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Baby Demon
A/N: You are responsible for your own media consumption. MDNI 18+. The reader is 3/4 years old so her talking seems off and she displays babyish behaviour
Pairing: So’lek x Fem! Human child !Reader,
Word count: 3,813
Synopsis: So’lek discovers a human child living among the Aranahe clan and eventually takes over being her parental figure
[Request are open]
Once the Aranahe agreed to work with the resistance once more, So’lek would often stop by to check in with the clan leaders. One day when visiting the hometree something caught his attention. There was a group of children roughhousing but what caught his attention was the pale skin in the sea of blue bodies. When he went to deal with what he thought was a no good human. Etuwa had made it clear the little human girl was an Aranahe. Over time Solek kept watching her, but she really was just a child he watched as she rough housed with other Na'vi children wrestling, biting ears and pulling tails like the others. After a while he starts to ease up, being constantly alert is exhausting and eventually he decides to just let her be a child. She hasn't tried to do anything nefarious. He still watched her though, waiting to see if she reveals any traits or actions that might be concerning to him.
One day he catches the middle of a rough interaction " no ! That's mine " (Y/N) spoke trying to keep away one of the other children from her cloth doll she constantly carried with her. So'lek's ears twitch and he steps close to the scene. "Hey now! That is not how we share here, you need to respect each other's toys." He looked down on her,
"I know it can be difficult sometimes, but you have to be considerate of others. Okay? Can you promise me you will share more often?" she nodded . "Good." He smiled kindly before letting her run back off to play with the others. Although it seemed to have gotten through to her this time around, he still feels uneasy about the whole situation of keeping her in the clan. She played a bit longer before the children were each called back to their mothers taking their toys with them. She waited to take her doll back. He waited patiently for her, seeing that despite all her stubbornness she did actually follow his instructions in the end. He couldn't deny it, she was getting a little bit better. When all the children left she grabbed her toy. Solek was standing nearby but he didn't say anything, he was just watching her, waiting to make sure she didn't slip up again.She came back to the doorway waiting for someone to come get her
He walks over to her as she is waiting and kneels down to her size. "Are you waiting for someone?" He asks, he knows she was looked after by Etuwa. She nodded, "Why don't we wait for her together?" Solek reaches out trying to pull her towards himself. "Come here, 'I'll wait with you." She moved beside him
He wraps his arm around her and sits her on his lap. "How long do you think she's going to be?"
She shrugged gently"Well, I'm sure she won't be long. Let's just wait a little while longer. " He continues to hold her close to him.
"Do you really like that toy? It is a bit worn." "My toy" she hummed. He chuckled and gave her a look before returning his eyes to her toy. "Yes, your toy. You are quite protective over it, just like a Toruk protecting its nest " He smirked and poked her nose gently. She sneezedAt her sneeze he smiled softly and let go of her. "It's alright, I'm not going to steal it from you." He sat her back down and started to stand up once more. "I will leave you now, but I want you to make sure that you share your toys with the other children okay?"He gives her one last gentle rub on her head. ” But my toy. " she softly whined
" Your toy, but you must share it." He repeats his words, this time sounding more stern.
He waits for a moment to make sure he gets through to her, he knows how stubborn she can be.
“ But it break " He frowned, he knew she wasn't just being protective; she was scared that her toy would get broken.
From that moment on she’d constantly follow him around whenever he visited the clan like a pa’li foal following its mother . He had been away for a few weeks. When he returned to the Aranahe he had been there for two days, he hadn't seen her at all. She had been out of sight for two days, which was unusual because she was usually all over the place. He had a bad feeling in his gut, he decided he would go search for her. He found her in the healing den on one of the sleep pallets she looked sickly pale
To see this little girl so pale and so weak, it hit him in a way he didn't expect. His mood instantly softened as he approached the bed. He walked over to her, "Hi yawntutsyìp, I had been starting to wonder where you were. You aren't looking too good." She smiled when she saw him "So'lek"
His face lights up at the smile from her, he was so taken back by it that he forgot about all the frustration and anger he had felt towards this child. "I am happy to see that you still remember me" He replies, his tone softens slightly as he squats in front of the bed. Her small smile remained ,but her eyes were glazed over. Seeing her just so lifeless with the slight glazy eyes really hit him, she truly looked so frail.
He was reminded of everything he had thought before when seeing her. Now he could see his fears had been misplaced, she was just a little girl.
He reached out, holding her tiny hand in his. "How are you feeling sweetheart?’ "Want ma Sa'nu "
He gave her a small squeeze. She held onto his hand her tiny hand wrapped around just 2 of his fingertips
The tiny hand squeezed around two barely visible fingers was a stark reminder of how small she actually is. He looked away once more, he was getting more and more aware of the fact he was becoming attached to this girl. He stayed by her side till she dozed off, To see her so sick and vulnerable really hit him on an emotional level because she was so young. It wasn't how he expected her to be. As she slept it seemed like her breathing was shallow. He noticed her breathing was shallow, it made him worry even more. His fingers tightened a little around hers as if the squeeze was going to actually do something, but it was more to calm himself than her. When he saw Etuwa returning, he felt a sudden surge of relief, "Has she been like this for long?"
" she was fine but then the rest of the children cot a cold we thought that's what she had but everyone was better after a few days she's been getting worse "
This was worse than he imagined, this girl was too young to be having this serious of an illness.
"She was asking for you before she fell asleep." "for me?" Etuwa asked confused
"she was saying Ma Sa'nu " He didn't want to get in her way of healing the child but he at least wanted to inform her of something important. "No, she's been asking for her mother since yesterday. She says names but I can't understand them. She constantly calls for her mother, " Etuwa said. "Wait... She wanted her mother, not you?" Now he was completely baffled, "Yes but we're not sure where she's from . We found her when we attacked one of the sky people convoys she was in the back of one of their trucks but it seemed she was a prisoner and she was dressed like any other Na'vi child"
The news of her being a prisoner hit him like a gut punch, he knew the humans were bad people but this was something entirely on a different level.
"A prisoner?" He mumbled softly to himself, he felt more anger at humans growing inside him.
"Yes she was dressed like a Na'vi So'lek, Loincloth, she had braids in her hair with beads, she had a song cord, some jewelry but no knife, " Etuwa explained. No knife ment she was too young to be away from her parents. Every bit of this information was like a little dagger to the heart for him. He sat quietly, trying to wrap his head around the possibility that this little girl was stolen from her parents. If it was the case then his anger towards humans was going to increase tenfold.
"Wait ... you aren't from the western frontier, you are from the southern rainforest, yes?" Etuwa asked him
He nodded his head silently, thinking about the situation. He had heard rumors for the longest time that the humans were kidnapping children and this just proved it. "Maybe you can identify her clothing" Etuwa went to get a basket bringing it Solek as she came over with a basket, he was going to do anything to identify this little girl and return her back to where she rightfully belonged. She dumped the contents of the basket. It was a whole outfit. He inspected the clothes inside of the basket, each item inside of it was so tiny and so childlike that seeing them just made his heart hurt. He recognized them, they were typical for the southern forests. But it didn't make sense how she was found so far off from the forests.
A tiny loincloth a small necklace like top that would dangle down the chest for a child , a song cord \, jewelry and a handful of hair beads. It was easy to tell how young she was based on her attire, it looked like her outfit was tailored just for her. It was obvious seeing now how much care was put into each piece to make it look special. Now he was wondering just how young this little girl was, her clothing was just so tiny and childish that it made his heart break even more. Etuwa sighed " so young so far from her family"
"She is only a child, she shouldn't be so far from her family or anywhere she isn't safe."
A wave of anger washed over him, he tried to bury it down but it kept hitting him in waves of pure rage.
She was just a little baby, she didn't deserve such an unjust cruel fate.
"What exactly is wrong with her that she is so sick?"
He asked, still trying to remain calm but he could feel his rage towards humans growing more and more.
"We don't know Solek we thought she had the same cold as the other children they got better in 2-3 days
4 at most but she's just been getting worse her fever broke two nights ago and she looked better but then she got like this again "
There had to be something wrong for her to be getting so much worse.She was a small baby, she was too young to be so sick, it was most likely a human illness .
He felt so helpless, his anger grew as she continued to get worse. (Y/N) had started to cough violently His face grew soft and worried, the tiny girl couldn't even stop the violent coughing. She was so small and so sick, it just made him angrier. He couldn't help feeling some sort of sympathy for this little baby.
He reached out, taking her hand once more. Etuwa grabbed a bowl of water and a cloth and started to wipe her down hoping to get her fever down. When she started to wipe her down so gently his heart broke, she was just trying to bring down the fever and that was clearly not. working. No normal fever would do this to a toddler. His rage against the RDA was growing with every passing second as he saw the little child get worse and worse. “ I can take her to the base and they can give her their treatments” . It was silent for a moment but Etuwa gave in. It was the little one's best chance.
He brought her to the base and it it had taken two weeks before she was even a sliver better but she was still on death's door It felt like the world was going in slow motion, he had watched this little baby decline for two weeks.Every little thing was a struggle for her, even breathing seemed almost impossible. She was practically just a tiny skeleton at this point. Her little hands were thin and frail, he could just feel her body shaking under his grip. He unfortunately had to leave on another mission and left her in the care of Ri’nela when he returned she immediately saw him " So'lek! " on shaky legs she toddled towards him
He was speechless, he was convinced that she would die just a few days ago and now she was walking.
She was very shaky but she walked. He quickly moved towards her to catch her before she could fall on the floor. She was so tiny yet so full of energy, a completely different child from how she was just days ago. She smiled up at him. Her smile lit up his heart, in just one moment he felt a glimmer of hope.
This little child had gone from almost dead to smiling and running to him. He bent down to meet her at eye- level, she was just so tiny. But the fact she was smiling at him with such pure and innocence just made him grow a soft spot for her. She babbled to him in a mixture of English and Na'vi words (
He listened to her quietly, trying to understand what she was saying but it was difficult with the mixture of languages. But still he smiled back, listening to her go on and on. She was so happy to see him, he couldn't help but smile with a soft spot growing in his heart. She offered him a string with a few beads on it. He accepted the string, looking at it as he examined every little bead. He wanted to make it seem like he cared a lot about her gift, so he examined it in detail as if he'd never seen such jewelry. It really showed how soft he had become towards her, even though it was a small thing it made him genuinely happy to see the smile on her face.
She smiled more, holding onto him watching. It didn't take long for him to notice that she was holding on to him, she seemed to want him to hold her so he obliged. He took her up in his arms, letting her head rest on his chest. He held her for a while before he took her inside back to medical where she could rest for a while. the next time he saw her was at communal dinner she was a bit stronger so Ri’nela had brought her out to eat with him and the other sarentu the little one was wrapped and bundled in a blanket but she seemed awake enough He was extremely pleased to see her being able to stay awake for this time, when he saw her seated at the fire wrapped in a blanket, he couldn't stop himself from beaming. She was so tiny and adorable, it brought a bit of a smile to his face seeing how much she had started to recover. She sat in Ri’nela’s lap and picked off her plate eating with her hands. "Does it taste good?" He asked, he felt very happy just looking at her, she was trying to recover which was enough for the small victory. He would enjoy every moment while she was recovering, even if it was only this much. She raised her little hand with a fistful offering him some. He chuckled and smiled, he was extremely delighted and amazed at just how sweet this little girl was and how she even offered him some of her food without hesitation. He gladly accepted the offered food, grabbing it gently and starting to eat it slowly.
Halfway through the meal she started getting sleepy. He chuckled softly when he started to notice just how drowsy she was becoming, the poor thing had been awake for so long. He finished his meal and stood up, walking over towards where the na’vi lived . He walked the sleeping little one and placed her in the sleep pallet. She immediately spread out on the sleep pallet. That was another thing that was quite adorable, the little child spread out almost completely on the sleep pallet, she still took up very little space even while doing this. He reached out stroking her hair gently and she stirred at the touch. She opened her eyes but she was still half asleep" Baba?" She was confused "Shh dear"He whispered softly, he wanted to keep her calm and make her feel safe no matter if she was awake or sleeping. He continued to run his hands through her hair, his soft whisper continued. She turned her head the other way, shimming a bit further up the pallet nuzzling the furs. Her nuzzling into the furries brought a gentle laugh out of him. She was just so cute, even in such a tired state she could manage to hold her own. He chuckled as she nuzzled further into the furs, he continued to stroke her hair gently. She went back to sleep for a while but unfortunately woke up later disoriented and confused calling for her family, she slipped out of bed walking out in an oversized shirt and loincloth she slept in looking for her adults " Sa’nu ? ...... baba?" Hearing her call out in a soft and tiny voice broke his heart. He rushed to catch up to her, wrapping his arms around her and picking her up. He knew she was probably just half awake and the shock of waking up alone had made her disorientated.
"I'm here" He said as he held her close to him. He knew she was most likely used to sleeping in a family hammock. He started to rock her slightly, to hopefully soothe her back to a calm state. His heart broke for her, she was just so little yet she was going through so much. She was probably used to being in a family hammock and she must have woken up in distress when she realized she was alone. She fell asleep, little arm raised above her head and hand in a little fist He gently lifted her small hand to his lips and kissed it; he couldn't resist the urge. She was just so tiny. She looked very peaceful when asleep, the stress of life was gone for a bit and she could just sleep. She continued to sleep. He continued to watch over her, he didn't want to miss a second of her sleeping. She looked so sweet and peaceful, it was hard to understand why humans would be so terrible to have a tiny child like this taken from her family. She was so young and she should be at home with her mother and father surrounded by her siblings and friends.
She slept a good chunk of the night on him. The whole night he had sat there watching her while she slept on him. He didn't want to wake her up from her slumber so he just stayed quiet and sat there watching her.
She was just so adorable and such a sweet little thing. He really hoped that life didn't treat her too harshly when she grew older. He couldn't imagine how painful it felt for her to be away from her family, to have lost everything she had known.
a few years had passed since he had met the little girl and he had grown even more attached to her in that time. He had grown to the point where he was starting to become extremely protective of her, he didn't want anything bad to ever happen to the little one. He had even started teaching her some basic hunting and survival skills over the years. She was slowly growing up and starting to become independent, he couldn't help but watch her and be proud of how far she had come in such a short amount of time despite her situation. She watched him from the shadows stocking him like pray waiting for her moment He was out alone in the forest, hunting for game. He had gone out pretty far into the forest as he was following the tracks of a large animal.
He looked around the forest, he felt as if he was being watched and that something was watching him but he was unsure.
He had already spotted tracks of a large game that he was interested in attempting to hunt down, he decided that he would continue to track it and hoped that no one or nothing was actually watching him.
She shot up at him pouncing on his tail " got you Solek !" Surprise crossed his face as she jumped on his tail, he would have not expected that she would do something like that. His first reaction was laughter as he smiled up at the young girl.
"Well well it seems you've caught me"
He playfully grabbed her into his arms "You're getting better at this game." He said with a proud grin. She was becoming fast and quick on her feet, it was a little more intimidating every single time she pounced on him from behind. She might be a small adopted human, but she was very fast and fierce. She scaled up his back clinging to him not planning to go anywhere. He chuckled as he felt her latch onto his back.
She was quite small compared to him and it was quite funny to see her hanging onto him and her small legs wrapping around him tightly.
She truly was like a monkey, he wasn't sure if it was just because she liked to play this way or if there was something else to this.
He didn't complain though, he enjoyed playing with her and she seemed to enjoy this game a lot."Are you getting comfy back there?"
He asked with a chuckle, still allowing her to remain on his back. He could feel her small legs clinging tightly to around his midsection, she was definitely holding on for dear life. He would have to be careful not to move too quickly from now on with her on his back, but he wasn't going to complain about the little extra weight.
#avatar 2009 x reader#avatar 2009#avatar movie#solek frontiers of pandora#solek x reader#so’lek x fem!human reader#so’lek avatar#solek#so’lek#so’lek frontiers of pandora#ri’nela#frontiers of pandora#avatar frontiers of pandora#atwow frontiers of pandora#etuwa#etuwa frontiers of pandora#tsu'tey x reader#jake sully x reader#tsu'tey x y/n#neteyam x reader#jake sully#ao’nung#lo’ak x human reader
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so’lek isn’t fucking with my sarentu’s sexy moves guys im moving onto ri’nela

#avatar#avatar frontiers of pandora#afop#avatar so’lek#so’lek#sarentu#ri’nela#na’vi#na’vi oc#teylan#nor#james cameron avatar
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Ri’nela story telling
#avatar frontiers of pandora#afop photo mode#afop sarentu#james cameron avatar#sarentu#sarentu oc#afop dlc#ri’nela
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• 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐩!
#avatar#avatar frontiers of pandora#frontiers of pandora#avatar the way of water#james cameron avatar#so'lek frontiers of pandora#ri’nela
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She’s taking her time through the Western Frontier, clearing the forests of pollution and preparing the Zeswa for their migration
#navi avatar#avatar frontiers#avatar fire and ash#avatar frontiers of pandora#avatar#james cameron avatar#avatar 2009#avatar the way of water#afop sarentu#afop dlc#afop teylan#afop nor#ri’nela#afop ri’nela#afop photo#afop photo mode#sarentu#Sarentu oc#avatar sarentu#na’vi avatar#na’vi art#na’vi
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Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
Secrets of the Spires DLC: End scene
#avatar#avatar frontiers of pandora#frontiers of pandora#avatar the way of water#sarentu#afop#afop sarentu#solek frontiers of pandora#solek#so’lek#teylan#teylan frontiers of pandora#ri’nela#Ri’nela frontiers of Pandora
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How the remaining Sarentu would react to a human on time of the month
Summary: So I thought how the Sarentu characters would react to a human on there time of the month. This is based around a thing I read about the Sully kids and Reef trio reacting to a human having a time of the month. I figured this would be a little funny and wholesome!
A/n: this is about that time of the month, sillies being sillies, wholesome stuff, platonic, but implied romance
It was a normal day at the resistance HQ, most of the humans were outside, studying the plants that have appeared thanks to the destruction of RDA sites that were causing pollution.
Y/n was laying on some blankets and pillows reading a book, there wasn’t that many people around the main area except for them and the remaining Sarentu na’vi.
They got along pretty well, after all they were all around the same age. But Nor was the oldest out of all of them.
Anyway, while Y/n was laying down, Teylan was tinkering with some gadget, Nor was in his own world of thought, Ri’nela and the Sarentu we’re having a conversation.
It was nice and calm, nothing being interrupted. Until a shot of a pain went there Y/n which made them drop there book and hug the lower half of there body with a groan of agony “AH!”.
That made the na’vi in the room draw there attention to the human. “Y/n! Are you ok?” Teylan said as he ran to them and kneeled down bedside them.
The others stoped what they were doing and went over to the area too. “I’m fine..just, going threw something” Y/n said standing up still having there arms wrapped around them with a look of pain.
When they stood up Teylan noticed something on the blanket they were just sitting one, it was stained red, by the sight of it he knew it was a blood stain.
“Oh my goodness! Your bleeding!” He screamed in panic and Y/n looked down and now had a look of embarrassment and panic.
“Their what?!” The other na’vi yelled, Ri’nela looked over the human to see exactly where there bleeding. “Guys! Guys! It’s ok!” The human tried to calm them down while slowly dying mentally inside.
“No it’s not ok! Your bleeding! and by the looks of it it’s a lot!” Nor exclaimed in worry. “It’s all fine! Really!” Y/n yelled trying to make them stop worrying but they wouldn’t.
“Your bleeding from your lower area!” Ri’nela said now seeing where the blood was coming from. The other three na’vi had confused and slightly embarrassed looks but went back to panicking.
“W-Why are they bleeding from there?” Teylan said sounding pretty frightened for them. “I-It’s…” Y/n tried to explain but couldn’t find the right words.
“I’ll find something to stop the bleeding!” Nor said getting up trying to find something to help.
“Hurry! Their bleeding out a lot!” The sarentu exclaimed. “I’ll radio the others for help!” Teylan said touching the com on his neck “Teylan no!” Y/n yelled.
“There is nothing around here to prevent the bleeding!” Nor yelled from a distance “improvise then!” The sarentu yelled.
“Hello? Priya! Come here quickly! Y/n’s bleeding from her lower area!” Teylan yelled in to the mic. From the other side of the com Priya just stood there and looked at Anqa who heard the panic na’vi and they just bursted out laughing.
“Why are you laughing?!” Teylan cried and just hung up “oh my god..” Y/n was mostly shaking at this point.
Nor was heard coming back “Ok, I couldn’t find anything that seemed that would help but how about this?” He held up a mop “a thing that can absorb the blood..on a stick”.
Y/n just wanted to die, not literally but more like disappear to get out of this awkward situation. They knew their friends were trying to help but they just didn’t understand that they were making the situation insane and awkward.
“What is going here? What’s with all the yelling?” The sound of So’lek’s voice was heard and Y/n thought this was about to get more worse.
“So’lek! Y/n’s bleeding!” The sarentu yelled and So’lek just looked at the group and with a confused blank expression.
“Disgusting, I mean, it’s not like their dying or anything” is all he said “what?!” The group exclaimed. So’lek looked at Y/n “just let them explain, your making them uncomfortable with your panicking”.
He walked out at all eyes were now on Y/n “are we making you uncomfortable?” Teylan asked with a sad look. Y/n looked at all there friends sad and worried expressions “I..no, um, yes?-” they sighed “just, let me do this thing first, and I’ll explain everything, just wait here” they said and walked out to another are of the base.
“We messed up” Teylan frowned looking down, his ears pinned down. “We didn’t mean too” Nor mumbled sitting down “I’m sure Y/n has a good explanation, and we can talk it all out” Ri’nela spoke in a soft tone.
After a while Y/n came back wearing some sweatpants as the group looked towards them but didn’t get up to give them space.
The human sat down were they were once sitting and took a breath “ok, you definitely have questions” they said as the nodded.
“Ok, so, once a month I bleed from my, you know, and it’s normal, it means I am not pregnant yet” Y/n explained.
“What? So someone’s been trying to get you pregnant?” Teylan asked “is it Nor?” The sarentu whispered “no!” Nor yelled.
Y/n only blushed a little “no, no, no, I’m not with Nor, and I don’t need to pregnant when I go thew this”.
“So, it’s how your humans reproduce?” Ri’nela asked “yes, it helps, cause after my menstruation I can get pregnant, if I want”.
“And I feel cramps during this time, which is a pain” they wrapped their arms around there waist.
“Is there anyway to stop the pain?” Teylan asked “yes, a heat pad, but I can’t really find any”.
“So how long is this gonna last?” Nor asked “for about a week” Y/n replied “any think we can do to help till then?” Teylan tilted his head.
“Since you guys are so big, maybe you could try and be my personal heat pad by cuddling me?” Y/n had a bit of a pleasing look in her eye.
“Of course!” Teylan smiled as his tail wagged and everyone else chuckled.
“Come on guys, cuddle pile” the sarentu said as they laid down around Y/n. Teylan wrapped his arms around them, being a big spoon, a really big spoon.
Nor laid next to Y/n but kept his distance, Ri’nela laid at the near the emergency of the blasted and pillow but was still comfy while the sarentu cuddled up in a bunch of pillows in a corner of the pile.
Everyone was comfy and started to slowly fall asleep being all nice and warm in each other’s presence.
Teylan put his hand on Y/n’s stomach to give them warmth for the cramps. The human put there hands over his with a soft smile on there face.
They looked at Nor with the same expression and he smiled back.
Y/n eventually fell asleep, the only thing they were feeling was the warmth from Teylan and his soft low purring.
#avatar#avatar frontiers of pandora#afop#avatar teylan#avatar nor#avatar ri’nela#frontiers of pandora protagonist#Teylan x reader#Nor x reader#Ri’nela#Protagonist x reader#Fluff#Fluffy#Comfort#comfort character#comfort zone#comfort fic#comforting#affection#warmth
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Alexander and Ri’nela.
Feel like it could use some touch ups, but was excited to show!
#I love them so much#avatar frontiers of pandora#oc#na’vi#na’vi oc#art#digital art#artists on tumblr#artwork#fanart#avatar the way of water#avatar#avatar 2009#my art#Ri’nela
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But Nor who comes back to find the Sarentu after years of searching, falls to his knees, begs forgiveness of his clan. He misses his friends. His home. His people. Tears streaming down his face as he apologizes over and over, begging, pleading for another chance.
And Sarentu, olo’eyktan of their clan, kneels before him, hugs him, kisses his face with warmth and love. Nor feels an ache deep within his chest, splitting him open where grief and joy mix together.
“Welcome home, brother.”
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I love Ri’nela’s waist cloth and her hair.
She’s so pretty. 😻
#ri’nela#ri’nela afop#avatar frontiers of pandora#afop fandom#avatar#james cameron avatar#avatar fandom#atwow#avatar 2009#jake sully#avatar the way of water
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the future of the sarentu + so’lek
one thing I wish ubisoft included was some acknowledgment that our character will become olo’eyktan of the sarentu.
#afop#avatar frontiers of pandora#avatar the sky breaker#sarentu clan#game photography#virtual photography#avatar secrets of the spires#navi avatar#so’lek#ri’nela
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i played frontiers of pandora and had a category 43259423854 autism moment
i love my ikran. Katir is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. precious pink baby demon dragon. i’ve got her fully dripped to the gills with sarentu heritage stuff, it’s so fucking great. i love her.
so, who becomes Olo’eyktan and Tsahik of the Sarentu? Nor fucked off after killing Alma’s avatar, Teylan’s a whiny little piss boy and Aha’ri is fucking dead. So’lek can’t be leader, he’s not Sarentu. Ri’nela would be better as a Tsahik seeing as she deals with things around the base and offers council, which is like the stepping stones to leading the clan spiritually. That means that… I’d be Olo’eyktan? considering i led the attack at Mercer’s base and hunt very well and got all the upgrades and tarsyu shits, and all the bellsprigs and shit.
If i’d be Olo’eyktan and Ri’nela would be Tsahik, does that mean we become a mated pair? dialogue from one of the npcs in the game shows that homosexuality is a thing among the Na’vi, with one of the riverside uninteractable people (who is a woman) talking about not being able to talk to this one girl she likes (which was so real of her to say)
So, my dumbass (female) and my ultimate girlboss wife (Ri’nela) leading the Sarentu into greatness when we were once a dying clan?? sign me the fuck up yes MA’AM
i’d kill a palulukan for Ri’nela, on god
also i feel like the way the RDA say “Na’vi” feels like a racial slur, like how people say “Arab” incorrectly to use it as a slur. i really like how this game showed how much the RDA were the bad guys, but reminded us all the time that they’re human. they are human people. the same race as me. i can’t hide behind my mask of being Sarentu when reminded that this is what humanity would be like if put on Pandora.
the way Mercer said that the Na’vi things, like Ri’nela’s feathers or the Songcord from the mother, were ‘dirty’ or ‘primitive’ or ‘foolish’ made me have a immense realization that these tactics were used during the assimilation of north americans into society. only this time, the Na’vi were able to escape.
i feel like the story of humans and Na’vi is like that of the native americans, only the Na’vi won back their land when the native americans didn’t. hunting the tulkun and zakru? just like the bison being mass hunted. TAP? boarding schools.
it feels so jarring to remember how badly white people have absolutely fucked over every other race in the ass sideways on the lord’s altar whilst saying “it’s all God’s will”
so yeah, i had some fun analyzing and playing this game. symbolism is my autistic special interest
#frontiers of pandora#pandora#avatar#avatar: frontiers of pandora#sarentu#ri’nela#teylan#nor#aha’ri#so’lek#ikran#thanator#palulukan#palulukan means thanator in na’vi
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many thoughts…. many many thoughts…. many….
#avatar#afop#avatar frontiers of pandora#sarentu#avatar the way of water#james cameron avatar#na’vi oc#so’lek#ri’nela#zeswa
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just the gang as humans (havent drawn humans in a while so a little rusty rn)

and uhh detail abt so’lek’s earrings,, i based them off of the olangi’s clan leader’s head piece yippeeee
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Random post but here’s my designs for the sarentu (not including the player) in frontiers of pandora
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some afop secrets of the spires spoilers! beware 🤷
So’lek being accepted into the Sarentu’s family was not on my 2024 bingo card but OH MY GOD HES NOT ALONE ANYMORE YOU GUYSSSSS 😭😭😭
“A peaceful future is not yet something he can fathom.
When So'lek arrives in the home of the Ke'awa Kame'tire, he is impressed by their resourcefulness and fighting prowess. He has been preoccupied by the fact that Nor is still missing, so he is ready to join the fight in the Spires as a welcome distraction from his concern for his friend
After the battle to destroy the Grinder, So'lek is welcomed into fold of the newly formed Sarentu family. It has been a long time since he has felt part of a family and is secretly touched by their invitation. Together, they decide to find Nor, and build a new future together.”
-So’lek’s character description

#so’lek#afop sarentu#sarentu#avatar frontiers of pandora#afop#everyone shut up#ri’nela#teylan#sarentu clan#Nor
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