#autoboyography christina lauren
seb-writess · 2 years
The Story of Us
Pairings: Tanner/Sebastian (Autoboyography)
Tags: Rated explicit for sexual content, canon-divergence
Summary: Tanner makes everything okay, and reminds Sebastian that it’s all worth it. The distance and the fabrication and the lies. Tanner understands how hard it is for Sebastian to continue to lie to his family, for how could he possibly tell them the truth? The whole truth.
That he hasn’t been to church in over a year. That he stopped going to service. That he’s currently as far from any BYU campus as physical space will allow. That he’s happily wrapped in the arms of the man he loves above anything else.
That his mission very nearly destroyed him.
Status: Complete (5,080 words)
Sebastian’s mother seems to be intent on sharing every small part of this recipe with him in the space of only a few minutes, and has seemed to forgotten that she can just e-mail it to him later.  He does appreciate all the advice, and it’s hard not to fall asleep to the familiar way she lovingly lists her instructions.
His calls home always fill his chest with a familiarity that almost aches.  There’s the constant commotion in the background that inevitably comes with having three other rapidly ageing siblings.  His mother’s talking, that’s always interrupted when Faith puts her hand too close to the stove or Aaron attempts to watch TV before he’s finished his homework.  He doesn’t mind in the slightest, as often as she apologises, because it’s all just reminders of everything he holds dear.
And everything he is sure to lose.
“A nifty trick, Sebastian, is adding a whole potato to sit in the sauce if you’ve accidentally added too much salt.”
He laughs at that.  “And then I have a marinated potato after?  Two dinners in one.”
She chuckles with him.  
Sebastian stretches across his bed, feeling the conversation coming to an end.  Just as grateful as he is for these talks, he is always just as grateful to have them end.  No matter how long he’s done this for, the lies scratch at his throat until it’s raw.  They weigh on his shoulders until he’s sure his back will break.
But what’s the alternative?
“I better go; it looks like instead of trying to sneak in TV before dinner, Aaron has taken to reading comics behind his text books.”
Sebastian laughs.  “I wonder who he got that trick from.”
“Yes, I wonder that myself.”
They both know it was Sebastian.
Eventually, she offers her good-byes and Sebastian counters with his own.  They wish their love on each other, like they always do, and words of wisdom to carry themselves through the week.  
It would be a sweet and soft sentiment, if not for the razors hidden under all the words.
Finally, the line goes dead, and Sebastian would collapse if he wasn’t already lying down.  His phone is thrown to the other side of the bed, and he rubs at his eyes, hoping to disperse some of the tension that’s built in his head.  It sort of works.
As usual, Sebastian breathes deeply, concentrating on where he is and how far he’s come; not what he’s done or who he might hurt.  A trick from his therapist that’s helped significantly with the panic attacks that used to be so frequent after talking to his family.
There’s a knock on the bedroom door.  Sebastian mumbles an affirmative, and a familiar wave of brown hair and the still too gorgeous smile appears around the corner.  Sebastian smiles back, tension easing further still.
“You okay?” Tanner asks.  Sebastian nods.  Tanner purses his lips.  “Are you really okay or are you telling me you’re okay so I think you’re okay and leave you alone but you’re really not okay?”
Sebastian laughs.  “Would you just get in here?”
Tanner happily takes the invitation and slides onto the bed beside Sebastian, aligning their bodies, wrapping an around Sebastian’s waist and using the other to card fingers through his hair.  Sebastian doesn’t just feel the tension leaving his head and the weight dispersing from his body.  He feels something else replacing it.  Something far lighter and far more welcome.  Something like acceptance and friendship and the unconditional love he didn’t find in a community where it was promised to him.
“How are they?” Tanner asks.
“Aaron gets his braces off next week.  Faith is playing an angel in the church play.  My mum told me to marinate a potato.”
He feels Tanner nod against his head.  “Oh right.  If the sauce is too salty.”
Sebastian smiles into Tanner’s chest.
Tanner makes everything okay, and reminds him that it’s all worth it.  The distance and the fabrication and the lies.  Tanner understands how hard it is for Sebastian to continue to lie to his family, for how could he possibly tell them the truth?  
The whole truth.
That he hasn’t been to church in over a year.  That he stopped going to service.  That he’s currently as far from any BYU campus as physical space will allow.  That he’s happily wrapped in the arms of the man he loves above anything else.
That his mission very nearly destroyed him.
All the talk of how he’ll find stronger devotion, become a better man, discover a more meaningful purpose didn’t prepare him for the shadows lurking beneath the glass floor, ready and waiting to eat him should it break.  There was no talk of the long hours, the rigid schedule, the lack of compassion from people who were meant to be showing him guidance.  
There was no talk of the abuse he’d receive, from everyone around him, for two whole years.  No warning of how his faith wouldn’t just be tested, but how he’d be stripped of anything else, until he was the shell of someone who had nothing left.  And when you having nothing left but faith, how are you meant not to question that too?
And question it he did.
Sebastian was home for a month before he left again.  Making up some story on the spot of how he felt drawn elsewhere and wanted to share what he had learnt with others.  His parents, who had done a great job at ignoring the shadows under his eyes and the trauma showing in the protruding lines on his face, had thought this to be a great step for him.  So Sebastian took their naivety and ran with it, all the way across the country to where he hoped everything he had sacrificed might somehow take him back.
Of all the testing his faith had been through, he never should have questioned Tanner.
Tanner had taken one look at him, read everything on his face, in his posture, in the line of his body, in the look of his eyes, and had drawn him in and held him tight for hours.  Sebastian had cried himself to both dehydration and exhaustion.  
The memories are still fresh, even as Sebastian, partly healed but always loved, lies with his face to Tanner’s chest.
Tanner kisses the top of his head.  There’s a beat of silence while they lie together, and Sebastian slowly allows himself to feel better.  They don’t talk anymore.  It’s just the sounds of Tanner’s fingers on the fabric of Sebastian’s shirt as they trail over his muscles.  The sounds of Sebastian’s soft breathing, while he attempts to hold onto this for as long as he can.  
“Do you want to be alone?” Tanner eventually asks, and he may never understand how such a simple offer means so much to Sebastian.  
One of the hardest things Sebastian has had to learn is asking for privacy.  It was one of the things he’d been so deprived of as a missionary, barely able to take a shower or go to the bathroom without the constant presence of his mission companion looming over him like a giant’s shadow.  Now, it’s what Tanner gives him when he feels he doesn’t know what to offer.  It seems counterproductive, to give Sebastian space when he seems to need support, but Sebastian couldn’t love Tanner more for it.
“No,” he answers.  Not this time.  Instead, Sebastian shifts so he can place a kiss at the hollow of Tanner’s throat.  He feels Tanner swallow, almost nervous, almost always nervous when Sebastian touches him.  “It’s getting easier.”
It’s getting easier to lie.  It’s getting easier to ignore the pain and guilt that wells up inside him everytime he talks to his family.  It’s getting easier to realise all that he left behind is, while a very large part of his identity, is not the only part of his identity.  They may never allow him to live with both, but everyday he grows closer to choosing the part he cannot live without.  
This is the right decision, he tells himself.  That leaving the church, even secretly, and hiding in the depths of Los Angeles is making him happier than he could ever be if he stayed in Provo.
Tanner helps.  He’s right there.  Always right beside Sebastian, helping him make these decisions everyday.  He never says what Sebastian thinks he’ll say, but in the best way possible.  The almost deprecating and dismissive words he is always so scared to hear and will never know how to react to if he ever does.  
“You’re doing the right thing.”  
“The church is all a lie anyway.” 
“Be grateful you escaped.”  
Tanner has never said any such thing. He only offers Sebastian a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on when it all gets too much and the world feels too dark again.
On the rare occasions when he does find the courage to talk of his experiences, to become raw with Tanner while they lie awake in the middle of the night, limbs tangled under sheets and hair tangled on pillows, he wonders if Tanner hates hearing it.  The stories.  The nightmares.  The horror tales.
And does he hate hearing them because they’re so terrifying?  Or because they’re the very real experiences Sebastian had to go through?  But Tanner always seems grateful when Sebastian opens up, and admittedly, Sebastian always feels lighter for it.  He has less of a weight to carry with him, that he’s unloaded it somewhere no one has to look at it.  His mind feels clearer.  His limbs feel looser.  
They stay like they are for a while.  The sun slowly sets, filling the bedroom with afternoon light.  The room will become too hot to stay in soon.  They should move to the living room, where they can sit under the fan while Tanner works on his essay and Sebastian works on his book.  But Tanner has taken to running his hand up and down Sebastian’s back, and it feels too soothing to disrupt.  Sebastian makes a sound.  A half-moan, half-yawn, all-happy sound.
Tanner laughs, and it disrupts a few strands of Sebastian’s hair.  He lifts himself up to crawl up Tanner’s body, the brush of lips and the scratch of Tanner’s weekend stubble creating a new and welcomed heat.  Tanner might have been in the middle of a laugh, or a smile, but it’s wiped off as he loses himself in kissing Sebastian.  Just as Sebastian loses himself in all that Tanner is.
A swipe of tongues, a squeeze of limbs, a hum from Tanner’s throat, but nothing deeper.  It’s just the press of their bodies and the warmth of each other.  It’s still enough.  
Sometimes, it’s even too much.
As they kiss slowly, Sebastian feels something awaken in the back of his mind, light on his fingers and deep in his gut.  Something he’s sure both he and Tanner would love to indulge in, but the room is growing hotter by the minute and Sebastian feels sweat begin to bead on his neck and build on the back of his shirt, so Sebastian chooses to ignore it.  They part with a wet sound, although Sebastian wonders if it’s his imagination that sees the hint of regret in Tanner’s face.
They move to the living room, blasting the ceiling fan.  Tanner grabs cans of coke from the fridge and Sebastian downs half of his in one go.  He needs the sugar hit to have an even ounce of motivation to work on his book.
“What chapter are you on?” Tanner asks, settling himself beside Sebastian on the couch and pulling his own laptop onto his knees.  
Sebastian opens his document to check his progress.  “Twenty-three.  My editor wants the confession to have more passion.”  He finds himself rubbing his eyes again, trying to dig out the stress from behind his eyeballs.  “I’m not in a particularly passionate mood though.”
He wishes he hadn’t said it, because he knows what Tanner is going to say next.  “I could help you with that.”
Sure enough, when he pulls his hands away from his face, Tanner’s eyes are hooded and his smirk is sultry.  Sebastian returns the look with one void of any amusement, but he still leans in and kisses Tanner’s lips.  It’s chaste and quick, a firm hand on his stubbly jaw to keep him in place.  
“Write your essay,” Sebastian says firmly.
“You know I love it when you order me around,” Tanner jibes.
Sebastian pretends to ignore him, but he knows Tanner has noticed his flushed cheeks and furrowed expression as he tries not to let his mind wander to images he doesn’t have the time to sit with.  Although the warmth of those images always sits under his skin, ready and very willing.
Sebastian thought he had already come to know temptation well when he first met Tanner.  Years ago now, when he was barely a familiar face to Sebastian.  Then he found himself running to hide with Tanner away from everything, and while they worked through the other myriad of problems their relationship faced, Sebastian found himself realising there was so much more temptation in a life with Tanner than just comfort and safety.  Again, he has no time to dwell on this if he wants to get this chapter at least partially edited.  
“You’re still thinking about it,” Tanner says, and Sebastian can feel the smugness in his words.
“Shut up,” Sebastian scoffs, pretending even harder to concentrate on the words in front of him.  “I hate you.”
“You wish you did.”
Hours later, Sebastian shuts his laptop with a resounding thwack.  He groans, rolls his neck under his hand, attempts to block out the blocks of words that he can still see even behind his closed eyes.  
“You done, babe?” Tanner calls from the kitchen.  Sebastian bites back his smile, the thrill of the pet name still fresh on his skin.  Tanner gave up on his essay only an hour ago, deciding he’d rather start on dinner.  
“Yeah,” he answers.  
“Find any words of passion after all?”
Sebastian’s laugh is more of a snort.  He places his laptop on the coffee table and walks into the kitchen where Tanner is slicing vegetables.  His eyes do not trace the lines of muscles flexing in Tanner’s biceps.  His eyes do not think of rough hands on smooth parts of Sebastian’s body.  
What is wrong with him today?
Horny.  That’s what’s wrong with him.  A word Tanner would so helpfully supply if Sebastian were to voice his current not-so-innocent thoughts.
“A few,” Sebastian replies, washing his hands and then picking up an onion to start helping.  “I outlined the sword fight between the prince and his knight.”
“Give the words of passion to them; there’s nothing sexier than a sword fight.  Two birds with one stone.”
It’s lucky Sebastian hasn’t picked up a knife yet, because his hands fumble around the onion he’s currently peeling.  He returns Tanner’s cheeky smile with a derisive look of his own, to hide the truth burning under his skin.  That he’s thought about it more than once, struggled to voice this to his editor, but secretly written such scenes when he can’t find it in himself to work on the pages that will actually make their way to publication.
And yes, the knight might share similar features with the man expertly dicing a tomato beside him, but that’s his secret.
“That would certainly be a plot twist,” Sebastian replies.  “Three books in but now the prince decides he won’t die for his queen, but stay alive for the one who was meant to die for him first.”
He says it as a joke, knowing there’s no chance on this planet for it to happen, but the worm of possibility is there and Sebastian can’t ignore it.  
“I’d read it.”
“You read anything I write,” Sebastian laughs.  “Except the shopping list.”
Tanner groans, and again, Sebastian uses the sound to picture making him groan for a different reason, and with a lot more breath behind it.  
This is getting ridiculous.
“One time!” Tanner argues.  He’s smiling though, completely infatuated with Sebastian’s bemused expression.  “I forgot the milk one time!”
“And I had to drink black tea all weekend.”
Tanner puts down his knife and suddenly grabs Sebastian’s jaw, his fingers cool and slightly sticky.  Sebastian attempts to bite back his shiver.
“Aww, babe,” Tanner chides, pressing a wet and humorous kiss to Sebastian’s cheek.  “You poor thing!  The world really is out to get you.”
Sebastian pushes him away with his free hand.  “You’re out to get me!”
It doesn’t work.  Tanner still crowds closer to Sebastian, a hand on his hip now, pulling him closer.  His voice goes quiet and trails deep in Sebastian’s gut, where it’s becoming almost impossible to keep back this feeling.
“Can I make it up to you?”
Sebastian hisses, sucks in a breath, and he knows he’s been caught.  Especially when Tanner’s fingers start digging just right into the jut of his hip, where Sebastian likes to feel it.  
Tanner’s lips are hot and fierce and Sebastian realises there’s a reason Tanner didn’t preheat the oven first.  Because now they might have to abandon their lasagne entirely in favour of take out.  Because Sebastian suddenly wants to be doing something else that’s going to take up a good few hours of their night.
Sebastian nips at Tanner’s lips and welcomes the tongue in his mouth while releasing all his pent up frustration in one long, open-mouthed moan.  He’s so easy, he knows.  Tanner could string him along for hours and barely touch him and Sebastian would still be willing for it.  
“When did you know?” Sebastian gasps as Tanner moves to kissing Sebastian’s neck.  Tanner has his body pressed to Sebastian’s pressed to the kitchen counter.  The corner of it digs into the small of Sebastian’s back, but he’s already thrumming with anticipation.  Tanner’s lips are light on his skin but his teeth are sharp on his pulse.  His mind has gone completely blank.
“Didn’t,” Tanner murmurs, his words honey sweet and dripping with purpose.  “Took a guess.”
Sebastian can’t help the embarrassing whine that tumbles from his lips.  “Good guess.”
He’s on his back, torn between fixating on what’s happening between his legs or watching Tanner’s arms flex where they have Sebastian caged against the mattress.  He was admiring them earlier, but now they’re completely bare and lightly glistening with sweat in the light of the bedroom lamp.  Tanner is biting his lip in concentration, and Sebastian knows he’s focusing more on his partner than himself, attempting to find the right angle that won’t cause Sebastian pain and will make this good for the both of them.  Sebastian is completely gone on the feeling of Tanner, and hasn’t felt anything other than the red hot poker in his gut for a while.  His breathing is uneven, punched from his chest everytime Tanner thrusts, and he’s been trying to beg Tanner for more, but everytime he opens his mouth, another moan escapes him instead.  
“I love your noises,” Tanner whispers.  His words are still molasses on Sebastian’s skin, a slow trickle on his nerves.  Sebastian finds his hands grappling along Tanner’s back, his nails catching skin and he knows there’s going to be angry, red marks there when they’re done.  
“You know I-” Thrust.  Moan.  Inhale.  “You know I love your arms.”
Tanner chuckles, breathless and deep, and it’s still so hot.  
“I love your lips.”  To prove his point, Tanner licks them once and kisses him twice, sweeps his thumb over the bottom lip he’s already kissed red.  Sebastian suddenly thinks of drawing it in and sucking on the pad of Tanner’s thumb.  He hesitates, before deciding to go with his gut and following through.  He’s rewarded with a faster pace.
Then it’s just them, moving fast but steady as they find pleasure with each other.  Sebastian’s words become unintelligible again, but Tanner seems to understand his pleas for more, more, don’t stop, more.
Seeing spots in his vision, Sebastian mumbles something even he himself cannot understand.
“I love you, too,” Tanner replies, in the crest of Sebatian’s ear, and his chest swells alongside his orgasm.  Tanner reaches between them to make sure Sebastian isn’t far behind him, which he never really was, but it’s enough to make his toes curl and his breath leave his body.
Sebastian vaguely thinks they’ve left a perfectly good onion browning on the kitchen counter, but then Tanner kisses him again and all he can think about is how empty his body feels.  And it’s a good kind of empty.  Tanner’s gentle with him now, hand cupping his face, lips tracing the ridge of his jaw.  Sweaty and naked and sticky beside each other but Sebastian wouldn’t move for the world.
“You’re so beautiful,” Tanner says, words quiet.  Sebastian blinks some comprehension back into himself, and offers Tanner a tired but completely sated smile.
“Says you,” he replies, followed by, “Thank you.”
Tanner laughs.  “You don’t have to thank me for sex.”
Sebastian swats him.  “You know that’s not what I’m thanking you for!”
Tanner laughs again but goes back to placing soft, warm and perfect kisses along the lines of Sebastian’s body he can’t see, the scratch of his facial hair causing Sebastian to shudder.  He wilts under the touch.  He really is so easy.
It doesn’t take as long as it should before Sebastian is twitching again, wanting it again.  His hand tightens in Tanner’s hair, a fist pulling at the strands, and Tanner catches on quick, because his kisses turn deeper, more purposeful.  
“I want to suck your dick,” Sebastian finds himself saying.  He doesn’t regret it.
“Jes- Sebastian!” Tanner is kneeling above Sebastian in a heartbeat.  “Warn a man before you say something like that.”
Sebastian doesn’t get to throw Tanner off very often, so is pleased with the reaction.  
“It’s more fun when I don’t.”
Tanner grumbles, but the anticipatory grin on his face betrays him while they switch positions and Tanner is on his back, getting comfortable against the headboard.  
“Uh, one thing though,” Tanner frowns as he says this.  “We’re out of the flavoured condoms, and I just used the last lubed one for….”
Sebastian falters for only a moment.
“Remember to tap out then,” he says before getting down to business.
Truthfully, he only uses them because he likes feeling Tanner finish in his mouth but hates how cum feels and tastes.  They rarely do anything without safety first, but Sebastian is feeling different today.  Maybe it was the earlier talk with his family setting him on edge.  Maybe all this really is getting too easy.  Maybe he just feels something deeper for his boyfriend than the usual bone-dense familiarity.  
All he knows is he feels he needs to be close to Tanner, wants to make him feel as good as he’s made Sebastian feel ever since they met, and he doesn’t mind doing that at the expense of making some mess.
He thought it’d be longer and slightly more work before Tanner was completely hard again, but Sebastian feels him grow on his tongue in a short time.  Maybe there’s something to be said for going raw more often.  Tanner’s fingers are gentle in Sebastian's hair, trailing on his scalp with his fingernails.  It makes Sebastian shudder around him, making Tanner groan, making Sebastian groan too.
“Fu-” he hears Tanner bite back a curse.  “You’ve gotten so good at this.”
Sebastian grinds his hips against the mattress, thrumming under the praise.  
He takes his time, wanting Tanner to understand how much he adores him, how much he would do for him.  He usually has to wear at least a thin veil of confidence when he does this; the shame and stigma of sex ingrained in his memory, buried under a scab he can never quite scratch.  But he’s enjoying himself this time, almost too much, almost too eager.
Tanner has no complaints.
He groans a little louder around Tanner when Tanner presses on his scalp, letting him  know he can get rougher, that he doesn’t have to be so gentle this time.  Tanner is hesitant to take the invitation, but is soon thrusting gently and Sebastian has completely relaxed into it.
“Okay,” Tanner gasps.  “Okay, I’m close.  I’m really, really close.”
Sebastian pulls off, one last kiss pressed to him before clasping his hand around it and finishing what he started.  He lies languidly beside Tanner, who is quick to seal their lips together while Sebastian works.  Tanner doesn’t seem to mind where Sebastian’s mouth just was.
When he finishes, it’s with a heavy groan and staccato breaths, mutters of it’s good and Sebastian’s name falling from his lips.  Sebastian rubs his thighs together, biting back the need to lean into the praise from Tanner and ask for more.
“Your turn?” Tanner asks, polite as ever.  Sebastian laughs quietly, about to ask for something simpler, when Tanner asks instead.  “Or you could roll over and I could do it the other way?”
Sebastian seizes.  Tanner doesn’t shave on the weekends, so by Sunday afternoon his usual morning stubble has grown out to a nice layer of rough hair that could almost be considered a beard.  Sebastian enjoys the feel of it against his skin, but has never stopped to think how it would feel deep between his thighs.
He does now, and he’s never wanted anything more.
He nods, slowly, careful if he moves too suddenly it might all blow away.  Tanner’s grin is back, bordering on cheeky but definitely smug, and Sebastian can’t find it in himself to feel annoyed by it.  Not when that grin disappears and the rough touch of Tanner’s jaw is already beginning to redden Sebastian’s skin.
Whatever.  No one else will see, but Sebastian is going to sufficiently enjoy the tingle he’ll have there for days.  
Sebastian hasn’t torn the sheets in his hands yet, but every time he’s slightly nervous it’ll happen.  His knuckles are white, his arms are shaking and he’s already drooled onto the pillow.  Tanner is good and quick behind him, which is its own blessing because Sebastian was never going to last long enough for him to draw it out.  He wants to know how Tanner knew that unmatching Serbastian’s pace is its own kind of love language.  
He was right though.  The contrast of Tanner’s rough beard and the heat of his mouth on Sebastian’s sensitive skin has him whining loudly.  He’s sure he’s a mess, sure he looks so embarrassing, but can’t bring himself to care when Tanner pries him apart and delivers like this.
More, more, don’t stop, more rains from Sebastian’s lips and he’s said the words so many times he’s afraid it’s losing all meaning, but Tanner never disappoints and he meets Sebastian's desperation without argument.
It’s white hot and sharp on his skin when he climaxes, crying out, the corners of his eyes wet with tears.  Tanner reaches between his legs and strokes him momentarily, just for good measure, and Sebastian is twitching by the time Tanner deigns to let go, but Sebastian can feel the temptation Tanner feels to stay.
“Alright,” Tanner gasps, whipping his mouth with the back of his hand.  “That was good.”
Sebastian is still coming down from the high Tanner just gave him, and that good, empty feeling has flooded his body.  He replies with a weak but genuine smile, and Tanner greets him at the pillows with a deep kiss.
“What if I did do it?” Sebastian asks, and after Tanner has given him a questioning look, follows up with “What if I did suddenly change the romance of my book?”
Tanner smiles.  Sebastian can’t really see it.  Their room is sufficiently dark once it gets late enough, tucked away in a corner of the city that gets no light pollution.  It makes moments like these far more intimate.  Makes them a stronger memory Sebastian keeps in his mind, and draws on it in his moments of weakness when the hows and the whys and the what ifs creep into his mind and become too loud for him to ignore.
“Do what you want to.  It’s your story.”
His editor might hate it.  For no other reason than it means changing a lot more than just several already well established and planned plot points.  It means more of a headache for his entire writing team.  They’d have to find new sensitivity readers.  Probably market it differently.  They might even ask him to wait until the next book.
But Sebastian was never good at waiting; he’s a man of bad timing.
“My parents will read it,” Sebastian says what they’re both thinking.  “They’ll know.”
He’s not sure coming out to them through a fairy tale is the best way to go, and yet he can’t stop the itch this idea has given him.  He wants to do something outlandish.  Something ridiculous.  Maybe it’s the only way his parents will ever see reason; see how far Sebastian is willing to go to be himself away from a community that while they sheltered him, are also responsible for the years of abuse.
Tanner squeezes Sebastian’s hand tighter, pulling it to his lips to kiss the knuckles that have gripped Tanner just as tight.
“It’s still your story.”
Is it though?
Tanner once wrote an entire book about himself and his struggles with falling in love with the wrong boy, and at the risk of a failing grade and losing his acceptance to UCLA, decided to never publish it.  Sebastian at least submitted it for him, because he saw between the lines what Tanner had failed to.
This isn’t his story.  It’s not even Sebastian’s story.  
It’s their story.
Tanner places another kiss to Sebastian’s lips, soft and clean.  Sebastian kisses him back.  It’s not for him to decide tonight which direction he’s taking now; all the choices will still be there for him in the morning.  He’s falling asleep faster than he intended to, but Tanner’s arm is a welcome weight along his middle and he brushes Tanner’s feet with his own whenever they shift.
He falls asleep with a smile on his lips and a story in his heart, beside the boy who’s given him the courage to tell it.
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mybook-blog · 1 year
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Probably the prettiest book I own. It has been on my tbr for the longest time. I really hope I’ll get out of this reading slump soon.
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Book names + authors under the cut
Nora Flood/Robin Vote- Nightwood by Djuna Barnes
Tanner Scott/Sebastian Brother- Autoboyography by Christina Lauren
Mateo Torres/Rufus Emeterio- They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera
Sam Haversford(Sam of Wilds)/Knight Commander Ryan Foxheart- The Lightning Struck Heart by Tj Klune
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wowbright · 1 year
Random thoughts about Autoboyography and Mormon stuff, since I'm still thinking about it two weeks later.
Spoilers ahead:
Why did Tanner's ex-mormon mother give her kid such a Mormon name?
Was the only reason the authors gave Sebastian Brother that last name was so they could make the "Brother Brother" joke? (No judgment. Just curious.)
Since Sebastian broke the law of chastity, how was his mission call not delayed? Did his parents not know about him breaking the law of chastity? Did they know but, since his dad was the bishop, his dad had the discretion to keep it quiet and not pursue any disciplinary action?
Or wait I guess if Sebastian is in a singles ward (a possibility, though I don't remember if it was mentioned one way or another), his dad isn't his Bishop.
BUT his parents are so against homosexuality it seems like they would want him disciplined by whoever's his bishop, since in their beliefs that would be the only way for him to fully repent of his "sin" and have any chance of progressing to the celestial kingdom.
Why didn't he get called into the honor code office at BYU? Again, was this a matter of people not knowing, or just the "right" people not knowing?
Did he get called in & kicked out of BYU sometime after the main story ended and before the epilogue began? Will BYU refuse to release his transcripts to another college he might want to attend so that he has to start from zero?
Is it just me or did Sebastian take the news of Tanner sleeping with their friend a little too easily? His response makes sense for a mature secular teen--they weren't dating so really it's none of Sebastian's business who Tanner got involved with. But Sebastian has been drenched in sexual shame. LDS kids get taught that any sexual activity (typically including masturbation) is essentially cheating on your future spouse. In that worldview, it very much would matter to Sebastian who Tanner has slept with. Even if Sebastian logically knows he shouldn't judge Tanner for it, even if he doesn't *want* to judge Tanner, he probably would.
Or maybe he does judge, but we don't see it because Sebastian is so good at painting on his Mormon "everything's fine" face? That feels like stretching the text too far, though.
Did release time seminary get mentioned anywhere in the story? This is neither here nor there, but I assume it's a thing in Provo and something that Tanner would be like, "Well that's crazy." But I don't remember whether it came up.
Very interesting how little Tanner knows about Mormon history. For all she encourages her kids to talk about their emotions and experiences, his mother sure doesn't talk much about hers, at least in this realm. (Again, not judging.) The part where Tanner unquestioningly repeats the line that polygamy happened in order to support widows made me do a double take.
Not really Mormon related: was that out-of-left-field plot twist included for the sole purpose of proving Tanner's bisexuality? I didn't need it proven. I already believed it. (Also, my surprise at Tanner's breadth of sexual experience at his age makes me feel a bit Mormon LOL.)
@redheadgleek Anything to add or detract?
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this book is outta the world amazing
When we straighten, Sebastian’s distance quickly makes sense as Christian has us count off, one through six. My boyfriend has just ensured that we’re on the same team, getting the same splinters.
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chanandler--boing · 1 year
Give me so much Tanner Scott vibe from Autoboyography by Christina Lauren
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thebookishcrypt · 1 year
Batch Ratings for 2019: Contemporary/Romance Edition
This is a list of contemporary books that I read in 2019. I didn’t really write full reviews for them but I still wanted to share my ratings! My full reading list can be found on my [Goodreads] so you can look further into them! Review from Goodreads: “I. FREAKING. LOVED. THIS. SO. HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I WANT MORE!!!!!Oh my god how am I going to sleep now. I am way too awake from all the…
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thehopefulquotes · 2 months
This is how we reveal ourselves: these tiny flashes of discomfort, the reactions we can’t hide.
Christina Lauren, Autoboyography
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thoughtkick · 1 year
This is how we reveal ourselves: these tiny flashes of discomfort, the reactions we can’t hide.
Christina Lauren, Autoboyography
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💙💜🩷 Books for Bisexuality Visibility Month 🩷💜💙
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💜 How incredible is it that I made a list of 99 books for bisexual visibility month, KNOWING there are so many NOT featured on this list? I'm so proud to be bi. Having these characters and stories intertwine with mine warms my heart.
💜 What's your favorite book featuring bisexual characters?
💙 The Henna Wars - Adiba Jaigirdar 💙 Perfect on Paper - Sophie Gonzales 💙 Imogen, Obviously - Becky Albertalli 💙 Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston 💙 Queens of Geek - Jen Wilde 💙 Just Your Local Bisexual Disaster - Andrea Mosqueda 💙 Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute - Talia Hibbert 💙 Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake - Alexis Hall 💙 A Merry Little Meet Cute - Julie Murphy & Sierra Simone
💜 Leah on the Offbeat - Becky Albertalli 💜 The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid 💜 Radio Silence - Alice Oseman 💜 The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue - Mackenzi Lee 💜 You Exist Too Much - Zaina Arafat 💜 Wolfsong - T.J. Klune 💜 The Pairing - Casey McQuiston 💜 Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail - Ashley Herring Blake 💜 Heartstopper - Alice Oseman
🩷 Going Bicoastal - Dahlia Adler 🩷 Some Girls Do - Jennifer Dugan 🩷 Hani & Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating - Adiba Jaigirdar 🩷 Autoboyography - Christina Lauren 🩷 Written in the Stars - Alexandria Bellefleur 🩷 They Both Die at the End - Adam Silvera 🩷 Cool for the Summer - Dahlia Adler 🩷 Delilah Green Doesn't Care - Ashley Herring Blake 🩷 One Last Stop - Casey McQuiston
💙 I'll Be the One - Lyla Lee 💙 Running With Lions - Julian Winters 💙 Take a Hint, Dani Brown - Talia Hibbert 💙 Felix Ever After - Kacen Callender 💙 Not Your Sidekick - C.B. Lee 💙 Ophelia After All - Racquel Marie 💙 Iron Widow - Xiran Jay Zhao 💙 Something to Talk About - Meryl Wilsner 💙 The Girls I've Been - Tess Sharpe
💜 Iris Kelly Doesn't Date - Ashley Herring Blake 💜 Never Ever Getting Back Together - Sophie Gonzales 💜 Her Royal Highness - Rachel Hawkins 💜 Call Me By Your Name - André Aciman 💜 I Wish You All the Best - Mason Deaver 💜 Mistakes Were Made - Meryl Wilsner 💜 Hang the Moon - Alexandria Bellefleur 💜 Kiss Her Once for Me - Alison Cochrun 💜 The Brightsiders - Jen Wilde
🩷 Wild Beauty - Anna-Marie McLemore 🩷 The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - Victoria Schwab 🩷 Payback's a Witch - Lana Harper 🩷 A Dowry of Blood - S.T. Gibson 🩷 Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo 🩷 Dark Rise - C.S. Pacat 🩷 If This Gets Out - Sophie Gonzales & Cale Dietrich 🩷 Let's Talk About Love - Claire Kann 🩷 Carry On - Rainbow Rowell
💙 Under the Whispering Door - T.J. Klune 💙 I Kissed Shara Wheeler - Casey McQuiston 💙 Pumpkinheads - Rainbow Rowell 💙 Icebreaker - A.L. Graziadei 💙 This Poison Heart - Kalynn Bayron 💙 A Lot Like Adiós - Alexis Daria 💙 Sorry, Bro - Taleen Voskuni 💙 We Are Okay - Nina LaCour 💙 Count Your Lucky Stars - Alexandria Bellefleur
💜 Hot Dog Girl - Jennifer Dugan 💜 Verona Comics - Jennifer Dugan 💜 They Hate Each Other - Amanda Woody 💜 The Disasters - M.K. England 💜 The Raven Boys - Maggie Stiefvater 💜 You Should See Me in a Crown - Leah Johnson 💜 These Witches Don't Burn - Isabel Sterling 💜 My Dearest Darkest - Kayla Cottingham 💜 City of Shattered Light - Claire Winn
🩷 The Unbroken - C.L. Clark 🩷 Dread Nation - Justina Ireland 🩷 House of Hollow - Krystal Sutherland 🩷 Love & Other Disasters - Anita Kelly 🩷 Ace of Shades - Amanda Foody 🩷 The Lost Girls - Sonia Hartl 🩷 Of Fire and Stars - Audrey Coulthurst 🩷 This Is Kind of an Epic Love Story - Kacen Callender 🩷 Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe - Benjamin Alire Sáenz
💙 If You Still Recognise Me - Cynthia So 💙 Melt With You - Jennifer Dugan 💙 The Charm Offensive - Alison Cochrun 💙 That Summer Feeling - Bridget Morrissey 💙 The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School - Sonora Reyes 💙 The Luis Ortega Survival Club - Sonora Reyes 💙 The Fiancée Farce - Alexandria Bellefleur 💙 Flip the Script - Lyla Lee 💙 Role Playing - Cathy Yardley
💜 I Think I Love You - Auriane Desombre 💜 Truly, Madly, Deeply - Alexandria Bellefleur 💜 Gearbreakers - Zoe Hana Mikuta 💜 Finally Fitz - Marisa Kanter 💜 The Spirit Bares Its Teeth - Andrew Joseph White 💜 Margo Zimmerman Gets the Girl - Brianna R. Shrum & Sara Waxelbaum 💜 Late Bloomer - Mazey Eddings 💜 A Darker Shade of Magic - Victoria Schwab 💜 Love at First Set - Jennifer Dugan
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resqectable · 10 months
This is how we reveal ourselves: these tiny flashes of discomfort, the reactions we can’t hide.
Christina Lauren, Autoboyography
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surqrised · 10 months
This is how we reveal ourselves: these tiny flashes of discomfort, the reactions we can’t hide.
Christina Lauren, Autoboyography
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stay-close · 11 months
This is how we reveal ourselves: these tiny flashes of discomfort, the reactions we can’t hide.
Christina Lauren, Autoboyography
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powells · 2 years
Betrayed by Netflix? Try...
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These Witches Don't Burn by Isabel Sterling Girls Save the World in this One by Ash Parsons
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I Wish You All The Best by Mason Deaver Autoboyography by Christina Lauren
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my dearest darkest by Kayla Cottingham Burn Down, Rise Up by Vincent Tirado
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lgbtqreads · 7 months
Any recs for queer books with really flawed characters? I want to read about people who make tons of mistakes and do selfish, unpleasant things. I would be down to read about queer villains, but I’m maybe more looking for queer protagonists who mess up and in the end are still deserving of love and redemption.
It's not the most natural answer, but In at the Deep End by Kate Davies is a book I love for this, particularly one line that helped me a lot with this. I also really love Tess Sharpe for this, both Far From You and The Girls I've Been. Maybe Autoboyography by Christina Lauren? Definitely Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust, if you're up for fantasy, and maybe The Mirror Season by Anna-Marie McLemore, though I wouldn't really be critical of the protagonists, but feel like it still fits, in its way, similarly to how I wanna say Yerba Buena by Nina LaCour. I think these recs primarily focus on the latter part of your request, but like, Tripping Arcardia by Kit Mayquist and Temper and They Never Learn by Layne Fargo and These Violent Delights by Micah Nemerever could all be good choices for you too.
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