#avis answers
byfulcrums · 4 months
just saw your gtlas liveblogging... as someone who's been obsessed with the show since it came out I need to know exactly what you thought of it🎤
they made the themes so interesting and the writing was so good. i got super attached to the original characters and even more attached to the characters i already knew, like hal
there were some things i didn't like, sure (the voice acting at some points, the animation -- but i got used to them, so it's all good) but overall ??? super good series, definitely recommend it
i love the way they were building up to things that would happen later on from SOO early in the series. i love the little details, like aya's first memory of someone speaking to her, directly, being hal calling her beautiful or razer's mouth curling up and him immediatly scowling again. i loved the scene of hal putting carol's hand on his chest, allowing her to kill him. i absolutely loved iolande, her design was so fucking cool it's my fave thing EVERRR
it's also just like,,, the type of series i like. found family trope. people being silly. soul crushing angst. hope and rage coexisting. someone falling into the pits of despair only for their love for their family saving them. self sacrifice. tragic love story. etc etc etc
i just... love it. sm. sometimes when things get too serious, too solemn, they get boring --- like, for example, ahsoka's character in her series. sometimes i just need the filler episodes that allow me to see what the characters's dynamics are (that's also why i love sw rebels sm lol)
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avi-draws · 3 months
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Not now sweaty Mommy's cyberbullying
Bonus Cleo cause I liked their og colours ⬇
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disastertwins9000 · 2 months
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avi-on-jumblr · 5 months
Im also a jewish student, but honestly Ive been doing fine in classes. I struggled a bit in the winter, to see our palestinian brothers and sisters hurting, but by now im kinda desensitized to it, so I can focus on classes p easy. Which is maybe a little messed up, to not focus on what we can do to help, but Im not built to do that, I help in other ways. Maybe think about the other ways you can help rather than the bad stuff going on?
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ah yes, we always need to be on the lookout for what "kind of jew" we're talking to, just in case they're one of the evil ones, yk, with like, devil horns and a tail and stuff. anyways :// too tired for this, someone else answer them lmao.
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linkito · 3 days
hello. my eye is still twitching but GOD the most recent rambles and rp bits that ange posted made my heart ACHE for scar. he's being so completely and totally overlooked here by multiple other hermits (like his own pain and trauma don't matter) and uuughhhghhghhghhg. anyway poking you to talk more about scar's thoughts and feelings throughout that all IF you would so like (so i can sob and weep and cry and continue to distract myself from work)
Oh gosh, it's bad honestly.
Because Scar knows where his heart is at, he knows he'd never do anything purposely cruel to Grian. But he can't speak for Grian's intentions. The Hermits are concerned that Grian is seeking out self-destruction with their antics and well... Scar just doesn't know.
The safest option for him is to simply wait it out. They put a pause to the rougher side of things, and honestly, that's fine! Scar could continue their relationship like this and he would still be happy. But...is it really their decision? Or are they letting other people think for them? People who don't know their experiences. People who don't know what it means, why they do these things in the first place.
But Scar feels like he has to keep these thoughts to himself. It feels impossible to remove his own desires from the equation if he speaks up, and he wants this to ultimately be Grian's choice.
(But keeping quiet means letting the Hermits have all the influence.)
He also feels like he's being held to a higher standard than is fair because of his seemingly violent nature. He has to appear more put-together and tame when he's around the Hermits. He has to hold back the claws, the teeth, the growling, and even his wings because they simply serve as reminders of his battered and ghastly nature.
And isn't it a little ironic to be hiding wings again? Somewhere where they're supposed to be safe to be themselves?
Grian's trauma results in him being withdrawn and skittish. People see that and pity him, which is a whole mess of its own, of course, but... Scar's trauma resulted in him growing defensive and on edge, ready to fight when normally he'd flee. ...It's harder to empathize with.
The Hermits don't realize what it is the two of them had to do to survive. All they see are sharp edges that they think need to be sanded down.
When the sleepover comes around, Scar practices a simple mantra: soft little kitten paws. Keep his claws retracted. Be gentle and charismatic-- all the aspects of the old Scar that the Hermits want him to be. He wears a dress shirt and a cozy-looking sweater vest. He gets a fresh haircut and combs it back. He uses his cane both because he's anxious and needs the crutch, but also because he hopes it makes him appear more harmless.
... and yet things still go wrong.
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have a doodle for reading this far </3
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darkaviarymc · 1 year
think about mumscarian wearing each other's clothes
Grian waking up in the morning, grabbing Mumbo’s Oxford out of the clothes pile from the night before, doing the buttons crooked, and yawning while he walks to the kitchen for some coffee in a shirt that might as well be a dress on him.
Scar putting one of his reflective construction vests and a hard hat on Mumbo so he'll be safe in the dark when Scar knows Mumbo will be up all night with one contraption or another.
Mumbo realizing Scar doesn't have a proper suit to wear to some sort of formal event and lending him one of his. The two of them standing in front of a mirror with Mumbo reaching around Scar, teaching him to tie his tie (all of Scar's ties are clip-ons, please don't tell anyone)
Mumbo wearing one of Grian's sweaters as a crop top to try to look sexy, but he ends up just looking ridiculous. When Scar and Grian laugh at him, he feels stupid, and yeah, he is a spoon (affectionate), but they love him anyway and make sure he knows it.
Grian stealing Scar's cardigans and complaining that they are too big. Why doesn't Grian just wear his own clothes that fit just fine? Because he's a menace to society (affectionate)
Scar retaliating and stealing Grian’s sweaters and stretching them out so they don't fit right anymore. Mumbo needing to steal them back and mend them before Grian notices so the conflict doesn't escalate.
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full---ofstarlight · 2 months
which of your OCs is the happiest and which saddest? Also which OC’s relationship is the most tragic?
Saddest: Nyx and Avis <3 on a more meta note, i think Hawke and Shepard share a LOT, esp in how they are both really doomed by the narrative and there's no real happy ending for them and that is what makes them such compelling powerful characters in the overall story esp bc in hawke's case you already know how this will end (and you basically get the feeling for shepard too)
however with the power of fanfic i will grant them the happy ending they deserve ✨✨✨
Happiest: honestly... Delvyre's real peachy and this whole tadpole adventure is just another cool thing she gets to look forward to. She's had a lot of tough shit happen but she attacks it all with a can-do attitude. Artemis, too, had a pretty sweet life... till her dad died but, like, she's remarkably well adjusted and had a pretty solid childhood. And Miss Camille, despite a tumultuous upbringing, is pretty happy -- and even all the horrors of the Hollow haven't deterred her much.
MOST TRAGIC: Avis and Anders for sure <3 <3 its ok theyre mostly fine in my band au. oh also avis and carver.... tragic siblings my beloved............and since im also interpreting this to include non romantic relationships Camille and Tabitha........ esp after Tabitha gave up her years ;-;
oh and i guess nyx and garrus if i didnt decide nyx survives lmao
once again TY FOR THE ASK <3 hehee
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thekrows-nest · 5 months
Tali is a pile of insecurities, what do you think would even happen if she starts to like Krow only for him to stop pursuing this trainwreck of a woman (evil smile) aaah the angst potential, I love it
Be absolute tragedy is what.
He wouldn't just ghost Dove (as in you all were talking well and he suddenly disappears.)
He would send a message along the lines of.
'Dove, I wish I didn't have to send this, but I do not have a choice. I have... discovered something that puts you, and everyone else I love, in tremendous jeopardy. I cannot explain it in detail. But if I continue to stay, you will suffer, and likely perish. I have to leave. I promise this has nothing at all to do with you. The fault is all mine I am so, so sorry. I love you. I will always love you. Please forget me, do not seek me out and move on.'
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nervocat · 4 months
TYYY but I think yours is better than mine I can't theme too well in my opinion 💔💔
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aviaviator · 7 months
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Gonna be real, a mermaid Geno design was not what I was expecting in my inbox, but it was a nice surprise! It's very cute! ^u^
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byfulcrums · 4 months
*shows up twp weeks late without Starbucks*
I would love to hear why the Lantern Corps and the Jedi would hate each other.
showing up late w/o starbucks is basically my life history lol
idk that much about gl, i'm still reading the comics, so what i say might not be 100% accurate!!
an important difference between the jedi and the corps, is that one of them has control, and the other doesn't. the jedi are all about peace, the guardians are the ones who care about control
the guardians are basically in charge of everything. almost everything. they're the all powerful and mighty ancient ones who created the corps to keep the order in the galaxy (and lowkey control it). they care about themselves more than anything. when a gl doesn't act the way they want them to, they kick them out. as hal pointed out in emerald dawn 2 --- the main difference between sinestro and the guardians is the extremes they go to. sinestro forced his planet to revere him, but the guardians did that too, so it's a little hypocrital of them to kick him out, right?
well. the guardians might be controlling, but at least they don't force the ones below them to chant their names everytime they show up!! right...?
the jedi are not in control. they are peacekeepers forced to fight a war. they care about the universe being in peace (can you really blame them for that, if they can literally feel the galaxy's pain at all times?), not about controlling them. they're the ones being oppressed, in this case. sure, they're not perfect and they mess up a LOT (see hardeen and ahsoka's trial), but the good jedi (jedi that aren't like anakin specifically) are more good than they are bad. when a jedi doesn't act the way the council wants them to, they merely show their disapproval, and maybe remove them from the battlefield if it happens during the war and the-one-they-don't-like's actions lead to others getting hurt
the guardians left oa when it was attacked and basically left the lanterns to fend off for themselves. the jedi mostly, only, retreat when it's clear that they can't win the current battle and they need to plan a counter attack. the jedi are also not that good at war and strategy, because they were never meant to fight a war in the first place
the jedi have shown "resentment" towards the ones "in control", like palpatine and the senate. they can tell that being in control of everything is quite fucking stupid, and that the goverment's need for control is only harmful for everyone else. however, they cannot do anything, because its the goddamn goverment and they can't just go and become criminals
besides, there was a war happening. so, more important things
(also,,,,, ik that in the ot they overthrow the goverment. but there is a very clear difference between a corrupt goverment and a dictatorship. the republic wasn't good, but the empire was worse, and no one doing anything about it led to billions of people dying)
and!! their views on emotion!!!!
the jedi are meant to be in control of their emotions. this does not mean they're not allowed to feel them. the thing is,, that one badly controlled, strong emotion can lead to a jedi turning dark, and one jedi-turned-dark can quite literally destroy the entire order, as we have seen with mr skywalker over there
it's hard, yes, and often unfair, but if the jedi aren't taking care of their emotions and how they feel + react to them at all times, many people may die
"no, we don't want ppl to not feel emotion we just want them to not kill over them"
they have amazing power. if one of them goes evil, it all goes to shit. we have seen that many, many times
the guardians tell their gls to just, straight up not feel and use their logical thinking in every situation. feelings are important too!!! the jedi recognize this!!!!! but the guardians want their gls to be soldiers, not people, just robots that do their bidding without second thoughts
there is also the cult mindset of the corps VS the way being a jedi means having a very, very big family. ppl are allowed, and sometimes even encouraged,, to leave the jedi. they let dooku hang out post-resigning b4 he became a sith lord!!
the guardians, meanwhile, see leaving as betraying. i think there isn't anything else i should add for this, it's pretty obvious how bad it is
basically what i'm saying is that the guardians are super controlling and all, while the jedi just want to leave in peace
they wouldn't hate each other, but their morals and ideals are wildly different, so their opinions and actions would often clash
bonus: anakin and hal, and luke and kyle. it all depends on how and when they meet, because if their first impressions on each other suck, they Will Not Get Along. the parallels, though.....
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jezterisms · 10 hours
Me when I draw the prettiest lady and enjoy it... (Her name starts with S and she's got the cutest cheeks in the world)
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disastertwins9000 · 9 months
I love colouring/collecting Ur art I finished 1 but as u already posted 1 today I'll wait till tomorrow anyway can u do rise raph and 2012 mikey or 2012 raph and rise leo or what is at the moment my fav idea a girls day with the 3 sister of the turtles (2012 karai and both Aprils)
i’m so fkn late to this but yes! i have the youngest older brother and the oldest younger brother right here for you :))
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i had fun with this! they are so silly together i love them
and 12 raph and rise leo are on the way :p
i haven’t rly taught myself how to draw humans tho so i can’t help you with that last one just yet :/ sorry fam
-tcest dni-
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avi-on-jumblr · 6 months
the state of israel will not exist in 100 years time, and there is nothing you can do about it.
Uhh ok? Neither will the state of the union, or like, the Maldives, if we don't figure the fuck out of global warming right the fuck now. Maybe you should put your energy into separating your trash from your recycling instead of harassing random Jews online. Lmao
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musicaddictand · 17 days
Do you think asher and avi have explored each other's bodies?
It's a hot thing to imagine, but no xxx
I have a younger brother myself, and attraction towards/sexual thoughts of your brother is something you're just naturally immune against.
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darkaviarymc · 1 year
im a huge fan of short grian, and the idea that he loves being held and carried around but will deny it when asked. mumbo and scar know this, of course, so will come up with excuses to scoop grian up in their arms or on their backs
Sometimes it will be because Grian is refusing to Do The Task, and so the pick him up and carry him to the Task. Sometimes it's the opposite; he's been doing this one singular silly project for 6 hours straight, they they carry him away and make him sit down and eat. Other times, it's just, "Okay, time for bed," and instead of letting him walk 6 feet to the bedroom, they will carry him bridal style instead. Sometimes Grian will be being a pesky bird and bugging Scar while he's landscaping or Mumbo while he's focusing on a contraption. They'll literally just pick him up and move him a few feet away so he's not directly in front of their project.
If they didn't know better, they would think Grian acted like this on purpose because he likes being picked up knows they'll do it... but that couldn't possibly be the case at all 😋
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