#automatic cleaning litter box
toytulini · 15 days
man when we had an auto litterbox it just Kinda Sucked
i didnt realize they were selling ones so actively dangerous and deadly
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kipenzistore · 7 months
Automatic cat litter box with smartphone app control
Automatic cat litter box with smartphone app control. Experience with our state-of-the-art automatic litter box. Featuring smartphone app control, effortlessly manage litter maintenance from anywhere.
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whimsycore · 1 year
I have to take a shitty job with bad pay with room and board because I refuse to have no income and live here
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threnodians · 2 years
hey y’all, so i’ve got five (5) cats and cleaning their litter boxes is becoming exhausting because it is a near constant thing – can anyone recommend good automatic litter box(es) that’re big enough for large cats and that my cats won’t be terrified of?
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i don't usually make posts like this, but this is a truly upsetting topic to me as a lifelong cat owner, so i feel i have a duty to share my knowledge with others.
there is a type of automatic litterbox for cats being sold that is EXTREMELY dangerous and has killed numerous cats through blunt force trauma, suffocation, etc. this litterbox is being sold under different brand names and logos, so i will include the picture of the model and two links to informational videos with more evidence and eloquence than i am able to provide.
please consider not having this type of litterbox in your home for your furry friends. me and my 16 year old tortie, puddy, want the best for all your kitty friends
image of litterbox below:
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here are my two video links that provide proof and testimonials of this harmful product:
This Scam is Killing Cats by penguinz0
The DEADLY self-cleaning litter boxes that have flooded the market by One Man Five Cats
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bluewarf · 28 days
Starting to think that some of you guys think you can say deeply misogynistic stuff about women as long as you qualify "women" with "white."
No this is not me saying that white women are especially put upon (we aren't), or that you can't call out white women (you can & should), or me denying that feminism as a movement has and continues to struggle with intersectionality (because hoo boy does it ever); this IS me saying that turning women into acceptable scapegoats by weakly disclaiming that you're only saying x shitty things about the white (or cis, or straight, or rich) ones is simply a cheap dodge out of doing the work of unlearning internalized misogyny.
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learnyogafreeforever · 8 months
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rosasappho · 8 months
the new litter box helps me not strain my back so much more love WINS
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quiteunpersuadable · 11 months
I understand the litter, automatic cleaning robot thing. But as a person who is obsessive about their cat’s health, how am I supposed to accept that it’s ok not to know how much and when and the outcome of litter box visits? A poop check is a basic health check we can do at home.
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scoopmate · 1 year
Simplify Cat Care with the Best Automatic Cat Litter Box in Canada
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Make your life easier with an automatic cat litter box Canada. Say farewell to scooping and odors. Get the top self-cleaning litter box for your feline friend today. Say goodbye to the dirty work and let Scoopmate purrfectly clean your cat's litter box!
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sp-ud · 15 days
Deadly self-cleaning litter boxes are flooding the market
If you either have or are considering buying an automatic litter box, please do not get a design that looks like this:
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I won't go into detail in this post, but this specific design of automatic litter boxes has killed multiple cats and because it's one of those cheaply mass produced dropshipping esc products, there's not exactly one specific brand name to beware of.
I learned about it through this video ["This Scam is Killing Cats" by penguinz0] but his video is just a shorter signal boost for a longer more in-depth video ["The DEADLY self-cleaning litter boxes that have flooded the market" by One Man Five Cats]
MAJOR WARNING for distressing descriptions and demonstrations using toys/objects to show how exactly this type of automatic litter boxes is dangerous along with detailed stories from people who did directly lose their cats.
These are currently some of the cheapest automatic litter boxes on the market and loads are being sold and as mentioned in both videos, the product claims to have good safety features but the sensors aren't reliable and considering there are safe automatic litter box designs out there, this specific design is just downright neglectful.
I am making this post in the hopes to help make more people aware of this dangerous design and if they have an automatic litter box of this type, to stop using it before the worst happens.
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toytulini · 15 days
man when we had an auto litterbox it just Kinda Sucked
i didnt realize they were selling ones so actively dangerous and deadly
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kipenzistore · 2 months
What is the best automatic litter box for an extra large 8-year-old cat?
When it comes to finding the perfect automatic litter box for an extra-large, 8-year-old cat, it's essential to consider the size, comfort, and functionality of the product. The Kipenzi Automatic Cat Litter Box stands out as a top choice, offering a blend of innovation and convenience tailored to meet the needs of larger felines.
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 7 months
Yan Shigaraki x reader
Warnings: mind break, isolation, sensory deprivation
800 words
He wanted to be perfect for you. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. That's why he agreed to become a guinea pig, to become unstable, a monster. When he becomes a true monster you will sit perfectly in his maw. Not like you knew about any of this. All you knew was that you've spent weeks in near total darkness. Scared, cold, and totally alone.
The room itself was pretty big. A plush king sized bed and soft blankets contrasted by a cold tile floor and gray walls. A table and chair littered with books and papers was the only thing to keep your mind active. The desk barely stood on 3 legs, having been broken after a week of being trapped in this box. There wasn't even a window or door to give false hope of escape.
Black fog oozed out of the wall just like it did every day. At first you would cry and beg for whatever was beyond the void to let you out. Screaming until your throat grew hoarse every day until you ultimately lost your voice. Your throat has healed but you know it's pointless to talk anyway. A hand passed through the darkness and left a bag on the floor and took the bag with yesterday's garbage with it. Clean clothes, some food and water, and a sudoku book. The puzzle was a nice change of pace, something to hold onto so you don't completely lose your mind. The isolation was really getting to you though. Often unable to tell if you said your thoughts out loud or in your head. Sometimes even imagining a voice talking back with you. You weren't sure how much longer you could take this isolation before you truly went insane.
The food always looked good, being a simple but balanced meal. Nothing ever too fancy or too cheap. The clothes were shorts and a t-shirt. Thin but it was fine as long as you stayed on the bed. The single light in the middle of the ceiling was on an automatic timer, and the only thing that sort of what you keep track of how many weeks you've been locked in here. At least that's what you have been using as a daily indicator along with the routine food drop off.
Slowly it felt like more of your will was draining along with your sanity. The craving for another human, for any comfort or companionship was ravenous.
You tried a few more times to talk to the void when it would show up, but all that left was an empty feeling in your heart when you never got a response. Despair, that's what it was. A crushing feeling coupled with the intense feelings of loneliness. All you could do was sit and wait, and wait, and wait…
You were never a religious person but watching the wall crumble to dust made your soul scream. An angel! He had to be an angel! Why else would he come and free you after all those months of soul crushing isolation! Freedom. That's right, he was your freedom. So why couldn't you move?
Your chest started heaving and your hands trembled. You watched your savior through misty eyes as you fell to your knees, your legs no longer able to support your weakened body.
“Hello.” His scratchy voice trilled, filling the silence that's been consuming you for so long. “I've waited so long, so so long to be able to do this..”
He knelt down in front of you and roughly grabbed your arms, the piece of metal attached to his left hand biting into your skin. It was impossible to care about the little details though. Not when his hands felt nice and cool against your hot skin. Not when his voice finally broke your burden of silence. Not when the rough feeling of his lips on your own felt like Nirvana.
You know you recognized him from somewhere. His white fluffy hair and cherry red eyes were distinctive enough, but all of your memories from before the room all felt so far away. If it was important you would remember, right? Well as far as you're concerned your angel is the most important thing in the world right now. He was your world.
He kissed you like a man taking his first drink after a month in the desert. A famished roughness that left you light headed, but you returned the enthusiasm as best you could given your weakened state. It felt like you were being eaten alive. Even if you were though you didn't want to stop him. As long as he kept touching you, as long as he was near you, as long as he stayed with you. You wouldn't care what he did. He was your savior after all.
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imagine-silk · 9 months
Fallout 4; Companions w/ a Sole who's messy
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Piper has a controlled mess. Everything is littered everywhere but she knows where everything is. Ask her for a pen she'll reach into a box on her desk. Ask for a jacket she'll grab one from her chair with other clothes she hasn't folded yet.
Hancock has a mess. Just a mess. If the two of you ever live together your messes will collide in the worst way and you will only find things you don't need at that moment.
X6 will clean his area whenever it's dirty so if you live together your mess is his mess. He never tells you to do it but he will tell you it's disgusting. He expected more from someone pre-war.
Danse will tell you to clean it no matter if it's before or after BB. The only difference is how nice he says it. First it's a command, then it's an ask.
Cait is a pretty clean person all things considering. She has no problem with gunk and grime so the process of cleaning doesn't bother her. If she has the means she'll clean.
Curie will reprimand you like a child because she can't believe an adult could be so messy. People need to live in a clean and sanitary conditions, so do her patients. You are not allowed in the clinic.
Codsworth is used to it and automatically cleans up after you. The second you throw your shirt on the floor he picks it up and suggests you take a bath so he can wash the clothes. Leave plates on the table and he does them on the spot.
Deacon is very aware of all of his things so if anything is missing he knows. So when it gets mixed in your stuff he will go through your things without permission. He might even bring it up later.
Preston will politely mention the idea of cleaning in the beginning but as time goes on he starts telling you to clean, even going so far as to force you.
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dyna-myght · 15 days
Seeing the stuff about the automatic robot litter cleaners….. I think it truly is just best that you just manually clean your cats litter box.
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