constantly.” He says softly wrapping his arms around her waist holding her close to him.
She keeps her hands pressed against his chest and nods her head. “Mmm you’re not wrong. You do end up injured pretty frequently.” She says with small concern.
“Oi, oi, oi, don’t say it like that! I’ve not been too beaten up when ya see me!” he complains playfully.
She gives him an accusing look. “You bled out next to my door waiting for me once Hobie…” She reminds him.
“One time. Just the one.” He gives a bright grin. “I didn’t know you the time I literally almost died, had to give myself stitches!” he tells her.
Her face sours, “Don’t tell me that, I worry about you enough…” she whispers.
He scoffs, “Don’t worry about me, promise. I can handle myself, been doing this a while.” He tells her tracing circles into her back with feather light touches.
“Seriously Hobie, I worry about you.” She moves her arms to circle him, hugging him. “I know what you do is important, and I love that you protect everyone… I just want to make sure you’re safe too.” She whispers looking at him.
His brown eyes pierce hers, really looking her over. He gives a soft sigh of resignation. “Fine ya win, ya win.” He shoves his face into her hair hugging her tightly to him, “Just stop lookin’ at me like that…” he mutters.
“Like what?” She replies hugging him just as tightly.
“You know like what, using those big doe eyes on me. Isn’t fair...”  His voice muffled.
She laughs at him, “Hobie what are you talking about?”
He pulls back and raises a brow at her, “You know you do it! That thing with those big eyes of yours, lookin’ at me like it’s the last time you’ll see me or something.” He scoffs pulling her close.
“M’not going anywhere…” he whispers.
She hears his heartbeat again, pressed so close to him, it’s beating wildly.
Her eyes soften and she moves to sit up, she runs one hand up to caress his cheek, her thumb brushing his cheekbone.
“Better keep your promise then.” She tells him, voice soft.
He moves a hand to grip the one she has on his face, he looks at her intensely, “Not going anywhere.” He repeats.
“Good.” She replies and settles back down laying with him.
He runs his hand lazily up and down her back, lulling her back to sleep, but she’s okay with that. He’ll be here when she wakes up.
And the next day after that.
And the next.
She falls asleep listening to his heart.
Tag List: @missshelleyduvall
(If you'd like to be added to the tag list please message me. c: )
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warren-cold · 1 year
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“Oh, what a tangled web we weave...when first we practice to deceive.” - Walter Scott, Marmion
May 24th, 2023
Julieta Jimenez lay sound asleep, her head resting against Warren’s bare chest, her arm draped across him to keep him close. It was three in the morning, but Warren lay wide awake, his eyes fixed on the dark ceiling of the room they were in. This was Julieta’s home, a place meant only for her, but he couldn’t help thinking someone would suddenly burst through the door.
It was a constant battle in his heart and mind. He knew he could not love the woman in his arms yet here he was, pretending he could. He needed to, all for the sake of going home yet this thought didn’t make the task easier. It was becoming more difficult to feign his affection for her. The hatred that was growing within him was threatening to bubble to the surface. The more he got to know her, the more he was repulsed by her.
At first, he had believed she was just a pawn to her brother, a victim with no way out but he now knew the truth. She wanted to help her brother with the madness he created. Julieta alone could easily abduct young girls mid-day without drawing attention. It was easy for her to do. She even bragged about it.
Warren could often taste the bile in his mouth. He choked it down and closed his eyes momentarily, sighing heavily,
Julieta stirred in his embrace but did not open her eyes. “Amor, what’s wrong?” she mumbled in her sleep, her nails delicately skating across his skin.
“Just a bad dream. I dreamt I had lost you to someone else,” Warren lied easily, speaking in a soft voice to her.
This caused Julieta to open her eyes, lifting her head so she could look at him, even though the darkness. “That would never happen. I love you. I promise, you have nothing to worry about,” she told him, leaning closer so she could place a kiss beneath his jawline.
Warren nodded, hooking her chin with his finger to tilt her head up. He kissed her lips lightly then her cheek. “I love you too,” he told her gently.
Julieta groaned happily, nestling closer against Warren. “Amor, I want to know everything about your life. We’ve been together a while now and you still haven’t introduced me to your friend,” she said, perking her head up so she could look at him.
“Who? Brad?” Warren asked, referring to Adriel.
Julieta nodded. “Yes, him. He’s handsome and I have a few cousins who would love to get to know him, you know?”
“Ah, well Brad. He’s…a widow. He lost his wife a year or so ago and he’s sworn off love. She was his soulmate so I don’t think he would be interested in your cousins, as beautiful as they may be,” Warren explained.
“Oh. How did she die?”
“A fire broke out in their apartment. He couldn’t get to her in time,” said Warren, sighing softly and glancing at her.
“That’s so sad. I’m sorry to hear that,” Julieta said, pausing. “But I would still like to get to know him. Invite him out. My brother is throwing a party on one of his yachts. You two should come so that way, I can finally introduce you to my brother. You will love him.”
“I’m finally meeting him? About time. I was beginning to think you were keeping our relationship a secret,” Warren teased her, nipping at her neck.
This made Julieta squeal, her hands squeezing Warren. “Not a secret, amor, no. It’s just that…I don’t just bring anyone to meet my brother. I must be sure I can trust whoever I’m bringing to my brother,” she explained, sitting up so she could stretch out.
Warren watched as the sheets slipped from her bare body, exposing her naked flesh to him. He instinctively reached for her, his hand grasping her hip to urge her back to him. “So you trust me?” he asked.
“With my life, amor and I’ve never been wrong,” Julieta stated confidently. This caused Warren to smirk.
“I look forward to meeting him then. We’re taking the next step in our relationship. This means a lot to me,” he said, eyeing her.
“Me too, amor. So, it’s settled then? You will talk to Brad about the yacht party and I’ll see you both later today?” she asked.
“I’ll talk with him and let you know but I’m sure it’ll be a yes. I can be pretty convincing and it’s what you want so what you want is what you’ll get,” he replied.
“Good answer,” she said, laying back down next to Warren and pressing a kiss to his chest before closing her eyes so she could attempt to fall back asleep.
Warren stared up at the ceiling long after she had fallen asleep. They were going to meet their target in less than 12 hours.
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catgrassplantdad · 5 months
so many pals tagged me in this one! thank you! @rereadanon @heymrspatel @deedala @energievie @juliakayyy @sam-loves-seb @creepkinginc 🤎
Name: jessie
Age: 34
Location: new england
we're going on a trip!!
📍where are we going? somewhere that isn't new england in january. how about we explore some biodiversity in the osa penisula, costa rica
📍whats the weather like there right now? apparently it's 89 and rainy in puerto jimenez right now. right on.
📍are you an over-packer or a light-packer? i will over pack a carry on. and like half of what i will pack will be underwear.
📍are we taking a plane or a train? ahhh, a plane, unfortunately.
📍early morning departure or an overnight trip? early morning, i think!
📍what song are you playing in the car while we drive to catch our departure? oh i don't know. something fun and loud.
📍we need to grab something on the way, starbucks or dunkin? neither! i will make something.
📍we've made it to the transportation place 🚂✈️! be honest, are we on-time or are we rushing because we're running late? we're so early and i'm sitting at a bar trying to soothe my jangled nerves with alcohol, as is my airport ritual.
📍are you taking the window seat or the aisle seat? aisle seat! window seat makes my vertigo go craaaazy
📍we're settled in our seats, are you gonna read or watch a movie/show? i will probably watch a movie or show because i'm always too nervous to concentrate on what i'm reading during a flight
📍what are you reading/watching? something silly. idk some comfort show or movie. star trek or something. i watched iasip on a flight recently and that did a good job of distracting me lol.
📍are you using wireless or wired headphones? wireless.
📍are you going to take a nap or stay awake? i will try to nap so i don't have to think about being on an airplane, and i will fail.
📍do you want a salty snack or a sweet snack? salty! and also alcohol.
📍we've arrived! are we heading straight to activities or are we gonna rest at the hotel? activities, baby! let's fucking go! we're hitting parks! we're hiking through the forest!
📍finally, pick a treat to reward yourself for a travel day well done! casado from a cozy soda that includes my weight in plantains, and a beer or two
tagging @howlinchickhowl @gallawitchxx @whatthebodygraspsnot @whatwouldmickeydo @gardenerian @thisdivorce @crossmydna @mmmichyyy @tanktopgallavich @palepinkgoat 🤍
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khruschevshoe · 7 months
Jim, Archie, and Oluwande Jimenez
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Sleep on me, feel the rhythm in my chest, just breathe
I will stay so the lantern in your heart won't fade
The secrets you tell me I'll take to my grave
There's bones in my closet, but you hang stuff anyway
And if you have nightmares, we'll dance on the bed
I know that you love me, love me
Even when I lose my head
-Jon Bellion, Guillotine
The first nightmare occurs Olu's second night on the ship. He wakes to Jim shuddering in his arms, gasps heaving through their body without sound. His mind snaps to attention, seeking a way to soothe Jim, but he finds a strange but welcome sight.
Archie is already awake and turned around to face Jim. She knows what to do, it becomes instantly clear. She taps his hand, silently guiding it to hold Jim tight around the waist, then takes Jim’s face in her hands and presses their foreheads together. Though no words pass between them, Olu listens as Jim’s breathing evens out, falling in line with Archie’s.
When Jim murmurs, “Tell me you’re alive,” he doesn’t ask them any questions.
When Archie responds, voice tight, “We’re both here, mate,” he doesn’t request any of her answers.
Olu only says, “We’re not leaving you, Jim,” into the back of Jim’s neck, feeling them relax beneath him, and for this moment, at least, he at least gets the comfort of knowing that Jim is able to relax, to fucking breathe, when between the two of them.
-aletterinthenameofsanity, you are still alive when I look to the sky in the night
I know that this isn't the first fic in the series about them, but it is my favorite fic in the series so far! It covers Olu's POV on the gap btw Seasons 1 and 2 and the developing relationship between the three of them in the early parts of this 'verse. Absolutely gorgeous. I ship them so much and I definitely plan to make them each their own moodboards soon enough!
@polikate @angxlwiings @possumsmushroom @bricksbloggyplace
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pavi-kinnie · 11 months
This is a theory I have been working on for a bit, feel free to use it in a fanfiction or art if you want :)
What if Laura Victoriano never died?
Logically, I am aware that Laura’s death is the driving point of the series, without her death most of the events of the franchise would never have happened, but what if Laura never died at all?
Now what we know about Laura’s death is incredibly vague. We know she was left in a coma after the fire, and was likely in the care of either Marcelo or Valerio, since Valerio ran the hospice in Elk River and Marcelo was involved with Beacon, both were heavy in the medical field. Now there is never a single document found in the game that shows proof that Laura died. We have the newspaper that mentions that Laura and Ruben survived the fire, although Laura was in a coma, and we know that Ernesto told Ruben that Laura died. Overall, that’s not any kind of proof about her death. Ruben himself believes it to be true because he knows they were both horrifically injured during the fire, so he never digs any deeper.
My theory is that Laura did not die, and is likely either still in the coma or awake and kept away from her brother. With the Jimenez brothers’ involvement with not only Ruben and Laura’s care but also Mobius, it’s not a complete stretch to say that Mobius may have been involved. In the canon timeline Marcelo met Ruben in 1984 and already saw how intelligent Ruben was. The fire happened in 1985, so Marcelo met Ruben prior to the fire. Given how intelligent we know Ruben to be, even though he would have only been around 9 at the time he met Marcelo, it’s highly likely that Marcelo told people in Mobius about Ruben’s intelligence. Perhaps after the fire happened and Laura was left in a coma, Mobius saw this as an opportunity to shape Ruben into what they wanted him to be. Mobius wanted Ruben to work for them, and wanted him to be completely obedient to their every command. What better way than to use the one person Ruben cares about? Mobius could have transferred her to one of their facilities and faked Laura’s death, waiting for the moment they might need to use her to blackmail Ruben. Now Ruben stayed mostly in Mobius’ good graces until the STEM project was almost complete. We know canonically that Mobius had much different intentions for the STEM system than Ruben did, and when Ruben would not comply they wanted to get rid of him. Laura may not have been used as blackmail at this time for a specific reason: If they were trying to convince Ruben to adapt the STEM project into what they wanted, using Laura against him would only make the situation worse. Ruben was building STEM to be able to reunite with his sister, and revealing that she was alive, even for blackmail purposes, would only motivate Ruben to drop the project altogether. As influential as Laura would be against Ruben, she would only make the situation worse.
This would also explain Laura’s weird manifestation within the STEM system. The monster version of Laura that we fight against in the game is a creature born from Ruben’s mind, that symbolizes his vengeance. This monster takes the appearance of Laura because he wants vengeance against the people who hurt him and his sister. This makes sense that it’s a figment of Ruben’s twisted mind, because it wouldn’t make sense for her to appear in this form. But in the first DLC The Assignment, there’s the Laura easter egg with the two broken doors. In this easter egg where we play as Kidman, we see this version of Laura to resemble how she looked before the fire. This would not make sense at first, as we know that monster Laura is a figment of Ruben’s imagination. Furthermore, if he did manage to bring a non-corrupted version of Laura into the system, he would immediately look for her and try to find a way for both of them to escape the STEM system. But what if this version of Laura we see in the DLC is the real Laura? If we work under the previous assumption that Mobius would take Laura as a way to potentially blackmail Ruben, it would make sense to keep her at Beacon where he worked. She would be nearby if they needed to blackmail him, and knowing how close she was to him could motivate him to do what they wanted. Everyone in Beacon was pulled into STEM when Mobius turned the system on, so if Laura was inside Beacon, she would be pulled in with it. As to why Laura resembled how she looked before the fire, it is possible that if she was still in the coma, her mind would take the form of what it last remembered her to look like. Since Laura would have still been in the coma she had no way to know what she looked like post-fire, and so she would take the form of what she looked like before the fire. Therefore, the easter egg may be more than just something the developers put in for fun, as it could be the real Laura if we can prove that she is alive. Ruben would not have been aware of this version of Laura in STEM, because he believes her to be dead, and if he did see her he would likely think she was just a hallucination, as we know after he was told she died he suffered from hallucinations of her for a time.
Laura’s status as potentially being alive could also serve as a future plot point if another game is ever made in the series. The end of the first game highly suggests that Ruben was successful in escaping STEM inside of Leslie, due to Sebastian seeing that Leslie acts completely unlike himself as he leaves Beacon before Leslie completely disappears. If Ruben managed to make it out through Leslie, he likely would have been captured again by Mobius, and this time they could use Laura to blackmail him, perhaps into working on STEM again. Ruben could have secretly helped with Union, and if a third game is ever made, Ruben and Laura could play a vital role in it.
Once again, feel free to use this idea for any work (fanfiction, art, etc.) if this inspires you, just please tag me in it if you do, I would love to see it!
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axiomagic · 1 year
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Jimenez Awake ver
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A Life Lesson in Music
by BeaBonnet29
Ed dragged his feet only a little and then they were pushing into Stede’s room, Ed giggling at Stede’s enthusiasm. Then he gasped. “You didn’t. Stede you didn’t.”
“I just…I thought you should have it.” Stede’s cheeks were aflame and he was suddenly petrified that he had overstepped. “I’m sorry, it’s too much, isn’t it? I can…oh!” Stede’s breath gushed out of him as he was crushed into a tight hug. It was over before Stede could gather his wits enough to hug Ed back.
Stede spent the remainder of the evening on his settee with a book laid open across his chest, listening to Ed fill the room with music. Everything from bawdy sea shanties to lovely pieces that flowed through Stede like water. He dozed off, still in his clothes from the day.
It wasn’t until the music stopped that Stede snuffled awake, a crick in his neck from his awkward position against the arm. The floor creaked as Ed stepped softly away. “Ed,” Stede whispered.
“Yeah mate?” Ed’s eyes were so soft it almost hurt to look at him.
“Do you think you could teach me to play?”
“We can start tomorrow.”
Ed and Stede find a piano and grow closer through the power of music
Words: 6284, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet, Lucius Spriggs, Jim Jimenez, Oluwande Boodhari, Frenchie (Our Flag Means Death), Roach (Our Flag Means Death)
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Additional Tags: Fluff, Happy Ending, Alcohol, Blood and Injury, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, canon typical mention of violence
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48228181
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jisyakuumao · 1 year
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Awake jimenez(Two types)
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countenanceblog · 11 months
Chapter 53
Chapter 53
The screen flashed with colorful images of fruit. "Have you ever wanted the benefits of a healthy diet without – "
Fawkes leaned back in a period chair with green cushions and dark, intricate woodwork. "This is Aleister Fawkes, the true leader of the Resistance. The Agarthan government has killed the families of me and my friends, after framing us for a bombing in an attempt to sway public opinion. The truth is, they bombed that block trying to get rid of us. Elite Tactical did. Everyone saw Helion rise from the rubble in Cortez. Radio host Apollo Jimenez, tried to warn us all." Aleister stood up from his seat, and leaned towards the camera. "About the vampires in charge of our government. How are we going to respond? With a real bombing. Eye for an eye, bitches."
The images of fruit came back on. Karen's light brown eyes widened in disbelief. Jonah was sitting beside her, the only other person still awake in the bunk room. He had dried tears all over his cheeks. "What was that?"
Karen shook her head. "They're taking action."
The advertisement ended, and redheaded Amanda Cairn was blinking at the teleprompter. "It . . . It appears that the Spain City Police Department has been . . . Blown up by terrorists. I can't even comprehend the tragedy."
"By Hel," said beady-eyed Jonah.
"They killed my mom," said Karen. "I'm sure of it. I can feel her, somehow. I guess that's what Rufus was trying to explain to me, after all . . . " she trailed off.
"You're a death goddess," said Jonah. "On the TV show, Nyx's character can communicate with the dead."
"I guess that means my mom's not really dead," said Karen. "Not in the way that I used to think about it."
"Spain city is about to be a nightmare," said Jonah.
David came stumbling into the room. He saw Karen and Jonah in front of the television. He leapt towards them. "Did you two see it? Are you watching the news?"
Jonah nodded. Karen said, "Yes."
David Griffith sat down cross-legged on the floor between them in a surprisingly childlike manner. "We've been trying not to bomb anything for so long. At the same time, I can't help but understand. These are mass executions, live on television. What did they expect?"
Karen looked at the ceiling. "So Herringbone approved this? That's interesting." David begrudgingly nodded.
"He contacted me just minutes before the broadcast, all he told me was to turn on the television. Ominous, that guy. He's got some sort of power, himself, I think."As David spoke, the weight of the situation sank in for Karen. The revelation of her abilities as a death goddess, combined with the events unfolding on the television, left her feeling overwhelmed. She couldn't help but think about her mother and the possibility that she was still somehow connected to her. She started crying again.
Jonah spoke up with a somber tone. "It's a cycle of violence and retaliation. They bomb us, we bomb them."
David nodded in agreement. "It's a never-ending spiral of destruction and death. But we can't let ourselves be consumed by vengeance. That's what they want. We need to stay focused on the bigger picture."
Karen wiped away a tear, trying to regain her composure. "You're right, David. We can't let ourselves be driven by anger and hatred. We need to find a way to stop this cycle, to break free from it."
Just then, the bunk room door opened, and Emma walked in, looking exhausted from the continuous party outside. "What's going on? I heard the news, but I couldn't believe it," she said, her voice filled with concern.
Karen filled her in on the situation, explaining what had happened with the bombing of the Spain City Police Department. Emma's kind and highly intelligent nature allowed her to process the information with a level head. "We need to be careful," she said. "This is escalating quickly, and we're in the middle of it."
As they discussed their next steps, the door opened once again, and Jack sauntered in with his typical bold swagger noticeably less than deflated. "I heard about the bombing. That's some crazy stuff," he said, leaning against the door frame. "Serves 'em right, though. I have, I mean I had a whole ass family. Pretty sure I'm in shock."
Jonah's eyes darted about. "Rufus and the others are asleep. Should we wait to tell them?" Everyone looked at each other. David glanced around at his team, knowing that the situation had taken a dangerous turn. "We need to talk about this," he said firmly, his red suit seeming to emanate authority even in the dimly lit room. "Aleister Fawkes claiming responsibility for the bombing is a serious issue. It undermines our authority as the Resistance and changes the public's perception of us."
Emma interjected with a worried expression, "We can't let this escalate any further. We need to find a way to control the narrative and show the truth to the public. Otherwise, we risk losing their trust and support."
Karen wiped her tears away, her determination resurfacing. "I agree. We can't let Aleister's actions define us. We need to make it clear that we do not condone violence and that we stand for justice, not revenge."
Jack, however, seemed less concerned about the public's perception. "Who cares what they think? We know what we're fighting for, and we'll do whatever it takes to protect our own. They're sheep anyway."
David shook his head. "That's a dangerous mindset, Jack. We can't afford to act impulsively. We need to strategize and figure out the best course of action. If we lose public support, we lose our ability to bring about any sort of real change."
Jack nodded slowly. "I guess you're right, Jack. I didn't think about it that way. But what about Aleister?"
Just then, Ariadne Jackson walked into the bunk room. "Who's Aleister? I got us some plascannons, guys."
Emma perked up. "Aleister is from the group that didn't come with Karen. We've determined that he is one of the immortals. The government executed all of Karen and her friends' families on television earlier." Ariadne's dark eyes swept across the room, noticing everyone's demeanor.
"By Hel," she said. "We have to do something – "
"Aleister did," said Karen. "He bombed the Spain City Police Department in response, thanks in all likelihood to one Donaven Vex." Ariadne shivered.
"That freak? But he's a vampire. He'll betray them," she said bluntly. "They always do, they always will."
0 notes
The Time I Almost Died Like a Rock Star
No one wants to die in a stupid way. Something that will end up a punch line of their life once they are gone. Preferably, I would like to die in my sleep and, one night a few years ago, I almost got my wish.
Most people my age, sleep alludes them at night. Unfortunately, its not my age that keeps me awake at night, I have been that way for as long as I remember.
The irony about that is for years, at any point of the day, I could roll over on the couch and fall asleep in an instant.
“Nothing good on TV, I think I’ll take a nap.”
Off to dream land.
But night was another story (well, this story, actually).
Eventually, I found a method that would help me sleep at night. Although, sleep may not be the best description of how my time passed. The least healthy method I chose?
When the day was done, a few glasses of scotch on the rocks, and off to the land of Morpheus I’d go.
Now, you are thinking I should have tried a white noise machine (which I tried – did not work), soothing music (nope), TV in the background (again, nope) or any other dozens of internet searched methods to fall asleep.
Nothing worked.
Scotch? Yes, that worked. Maybe not the best method, but it got me from midnight to morning.
Over time I knew that this was not the best way to find sleep. My brother told me that red wine would be good for me, and that it would help me get to sleep. So, I tried it.
A step in the right direction, but not quite there.
Then I found the missing piece to the sleep puzzle.
But before I reveal that, I know that all I have written above and about to write below, is incredibly bad for me.
The missing piece? ZzzQuil.
Yes, ZzzQuil, the nighttime cold medications from VICKS (Note, this is not a recommendation or a condemnation of the product).
The combination of two glasses of red wine and the measured dose of ZzzQuil turned out to be the magic potion.
It worked for a while but, unfortunately for me, I missed my scotch. So, after several weeks, I went back to my original routine of scotch and a fitful sleep.
Then, one night, as I headed into the early morning of the next day, the scotch not doing it’s job, I had an idea.
After I already drank a good amount of scotch, I followed that up with a measured dose of ZzzQuil.
Surprisingly, it worked.
Unfortunately, maybe too well.
When my alarm went off in the morning, I did not respond. When it went off a second, third, fourth time, I did not respond. Finally, shaken from my slumber, I hit the snooze button and reached for my phone. Not sure of the time, I called my friend Bill, whom I worked with at the time, to tell him I needed a vacation day. When he inquired if something was wrong I simply grunted and ended the call.
My head in a fog, bags of cement lay on my chest, I could not move.
For hours, I slipped in and out of consciousness (not sleep, this was not sleep) until my eyes stayed open for more then five minutes. Rolled over and surprised by the time on the clock – it was two-thirty in the afternoon.
More than twelve hours in this self-induced limbo.
‘For in this sleep of death what dreams may come…’
I’m no rock star, and definitely no Hamlet, so, in the end, I just went back to scotch and bad, fitful nights where sleep, apparently, is an after thought.
Rock on.
Photo by Michelle Jimenez on Unsplash
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jhilsara · 4 months
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I Can See You
Pt. 1/ Pt. 2/ Pt. 3/ Pt. 4/ Pt. 5/pt. 6/Pt. 7/Pt. 8/Pt. 9/ Pt. 10/
Pt. 11/ Pt.12/Pt.13/Pt. 14/Pt.15/Pt.16/Pt.17/END
Mariana Jimenez-Watson or MJ works in a normal pub living life paycheck to paycheck. Nothing exciting happens to her except the occasional drunk getting thrown out. She's 24 working away and finds a wrench thrown into her very boring life. His name is Hobie and she thinks maybe, a little excitement isn't awful. In fact she might start to crave some change for once.
Small moments of Hobie meeting his world's MJ. AKA I made an MJ variant and I think she's neat.
Chapter 6
It’s late, or early. She isn’t really certain. She is more than sure she's exhausted.
MJ is dragging her feet trying to get home at three in the morning. She’s ready to pass out after the shift she'd had at the pub. It had been a long night and it doesn't help that she's been on edge at work since some creepy man had tried to attack her. Not the highlight of her time working as a bartender.
The police did eventually show up and apprehend the man. Andy and Lars had stayed behind to call him in and also explain what happened. Her lead manager that had been dismissive of MJ's worries was promptly fired after. The owner apparently was not made aware of any of her concerns. Lars also wasn't alone as the bouncer anymore. The owner had hired two security posts for every night now, hoping to dissuade another incident.  
MJ's therapist had more than enough to unpack with her that month. She did feel leaps better after the owner profusely apologized about the lead manager ignoring her worries. That made her feel more supported.
Truly after her long shift, she just wants to go home. She was making plans to herself to put on her big hoodie and crawl into her warm bed after the hottest shower. Maybe even have a little snack. 
She slides her key into the door and is almost drooling at the thought of her soft, plushy bed. She shuffles in and trips over something in the entryway. She looks down and almost screams when she sees Hobie leaning against her wall and bleeding out on her floor. It looks like a crime scene with the lights off.
She throws her bag on the ground and turns on her light. She squats down in front of him checking his pulse making sure he’s alive. She moves to grab his face, holding it gently to make him look at her. His face was dirty, caked in blood and grime. Blood dripping down his forehead and lips. 
“Hey, hey, Hobie. I need you to look at me right now.” She pleads, voice a little pitched.
He barely peels his eyes open, he’s looking at her, but not really. More like he’s looking through her. He grunts in response. His eyes are blurry and she doesn't think he knows where he even is. 
“How long have you been here?” She asks moving his hand to look at the wound he’s been clutching at his side. There’s a decent pool of blood underneath him that looks to have been sitting there for a while.
“Couple a minutes, an hour… I don’t know…” He murmurs, his head lolling off to the side. His eyes start closing again, clearly a losing fight to stay awake. Which she needs him awake because she has no idea if he has a concussion. 
“Hey, nu-uh, you can’t do that right now. I need you to be present with me okay? I don’t know where you’re hurt.” She whispers to him. She holds his head back up, forcing him to look at her. Her brows furrowed in concern.
He nods his head, struggling to keep his eyes open. He's only half listening to her, but he is doing as she asks. 
Since finding out Hobie was Spider-Man he had started a habit of using her home like a 24/7 clinic. The first time he rolled into her home she yelled at him as he tumbled face first into her rug. She had to learn how to clean and dress wounds on the spot. She chastised him all the way through it. He scared the living daylights out of her and on top of that he just sat there laughing like it wasn't a big deal.
This though, this is the worst she’s seen him. There's so much blood and he doesn't look okay at all. His eyes can't focus on her and the distant look in his eyes scares her.
She moves to grab her medical kit, “What happened?” she prods trying to figure out what trouble he got into. 
“Not a big deal,” He tries to shrug but hisses in pain, “just got nicked by the Goblin is all.” He replies slurring his words together.
She bends down next to him and gives a disappointed look. “It is a big deal if you’re bleeding out on my floor.” She tells him with a slight scoff. “Can you take your shirt off or do I need to cut it?” she asks him digging around for her safety scissors.
He gives a soft chuckle but does as he’s told. His top clings to his skin and it's sticky where his bloods dried. He groans in pain as he peels the dried blood off of him with his top. “We should go on a date before I strip for ya.” He teases.
She rolls her eyes, “If you’re coherent enough to joke I should be meaner to you.” She mumbles to herself.
She grabs some alcohol to clean up his injury with from her medical kit. She soaks up a soft hand towel to start cleaning around his wounds.
“Oh come on, ya love it.” He says reaching for her hand so she’ll look up at him.
Her fierce gaze flashes to him and his face falters a bit. She knows she's being harsh, but she's never seen him so beat up. It scares her. Maybe it's because she childishly believes he's invincible. This is a hard moment as she realizes he can get hurt.
“What I would love right now, is for you to shut up so I can clean you up enough for you to take a shower without bleedin’ all over my bathroom.” She states giving him a pointed look. 
He nods his head silently and lets her work.
She cleans the area surrounding his wound, he’s mostly stopped bleeding but it’s a nasty gash. Once it’s clean she can disinfect. She looks closer at his wound and assesses his face too. He’s got a few good scraps along his brow bone and one of his piercings definitely looks like it’s caused some damage. Almost like his eyebrow piercing ripped out.
She quietly continues to work, ignoring Hobie’s grunts and hisses of pain as she cleans his face. Her brow furrowed in concentration. She's afraid if she pauses and looks him in the eye she won't be able to finish. She wants to scream at him to be more careful, but she also just wants to hold him tightly and protect him.
“Anywhere else that was bleedin’?” she asks him softly.
He shakes his head no. She pats his thigh reassuringly. “Go take a shower and let me know when you’re done. I need to bandage you but you need a shower first.” She tells him.
He groans but lets her help him stand up. “Don’t leave a mess in there alright?” she teases him lightly.
“No promises, I’m pretty grimy.” He jokes as he shuts the bathroom door.
She smiles and turns to grab the discarded pieces of his suit. She throws them in her washer and waits to run it when she can grab the rest of it from the bathroom. She moves to set up the couch for him to sleep on.
There’s no way she was letting him go back this late after just dressing his injuries. She grabs her spare sheets and blankets, preparing the couch for him. She throws one of her pillows down for him as well.
She hears the bathroom door creak after a while and turns to see him poking his head out. He already looks a lot better. Relief washes over her and she relaxes a bit. She grabs the medical kit again and goes to wrap him up.
Hobie leans his weight against her bathroom counter. He's just in a towel wrapped lazily around his waist.
She takes a deep breath and adjusts her eyes up. She forgot to give him clothes. Her face is burning but she tries to refocus on bandaging him.
“You look better already.” She comments. She grabs the gauze and bandages to wrap him. She’s so close to him, eye level with his broad chest. She should be used to it by now but her ears are burning. She can feel his eyes on her, and he gives a halfhearted chuckle.
“I feel better that’s for sure.” He murmurs.
She starts to wrap him, eyes trying to keep focused on her task, and not lower to where the towel is barely hanging on his hips. She's definitely not looking over his toned body. She can keep her eyes focused, this is not the time to be checking him out. 
She’s so intentional with every motion. She’s slow and deliberate, making sure she treats his wounds correctly.
She doesn’t notice him move until she feels him brush her hair off her shoulders. The action has her taking a shuddering breath. She looks up at him questioningly.
His own face is in scrunched up in thought. He keeps her hair between his fingers as he looks lost in his own head.
She finishes wrapping his chest before looking back up at him. She gently uses her hand to make him turn to look at her.
“So serious, what’s rattling around in that brain?” She tries to joke, but it falls into more of a genuine question. Her voice quiet.
He looks at her face and meets her question with silence. Contemplating his own response. He stares at her and he’s doing that thing again. He’s looking at her in a way that feels like he’s peeling back layers of her soul, exposing herself to him. She feels barren and unguarded, it scares her.
“Nothin’. Just thinkin’. Brain got all rattle remember?” He says softly tapping his brow. He immediately regrets it, hissing as he hits his own injury.
She gives a soft giggle and lets it slide for the moment. She reaches up, “Let me bandage that, your piercing got pretty fucked right there.” She tells him focusing her attention on that.
He hums in agreement. His hands coming down to grip the counter edge. His grips is so tight it leaves small cracks along her counter. Clearly trying to hide how much he's been hurting tonight. He's a good patient in that he never complains, but sometimes she wished she did. Maybe he just has a high pain tolerance or maybe he just doesn't want her to worry. She'd worry regardless though.
At the end of the day, she'd still rather him crawl into her window every night regardless of his injuries. At least she'd know he was alive. See his chest rise and fall as he breathes.
When she’s done she looks at him, his eyes have just been burning holes into her. She flushes for a moment, she was so lost in thought she didn't notice him staring. Their faces are so close, too close. She swallows hard and takes a step back, “I’ll uh, I’ll grab some spare clothes you’ve left here before… I can just throw your suit in the wash.” She tells him softly, her face burning.
She turns to go into her room, grabbing his clothes and returning to shove them in his hands. He hands over his own dirtied and blood-stained suit to her.
“Thanks Mariana.” He tells her softly pulling her into him with a one armed hugged. For someone so injured, his grip was still strong. 
A chill runs down her spine at him using her name, “It’s no big deal.” She mutters returning the embrace.
She moves away to close the bathroom door and she leans against it. Her head hitting the door as she looks up trying to control her rapidly beating heart.
He can’t keep looking at her with those big brown eyes that crack her open. If he does she might have to acknowledge the fact she’s starting to like him.
She doesn’t think she can handle those far too big feelings right now. So, she shoves them down, under the surface. She can’t think about him like that.
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dollarstore-kins · 2 years
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Pride icons of Jimenez!!
-Mod ET
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khruschevshoe · 7 months
Archie Jimenez and Mel Spriggs
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How deeply are you sleeping
Or are you still awake?
A good friend told me
You've been staying out so late
Be careful what it takes
From what I've seen so far
The good ones always seem to break
Grab me by my ankles, I've been flying for too long
-Florence + the Machine, Sky Full of Song
Mel looks down at the deck. "It's nice to see the whole family from here," Mel says. "See them in their natural habitat, and all."
Archie looks beneath them. Up on the upperdecks, Olu is at the wheel of the ship, talking with Lucius, who is jotting down notes as Olu gracefully steers the ship towards the Republic of Pirates. Down on the deck, Pete is leaning against the railing, whittling away at something. Izzy stops on his walk up to talk with Olu in order to press a quick kiss to Pete's mouth. Pete grins so wide that Archie can see it all the way up here. Jim leans over the side of the rigging to chat with Frenchie and Fang, who are busy playing cards while Wee John sits on a crate next to them, working on a new knitting project. Roach is likely below deck in the kitchens, bustling away with dinner.
Archie can't help but smile fondly. This is her family, now. She is a part of this crew, not just as an able body, but as cared about as Mel or Lucius or Izzy or Jim. "We've got a pretty great set-up on this ship, don't we?"
Mel nods and smiles at Archie in turn. "I'm glad you're feeling better. Things weren't as fun without you here."
-aletterinthenameofsanity, everybody saw that spring had come again (with a love song)
And enter my two new blorbos and their delightful friendship! It was so much fun to have their relatively easygoing dynamic compared to all of the angst/complicated relationships that are going on elsewhere on the Revenge, and you know I gotta love a mentor/mentee dynamic between two women- ESPECIALLY two queer women. Archie insisting on having the first hug after Mel was rescued in Anguilla made me smile so wide!
@polikate @possumsmushroom @angxlwiings @bricksbloggyplace @yuenity @ruecrown
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fanfic-about-fictif · 3 years
Cool down and relax
Type: drabble/oneshot
Pairing: Sergio Jimenez x female reader
Words: 1091
Warnings: slight nsfw (this is my way of dealing with the new Sergio chapter and imagining my boy did not do a major screw up of some kind)
She was wide awake, staring at the ceiling for the last half an hour, unable to fall asleep despite the exhausting day she had. Turning her head to the side, she saw Sergio, who was tucked in comfortably and sleeping peacefully. She envied him at that moment.
With a sigh, she got up from the bed and shuffled downstairs to his kitchen. She took a glass of cold water to drink, leaning on the kitchen counter. She didn’t turn on the lights, but her eyes adjusted to the dim room and she could see all the clean, modern pieces of furniture in Sergio’s apartment. More importantly, she could see the pool through the large glass panels, which gave her an excellent idea.
With a spring in her step, she made her way outside, to the edge of the pool. Hastily taking off her pyjama top and underwear, she tossed them aside so she could go in. A nice swim in the pool was exactly what she needed right now – it would cool her down and help her relax, so she could finally fall asleep.
She didn’t worry about anyone seeing her naked in the pool, since Sergio’s neighbours weren’t close enough to pry. His apartment was perfect in many ways, but the privacy aspect of it was her favourite. Also, only the moonlight illuminated the pool, so you couldn’t really see much from far away.
After only a few strokes in the water, she could feel all the tension in her body melting away and dissipating in the water. She felt so free; this was her first time swimming nude and it was an amazing, liberating feeling. After a few dives and a few more laps, she stopped at the edge of the pool. It was an infinity pool, which meant that she could rest her forearms on the thin line of glass on the end of it and could look straight down and see the ground one story below. It felt scary and exhilarating at the same time – being so close to falling down, so close to life-threatening danger, yet still hoping that you’re safe and actually feeling like you’re out of harm’s way.
It was almost the same feeling she had when she thought about Sergio.
“You look like a mermaid. Luring me in with your beauty.”, she could her Sergio’s voice behind her, making her jump from surprise before she realized it was him.
She turned around, leaning with her back on the glass. “How long were you standing there and trying to think of a line like that?”
“Not too long.”, he chuckled.
It was dark, so she wondered how well he could see her. Still, most of her body was covered with water which appeared black at this point of the night, so she doubted he noticed her lack of swimsuit.
He was leaned on the glass panel next to the doors of the balcony, wearing only his pyjama bottoms. It was a wonderful view; seeing his bare, sculpted torso illuminated by the moonlight. He looked like a god, even with his black hair disheveled from sleep.
“You didn’t have to get up. I just couldn’t sleep so I decided to cool off in the pool.”, she slowly started to swim to his side of the pool.
“And miss this view?” Sergio stared at her hungrily. “Not a chance.”
She leaned with her arms on the side of the pool, resting her head on top of them. “Care to join me?”
Sergio crouched down, not taking his eyes off her. “At this moment, I prefer to… Observe.”
One of her eyebrow raised up and she grinned. “You mean gawk?”
“Well, can you blame me?” Sergio cupped her cheek, caressing her skin with his thumb tenderly.
He bent down to kiss her, but pulled away too quickly for her taste.
“Sergio…”, she pleaded. “Join me. The water is incredible.”
He smiled, sitting down on the floor and resting his bodyweight on his arm. “What’s in it for me?”
“A kiss.”, she offered, splashing him with the water jokingly.
He hissed at the cold water, not expecting it, but quickly recovering with a smile on his face. “Only a kiss?”
She shrugged, swimming backwards and away. “Did I mention I’m naked?”
Sergio’s eyes almost popped out of his head, before he reacted quickly, standing up and jumping into the pool with a loud splash. He came to the surface and heard her laugh, immediately making him smile.
“You’re gonna have to catch me first!” she teased, swimming away from him.
He went after her, like a hungry shark hunting down a fish. There were splashes, laughs and close calls, but he couldn’t catch her. She was crafty; right as he was about to catch her, she dove in, appearing seconds later on the other side of the pool. It didn’t take long for her to tire and give up though, letting Sergio trap her between his strong arms on each side of her, her back pressed against the pool tiles and her front against his torso.
“Seems like I caught a mermaid after all.”, Sergio smirked, leaning closer to her.
They were both breathing heavy. Sergio looked down on their chests, before pressing his lips above her right breast. She closed her eyes as he moved upwards, leaving pecks along her collarbone and neck, and then nipping on her earlobe. She didn’t manage to hold back her soft moans, which only spurred him on. His arms were now encircling her completely, their bodies moulded together as if they were only one.
“Sergio…”, she moaned out his name, which only made him more eager.
He kissed her hungrily, with so much fervour and lust that it made her shiver. She encircled his middle with her legs, now also feeling his excitement even through his pyjama bottoms.
“You said you couldn’t sleep?” Sergio asked with a whisper, staring intensely at her eyes after a breathtaking kiss. “Maybe I can tire you out.”
She hummed, smiling. “What do you have in mind?”
He grinded against her. “A lot of things…”
“Sounds promising.”, she giggled, kissing him passionately.
Sergio’s hands trailed down her back, right to her bum, squeezing and pressing her even more against him. When she responded with a grind of her hips, he pulled out of the kiss with a groan.
“After I’m done with you, cariño… You won’t be able to walk.”, he growled, sending vibrations through her whole body.
“I’m counting on it, mi amor.”, she smirked.
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In Favor with Their Stars
by mxmollusca
Ed is an engineer aboard the Revenge, an interplanetary research vessel on a multi-year mission to study Jupiter's moon Europa. An accident requires that Ed awaken from cryostasis over six months early, and finds his only companion to be Synthetic Transport Entity/Deep Europa (Stede), the ship's onboard AI.
This is classic mutual pining with a sci-fi twist, inspired by all of my favorite stories about the nature of personhood. ----- The variables spiraled in his head. “So let me know if I’ve got this straight,” he said, ticking off his fingers. “The Revenge hit some debris, three major systems need repairing, you woke me up because you weren’t able to do it on your own,” his words started tumbling out faster and faster as if he himself was spinning out into space, “if I can’t do it we all eventually run out of supplies and eat each other, and if I can do it I’m just awake. For months.” He furrowed his brow, suddenly hyper aware of the stale, tacky feel of his mouth, the cold floor underfoot, and the black void visible through the small viewing window in the exterior bulkhead. “Alone.”
“I’m sorry to tell you that you are correct, Edward,” and damn if it didn’t sound convincing.
Words: 2286, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Israel Hands, Jim Jimenez, Lucius Spriggs
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Alternate Universe - Future, Artificial intelligence Stede Bonnet, Engineer blackbeard | Edward Teach, Mutual Pining, Angst, Outer Space, Friends to Lovers, Eventual Smut, Neurodivergent Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet Loves Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Blackbeard | Edward Teach Loves Stede Bonnet, Rating May Change, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41333706
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