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L'uomo dei sogni. Avventure verso mondi sconosciuti. - Capitolo 1 L'uomo dei sogni (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1384394622-l%27uomo-dei-sogni-avventure-verso-mondi-sconosciuti?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=RobyBorz1965&wp_originator=QPs%2Bm5wTaRZtEZOdiMNL37bYADM27oCCnz5rFbT%2Ftqw5gnb32VTpnb3OoAhO1da70lc6KYIBO0KKNG37IHP6L961YLYwHfGjLIeBR7jpbn%2FFZucU436nHfJfcJgh36du Un avvincente romanzo che mescola abilmente l'avventura, il mistero e l'elemento soprannaturale. Questo libro vi trasporter�� in un mondo in cui la curiosità umana si scontra con poteri antichi e misteriosi. La storia inizia a Lexington, Kentucky, dove Jack, il protagonista, è alle prese con gravi problemi finanziari causati da investimenti sbagliati dettati dall'avidità. La disperazione lo attanaglia, e si chiede come dirlo a sua moglie Emma, la sua compagna di vita con cui ha condiviso tante avventure. Tuttavia, un'opportunità per sfuggire ai suoi problemi finanziari si presenta quando parte per un'entusiasmante spedizione speleologica nelle profondità delle Caverne Caverne del Carso con i suoi amici d'infanzia, Victor e Samuel. La speleologia è una passione condivisa che li ha uniti fin dai tempi del college, ma questa avventura si rivelerà molto diversa da tutte le altre. Nelle profondità delle grotte, i tre amici scoprono una scatola antica contenente un misterioso anello d'oro con incisioni indecifrabili. Questa scoperta straordinaria scatena una serie di eventi che cambieranno per sempre le loro vite. Quando Jack indossa l'anello, viene trasportato in una dimensione misteriosa e affascinante, dove incontra Aurora, la custode di questo mondo sconosciuto. Aurora rivela a Jack che l'anello è un portale verso altri mondi, che offre conoscenze e poteri al di là della sua immaginazione. Tuttavia, il potere ha un prezzo, e Jack deve decidere se è disposto a pagare il suo per comprendere i segreti dell'universo. Il romanzo esplora temi profondi come l'avidità, la curiosità umana e il costo delle nostre scelte. La trama segue Jack in un viaggio attraverso mondi paralleli diversi e affronta le sfide che si presentano lungo il cammino.
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Care este rostul?
A existat cândva un rege ale cărui gânduri despre viață și experiențele sale au fost cuprinse în cartea Eclesiastului.
Interesant este că acest rege — foarte probabil Regele Solomon — a domnit peste Israel în timpul uneia dintre cele mai prospere perioade din istoria țării. Din perspectiva standardelor lumești, el avea mai multă putere, mai mult prestigiu și mai multe bogății decât orice altă persoană dinaintea lui. Cu toate acestea, el și-a rezumat luxul printr-un singur cuvânt sumbru: Deșertăciune!
„Totul este deșertăciune!” (Eclesiastul 1:2), „Toate lucrurile sunt obositoare, cum nu se poate spune” (Eclesiastul 1:8), „Nu este nimic nou sub soare!” (Eclesiastul 1:9), „Am observat toate lucrările care se fac sub soare și iată că toate sunt deșertăciune și goană după vânt.” (Eclesiastul 1:14)
Deși a fost scrisă cu mii de ani în urmă, această analiză sumbră încă are ecou în propria noastră dorință nestăvilită de și mai mult. Căutăm mai mult decât lucruri fără sens. Ne dorim mai mult decât conexiuni și ambiții la nivel superficial. Vrem mai mult decât o viață în aparență prosperă, însă în secret lipsită de satisfacție. Suntem într-o continuă căutare de și mai mult, însă ceea ce ne dorim în mod obișnuit nu este suficient pentru a ne satisface.
Precum autorul cărții Eclesiastul, ne putem întreba: „Care este rostul vieții?”
Până la sfârșitul cărții, „Învățătorul” a încercat să găsească un sens în tot ceea ce se află sub soare și își concluzionează cugetările cu aceste cuvinte profunde…
„Concluzia la tot ce-ai auzit este aceasta: teme-te de Dumnezeu și păzește poruncile Lui, căci aceasta este datoria fiecărui om.”
Eclesiastul 12:13, NTR
Putem să urmărim cu aviditate toate lucrurile materiale pe care această lume le oferă, dar satisfacția pe care o găsim este doar superficială. În final, fără Dumnezeu, aceste lucruri ne vor lăsa întotdeauna cu un gol interior.
Vestea cea bună este că există un Dumnezeu în ceruri care ne-a creat și ne iubește, iar El știe de ce avem cu adevărat nevoie. El știe că viața are sens atunci când o trăim conform planului Său. El este demn de toată admirația, onoarea și închinarea noastră.
Așadar, teme-te de Dumnezeu și păzește-I poruncile. Iubește-L cu tot ce ai în tine și iubește-ți aproapele ca pe tine însuți. Acesta este scopul. Doar atunci viața nu va mai fi deșartă.Amin🙏🙏❤️🇮🇱
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Asumare Umbrei și captarea energiilor vitale
Suferința e inevitabilă, dacă îți asumi absolut-neînsemnatul din tine, căci tu faci ceea ce e reprobabil și îndrepți ceea ce era distrus. În noi e mult mormânt și hoit, o miasmă de putreziciune. Căci altminteri cum trebuie să fie scăpat de pervertire absolut-neînsemnatul din tine? Cine să se îngrijească de absolut-neînsemnatul, dacă nu tu? Dar cine o face nu din iubire, ci din trufie, egoism sau aviditate este osândit. De aceea ne temem de absolut-neînsemnatul din noi, căci el este întotdeauna ceva pe care nu-l avem, care e una cu haosul și care participă la fluxul și refluxul enigmatic al acestuia. Dacă asum absolut-neînsemnatul, tocmai acel soare roșiatic incandescent al adâncului, și cad astfel pradă nebulozității haosului, atunci răsare pentru mine și soarele luminos de sus. De aceea cine năzuiește spre maxima înălțime găsește maxima adâncime. Absolut-neînsemnatul din tine este izvorul harului. Luăm această boală asupra noastră, neînsemnarea și josnicia, pentru ca zeul să ne tămăduiască și să se ridice radios, curățat de putreziciunea morții și de mâlul lumii demonice. Strălucind și pe de-a-ntregul teafăr, cel închis rușinos se va înălța spre mântuirea lui. Dacă asum absolut-neînsemnatul din mine, atunci sădesc o sămânță în solul iadului. Sămânța e invizibil de mică, dar din ea crește copacul vieții mele. C.G. Jung - Cartea roșie https://www.cititoramator.ro/2024/05/asumare-umbrei-si-captarea-energiilor.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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just want to point out how tiny he is compared to me. hehe.
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"Hai presente quel sogno che insegui sin da quando eri bambina?
Per alcune era diventare ballerina,
Per alcune era diventare famosa,
Per alcune era diventare qualcuno,
Per alcune era diventare dottore,
Per alcune fare carriera,
Alcune erano maschiacci e pensavano di fare chissà cosa,
Ma ognuna di noi ha sempre sognato una cosa sopra al resto,
Una casa,una famiglia,il matrimonio,
Crescendo c'è chi ha realizzato ogni suo sogno meno che il più grande,chi ha deciso che quest'ultimo non avesse importanza,chi ha pensato bene che avesse solo bisogno di denaro,chi ha messo al mondo figli per poi cambiare uomo ogni due per tre,chi ha illuso e ha giocato con i sentimenti.
Tutt'oggi è alcquanto improbabile trovare una donna che abbia realizzato tutti i suoi sogni,perchè le donne d'oggi mi rendo spesso conto,sono ricche d'avidità,infamano chi ha più di loro,sfottono chi ha meno,abbandonano figli,o li tengono con sè per il semplice piacere del denaro,non sono legate a niente e a nessuno se non al denaro e a sè stesse,
E allora a voi,donne che desiderate un'uomo che vi ami,che non vi importa sia ricco o arrivi appena a fine mese,dal quale volete sincerità e serietà,col quale condividere il nostro più grande sogno,mi viene da chiedere,vorrete mica arrendervi,di fronte queste donne senz'animo?
#woman#love#bitches#money#man#family#avidites#dream#inspirational quotes#reflective#donne#riflessioni#sogni#sognidarealizzare#uomini#soldi#famiglia#avidità#ispirazioni
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Collection of 2021 oc art
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greed theme
#greed neos#greed neopronouns#greed pronouns#emotion neos#emotion pronouns#neo pronouns#neoprns#read dni#read my dni#pronoun blog#pronouns#requests open#requests are open#pronouns list#pronoun list#pronoun suggestions#pronoun testing#pronoun ideas#pronoun recs
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pretty please may i request armie hammer, florence pugh, lily-rose depp, saoirse ronan, kid cudi :')
only because you asked so nicely! me, fangirling? it’s more likely than you think.
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From left to right
1st row: Cindykate Yuui - 2€ / Hana Shounen Baddies, Tsubuku - 2€ / Gigamous, Shiki - 5€ / Avidit, Kairi - 3€ / Monolith, Hayato - 4€
2nd row: DWP, Koume - 2€ / Awake, Eru - 4€ / Ellen, Neku (?) - 2€ / Piu Pin - 3€ / The Valentine - 3€
Shipping from Germany.
Please pm me for details.
#cindykate#yuui#hana shounen baddies#tsubuku#gigamous#shiki#avidit#kairi#monolith#hayato#dwp#koume#awake#eru#ellen#neku#piupin#thevalentine#jrock#visualkei#vkei#j-rock#cheki#sale#japan
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“They came in the silence of night; a god whose form could not be defined, or labeled, or fathomed. Around them shone the light of stars, and pooled the shadow of magics. Avdite, they were called, both and other; terrifying and beloved.” Avidite, God[dess] of Wisdom, Knowledge, Arcana, and Mysticism
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#Salviamo la "Compassione" (mandala della) / dalla stupida avidità (condominiale)
Feb 21st, 2019 10:18:04am
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Fire & Desire | 2
➭ “Kim Seokjin is everything you don’t want in a man. Cocky, full of himself and oh so annoying. And that’s what makes him the perfect fuck buddy. Because it’s not like you could ever see him as anything more than a heartless player... right?”
pairing: seokjin x reader
genre: smut, fuckboy!au
wordcount: 11k
part one | two | three
**warnings: a lot of smut, cumplay, dom!Jin, light edging, filming of sexual acts
You drop your head in your hands and let out a muffled groan.
There is nothing worse than Mondays.
More precisely, there is nothing worse than this Monday. This particular Monday, is remarkably terrible. And you have had your fair share of shockingly bad Mondays in your lifetime.
The primary forces behind this terrible Monday, all link back to the feeling of stress in your bones, a stress that has now started to feel like second nature.
Your law firm has taken on a new case recently, one that is unlike any other case you have taken on before. For starters, this one is a rushed case, while most legal proceedings take over a year of preparation and work, this one has been crammed into mere weeks.
Secondly, this is a high profile case, one requiring delicacy and tact.
It is the case of the CEO of Avidite, one of the largest companies in your city. The CEO of the company, Mr. William Hong, inherited the billion dollar business from his family. It is a conglomerate company, a company that much like a tree, has roots beneath the surface feeding into several different facets of your city. And the man at the top of it all, Mr. Hong, has his fingers dipped in endless sources of wealth, power, and most relevantly, corruption.
He is facing a series of accusations, the largest of which being huge-scale insider trading. It is going to blow up as one of the biggest cases in the corporate world, and it is one that you have no doubt has been brewing quietly for years. Mr. Hong and his company are as shadowy as they are successful, and just as there are countless who work under him, there are even more waiting for him to fall.
Your firm have been putting in ridiculous hours, compiling as much research and effort possible to form a case in defense of the CEO. The workload is exhausting, and moreover, it is beginning to scratch into deeply buried worries in your mind.
This was never what you had expected or wanted when you had been in law school. You had been a starry-eyed student, expecting to be a passionate, snappy lawyer delivering justice, saving lives at the helm of the city’s most powerful, impactful law firm. And now that you were amidst said law firm, (albeit at the very bottom of an endless chain of command), you were beginning to realize that not everything was as it seems.
The odds for CEO William Hong of losing the case and facing jail time are at about fifty fifty, give or take. The entire office is high-strung as a result of those odds. That, and the difficulty in trying to find honour in a man who doesn’t have much to begin with, and also due to having to deal closely with the man in question himself.
You yourself have had several meetings with Mr. Hong. He is a fox in the world of business, crafty and cunning. An utter ass, yes, but an ass who is will prepared- he has back up plan after back up plan for if he loses the case in court. He has someone to take his place as CEO in the company if he loses, as a family of two sons, he has a body of senior partners to step up if need be. And he has a back up team of criminal lawyers for if you and your firm, the corporate lawyers, failed step one.
You had to give it to the bigwigs of the business world. They had back up plan after back up plan. You are quietly beginning to wish that you had a back up plan yourself. You are silently wondering how it is that after years of going through the motions, doing everything that you were told you were supposed to do, you are here, still feeling more lost than ever. Still feeling like you have no idea what you’re doing.
So yes, it’s a particularly terrible Monday. The office is buzzing with talk surrounding the case, about the Avidite annual gala that is being thrown later this week that all the company lawyers are invited to.
You let yourself into the break room, pouring yourself a cup of coffee. You sip at it, your mouth twisting into a grimace at the taste. It’s metallic and bitter, more than usual. Or perhaps it’s your mood casting grey stormclouds over everything in sight.
You return to your cubicle, sitting in your chair. Everything is frustrating you today. You glance at your screen and see eight new emails, all in regards to the case. You look down at your coffee cup, the bitter taste of coffee still in your mouth.
You glance at your phone, which has no new notifications. You haven’t heard from Seokjin in three weeks. Nothing. To be fair, you haven’t contacted him either. You are stubborn, and stressed, and the more your tension escalates, the more you find your mind slipping over to the man with the pillowy lips and know it all smirk more than you would like.
You are wound up, frustrated. You want a release. You want sex.
Once again, Seokjin’s name lingers on your tongue. And once again, you hesitate.
You tell yourself that this is what a fuck buddy is for, texts without strings, sex without second-guessing. So, with a knot of stress and nerves that you haven’t been able to get rid of for weeks, you send the eggplant emoji and wait.
Just as you are starting to panic, to doubt, your phone chimes, and you glance down at your screen.
Thumbs up.
The doorbell rings, and you pull open your front door to see Seokjin standing there, dressed in a grey hoodie and black jeans. He looks the same as you remembered him, wide almost doe-like eyes, and a self-reassured smile that he shoots your way.
You feel a spike of nerves when you see him standing there, nerves that you immediately try to quash.
“Long time no see.” Seokjin smirks at you.
“Uh huh,” You say warily, opening the door wider. “Come in.”
He steps in, and the moment the door closes, his hands are at your hips, spinning you around so that your face is only inches from his.
He opens his mouth to speak but you get there first.
“We should,” You say, crossing your arms. “Have a discussion before we, y’know. Fuck.”
You push back on his chest delicately and Seokjin steps away obligingly, a confused look on his face.
“A discussion? About what?”
“About our uh, likes and dislikes. Sexual likes and dislikes, that is.”
Seokjin just gapes at you. “Is that discussion necessary?” He asks impatiently, “Can’t we just find out what we’re into and not into by you know, doing it?”
“Well,” You say authoritatively, “If we talk about it now, it’s the best way to produce the best outcome. The best possible sex. Without awkward altercations.”
Seokjin just stares at you before he guffaws out a laugh that is loud and grating to your ears, you feel your irritation grow as he even goes as far as to slap his own knee.
“You. Are. Such. A lawyer.”
Your resolve falters slightly but you refuse to back down, crossing your arms.
“So. Likes? Dislikes?”
“I’m into a lot of things,” He says finally, vaguely.
“Wow,” You say flatly. “Descriptive.”
“Okay, okay,” Seokjin says, and he shrugs. “Honestly, for me, it changes depending on who I’m with. Some women I just wanna fuck quickly and be done with it, you know?” He glances at you and you nod. “But others… there’s a whole lot of things I want to do to them. Do with them.”
He shrugs nonchalantly and you nod.
“Okay. And with me?”
Seokjin stares right at you, his eyes intense. His lips tug up into the faintest of smirks.
“There’s a whole lot of things that I’d love to do to you.”
You don’t know how it happens but it happens, the heaviness of his stare and the thick silence that hangs between the two of you causes something to ignite.
A fire, stirring, in your veins and under your skin. A fire that melts away the iciness and uncertainty of the nerves you had been feeling before.
And it’s that fire that causes you to step towards Seokjin, urgency humming in your body, as you press your lips to his in a desperate kiss.
He yelps into your mouth, but he responds nonetheless, his arms curving around your waist and giving your hips a firm squeeze. You kiss him hard, and you’re momentarily disarmed by how good he is at kissing- his full lips are soft under yours, his tongue working into your mouth.
His fingers pull at the fabric of your blouse, loosening it from where it is tucked into your jeans, before he skims over your stomach. It’s the barest of touches – but it has your toes curling and you let out a soft moan against his lips.
At the sound of your want, he pulls away slightly. He’s smirking, and he raises one eyebrow at you.
“Weren’t we meant to be having a conversation about what our likes and dislikes?” His voice is smooth, he is controlled and poised and you blink at him, your eyes focused on his lips, shiny and full, before you snap into reality and nod.
“Sure,” You breathe out, and Seokjin swoops in and kisses you again- aggressively this time, his tongue rough in your mouth and his hands gliding over your stomach to just barely brush the underside of your breast. You shudder into the touch and then just as quickly as it began, Seokjin pulls away and smiles at you.
“So, what are you into?”
He slings his fingers into the hook of your jeans and the feeling of his hand, the weight of him, right there, has you swallowing thickly.
“I like it rougg,” You murmur faintly, you cheeks flushing pink. Seokjin is unfazed, he nods and leans in, pressing his lips against the base of your neck. Your head tips back and you let out a choked sound before he pulls away again, his eyes scanning yours.
You feel an inkling of hesitation. But it disintegrates – maybe it’s the intensity of Seokjin’s touches, maybe it’s the look on his face- completely free of judgment. Whatever it is, it has you feeling comfortable, and you swallow before you answer.
“…Lovebites, handcuffing, that kind of thing. I’ve always been curious.”
Seokjin’s face melts into a grin.
“Ah. Yeah, we can do that. I’m into that too.”
He leans in and kisses your earlobe, his breath sends shivers down your spine.
“You’d look sexy handcuffed to your bed, begging me to fuck you.”
You can’t help the slight gasp that comes out of your lips at his words, and at the sound of that, Seokjin nibbles at your earlobe and then presses a firm kiss to your ear before he pulls away. He surveys your face again, taking in your flushed cheeks and wide eyes with pleasure.
“I have a list of likes too,” He says slowly.
“Oh?” You breathe out. “What does this list entail?”
“All the ways I want to fuck you until you can’t walk straight.”
The look on his face has your breath rushing in and your head feeling woozy with lust.
“Plus some… extras.”
Those words, plus that fucking smirk, has the next words tumbling out of your lips before you can stop them.
“God, I want you.”
Seokjin’s eyes flash and his eyes trickle down from your lips to your chest, before they work back up to meet your eyes.
He tugs you in by your jeans and your body falls against his, his hands curve around to cup your ass. He gives your ass a firm, appreciative squeeze before he reaches up with one hand to tilt your chin up.
Your head is craned upwards, your neck twinging at the angle, but all protests escape your lips as soon as you feel Seokjin’s lips trailing down your neck. The feeling of him peppering firm kisses, stamping his lips and then chasing each touch with a swirl of his tongue on your skin, all the way down your throat, has you shuddering in for breath.
A damp, heavy coursing has started drumming between your legs, and you gasp in a shaky breath. It is throbbing through your veins, you are hungry for him, greedy for his touches and each heightening lustful pulse between your legs.
“Aren’t we,” He pants against your neck, his fingers still trapped around your chin. You gasp out at the feeling of his breath ghosting over your skin, his voice murmuring against the your neck. “Meant to be having a discussion?”
Your mind is both full of wanton thoughts and completely empty, each one gravitating around how badly you want Seokjin.
“Let’s discuss later,” You say vehemently, you lean up on your tip toes to encourage more, more, more, tilting your face up and jutting your hips into his.
Seokjin reads your mind, his kisses string down your neck to your collarbones, his hand trails down from where it had grasped your chin, all the way down the slope of your neck. His fingers flutter right there under your breast, so close that it is only centimeters away.
Your nipples are hard and you are so painfully aware of the want pulsing in our core. He nibbles on your collarbone and elicits a moan from your lips before he continues to kiss downwards.
“Seokjin,” You pant out. All you want is Seokjin, his fingers are starting to draw intent circles around the bottom of your breast, not touching anything, yet each drag of his fingers is causing a wildfire to ignite in the pit of your belly. His lips are still pressing firm kisses down your décolletage.
You shudder out a gasp as he presses a kiss on the top of your breast, he moans against your skin and his fingers curve up to brush over the bottom half of your breast.
“Please,” You whimper out, and Seokjin’s fingers dance up to draw slow circles around your nipple.
His movements are languid, and his face is right there by your breasts, and you glance down shakily to see him gazing up at you. His thick, black lashes, dark eyes piercing and attentive, his tongue licking his bottom lip. Your jaw drops slightly at the sight of him, he is so damn beautiful it makes you ache even harder. A smirk melts over Seokjin’s face before he leans in and presses his lips again on the flesh of your breast and his fingers inch closer.
They are so close, that it feels like your entire body is a mess of pulsing nerve endings. Seokjin’s fingers are still tracing around your nipple and you let out a whimpered sound, his other palm is at the small of your back. It feels as if you’re clenching every muscle in your body, and you bite your lip.
“Jin… please,” The abbreviation slips out effortlessly and Seokjin glances up to meet your gaze, his eyes absorbed on the way your lips fall apart, his attention locked on each throaty moan that slips out of your mouth.
“I like hearing you beg for me,” He murmurs, and he tilts his head to one side and smirks at you. You open your mouth, unsure of whether another desperate, begging plea or a barrage of furious swear words is going to tumble out, when Seokjin finally, finally brushes the pad of his thumb against your nipple.
It’s less than two seconds but your breath hisses in, and it fills you with a rush of white hot heat that disappears just as quickly as it started.
“Seokjin,” You moan out, and you can hear the strain and the want in your voice as Seokjin’s fingers brush again over your nipple.
This time, they run an steady circle over it, before they pinch, hard.
“Fuck!” You cry out at the sudden intensity, the gratification of him, when his hands flutter away again.
It feels like you’ve been punched with lust, you are gasping and so full of want you’re trembling. Seokjin steps away from you and stands up, grasping the hem of his shirt.
He pulls it off in one motion and your eyes immediately fall on his upper body. The slopes of his shoulders, the broadness of his chest, the way his Adams apple bobs up and down. You’re filled with it, you want him, God you want him, and he smiles as if he’s reading your mind.
He unzips his jeans and pulls down, stepping out of the black denim. You had a faint recollection of what he looked like naked before but now that you’re seeing it again, seeing him again, you stare. You want to memorize the thickness of his thighs, the bulge of his hard cock in black Calvin Klein briefs.
He straightens, and he’s oozing with confidence, his hair falls in his eyes and he stares right at you. Fuck. You’re sure you’re showing every single inch of desire and want on your face but you don’t care. All you care about is him, pressed up against you, his fingers and his mouth and every inch of him on your skin.
“You’re so fucking hot,” You moan out, and Seokjin reaches forward, looping his thumbs through your jeans and tugging you in again. You fall against his chest, and he stares down at you.
Once you’re there, his fingers are between your legs, he presses against your slit and you let out a strangled cry at the feeling. You want him so badly you feel like you might burst. He’s quick again, touching you for only moments.
He gives you the briefest shred of relief, that leaves in it’s absence a burning heat. You whine out his name, your tone is pressing and insistent, and then his fingers grasp at the zipper of your jeans and pull down.
He pulls down your pant, crouching to ease the fabric down your legs. His palms roam over the tops of your thighs down to your shins, you lift each leg so that he can tug your jeans off. He folds them and puts them on the floor before he glances up at you.
He presses a kiss to the top of your thigh, right there by your apex, and you suck in a strangled gasp. His kiss is wet, his tongue and lips lingering on your skin and you are hyperaware of each heavy, drawn out breath, the shakiness of your limbs.
“Mm,” He murmurs, “Your pussy smells sweet.”
He glances up at you and it feels like your core is jackhammering, each throb is intense and immediate and you are painfully aware of each one. You glance down and look at Seokjin as he presses another long kiss right on top of your underwear, murmuring against your slit before he pulls away.
“I bet you taste sweet too.”
“Oh my God,” You moan out, and your fists ball up and you clench your jaw. You look down at him. “I need you, I want you so bad, please, please.”
The sight of him, bent down by your thighs, his broad shoulders and his hard cock forming a tent in his briefs, has you brimming with anticipation. A deep rooted itch that has you squirming in place as you reach down and pull off your top, revealing your bare breasts.
Seokjin’s eyes trail all over you, and you feel a shiver go up your body as he reaches up and hooks his thumbs around the fabric of your underwear, one hand placed at each hip. He keeps his eyes on you as he slowly drags the fabric down your legs, pulling them off and throwing them to the side.
He straightens, and your breaths are coming out shallow and rushed as he leans in and kisses you. This kiss is fierce, intense, and you reach down with fervent hands to palm at his cock.
A rush of pleasure shoots up your body at the moan that he lets into your mouth, the way his teeth catch around your bottom lip just hard enough to almost draw blood. You tug at his underwear, Seokjin thrusts up into your hand, hard, and you let out a whimper.
He reaches up and picks you up, you immediately wrap your legs around his waist and he walks your entwined bodies to your bedroom. You kiss his earlobe, his neck, wanting every inch of him so badly it hurts, and he tosses you onto your bed as if you’re a feather.
You’re on your back, and Seokjin is hovering above you in moments. He has a dark, fiery look in his eyes.
“You’re such a slut for me,” He begins slowly, “Aren’t you, gorgeous?”
His words are soft but his voice is hard, rigid, and the command that his words have over you makes you weaken. Your body wriggles on the mattress and you fight every urge to not slip your hands between your legs and touch your throbbing clit.
Instead, you jerk up with your hips, pressing your slit against his hard cock, grinding against him in desperation.
You groan at his words. “Yes, yes I am.”
“Turn around, on all fours.” Seokjin commands, and you immediately do what you are told, acquiescing and bending to Seokjin’s word. You are on all fours, your arms trembling in excitement because the anticipation is beginning to sink in. Seokjin takes off his underwear and rolls on a condom, and he lets out a husky, appreciative click of his tongue.
“So hot,” He murmurs with a sigh, his palm skimming over your ass. “On all fours for me,” His thumb traces a long line down your slit and you let out a loud moan. You are wet, so wet, and his finger glides effortlessly down your wetness and causes an almost animal lust to start sparking inside of you.
“Begging for me.” He concludes, and your body starts to tremble in earnest.
“I want you, please,” You moan out.
Seokjin pauses. “Do you?” He asks, his voice questioning. “I’m not sure…”
Panic starts to set in and you crane your head around to see Seokjin gazing at you, one eyebrow raised. He looks unreal, his hair pushed off his forehead, his shoulders tensed as they hold your hips firmly in place.
“I want it,” You pant out, desperation oozing out of your words. “I want it so badly please, I want your cock, I want you.”
“How badly?”
“So badly, please. I want you to fuck me, I want you inside of me, please, please Seokjin, please-”
Your words are falling out of your lips and you stop mid sentence, because Seokjin thrusts two fingers against your clit, dragging his fingers up your slit so hard and so fucking intense that your body coils and you let out a cry.
“Yes, please, yes,” You moan out, and your arms collapse a little before you straighten them. But once again, Seokjin’s touch only lasts moments and you feel like your entire body is at its absolute damn limit. You are so sensitive, so full of want, and Seokjin just chuckles when you let out a barely there whine of, “Please.”
Seokjin grunts, his hands firm on your hips. “You’re such a good girl,” He continues, “Begging for me to fuck you…” He lifted one hand and ran his fingers teasingly down your slit. His touch, unlike before, isn’t punishing and intense- this time he teases, his fingers lingering gently against your wetness.
“Jin…” You whine, your breath coming out in varying sharp, desperate pitches as Jin chuckles, his finger trailing up your wetness to your tight hole. His finger is still glossy and slick with your juices, he runs his fingertip lightly around your rim, and you felt a dangerous, thick black heat flow over of you.
Your entire body is clenched, your fingers digging into the mattress and you are pushing your hips up high in the air, arching against him. Mewls and whines are spilling out of your mouth before you can stop them.
“You’re such a mess for my cock,” He murmurs, and you can hear the strain in his voice as he continues to play with you. You feel so dangerously close to the edge that you may topple over, and all you can manage is a rushed cry of “Yes,” your voice lashing out like a whip.
You feel Jin’s hand pause at the sound of your voice, completely submerged in want, and then his palm slaps down against your ass in a harsh crack.
The feeling of the sting against your skin is subsided by his palm, rubbing away the pain, and then his fingers gripping hard against your hips. They work patterns into your hipbones, and his touch is no longer soft, teasing.
He wants it, he wants you, you can sense it in how hard he’s grabbing at your waist, the growls that are dark and throaty as if they’r coming out of his chest.
“How badly do you want me to fuck you?” He asks, “Tell me.” His voice trembles on those words and you feel a shiver run through your body because you are so close to getting what you want, you can practically taste it.
“So badly,” You beg out, your voice cracks and you swallow hard because you can feel Seokjin’s fingers digging into your hips, he stops every now and then to place his palms on your ass and squeeze hard.
Jin just lets out a low clicking of his tongue. “Doesn’t sound very convincing to me…” He draws his hips away and the absence of him being right there has a fresh wave of desperation curling inside of you.
You buck your hips up against his palms and feel your breath lash out in a raspy, shuddering sound, “Please, I want it so badly, please. I’ll do anything, please, fuck me, please,” Your voice is grating and almost pornographic, but you don’t care.
You are riled up, your chest tight and knotted, and you feel Seokjin hiss in a breath at your words.
“Pass me your phone,” He says firmly, and you crane your head around to see Jin staring at you.
“My… my phone?” You stammer out, taking him in. His jaw is clenched, his eyes full of want, and you realize that as far as you’re being pushed to an edge, he is as well.
“Now,” He says, his voice biting, and you immediately reach up and grab your phone, which is sitting on your bedside table.
“Camera.” He says in a clipped voice, and you immediately do what you’re told. Flicking open your camera, you’re immediately greeted with a front camera view- your face, your eyes dilated and blown out, cheeks pink with want, an almost fevered look in your eyes.
“Good girl,” Seokjin croons, and then he brushes the tip of his head against your wetness and it’s so close that you let out a strangled cry.
“Record us,” Seokjin continues, his voice dipping to a velvety tone. The only sign that gives him away is the crackling in his words, you can tell that he isn’t going to hold out for much longer. “So you have something to help you… destress later this week. If you want it.”
You hit the record button, and the moment you do so, Seokjin leans forward ever so slightly. You are still on your stomach, and you gasp as Seokjin places his hands flat on your back, pressing you down onto the mattress.
The camera is still recording, your arm out over your head as you hold your phone, and then Seokjin teases your entrance yet again.
You let out a loud, shuddering moan as you feel his tip teasing at your wet slit.
And then he pushes.
He pushes only slightly, enough so that not even half of him is inside of you. Your muscles tense at the slight stretch, and you let out a sound that can only be akin to an instinctual whimper of protest, because you want more, you want all of him.
“Please baby.” You moan, “Please…”
Seokjin grunts, a guttural sound. “You want all of me?”
You nod, and the tease of having him so barely inside of you has your entire body even more coiled than before. You are so wet that it feels like you can feel it with every slight desperate twist of your body, you are dictated by the coursing of want between your legs.
“Okay.” Seokjin murmurs, and your entire body locks, ready and waiting.
It feels like time is stretching out, and you are so full of a crackling heat that you wonder if you might break into fragmented pieces, you are feeling that fragile.
Seokjin thrusts, one, hard, purposeful thrust and he gives you no warning. You let out a loud moan as you collapse downward, clutching the phone tightly as Seokjin thrusts and thrusts hard, making sure every single inch of him is buried deep inside of you.
You can only let out choked sounds because the feeling is so immense, so overwhelming, and you hear Seokjin let out a long, loud moan.
The quiet pause that you take to breathe in the feeling of being so full, stuffed to the brim with his cock, does not last long. Seokjin has his hands on your waist and he starts to fuck you.
He holds your waist, and instead of using his own hips to fuck into you, he thrusts your body to fuck into him. You let out a loud, shaky moan at the feeling of your body being hoisted, of the intensity filling your clit and your pussy.
The sound of skin slapping skin echoes through the air, and the ache that is in your clit is starting to get more intense.
Worse though, is the intensity gathering in the pit of your belly. You are worked up, fevered to the point of a crimson red desperation. You want it, and you just don’t want it, you want the most feral, intense, dirty fucking from Seokjin.
His name is rolling off your tongue in a chorus desperate moans, “Seokjin, Seokjin, Seokjin!” You cry in time to his thrusts of your entire pussy against him.
“Look in the camera baby,” He murmurs, and you glance up into the camera, which is still recording, shaking with each pull of your body.
Your eyes fall briefly on your face, utterly fucked out- enlarged pupils, cheeks a translucent rose, you’re biting your own lip. But your eyes aren’t focused on yourself, because behind you is Seokjin. His shoulders are tensed as they grip your waist, and even in your phone screen you can see the curve of his muscles, the broadness of his shoulders. And, from the angle of which he is holding you, you can see your ass, pressed up against his groin, right beneath his taut abdomen. The sight makes you pant in for breath and then Seokjin leans down and grabs your phone.
He keeps one hand on your hips, the other on the phone, as he starts to thrust. He rocks his hips into you at a hypnotic pace, and it feels like with each thrust he goes deeper, hits harder. He’s deliberate with every movement- and you tilt your hip even harder against his stomach, arching your lower back and feeling your entire body start to hum with heat.
Jin is filming you, and the thought of that, you on display for him, him grinding into you harder and moaning louder, has you teetering towards the edge.
“Such a pretty cunt.” He moans, “Stuffed with my cock.” You let out a garbled moan at the words spilling from his lip.
“Seokjin, I’m going to-” You pant out and before you can finish that sentence. Jin’s palm comes down and spanks your ass, hard, so hard you can feel the sting and the moan that comes out of your mouth shakes through your entire body. Seokjin pulls out of you and a cry is wrenched out of your mouth.
“Not yet,” He warns, his voice stern, and then he softens his words. “Good girl,” Jin murmurs, “Are you on your stomach ready to cum for me when I say so?”
The sound, the praise dripping off of his voice has your insides coiling up tightly and you feel your body start to tense.
“Y-Y-yes, I’m so close,” You begin to whimper, you are clenching your entire body, your teeth gritted as you you’re your vision speckle. Seokjin reads you and takes over, placing his palm flat against your lower back and riding back into you with his cock.
The feeling of having him back inside of you has your eyes rolling into your head with pleasure. “Look at you, taking my whole cock,” He moans, “Such a good fucking slut for me…”
You whimper.
“You’re going to cum so hard around my dick, aren’t you?”
He puts the phone down on the bed and grips your hips hard with his hands.
“On your knees.” He murmurs, and he helps lift you so that your ass is propped in the air you are all but leaned on your forearms, your entire body trembling. You are so close, so damn close. He begins to thrust deep inside of you, and with each thrust he rolls his hips upwards.
“I couldn’t get this out of my head all week,” Seokjin moans, “The thought of you bent over for me, begging for me… it gets my cock so damn fucking hard…”
You let out a whine, as Seokjin gives you one particularly hard thrust. “Cum for me baby,” he moans, and you let out a moan as he thrusts into you hard again.
“Oh God,” You gasp out, and your entire body spasms.
Pleasure ripples over your body, as well as an intense, overwhelming relief, and it felt like all the tension that had been building up inside of you has finally plateaued.
You feel choked, your entire body slumps, the world around you shattering. A warm tingling is wrapped over your muscles, and you let out a tiny gulp for air as Seokjin slows, rocking in and out of you carefully.
All you can let out is a choked, blissed out mumble.
Seokjin continues to rock in and out of you slowly, and you wince and moan in pleasure at the feeling of him sliding in and out of you. Your high is still dancing over your skin, and you’re still moaning, little pleasured sighs and murmurs.
“Hey gorgeous,” Seokjin says. “I want to cum all over that pretty back of yours…” His voice trails off, waiting for your approval, and you nod.
“Yes,” You pant out breathlessly, feeling weightless at the mere thought of it.
You are still incoherent, your thoughts muted and blurred around the edges from the intensity of your orgasm, but the thought of Jin, his cum all over your back, has unbearably hot yet again.
“You want it?” Jin moans, and you nod, twice, three times, before letting out a breathless, “Yes.”
Seokjin slides off his condom and tosses it on your bedside table before his hands wrap around his length and he starts to get himself off.
You let out a soft moan, your fingers clenching and relaxing around your sheets as you hear Jin’s soft pants and moans, the sounds of him running a hand over his own cock.
“Come all over my back,” You sigh urgently, “I want you all over me.” You tilt your head back just in time to see Jin’s eyebrows furrow in an almost pained, lustful expression as he lets out a groan.
“You want me to cum all over that pretty back, don’t you baby?” Seokjin asks, his voice is shaky with want and you let out a whimper of agreement, you’re turned on again and yet you can barely move, your body exhausted and fucked and used.
Then you hear it, the sound of Seokjin cumming.
It’s loud and intense and drawn out and you turn your head greedily to see the expression on his face. His throat, his Adam’s apple, the dips of his shoulders and clavicles as he tenses, and the expression on his face.
His body falters forward, and you let out a soft hum at the feeling of his cum on your skin.
You feel Seokjin’s palm on your back, spreading himself over you, and then you hear his voice. “Turn around for me.”
You do, and you see he has a finger outstretched to you and you greedily suck his fingers clean, tasting his salty cum off of his fingers.
Seokjin’s eyes darken and he swallows hard as he stares, his eyes wide. He’s still holding the camera, and he murmurs, “Fuck,” and you look up at him from under your lashes, holding his gaze.
A ripple of heat rushes through your body at seeing him, his lips swollen and his eyes widened with desire even now.
“That was…” You choke out, “Yep,” Seokjin finishes dazedly.
He leans over and grabs a few tissues from the tissue box sitting by your bed, his muscles trembling as he carefully cleans you up. When he’s done, he flops beside you, letting out a long sigh as he cranes his face to look in your direction.
He’s smiling at you, his eyes relaxed and a blissful smile mirroring yours is painted on his face.
You hold his gaze for a moment before you turn your head, staring up at your ceiling. Your bed is so comfortable, and your body is relaxed, heavy.
You can hear Seokjin’s breaths slowing, the two of you lying side by side in companionable silence, and you feel your eyelids droop closed as sleep takes over.
You wake up slowly, your limbs are heavy and comfortable and it takes a moment for you to place the feeling pulsing through your body as contentment.
You stir, opening one eye to see your bedroom lapsed in darkness. Blearily, you sit up, letting out a soft groan.
You glance to your right side, seeing Seokjin still fast asleep. He is lying flat on his back, snoring softly, and it’s such a contrast from the usually impeccably put together Seokjin that you chuckle under your breath. He looks soft like this, you muse, his face puffy, soft snores rumbling from his chest.
You let out a long, drowsy sigh as you stretch your arms out above your head. Your body feels incredible- warm and elastic, and above all, unbelievably sated. You bask in the feeling before your eyes fall on the clock you keep on your bedside table.
It’s 11PM. How did five hours pass? Your stomach grumbles as if alerting you to its current status, and that status is that you’re starving. You grab for your phone, it’s low on battery, and you flick through your phone to find your local pizza place’s number.
“Hello, Bangtan Pizzeria, can I take your order?”
“Hi, I’ll just get a pepperoni pizza,” You start, and you hesitate before you finish that sentence with your usual small pizza. You frown down at Seokjin’s sleeping figure. Like this, he looks less like the princely, ridiculously good looking player that you know him as. His mouth is now wide open and he is snoring louder, his eyelids fluttering rapidly like something out of the Exorcist.
“…What size?” The voice on the other end enquires brightly.
You finish placing your order, happy to hear that it won’t take long as it’s the shop’s last order for the night. As you hang up, you lean over and poke Seokjin’s bare abdomen, hard.
He doesn’t move. He barely registers you at all, instead he just snores louder. Frowning, you poke his cheek, and once again, he just mumbles drowsily and turns his head.
You flick his forehead, hard, and he lets out a loud noise of complaint, his eyes fluttering open in irritation.
“What d’you want?” He snaps childishly, grabbing the blankets and pulling them over his head. “I need my beauty sleep, woman.”
You roll your eyes and yank the blanket off of him, ignoring his loud, braying complaints.
“It’s 11PM,” You tell him matter-of-factly, “I have to be up early for work early tomorrow which means that you need to go.”
Seokjin just sniffs. “You can’t make me do any-”
You flick his forehead again and Seokjin yelps out in protest and sits up, glaring at you.
“Fine. I’m getting up. Just so you know, you’re a Dildo Baggins.“
“Excuse me? What the fuck did you just call me?”
Jin sniffs. “Dildo Baggins. We all know you were one before I came along.”
You glower at him. The fucking audacity! Yes, you have a very loving relationship with your vibrator, but that’s beyond the point. Jin yawns loudly and you furrow your brow, trying to think of a nickname equal levels of mild offence.
“Fine. Then you’re a… rumpleforeskin.”
Jin just shrugs, unbothered. “We both know that isn’t true.”
You scowl in response, feeling a prickle of irritation at just how unbothered Seokjin is, and how easily he manages to rile you up.
“I hate you.” You state venomously, and Seokjin just smiles at you, a saccharine sweet smile that you know all too well by now.
“I love it when you talk dirty to me.”
You seethe. You internally decide that fuck Kim Seokjin, the large pizza is all yours. Every single slice. You will be damned if he gets even one bite out of that delicious crusty pizza from Bangtans Pizzeria, also known as the best pizzeria in the whole damn city. Over your dead body.
The doorbell rings.
“Who’s that?” Seokjin questions, and you lift your chin defiantly.
“Pizza guy.”
Seokjin’s eyes widen. “You ordered pizza?”
You nod. “None for you,” You say in a snippy, petty voice. You whip your body away from him as you throw on a pair of trackies and a hoodie. Seokjin trails you around the room as you get dressed, still completely naked, his voice lowering into a whine.
“Can’t you spare a hungry man a slice or two? Or four? Or six-” He cuts off when you turn and shoot him a murderous stare, “On second thoughts, one’s fine.”
“No, you aren’t getting any,” You glare at him as you leave your bedroom and walk to the front door.
You tip the delivery guy, a friendly guy with bright red hair and a name tag that reads ‘Hobi!’ with a smiley face sticker beside it. As you make your way back to the kitchen, holding the huge, warm box of pizza, you cease to a halt.
Seokjin is standing in your kitchen, his shirt creased but otherwise fully dressed. His hands are on his hips, and he is staring down at Kale with an unimpressed look on his face. Meanwhile, Kale is meowing in content, rubbing her head against Seokjin’s legs.
“Adam is better than you,” Seokjin tells your cat haughtily, and you watch as his face softens just a fraction and he bends down, scratching Kale under the chin. “But you’re alright.”
You clear your throat and Seokjin stands up, folding his arms. He doesn’t say anything, he just gives you a betrayed stare as you open the pizza box. The warm, comforting scent of pepperoni pizza wafts through the air. You giggle to yourself, because the expression on Jin’s face is priceless -he looks like a wounded puppy- and you relent.
“Fine. You can have some if you want.”
It doesn’t take much encouraging, Seokjin immediately sits beside you at your kitchen counter, and you watch as he lifts a slice up and devours half of it in one huge bite.
It’s a sight to behold- his cheeks stuffed like a chipmunk’s, grease on his cupid’s bow. You wrinkle your noise at how he eats- messily and loudly, making borderline pornographic noises with each chew of his food.
For God’s sake, he’s moaning and he says something that sounds like “Cheese is soeijeooooo goooood, fuck.”
“Gross,” You tell him, “Do you have to make eating pizza so sexual?”
Seokjin just winks at you. “I make everything sexual, baby.”
You roll your eyes and throw a piece of crust at him, Seokjin dodges expertly and it lands on the floor. Kale bounds over and nibbles at it, you just heave out a sigh.
“You’re so annoying.”
Seokjin just smiles sincerely at you, clapping a hand to his heart. “Thank you.” You roll your eyes and resume eating your pizza. The two of you eat in companionable silence for a moment before you glance up.
“So,” You ask, eyeing him uncertainly. “What is it that you do again?”
Seokjin just glances up at you, an amused look on his face.
“This is what, the second time you’ve asked me that?”
You shrug.
“Just curious.”
Seokjin just stares at you and picks up another slice of pizza.
“…I work in a restaurant.” He says finally, and you raise an eyebrow at him.
“What, like a waiter?”
Seokjin smiles wryly as if there’s something funny in what you’ve said, and he shrugs. “Something like that.”
“Ah.” You nod, leaning back and gazing at him.
“It’s not,” He swallows around a mouthful of pizza, “My only job though.”
“Mm. I have two jobs, I guess.”
Your eyes widen, surprised by this. Guiltily, you admit to yourself that you thought Seokjin was a total slacker.
“You’re surprised,” He notes, pointing a crust at you before popping it into his mouth. “That such a pretty face could also work two jobs. I know. I’m the complete package. I also have the complete-”
“You have the complete package, yeah, yeah.” You finish Jin’s sentence absently and roll your eyes when Jin grins at you, shaking his half eaten crust in the air like an old man with a cane.
“You are learning my ways, young grasshopper.”
“Never call me that again.”
“Whatever you say, young grasshopper.”
You ignore him pointedly.
“Why do you have two jobs? Personal… reasons?” You ask delicately, cocking your head to one side. You’re watching him carefully, enough to pick up on the split second of hesitation that darts across Jin’s face.
“You could say that.” His answer is vague, and injected with a casual air that sounds practiced to you. You don’t press it, it isn’t your place, but still, your mind hums into overdrive wondering what exactly lies underneath the surface with this man.
No, you chide yourself, it doesn’t matter what’s underneath the surface with him, he’s nothing to you.
You repeat that again five times in your head as if that will cement it further. He’s nothing, just a good fuck.
“What about you?” He asks, changing the topic smoothly. His eyes are intent on yours and he picks up yet another pizza slice. “Fancy lawyer hotshot.”
His eyes are teasing and he takes a big bite of the pizza.
“Let me guess, all the people you work with act like they have rods permanently stuck up their asses?”
You hesitate, before you straighten your shoulders diplomatically. “They’re my co-workers, I don’t view them that way-”
“So in other words yes.”
Seokjin is smirking at you, he’s still holding the pizza slice halfway to his lips. His lips are glossy with pizza grease and the sight is so ridiculous that it chips at your walls just a fraction.
“Yeah, I’m convinced they have rods permanently stuck up their asses.” You can’t help the tiny laugh that escapes your lips at that – it feels somewhat liberating to say that out loud to someone who isn’t Irene. Seokjin nods.
“Not that there’s necessarily wrong with having certain… things being up asses,” He leans forward and smiles angelically at you. “We can test that out sometime if you want.”
You choke on your pizza because going from the mental image of your coworkers and work to Seokjin and things going up your ass is a jump that you weren’t quite prepared for. Seokjin grins, leaning back flippantly and taking a big bite of his pizza.
“Just saying.”
You don’t respond, shooting him a dirty look. Seokjin just grins back. You sit together quiet for a moment, the two of you chewing on pizza, when Seokjin clears his throat.
“It’s good you have your life sorted, you’ve got your career and all that.” He says finally. “I’d kill for that.”
You glance up, surprised. He’s still speaking in an effortless voice, that unfazed signature Seokjin tone of voice you’ve gotten so used to in such a short space of time.
“Hm,” You murmur instead, because you don’t know what else to say.
He hums, almost as an afterthought, before he shrugs.
“I don’t know. Guess it just feels like I have no fuckin’ idea what I’m doing sometimes.”
You stare at him with wide eyes and he clears his throat, tossing the crust down into the box. “Ah, it’s stupid, never mind. Look at me, I’m turning into a Korean drama cliché! Although… I could be in a Korean drama with this face.” He props his fingers up to his chin and clicks his tongue in approval, and just like that, he’s back. The Seokjin you know, annoying and crass and blatant. But still, you keep your eyes on him.
“It’s not stupid,” You say quietly, “ I feel like that all the time.”
You meet his gaze and something hangs in between the two of you. For the first time, you notice that he has three freckles on his cheekbone, right below his eye, like a tiny constellation. His eyes are surprised, and for the first time they’re not overly confident, or annoying, they’re just… thoughtful. You stare at him.
Something quiet charges in the air between the two of you, it’s subtle, a whisper of something, yet you feel all your thoughts fade into silence.
Everything dulls except the slow thump of your heart and a dizzy ringing in your ears.
And then, like a rubber band snapping, Seokjin pushes back on the chair. The loud metallic scraping fills the room and breaks your reverie.
“I should get going,” He says, and his voice is like velvet again. Assured, confident. Still, he doesn’t meet your gaze as he straightens.
“Thanks babe, that was fun.”
He glances up and his stare is light, and it’s familiar, and you narrow your eyes at him.
“Don’t call me babe, ugh.”
He just smiles broadly and ignores you, as per usual.
“I’ll see you around?” It’s a question that doesn’t warrant an answer, and you know he isn’t expecting one. But still, you nod. He nods back, and then he hesitates. You can see him hovering, and for the first time you realize he’s uncertain of what to say or do.
Kale meows loudly and Seokjin glances down at your cat and immediately blows a kiss to Kale, who rolls on her back with her paws up in the air and meows again.
You blink. “Did you just blow a kiss to my cat?”
Seokjin turns to you.
“What, you want one too? Are you jealous of your cat? That’s pretty sad.”
“W-what, no,” You splutter, but Seokjin dramatically kisses his fingertips and flings out an overexaggerated hand kiss to you.
“Bye,” He grins, and then he turns on his heel and leaves, Kale running after him down the hall. You can’t help the laugh that is twisting up at your lips, because what just happened was so ridiculous, that it pulls at whatever tension you had been feeling before, and smooths it over.
You hear the click of your front door, and it isn’t until he’s well and truly gone that you allow yourself to quietly admit that maybe Kim Seokjin isn’t as terrible as you had initially thought.
Three nights later, on the night of the Avidite gala, you are antsy.
You pace back and forth in your bedroom, feeling a bundle of nerves for more reasons than you’d care to admit. You shake your head and smooth down the slight creases in your black dress.
You are dressed nicely, clad in black, figure hugging dress which is more cocktail-wear than evening wear, and black heels that are uncomfortable but are necessary for a formal event like this one. You are dressed for the occasion, and you tell yourself to just go through with the motions, make good impressions, and that it’ll be over before you know it.
You pull open your phone, flicking open the Uber app.
3.6 surcharge? I don’t think so. You scoff and click the button for the App to alert you when the surge goes down, and you frown to yourself.
You look at your folded hands and let your mind trail over to the one topic it’s been trying so hard to suppress.
Kim Seokjin.
He creeps in your thoughts and you feel a flash of heat deep in your belly. You bite your lip, playing back images of him, stolen memories of the sound of his voice groaning out your name, the dirty slaps of his skin against yours.
The memories alone fill you up with a dark heat, one that licks at the raw edges in your stomach and makes you ache.
And then, your fingers are unlocking your phone before you can stop them.
You pull up the video hidden in your camera roll and swallow. You start playing it in the middle, because it’s a long video and to be frank you just don’t have time right now.
You press play when Seokjin’s face comes into the frame.He has the camera in selfie mode, and as to be expected from him, he’s practically preening for the camera. His lips are full and parted, and you watch as , he smirks, right into the lens.
Your breathing quickens slightly as the camera angle changes.
You watch as he films himself, his fingers wrapping around his length and starting to work his shaft in long, slow strokes. You can hear yourself in the video, your voice letting out soft, blissed out moans as you encourage him to cum all over your back.
Dirty, fervent words that are spilling out of your mouth, words that sound foreign and familiar all at once.
The thought that that’s you lying there on your stomach saying those things has your breath hitching in your throat. Your hand sneaks between your legs, your fingers reaching into your underwear. You are already wet, sensitive to touch, and your fingers begin to work rapid circles around your clit as you watch Seokjin’s hand work up and down his cock.
Your fingers work harder strokes against your wetness, and you can feel your body start to tense. Fuck. You scrabble around in your bedroom drawer for your vibrator, your eyes locked on the screen.
Seokjin is moaning now, his voice throaty and deep, and just as you flick on your vibrator, the quiet buzz filling the air, Seokjin speaks.
“You want me to cum all over that pretty back, don’t you baby?”
You hear your accompanying yes, the whine that comes out of your lips is choked and desperate. The memories are hazy, but watching this back now, you can see with a new clarity just how how fucking messy you were. Fucking messy and desperate for him.
You let out a soft hiss as you bring your vibrator to your clit, the sensation is intense and a relief, all at once. Your muscles are beginning to tremble, your jaw tensed as you keep your eyes intent on the screen. Your breath is starting to come out in shallow gulps of air, as waves of muted pleasure start to ebb from your core to your toes.
Seokjin is staring right at the camera, a smirk on his face as if to say, ‘see how badly you want it?’ He switches the camera again and you can see his hands around his cock, and then he cums all over your back.
You watch it, you see the ropes of cum that come out of Seokjin’s dick, see his hand work hard and fast, the camera trembling as he moans loudly. You can see your lower back wriggle at the feeling of his cum hitting your skin, and you watch as Seokjin leans down and spreads his seed over your lower back.
Your thighs tense and you let out a choked mutter as you run your vibrator harder against yourself, watching as Seokjin scoops up his seed with his finger and slots it into your mouth.
You are thoroughly fucked out on screen, your hair messy, and you watch as you almost gratefully suck the cum dry from his fingers, Seokjin’s moan of ‘good girl’ as you do so.
Your lower back and ass is still in sight, lashes of his cum all over it, and the sight is so obscene, so dirty, that you feel your breath catch in your throat as you orgasm.
Your orgasm is quick, rapid, a stuttering relief that jolts through your body. You sit there, leaning back on your palms and breathing in for a moment, before you switch off your vibrator, relieved at the loss of tension throughout your body.
The antsiness is completely gone.
You lie there for a few seconds, breathing in deeply before you sit up, grabbing your phone. It’s back to the start of the video, paused on the initial frame, and you pause.
Seokjin’s face fills the screen, his eyes, his lips, and the sight causes a tingle to work it’s way up your spine.
Your pink vibrator lies on the bed and even though it fulfilled it’s purpose, you still feel a deep itch in your core and an even darker, more intense longing. You want to fuck Seokjin again. Even now, with your pussy nice and sensitive after your orgasm, you want him.
You hesitate. You want to text him, send him an eggplant emoji, but you’re overthinking and holding back and you don’t even know why. You haven’t spoken to Seokjin since that night earlier this week. He had sent you a very brief “Thanks for the pizza, let’s [eggplant emoji] soon.” And you had responded with a “k” and that was the it in terms of conversation between the two of you.
You stare at his face on your phone for a beat longer before you sigh, standing up and adjusting your underwear. You glance at the time, you’re running late to this event after stopping to get yourself off to Seokjin’s little show.
This is the point of a fuck buddy without the buddy, you tell yourself. Getting off. No overthinking. That’s it.
You think about Seokjin’s untold list of things he wants to do to you, the images that are playing on a loop through your brain after watching that video back.
Another shiver runs up your spine. Make the most of this, you think decisively as you call for an Uber. I’ll text him the damn eggplant after the gala.
The gala is mind numbingly boring. It is an exquisite event, and you have never felt more like a fish out of water.
The ballroom’s chandeliers cast fragments of light around the room, while waiters dressed in crispshirts flit about with trays of flimsy hor d’oeuvres. Guests, predominately men, swan around the room.
The polite chatter of small talk fills the air, mingling with the sounds of fake laughter and champagne flutes tapping together in thin celebrations.
You are uncomfortable, each word that comes out of your mouth feels stilted. You are reciting lines from a script that you didn’t write, but you tell yourself that this is part of your job as a corporate lawyer. You have to be good at adapting to this world, able to engage in chitchat and to schmooze with sleazy mean who don’t bother to hide their ogling stares.
You hate this, pretending that you are interested, tipping your head back and laughing at terrible jokes. Most of all however, you hate pretending like everybody in the room doesn’t have an agenda at heart.
You gaze around, your eyes falling on various businessmen, corporate players and big fish, and you think to yourself that everybody is here to benefit themselves.
This is what I have worked so hard for, you quietly chide yourself. This, the opportunity to be part of the best corporate law firm in the city. The chance to be here, forming relationships with potential clients and making connections.
The words you are chanting to yourself are the same ones you have said for years, but tonight they feel like a lie.
You push that inkling of a thought away, refusing to grasp that thread and pull- to see what else would come unraveling out of your mind. This isn’t the time or the place.
Instead, you focus your attention on the men you are standing in a circle with. They are some of the senior accountants and finance managers of Avidite, and you tell yourself to focus. To stop zoning out.
They are discussing the company –what else?- and you paste a polite smile on your face as another man joins the fringe of your circle, right by your side. Your eyes lift to meet his politely and you freeze in place, immediately recognizing those dark eyes, those pillowy lips.
Kim Seokjin.
Your jaw drops a fraction before you close it hastily, attempting to regain a modicum of dignity. You cannot, however, hide the flush of scarlet that creeps over your face. Seokjin is dressed in a suit – a far cry from how he had looked just a few days ago at your place, those lips parter and eyes glazed over, cumming all over your bare back.
He is surprised to see you too – you spot it instantly, the flash of utter shock that seizes his features. He covers up just as quickly as you did, and his lips quirk.
“What are you doing here?” You hiss under your breath.
“I could ask you the same question,” He mutters back. “Are you stalking me? Because that definitely wasn’t part of our agreement.”
Your jaw drops in disbelief.
“I’m not stalking you-”
“I should’ve known.” Seokjin lets out a heavy sigh, as if the weight of the world is on his shoulders. He turns to you and pats your shoulder comfortingly.
“If it’s any consolation, know that you’re not the first woman to have stalked me. I’m very stalkable.”
“Stalkable isn’t even a word.”
Seokjin looks at you, his eyes wide and concerned, the corners of his lips twitching as he tries to keep a faux-solemn expression on his face.
“Ah. I see. I suppose you would know.”
You narrow your eyes, opening your mouth to retort something along the lines of ‘You fucking wish I was stalking you, you cocky bastard’, when a voice cuts in instead.
You recognize that rumbling, commanding tone, and you turn to see Mr. William Hong. The older man is dressed in a suit, a flute of champagne in one hand and a hard, appraising expression painting his aging features.
He isn’t looking at you however. His eyes are locked firmly on Seokjin.
“Hello, Mr. Hong,” You greet, but the older man still doesn’t turn to you. He is staring straight at Seokjin, who returns his gaze, his lips set in mulish defiance.
“I see you’ve met my son.” The CEO states calmly, finally turning to face you.
You frown in confusion, glancing from him to Seokjin.
“This… is your son?” You turn to your boss to confirm and he nods. You glance at Jin, whose usual cocky expression slips under his father’s steely gaze.
“Yes, it is. This Seokjin. My son…” He begins, as you gaze at Jin. For once, he isn’t staring at you with that same smirk. Instead, he is staring at the ground, an unreadable expression on his face.
“…and the one who will be stepping up as CEO in my place.”
a/n: can I get a ye boi for kale up in here though (also side note: of course this fic was going to have drama. but not too much drama. a nice healthy serve of drama but nothing crazy i promise.)
#seokjin smut#seokjin fanfic#kwriterskollection#bts smut#bts fanfic#seokjin x reader#seokjin scenarios#bts scenarios#jin smut#jin fanfic#dom!jin#dom!bts
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Size difference is strong with this one...
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Deep Roots - Avidit Acharya, Matthew Blackwell & Maya Sen
Deep Roots How Slavery Still Shapes Southern Politics Avidit Acharya, Matthew Blackwell & Maya Sen Genre: Political Science Price: $20.99 Publish Date: May 22, 2018 Publisher: Princeton University Press Seller: Princeton University Press The lasting effects of slavery on contemporary political attitudes in the American South Despite dramatic social transformations in the United States during the last 150 years, the South has remained staunchly conservative. Southerners are more likely to support Republican candidates, gun rights, and the death penalty, and southern whites harbor higher levels of racial resentment than whites in other parts of the country. Why haven't these sentiments evolved or changed? Deep Roots shows that the entrenched political and racial views of contemporary white southerners are a direct consequence of the region's slaveholding history, which continues to shape economic, political, and social spheres. Today, southern whites who live in areas once reliant on slavery—compared to areas that were not—are more racially hostile and less amenable to policies that could promote black progress. Highlighting the connection between historical institutions and contemporary political attitudes, the authors explore the period following the Civil War when elite whites in former bastions of slavery had political and economic incentives to encourage the development of anti-black laws and practices. Deep Roots shows that these forces created a local political culture steeped in racial prejudice, and that these viewpoints have been passed down over generations, from parents to children and via communities, through a process called behavioral path dependence. While legislation such as the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act made huge strides in increasing economic opportunity and reducing educational disparities, southern slavery has had a profound, lasting, and self-reinforcing influence on regional and national politics that can still be felt today. A groundbreaking look at the ways institutions of the past continue to sway attitudes of the present, Deep Roots demonstrates how social beliefs persist long after the formal policies that created those beliefs have been eradicated. http://dlvr.it/R1Kgbg
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