rediragni · 2 days
" Don't think I raised my kids to tell me what THEY want."
He raised an eyebrow at his youngest son, his eyes scanned all over him. What was this? The way he looked and smelled, it was exactly like the posters. That fucking freak had taken his son and turned him into a wannabe woman.
The don was not exactly surprised to see it, but that didn't mean it didn't anger him. It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't look so similar. These bastards had taken his image and used it for...this.
" I was wondering how youd gotten on. Looks like my guess was not too far off."
The implications were there in his words, he didn't need to spell it out. Not only was Angel being judged harshly, but in a way that was entirely expected. He knew his second born would be a stain on his good name. A filthy little blemish on an otherwise respectable legacy.
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rediragni · 2 days
" Things have picked up steam for me, bud. In a good way! I've made some big deals, made some big leaps, and called in some big favors that are gonna see our family become the big names down here! Why I called you down here actually."
In all his speaking he'd already finished both his glasses of wine. He'd lift himself up grab the bottle, this time bringing it over to his desk so he wouldn't have to waste time to top off. Once he'd filled up both and took a few large sips he'd give his neck a crack and pull out several documents.
They were all contracts, binding contracts of the most serious kind. The large spider had been busy indeed. Lighting a cigar, he'd take a few puffs as he read through one of them, one eye daring to his son as the others continued reading.
He'd finish one glass before taking the other to begin sipping.
" I got all the cards needed right here. The turf wars have been good for us, I was able to keep our place intact through all the exterminations, and all the civil wars, and power grabs. I've got the money, WE'VE got the money. Got all the power to bail out the other sharks and turn them into sardines.
We need to can um though, and that's why I called you here. I need the best of the best and we all know that's you. These contracts I got? They are your hit list. For the next few months I need you to kill some very powerful men see? They all owe me, but if you axe them before they pay me back?"
He'd point to the middle of one of the documents.
" We get everything, see? I'm gonna need to you to kill these chumps so we can eat their little establishments. I'll need you to kill a few other people, demons I don't have contracts for. Two might need some planning, see?"
He'd slide two pictures forward to the smaller spider, images of Crimson and Valentino presented before him.
" Don Crimson thinks we are friends, but I don't need um. That purple cross dressing frocio on the other hand? I'm tired of him makin' me look stupid with the vids he makes of Tony, shit is embarrassing."
He spat in disgust.
A smile cracks through his generally stoic expression as he's pulled into a hug by a man at least twice his width and a good few heads taller than him. A smile that grows a little bit at the slug to his arm. So pops' is in a good mood. Good to know. His shoulders relax the slightest bit at that realization, and he's happy to take the two glasses before having a seat.
"Someone pushes, I shoot 'em. Or stab 'em. Don't get a lot of repeat offenders." Most within Pentagram City recognized Arackniss by now. He came across as unapproachable at best and murderous at worst. Typically, the only ones to get close to him were those thinking he was too small and too frail looking to be as dangerous as others claimed, so they came to pick a fight.
... Those fights didn't last long.
He takes a sip from the first wine glass as his father goes on. Wife? Uh... "Nah, no ball 'n chain yet. I'll tell ya before I buy a ring." He's not sure if his old man is joking about getting grandkids, or if he's heard the rumors about hellborns and fallen angels getting pregnant with sinners' children. Eh. He'll keep it vague for now either way.
"Ain't too bad. Been doin' hits since my last bodyguardin' gig fell apart. Money's betta', but it ain't as consistent." On retainer hitmen aren't generally a thing. Usually you get paid for one kill and then you're off to find someone else willing to fork over cash for you to put a bullet in someone's brain. Keeping someone alive doesn't pay as well, but it is a full time job down here.
"What about'chu? Sounds like you've been havin' a good time."
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rediragni · 7 days
“Feeling Good” | Michael Bublé
“Birds flying high, you know how I feel.”
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rediragni · 7 days
Henroin is an alias that caught on in the human world because heroin was the money maker his family was known for, though the public saw them as a wealthy Sicilian immigrant family who owned various vineyards in America.
His actual name is Filippo.
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rediragni · 7 days
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rediragni · 7 days
" Lu me' figghiu unicu! E' tantu bellu viditi! Veni ccĂ !"
He'd open the door and usher his son in, wrapping his massive arms around the young man, a kiss to each of the black spider's cheeks followed by a firm but affectionate slug on the shoulder. Arackniss was small but he was efficient, a perfect enforcer, and would make a perfect don one day.
Unlike most of the various kingpins in Hell or on Earth even Henroin didn't keep a man at his table at all times, while most delegated the role of bodyguard to a trusted friend he neglected the office entirely. He didn't need protection, and he was perfectly willing to get his own hands dirty to defend himself at anytime.
Gripping glasses in each palm he'd offer two to his favorite son, keeping the others for himself as he'd take his seat.
" Good to see you in one piece, I knew those peacock cross dressers down in Pride couldn't contain you, boy. I am sure you got your pounds of flesh on the street! HA!"
Taking a sip of one of the glasses, he'd grin as he'd place it back on the desk.
" Course, you could always stop by more often. It does not have to be business we always talk about you know. You find a wife yet? We need more men in the family, and your sister wherever she is won't be popping any out soon. Nah, but seriously. How ya been?"
He's... taking a gamble and going to say pops is in a good mood. Makes sense. He must think he's onto a pretty great deal-- even if neither Arackniss nor Angel Dust could figure out what the fuck so many mob families are uniting over. This can't just be about Gritt. It has to go deeper... but fuck him if he can think of how or what.
Two hands work to take a cigarette from his container and light it while one hand turns the key in his ignition. Should he tell Tony? -- No. Not yet. He needs to know-- and he needs to make sure he's feeding him the right information.
The drive isn't long. He's only stopped by one red light (he ran the others, but this one stopped him from losing a fight with an 18 wheeler), at which point he impatiently taps his claws against his radio.
When he does arrive, he tosses the cigarette onto the concrete as he makes his way to The Family's base.
A rhythmical knocking comes to his father's office door. "Patri. Chistu è me figghiu."
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rediragni · 7 days
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 Standing on my back Can feel my heart start beating faster When you tell me to relax You light the match You got me like I’m past the point of coming down I’m up in arms, you’re out of bounds You push me, bend me, break me till I snap
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rediragni · 7 days
" Naaaah. Just bring your beautiful face, boyo. Don't be late either, I got us some wine and if you don't get here soon I might just drink your half, then how is business gonna get done? HAHAHAHAHA!"
He hung up after, trying his hardest to get the damn cork off this thing. Obviously he had people to do this shit for him but he needed to remember how to do the small things.
It was was kept one doing the big things correctly.
Two my dear sons in the span of three seconds. Henroin's either happy with him or he's pissed as all fuck... and with that gruff voice, it'a impossible to tell which. Even after decades of being his father's perfect little soldier, it's nearly impossible for him to read the larger spider over the phone.
"SĂŚ. Sto arrivando." Yes. I'm on my way.
He takes his car key from his pocket and almost robotically turns and makes his way back to his car.
"Do I need to bring anything?" He asks as he unlocks the door and slides into the driver's seat. It's only once the door is shut that he somewhat comes out of his automated state. This was what Anthony warned him about, isn't it? This is about Gritt and Crim and the will.
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rediragni · 7 days
There was a long silence as after he'd heard his son give the command. This was private business, it always was when it came to dealing with his son.
For lower maggots to hear his words would repulse the crime lord, he paid them and that made him there god. Just as pets were fed their scrapes and could not comprehend the thoughts of their master, neither could underlings understand him. Hearing his words was a waste, and he had his child to tell them what needed to be said.
His words were dripping with the same deep and gruff enthusiasm he was known for.
"Figghiu miu. Hè passatu troppu tempu, caru figghiu meu. You've been away for a while now. I need you to drop what you are doing and come see me. Soon as you can. Our usual rules, you come alone. Mi capisci?"
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@rediragni asked: Arackniss's cellphone rang in his pocket.
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It's a completely unconscious effort. That particular ringtone plays, and Arackniss immediately grabs the phone from his pocket, hastily placing it to his ear.
No niceties. He doubts Henroin wants to hear them. He most likely wants to give Arackniss an order and get back to his own work.
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rediragni · 7 days
Hey there this is Finn and this is my blog for Henroin! Not looking to do to much in regards to aesthetics on this blog for now. It will be dash only, this post should have everything you need to know.
For info on Henroin here is a link to his wiki for now, I'll establish more as time goes on! Again, this blog is largely for people who already know me from bigveee, avispatr, and metaladam. I am the mun of these blogs where I have a lot of info on those characters! This is more of just a self indulgent experiment for me.
As far as the rules go, I am 30 years old and I am not interested in interacting with minors. No one under 18 is permitted to follow my blog. If I find out you lied about your age I will block you.
I will be playing Henroin as he was presented in Viv's work, it will likely only have one specific verse as it stands. I might open things up later down the line depending if the muse sticks.
I won't be pulling any punches here. Henroin is homophobic, and he does not like Angel Dust because he is gay. He's meant to be a villain in the threads he appears in, ultimately his views are meant to be seen as evil. You are supposed to dislike him, kinda the point! Please don't mistake his horribly flawed nature for mine!
No instant shipping..
Don't attack or harm my character unless you message me first please. I do love fight threads, and I know I will 100% get into many here! I just want to plot such things out before starting them so everyone is on the same page!
I am not a fan of cancel culture. Don't tell me what someone did. I don't care.
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