#avenueofesc answers
bridenore · 2 months
HD eight year fic recs : 30k to 50k words
Here are a few drarry eight year fic recs that are between 30k and 50k words. Posted in alphabetical order, as always.
You can access my rec lists for eight year fics that have less than 10k words here, between 10k and 20k here and between 20k and 30k here.
All Things Go by iota /@sorrybutblog​ [32k]
Draco’s back at Hogwarts by court order. Harry’s back for no particular reason at all. Some things change, some stay the same. Neither expects to spend eighth-year living in close quarters, playing rugby (poorly), staying up late, sneaking around, and finally figuring it all out.
Annus Mirabilis by Ren [39k]
Harry and Malfoy are trapped at Hogwarts around the time the school was founded. Stuck with a different way of doing magic, with no chocolate, and with each other, they have to find a way to work together if they want a chance to go home.
Beneath the Cloak by @avenueofesc [31k]
Footsteps echo through the corridor, though they seem to hesitate, slowing until they stop directly in front of him. Draco can practically feel the presence of this other at his side. He groans, using all of his strength to raise his head and open his eyes, to see… Nothing.
Blue Roses and Other Impossible Things by Cassiara [40k]
After Harry saved Draco from the Room of Requirement there was a moment when Draco gave Harry a look. Harry didn’t know what to make of it, and he had a war to fight so he ignored it. Now though, they’re back at Hogwarts sharing a dorm and Harry is obsessed with seeing that look again.
Draco Malfoy, It’s Your Lucky Day by @faith2wood [37k]
Even though he’s unarmed, injured, lost in the Forbidden Forest, and facing a possible murder charge, Draco Malfoy gets lucky.
Falling for a Golden Boy by OTPshipper98 [44k]
Merlin. Why couldn’t Draco have moved to a forgotten village in the Alps? He could have turned into a shepherd, learned to make his own damn cheese and given up his damn magic. But no, he’d had to come back to his Eighth year, hadn’t he? And this was his life now. Draping himself over Potter to hear words from him that he knew Potter wouldn’t ever mean. Great. The school year ahead of him looked simply great. “All I know is—when I’m with you, I…” Potter, the heathen, grunted when he read the rest of his line. “Do I really need to say this?” “What, scared of believing your own words, Scarhead?” Draco spat. “Boys,” O’Neill warned them. “All I—all I know is you’re the most amazing person with weak ankles that I’ve ever met, Meg.” Potter scowled. He was blushing again. “And when I’m with you, I feel less alone.” Or where a drama play, a grumpy pompom and a bunch of well-intentioned friends help Draco and Harry find peace—and each other—after the war.
He Was He and I Was Bunny by bryoneybrynn [37k]
The war is over and “eighth year” is about to begin at Hogwarts. But for Harry and Draco, nothing is quite the same. Harry’s looking for an escape, Draco’s looking for a friend. Does a little black bunny hold the answers for both of our boys?
In Evidence of Magical Theory by @bixgirl1 [43k]
When a hex meant for Draco accidentally catches Harry as well, they’re forced to learn to understand each other in ways they previously might have thought impossible. In which Harry and Draco can’t fight, so they fall in love instead.
In Plain Sight by oldenuf2nb / @dianacopland [37k]
Draco Malfoy had stopped believing his wishes would be granted long ago. He could perhaps be forgiven for being startled, then, when one of them came true.
Like Lightning at Your Fingertips by potterwatch [43k]
The problem with living with another insomniac is, eventually, they find out you’re one, too. When Harry and Draco return for their eighth year, they think they’ll see very little of each other. Then McGonagall assigns them to room together. And the castle starts breaking. And there’s that thing with Potter’s magic.
Lumos by birdsofshore [41k]
Harry never expected to spend eighth year listening to Draco Malfoy wanking.
The Romantic Prawn Who Loved Christmas by @bixgirl1 [39k]
When Draco, forced into sharing a room with Potter for the year, finds out that Potter has a sleepwalking problem, he expects the odd conversations and the weird games of chess. What comes as a complete shock are Potter’s other activities…And why he seems so intent on having Draco join him. (Relax. It’s just like a holiday Hallmark movie! …With, uhm, sleepwanking.)
Sealed with a Kiss by @faith2wood [46k]
Harry Potter will fall in love with the first person who kisses him. Draco knows what he must do. A Christmassy Hogwarts fic, this.
The Standard You Walk Past by @bafflinghaze [46k]
On returning to Hogwarts for their Eighth Year, Headmistress McGonagall decided to room Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter together. She may have hoped for a leading example of house unity; the other students fully expected insults and fights. But nothing happened. That was, until Harry sleepwalked into Draco’s bed.
Unexpected Consequences by lauren3210 [39k]
Harry was going back to school. He was going to play Quidditch, sleep in  lessons, hang out with his friends, and generally just enjoy being a  kid for a change. And he was also going to do it while being bonded with  Malfoy, because apparently life was just going to continue  throwing curveballs at him. Harry didn’t know why he expected anything  different.
Verba Volant by shushu_yaoi_lj / @orange-peony​ [34k]
The first letter arrives after the Trials. Harry unfolds the parchment and his eyes open wide when he realises who it’s from. He soon finds himself waiting for those letters to arrive, staring at the window in search of Malfoy’s owl. He wants to know more.
When I Put My Eyes On You by Zzzara [31k]
When a hero defeats a villain, there’s supposed to be a happily-ever-after… but when did anything ever happen to Harry Potter the way it was supposed to? Having sacrificed himself to the greater good, Harry is left alone in the darkness, blindly groping for the shreds of the life he knew. When the enemies meet, how is the story supposed to go, once they learn there’s more to it than the eye can see? A story of pain, hope and things we discover, once we stop looking for them with our eyes.
A Wizard’s Guide to Co-Parenting with Your Ex-Arch Nemesis by thecouchsofa [38k]
Harry had expected a few things when returning for his Eighth Year. Rooming with Ron, a cheeky Firewhisky down at the pub, leaving his assignments to the last minute – those were all but certain to occur. His list of certainties definitely hadn’t included McGonagall’s shake-up of the curriculum, which tasked the Eighth Years with the responsibility of parenthood for three weeks. Caring for a baby Transfigured from a sack of flour would have been alright if: 1) Malfoy wasn’t Harry’s assigned partner, 2) Their baby’s one goal in life wasn’t to spite Harry, and 3) Malfoy wasn’t infuriatingly good at fake parenthood.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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orange-peony · 1 year
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I've been making progress with my Snowbaz speed dating fic, and I've just finished chapter 1 (out of I think possibly 2).
Here's a snippet (Baz's POV):
I don’t know what to think.
Is this some kind of elaborate prank?
Snow ordered the spiciest thing on the menu, a beer and then sat back on his chair, staring at me as if I were some kind of weird specimen in a museum. Maybe I misunderstood everything, and this is not actually a date. Maybe he thinks I’m a real pyromaniac and is in desperate need of burning something to the ground.
“So, you’re gay?” he asks, out of the blue. The waiter appears, as if called by some kind of powerful gaydar. He deposits the plates in front of us and smiles expectantly at me. Is he waiting for an answer?
“Yes, I am very gay,” I reply, staring at Snow and watching his eyes narrow. The waiter beams at me, and Snow glares at him.
“Oi, he’s on a date with me,” Snow says, looking grumpy as fuck as he frowns at the waiter, who actually manages to pout for a second before he apologises and walks off.
We’re on a date.
Snow just sort of duelled with another man for my hand.
It’s a date. My heart does something mad in my chest, an odd little backflip, followed by a somersault as I smile at my chicken korma and pilau rice. I can’t believe my luck as I try to bite back a grin while I busy myself with my dinner and steal a glance at him.
Tagging (no pressure and sorry if you've already done it, and I've somehow missed it): @avenueofesc, @pato-roldnart, @bubble-gumhead, @artsyunderstudy, @fatalfangirl, @alexalexinii, @hushed-chorus, @j-nipper-95, @ionlydrinkhotwater, @larkral, @letraspal, @littlewinnow, @rimeswithpurple, @cutestkilla, @martsonmars. @facewithoutheart, @thewholelemon, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @blackberrysummerblog and @tea-brigade.
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avenueofesc · 3 years
Hey! This is just a friendly reminder that you're pretty awesome :D
Omgggg anon!!! 🥺❤️🥺❤️🥺❤️ You’re pretty awesome!!
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sweet-s0rr0w · 3 years
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I was going to come up with my own Valentine's Day reclist, but then I thought about those fics that I find romantic and how subjective it all was, and I decided to ask a few friends and fellow hardcore Drarry fans for recs.
And then things escalated. A lot.
But I'm not even sorry, because the resulting list is just fantastic and features everything from the purest fluff to the most hardcore kink, from humour to serious angst (and MCD), from teeny micros to 100k+ fics, from fics written years ago to stuff written in the past few months. So here I present thirty different answers to the question 'what one or two fics, or scenes, or quotes, represent peak Drarry romance to you?'
Featuring answers from me, @avenueofesc, @bonesliketambourines, @corvuscrowned, @floydig, @fluxweeed,@fw00shy, @graymatters, @hogwartsfirebolt,@ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm, InnerLilith, @ladderofyears,@lqtraintracks, @maesterchill, @moonstruckwytch, @nv-md,@onbeinganangel, @opalesqueopioid, @peachpety, @pennygalleon, @phoebe-delia, @pineau-noir, @shealwaysreads, @shiftylinguini,@skeptiquewrites, @softlystarstruck, @tackytigerfic,@teacup-tai,@the-sinking-ship, and @xanthippe74
I didn't allow duplicates BUT those fics which did come up more than once are in red. I also allowed a few people more than two if they asked very nicely because I'm soft like that don't @ me.
💗Grounds for Divorce by Tepre (E, 122k)
Choking on his heartbeat, Harry came in close. He fit his body to the line of Draco’s back, a hand to Draco’s hip. His forehead to Draco’s neck. He smelled like himself, still, so much like himself, and the memory of him collided with the solid presence of him. Harry puffed out a breath — a short sound from the back of his throat.
Draco leaned back into it, then out — turned, put a hand to Harry’s chest, holding him back.
“You’ve been making love to me,” he said, “all night.”
@bonesliketambourines / m0stlyvoid
💗What We Pretend We Can't See by gyzym (M, 131k)
Harry frowns against his pillow, and then props himself up on an elbow so he can look at Draco properly. As honestly and deliberately as he knows how, he says, “And what if what I want is to be with the mad bastard who nearly kicked my door down at 6:30 in the morning over a Prophet article? What if I like that you’re obsessive and intense and, yeah, Draco, really rude a lot of the time? What if the last thing I want is to calm you down?”
💗Wild (orphaned, E, 92k)
“I have learnt, over the years, that nobody ever gets what they deserve,” he said, and even to his own ears he sounded torn apart by the words, “But if there is one person on this planet that should, then it would be you. And you would have everything you’d ever wanted. And I’m so sorry, that you were ever unhappy for a day in your life, because you shouldn’t have been, because you’re wonderful. And I am so sorry that I ever caused you a single second of distress.”
💗the unfixed by @efkgirldetective (M, 16k)
"The only solution thereafter is love. Perhaps in that place there is peace—or, at least, equality; or just a great soundless blue. Survival. If the bodies are to be buried, one day, they must first be aboveground, and held; philosophized and doubted and loved. Stupid, physical things. Tongues wrapped up in other tongues. Rivers thinking of water."
💗The Old Ways by @fw00shy (G, 366 words)
Some days, he wakes wheezing, stumbling out of bed. Running, running—worried the old fear’s finally caught up. Scared that he’s returned to his old ways. Sometimes, Harry says, “go back to bed”, like it’s a problem. But mostly, he doesn’t say anything. Mostly, he goes back to bed.
💗Talk to Me by saras_girl (T, 16k)
(the whole fic)
💗Back to You by @aibidil and @daisymondays (T, 8.6k)
Malfoy, the sneaky bastard, wiggled his fingers and managed to slide his fingers in between Harry’s, interlocking them together.
Harry was pretty sure that for a few seconds he forgot how to breathe. He was holding hands with Malfoy. He was holding hands with Draco Malfoy. He, Harry Potter, was holding hands with Draco sodding Malfoy. Except it wasn’t really Draco sodding Malfoy anymore, just Malfoy, whose hand was warm and smooth and slightly calloused from flying. Harry liked holding Malfoy’s hand.
💗A Ceiling of Stars by @skeptiquewrites (M, 3k)
They were dating now, but maybe there had not been enough afternoons spent watching him until the truth of it pressed against his ribcage.
💗Second Chance by @shealwaysreads (G, 2.1k)
“I didn’t want to be an Auror. I wanted to be with you.”
@graymatters / theartfulldodger
💗Knead by @jovialobservationanchor (E, 83k)
(i get such a warm feeling thinking about it... I cannot pick a scene to save my life. It's sucked me back in, the whole thing.)
💗halcyon days by @the-starryknight (T, 1.4k)
“Divine,” Harry whispered, looking back up at him, falling into those eyes as he had done every morning for what felt like a lifetime.
“Sometimes I suddenly remember who we are,” said Draco, “and how unlikely this all is.”
💗Friends At Last by @letteredlettered (E, 8.7k)
“I meant for me,” Draco said, his hand moving on Harry’s cock, not so methodically now. “You’re perfect for me. You’re mine. You were made for me.” No one had ever said anything like that to Harry before, perhaps because it was a nonsensical thing to say. Harry had been made for a goddamn prophecy, or because his parents loved each other, or some kind of accident; Harry didn’t know, maybe all three. He certainly hadn’t been made for this breathless, excitable person above him, most of whose life had been one huge fucking mistake after another, this goddamn mess of a man who never seemed able to express himself in a semi-normal way. Harry wished he’d been made for him. He wanted to be nothing other than this moment, this moment in which he was loved and adored with this warm person on top of him who liked him well enough to say such a thing.
💗Knuckles by @shealwaysreads (E, 3.5k)
("the care and love and trust they have for each other comes through so clearly and that is very romantic imo")
💗A Young Wizard, In Love by @moonflower-rose (E, 21k)
(the whole fic)
💗Even Children Get Older by @lou-isfake (M, 4.5k)
💗Unspoken Affection by @janieohio (M, 2.6k)
(two fics which I hold incredibly close to my heart)
💗Siren Call (It's Not Love) by @the-starryknight (E, 1k)
"It’s not love, Draco lies to himself. It’s not love, he thinks, but when Harry pulls him in close, they kiss like it is." (I love this getting back together fic that Draco fully believes is not what this is about. It's so tender-painful and sinfully hot, and my heart aches for it and them.)
💗In The Red by @bixgirl1 (E, 46k)
We’ve found balance together. Neither of us ever feels owed or indebted; there is always a surplus. Every drop of blood Harry’s given to feed me and further my pleasure is paid back by my dedication to prioritising his. Every year I last to prolong his life is reimbursed by the joy he brings me each day — in ways too abundant to count. (This entire fic is a love letter to Drarry in that way that only Bix can do. It just catches on my heart and pulls every time I reread it.)
💗Through the Window, Clear Skies by @tackytigerfic (M, 1.4k)
"They didn't talk about loving each other, of course. Neither of them was good with that sort of thing, and anyway Harry had always been better at doing. And Draco, well Draco didn't trust the word love. It always meant the wrong things, before. He said it once though, when Harry was about to go out in the snow for the papers, and was carelessly muffling himself up to his eyeballs in Draco’s old school scarf. Draco had kissed him on the mouth right through all the layers of green and told him crossly, I love you, and again with another kiss, the outbreath of it muggy through the wool, I love you, Harry, like Harry was somehow at fault. But he sounded like he meant it."
💗amid this warm and steady sweetness by warmfoothills (E, 21k)
(all the Jane Austen romantic gorgeousness)
💗Telling the Bees by @cibeewastaken (M, 32k)
“Have I made you think you were anything less than fundamental to me, less than the basis of every movement I make every single day?”
💗it all starts here by @softlystarstruck (T, 2.3k)
(the ending is just so warm and so sweet and feels like being on a sundrenched roadtrip with someone you love)
💗Let Me Have You and I'll Let You Save Me by Frayach (M, 6.1k)
Harry nurtures the yearning for Light in people whose instincts are Dark, but he’d sell his soul for just one kiss from a Death Eater’s son. Draco nurtures the greed for power in the corrupt, but he’d denounce Darkness and give away every cent of his fortune for just one kiss from a Mudblood’s son.
💗Like the Son Holds the Moon by @lou-isfake (M, 49k)
He remembered Draco, and re-remembered, over and over. The taste of him, the way he moved, the way he held their faces close even when they weren’t kissing. The craving for him, the intoxicating heat—he felt like Draco was burning off every weight Harry had been carrying, engulfing him in a liberating flame until he was only himself again.
💗the making of things by @drarrymybeloved (G, 989 words)
Harry is so open with his affection, dropping kisses on cheeks and hands and lips, curling two fingers around Draco’s as they walk side-by-side, shoulders brushing in a hushed conversation. The kind of love Draco has known before Harry has been at-a-distance-love, and love that hid behind snark and cool facades. But Harry, oh, how he loves. He loves with his lips, soft words and softer kisses; he loves with his hands, gentle and solid and strong; he loves with his eyes, luminous green like leaves when sunlight passes through them.
💗The Next Twenty-Four Hours by saras_girl (M, 3.4k)
You kiss my eyelids and they sting, knowing that no one will ever get the chance to see how gentle you are capable of being. You’d probably never want to show them, anyway. And I know that none of this is really about what I’m going to lose, but if I think too hard about it any other way I’m afraid I might lose my mind.
💗the moon between my hands by @softlystarstruck (M, 3.7k)
“We bonded through nightmares and insomnia.” Harry presses her forehead hard against Draco’s. “We’ll be alright. Turn around, I’d want to hold you.” “I’m too tall to be the little spoon,” Draco protests weakly. “That’s bollocks.” Despite Draco’s claims, Harry is right; she fits around Draco’s back perfectly, slotting their knees together as Draco curls into herself. Harry presses soft kisses to the prominent bumps of Draco’s spine, eliciting a content hum.
💗The Bolthole by GallaPlacidia, Tepre and aideomai (E, 54k)
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” said Draco, then opened his eyes, looking concerned. “Are you all right?” Harry nodded. “Are you crying, or is it the rain?” asked Draco. “I was scared,” said Harry. Draco reached out and brushed his freezing thumb underneath Harry’s eye. Harry didn’t mean to but he turned his face and pressed it into Draco’s palm, his beard prickling at Draco’s skin, Draco’s long fingers tenatitive on his cheek. Harry drew in a long breath. He swallowed. He pulled back and took the tea towel off Draco’s face. Draco was staring at him.
💗For Thine is the Kingdom by @kedavranox (E, 67k)
"I used to wish I didn't want you so much." Draco trails a line up to Harry's collarbone, and Harry trembles beneath his touch. "That's a terrible thing to say. I love the way you want me." He clutches the towel at Harry's waist. "Can I kiss you?"
He takes a car back up to Charing Cross to head to the Leaky Cauldron, but on his way, he spots a bouquet of white lilies sitting outside of a charming flower shop and thinks of Harry.
💗Letters Through Time by JulietsEmoPhase (T, 5.7k)
(the whole fic)
💗Operation: S.M.W.L.N.T.E.T.H.S.P by XxTheDarkLordxX (T, 5.3k)
(especially the last scene. the tension, the romance, culmination—just everything)
💗Silver Bells by @vina-writes (T, 2.5k)
Fuck, he was going to die here, with nothing but three tubs of ice cream to garnish his frozen corpse. He was going to get a Santa-themed murder, and everyone would call his case something dreadful, like the Holiday Homicide. Worse, he was going to die in the ugliest fucking outfit he’d ever worn and every crime scene photo taken would have his godawful cardigan and hat in it.
💗Model Behavior by Chibaken (T, 4.2k)
“Harry loved Luna. She was kind and effervescent and smart and creative and generally one of the purest, loveliest human beings he’d ever had the pleasure of meeting. He looked over her now, eyes drawn to the dress she wore — covered in live flowers every color of the rainbow — and smiled. “No way in hell,” he declared.”
💗freely, as men strive for right by @bixgirl1 (E, 17k)
“I’ve got too many ideas and zero experience.”
“Tell me your ideas,” Draco murmured, the brush of his lips just under Harry’s coaxing another excited twitch from Harry’s cock, “and I’ll show you how to do them to me.”
💗By The Grace by @letteredlettered (T, 140k)
“Potter, you fool,” Malfoy muttered. “My body doesn’t know how to make a cell that doesn’t love you.”
💗Six Time's a Charm by @caroll-in (T, comic)
(the whole thing is a rom com but the last panel is so tender and perfect)
💗handsomer & handsomer still by @fw00shy (NR, 151 words)
(a perfect short)
💗As Easy As That by @moonflower-rose (E, 4.9k)
(made my heart all clenchy and warm)
💗Slip Into My Lover's Hands by @lqtraintracks (E, 5.9k)
(such a glorious vibe... SO romancey...and also insanely porny)
💗Market Saturdays by @sorrybutblog (M, 3.3k)
“The anticipation makes the payoff sweeter,” Draco responds, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Do you think so?” “I know so,” Draco says, rolling over and boxing Harry in beneath him. “Some things are worth the wait.”
💗Sourdough by@academicdisaster24 (M, 17k)
‘Yes.’ Harry said it so simply, and Draco tugged him back down, arching towards his mouth and Harry met him there, hand behind Draco’s head, and Draco’s mind - always whirring, always chatting, always spiralling - went peacefully, perfectly quiet.
💗Sweeten to Taste by bigblackdog (E, 51k)
(every single dish in Sweeten to Taste but starting with the buckwheat crepes)
💗Still Warm, Still Warm by @tsauergrass (G, 4.9k)
“Draco,” Harry said. “I—I adore you.” Draco let out a shaky breath. “Even if it wasn’t to court you,” Harry swallowed, “even if it wasn’t—I would have given you all those gifts. They made you happy. I just wanted to see you happy. And you don’t have to—give me an answer, if you don’t want to. Whenever you’re ready—if you’re ever ready—I’ll always be, I’ll always—” Draco leaned in and kissed Harry on the mouth.
💗Modern Love by @tackytigerfic (E, 61k)
It's all Harry can do to keep quiet. Having Malfoy touch him like this—having anyone touch him like this—feels like too much. No one has ever laid hands on him like this, with such focus, like he’s the only thing that matters. ... Malfoy is probably the most lovable person Harry can think of, it turns out—he just hadn’t known it before. And in the end, it was just a case of Malfoy deciding to let Harry love him, that was all. Once Malfoy made that decision, there was nothing Harry could have done.
💗That Old Black Magic by @bixgirl1 (E, 78k)
Harry took in the sharp angles of Draco’s profile. “That’s not why.” He nodded and forced a smile to acknowledge Ron, who was now waving at him like a lunatic with both arms over his head, like he thought Harry hadn’t heard his bellow. Harry swallowed, tired of pretending. “It’s not because it’s Saturday. I’ll want you tomorrow, too,” he said, rending himself stupidly bare, and heard Draco’s breath catch as they went in together to fill the last two seats at the table, one at each end.
💗Far From The Tree by aideomai (E, 112k)
(it's so cleverly set up - we can see the romance arc from both ends, so to speak. The line "“You can, rougher, if you like,” epitomises that balance - it only makes sense in context but it is so very much about their romance and the way they grew together in love.)
💗Dangerous by @sweet-s0rr0w (T, 1.1k)
(the ultimate in established relationship with a twist. ..."the way his body starts to shift, automatically, to accommodate Harry in his bed" makes my heart clench. Follow that with "Are you getting in or not?" from Draco, and later, “Draco.” Harry’s voice is steady and sure. “There’s no-one else. I’ve tried, believe me, but it’s true. And I think maybe it’s time to stop trying.” Exquisite yearning and a sense of pining for each other and what they could have together, even when they are together. Devastating.)
💗I, Ferret by curiouslyfic (T, 2.1k)
(an epic lifetime of love in 2k, the ultimate romance. "Harry worries then, because this feels brilliant, too, and brilliant things just don't last in Harry's life" and yet we have the privilege of getting to see just how long this brilliant thing does last for them - " And death won't us part… and he can't breathe, can't think, can't speak, can't move, because Draco's giving him forever. Harry's never had forever in anything. Can't believe he'll get it in this. Good things never last in his life, but this will. This will. Draco's promised…" Never fails to make me teary!)
💗Oxygen by @maesterchill (T, 4k)
(i'm such a sucker for hard-won, grown-up love. I love how tired they both are, how hard they work, how they're willing to shape themselves around the other's life. And the line with its dual stresses: "When I look at you, Malfoy, I see you,” he says. “I see you.” Romance for me is a lot about making space, tolerating, making decisions, working at things. And this fic has all those feels, while still making me believe in the magic of true love.)
💗Kaleidoscope by saras_girl (E, 104k)
(in love and not knowing how to tell my auror partner I'm in love)
💗dirtynumbangelboy by@magpiefngrl (E, 39k)
“Harry’s grinning at him, pale and tired and windswept, but radiant with joy. He offers the Snitch to Draco. ‘This is yours. I got it for you.’ An audible awww from the spectators reverberates around the stadium, as Draco closes his hand around Harry’s palm and kisses him. Harry’s lips are freezing cold, and Draco’s doing his best to warm them up with his own lips and his tongue. His white shirt and designer jeans are getting all wet from contact with Potter’s soaking uniform, but Draco doesn’t stop. He kisses Harry until he has no breath and then he kisses him some more.”
💗Still Life (orphaned, M, 3k)
(every sentence makes my heart hurt in the loveliest way)
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Fest rules and info
What is this fest about?
Drarry Spin the Wheel is a fest that allows you to spin at least two wheels (like the wheel of fortune) to inspire your creations.
There will be no prompting or claiming, because this fest is very low stress. You can just post your works on Tumblr, tag us and we’ll reblog them here. You can also add your work to our AO3 collection. We will create a master post to promote all the works that get posted on AO3.
What do the wheels look like?
There are three wheels: one with classic tropes (eg. there was only one bed, accidental bonding, etc.), one with more unusual prompts (eg. embarrassing curses, Pureblood courting traditions) and a third, optional wheel with smutty prompts.
Since we’re super chill mods and this fest is all about enjoying yourself in the least stressful way possible, you can spin the wheel as many times as you want until you find something that inspires you. 😎 Still confused? Spin the wheels!
What can I create?
Pretty much anything you fancy: fics (from microfics to BigBangs, there’s no word limit), art, comics, mood boards, playlists, podfics (as long as you get permission from the author), rec lists, Weasley jumpers, cakes, anything as long as it’s drarry related and you’ve used the wheels to inspire you.
You can also combine this fest with other fests, if you want.
What kind of rating is allowed?
Any rating is allowed, but please tag your work appropriately, and if you post something mature or explicit on Tumblr, we would kindly ask that you hide it under a cut.
We support YKINMKBYKIO (your kink is not my kink, but your kink is okay), DLDR (don’t like – don’t read), so we will not tolerate any shaming. We are anti-terfs, anti-transphobia and anti-discrimination of any kind. We are for SALS, so any side-ship is welcome.
We ask that all participants are 18+.
What is the schedule for posting?
The wheels will be available to spin from Saturday 19th February.
Posting: from 24th April to 15th May.
Do I need to keep my creation secret?
Absolutely not! You can share your WIPs with the world. We will gladly reblog your works in progress if you tag us @drarry-spin-the-wheel-fest (just please remember to keep any NSFW thing under a cut).
When you post your work, please make sure that you mention which tropes you have used from the wheels.
I still have a lot of questions about this, how can I contact you?
Send us an ask, a DM or contact me (@orange-peony) and we will gladly answer.
Your faithful mods, @orange-peony, @avenueofesc and @phoebe-delia.
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six-ish sentence sunday
thanks @jalesidor! here's a snippet from a WIP chapter involving Harry and a mildly terrifying Draco visiting the Dursley's.
Petunia poured tea into silence punctuated by the rhythm of Vernon's breaths and the ticking of the grandfather clock in the hall. Harry stared at her openly.
No lipstick. It changed her drastically—in memory she wore shiny mauve or pastel pink, always. Her upper lip had been replaced with a set of lines funnelling towards her nose. More pinched than ever, like her body was in the process of being sucked into itself.
Her eyes narrowed when Draco wielded their wand to stir milk into their tea, the spoon whispering around within the china.
"You look familiar," Petunia squinted at them.
"I was in Time Out a few months ago," Draco answered without looking at her. They set the teaspoon to float and replaced it on the saucer, then sat back, wand resting openly against their thigh.
Draco lifted their eyes and dragged their gaze across the surfaces of the sitting room. It was immaculate, as always, but under their gaze paired with that fucking Wiltshire drawl, which they were laying on extra thick, anyone could be made to feel a shabby mess.
They flashed a snarl that could have passed for a smile if even a glimmer of warmth travelled to their eyes. In place of genuine feeling were shiny eyeteeth and a seething sense of loathing.
Draco held Petunia captive in their dead-eyed stare and ticked their head to the left.
"I’ll autograph it if you’re holding on to a copy."
tagging some of ya'll i don't think were already tagged this weekend: @fw00shy @tontonguetonks @lou-isfake @wheezykat @sweet-s0rr0w @avenueofesc @veelawings
〰〰no pressure, just vibes 〰〰
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phoebe-delia · 3 years
Not that anyone cares that much lol but after a lot of consideration and conversations with the microfic server and taking this quiz over and over, I have realized I'm a Hufflepuff.
I'll always have a special place in my heart for Ravenclaw, but I think I'm ultimately a Hufflepuff.
The reason I make this post is that Jet, @ginnyxdarling, you asked me a while back why I most identified with my Hogwarts house, and since I've now changed (and I'm nothing if not self-indulgent), I'm going to re-answer.
Although everything I said in my previous post is true, and part of me is genuinely so sad that I no longer share a house with my favorite character Luna Lovegood, I think Hufflepuff really represents me best.
Hufflepuffs value:
hard work
fair play
One of the qualities I value most about myself is my sense of justice, which is something I admire in both Luna and Hermione, neither of whom is in my house. But I think that connects with the idea of fair play because I have little tolerance for ill-intentioned and selfish dishonesty, as well as cheating. Taking a shortcut is one thing, but cheating is another.
I also believe in hard work, which is difficult for me sometimes when my ADHD and/or mental health cause me to struggle with my responsibilities. But when I'm focused, and I'm in the right headspace, I'm definitely a hard worker. Those of you who are kind enough to follow me might know that I write almost every day; that is a result of my hyper-fixation on this fandom/Drarry, my love of writing, and yes, hard work. Part of me wishes I was able to channel that into writing a longfic, rather than a ton of short ones, but I'm trying to remember that this is for fun, and short stories have just as much of a place here as the incredible longfics out there. But I digress.
I'm also very loyal. I will stick with and love my friends almost unconditionally—the only one really being that they treat me well, of course. There is very little I'd refuse to do for my friends.
I'll be honest, part of me is a little irrationally sad that I'm not a Ravenclaw, though I truly think Hufflepuff is right for me; but changing my house doesn't mean that I lack the Ravenclaw traits; it means that the things that make me a Hufflepuff are more central to who I am at my core than perhaps my Ravenclaw characteristics. I still love to be creative—as is everyone else in this fandom, regardless of house—and I still value acceptance, wit, knowledge and intelligence. I can also be brave like a Gryffindor and ambitious like a Slytherin.
I'm trying to remember that my house doesn't completely define me. If shipping and writing Drarry has taught me anything, it's that we're more than just one or five traits; we're too complex to be restricted like that.
It's why there are hatstalls, why Harry was almost a Slytherin, and why Zacharias Smith can be an asshole and a Hufflepuff, and why Peter Pettigrew can be a coward and a Gryffindor. And it's why Hermione can be the "brightest witch of her age" and not in Ravenclaw.
As I write this, I'm reminded of the paintings by @avenueofesc that are almost as gorgeous as their artist. My painting would be yellow, with swirls of blue and a hint of red, maybe even a trace of green somewhere.
This post turned out to be longer and more rambling than I intended, but the point is: allowing yourself to recognize all of the different traits you possess will cause you to see more beauty in yourself than you might've before, because the colors of your canvas are as vivid and bright as you.
My ask box is empty!! Send me an ask about Harry Potter, broadway/musicals, The West Wing, and/or Taylor Swift! Or just about life in general :).
Also, I have a playlist of my 99 most listened-to songs of the year so far. Pick a number 1--99 and send me an ask and I'll write you a fic based on it.
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corvuscrowned · 3 years
wip wednesday
thank u to my beloved @jalesidor for the tag even tho u know full well i have no viable wips rn :) this is a snip from a fic that’s in the “put in a drawer and dont edit for a few months” stage where we find our fucked up heros in an established relationship even though draco has a hard time staying due to Issues™️ and constantly wants to leave.
Draco snaps the book shut when the sun reaches its zenith. “Anyway,” he says as if he’s continuing a conversation that never started. “It was Valencia.” 
Harry picks it up quickly. “That’s where you planned to go?” 
He turns around. Draco nods, and Harry laughs.
“But the south of Spain was my answer.” 
“It’s not a competition, Harry,” Draco snaps.
“But you made fun of me for it.” 
“That’s because you stole my idea,” Draco pouts.
Harry laughs again, mirth washing over him like a cool font of water. “I thought it wasn’t a competition.” 
He climbs onto the couch and sits across from Draco, and they both lean back against opposite armrests, their entangled legs sticky with sweat. “Tell me about it,” Harry says. 
Draco studies him with a trace of suspicion for a moment as he considers this. His lips twist into a slight frown. “I don’t know if you actually want to hear about it.” 
Harry doesn’t. He doesn’t want to hear any possibility of Draco living a life without him, of him living a life without Draco. It’s painful in ways he can’t even understand. But Draco is finally talking about it, so he stuffs it down.
“Tell me,” Harry says.
“Well,” Draco says with a sigh. “One of the premiere institutes for charm development is located there. And it’s a beautiful city with fascinating festivals and its own dialect and traditions,” he says. “And it’s on the sea.”
“But you hate the sea,” Harry points out.
“I know,” Draco says with a small smile. “But you love it.” 
Harry smiles, but it quickly drops into a grimace. “You’ve put a lot of thought into it.” 
Draco frowns. He doesn’t respond.
“Did you think you’d ever come back?” Harry asks, the words heavy on his lips.
Draco doesn’t take his eyes off Harry’s. His face quirks slowly to one side, like he’s beginning to shake his head no before thinking better of it. “I don’t know,” he says. “I really don’t know.” 
i want to read ur words bls (in a chill, no-pressure way) @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm, @academicdisaster24, @peachpety, @avenueofesc, @vukovich, @mysticdreamers, @pennygalleon, @thebooktopus, @apr1cots, @moonstruckwytch, @wheezykat, and every single person ever thx 
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written-in-ash · 3 years
Six (but really four) Sentence Sunday!!
thanks for the tags @apr1cots @avenueofesc!
Draco is wearing Harry’s ghastly tangerine Weasley jumper and Harry tries not to feel his stupid, traitor heart melt. As he’s told Hermione many, many times, Harry is not in love with his Unspeakable partner. That would be absurd.
And a lie.
I know what you’re thinking: ‘awww lyssa’s writing fluff?? how wonderful!’. My only answer to that is no. This is also the longest thing i’ve ever written 👀
tagging @phoebe-delia @steampunkserpent27 @thusspoketrish @starlitsilvereyes and @moonstruckwytch (and YOU!!! I wanna see y’all’s wips)
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orange-peony · 2 years
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Thanks for tagging me @artsyunderstudy​, @thewholelemon, @pato-roldnart ​ and @bubble-gumhead​. 💙
Here's a snippet from chapter 2 of my fic for the @erotic-grope-fest (Nico's POV):
“I need to ask you something,” he says without preamble, without even sitting down or taking his fancy jacket off, and I immediately know it’s a vampire thing. He comes and asks me questions once in a while, and I’ve come to like him, even though he’s a little swot. I still prefer his winged boyfriend, though.
“Spill it,” I say, “but be quick about it because I’m making pizza dough and Fiona’s going to be back from the supermarket soon.”
“Can vampires get pregnant?” he asks point-blank, and I gape at him.
“Are you thinking about getting a surrogate or something?” I ask, surprised, but he starts chewing his bottom lip and shakes his head, clearly not wanting to say why he looks so desperate for me to answer his question. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him looking so anxious before. I notice how pale he is; how gaunt his cheeks are. He could do with a good drink, but I understand why he doesn’t want to. I used to believe it was a blessing to live forever, but now the prospect of living in a world without Fiona is simply terrifying. “It is possible,” I finally declare, pulling him out of his misery.
Tagging (no pressure and sorry if you have already done it, and I 've missed it): @avenueofesc, @rockingrobin69, @letraspal, @martsonmars, @facewithoutheart, @peachpety, @vukovich, @drarrily-we-row-along, @m0srael, @crazybutgood, @secretartlair, @moonstruckwytch and @moncuries.
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avenueofesc · 3 years
Hello! How about numbers 6 and 21 for the 'fun meta asks for writers', please? Thank you!
Thanks, darling! ❤️
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
Luna, I think! She’s just so fun. I adore her! But I also really love writing Ginny (sassy BAMF). I had a ton of fun with Teddy and Andromeda in Everything You Want (is Right in Front of You).
21. What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
Oh good lord, I have no idea! Thus far I have only written small fics with the exceptions of Valedictions (13k) and Everything You Want (is Right in Front of You) (67k). So most of what I have done I don’t think would work well for anything other than a podfic or maybe just a single piece of art. Valedictions, because it is an epistolary fic, would probably only work well in that sense…so maybe written letters? Everything You Want could probably work as any of those honestly. It’s long enough lmfao.
Writer Asks
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sweet-s0rr0w · 3 years
Fic: Nice
Written for @drarrymicrofic 's prompt 'Forbidden'. Thanks to Em (@avenueofesc) for your help and cheerleading!
WC: 2089 (or you can call it 41 microfics)
Rating: E
It’s the last time.
You’ve said as much before, of course: time and again that first year, when Firewhisky burned the back of your throat and grief always bubbled just below the surface. You swore it the night before your wedding, hand loosely encircling your spent cock, blood running hot with anger; once more the first time you snuck out, head bowed, past Scorpius’ cot. Wretched with shame.
Two decades later, though, you’ve finally put your demons to bed.
Well, almost.
You’ve allowed yourself this – this single, tiny indulgence – for many years now. Always the first day of September, always straight after dinner, you excuse yourself. Astoria’s early curiosity has long given way to callous indifference, and her sneered of course, darling barely registers as you leave her sitting at the table. You can barely keep to a walk, and you slam the library doors behind you, locking spells tripping off your tongue in haste as your other hand fumbles with the latch on the cupboard for what will definitely be the very last time.
You saw Scorpius off this morning: sixteen and almost your height already, a tangle of long limbs and smiling blue eyes. He has your colouring, of course, your bone structure; but as he scrambled onto the train, face shining bright with joy, it’s clearer than ever where the similarities end. Six times now you’ve watched Scorpius pull the carriage door open, slump down in the seat next to Albus Potter. Six times you’ve stood just metres away from his father. Just six occasions of forced proximity over twenty long years, and it never gets easier. Today was worse than usual.
Some things do change though: Scorpius comes of age in two months. Astoria will be gone soon, taking half the vaults with her, and your life will be your own once more. Finally, you’ll let yourself be happy. Finally, you’ll leave the past behind.
It’s the last time.
You’re not thinking of that now, of course, because you’ve promised yourself one last glimpse, and the familiar nervous excitement is already tingling through your fingertips. You unstopper the tiny vial, glass cloudy with age, pour it straight into your Pensieve and lean.
The library dissolves quickly, its golden chandeliers replaced with dim, flickering sconces as you find yourself right there, for the thousandth time: your old lab, back at the Ministry. Your younger self sits hunched, miserably, over a cauldron, biting his lip in concentration. The door crashes open, and your heart skips a beat, but young Draco only flinches, squinting closer at the murky solution.
“Look, I’m almost done, just give me –”
He turns, pleading. The words die on his lips. You watch the way his eyes widen, his back straightens, hear the familiar short, sharp inhale.
Harry Potter stands in the doorway: so young and so lovely, gaze fixed on your younger self. He’s restless, coiled tight with unspent energy, expression fierce but sure. Young Draco stares back, wrongfooted, rosy glow spreading fast across his cheeks.
Harry steps forward. “You want me.”
It’s a question, but phrased as a statement, and your younger self is speechless. You watch one last time as the emotions flicker over his face: but how does he – I’ve been so – a trap, it must be – what do I? – and all the while Harry stands, gaze searching, waiting for an answer. Hesitantly, young Draco looks up. Nods, just barely.
In an instant, Harry is by his side, taking his hand. “Come on, then.” Young Draco flicks a bare glance at the cauldron in front of him but nods again, more certain this time, and Harry drapes that strange, shifting fabric over him and tugs him, invisible, towards the Floo.
You follow them, the room shifting and changing, to the Portkey Office. The next Portkey, Harry says, assuredly. No, I don’t mind. You can’t see your younger self, but you remember exactly how he feels, chest tight underneath the fabric, terror mingling with flutters of hope, swallowing and swallowing and trying to stay upright. You watch as Harry takes hold of the wooden spatula, joining a family of four off on holiday to the Côte d'Azur. They give him nervous smiles of recognition, and either don’t notice or are too polite to ask why one of his hands has disappeared.
The countdown ends, and the walls drop away, and you’re struggling to catch up as Harry takes long strides across the promenade, early evening sun glinting off the pavement. He makes a fist in the air, and your younger self emerges, glancing nervously around and shielding his eyes from the blinding light. They look completely ridiculous, the pair of them, marching along side-by-side: he still in Auror uniform, you – him – in your thick anti-spill robes. On the beach, tourists and locals are sunbathing. A rollerskater whizzes past; nearly falls on his face staring.
“We’ll be seen.”
“We won’t. It doesn’t matter, anyway.” Harry’s face is resolute. He reaches for young Draco’s hand, clasps it tightly, and your younger self looks down with eyes so full of wonder that you’re forced to stop for a second, pained.
The small blue door comes into view: tucked between a grocery store and a boulangerie, it opens, as always, to reveal a dark stairwell. Fourth floor, the man told them, and you watch as they climb silently together, hands brushing as they pass each floor. Young Draco glances quickly over at Harry, and you recall how you were back then: lightheaded with anticipation, unsure if you’d even make it to the top. Harry must feel the same, because he has his wand out before they reach the landing. With a bang the apartment door is open, and he’s dragging young Draco inside, hands fumbling with fastenings, teeth dragging lightly over his neck. You follow, sliding in just before the door slams shut, eyes on your younger self as he falls easily to his knees.
“God, I hope this is the right flat,” Harry gets out, laughing. He pushes his trousers to his thighs just in time for young Draco to swallow him down, to wipe the grin right off his face. Harry makes a guttural noise and tips his head back, eyes closed, and it’s Pavlovian, by now, the way your cock is already fattening in your hand as you edge closer to them. Your eyes are fixed on Harry: the long line of his throat, the way his tongue darts out to wet his lips, the curve of his back as he arches forwards, completely undone. His moans grow louder as your younger self reaches behind him, greedy hands squeezing that firm arse in time with each impatient thrust. Everything seemed so urgent back then, the both of you always chasing each other’s pleasure: almost as though you knew you were running out of time. So desperate, so frantic, but it still takes you by surprise, the way it did that first time: Harry’s sudden gasp, the loud exhaled Draco as his body shudders and stills.
The scene shifts, and they’re atop soft sheets, Harry sinking slowly down, brows knitted, trembling body held taut as a board: his first time, he would later confide. Your throat grows tight as you watch young Draco gaze up at him, expression raw with wanting, fists clutching uselessly at the air, desperate to move.
Bare minutes later and they’re out on the balcony, watching the world wake up. It’s so peaceful: cornflower skies still hazy with sleep, car horns and voices floating up from below, a breeze rustling the boulangerie bags strewn across the table. As you watch, Harry leans forward, swiping a gentle thumb over the flakes of croissant still stuck to the corner of young Draco’s lips. Young Draco smiles then, brings his own hands up to Harry’s face, moves to kiss him deeply. He’s only 22, so he’s always ready. Your own strokes are firmer now, and when Harry’s hand trails down to the bulge in your younger self’s shorts you watch him take hold of it, a wicked smile spreading across his face as he guides it under his waistband.
Afternoon, now, and you’re following once more as they stroll hand in hand through the narrow streets, out to the quiet end of the beach. Harry casts a Disillusionment and you sit next to them on the sand, listening to their low voices as they talk for long minutes, saying almost nothing. You watch intently for the moment the charm will flicker, the moment when you might catch a glimpse of Harry’s soft expression, might watch him guide your younger self gently down onto the warm sand.
Your favourite bit next, as the sun sets and they wander slowly back, stopping for lazy kisses against palm trees, faces shining pink with stubble-rash and sunburn. They barely make it up the stairs this time before they’re pulling each other to the floor, tearing off clothes, always insatiable. The fight for dominance ends with Harry bending young Draco over the sofa and pounding into him. Their cries echo through the apartment and out of the open doors, mingling with the sounds of the city outside. Your own strokes become faster now, more insistent, as you move to stand behind Harry. You ghost your free hand over the lines of his hips, tracing the muscles of his thighs, his arse, admiring the way it flexes with every thrust, drinking in every single detail this one last, glorious time. Harry’s breathing hitches, his movements growing erratic, and your hand works fast and frantic. Young Draco moans, and you follow suit, and soon you’re all three sighing out your release. Your younger self turns back towards Harry, traces a lazy finger down his face, limbs loose, smile utterly content.
You let out a long groan as the air shimmers once more, and the library reforms around you. Your prick dangles limp from your trousers as your body finds itself in the present, your mind still lost on a long weekend some twenty years ago. Three nights you’d slept together: sheets discarded, skin damp, legs tangled. Three days you’d consumed each other like men starving, whispered words you never had before or since. But you must have known, somehow, as you had the Pensieve vial in your hand and your wand at your temple the moment your feet touched the Manor floor. You must have known, although when those beautiful green eyes met yours, shining with remorse, your chest had throbbed as though he’d torn you to shreds again. It’s okay, you told him, bravely, words ripping themselves rough from your throat, we both knew it wasn’t –
By the next summer, you were both married. You’d left the Ministry by then, opened your own apothecary. You spent over a decade avoiding him, changing your usual routine, avoiding social events – and successfully too, until fate landed you both back at Kings Cross.
Back on the noisy platform, where every year as you wave and smile, you steal a sideways glance at Harry. Every year, you’re startled to find flecks of grey in that familiar black hair and deep lines scoring his once-smooth skin. Every year you watch the Weasley bitch fuss around the children, jealousy curled up in your throat, forcing spiteful words onto the tip of your tongue.
Every year, until this year.
This morning, he’d been alone. This morning, for the first time in two decades your eyes had met, gazes held for one single, agonising second. This morning, ignoring the calls of your son, you’d turned on your heel and left.
But you’re not going to dwell on that, because tonight was for moving on. This was the very last time, after all.
Before you can talk yourself out of it, you pull the memory out of the Pensieve, sealing it in its vial and resting it carefully down on the rug. You raise one booted foot, breathing deeply. You close your eyes, tense your muscles and – pause, frowning. There’s a tapping noise, insistent, to your right.
You walk over to the window, squinting out into the darkness. The owl is unfamiliar, and listing to the right with the weight of something held tightly in its talons. You unhook the latch, letting the night air in, and it flies straight past you, deposits its haul neatly on your rug. You turn automatically.
Atop the unbroken vial it lays, innocuous, as your blood rushes to your feet and you forget how to breathe: a familiar wooden spatula.
Thanks for reading! You can find it on AO3 here.
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cavendishbutterfly · 3 years
hello cav! how about 23 or 27?
Hiya fwooshy, I couldn't decide so I answered both <3
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
@avenueofesc and I once had a chat about how we couldn't think of many amnesia fics where Draco lost his memory, and I was quite close to writing one myself before I got too busy. Similarly, @somegymnast and I once talked about how we were both in the mood for some good ol' forced proximity, and I nearly wrote a seven minutes in heaven one-shot until my other projects got the better of me.
27. favorite fanfic author of the year
Oh man. Everyone in my answer to #24 would certainly qualify. But if I had to pick two authors who have consistently blown me away this year (and it is genuinely a coincidence that you're the one asking) I would say @shiftylinguini and @fw00shy.
Shiftylinguini: Just incredible. So many fics that simultaneously nail humor, emotional truth, and scorching smut so effortlessly. Midnight in the City of a Hundred Spires absolutely transported me. Embers and Two Weeks remain some of my favorites ever for their expert balance of tenderness and heat.
Fwooshy: A constant reminder of the beauty of language--words, sentence structure, rhythm. To name a few pieces that have utterly halted me when they crossed my dash: Dust gave me chills. Pumpkin I reread over and over, spellbound. pretend sex with draco's pretend boyfriend feels so alive and insanely beautiful.
Ask me more questions, if you like! Feel free to also come up with your own if you feel so inspired.
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Six Sentence Sunday (Tuesday?!)
I was tagged by the wonderful @avenueofesc @orange-peony and @april-thelightfury115 to post the last 6 sentences of a WIP I'd been working on, so here it goes!
I'm currently working on this Wolfstar piece... (I hope you don't mind it isn't Drarry)
The snooty waitress walked up to Remus for the second time in 15 minutes. “So, are you ready to order?” she huffed.
Remus looked up from his cellphone and sighed. Gilderoy hadn’t answered his messages. Looks like the bastard had stood him up. Remus cursed himself for giving that muppet yet another underserved chance.
Tagging: @samunderthelights @ihavesomeideawhatimdoinghere @uphorie @ununquadius (No pressure) 😊
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the-starryknight · 3 years
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Happy happy Tuesday! Today's a great day to spread some love for our favorite fics. I've been thinking about the two cake theory, and how one of the great joys of fandom is that we can keep creating new things from the same tropes. So, I'm wondering - what are your favorite tropes, and what tropes have you written or created art and podfics and moodboards for or made rec lists about? Rec me something of yours, and/or something of a friend's!
As usual, all tropes, all ships, all fandoms are invited. You're welcome to share even if you aren't tagged. And feel free to answer any day of the week, not just Tuesdays.
Tagging @avenueofesc, @julcheninred, @dracothecupcake, @lou-isfake, @primavera-cerezos, @shealwaysreads, @thesleepiesthufflepuff, @uphorie, @sitp-recs, @pineau-noir, @floydig, @amortentiaboys, @americanmoths, and @hogwartsfirebolt to get us started, though no pressure!
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phoebe-delia · 3 years
You know what I am asking for, darling. HP as HSM. Change my mind. ❤️
My dearest Em, @avenueofesc, you put this lovely ask in my box a very long time ago, and my lateness in answering it can be attributed to a number of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that I had to consider how exactly to address it. This will be a ficlet, but be prepared for another post outlining the similarities between HP and HSM in order to convince you to like it.
This is based on a specific scene at the beginning of HSM 2. This is also a Muggle AU. Enjoy, and ilysm <3
"Mate, I'm so ready for summer. I need this break," Ron sighed, shutting his locker. "Exams left me knackered."
"Oh, poor you," Hermione snorted softly next to him. "All that stress watching me study. Must've been so mentally taxing."
Ron smirked, wrapping an arm around her. "Your stress is mine, baby," he said, grinning when Hermione blushed.
"Your only stress is when the dining room is out of pudding," Harry snickered, jerking away when Ron tried to hit him lightly on the arm.
"Speaking of stress, where's your pet ferret?" Ron looked around. "Probably off somewhere terrorizing younger students, or spending his Daddy's money, or—"
"Or, wondering why his boyfriend's mates are such dunderheads—excluding Granger, of course," a posh drawl came from behind them. Draco crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at Ron, who scoffed.
Harry felt butterflies erupt in his stomach. "Er, guys, can I have a minute with Draco?"
Ron grumbled something under his breath as Hermione said, "Of course, Harry," and steered him away, leaving Draco and Harry to themselves.
Draco's smug grin fell away into something softer. "What's going on, Potter?"
Harry took a deep breath. "I have something for you."
Draco's eyebrows furrowed. "What is it?"
"Er, turn around?"
Draco frowned but turned his back to Harry, who clenched his jaw. It was now or never. He reached into his pocket and took out a silver chain, latching it carefully around Draco's neck.
Draco faced Harry again, looking at the chain around his neck in awe. "'H?' As in Harry?"
Harry nodded. "Yeah, I just...You're mine, and between football practice and whatever bullshite my uncle makes me do this summer, I just don't know when I'll get the chance to see you, so this is to tell you that...you're a priority. And I'm always with you, even when I'm not."
Draco looked at him silently, his mouth agape.
Harry shifted slightly under the searching gaze. "Well, do you like it? Say something!"
Suddenly, Draco surged forward, pressing his lips to Harry's and pushing him against the lockers. Harry wrapped his hands around Draco's waist and closed his eyes, melting into the kiss until they pulled apart at the sound of a delicate but firm cough.
"Surely you gentlemen can take this...recreational activity off campus, now that the year has ended?" Professor McGonagall said with the exhaustion of a woman who sounded like she needed a trip to the spa.
Harry flushed. "Sorry Professor."
She sighed. "Just...get out of here. Have a good summer." With that, she turned and walked away. Harry let out a relieved sigh but blushed again at the snickering students nearby as they giggled and whispered, sneaking glances at him and Draco.
But Draco smirked, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck. "Thank you, Harry. I love it. And we'll make time to see each other. It'll work out."
Harry rested his forehead against Draco's. "I hope so. I just want this summer to be fun."
Draco grinned. "Don't worry, Harry. This summer is going to be fabulous."
Send me an ask about Harry Potter, broadway/musicals, The West Wing, and/or Taylor Swift! Or just about life in general :).
Also, I have a playlist of my 99 most listened-to songs of the year so far. Pick a number 1--99 and send me an ask and I'll write you a fic based on it!
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