#avatar frontiers of Pandora Teylan
torukmaktoskxawng · 7 months
through thick and thin
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Pairing: Teylan/Gn!Sarentu!Reader
Warnings: Spoilers for AFoP. Panic attacks, angst, trauma, mentions of grooming and abuse.
A/n: Another short idea I wrote up while playing AFoP
Taglist: @mooniequeen @avatar-lover @taronyuhunter
He couldn't stop shaking.
The guilt and dread in his gut were too overbearing, clogging his lungs, and making it impossible to breathe. Every inch of his body shakes from adrenaline and fear, the weight of his actions crushing his chest.
Teylan has had panic attacks before, but this was the worst one.
And he wasn't sure if hearing your voice over the radio made it better or worse.
"Teylan? It's me."
Of course, it's you. You, the one who was closest to his age among the Na'vi children at TAP.
You, who stuck by his side whenever Mercer had beaten him.
You, who he had to wrap his little body around at night after losing Aha'ri when you were kids, terrified that he'd wake up and lose you, too.
You, who always brought something back for him from your travels to multiple clans, trying to help him get accustomed to your new way of life.
You, whose voice was full of concern and desperation, as you continued to talk through the radio when you didn't get a verbal response.
"Teylan. Talk to me. Where are you? I can come and bring you back to the Resistance."
He gulped in a small bit of air, realizing he had only been shakily breathing into the radio instead of speaking all his thoughts out loud, "No... Not there."
"Okay," you, ever the calming negotiator, tried to ease him into a sense of security, even without being able to see him, "Where do you want to go?"
"It doesn't matter," Teylan forces out even with tears running down his cheeks, "Nothing matters now."
"Everyone's worried about you, Teylan. I'm worried about you."
He bites back a sob, his heart squeezing painfully in his chest, "They're gonna be angry. You'll hate me, too. I did this."
"You can't blame yourself," you whispered gently through the radio, only strengthening his guilt.
Another sob shatters through him, "But I am to blame. He said nobody would die. He said."
"Who said?"
He couldn't help it, he kept talking, unable to stop spilling out all his sins, "We talked on my radio. He told me we could be together again. Like a family. And so, I told him when the party was happening."
"Wait. Mercer?" You finally realize what Teylan was trying to say, and he winced when he heard the tone of quiet disbelief in your voice, "You told Mercer things about us?"
"He needed to know when to arrive, so he could keep the soldiers away."
It wasn't an excuse. He just needed to reason with himself into believing this was all just some misunderstanding, or better yet, just a bad dream. He wasn't trying to convince you, just himself. He needed to feel convinced that he wasn't about to lose you for his betrayal.
"Let me come get you." 'To take you back to the people you betrayed.'
He wasn't sure if you actually said that or he imagined it. Nevertheless, it burned through his chest like a bullet, eyes widening with the most terrifying realization. He lost you. He lost you... helostyouhelostyouhelostyou--
"No. I don't belong there anymore. I have nobody now."
"Teylan? Teylan!"
He cut off the call.
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recomgarbage · 2 months
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Teylan 🤍
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nattikay · 7 months
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so'lek and the sarentu
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bluealienobsesser · 6 months
AU Where Aha'ri's death was the last straw for Alma and she leaves TAP with the children into the forest with no plan.
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Single mother to 8 kids 💀. In case you guys didn't know there are four other sarentu students mentioned in the game so they are here too
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azshio · 9 months
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Character from Avatar frontiers of Pandora
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fried-peaches00 · 9 months
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planetslove · 8 months
so’lek isn’t fucking with my sarentu’s sexy moves guys im moving onto ri’nela
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fruitmilkshake · 1 month
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They could have been brothers 🥲
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oasiswithmyg · 8 months
First Meetings
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So’lek x Sarentu!Reader
Hi everyone, this is my first fic ever for anything, this will be with AFAB reader in mind and will follow closely to the storyline of the game, so there will be spoilers. As I'm making this a series, each of these can be read as standalones. I hope you enjoy it ! Any Na’vi words or phrases I use, the English translation will be right next to it, if not then it will be at the end of the fic!
Word count: 2.6k
Masterlist - Next
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“It's our world, it's lost…dying, because we didn't fight for it when we had a chance. Now we’re fighting for yours. We’re going to make a difference here. Together.” Priya passionately declared as she looked at you sincerely. Then her eyes widened as she remembered something, “Oh! So’lek was hoping to catch you too. Promised him I wouldn't forget. Tell him I didn’t forget !”
You giggled at how cute and bubbly Priya was, out of all the humans here at the resistance base, you liked her cheerful mannerisms a lot. You could tell that she would be a wonderful friend to have. You nodded and thanked her before you head over to find So’lek.
As you slowly walked through the base, your mind had shifted to the recent events that occurred while you and the others were at the TAP facility a day ago. The reason for the shift being a certain resistance Na’vi.
Oel ngati kameie. I see you.
Those were the first words you heard from him when you woke up after the cryo sleep. Even with all the chaos that was going on at the time, you couldn’t help but feel drawn to the Na’vi who seemed to be very straight-forward, blunt and yet understanding of the situation that you and the rest of the Sarentu had faced.
So’lek, he said, was his name (‘what a lovely name’ you had thought) when you asked him while on the run from the RDA, one of the last remaining survivors of his clan. Although, everytime you think of that memory, alone and running from the RDA, you remember the fear of being separated from everyone and wondering if they were safe. After what happened to Aha’ri, you couldn’t stand anyone else being hurt. But So’lek’s voice kept you moving forward and when one of the RDA in the AMP suit caught you, holding you down as that horrible man, Mercer looked down on you, comparing you to your sister, the only thing you wished and hoped for was that So’lek would keep the Sarentu trio safe, as you almost gave up, He came out of nowhere, shooting at the RDA to save you and told you to run.
When you finally got out of the TAP facility, Pandora was nothing like what Mercer or the TAP said it was. They said that it was a terrifying, vicious, and cruel world. However, to your eyes, It was beautiful, the bright sun, the sounds of the creatures and water of the forest. It was like a new world and you couldn’t believe that you spent so long without it all.
As you walked forward, finding So’lek and the others immediately became a priority, when you finally found So’lek, he was hurt, the concern in you washed over like a wave in your chest, he must have gotten injured while protecting you. You knew at that moment that you wanted to protect him as well, taking his bow and using your Na’vi sense that So'lek told you about, made you realize how much you missed out on life, then getting the dapophet plant to heal him and fighting the RDA, gave you a feeling like no other, it made you feel that you can help, that you can be a protector as well.
However, It was when So’lek asked about your songchord, that made your heart flutter. You can still remember the conversation even though it hadn’t been that long.
“You have no songchord.” So’lek said as he got up after repositioning his shoulder, noticing that the Sarentu he seemed to run into a lot was missing a songchord. There was just something different about her, she seemed very caring and yet so strong in spirit, as he could tell as they were on the run from the RDA. “We had my mother’s, but they stole it” Your voice cracked as you said it, the pain of losing both your sister and the songchord, the only piece of your mother left still hurts you to this day.
Hearing that, So’lek felt anger and resentment flare up in his chest. Not only did they kidnap the Sarentu children, kill his clan and hurt the lands of Pandora, they had the audacity to steal something precious from a child as well. He could not explain the feeling in his chest, he wanted to do something for the Sarentu. “Then we must change that” his voice seemed to soften as he said the words and as he questioned, “What is your name Sarentu ?”.
Hearing his voice being gentle brought heat to your cheeks, and more flutterings in your chest, a feeling of happiness seemed to spread through you, “Y/N, my name is Y/N” you looked at him as your name rolled out your mouth in a hurry. Hearing it, So’lek lips curved up a tiny bit, his smile although small was gentle.
The rest went on with him making sure you understood that you must find your own way as you are a Na’vi and by doing so on your own was the way you can learn and then he finally asked you to join the resistance, hearing how he talked about the resistance made you understand why he was in it and you wanted to join them to help other Na’vi, to help save Pandora. After reaching the resistance base and meeting many new human faces, it was a breath of fresh air, they seemed so kind and you could tell that they were sincere in their welcoming and the work that they do here. The only person you still felt a bit weird with was Alma, but you discarded it as it was probably a long time of not seeing each other. She must have felt that she lost all of you after putting you all to cyro sleep.
Seeing the rest of the Sarentu trio free was another happiness that you could not describe, as you saw them as your family. With you being the second to last youngest, you looked up to Ri’nela and Nor a lot, you tried to be there for them as much as possible, to be listening ear or someone they could find comfort in, especially Nor, as he lost his best friend, your big sister. He was the only one that would rebel at the facility, trying to follow Aha’ri’s footsteps. Ri’nela, she became a big sister to you, but was always worried about what would happen if things didn’t go the way TAP wanted. Then there was the youngest, Teylan, he was like a little brother you never had, he would always hold onto your shirt when he felt overwhelmed and sometimes at night when he felt no one would notice, he would sneak into your bed and cuddle wanting to escape whatever nightmares would plague him. It was why you made a very simple doll out of one of the old clothes you had, you gave it to him saying that at times if he couldn’t see you, that he can always hold on to it to know that you’ll always be there for him. The day you gave him that, he hugged you so tightly, he didn’t let go for a long time. But it worried you how much he seemed to praise and think about Mercer.
Then you were given your first mission, take down one of the RDA facilities near the base which was polluting the land, Pneumatic Tower Echo. It felt overwhelming at first but after seeing how the land, your land, the land of Pandora, was ruined because of the RDA, a determination had stirred up in you. It was what made you destroy the RDA facility as soon as possible. In wonder you had seen Eywa had worked in mysterious ways, the land rejuvenated after the facility was destroyed, with creatures from the forest returning to the land, the flora coming back to life. Teylan called you through the radio in worry after hearing the bang, he and the others were at a flower they found. He wanted you to be there with the others so you could check it out, you had hurried over to the group, slowing down as you and the others came closer to the flower, Ri’nela had gasped in wonder, saying how that it was the flower that opens only for the Sarentu, to connect to Eywa, a Tarsyu. You had looked at it in awe, as you could only barely remember seeing the flower when you were a toddler. Finally, pulling your kuru forward, you connected to Eywa and met your ancestor Entu, the first Toruk Makto, with your will renewed, your heart became content and excited at the prospect of learning more and more about what it means to be a Sarentu.
You stopped reminiscing as you finally headed over to the armory where So’lek was at, looking over his gun. For some reason you didn’t think twice when Priya told you that So’lek was looking for you, your feet seemed to have a mind of their own. So’lek ears turned to your direction as he heard your footsteps approach him, he looked up and his lips curved up automatically, he looked proud as he said, “You did well out there”. You felt happy at his words, that you had helped the resistance in some way. As you looked over at him, you felt curious about the weapon in his hand. “Did the humans teach you their weapons too ?” you asked.
So’lek’s eyes became dull at those words, a resentment growing in his chest as his thoughts went to his clan, from when he could last remember them. You wanted to take back the words immediately, not wanting to see his eyes fill with such emptiness ever again. “No, I saw the RDA butcher my clan. Their bullets slicing them to shreds. That was my lesson.” he explained, his voice low and tense as he continued, “I know how it feels to be among the last of your people. The humans…they are like their guns. Brought here to cause pain.”
You took in his words and you honestly agreed to what he exclaimed. Guns and those strange machines just brought more destruction to Pandora, especially the humans who operated them. But you were confused as well, were the humans here at the resistance base not RDA once ? Voicing this concern of yours, he firmly replied in a hurry, “and I will not make it easy for them to forget. They are our allies now, yes. But, this is not their war. They fight for the ghost of their home world. But we fight for our home.” His words made you think about your time spent at TAP. Although the program was to ensure a healthy relation between humans and Na’vi, it never felt like that. It felt like that evil man had won, “In the end, Mercer got what he wanted, he made us into soldiers.” Your hands clenched tightly at your sides, your tail swishing, agitated and just saying it made you frustrated.
So’lek looked at the Sarentu thoughtfully, he could understand her frustration, her pain and sorrow, he could see how much she wanted to change the way things were and he felt like he wanted to help guide her on her journey, to be her helping hand, he could not explain these emotions well. So he advised her, “You are not what they made you. You are Na’vi. You will learn what that means in time. Starting with this,” he pulled something from the back of his gear, it was a songchord, “I made it for you” he passed the songchord to you, looking at it, you could feel the crack in your heart when they had stole your mother’s songchord from you lessen. You held it in your hands gently, as if it was the most precious thing in the world, which probably was as this was the first time someone, other than your sister and mother, ever made anything for you.
“My own songchord, like my mother’s…” you gently noted.
“All Na’vi wear one. It is your life’s journey for the world to see. For you to remember” He explained the significance of the songchords to you.
“Her’s had more beads on it” you exclaimed in a low tone, trying to remember what it looked like when you last saw it, before Mercer had taken it right out of your hands. You tied the songchord that So’lek had given you on your wrist and examined it carefully, noticing a bead on, your eyes looked at him curiously.
“Each bead is a moment of great importance to the wearer. I have put one in place to commemorate your first steps to freedom. Build on it. Build your own memories. Each one, a new song in your heart.” So’lek explained, noting the soft and gentle look grace the Sarentu’s face. This expression was something he hoped to see, to brighten whatever dark clouds that had been swirling in her mind.
You looked at him, hoping to convey your will to him, “I hope we can. Ri’nela really wants to try. To know what it means to be Sarentu. But at the Tarsyu…Nor seemed confused. Upset.” Thinking about it, after your sister's death, Nor took it hard and felt that it was his own fault for her death, that he did not try harder. He always used to listen closely to Aha’ri with you when she would hum the songs or tell stories of the Sarentu.
“Eywa shows us who we are. And who we can be. But she also reminds us of what has been lost. For your people, that is a heavy burden” So’lek said somberly. He then picked up his gun and started inspecting it again. “The back exit is not so exposed, he may be there.” Noting the worry on your face for Nor, he stated. You nodded with a smile at him, you were about to turn and leave when you remembered, “So’lek,” he turned his head to your voice, a slight shiver crawled up his spine at the gentle caress in the way you said his name, he could see your expression and he felt shocked at the way your eyes looked him in gratefulness. “Irayo So’lek. Thank you so much. For saving me and the others. For giving me strength. For making this songchord and the bead, I will treasure it always and I hope that I can show you my journey through it.”
You turned to leave, feeling the heat rush back to your cheeks at the honest words you blurted out to him, your feelings all over the place. However, before you left, you heard him whisper to you, so that only you would hear, “Be safe.” You felt your heart skip a beat as you nodded to him and rushed out of the base in order to search for Nor.
So’lek did not expect the Sarentu to say such heart-felt words, he had to cover his face because it felt slightly heated. He did not understand what he was feeling, as he did not feel the same with the other Sarentu trio as he did with her. Maybe it was her honest and caring nature that made him feel flustered. For now though, he decided to ignore those feelings. He needed to focus on gathering intel about those who killed his clan and defeating the RDA.
Little did either of them know, that in the future that he would not be able to ignore his feelings and that there would be a bead that represents them on her songchord.
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∘ Oel ngati kameie - I see you
∘ Irayo - thanks
Thank you if you've read through to the end ! I would greatly appreciate comments on how it was and any tips to further improve my writing.
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sutxdreamwalker · 9 months
Me watching Avatar again knowing that off screen these precious treasures are suffering and soon to be in crio 🥺🥲
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anxiousdreamcore · 5 months
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Finished this Teylan bust a while ago and felt it was the time to unleash it upon the world.
(Commissions are open! DM for détails)
(Do not repost my artwork on any platform, with or without credit. I DO NOT give my consent to do so.)
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 month
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Hello??? Sir???
I can't stop looking at the details of the shirt 👀
Taglist: @mooniequeen @avatar-lover
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recomgarbage · 4 months
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Nga yawne lu oer
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neteyamssyulang · 9 months
✼ Mamas good boy ✼
✼ New year’s special ✼
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✼ Pairing: Teylan x Fem omaticaya reader ✼
✼ Summary: Your mate had been bratty these last few days, so you decided to punish him.
✼ Warnings: Dom reader, Subby Teylan, P in V, Mommy kink, Orgasm denial.
✼ Word count: 200 ✼
✼ Translation(s): rutxe -> please, ou -> my, en’wa -> poor, prrnen -> baby.
✼ A/N: Probs not my best and it’s short asf but hope you enjoy it <3 I’ve only been on here for what, 3 months? And I’ve already met so many amazing people! When I first started out on tumblr I was shy, scared even. I didn’t know if people would be interested in reading my stories, but with the help of @eyweveng ‘s advice and @pandoraslxna ‘s event I got the courage to start posting my work. Now look where I am, I have the most wonderful mooties and incredible followers 🥺🩵 I can’t wait to see what 2024 holds for all of us and I hope you all have a very happy new years! <3
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Maybe it was the stress from the resistance? Maybe it was from So’lek always correcting everything he did. Whatever the case was, it was no excuse for him to act like a spoiled brat.
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His whimpers filled your ears as he threw his head back against the tree “M-mommy rutxe..” he begged wanting to finally cum, you’d been denying him the sweet release for eywa knows how long.
Chuckling softly, you leaned in placing wet sloppy kisses along his neck before quickening your movements, the sound of skin slapping against eachother echoing through the forest.
Teylan’s eyes rolled back, his fingers digging into your hips as he thrusted his hips up into you “Gon-gonna cu-m..! m-mommy!”
Quickly you managed to pry his hands off you and got off him denying him of his orgasm once again, tears streamed down his beautiful face as his tail thumped on the ground.
“Ou en’wa prrnen” you cooed moving back ontop of him, “Naughty boys do not get to cum, you know that”
He whimpered thrusting his hips up wanting to be inside your warmth once again “I..I’m sorry mommy.. please, i’ll be good-i’ll be your good boy..”
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bluealienobsesser · 8 months
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We have four other sarentu children we only see shortly
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Three behind Nor and one sitting next to Teylan in the classroom
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One girl can be see getting up from cyro though she is never seen again.
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I hope that we see Yefti, Telisi, Okni and Yuayt later on or find out what happened to them. Maybe Nor found them.
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zethsmo · 9 months
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