#avett baby
Seth Avett: Hard Drive (Evan Dando)
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thestorycomesalive · 1 month
I Wish I Was
Din x Reader
Based on the song by the Avett Brothers
SUMMARY: While living on the Razor Crest with Din, he finds even your most simple acts to be the complete perfect declarations of his love for you.
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Din was always pretty quiet. Before you and Grogu came along, there was never any need for him to voice his thoughts or actions. He would simply just do. Do whatever he thought he needed to, letting the silence seep into every crevice of the Razor Crest, until the inside of the ship itself became naturally soundless. The only sounds echoing off Din’s helmet came from outside the ship. The engine and the hum of hyperspace.
That was until you came along. If Din gathered anything, it was that you were much more willing to talk and fill his noiseless space with sounds of your own. The idea once annoyed him. But now, rather, he finds himself searching out for the small sounds you made. Whether from your own voice, the blabbers of the child, or the signals of either of your simple, daily actions. The sounds became a comfort. Where he once craved being alone, in his silence, he now craved the reminder that he wasn’t. He craved the everyday knowledge that the sounds that came from you or Grogu gave him. They were the sounds that reminded him that you were near. Although, he would never admit this to himself… and especially never to you. He told himself he sought out these sounds simply to ensure neither you nor the child were getting into trouble. But every great once in a while, he found his mind trailing down a path he often labored so hard to keep it from.
He wasn’t sure precisely when it started. But he became familiar with the tug he felt when his heart pulled his ears and his mind towards the sound of your existence. The very first time he noticed it, was a night that Din sat, resting in his pilot’s chair of the Crest, staring out at the quickly fading streams of light that were tied to hyperspace. The lights had blown on the Crest, earlier that day, leaving the ship pretty dark and hallow. Din had mumbled out, alerting you that he would find the right repairs on Nevarro when you landed. For now, you and Grogu had spent most of the day searching the ship for any source of light. You kept Grogu latched to your hip, so not to lose the small green baby. He had a streak of curiosity, and you knew the moment you let him out of your sight, it would be a riot finding him once more. So there he sat, attached to your hip, as you distracted him, turning your search into a small scavenger hunt for the doe-eyed baby. Din had heard the muffled sounds of you opening doors and cabinets from the cockpit all day. He had sworn to himself that your mission was going to be fruitless, considering he had never found any reason for flashlights or candles since his helmet provided all of the visibility he needed. That was until he heard the shuffling stop and the creak of the ladder to the cockpit start.
He didn’t turn to look at you when your footsteps stopped next to his chair. Instead, he knew that if you had something you needed from him, you would undoubtedly voice your concerns aloud. But you stepped in front of the line of view, next to his chair, the child on your hip, and a small lantern with a tiny flame in it, held in your other hand. This did catch his attention. He was surprised that your search had been successful, but he was even more surprised that he did not recognize the small lantern or the candle within it at all. He figured he must’ve plucked it off of a random bounty years ago, when disarming them before flushing them through the cryofreezer. He watched as you gently placed the lantern next to him on the dashboard, ensuring the lid was on safely, once more. He bit back a small smile under his helmet, recognizing your anxious tendencies as you ensured the flame would stay within the small lantern under any circumstances. Once it was settled in front of him, you took the child and moved to your passenger’s chair, placing Grogu happily on your lap, as your arms wrapped around him. Once you were seated, you simply turned your chair towards Din’s as you routinely did, with a soft smile gracing your face as you studied his T-shaped visor. He watched the flame dancing being the tiny glass shields with curiosity, his attention breaking from it when you started.
“I know you have your helmet, but I thought we could share it anyway…”
He turned to look at you, taking in the sight of you and the baby bouncing on your lap. Your gaze held his, the soft smile lingering. Once you felt his eyes on you, you felt all confidence drain from your body, your eyes faltering to the side, studying the carved, plated glass that held the small flame. He tilted his head slightly. You hadn’t always done that. In fact, you had been so bold, so outgoing when he met you. It wasn’t until recently that your gaze would falter after meeting his. And it was more often than not. He began to wonder if he made you uncomfortable. He knew you weren’t scared of him, although he thought you likely should be. Or perhaps you truly just were so entranced by the beauty of the small trinket, that your gaze had been true and purposeful, though, deep down, he knew you better than that. So his eyes lingered as he contemplated where your possible sudden timidness had originated from. After a second, his eyes shifted back to the candle. And as you three sat in the warm glow, he too let his eyes study the small trinket. Not the glass, nor the candle. But rather, the flame itself.
He let his thoughts take over once more, as the sounds of the crackling whisp filled the air. With you so close to him, under the warm, romantic glow of a single, small fire, he couldn’t help but feel his brain take him away to that place that he so desperately kept himself from. He couldn’t help but find beauty in the small fire… but what truly tore him apart, was that the small fire made him think of you. You were much the same. A small flame, contained like this, lights up his ship, warms the pit just enough to keep them happy. But if he truly let go, let it in, and rid himself of the glass. He was sure he would burn. Consumed in the flames of you, setting him alight, burning his every being. But once he let it burn, should the flame ever go out, he was sure he would never be able to live without it again. Cold, dark, alone once more, the remnants of everything he once had, lost to the fire, obliterated… So, he would have to keep it small, confined in its beautiful cage. He would have to ensure he had just enough of the light and the warmth to not be alone, but not so much that he risks it all.
But then his thoughts shifted. Did you look at the flame and think of him too? He thought he’d prefer it if he were the flame instead. You would light him, give him your attention, as you did every day you were with him. And then one day, you would leave him, put him out, when you were done. He figured it would save him the pain. It would protect his glass walls so that he would never burn. You would give him a glimpse of a life with you, just enough to enjoy it, and allow him to return to his confinement and solitude. He figured that would be the best case for both of you. He let his mind trail to all of the times that he felt your eyes falter under his in the past weeks. He wondered if you thought this might be the best too. If one day, he might get his wish, and his candle would return the hollow of whatever cupboard you found it in, never to be plucked out again.
He pulled himself out of his trance and stole a glance at you from the corner of his visor. You were in a trance of your own, studying the flame in your own way. Your eyes concentrated, and a small, gentle, beautiful smile silked to your face. Tiny snores sounded out from where Grogu slept on your now steady lap. He turned back around, trying to push away his own smile he felt creeping up his face, like an unwanted visitor.
The next time he recalled his thoughts taking a path towards the heart of you, he had been on a bounty for a few weeks, and he had wanted nothing more than to find his way back to the Crest and Grogu… and begrudgingly, most of all, you. But he reminded himself he just longed for the sounds echoing through the ship instead of your actual presence. The thought itself made his betrayed heart push against his chest plate with a vengeance.
He walked up the ramp of the ship, quickly tucking the bounty away in cryofreeze as he always did, away from where you would be, ensuring the safety of you and the child. His heavy, tired footsteps trudged up the small, indoor ramp to the tiny living space where his pace stalled. His breathing hitched once he heard it. It was a sweet song, echoing off the walls of the ship, a pure, melodic voice, tracing over every inch of the room. He’d know that voice anywhere. And for a moment, he thought he might head straight to the cockpit, avoiding you and your siren song all together. He wasn’t sure his walls could withstand the sweetness of your singing. But as if a hypnotized sailor, his footsteps carried him through the doorway, his mind racing with what visual he might find.
And the reality was nothing short of his fantasy. There you were, standing in a beautiful sundress, Grogu on your hip. You were swaying your body as your hair nestled around Grogu’s face, that held a toothy smile. The song came soft and sweetly from your honeyed lips, as you nestled the side of your face into the top Grogu’s head lovingly. The sight nearly brought Din to his knees. He stood there and let the syrupy sound taint his ears and fog his brain, his mind going to the place he dared not go. That sweet song. How he longed to be the words and the notes flowing from your lips. He felt a pang of envy. They were awarded the taste of you… the feel of your lips upon them, and that was something he would never have. If given the chance, he would gladly trade his life for the life of your song. He would trade his long, lonely, broken life, for the short life upon your lips, ending whenever you’d choose, at your mercy of quieting down. It was the sudden silence that pulled him from his mind, clearing his throat slightly, pulling himself back down to reality.
You stood in front of him with wide eyes, Grogu still on your hip, your movements frozen, as you breathed for a beat and that familiar gentle smile lifted those same lips he had longed to inhabit. He could hear the sound of your small exhale, your face flushing pink at having been caught.
“You’re back,” you murmured through your smile.
He just nodded his head, swallowing thickly, trying to remind himself that he cannot afford to let his mind linger on you the way it so terribly wants to.
“Yeah,” was all he was able to mutter out.
He couldn’t stop the warmth he felt when he saw your smile grow bigger.
Din was scheduled to abandon the hearth of his home for a bounty on the cold, torturous climate of Carlac. He worried about leaving you and The Child, frightened that his absence would leave you vulnerable and weak to the frigid air around you. He knew, sensibly, the ship was heated, and you would be safe, but he could not stop his wandering mind from fearing all of the fatal possibilities. What if the ship’s heat broke while he was gone? What would he come back to? His two great loves frozen in peril, his own heart freezing once again with their deprivation. No. He wouldn’t let that happen. When you next saw him, he was digging frantically through his collection of unwanted things for anything that could keep you warm, should any impending dangerous circumstances occur in his leave. He plucked a large sweater that looked like it once belonged to a creature the size of a Bantha, and a woolen blanket, just as big. You stood, giggling at him. And that’s when his ears were hit with your sweet melodic sound.
“We’ll be fine, Din.”
He practically grunted. You were too naive. How could you be so sure? No. He wouldn’t take any chance. He couldn’t afford any chances.
“You don’t know that. Carlac is a dangerous place… Here, take these. I want you to wear it. No questions asked. The blanket is for the baby.”
He handed you the large sweater and blanket, your warm fingers brushing his gloved ones, the contrast making him shiver. Your sweet gentle hands that tended to The Child, daily. They ensured life and prosperity. His gloved hands prepped to deliver death and violence, ready to end the same things you nurtured. He watched as you took the objects, knowing better than to argue with him, sensing it would be futile. You lifted the sweater over your head, without even placing The Child down. Simply shifting Grogu in your arms, Din watched the sweater linger over your fingertips, falling tranquilly over your knees. The whole sight was much too domestic for his heart, watching as you wrapped the baby in his own blanket. Din scanned the sweater with a hum of approval. It would be suitable enough to sustain your warmth. To protect his heart’s very owner. And once again, he found himself longing to take the place of the sweater. Wishing to stay on the ship with you, to hold you, to be the one to provide you warmth and shelter, protection. He wanted to swaddle you in love and fortification forever. And although he knew, in reality, he must abandon the ship and leave you to the confines of your knitted pattern, he found himself internally promising to be your sweater, the moment your little clan left Carlac. He would surround you, guard you, always.
He was pulled out of his thoughts by a pink tinge on your cheeks. Why were you blushing? Had he been staring? He was thanking his Maker that his helmet was forever glued to his face so you would have no way to guarantee. Perhaps the sweater was uncomfortable.
“Are you alright?” he worried.
You took a breath, murmuring, “Yeah, sorry. It’s perfect, thank you.”
He just nodded, hesitating. He turned to trudge, leaving awkwardly, bluntly, his thoughts filled with images of you.
Maker, he was in deep.
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angelthefirst1 · 7 months
You're a dinosaur 🦕 baby in the museum of my broken hearted 💔 past.
I haven't done much in the way of deciphering Emily's social media posts lately, but this one's GIANT, so hold onto your hats (Puns intended)
Just as the show has been leaving us hints about Beth's return, so has Emily in her projects, music, and social media posts.
I've written about many of them over the years, this one is no different, and it's no coincidence...
Most of you will know about Emily's new merch beanie with the broken-hearted dinosaur 🦕
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It's inspired by her song Avett Brothers. Here is a snippet of the relevant lyrics from the song.
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The broken-hearted dinosaur 🦕 and the museum are without question links to Beth's return, so let's look at how...
In season 5, Daryl and Carol jump into a car to go find Beth.
That car eventually helps Daryl find her.
That car is also connected to the episode Consumed, in which Daryl and Carol (after being recently reunited in 501) find a clue to Beth's whereabouts and go searching for her.
And It's by that car they get the initial clue that helps them to find Beth (Daryl sees the car with the white cross)
I'm sure you all remember that Carol plays a pivotal role in getting that car to work by charging the battery.
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That car from back in season 5 has a very specific symbol on the keyring 🦕
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Without that dinosaur keyring and Carol charging the battery, Daryl would never have found Beth.
The upcoming Book of Carol seemingly has many repeating themes from around the era of Consumed.
We will see a Daryl/Carol reunion, like we saw in 501.
The two will again be separated from the rest of their family like they were in Consumed (thanks in large part to the dinosaur 🦕 and the clue they receive)
The character Isabelle (Beth proxy) will be returning in season 2.
And, we know the storyline will bring them to a museum - The Louvre.
The broken-hearted dinosaur 🦕 is symbolic of a lost ancient giant love that is long in the past, thought to be extinct.
What's kept in museums? The past... they hold pieces of history.
In this case, as Emily puts it, a dinosour, aka ancient love ❤️
Emily knows. She's always known...
The show has more recently given us links to Beth and museums as well.
We saw it hinted at in Daryl Dixon season 1, especially in the credits with the self-portrait of Marie Gabrielle-Carpet, who lived in a museum...the Louvre, with her love.
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Isabelle was a very obvious Beth proxy in DD1, and this self-portrait of Marie in the opening credits is shown along with the name of the actess who plays Isabelle. Linking the Museum to Isabelle and by proxy to Beth.
Genet in DD1 also mentions working in a museum to Codron when she realises Codron has switched sides and betrayed her by not killing Isabelle (Beth) and Laurent and stopping them from getting to the Nest (a representation of the pyramid/Louvre)
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Thorne in TOWL episode one, a repeat of Dawn and Genet in many ways, also mentions a museum to Rick.
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She tell Rick that the girl they saved, lived in a museum. The dead overran the museum, but the girl was saved by hiding in a giant grasshopper. That girl lost her family and had no one.
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The giant grasshopper symbolism is linked here to a museum - linking it to Beth (also grasshoppers are Greene).
In this story, the girl that lost her family survived inside the museum, inside the (green) grasshopper.
Just like the key ring dinosaur in season 5. The dinosaur 🦕 museum in The Book of Carol could very well lead to a clue about Beth and a long lost love ❤️.
Now, If you read my last post, i mention the many links to the biblical story of Moses that were seen in TOWL episode 2. Well the "Giant" and "Grasshopper" symbolism is another link to the story of Moses, when he is leading his people into the promised land.
The verse they are pulling from in the story Thorne tells is in Numbers 13.33
There we saw the giants and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.”
When Moses leads his people to the outskirts of the promised land, they send scouts ahead, to go into the land before entering it. The above verse is what the scouts report back.
They saw Giants in the land and they seemed liked grasshoppers because they were so small in comparison.
I've written before how the Nest (pyramid shaped) in Daryl Dixon season 1 and the Louvre are both representations of the promised land in the story of Moses.
I also wrote about a promotion for The book of Carol x that gave her the symbolism of Balaam's donkey. (another link to the promised land)
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And now we have this "Giant", "Grasshopper" and Museum symbolism linked to a museum to add to it all.
Overall, these symbols represent repeating history, and history is a dinosaur museum...Emily gave us a "key" to unlock the symbolism.
The Wolf comes home through repeating the past and a clue to her return is linked to a dinosaur 🦕 and museums and love, so the book of Carol is going to be very interesting, especially as we know that wolf 🐺 = Louvre.
Could the dinosaurs 🦕 broken heart 💔 be mended ❤️ by going back in time...to a museum of the broken-hearted past?
With (the book of) Carol holding the key? 🔑 🦕
The beginning is the end
🦕💔🦕💔♾️ 💔🦕💔🦕
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mstiemountainhop · 1 day
Thank you for the tag! @the-cinnamontography-is-amazing
shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs:
1. Foreign Land-Eskimo Joe
2. I Should've Known Better-Nickel Creek
3. The Apparition-Sleep Token
4. When I Come Around-Green Day
5. That's Not Her Style-Billy Joel
6. Ghosts of Mississippi-The Steeldrivers
7. Murder in the City-The Avett Brothers
8. Barrett's Privateers-The Real McKenzies
9. Sleeping with the Television On-Billy Joel
10. Capsize-Frenship & Emily Warren
Tags if you want to do this!
@executethyself35 @resting-distressed-face @thebreakfastgenie @bossboudicca @eightysix-baby @sleepy-hyperfixations
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emjee · 4 months
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for two brooklyn boys at home and abroad, in the past and the future
Track list under the cut.
When I'm Gone - Phil Ochs I've Got You Under My Skin - Frank Sinatra To Someone from a Warm Climate (Uiscefhuarithe) - Hozier Everybody Loves My Baby (Live) - The Hot Sardines This Night - Billy Joel NFWMB - Hozier End of the Earth - MARINA bad idea right? - Olivia Rodrigo The Run and Go - Twenty One Pilots Lay All Your Love On Me - ABBA (Mamma Mia film version) You May Be Right - Billy Joel Francesca - Hozier I and Love and You - The Avett Brothers It's been a Long, Long Time - Kitty Kallen and Harry James Still Crazy After All These Years - Ray Charles I Ain't Marching Anymore - Phil Ochs
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loritocarasucia · 5 months
Help me make a Branch Playlist
I have this playlist on my phone of songs that make me think of Branch or that I think Branch would listen to. (Most of the songs are old ones because I strongly believe that Branch is a fan of the classics.)
It's already pretty big but I want to make it even bigger. So any song that's not on this list that you think matches perfectly with Branch's personality or simply makes you think of him for some reason I want to hear it.
It doesn't matter if it's old or new, any suggestion is completely welcome!!!
🖤:Sad ones he would listen to when he was grey.
💙:Sad ones he would listen to when he was grey and thinking of Poppy
💜: Still a little bit sad but this is actually when he has his colors back (and thinking of Poppy.)
•Dream weaver - Gary Wright
•Open your heart - Europe
•Yesterday - The Beatles
•Voices that care - David Foster
•Name - Goo Goo Dolls
•More than a feeling - Boston
•Hymn for the missing - Red
•Forever Young by Rod Stewart
•I'll stand by you - the pretenders
•Time after time - Cyndi Lauper
•American pie - Don McLean
•Show me the meaning of being lonely - backstreet boys
•Sally's song
•Hopelessly devoted to you
•You've got to hide your love away - The Beatles
•Give me love - Ed Sheeran
•The ballad of love and hate - The Avett Brothers
•All through the night - Cyndi Lauper
•When I need you - Leo Sayer
•Angel baby - Troye Sivan
•The promise - Tracy Chapman
•The longest time - Billy Joel
•Dream a little dream of me - Ella Fitzgerald
•January wedding - The Avett Brothers
•Llegaste tú - Luis Fonsi ft. Juan Luis Guerra
•Winterwood - Don McLean
•God must've spent a little more time on you - NSYNC
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moo9395 · 7 months
ASAW - Day Five Post 22/2/2024
ASAW - Aromantic Spectrum awareness week.
https://www.arospecweek.org - Link to ASAW Website
Links to other days:
Day five - Aro music
Literally just a list of songs/albums that have aromantic themes :)
Crush Culture - Conan Gray
"I don't care if I'm forever alone I'm not falling for you 'Cause this baby is loveproof"
"Crush culture makes me wanna spill my guts out"
"And no one cares if you two made out I'm sick of the kissing cult"
Perfume - Lovejoy
There's a lot of Lovejoy songs with aro themes but this is my favourite :))
"It seems like all our friends Abruptly fell in love And she was in the dust Darling, life was streaming past So she learnt to lie She learnt how to pretend A drama in the futile A means to an end"
For Me - Dearlie
"I am not a machine Learning that it isn't wrong This is just what human means for me"
"Don't tell me I'm too young Or I just gotta meet someone I finally met myself"
"Everybody loves a little different, everybody's heart's pretty much a mess Everybody loves a little different, doesn't mean I love you any less"
No Lover - Jetty Bones
"Romance seems like a means to an end Maybe I don't need a lover, I just need the friend"
"I don't need a love I said, I don't need a lover 'cause I don't need anyone"
Pretend Love - The Avett Brothers
"I have love for my family I have love for my friends That's as far as it goes And I must let you know My love for you was pretend"
"Hopes that you'd finally see That your feelings for me Will never be returned"
"Pretend love, pretend love Don't be mistaken, I've only been fakin' Pretend love"
If you want to know more about any of this, message me, drop an ask, comment, reblog whatever you want and I’ll do my best to help :)
Happy aro spec awareness week!
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kabillieu · 9 months
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Part 1 of our NC trip was spent with my family in a giant Airbnb in Durham. There were a million babies, and it was all very chaotic but surprisingly enjoyable. My cousins rented a 12-passenger van, so that they, my siblings, and Dominic and I could all go to the Avett Brothers New Year’s Eve show together.
This second half of the trip has been much more chill. I’m basically just eating for entertainment at this point while Dominic visits with his family in Lexington. Our Airbnb comes with an inflatable hot tub, which obviously we have been using every night. I don’t know why Dominic can’t smile in photos. Why are men???
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blizzardsuplex · 2 months
hi mel! zsj for the character music ask game. obviously. and a 🥐 for a song for me please :)
Since you combined both yours and ZSJ's in one, I'll keep on the short side so I don't make a very long post LOL.
zack--at one point in his life, at least--really liked electronic music (hyph mngo is still my fave entrance theme of his). he also really liked to read, which I hope he still does. regardless: I feel idm suits him, and who a better representative of that than aphex twin?...though I'm not much of an electronic music listener, LOL. anyway, it was a tossup between this song and 4, the opener. picked this one because it's...colder, than the other. less wistful. zack doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to often look back.
Jackie: when you introduced me to emotionalism by the avett brothers, you showed me a song that makes me weep like a baby. you know the one. this is an attempt to repay in kind. more importantly--I know we don't talk all the time, but whenever we do I'm very happy to receive you. you've been as warm to me as the campfire you play all these awesome country songs around, and I hope you know not to be a stranger. know that I do think about you, and will always remember the good.
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shatteredearth-if · 11 months
okay but Avett entering the kitchen to see mc cursing and turning around with a wet top with "got milk?" printed and he can clearly see in the transparency of it their boobs, followed by shameless mc taking off the top to squeeze the water of it??? i'm thirsty for cat-baby-boy
but nooo hes not a catboy omg omg hes a COOL and EDGY wolf man with fangs!! jk call him what you want
Honestly, he'd probably watch you (respectfully), and outwardly he'd look disgusted but like... he's not looking away either 👀👀👀
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unknownarmageddon · 1 year
Okay these have been rattling in my brain forever I swear to god. (positive) ANYWAY
Putting it under the cut cause this might end up being a bit long LMAO
Death Valley - Fall Out Boy
This. Oh my god just the lyrics alone in general are so proximity dude I fucking swear like i was gonna list off stuff but it all is I’m though particularly the fact that it repeats “we are alive” a lot HEAD IN HANDS
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Like. Look at that that’s SO fucking aka AUGH AUGH
Creep - Radiohead
Okay this one’s mostly just here cause of vibes but also like. I dunno man The whole thing in general just makes me think of proximity I can’t explain it well but. Man
Love From The Other Side - Fall Out Boy
Okay okay the lyrics man the lyrics
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LOOK AT THAT SHIT /pos/pos other notable mentions are “no where left for us to go but heaven” and “what would you trade the pain for?; I’m not sure” head in hands Also just the overall feel of the song is. Very aka to me like
Twin Skeleton’s (Hotel in NYC) - Fall Out Boy
Okay this song in general is. Very Kross to me but it’s here cause idk. It’s just particularly aka to me I can’t describe it well it’s mostly vibes but like aughh
Live and Die - The Avett Brothers
Okay this one is only here cause it made me think of like. Aka Cross playing his ukulele for Killer and singing for him or something I DUNNO but it made me think of them and I’m unwell about it so it’s included LMAO
Anarchy - Egg
Okay Deni gave me this one and IM SO FUCKING INSANE ABOUT IT Its so incredibly aka the whole thing is it makes me so incredibly unwell THE FUCKING. UKULELE idk you just gotta listen to it but it’s so proximity dude
Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day
OUGHHH OKAY okay okay this one makes me insane too actually its like. It predates them meeting each other y’know but it’s just SO incredibly aka in general to me augh augh I can’t explain it you just gotta listen to it
Wake Me Up When September Ends - Green Day
OHHH OKAY okay this is a similar situation to boulevard of broken dreams actually it’s like It makes me think of the au so much man like ouhhhh It just has the feel to it y’know idk
This Ain’t a Scene, It’s an Arms Race - Fall Out Boy
Ohh oh dude this one is so aka to me Like in general it just has the feel to me idk Like before they got close y’know oughhh Don’t have much to say about that one the reason it’s here is hard to describe BAHA
After Dark - Mr.Kitty
okay the lyrics in this one. Idk it just it makes me think of them y’know Its not. As proximity as some of the other ones but I think it’s worth including
Wish I Knew You - The Revivalists
OHHH okay this one’s here just for the repeated line “I wish I knew you when I was young” cause like fuck man Now that I’m thinking about it it isn’t extremely proximity but it’s worth mentioning for that line I think
Immortals - Fall Out Boy
OH OKAY. THIS ONE. THIS ONE MAN ”we could be immortals, just not for long” LIKE. It’s so aka to me weeping The lyrics in general make me think of them too but that bit especially I’m not normal about it
The Last Of The Real Ones - Fall Out Boy
okay this entire song almost is aka to me Particularly the lyrics fob lyrics continuing to be such proximity bangers augh augh but like
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THAT. I swear it’s so aka dude also also “I’m here at the beginning of the end; The end of infinity with you” ALSO VERY AKA
Baby Annihilation - Fall Out Boy
Okay this one is a spoken track and it’s basically only here for the line “what is there between us, if not a little annihilation?” And that bit is so incredibly aka to me I’m not sure why but it is still a banger track definitely worth a listen
You - Keaton Henson
Im not entirely sure why but this makes me think of them like I can’t describe it but Maybe it correlates to one of the endings where either one of them dies y’know augh
No Plan - Hozier
I think this one mostly makes me think of them cause the first time I heard it was because of a fairly dystopian animatic BUT regardless it’s still really proximity to me actually augh augh Idk it just. It’s a bit dystopian in a way I couldn’t explain and it makes me think of them
Butch 4 Butch - Rio Romeo
Got this one from deni and VOID IS SO RIGHT ITS SO AKA IT MAKES ME INSANE Like it’s so incredibly aka like generally augh augh The music especially it sounds all messy and. Raggedy???? Idk how to describe it but it’s aka it is head in hands
Like Real People Do - Hozier
Cackles I drew something with lyrics from this one once but idk it makes me. Think of proximity particularly the part where he’s like “I will not ask you where you came from; I will not ask and neither should you” it makes me think of their silent communication IDK ITS AKA TO ME ALSO ALSO the bit where it goes “I will not ask you why you were creeping; in some sad way; I already know” Head in hands it’s so their silent communication thing
Tin Lover - The Paper Kites
Oughhh this song is so depressing it makes me think of them I don’t have too much else to say about it it’s just. Idk it is y’know
Alone Together - Fall Out Boy
OKAY. I’m going off about the lyrics again fall out boy has such good lyrics i swear to god /pos But the bit where it’s like “but do you got room for one more troubled soul?” is SO proximity actually Like the lyrics in general are so incredibly aka Also the “do you wanna feel beautiful?” Part makes me think of Killer and his sundresses head in hands and just the whole being alone together thing makes me unwell it’s so. Aka dude
Heaven, Iowa - Fall Out Boy
This is another that’s mostly here cause of vibes but like idk man it’s just very proximity to me you just gotta listen to it
As It Was - Hozier
I know you’ve mentioned this one in relation to proximity before and augh SO fucking real man
Paul - Cavetown
Okay okay I dunno man this one is just. Its them to me I’ve been doing this so long I’m not sure how to describe stuff anymore LMAO but this one really makes me think of them y’know
Safe House - Boxout
OKAY THIS ONE IS LIKE ANARCHY BY EGG TO ME deni gave this one to me too and it’s SO fucking proximity it drives me BATSHIT INSANE /pos The ukulele. Weeping. Weeping And just the lyrics in general Really just everything it’s so incredibly aka to me
Anyway!!! I think that’s all of it at the moment!! so there you go hope you enjoy my insanity (/silly) cackles
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slowtides · 1 year
"Is This Love" as performed by Corinne Bailey Rae
"Come Away With Me" by Norah Jones
"Lay Down" by Son Little
"Turn Me On" as performed by Nina Simone
"Sunday Candy" by Nico Segal
"The Book of Love" as performed by The Magnetic Fields
"Rock Me Baby" by Otis Redding
"It's Only Love that Gets You Through" by Sade
"To Make You Feel My Love" as performed by Mick McAuley and Winifred Horan
"Rocket" by Beyoncé
"I And Love And You" by The Avett Brothers
"Both Hands" by Ani DiFranco
"Seems I'm Never Tired Loving You" by Nina Simone
"Nothin Even Matters" by Lauryn Hill and D'Angelo
"Passionate Kisses" as performed by Mary Chapin Carpenter
"Love and Affection" by Joan Armatrading
"Something in the Way She Moves" by James Taylor
"All Night" by Beyoncé
"The Sweetest Gift" by Sade
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returnsandreturns · 1 year
i was going to make a playlist of songs i took fic titles from as a meme or something but it came out cursed
i will not be putting this on spotify but here are approximately all of the songs i specifically stole lyrics from for daredevil fics
easy to ignore by sixpence none the richer
the luckiest by ben folds
robots by dan mangan
piano man by elton john
from eden by hozier
the washing machine by remember sports
thank you by dido
let's spend the night together by the rolling stones
snails by the format
inches and falling by the format
pretty little head by eliza rickman
joyful girl by ani difranco
good for you by selena gomez
do you hear the people sing? by...idk a les mis cast
hold it in by jukebox the ghost
undeniable you by jukebox the ghost
total eclipse of the heart by bonnie tyler
i put a spell on you by nina simone
get by with a little help by the beatles
poker face by lady gaga
dancing in the dark by bruce springsteen
librarian by my morning jacket
have yourself a merry little christmas
add it up by the violent femmes
more adventurous by rilo kiley
portions for foxes by rilo kiley
the frug by rilo kiley
bulletproof by rilo kiley
reunited by peaches and herb
you belong with me by taylor swift
lover by taylor swift
i wanna boi by pwr bttm
young and beautiful by lana del ray
teenage dream by katy perry
let it snow
you're gonna make me lonesome by bob dylan
4ever by the veronicas
think i wanna die by someone still loves you boris yeltsin
kick drum heart by the avett brothers
rock your body by justin timberlake
white christmas
heat of the moment by asia
pretty girl by hayley kiyoko
heat wave by martha and the vandellas
boy like you by kesha
blow by kesha
tik tok by kesha
handsome devil by the smiths
haircut by pavement
everything you want by vertical horizon
will you still love me tomorrow by carole king
pretty woman by roy orbison
fever by peggy lee
sugar never tasted so good by the white stripes
hotel yorba by the white stripes
girl inform me by the shins
vampires will never hurt you by my chemical romance
nineteen by tegan and sara
can't help falling in love with you by elvis presley
nobody puts baby in the corner by fall out boy
only love by ben howard
like a virgin by madonna
erotica by madonna
let's talk about sex by salt-n-pepa
it's all wrong but it's alright by dolly parton
love isn't free by dolly parton
a special section dedicated to the mountain goats songs:
animal mask
no children
oceanographer's choice
game shows touch our lives
love love love
fault lines
southwood plantation road
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brutclhonesty · 10 months
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well i hope you're proud of your big decision. i hope it's all that you want and more. now you're free from the agonizing life you were living before.
father: charles meyers mother: rachel franklin step-mother: lucy murray-meyers
her parents were two kids from crappy homes who found love and freedom in each other. they ran away together when they were sixteen, but then found out they were expecting a baby. while avett’s father wanted to become a big name in the music industry, he was forced to take whatever jobs he could find, leaving his girlfriend home with their newborn daughter.
after a few years of scraping and saving, it seemed like charles was going to make it big, & he began to be home even less, auditioning and playing gigs around the city when he wasn’t working. rachel had once dreamed of becoming an actress, but those dreams were lost in the reality of caring for avett, although the young woman began to resent her significant other for prioritizing his dreams over hers.
it wasn’t until avett was seven years old that her mother vanished one morning, taking everything except her guitar and a note apologizing to her daughter. from then on, it was just charles & avett, and the man very quickly realized he barely knew his own kid.
instead of taking that opportunity to get to know the bright, beautiful daughter he had, he hired a nanny and threw himself into work; rationalizing that he was doing it to provide for her, when in reality, all avett wanted was her father after losing her mother.
when avett became a teenager, it was clear her father never had any intention of being an involved, loving parent, and he enrolled her in a performing arts high school in new york. with a whole country between them, they grew further apart, until avett was only coming home for summers. christmas’ were spent at rockefeller center and seeing off-broadway shows, exchanging gifts with her friends and ignoring the ache inside of her when they left to see their families.
imagine her surprise when she returned home one summer to find her father had remarried- to a woman who was only a few years older than she was. as if that wasn’t a shock to the poor teenager, her new step mother was expecting a baby. avett decided then and there that when she graduated, she was moving to los angeles to become an actress and wanted nothing to do with her father’s do-over family.
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degenderates · 11 months
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list below cut <3 mutuals i wanna see yours! tag me in it if you make one!
natural born losers - nicole dollanganger born to die (the paradise edition) - lana del rey inbred - ethel cain this land is inhospitable and so are we - mitski o my heart - mother mother home - the chicks the shark in your water - flower face and in the darkness, hearts aglow - weyes blood born this way (special edition) - lady gaga preacher's daughter - ethel cain punisher - phoebe bridgers baby teeth - flower face i'm alright - jo dee messina montero - lil nas x flowers of flesh and blood - nicole dollanganger disintegration - the cure orbweaving - vyva melinkolya & midwife hozier (expanded edition) - hozier the sticks - mother mother transatlanticism - death cab for cutie i walk the line - johnny cash in utero - nirvana heaven or las vegas - cocteau twins a kiss in the dreamhouse - siouxie and the banshees golden age - ethel cain the fame monster - lady gaga puberty 2 - mitski if you leave - daughter when the cellar children see the light of day - mirel wagner folklore - taylor swift the phantom of the opera - original london soundtrack crybaby - melanie martinez hadestown - original broadway soundtrack cats - original broadway soundtrack born in the usa - bruce springsteen isn't anything - my bloody valentine my head is an animal - of monsters and men sigh no more - mumford and sons i and love and you - the avett brothers the kick inside - kate bush love and sex - plan b sour - olivia rodrigo
honorable mentions: where did our love go - the supremes, i still believe in fairytales - tammy wynette, coal miner's daughter - loretta lynn, the fame - lady gaga, heart shaped bed - nicole dollanganger, a constant state of ohio - lincoln, plans - death cab for cutie, melophobia - cage the elephant, ceremonials - florence + the machine
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lovesongbracket · 2 years
This is a nomination round. The top songs across ALL preliminary round polls will become our 64 competitors in Round 1.
Note: It’s about the song, not the recording. The artists/specific tracks provided are either the original, most popular, or suggested by a submitter. If you prefer a different version, a cover of the song, you like the song but not the artist etc, don’t let that deter you.
Youtube videos of all songs & submitter notes are under the cut.
Dance, Baby! - boy pablo
GOSH it's my favorite song ever. I've looped it over and over and it's always made me feel better whenever I've felt down. It's about overcoming your fears and asking the person across the dance floor to dance with you, even if it's terrible dancing, even if you feel so anxious you'd want to disappear, its better to experience with another person!!!
Golden Hour - Kacey Musgraves
I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - The Proclaimers
January Wedding - The Avett Brothers
A Love Song - Ladyhawke
Monster - from Adventure Time
seven - Taylor Swift
Simple Song - The Shins
That's So Us - Allie X
Winter Song - Sara Bareilles & Ingrid Michaelson
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