#besides the point but they actually pass the bechdel test with flying colors
khruschevshoe · 10 months
Archie Jimenez and Mel Spriggs
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How deeply are you sleeping
Or are you still awake?
A good friend told me
You've been staying out so late
Be careful what it takes
From what I've seen so far
The good ones always seem to break
Grab me by my ankles, I've been flying for too long
-Florence + the Machine, Sky Full of Song
Mel looks down at the deck. "It's nice to see the whole family from here," Mel says. "See them in their natural habitat, and all."
Archie looks beneath them. Up on the upperdecks, Olu is at the wheel of the ship, talking with Lucius, who is jotting down notes as Olu gracefully steers the ship towards the Republic of Pirates. Down on the deck, Pete is leaning against the railing, whittling away at something. Izzy stops on his walk up to talk with Olu in order to press a quick kiss to Pete's mouth. Pete grins so wide that Archie can see it all the way up here. Jim leans over the side of the rigging to chat with Frenchie and Fang, who are busy playing cards while Wee John sits on a crate next to them, working on a new knitting project. Roach is likely below deck in the kitchens, bustling away with dinner.
Archie can't help but smile fondly. This is her family, now. She is a part of this crew, not just as an able body, but as cared about as Mel or Lucius or Izzy or Jim. "We've got a pretty great set-up on this ship, don't we?"
Mel nods and smiles at Archie in turn. "I'm glad you're feeling better. Things weren't as fun without you here."
-aletterinthenameofsanity, everybody saw that spring had come again (with a love song)
And enter my two new blorbos and their delightful friendship! It was so much fun to have their relatively easygoing dynamic compared to all of the angst/complicated relationships that are going on elsewhere on the Revenge, and you know I gotta love a mentor/mentee dynamic between two women- ESPECIALLY two queer women. Archie insisting on having the first hug after Mel was rescued in Anguilla made me smile so wide!
@polikate @possumsmushroom @angxlwiings @bricksbloggyplace @yuenity @ruecrown
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watery-melon-baller · 3 years
I was talking with Lilac and we happened upon the topic of the Bechdel Test. And that made me curious, how many of my fics would pass the Bechdel Test? As it turns out, not many.
Now, for the purposes of this, we are considering two factors:
1) Does the fic have two or more female characters?
2) Do two female characters at any point talk to each other about something other than men?
Now, Lilac and I looked through all my fics and discussed to determine how many of them pass the Bechdel Test. Here are the results:
Danny Phantom
Ghost Dogs (Plural): Does not pass the Bechdel Test. There is only one female character incuded (Jazz), not counting Cujo. Even if we were to count Cujo, Cujo is a dog and doesn’t talk, and therefore does not talk with Jazz at any point.
To Find a Pulse: Does not pass the Bechdel Test. There are only three characters included (Danny, Tucker, and Sam), and since Sam is the only female, it does not meet either of the requirements.
Alive: Does not pass the Bechdel Test. While it does have two female characters (Sam and Jazz), they never talk to each other about anything besides Danny, who is bleeding out on the ground. Therefore, it does not pass.
Burying Yourself and Other Impossible Matters: Does not pass the Bechdel Test. Like in To Find A Pulse, the only three characters featured are Danny, Tucker, and Sam. Jazz, Jack, and Maddie are only mentioned in passing. If I had made the police officer female, it could have passed, but I didn’t, so it doesn’t meet the second stipulation.
A Road Trip With the Ghost Boy: This one just barely passes the Bechdel Test. Due to the inclusion of the A-Listers, there are several female characters prominently featured, those being Star and Paulina in addition to the usual Sam. While Sam spends most of the fic comatose, the two former do have a conversation about finding the cave, allowing this fic to pass.
These Things Take Time/ Of Course He Was Okay: Does not pass the Bechdel Test. Now, this one was hard because it’s so long and I don’t remember absolutely everything I did, but this fic is very tightly focused around Danny, Tucker, and Sam, so it runs into a very similar problem to Burying Yourself and Other Impossible Matters. Jazz and Maddie are present, and there is actually at least one point at which Sam and Jazz have a conversation, but it is about Danny so it doesn’t qualify.
Triple Spirits: Does not pass the Bechdel Test. The only characters are Sam, Tucker, and Danny, and the focus mainly stays on Sam and Tucker. Since Sam is the only female of the three, it doesn’t meet the first stipulation and definitely doesn’t meet the second.
Why You Shouldn't Go on Patrol Running Entirely on Energy Drinks: Does not pass the Bechdel Test. This one actually has three prominent female characters (Valerie, Desiree, and Sam), but it fails at having any of them ever talk to each other. Now, it could be argued that Desiree and Valerie do sort of converse about the egg, but I wouldn’t really consider that a proper conversation.
Who Says Unicorns Aren’t Real?: This one definitely doesn’t pass the Bechdel Test. There are no female characters. It’s just Jack and a ghost unicorn.
No Way Out: Does not pass the Bechdel Test. There is only one female character, Maddie.
Other Fandoms
Aang Hunt (ATLA): This one’s a tricky one. There are definitely more than 2 female characters (Toph, Suki, Katara) and they do talk about things other than men, but the question is if they talk to each other about things other than men. The Gaang’s all together for most of the fic, so there aren’t really any oppurtunities for them to have an independent conversation. We’ll give it half a point.
Glowing Circles, Floating Loops (ToH): Now THIS one passes the Bechdel Test with flying colors. Most of the characters are female (Luz, Amity, Willow, Boscha, Eda, etc.) and the main two are lesbians. And they definitely talk to each other about things other than men (that’s almost every conversation).
Something We Were Not Meant to See (Among Us): Does not pass the Bechdel Test. Now, Lilac was debating me on this one, but ultimately we concluded that since all the characters are genderless, and therefore none of them are female, it cannot meet the first requirement. Lilac would like it to be noted that she still thinks it deserves half a point.
Final Score: Out of the the 13 fics I have written or co-written, only two pass the Bechdel Test. Out of the 10 which are DP fics, only one passes.
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