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lunartearrose · 3 years ago
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Ghost trainer skull lore owo
Also known as a traumatized trio! (And a peek at an ice type trainer vintage)
Its late so i wont explain this in detail, but do lmk if itd of interest and I'll spill the beans when i get a sec tomorrow!
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cappuccino-bear · 4 years ago
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@kingboos​  this is for you my bud, precious qprs.
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diving-mask · 4 years ago
If ya still takin' coroika asks, ya got any aviators headcanons (or aviskullvin)? p.s your real cool
I'm Always Taking Asks, I Love Rambling About My HCs KABSKSN! ALSO NO YOU ANON YOU'RE REAL COOL
Aviators' Sunglasses Are Prescription With Transitions! (Glasses Lenses To Sunglasses)
He's Good At Sewing and Embroidery, Making Patches For Jackets and Fixing Up His Team and Friends' Gear
Whenever He Goes Over To Visit Skull and Vintage, He Brings Both Of Them Treats, Spice for Vin and Sweets for Skully
Aviators' Favourite Way To Relax Is Taking Long Walks In Inkopolis
Despite Maining A Nozzlenose, Aviators Is Pretty Good With All Weapons, Some More Than Others
He Has Heterochromia! One Eye Purple and One Eye Blue
They Often Skip Stones On Rockier Parts Of Inkopolis Beach, Skull Is Still The Champion Of Rock Skipping
Skull Uses His Intimidating Gaze To Protect Aviators and Vintage, Aviators Usually Has To Tell Others Not To Worry About Skull
Skull and Vintage Are The Only One Who Has Seen Aviators' Eyes Under The Glasses, According To Skull His Eyes Are A Beautiful Purple And Blue
Skull and Aviators Put Vintage On Tall Things Because Vintage Likes To Be Tall
They Watch Movies Together! Aviators Brings Sweet Kettle Popcorn For Skull and Spicy Popcorn For Vintage, Skull and Vintage Always Bringe Aviators' Favourite Movies
Despite The Team Breaking Apart, The Three Of Them Often Train Together For Battles, Exchanging Tips or Just Chilling Out
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skullvins · 4 years ago
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i am once again drawing on my maths work
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lunartearrose · 4 years ago
hello. bestie. info about this fantasy au WHEN 👀👀👀👀👀
Aaa I can give you some right now!!!! For some reason this au comes to me whenever im working so thats why its art is all on stickynotes audjskjsj
BUT ANYWAYS uh. No better way to say this but it all started out with a modded skyrim character creator that i made skull in! I thought it was cool and going thru both main q and whatever stupid civil war to skip the broken seasons unending quest is annoyin but fun was had for maybe some hours
But! I had to make skull twice due to the first skull files getting corrupted. So that has a piece to it
But anyways context over and now this au has been in my brain with only vague skrim assets because i fucking hate that that civil war has anything to do with anything of the main questline it can FUCK. Right off
Basic storyline premise my brain had! We start out with a currently human vintage caught between a mysteriously similar civil war :) he's chosen neither side but since his home was destroyed by the stupid shit idiot war he's basically gotten really good at pissing off both sides. Sometimes he gets caught! And the good-ish soldiers will see that he is you know a still kinda baby-side teen full of anger and try to lrt him go with a talking to. But his worst encounter would be when the angy soldiers catch him and beat him up, which just deepens his hatred. And one time someone really messed him up bad!
He ends up limping away into an enchanted forest and drawn by a really good smell, he passes out just in front of this really beautiful lilac tree that was in a clearing like "ok this is a nice tree to die by. Peaceful" but ofc he didnt die. He just woke up to a nymph of the tree he chose taking him up to the center of the tree. And that's how he befriends Skull, he's recovering with him and keeps mumbling about how nice the smell is while skull both cares for him and looks around for his potion savvy friend. Once vin is healed up by aviators he realizes pretty quick that this forest is very much between the war path and figures it's highly appropriate to set traps all over!!! But ofc giving avi and skull very specific instructions on how to avoid the things he sets. He also makes good pals with omega in the town nearby bc she helps at an institude and she's been sneaking him into their library to read up on nymphs and share his own notes in return. Shes like you're my little brother and hes like fuck u (but also thank you sorry) and he gets to discover he has a high affinity for magic despite being human. Weird! Anyways now that he has a place of study he can figure out how to teach skull weapons.
But all is not peaceful for long, bc some old shitty wizard trails this knowledgeable little jerkwad, because variant nymphs are rare! And as the guy comes out of the bushes and pisses vintage off by treating skull like a specimen and taking out a pair of scissors like, "i wonder if its really true that you can take memories of one by severing branches from its tree:)" Vintage basically attacks the guy! Because no taking Skull's memories! And skull helps of course bc friend, but unfortunately this guy is very strong and seasoned. So when vintage almost gets a good life ending hit, the wizard wounds him heavily (resulting in an x-shaped scar deep on his face that got him bad in one eye) and opens a portal to basically hell! Vin is gonna fall in but skull makes the effort to try and use the roots of his tree to pull him out. But knowing he can get sucked in too, vintage just makes a promise to get out somehow and come back, sealing it by giving the gift of a small ring he was saving. Unknown to him once he falls and portal closes, skull definitely makes the wizard into plant food! But on the floor of this hellscape, vintage finds himself with some flowers and seeds that had fallen from the tree, a tail, and a new nubby pair of horms and wings. But despite this, he gets up, gathers the seeds, and thinking back on his affinity for magic, he decides he will grow the lilacs while he figures out an escape, all the while being reminded of skull every time he looks at the stuff. It takes some years, and some demons also looking for an escape love his tree and his story (mainly double who helped persuade spirits into protecting the tree and gave vin tips on horn and wing upkeep) but eventually vin has his break when he hears omega call and together they pry open a portal out of there. He's pulled along by a red sole (very excited feral magician) and now he and double are finally out. Double introduces himself while vintage, with magical hell-lilacs tied around tail, disguises his demon features and runs off to find skull.
Only to find the entire forest burned down. He's in shock for some time, wanting to know how and why. One of the last things he saw was a killing blow from skull, it couldn't have been that wizard- but then he spots a soldier's settlement nearby. Hidden amongst charred trees. They chatted merrily, loading up gathered game, and when he asked, they told him the forest was another victim of their pointless war. It wasn't even a turning point, and one of them even laughed and said they'd get "the bad guys" next time.
When the sick of this, much older teen, gets angry enough that his horn-hiding illusion falls, they all quite suddenly realize they've majorly screwed up. And vintage figures out that he has a taste for souls. Red finds him again after though with a gift, a calm pet and a gentle informing that he should be able to visit his hell lilac tree anytime he wants at least. A nice gift, but vintage is too angry at the moment to appreciate it and decides that hes ending the war himself by killing every single person directly involved with it! At times the armies had tried to work together to stop him, but with the power to morph melificent style into a dragon is a pretty solid way to make sure you're just wasting lives, and people figure out pretty quick it's the commanders he wants. Those are sacrificed, but now you just have a very powerful demon with nowhere to place his still burning grief that's very very hard to approach! But word gets around as it does and a blue group of adventurers take up the task of calming the demon and dealing with his haywire magic and deliver a hard truth - that he might have to move on with the friends he made along the way. Post fight, the vampire cruising with blue team scoops vin with some tlc plans and asks that blue team to locate the friends vintage had, and maybe even look into his older friends. And once vintage is awake in a rather cleanly and impressive vampire mansion, he's given news that emperor had heard of a wood elf taking care of a rather flowerless and purple nymph, working with a lot more potions than usual. One can't even begin to describe how relieved Vintage is by this info that his first friend, at the very least, is still alive. It may just take time to get to him with post-magic owchies and all, so emperor decides to send out a nice and classy letter to those friends he had found, inviting them over.
Oh and the only reason skull miraculously survived the warring and forest fire is definitely becausee of the lilac tree currently sitting pretty in hell
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lunartearrose · 4 years ago
ARMYPHONES????? bro infodump to me right fucking now
This ship started as a part of like, a pack! Of ships me and my gf thought up and then latched onto forever ago and uhhh anyways on the armyphones uhh-
Really I'd just always think of them ending up hanging out a lot? She thinks the sort of orderlyness he puts into things is a nice pace change and like! His handwriting looks like typing it's so cool! And on his end she's just, well, actually kinda awesome? She tries out the recipes he talks abt when making lunches, she's good at reccomending musics for different occasions, and overall? Really charming and hopeful! Most often in those post-arc celebrations, they hang at the serving table together and she's nice enough to help him clean up!
I like to think in their hangouts away from turf wars, they just really vibe and like. Bc he's scared to talk to his team abt complex feelings over sexuality and gender and stuff he decides to take a shot and try asking headphones if she's cool with talking abt some things! And she was like sure thing go for it, and she's giggling to herself as he predictably pulls out a notebook and tries to articulate his struggles.
She actually helps him figure stuff out (from her own knowledge and some internet research to really cement that his identities are valid) and so! Woah, army is a lesbian that uses he/him pronouns! Just very on the butchy side and it's really fine to be so! Yes she's serious, army!
So Army is out to her, but only her for a while. They continue their hangouts and she tells him its absolutely fine to experiment around her however he wants. It'slike food experiments, but with a lot more steps and its very personal!
So they go from hanging at her place doing some light makeup, dressing up from time to time and over time as he opens up to his team, then blue team too, then over time just expresses himself, Headphones remains ever supportive of him!
And over time, whuh oh crush feelings develop ówò
And between the two of them they have no idea how to handle these feelings - let alone hide them, and it's kind of hilarious how obvious their feelings are to both their teams.
(Cue goggles asking several times a day if headphones will kiss army yet. Only sometimes the whole team joins in to fluster her! But most of the times specs is quick to shush goggles and tell her to take her time.)
(Army, however gets peace from Forge only and the sailor twins clown him endlessly in unison. Forge has difficulty controlling them they are silly in their off time)
and headphones actually finds our first because Army! wrote about it!!! He mixed up the books he was using and accidentally wrote a few crush thoughts in the book he was teaching headphones how to write in fun fonts in :)
Just imagine, in the writing sessions where ur already close together like aaaa and having crush feels, combusting while your teams look on like "Cmon You Dummies", and you open up the book. And there's this little note a couple pages ahead when you were practicing and it's just plans on finding out what cake she likes to make a little cake to confess with her with!!!
Ofc army is dying of embarassment and for many days is dubbed the bigger dummy for mixing up his diary and a shared journal!
So they do start dating and continue to have cute moments and hold hands and exist so peacefully and sweetly as themselves and - just- they do lesbianisms together and i think its sweet :,)
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Thats all enjoy a kinda oldish art of a tentas down army,, tryin a lil eyeliner for fun,, hand hold
Very tender feels for em! Ty for listening! I've meant to draw them more for the longest time hehe
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(Also old art btw)
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skullvins · 4 years ago
I know this might seem silly but I'm so ridiculously happy that my queerplatonic coroika content is something y'all enjoy like. it's so nice to be able to talk about and create content for this experience and spread knowledge of what qprs are like and to have people support it!!!
like, no one's been saying I should just ship it romantically, no one's been dismissing qprs as 'just friends', no one's been bitchy about me taking these characters, hc'ing them as aro and writing about them from an aro perspective and using my experiences as an aro who's been in qprs as a reference. my previous qprs irl have been dismissed, mocked by my friends, misunderstood by friends, and ultimately led to me hiding them both so I didn't have to deal with romantic assumptions (which make me feel kinda sick in an almost dysphoric way? idk how to describe it) and for my own safety.
like, a lot of my content is explicitly aro! I've slapped aro rings on them before, I've talked about qprs and the sort of affection and boundaries one might set in them, and I've got fics coming up that use a lot of aro terminology because they have to! it's so nice that people are invested and also deciding to ship them queerplatonically!!!!
I'm just. really happy I've been able to share my experiences and aspects of my orientation with (I think) a largely allorom audience. I'm honestly amazed
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skullvins · 4 years ago
skull: you should play something long ranged
vintage: you should play something with adaptable firing modes
aviators: you should play something that fires three shots
their kid: *splatoon 3 bow main*
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skullvins · 4 years ago
Avi: your feelings aren't dumb and I'll always be here to listen
Skull: oh.
Skull: I mean this in the most aro way possible but I think I'm in love with you now
honestly? writing skull the way I wrote him in ramen/ohagi makes aviskull 100 times better
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skullvins · 4 years ago
i dont know enough about coroika to hold a convo about it but pls feel free to use this as an excuse to dump ur fave skullvin hcs i love reading ur stuff about themmm 🥺
:O!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Uhhhhh here we go uhhh
They're so fucking stupid together have I stressed this. Incomprehensible. They are far too fucking annoying to be around because they're assholes and it's great
They crash each others team meetings sometimes and it's FUNNY AS FUCK. Vin functions fine if he's just sat on skulls lap for a change receiving little kissies as he strategies but skull is terrible at keeping his focus with vin on his lap
If he's with the S4 their bickering helps. He'll be like kis kis 'aloha I swear if you pull that shit on snapper again I'll snapper your neck' kis kis
If he's with purple team tho the teasing from the rest of them is relentless. stitch n paisley tease him n avi a bit anyway and if he's with both partners he does not stand. A chance
Vin comes round every wednesday during his lunch break because skull has wednesdays off from practice and thus he knows he'll be free. other than that they meet up most weekends
if skull hosts they get a bit more time to themselves but if vin hosts it's honestly a bit more lively so both have pros n cons
Double + Red + Skull = hell for Vintage while Omega watches
Double also just has a tendancy to walk in on them cuddling or just catch them having affectionate moments and vin is a little tired of it but also doesn't mind because skull always goes extra affectionate afterwards
Skulls the more outwardly cuddly one but he's more for giving affection than recieving it because aro moments ✌️✌️✌️. Vintage does a lot of just clinging onto his arm tho
Third wheeling them is hell on earth and no one ever wants to but army ends up doing it A Lot against his will
I've also done an rp where prince has to third wheel them and it's really fucking funny actually
Avi is the common sense if we're talking aviskullvin but he doesn't have the strength to stop both of them so he just ends up dragged along for the ride (affectionate)
OH they also go out and try different food places a LOT and they're the fucking worst when it comes to causing chaos at food places and generally being terrible customers. Skull tips well tho
Literally they cannot do anything like normal people and it amuses me greatly
Do they hold hands in public much? no. Do they communicate when they want to go somewhere together? No. One just grabs and drags the other 99% of the time. Vin is prone to pulling at the bottom of skulls shirt or his wrist and skull is forever grabbing at vintages stupid poofy sleeves
This is normal for them tho. They're used to it. Everyone else is like '? They get along?' but they know. They Know
Argument Opponent (affectionate)
If u get dragged into a skullvin married couple argument I'm so sorry like I am so fucking sorry but also good luck
You'll need it
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lunartearrose · 4 years ago
Tumblr user roseluck-sky my BELOVED skullvin gang rise up!!!!!
HECK YE ( òwó)!!!
You have rlly influenced it for me!! I used to be like "hm hmm something happened between them exes perhaps" but then u were like "i cast CHARACTER NUANCE AND STUFF" and it was like WOAH THIS SLAPS ACTUALLY
It is near 12 and ive been sittin here going in 15 coroika related directions (aka i worked on comics, wrote something hive/shadow arc related and also wrote a bit of fic) but i am always glad to hear the skullvin musings!!!
Rlly u just boosted skullvin like up in my likes and like. Y e s they are rude boyfriends/qpps is v good
Im losing braincells to speak by the second but in my dying light of brain - i must say from octo arc on everything just updates my ships to ot3(+)'s (and also extends lists of ships i highly appreciate) and like i adore the skullvin
(and also by extension AviSkullVin is so top tier they fashion/support eachother / beat up other squids when they try to reveal avi's pretty eyes w/o him wanting to show em off. I like the idea of avi being sorta timid and at first vin is mad that skull "kept" Avi so to speak but like. Eventually its kinda circled around to all of them missing each other, realizing they wanna work on rebuilding their relationships and stuff and like there is SO MUCH POTENTIALS HERE wwwwaaahhh i wish i had more braincelss. Would also add eggshades but! Relationships still need some work)
But yes yes skullvin UuuUUUU them❤
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So very goddamn precious and you make such excellent contents. Ships that bring happiness to think abt
Oh yeah i never shared that updated version of tha t pic so THERE and yea
Just appreciating them rn. In the embers of my final braincell tonight lies skullvin and the bit of epic nuance u give it. Another for u!
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And a fresh one!!!! Just for u courtesy of a n attempted rant for 30 minutes brain!!! Is freehand n free of charge!
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Cuddles ink mixing except only vintage's blood red tips translate over >:3c
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skullvins · 4 years ago
I am coming for your QueerPlatonic crown, your majesty. -An AceAro who is SICK AND TIRED of the only two known QPR HCs being from (beta)Team Purple
ITS TRAGIC I KNOW BUT!!!! a couple of points for u anon!
I largely don't shut up about qp skullvin and qp aviskull for kinnie reasons, but I DO have other aro hcs/qpr ish/alt relationship hcs
for example! I hc gloves and half rim to be in a sort of qpr? idk if this is a Thing people talk about as much these days, but there used to be a sort of concept where two people date, one aro and one allorom, and the relationship is romantic but the aro obviously Doesn't feel that. they do at least some romantic stuff, and the allorom has romantic feelings, but is fine with platonic feelings from their partner, and their partner is fine with romantic feelings from them whilst having platonic feelings in return. a case of who cares, we both care about each other, don't we? aro gloves and gay half rim babey!
I DO like gorai, but their relationship is 100% soft romo and can border on more qp stuff because rider is aroflux. a big point tho is rider's ok with most forms of affection but cannot handle mouth kisses At All
qp skullvin and to some extent qp aviskull I would argue have only really been popularised by, uh, me. from what I've seen, most people who ship it got it from me. people have defo shipped them romo before, but I decided to rub my aro hands all over it because me me kinnie
qp hcs in a fandom are. So fucking rare as is that I'm amazed people tollerate my bullshit at all. Like, some of my upcoming skullvin fics are VERY explicitly aro (one even has a whole section where a lot of terminology is casually discussed between skull and aloha, both because it makes sense in character and because I want to explain my hc for qp aviskullvin as well as explain elements of aro terminology to any readers who may be unfamiliar with more detailed terms). I'm actually very nervous to talk about this hc in more detail outside of my blog because I'm used to qp shipping being hated on or misinterpreted. I'd love to bring it up on the wiki but I am So Scared
I have seen other qp coroika content! only bits in passing, but I've defo seen qp poly S4 and that's such a good concept tbh
I do ship other qprs too for the games! I much prefer pearlina as a qpr (hot take: pearl's love of cake and marina's green: they're ace and aro lads) and qp agent 32 is always a must for my kinnie ass
I'm ACTUALLY starting to think about the possibility of qp diver/aloha. I think a lot of captain/co captain ships can end up with a qp vibe but I see mask and full moon and army and forge as more like siblings to each other, where as aloha and diver are emotional support dudes. also aro diver and super supportive allorom aloha kinda slaps
anyway, I would LOVE to see your qp coroika content anon!!! qp shipping offers a unique dynamic imo, but I think it can be hard to write if you're unfamiliar with qprs, which is the case for most allorom fans. then again, I've written kiss scenes, so who knows
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skullvins · 4 years ago
AKDJDKFJ I actually have an idea for one, but I wanna do a couple of other fics first
ohmygod did I forget to post this?????
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take the qpp ot3
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skullvins · 4 years ago
once again thinking about that aviskullvin fic idea
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skullvins · 4 years ago
okay I know I JUST said all this in this post. But
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..................aviskullvin kid with da splat 3 hair........
y'know I'm not one for fankids personally normally and I don't have a lot of ships where I think they WOULD raise kids anyway but honestly? I'd be interested in a coroika next gen
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skullvins · 4 years ago
I'm actually hoping to write an aviskullvin fic EVENTUALLY that goes a bit more into how I'd take it from 'Skull has two hands' to 'everyone involved has two hands' and you're TOTALLY write about them all just working to fix their relationships and realising how much they've missed each other and how much they still care
ANYWAY amazing post op ily SO MUCH
Tumblr user roseluck-sky my BELOVED skullvin gang rise up!!!!!
HECK YE ( òwó)!!!
You have rlly influenced it for me!! I used to be like "hm hmm something happened between them exes perhaps" but then u were like "i cast CHARACTER NUANCE AND STUFF" and it was like WOAH THIS SLAPS ACTUALLY
It is near 12 and ive been sittin here going in 15 coroika related directions (aka i worked on comics, wrote something hive/shadow arc related and also wrote a bit of fic) but i am always glad to hear the skullvin musings!!!
Rlly u just boosted skullvin like up in my likes and like. Y e s they are rude boyfriends/qpps is v good
Im losing braincells to speak by the second but in my dying light of brain - i must say from octo arc on everything just updates my ships to ot3(+)'s (and also extends lists of ships i highly appreciate) and like i adore the skullvin
(and also by extension AviSkullVin is so top tier they fashion/support eachother / beat up other squids when they try to reveal avi's pretty eyes w/o him wanting to show em off. I like the idea of avi being sorta timid and at first vin is mad that skull "kept" Avi so to speak but like. Eventually its kinda circled around to all of them missing each other, realizing they wanna work on rebuilding their relationships and stuff and like there is SO MUCH POTENTIALS HERE wwwwaaahhh i wish i had more braincelss. Would also add eggshades but! Relationships still need some work)
But yes yes skullvin UuuUUUU them❤
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So very goddamn precious and you make such excellent contents. Ships that bring happiness to think abt
Oh yeah i never shared that updated version of tha t pic so THERE and yea
Just appreciating them rn. In the embers of my final braincell tonight lies skullvin and the bit of epic nuance u give it. Another for u!
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And a fresh one!!!! Just for u courtesy of a n attempted rant for 30 minutes brain!!! Is freehand n free of charge!
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Cuddles ink mixing except only vintage's blood red tips translate over >:3c
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