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avipop · 18 hours ago
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Did did you know
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I like lapidot ??
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arcturite · 1 year ago
Wip Wednesday! Tagged by @caliblorn and @thescrolls-haveforetold thank you thank you!
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Here is my current progress on my Ildenzah piece, along with a new piece I've started about deep sea hydrothermal vents and playing with textures!
Tagging @scarila @fallen-chances @sexy-orc-singles @avidraws @vosh-rakh If you'd like to share!
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avidraws · 6 years ago
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i’m gonna be so sad to see all these characters go but aubrey especially, she really spoke to and inspired me and i’m gonna miss her
please do not tag as kin/me/id/etc
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kagrenacs · 5 years ago
Love yourself challenge
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favourite works you  created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc. ) and link them below   to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread  the love and link each other to awesome works! Tagged by @nemenalya thank you!!
1.  Ayem and Neht, Dec 2019: I like this piece, (almalexia more specifically) because of the way I've used colors to indicate light and how it bounces off skin, as well as the stylized approach to Almalexia’s hair and the mark of Ghartok Padhome on Nerevar’s palm.
2. Kyne and Lorkhan, March 2020: This piece initially was a thumbnail sketch from about 2016/2017? I decided to remake it early march as I liked the initial colors I had placed down and I ended up really liking the posing and colors of the final product.
3. Merid-Nunda Concept Sketch, April 2020, I honestly couldn’t specifically place what I like about this drawing I just like it! Maybe it’s the fact I used a good reference for the hands and they look dynamic and interesting, maybe it’s I just like this design! 
4. Marigolds, September 2019, A painting of my Hero of Kvatch Rayn, I like the symbolism here, the colors I picked for the background and the ebony armor.
5. Webspinner, June 2019, A painting of Mephala, I liked the way I did the posing and the blocky sort of shading I typically go towards. Also the colors but I picked those from her ESO model so that’s not really something I did.
HONORABE MENTION:  Super powerful and cool wizard, June 2019. Done for my grad year on a wall of the school, the whole thing took me 8 hours in total, but it was worth it.
Tagging @sothasil @julankaushibael @mannimarcos @avidraws @moonshadovv and anyone else who would like to do this :)
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smoljin · 6 years ago
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Lol I know I never post my art here (though I want to start to) Heres my contribution to Inktober (Day 1&2) I'm planning on posting 3&4 later
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aviatrixcadenza · 4 years ago
I nearly died the other day bc I saw that u have an art blog called “avi-draws” and my art blog is called “avi-arts” and I thought I’d fallen into an alternate dimension for a second lol
theres an avidraws (without the dash) out there too! found that out not long after I made mine, tho I dont know who's blog is actually older lol.
apparently a popular name for aspiring artists :P
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avipop · 1 month ago
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Not me stealing the Heartstopper vol 5 pic uuu 😀💀
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arcturite · 2 years ago
Tagged by @triflingshadows thank you!
Rules: Share five of your own fanworks (fic, art, etc.). Then, tag five more people to share the things they’ve made.
Something you absolutely adore?
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It's been quite some time, but i've never had a piece of art that i've revisited so fondly, time and time again. For best viewing experience, listen to Dreamsong by Moonface
Something challenging to create:
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This is quite a large piece, 65" by 70" charcoal on canvas. I can't quite remember how long this took me, perhaps around 36 hours? Done while laying across pillows on the concrete which was hard on the back. By the time I had finished I had blisters on my hands from shading. But I loved every moment of it.
Something that makes you laugh or smile:
Alternate ways into the city
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So then how is it rare just kill him?
Something that surprised you?
Study of the Maiden's Lament
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I'm still quite new at oil painting, and this was mostly an experiment at first. But I think it turned out quite well!
Something you want other people to see?
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Enjoyed the abstractification in line with the Dunmeri saint murals! I've been considering doing some for Mephala and Boethiah as well, but haven't quite gotten around to that yet.
tagging @catboyjpeg @avidraws @choilacanth @jiubilant @morihaus !
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pixel-creates · 2 years ago
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Sharing is highly appreciated!!!
Tl;dr of my current situation: my parents who have been together for 12 years are potentially splitting up after a bad argument over rent being 2 months overdue (among other things) and I may be moving to another state within the close future. I currently have almost nothing in my savings account and 2 credit cards very close to their limits due to helping my family out with their accidents and expenses earlier this year and still trying to play catch up + pay off student loans before they restart.
I will be running 25% off my regular commissions [https://shaymunie.wixsite.com/avidraws/illustration-prices-1]. The discount will be applied after all add-ons have been applied.
I will also be running $5 sketch commissions on Buy Me a Coffee [https://www.buymeacoffee.com/pixelcreates]. If you already like my work and are interested in supporting me, please consider becoming a member! You can even pay ahead for a whole year and get access to $3 sketch commissions as well as other discounts on future additions to my shop (Can someone say... Sora Winter Lookbook by the end of this year? c:).
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avidraws · 6 years ago
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this is my character jesse she likes girls and skateboarding
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avipop · 1 month ago
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yy what if it was just me and you in a field on a summer’s day forgetting the past and the future and the life and remembering forever with each other and it’s like a dream because it never was
(Used a Pinterest template, didn’t trace just reffed the pose)
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avipop · 1 month ago
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I know I’m late and the art is unfinished but sad Valentine’s Day from Lapidot
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avipop · 18 days ago
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A few of the Lapidot doodles I’ve done recently because I’m addicted and haven’t rly been posting
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avipop · 25 days ago
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I’m a bit of an idiot
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avipop · 1 month ago
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Just take it, no context just… I don’t even know it’s a lazy Pearl piece. For some reason I like it but I hate looking at it
I should not feel as tired as I do right now 😭 I think I’m just being lazy- someone give me an ask or something I need to do something
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avipop · 3 months ago
They’re watching CPH
I personally headcannon that peridot gets the thing that you get super attached to characters so when something bad happens to them it feels like like you get a big emotional toll on yourself when things in the show happen
It happens to me lol
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