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clairedelune-13 · 6 months ago
Veilguard not allowing for romances outside of your squad is disappointing.
Andromeda might’ve had its gaping flaws, but being able to romance non-companions was really interesting.
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sihakadan · 1 year ago
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Look at her. My darling little murder baby ♥
I still don't understand shading but I am freaking trying ok?
Avela or Evie for short. War veteran and now a simp for large bear man who fights with ducks.
She is a variation of my other oc from Arcane, Vee. I like making one oc and then tossing them into multiple universes so they can suffer multiple times lol
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officialzedwap · 5 months ago
Usimamane - BANK Ft. ANATII & Tony Dayimane
Artist: Usimamane Featuring: ANATII and Tony Dayimane Producer: Lungelo Msomi, ANATII, Yandisa Nunu, Siyolonda Mtshali, Avela Mtungwa and Sthembiso Mtshali Album: 20th: Days Before Maud Genre: Rap Released: 2024 Duration: 03:42 Usimamane – BANK | Audio Download Nigerian music composer, Usimamane, releases a brand new track titled “BANK“. The single boasts of an incredible feature from ANATII and…
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ligaparasorvete · 1 year ago
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selfcaredicas · 2 years ago
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✨NUTELLA VEGANA: ▫️INGREDIENTES: -300g de avelã -45g de cacau em pó 100% -Adoçante a gosto (usei stevia) -1cch de essência de baunilha -20ml de óleo de coco (opcional) -pitada de sal ▫️PREPARO: coloque as avelãs em uma assadeira e torre-as no forno por 10-15 minutos (até a casca escurecer um pouco, mas cuidado p/ não queimarem). P/ remover as cascas, coloque-as sobre um pano de prato e esfregue bem. Retire manualmente as que não saírem. Transfira as avelãs torradas e descascadas p/ um processador junto com os outros ingredientes e comece a processar. Demora um tempo e será preciso abrir algumas vezes o processador para raspar as paredes. Processe bem até virar uma pasta bem lisa e cremosa. Armazene em um pote fechado na geladeira por até 1 mês. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✨FERRERO ROCHER ▫️INGREDIENTES: RECHEIO: -50g de nutella vegana caseira (pode usar pasta de amendoim também) -60g de chocolate amargo -60ml de leite vegetal (usei de coco) COBERTURA: -50g de chocolate amargo + 40g de avelãs picadas *rendimento: 6 bombons ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ▫️PREPARO: coloque a os ingredientes do recheio em uma panela e leve em fogo médio mexendo sempre até virar um creme bem consistente. Coloque-o em um prato e leve ao freezer por 1 hora. Pegue em torno de 1csp, abra a massa, coloque 1 avelã no meio e faça bolinhas. Leve para gelar por mais uns 30 minutos. •Cobertura: derreta o chocolate, misture com as avelãs picadas e passe as bolinhas nele. Coloque-as sobre uma folha de papel manteiga e leve p/ geladeira até o chocolate endurecer. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✨PAVÊ DE AVELÃ E CHOCOLATE: CREME: -50g de nutella vegana caseira -200ml de leite vegetal (e + um pouco p/ molhar os biscoitos) -40g de chocolate amargo -adoçante a gosto -20g de cacau em pó 100% -avelãs picadas (usei em torno de 40g) -6-7 biscoitos da sua preferência (vou deixar nos destaques o biscoito que fiz)
PREPARO DO PAVÊ: coloque os ingredientes do creme do pavê uma panela e leve-os em fogo médio mexendo sempre até tudo ficar homogêneo. Acrescente as avelãs picadas e misture. Espere esfriar. •MONTAGEM: molhe os biscoitos da sua preferência em algum leite vegetal e comece intercalando as camadas de biscoito e creme (começando pelo biscoito) em uma taça grande ou recipiente que preferir. Usei uma taça bem grande e ficou com 3 camadas de biscoito e 3 do creme. Decore como preferir (coloquei alguns pedaços de biscoito quebrado e avelãs picadas por cima). Leve para geladeira por 2 horas no mínimo. Fica surreaaal! Perfeito para a sobremesa da ceia de Natal (ou para qualquer época do ano 😆) ✨Importante: avelã é um ingrediente caro infelizmente, mas compro sempre pela internet e consigo um preço bem mais camarada! E garanto para vocês que vale muito a pena fazer essas receitas! O creme de avelã e o bombom ferrero rocher ficam MUITO parecidos com as versões tradicionais! Além de serem mais saudáveis! Espero que tenham gostado! 🤍🤍🤍
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rekino2114 · 6 months ago
do you have any female Suguru Geto dating headcanons?
Fem.geto relationship headcanons
A/n:credit to avela emma on pinterest for the art. I can't think of a good name for fem geto (I thought about Sakura, but I'm not 100% sure let me know what you think)
Just a note, when you request stuff for fem. Geto, I'd like it if you could specify if it's before or after the toji fight since he acts very different, and so I know if I include nanako and mimiko. I'll do before the toji fight for this since I like that better
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Geto is genuinely really glad to have you, in the thankless and horrible world of jujutsu sorcerery (plus having to deal with gojo) its really nice to have someone she can rely on and that she knows will stick by her trough everything.
She loves studying and training with you, whether it be rereading something for a test or summoning curses to fight you she just enjoys these moments, especially because you're there with her (she likes training with you more than gojo because you're not as strong as him and don't rub your victory in her face)
Relaxing dates are definitely her thing, walking in the park picking flowers or just drinking tea at a quiet cafe with you she loves just existing with you in comfortable silence.
She'd love it if you could help her do her morning routine. Her hair especially takes a lot of time to do so she'd be really grateful if you want to help her, she'll help you with whatever you need to do to get prepared too of course.
Her curses are always there to protect you whenever she's not there. She knows you can defend yourself, but she just feels safer if her curses are near you not only to protect you but also just for fun stuff for example she lets you ride on rainbow dragon If you ask (I'm just imagining the spirited away scene that I have in my pinned post with chihiro riding on haku's dragon form.......I really love studio ghibli movies ok?)
Gojo is your third wheel in everything. He constantly shows up uninvited to your dates (shoko sometimes hangs around too) and always pesters geto to tell him how the date went whenever he wasn't there, which is in contrast to how he acted at the start of your relationship cause he was very suspicious of you and threatened to kill you if you broke her heart.
"Hey y/n,geto, where are you going?"
"We were about to go on a date around the city, why?"
"Really? Can I come?"
"No,It's a date, not a hangout"
"Come on, please? It's so boring around here without you"
"Just ask shoko to hang out or something"
"Pffft. Fiiiiine, you better tell me what you did later though"
".....I'm so sorry for him dear"
"It's alright"
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serpentface · 10 months ago
seems like for the qilik, obligate sophontry interrupted the transitional proto-avian glider stage and the hands are of some rationale trouble for an otherwise beak-using lineage. have you considered having the digit based tool use stem from increasingly dexterous handclaws to pry insects out of bark and tree trunks? i mean clinging to the side of trees is the general vibe of proto-avian gliders, and clades that focused on beak use for catching prey on the wing would continue into true avian lineages, while solidly gliding lineages focusing on digging for buggies woulda coulda shoulda be pushed by desertification/forest collapse occuring at geological speeds greater than that of evolutionary adaptation into terrestrial obligate sophontry. maybe. maybe they farmed termites or something. love the world hope they get that cow to the place :)
That's a really good idea, i think I'll go with it...
It fits perfectly with established lore of them having stemmed from climbing/gliding proto-birds (I haven't picked out a definite place in clade avelae (esp since the 'trees down' hypothesis of avian flight is contested) and there's some tremendous artistic license taken there, I've referenced microraptors and auorinis most for anatomy).
Also fits very well with established lore that they are predominantly insectivorous with populations outside of forested regions relying more heavily on vertebrate prey, and the fact that they have a pre-historic coevolutionary relationship with a species of ant, AND with the fact that their terrestrial lifestyle developed in response to fragmentation of forest habitats (separate to the 'contemporary' climate change event in the setting, which resulted in behaviorally modern qilik fragmenting into three distinct subspecies)
I'm thinking it would probably be the 'thumb' digit that is most specialized into tearing bark (as a better excuse for opposability lol) while the other two digits remain strong and flexible with curved claws to grip bark and assist with tearing. A flexible 'thumb' used to extract insects from bark could give way to more specialized tool use than could be accomplished with the mouth (probably stripped twigs to 'fish' for ants/termites in a similar fashion to chimps).
Their tool use probably predated this adaptation, ancestral gliding qilik may have been corvid-like in intelligence, but more dexterous manipulating limbs would allow for refinement in tool use and reinforce the ''hand''s dominance as a manipulating limb over the beak. And this would be further reinforced by a more terrestrial lifestyle.
As it stands their wing and hand anatomy is like this with great diversity in extent of feathering, given their flight feathers are vestigial in all three subspecies, which themselves are highly hybridized (flight feathers are most retained in only the most genetically isolated populations that dwell in forests and cliffs, where they are used for wing assisted incline running and to slow falls (though no anatomically modern qilik are capable of actual gliding)).
Sloppy as hell ref image
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They have lost their curved gripping claws on their 'fingers' but retain a shorter version of the probing claw on their 'thumb'. I definitely need to refine the anatomy here but it's a start
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rpgchoices · 1 year ago
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The top 4 characters will get into the tournament!
Post 1 here for more explanation and info.
all other parts here
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One of the things Bioware did wrong in Mass effect Andromeda is not giving us the option to romance Tiran Kandros
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I'd have even taken a soft romance with him, like you're given a chance to do with Avela and Keri.
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ageless-aislynn · 11 months ago
Oooo, you play mass effect, it finally clicked in my head. Who do you romance in Andromeda?
Also, I really did enjoy the game regardless of the amount of hate it got
ZOMG, you must've missed me at my most Andromeda obsessed, lol! I haven't actually been able to play it since last November, when my previous computer gave out and then this one has been super lousy. However, as soon as I can hopefully get my Vegas back on and thus be able to GIF (and vid) again, I'm planning on going back to Andromeda to finally finish the big Ryder twins romance GIF project I had going, lol!
In short, I've romanced every single option available except Scott/Peebee and Scott/Jaal. Scott/Peebee was in progress when I got derailed. But here are some posts I've made about various things, if you'd like to see them!
Sara's romances with Jaal, Reyes, Peebee and Vetra
Scott/Cora and the shocking, unexpected Scott/Harry romance 😂😜
I was working on the Scott/Gil vid here
I've vidded Sara/Reyes, Scott/Cora, Scott/Gil and my final vid ever was about Scott and his dad, Alec
Mass Effect: Andromeda incorrect quotes
Me at the bottom talking about doing an Insanity run and showing my Sara in her Mjolnir-like tanky armor plus the name of my crafted weapons 😂
I absolutely adore this game and I've honestly missed playing it so much! Also, did you know that Kate Kennedy aka Kai from Halo is the voice of one of the Angara?
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I romanced Avela as Scott JUST for that fact alone, lol!
Anyway, like I said, I never did get the chance to finish making GIFs for all of my romances and I still hope to finish those last two for Scott. As for which are my favs...
Sara: Reyes. I'm a sucker for that scoundrel, what can I say? 😍😇 But Vetra is a close second. I have to physically restrain myself from flirting with her if I'm planning on romancing somebody else because there's no way I'd hurt my best Turian girl like that! 😱😉
Scott: Gil surprisingly became my favorite "I have to make SURE not to click the flirt options if I'm romancing somebody else" romance. I also, no surprise, loved his romance with Reyes. Cora also was great!
I honestly really enjoyed all of the romance options, except for Keri's (the reporter) and not for any fault of hers but I disliked how she looks kinda uncomfortable with either Ryder flirting with her while she's just trying to do her job. I felt like a real creep, I have to say! 😩Then at the end, after I've annoyed this poor Asari at her workplace this entire time, the "payoff" was we went from a table at the Vortex to Ryder's just suddenly outside of her room? Not even a kiss? 🫤(I legit have headcanoned that Keri never actually let Ryder into her room, just went in herself, closed the door, and left them out in the hall, lol! "That's for continuing to come on to me and never taking the hint while I'm clearly just doing my job, you creep!" 😖😂😉)
If I could've romanced Evfra *points up at his pic above* I totally would have because I'm a sucker for a good "enemies to lovers" trope, lol! And I think Evfra would haaaaate himself for falling for the human Pathfinder. 😍😍😍
I clearly have put a lot of silly thoughts into Andromeda, lol! Anyway, thanks so much for letting me ramble about this! Who did you romance? Have you played as both twins or do you prefer just the one? Default or custom? Do you mod? My computer was coming off the rails at the time so I've only stuck to what's available in-game but I've seen some beautiful Ryder twins and some awesome clothing options with mods. 😉💖💖💖
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kontvortex · 2 months ago
hayalleri olmayan bir çingene nedir ki?)
Orkestra gürültüsü, korkunç masal ah! çocukluğun yılanla ağulu inan… ecelin soykütüğüne kayıtlı perhan… Sinemadan çalındı anılar : hangi sevda için tutuldun fırtınaya? .
bataklıkta argodan doğup: racon kestin suçluluğa … Yüreğin bileyli bıçak ; bıçkın sustalı aşklara.. Dumanlar aczini saklar: vebale saçılmak sana haram.. sarhoş atla gelir çoşku: yenilgin alkolde savrulmak. şarjörlerce silah yağmur ;hayalin kırık hangi kalbe sığınsan
alkol yağdırıyor hava…kurşun yağmuru çocukluğuna…. veremli ciğerinde nikotin; atılıyor haplı çalgılarla …. kirlenen rengin diliyle: geceyi giyer günah Gençliğin deprem altında: sisli geçmişine dokunsan:
mafyatik krallık burda; çadırında barbut atacak…. depremle sarsıyor çalgı, klarnet sızısı var … Karanlık avluda kuşlar: alkol ve şiirle nakışlıdır… veremli sevda ücrana çekilir, hiçbir ölüm seni bu kadar sızlatamaz! ..
Lekeyi hangi suyla aklayabiliriz ulan?! kaç yerinden sökülür; yürek esvabı orda? Piçliğin kirli tohumu: atılıyor bakir toprağına… Günah şehrinde azran : fersah fersah uzakta .. içkiden esrik ırmakta: kimse intiharını bilmiyor perhan !
besteyle geceyi bıçaklasan, incinme sesi göğsünde kalır ! Yaranın damara aktığı an: çiftkağıtlının inişi bu masumluğa! nikotin giyotinle bağrına inince; harabe sevgilidir aklında Saraybosna!
orkestra gürültüsü,korkunç öykü ah! perhan! külhani tesbih namın, darmadağan!
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toourfriendlyunderworld · 2 years ago
Welcome to the Underworld Netscape, a digital haven void of government oversight. The year is 2157, in Beijing. Our hosts Val and Decker work to uncover the story behind the downfall of Avela Labs over 20 years ago. Through the actions of the renowned scientist Chengyun Tao and her ragtag group of friends, a technological crisis that threatens the core of society is narrowly avoided. A story of friends, dumplings, and a Chinchilla.
TO OUR FRIENDLY UNDERWORLD is a podcast created by Erica Yamamoto and Lucas Dul. It was edited and produced by Anastasia Dalia Sîrbu and Justina Marji, with Juno Overton as the voice of Chengyun.
"IMPLANT theme" written and composed by Anastasia Dalia Sîrbu
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shizuu-chann · 2 years ago
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soraeia · 8 months ago
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Sees Avelan walking out of the throne room with a bloodied forehead and a swollen eye. "Avelan...?"
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"That is Prince to you! Address me so casually again and I'll remind you myself where your place is!"
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"I am only worried---"
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"If you had done a better job at holding your tongue, Allisae would have come with me! Don't forget that you had as much to do with what happened with them as I do. So pray that the next time your brother comes to you, it won't be for your fucking neck!"
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selfcaredicas · 2 years ago
✨INGREDIENTS✨ 5 cups Hazelnuts 1/4-1/3 cup powdered coconut sugar depending on how sweet you like it - I used 1/3 cup 1/2 cup cacao powder 2 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp vanilla 1/4 tsp salt 🚨IMPORTANT🚨 do not use any water based ingredient such as plant milk, maple syrup or another liquid sweetener. It will cause the nut butter to seize up and will not be smooth and creamy. Even vanilla should be kept to a minimum - just 1 tsp tops! 🔥 First start by roasting your Hazelnuts until golden. 425f for about 10 minutes should do the trick! Watch carefully at the end so they don’t burn!You can also buy them pre roasted! 👌If your Hazelnuts have skins on them rub them off by using a kitchen towel before adding them to your blender or high speed food processor. 😋 Blend until completely smooth - it should take less than 5 minutes. Hazelnuts are very easy to turn into nut butter! 🙌 To make your own powdered coconut sugar simply blend up your coconut sugar until it becomes a fine powder. 😍Once the hazelnut butter is super smooth add in the rest of your ingredients and blend again until fully incorporated.
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void-botanist · 1 year ago
Wrapped Scenelets No. 21: cufflinks
I'm writing scenelets for (most of) my Spotify Wrapped top 100 songs. Here's number 21, That's What I Like by Bruno Mars.
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Nestled in the midnight velvet of the box were two white gold cufflinks, cut in the shape of the compass-rose stars of his favorite suit. Spinder’s heart sank.
“They’re gorgeous,” he said. That much was true.
Fabian was doing that little smile he did when he didn’t want to look too pleased with himself, but was nevertheless very pleased. “I figured you could wear them to dinner on Monday.”
Ah. This was a gift for dinner with the Avelas, not because Fabian had just wanted to do something nice. “I don’t have any shirts with split cuffs, though.”
“Oh, right.” Fabian bounced his fingertips off the side of his own head. “I forgot about that. You don’t fit in my shirts, do you?”
“No,” Spinder said, his eyebrows raised just enough to point out that Fabian was still not using his brain.
“Right, of course. Never mind.” Spinder expected him to say some other nonsense, but instead he paused, blinked, and held his hand back out. “Let me take those back and get you something you can actually wear.”
“You don’t have to get me anything,” Spinder said as he dropped the box in Fabian’s hand. Fabian took them across the room, and to his back Spinder continued, “I don’t think cufflinks or no cufflinks is gonna make the difference to your parents.”
“I didn’t get them just so you could impress my parents,” Fabian said, putting the box down on his desk and turning to lean back against the desktop. “I wanted to get something nice for you. I just apparently lose my head when I open the DeRos catalog.”
Spinder couldn’t help smiling a little at that. “It happens to the best of us.”
Fabian gave him half a smile in return, then pulled something out of his desk drawer before coming back to the sofa. When he held it out Spinder saw that it was in fact a DeRos catalog.
“How about you tell me what you want. Doesn’t have to be from DeRos.”
Spinder accepted the hefty catalog and started his search with Fabian half-snuggled against him.
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Nicea taglist: @kahvilahuhut @kk7-rbs @outpost51 @writernopal @athenswrites
Scenelets wrapped taglist: @kk7-rbs
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