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lnternchaos · 1 year ago
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Kiena from Breaking Legacies
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magicalshopping · 6 years ago
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♡ 70s/80s Clown Costume (Small) ♡ 
please don’t remove this caption! (◕‿◕✿)
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bluefira · 8 years ago
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Scene from Chapter 6 of ‘The Fisher’s Lure’ by @notebookalpha 
I read this fic based on a rec and I’m hooked!! The storyline and characterization of this delicious disaster ship are so great, I had to draw a tribute piece. Used default Sara Ryder for simplicity sake.  
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sadarutuh · 4 years ago
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Tempat berkesan
“Hari ini. Pak Rezky berhalangan masuk kelas. Namun, beliau menitipkan untuk dikerjakan tugasnya, dan harus sudah dikumpulkan sebelum bel istirahat. Yang tidak mengerjakan, tidak boleh istirahat,” ucap seorang yang mengatakan dirinya adalah seorang ketua kelas. Memang sih kelakuannya seperti seorang ketua, senang menyuruh-nyuruh.
Tetapi kehadirannya, tidak membawa energi negatif. Malah membawa energi positif, membantu murid yang sedang kesulitan, bahkan tidak segan untuk menomor duakan dirinya, sebelum teman sekelasnya sudah mengerjakan tugasnya. Walaupun sudah mau bel istirahat, ia mengerjakan tugasnya dengan lihai, dan sudah selesai sebelum bel berbunyi.
“Lo udah ada ide, buat tugasnya pak Rezky? Bantuin gue dong,” tanya temanku, memaksa untuk membantunya dengan menarik-narik bajuku.
Aku tidak terpikirkan untuk mengerjakan bareng. Bagaimana bisa membantunya, aku saja belum selesai. Namun, si ketua kelas malah mendatangi kami. “Ada yang perlu bantuan?”
Temanku yang tadi merengek meminta bantuan padaku, senang karena mendapatkan bantuan. Ia langsung pergi meninggalkanku. Tetapi, yasudahlah yang penting aku bisa segera menyelesaikan tugas. Agar aku bisa cepat untuk istirahat.
Gaduhnya kelas karena murid-murid yang mengerjakan tugas. Ada yang senang sekali, karena ada ide yang tak terpikiran. Ada yang memegang kepala, merasa bingung apa yang mau dituliskan. Karena kebingungan atas tugas yang diberikan, lantaran suruh mengarang. Dan tugasnya pun tidak boleh sama.
Ketua kelas asik berkeliling, menanyakan sudah atau belum tugasnya. Dan tak segan-segan untuk membantu teman-teman di kelas untuk menyelesaikan tugasnya. Lambat laun, satu persatu berguguran yang sudah mengerjakan tugasnya, termasuk aku. Sebelum aku mengumpulkan ke depan, ketua kelas sudah berada dihadapanku menyodorkan tangannya, “Sini kumpulin di aku saja.”
Ya, awalnya memang menyebalkan menanyakan terus tugasnya sudah apa belum. Padahal jelas-jelas sedang dikerjakan. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu malah memang aku membutuhkan sebuah pengingat agar aku bisa cepat-cepat menyelesaikan tugasnya dan pergi untuk beristirahat. Dan aku merasa kalau memang, ia memiliki tanggung jawab agar teman-teman di kelas menyelesaikan tugasnya yang diberikan pak Rezky.
Ia pun tak pernah merasa terbebani ketika membantu teman-teman di kelas. Malah sabar banget, saat membantu teman yang sulit mengerti dengan tugasnya.
Teman-teman di kelas pun, yang sudah menyelesaikan tugasnya. Tidak sungkan membantu yang belum menyelesaikannya. Aku yang berada di kelas pun, tak diasingkan, ada saja teman yang datang menyapaku untuk berbincang-bincang, entah pembicaraan tentang tugasnya, ataupun sesuatu yang sedang hits akhir-akhir ini. Aku yang terlalu sombong dengan kemampuanku, merasa paling hebat dari yang lain. Namun, dengan dimasukkannya aku dalam kelas ini, ada kebahagiaan tersendiri, aku banyak belajar dari teman-teman di kelas. Untuk selalu merendahkan diri, ketika memiliki kemampuan. Bahkan kalau bisa ilmu yang dimiliki dibagikan ke yang lain, entah materi ataupun pengalaman yang pernah dialami. Dalam kelas ini, menjadikan hari-hari penuh warna.
Karenanya aku berterima kasih, sudah bisa diberikan kesempatan. Untuk bisa belajar Bersama, walau singkat namun mengesankan.
- Fizu
Fighter : Nur Azis Ramadhan, Fairuz Zahrah An Nibras, Nun Fauziah Hasyim, Caesar Dwiky Darmawan, Dwi Pebrianti, Irna Afrianti, Keisha Daniella Gultom, Nurmila Maratus Sholihah, Pepy Meganingsih, Runa Aviena, Shaliha Shabardila, Tenriugi Daeng Pane, Kholifa Setya Dini
Empire : Semua Fighter 30dwc Jilid 29
Couch : Mas Rezky, Ka Sari, Ka Septhan, ka Rizka
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intern-seraph · 4 years ago
From that prompt list, 41 for whoever it fits best?
i’m addicted specifically to post-hot trammander cuddles mixed with domestic fluff and nobody can stop me
41. “Nothing is wrong with you.”
Fina splays her fingers out and closes her eyes. She envisions a small, round room with a chain of roses curling around the circumference. The creak and pop of woody vines sprouting from the earth and curving into the proper shape fills the air. Behind her, a familiar hum breaks her focus. Her brow twitches and she pauses in her work. She turns and meets Trahearne’s eye just as he wheels himself to a stop.
“Trahearne, you shouldn’t be out this early,” she says. “You know what the menders and the medics said about exerting yourself.”
“I would hardly call leaving the house ‘exerting myself,’” he replies with a wry smile.
“Fine, fine.” She frowns at the half-grown room and jerks her hands up, palms-down. The ground groans, and a thick green shoot bursts through the soil. She shrieks and stumbles back. “Oh mulch, that was—”
“— Probably a sign that that’s enough building for right now.” He rolls up beside her and places a hand on her back. “Come back inside. We can have breakfast together.”
Her mouth opens for a protest, then she sighs and shakes her head. “Alright. I just—” She sighs again. “I wanted to get your office ready.”
“My office?”
“You said that you wanted your own space to work in.” Her face tints gold. She smiles, but her expression falls as her eyes land on the gnarled shoot standing tall beside their home. “It’s… hard to get used to these new… you know.”
“Don’t worry. You’re doing wonderfully.” He reaches to twine his fingers with hers. She gives a small squeeze, which he returns with noticeable weakness.
“Does it ever bother you?” Fina whispers.
“What do you mean?”
“That I have… something of the dragon still in me.”
Fina runs her tongue over her teeth, feeling out the dual set of sharp fangs that started to form only a week after their return from the jungle. She squeezes his hand again. “Okay. Let’s go have breakfast.”
She prepares a simple fruit salad and takes a mental note that their pantry seems to be emptying faster than expected. A trip into town will be in order. Trahearne eats slowly, carefully. His arm trembles every time he brings his fork up to his mouth. Eventually, he sighs and sets it down, staring forlornly at his plate.
“A little help?” he asks, looking across the table at Fina.
She nods and lifts his fork, smiling with a hint of fondness when he opens his mouth and goes ‘aah.’ “You beat me to it.”
“It’s one of your favorite lines these days.”
Breakfast continues in much the same way. She makes a little comment about the medical salve for his corrupted bark. He balks at it and mutters something about the lotion’s scent. Their conversation turns to banal matters: the little garden Trahearne is nurturing, Fina’s letters to and from Naseera and Aviena, the latest gossip she’s picked up in town, Trahearne’s current physical therapy regimen. Before long, the table is clear and she’s helping him to their shared room.
There are two beds. For now, he needs space when he sleeps. She makes a show out of trying to pick him up and lift him into bed, but he laughs and hops to the bedside and shifts onto his back. She kneels beside him, resting her head on her arms.
“Thank you,” he says. He strokes her vines and smiles at her contented sigh.
“Anything for you.”
“I don’t know if I have said this yet today, but I really am grateful for everything you’ve done.” His fingers slip between her vines and scratch lightly at her scalp. His smile fades. “I know that you probably want to spend your time with the other commanders or on adventures. I just… hope that I’m not too much of a burden on you.”
Her head shoots up. She reaches out and places a hand over his. “You are not a burden. You will never be a burden.” Fina’s hand moves to cup his cheek. Her thumb brushes over the rough bark on the left side of his face. “I love you dearly, that’s why I’m here. Nothing is wrong with you.”
Trahearne blushes and closes his eyes. He clasps both hands over hers. “I’m…”
“... Worth every ounce of energy spent. This won’t be forever, dear. The doctors say that as long as you keep at this whole ‘taking it easy’ business, you’ll be up and at ‘em in a couple of months, after all. You won’t have to rely on me for long.”
“Is it selfish of me to say that I enjoy having you dote on me?”
“Mm, no. It was selfish of me to—” she stops herself and presses her face into the sheets. “Anyways, I enjoy doting on you. Even if the circumstances aren’t ideal.”
“If that’s the case, then I have a request for you.”
He smiles and whispers, “It’s a little bit naughty.” Her eyes go wide. He chuckles and kisses the inside of her wrist as she gawks at him.
“What in the world are you about to ask of me?”
“Sit with me. I want to do something a little normal for a couple, and we have blankets big enough to fit the both of us. I know that the doctors say I shouldn’t, but—”
“You had me scared there for a moment,” Fina says. She rolls her eyes and strides across the room to gather her blankets from her bed. “Come on then, dear. Scoot over.”
“With pleasure.”
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zrcaloart · 8 years ago
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Drawing of Aviena, new character in dimension riders
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lauros-virtuve-lt · 8 years ago
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♨Koldūnai sultinyje
🔹Tešlai reikės:
300gr baltų miltų 220ml karšto virinto vandens Žiupsnelio druskos
🔸Įdarui reikės:
300gr avienos arba jautienos faršo ½ a.š. kepimo sodos 1 a.š. kukurūzų miltų 1.5 a.š. druskos Žiupsnelis juodųjų pipirų 3 š. vandens 1 š. ryžių acto (nebūtina) 1 a.š. sojos padažo 1 a.š. terijaki padažo 1 š. sezamo sėklų aliejaus 200g pak čoi 2 svogūno laiškų (smulkiai supjaustytų) 2 š. ambiero šaknies (sutarkuotos) 4 česnako skiltelės (sutarkuotos) 1 šviežias čili pipiras Prieskoniai
Pirmiausia pasidarome tešlą. Į karštą ir pasūdytą vandenį suberiame miltus ir išmaišome su šakute ar šaukštu, po to minkome rankomis kol gausis tešla. Padaliname tešlą per pusę ir suformuojame du apvalius gumulus. Iš jų padarome baronkas ir paliekame tešlą 20 minučių. Po to tą baronką perpjauname per pusę ir ištiesiname juostas, suglaudžiame šalia viena kitos. Perpjauname per puse abidvi apvalias juostas ir sudedame jas kartu ir perpjauname keturis kartus, kad mums gautųsi 16 vienodų kūbelių. Imame po vieną iš jų ir iškočiojame į apskritimus. Siūlau pasižiūrėti šį video https://youtu.be/qWkvFssMz24
Į faršą dedame kepimo sodą, kukurūzų miltus, druską, pipirus. Po to suminėtus padažus, aliejų ir actą, vandenį. Taip pat susmulkintus svogūno laiškus ir pak čoi, smulkiai sutarkuotą ambiero šaknį ir česnaką, ir šviežią susmulkitą pipirą. Taip pat galite dėti prieskonius skirtus faršui arba tiesiog palikti ir taip. Suformuokite mėsos rutuliuką, dėkite į tešlos apskritimą ir padarykite koldūną. Koldūnų formas rasite čia https://youtu.be/84-QPpmIleA
Keptuvėje užkaitinkite alyvuogių aliejų iki vidutinio karštumo ir sudėkite koldūnus (kiek tilps į keptuvę). Pakepinkite kol paruduos. Tada įpilkite karšto vandens, kad apsemtų koldūnus. Įdėkite vištienos buliono sutrupintą kūbelį, susmulkintą morką, salierą, žaliųjų šaldytų žirnelių saujelę ir palikite virti apie 10 minučių. Galite ant pačio galo įberti truputėlį vermišėlių makaronų arba kinietiškų noodles, bet galite apsieiti ir be jų.
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dshlevensverhaal · 2 years ago
Cara Melihat Duniaku
2 Januari kemarin jadwalku membaca buku dari Kak Runa Aviena yang berjudul Dua Gelas Teh. Aku tertegun ketika ia menuliskan kalimat
“Bagaimana kita melihat dunia, sepertinya dipengaruhi juga oleh siapa orang di sekitar kita. Bagaimana kita melihat dunia, juga sepertinya dipengaruhi oleh apa yang kita dengar dalam keseharian kita.”
Banyak hal yang kusyukuri kehadirannya dalam hidupku yang akhirnya membentuk aku yang sekarang. Rasanya… pupus sudah harapanku jika tidak dilimpahkan nikmat dari A hingga A lagi dari Allah. Aku hidup bertahun-tahun di asrama, tinggal dengan manusia berbagai karakter dan pemikiran yang akhirnya mengintervensi kebebasan. Ya, kebebasan yang aku punya bertemu dengan tanggung jawab. Karena itu, kebebasan pun juga butuh mengalami penyesuaian. Namun… seberapa jugglingnya dengan kehidupan yang beraneka ragam itu, pada akhirnya sekecil apapun hal baik yang dilakukan akan terus menjadi sebuah kebaikan.
Hidup dengan banyak orang juga memaksa ku untuk memberikan mereka celah dalam memahami riuh kepala dan duniaku. Jalan tengah di antara manusia-manusia ini tidak selalu meleburkan dua hal yang berbeda menjadi suatu jalan yang baru. Jalan tengah juga bisa berarti membiarkan sesuatu yang telah ada sebelumnya, meski berbeda dengan kebiasaan yang kupunya. Walaupun berbeda dengan apa yang kupercaya, rasanya sudah cukup tugasku sampai paham dan menerima saja.
Ga cuma perihal itu, ada banyak hal yang memerlukan toleransi antara duniaku dengan dunia mereka. Dan itu ga berarati orang lain harus meninggalkan apa yang mereka percaya dan mengubahnya menjadi sesuatu yang bisa kuterima. Toleransi tuh ga selalu dilakukan dengan melepaskan apa yang kita percaya atau memaksa orang lain melepaskan apa yang mereka percaya. Memahami dan membiarkan saja kadang sudah cukup.
Tentang duniaku… kadang dibalik canda tawa senyum gingsul ini terselip diam. Diam yang mungkin sebagai simbol bahwa aku sedang berasa di fase tidak nyaman. Saat perasaan tidak nyaman datang, hal pertama yang kulakukan adalah mengakui. AKUI sajalah, kadang cukup dengan mengakui itu sudah mengangkat 50% dari permasalahan kita. Meski kayaknya mudah ya, tapi tidak semudah itu juga. Apalagi kalo udah soal hati #cailah prikitiw. OKESKIP.
Atau bahkan perihal insyekuritiy. Mungkin memang begitulah fitrah manusia, perlu membandingkan agar merasa dirinya lebih baik. Terdengar egois, but it’s the real fact. Karena manusia ga menemukan cara lain untuk memastikan bahwa dirinya udah semakin menjadi lebih baik, selain dengan membandingkan. Parahnya, perbedaan dari hari-ke hari biasanya tidak terlalu signifikan, waktu yang terlalu lama akhrinya jadi bias. At the end, sakit jiwa sendiri. Yakan.. gitukan…? Apalagi dengan maraknya sudah stigma “belum viral belum keren” di dunia sosial media. Akhirnya karakter dan goal akhir yang terbentuk sedangkal itu aja.
Jadi tentang duniaku… kadang aku terdiam. Tapi kamu tidak akan pernah tau apa yang aku pikirkan saat aku terdiam. Kita, kita tuh ga pernah sepaham itu walau sama sahabat terdekat kita. Kita ga pernah tau seberapa dalam duka dan khawatirnya seseorang, walau sejelas apa sudah diutarakan perasaan itu. Maka, yang kamu perlu tentang duniaku adalah tidak semua duka dan kekhawatiranku tumpah jadi air mata. Ada yang hanya tertahan sampai di ujung pelupuk mata, tak kuiizinkan untuk jatuh pada dasar semesta. Mungkin aku banyak bercerita, tapi tak pernah menjadi tugasmu untuk menyimpulkan hati dan perasaan yang aku rasa.
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Tentang duniaku, kadang diamku ini bisa menghasilkan karya. Gambar inilah caraku bercerita, jika tak ada teman yang tersedia.
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lnternchaos · 11 months ago
genuinely upset that theres no fandom for breaking legacies. like where are aviena stansss
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angielreed · 5 years ago
I just added this listing on Poshmark: Aviena prom dress. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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intern-seraph · 4 years ago
Oh man oh man
Alfswen is not a party person. She does not like being the center of attention, and much prefers to hide away in some nice, quiet corner with her alcohol. Trahearne roped her into giving a speech at the event post-Zhaitan’s defeat. She never forgave him for that. She has to be forced to wear formal attire 99% of the time. Usually, it’s some extravagant gown with a cape because she looks damn good in a cape. She insists on wearing a blindfold.
Lurerie quite enjoys a nice, formal gathering. She especially loves to mingle and make connections, which is quite useful, considering she’s practically a world leader. She has several sets of formal military regalia for special occasions. It’s a pity that she can’t wear them more often.
Fina always loves a good party! Getting dressed up, wearing her nice jewelry, dancing??? Fantastic! She’ll always try to find an excuse to drag Naseera, Aviena, or Trahearne out to dance with her at some point. Plus, there’s almost always good food and drink to be had! She has a nice pink dress with gold filigree for just such occasions.
Arbreura may not be the Commander, but she’s an expert when it comes to parties. After all, it was once her job to attend them and collect information from the attendees. Nowadays, she goes to events alongside Alfswen as her protector. Usually, she doesn’t have much to do in the way of work, but she always makes sure to have a variety of weapons and tools on her person in case of an assassination attempt. Nobody will notice if this one soldier went missing... no?
How does your commander dress/act at parties? 🎉
With New Years coming up, the thought of celebrations is on the mind! And naturally, the thought of how ocs have spent various in-game parties themselves!
How has your own commander and their team reacted to celebrations and parties such as the Galla attended for queen jenna, the celebration post-Balthazar’s defeat, or even the party when Zhaitan was defeated?
I’ll put my own below the cut!
Laighe: initially she attended these sorts of things with enthusiasm and lovely gowns that befitted her important status. As time wore on though, the outfits changed to suits and similar gear of more “practicality” but still a respectable look. Her attitude changed further though, where she started bubbly and social, she now keeps to herself unless directly addressed and gives an aura of intimidation.
Matthias: always a nice suit and a charming smile for everyone, polite conversation and witty remarks. He’s got a very carefully built delicate facade to keep up after all.
Vuisce: has not been invited to any parties rip
Tojoll: she dresses completely casually, not really a dressup kinda gal! She’s rather spend the money on dresses/suits for her girlfriends who want to accompany her anyways! She’s boistrous and tends to hang out wherever the most fun is being had currently, or she’ll stir up some fun herself.
Taomesin: dressed perfectly, no room for error, but always in regal armor of sorts. Fancy and handsome, but also able to serve the purpose of battle if anything arises. They’re politely quiet and avoid conversation along with sticking to teammates rather than strangers. Those who know them well, of which there are so very few, would be able to note that they do not enjoy these parties at all. They skip any they can get away with skipping.
Kai: full armor or dressed down to leather armor, depending on the party. She won’t avoid conversation but she makes for blunt interactions and can so easily come off as rude. Can be found usually by the snack table with Caithe or other teammates.
Joel: always can be counted on to be wearing a show stopping number, be it a dress or suit, usually with some small adornment to match on its smokescale it never leaves behind. It grew up with almost nothing and it’s gonna play a hell of a dressup game thank you very much! Hair’s always done up in a way that shows off the scars streaking half it’s face. And while it isn’t huge on conversation, it won’t shy away and will absolutely speak its mind whether that makes you comfortable or not.
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sorrelchestnut · 8 years ago
Can you recommend some good Sole/Mac fic?
Yeah!  I’m not as heavily into the fandom as I was when I first started writing, but:
The Ice has Melted Back to Life by Ambrosia, which was the VERY FIRST fic I read in this fandom, I hadn’t even met MacCready yet in my first playthrough.  The fic that got me into the fandom.
“all your bridges are burning” series by mahriels was also an early fic and still a favorite, for complexity and tragedy and a fascinating tight fit of a relationship.
“Nora Freis” series by mustinvestigate is EPIC and always perfectly satisfying, with an interesting reworked background plot and a relationship that doesn’t end (or get less complicated) with them getting together.
Blue-Eyed Boy by Aviena is the femdom porn everyone really needs for this pairing. 
And of course, Chantilly Lace by @khirsahle, for a long, satisfying, fun read with a fantastic Sole Survivor and a delightful ending.  Guaranteed to end with a smile on my face.
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intern-seraph · 4 years ago
#9 for the prompts?
you have seen neither hide nor hair of fina yet but for context: this is post-hot and pre-s3. her story is in an au where there are 3 commanders and also trahearne lives. context over—
(yes i am addicted to trammander, what about it)
9. “I know for a fact that you’re not ‘fine’.”
“I’m going into town later today,” Fina calls from the other room. “Do you need anything?”
Trahearne nods, remembers she can’t see him, shouts, “I need a new pot of ink!”
She pops her head into his bedroom, her lips quirked in a tired smile. “Black?”
“Unless you’d like to mix it up?”
“Perhaps I can find some of that color-changing ink.” She steps fully into the room and sits down on the side of his bed. She watches him as he writes his current letter—a long and formal notice regarding the selection of a new Pact Marshal. He pauses and cranes his neck to look at her. There’s a familiar forlorn glint in her eye.
“That would be lovely. You don’t have to, though. The ink can always wait; I have enough to get through the day.”
“While I’d love to spend the whole day with you, I do need to go shopping sooner than later.”
“I know. I’d just like to spend time with you.”
The tips of her ears tint gold and she looks away. Her fingers curl into her skirt. “Y... eah.”
“Are you alright?”
Her ears fold and press back against her skull. Her shoulders hunch up and she presses her lips together. “I’m fine.”
He braces one palm on the desk and rises. She refuses to look him in the eye, but he can feel shame wafting off of her. “I know for a fact that you’re not ‘fine.’”
She flinches. He moves to sit beside her and sets one hand on the small of her back. Her muscles relax a fraction. “I’m fine, really,” she repeats, even as her voice trembles.
“Look at me, please.”
At first, her movement is stiff, but slowly she turns to look at him. Her eyes, already bloodshot and puffy, brim with tears. Her lip quivers. “I’m sorry, I know I must look pretty pathetic,” she whispers.
“Nonsense.” He reaches up with his weaker arm and thumbs away her tears. She leans her cheek against his palm and covers his hand with hers. “Tell me what’s wrong?”
“It’s stupid.”
“If it’s affecting you like this, it’s not stupid.”
“I-if you’re certain… alright.” She takes in one long, shaky breath. “I just… ever since we left Maguuma, I can’t stop thinking about, well, everything.”
“What do you mean?”
“I kept failing at every turn. Naseera and Aviena, they’ve always been so amazing a-and so good at this job, but I’m— Trahearne, I’m just so useless. I’m supposed to be a leader, but I can’t do anything right.” He remains silent and holds her against his side. She sniffles, then continues, “Even before Mordremoth, I couldn’t manage to do one thing right. You should have demoted me as soon as you heard about what happened with the plato—”
“That was not your fault. Demoting you would be doing exactly what the enemy wanted.”
“But it would have been the right choice! No matter what I do, people die because of me! I’m useless as a Commander. You, Naseera, Avi, all of you would be better off without my butting in.”
“Stop it. You have always been a valued member of the Pact.”
“You nearly died! I nearly… I almost… I had Caladbolg, I was really willing to do it and I almost did!”
“Because I asked you to!” He doesn’t realize that he shouted until he sees the shock on her face. Trahearne takes a deep breath, then leans in to kiss her forehead. “But you didn’t do it. And I’m here, alive. Because of you.”
Fina presses her face into his chest and grips at the back of his shirt. “Is it okay if I don’t go shopping today?”
“Of course.” He pulls her in close and rubs circles between the small, gnarled growths of knotted bark on her shoulder blades. His thumb runs over one bump. She shudders and holds him with a stronger grip. “We can cuddle, if you’d like?”
They both fall back onto the bed and settle against each other. One of her legs curls up and her knee rests in the space where his own would have been. Her body thrums with a strange sort of heat that doesn’t seem entirely natural, but that’s alright.
“I think,” he says into her vines, “that we all left part of ourselves in the jungle. None of us are the same people that we were a year ago, dear.”
“I can’t just leave my mistakes behind me, if that’s what you’re saying.”
“I know. But dwelling in them does you no good. You have to forgive yourself.”
She puffs out a steady breath. Her forehead butts up against his chin. “I’ll think about it.”
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luckyjadecherry · 8 years ago
Chapters: 16/? Fandom: Mass Effect, Mass Effect: Andromeda Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Female Ryder | Sara/Reyes Vidal, Ryder/Reyes Vidal, implied Sloane Kelly/Kaetus Characters: Reyes Vidal, Female Ryder | Sara, Female Ryder (Mass Effect), Ryder (Mass Effect), Cora Harper, Vetra Nyx, Kaetus (Mass Effect), SAM (Mass Effect), Liam Kosta, Jaal Ama Darav, Male Ryder | Scott, Peebee (Mass Effect), Keema Dohrgun, Nakmor Drack Additional Tags: Angst, Kidnapping, Rescue Missions, Canon-Typical Violence, Revenge, will need to change the rating later, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Imprisonment, Non-Graphic Torture (of the bad guys), wow these tags make it look like I'm writing something really scary, I promise it's not that bad, Sexting, Reunions Summary:
Sara struggles with the revelation of Reyes' secret identity. When a quick visit to Tartarus turns into a turian's chance at revenge, her own hurt feelings become the least of her worries.
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kulinaras · 12 years ago
Ar jau pasiruošėte kepsnines? Štai ką šiandien kepsiu aš :)
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angielreed · 5 years ago
I just added this listing on Poshmark: Aviena prom dress. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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