#auto review
2023 Toyota Crown Overview
Toyota Crown, a new high-riding sedan with the shape of a hatchback (though it has a conventional trunk), hybrid-only powertrains and truly funky styling. Toyota often plays it too safe with its new vehicles, so it's nice to see the company really swinging for the fences with the Crown.
t has been 50 years since Toyota last sold its Crown sedan in the U.S., but the model was introduced in Japan in 1955 as the Toyopet Crown. It has been Toyota's mainstream sedan there ever since, the choice of families, executives, taxi drivers, and police.
The 2023 Crown, now in its 16th generation, is back in the States as the three-trim, all-hybrid, all-wheel-drive, tall-roofed, fastback-styled four-door replacing the venerable Toyota Avalon sedan. It is almost the same size, inside and out, as the Honda Accord and Volkswagen Arteon sedans.
The Crown's tall roofline and high seating position have generated some debate. But there's no denying that it is eye-catching, especially in the optional two-tone color scheme available with the top Platinum trim.
By positioning the Crown as a premium model, Toyota is telling shoppers that this is a special vehicle, not to be confused with other midsize sedans. By offering two hybrid powertrains, one of them more performance-oriented, Toyota hopes the Crown will appeal to those seeking fuel efficiency and creature comforts as well as those hoping for a bit of twisty country road fun.
We found that generally, it succeeds but still falls short on driving excitement, even with the 340-horsepower hybrid system and adaptive suspension that come exclusively with the Platinum trim.
Competition in the non-luxury large sedan segment is almost gone. Three rivals — the Chrysler 300, Dodge Charger, and Nissan Maxima — are being discontinued in 2023. That leaves the Accord Hybrid and VW Arteon. Some shoppers might consider the Genesis G80, Audi A6, and Volvo S90 mild hybrids, all of which cost more and aren't likely to be cross-shopped with the Toyota Crown. Based on appearance and premium content, though, the Crown can proudly hold its head high in that crowd.
All the Platinum's performance enhancements come at a serious penalty to fuel economy. Toyota estimates this version of the Crown will return 27 mpg in combined driving — a fairly unimpressive figure compared to other sedans with non-hybrid powertrains. The current Avalon V6, for instance, produces a bit less power and has a 26 mpg combined estimate, as does the BMW 540i with its marginally less potent turbocharged inline-six. On paper, the Crown Platinum's powertrain seems heavy and overengineered without much benefit to the driver compared to other options.
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motorvibez · 6 months
Maxus, a name revived from the historic Leyland DAF Vans by SAIC (Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation), has taken a bold step in the UK market by introducing the country's first electric pick-up truck, the Maxus T90 EV. This move not only diversifies the electric vehicle (EV) market but also tests the waters for electric commercial vehicles (CVs) in sectors traditionally dominated by internal combustion engine vehicles.
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acarneedslove · 2 years
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isadorasilva1 · 3 months
Divertida mente: Conduzida pelas emoções
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Mergulhe na mente de Riley e descubra Divertida Mente, da Pixar, como você nunca viu nas telas. Este livro original traz histórias inéditas e novas ideias para o filme, já que cada capítulo conta uma versão diferente da história e é narrado por uma das emoções de Riley: Alegria, Nojinho, Medo, Raiva e Tristeza.
Como a maioria das pessoas, Riley, de onze anos, é guiada por suas Emoções: Alegria, Nojinho, Medo, Raiva e Tristeza. Tendo Alegria como a Emoção predominante, Riley sempre foi uma menina feliz. Ela adora sua casa em Minnesota, tem um ótimo relacionamento com a mãe e o pai, e vive para jogar hóquei com sua melhor amiga.
Mas quando Riley e seus pais atravessam o país e se mudam para São Francisco, seu mundo vira de cabeça para baixo e suas Emoções são abaladas.
Reviva o filme Divertida Mente pelos pontos de vista únicos de Alegria, Nojinho, Medo, Raiva e Tristeza. Eles compartilham o seu lado da história, além das lembranças nunca antes contadas.
O mundo de Riley nunca esteve tão cheio de emoção e confusão ― tanto por dentro quanto por fora!
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sadiejulius · 8 months
thinking about how one of ann liang's teasers of a song to drown rivers featured sad beautiful tragic
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searchingacct · 9 months
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We may not be able to detect how many felonies you committed, but humanity is grateful that no city is as dysfunctional as Los Santos.
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birdantlers · 2 years
even if you don't care abt cars please look at this. I think about it once a week minumum
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indiangp · 6 months
okay goodnight 😴
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indianfasttrack · 1 month
Worldwide Insurance Companies along with detailed information
Gathering a complete list of all insurance companies worldwide, along with detailed information about each, is a vast and complex task. The number of insurance companies globally is in the thousands, varying across regions and industries (life, health, property, casualty, etc.). Additionally, companies frequently merge, change names, or cease operations, which makes maintaining an up-to-date list…
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
holy FUCK IA's voisona 2.0 is OUT
#sorry this is just a 3 second made solfege with all auto tuning i just got the update downloaded LOL#am i insane. was i just not paying enough attention to their twitters or was this like shadow dropped#i mean we knew it would come someday but i think i forgot that like#voisona seems to do this with their 2.0s. they barely build any hype they just give em to you LOL#girl so much is happening rn. ia and one 2.0..... takuto's voicevox bank was finally announced.......#i have so many things i want to draw celebration doodles of. so many.#also this is unrelated but downloaded ia's 2.0 made me realize i was like three or so versions behind in voisona#because i like never update things in general and also i didnt realize they had updated so much#BUT holy shit. they added so much stuff so many presets and fun little bits BUT SPECIFICALLY#the tune parameter... that changes how much autopitch it has.... holy shit#now you can make a full pitchsnapping thing.... or you can have a blank slate when doing ur own tuning.... awesome#the husky parametre is still a little strange tho. its uh. so in cevio its basically just breathiness#but in voisona is like. tense and kinda. wet? you can get a but of subtle breathiness but mostly it just sounds like theyre hissing#like a cat. which can be good. but i abuse breathiness and tension in other software so i would love some parametres akin to that#although you can get some of that through the presets in the properties at least#so i would love some easier ways to play around with softness and breathiness. you can kind of fudge it with volume but its tough#but impromptu voisona editor 1.11 first impressions review aside im so excited#i neeeeeed to plug in as many covers as i can right NOW just to hear her voice AUUUUUUUHHHHHHH#unfollow me now this will be the only thing i talk about for the next week etc etc#edit: like immediately after I posted this i went back on twitter to double check something and then saw the new#cfm news. jesus christ today has been crazy for vocal synths truly
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tuituipupu · 3 months
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this is saurrrrr auto yassss coded they did it for me 🫡
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ohmyshinecanal · 3 months
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Bem-vindo ao Blog Oh My Shine: Seu Guia Completo de Beleza,
 Autocuidado e Saúde!
Olá, querido(a) leitor(a)! É com imenso prazer que damos as boas-vindas ao nosso blog, Oh My Shine, o complemento perfeito para o nosso canal de afiliado dedicado à beleza, autocuidado e saúde. Aqui, você encontrará tudo o que precisa para brilhar e se sentir bem, sem precisar aparecer!
Quem Somos
Somos uma equipe apaixonada por tudo que envolve beleza, autocuidado e bem-estar. Acreditamos que todos merecem se sentir bem consigo mesmos e estamos aqui para guiar você nessa jornada. No Oh My Shine, buscamos as melhores tendências, dicas e produtos que realmente fazem a diferença na sua rotina de autocuidado.
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Nosso objetivo é ser sua fonte de confiança para tudo relacionado à beleza, autocuidado e saúde. Queremos que você se sinta confiante e bem-informado para fazer escolhas que beneficiem seu bem-estar. No Oh My Shine, acreditamos que a beleza verdadeira começa de dentro para for a, e estamos aqui para apoiar você em cada passo do caminho.
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Agradecimento Especial
Obrigado por nos acompanhar nesta jornada de beleza e bem-estar. Estamos empolgados para compartilhar nosso conhecimento e ajudar você a descobrir produtos e práticas que realmente funcionam. Fique de olho no nosso blog e fique por dentro de todas as dicas do Canal Oh My Shine.
Agradecemos por confiar em nós como seu guia de beleza e autocuidado. Sabemos que a jornada para se sentir bem consigo mesmo é contínua e estamos aqui para apoiar você em cada etapa. Desde a escolha do produto perfeito até a implementação de novas rotinas de autocuidado, queremos ser seu parceiro de confiança.
Esperamos que você goste do nosso conteúdo e que ele seja útil na sua busca por beleza e bem-estar. Vamos juntos nessa jornada de autocuidado e saúde!
Até breve e continue brilhando!
Com carinho,
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waugh-bao · 11 months
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“Tell Me Straight” Lyrics (KR, 2023)
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bonythesquirrel · 7 months
It's the final video of the marathon, here's gta 3
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samarecharm · 6 months
thank you for the long response! it was geniunely a very interesting read!! also i did not want to imply that you have to 100% like something or else drop it, that was not my intention (/_;)/~~ i just wanted to know what were the pros that outweighed the cons for you to continue the game!! i definitely have my own rant about the persona 5, as much as i love it.
i'm someone who has sunk hundreds of hours (i think about 400) into persona 5 royal, i have played the original as well and,,,,, i don't remember every bit of it as i got much more into royal, but your response definitely dug up some memories of my own gripes with the game as it was then. i bought strikers once i had a switch!! i was super excited to see ryuji and the rest of the gang again, but due to life stuff and me generally not being a fan of button smashers/combo games, i only got like 3 hours into it before i left it alone. also the lack of akechi was disheartening since after royal giving him more story i was wanting /still want more of him as royal, while not fully fixing his confidant, still improved majorly on his character in my opinion. but i trust your judgment, so do you have any tips to get back into strikers? it's really the gameplay that sticks out like a sore thumb to me, i'm not very dexterous with a controler and i get the hang of things quite slowly,,,, but again, thank you geniunely for responding so kindly and elaborating!! (*^ω^)
You are welcome 😊 I try to give the botd for questions like this, bc I have seen and received some very silly comments wrt to complaints of this game (and others people hold in high regard). Not that I am happy to see that you remembered some gripes w a game you liked, but it is easy to become a bit rosetinted about media you enjoy, and its good to go back and say ‘hey actually, theres some stuff i DO wish couldve been changed to make the experience better.’ At least u were polite about asking lmao
I think I am going to have the same problem I had before, so im going to preemptively put my strikers tips under the cut to stop it from bloating up dashboards 😭
I am aware that the warriors style gameplay is not for everyone; its very repetitive by its nature and it can be really bad on the hands if youre not used to it, so I unfortunately dont have a suggestion for making the combat portion of the game easier. But I am halfway through a ng+ of that game, so I at least have tips on how to make the combat less confusing, and how to spend less time on the actual combat itself.
Stick to one character and ignore literally anyone else in the beginning. I am so serious about this. The upgrades you get for ranking up teammates is used to enhance their combos, and that can be confusing in the beginning of the game. I had to fall back onto normal difficulty until i got the hang of everyones combos, so i suggest you do the same.
The ai for your teammates is surprisingly well done, and they will target enemy weaknesses and heal you before you NEED to be healed, which is always better than them simply forgetting to do so. They buff often, but they are a bit lax about debuffing without manual input (ann has Tarunda as a spell AND as a combo finisher, but she refuses to do either unless its targeting a tough enemy). You should prioritize builds that buff your entire team (so the competent team ai rips enemies to shreds) and debuffing enemies.
Combos are almost entirely optional if youre willing to jump in and out of Jails to replenish SP constantly. Spam spells, and switch teammates to spam their spells as well, then leave the Jail and return. Unlike the mainline games, leaving the metaverse does not pass time; only hitting important plot points like getting to the treasure and fighting the jailer counts towards progressing time, so you should abuse it as often as possible.
Due to [REDACTED] spoilers, you WILL need to at least master or understand three characters and their movesets. I obviously suggest Akira as one, but pick two more characters that work well with your playstyle. Ryuji was personally the easiest to understand; hes resistant to flinching, and his finishers are ‘hold X to kill everything around you’. Haru has a wide aoe for her combo finishers, letting her spin and shred through enemies or spam her grenade launcher infinitely. She has the added benefit of gaining more armor and reduced flinching during her hold finishers, so shes good for fighting bosses.
DONT fight those super hard burning enemies. They arent worth it 😭😭 you need to be at least 3-4 jails deep before u can even fight the one in shibuya jail 😭😭 theyre very easy to avoid, so just shimmy past them or ignore the area theyre in outright.
If you focus on understanding Akira, know that each persona has a unique set of finishers (yes, literally each one). If you are thinking of learning combos instead of just spamming spells, I suggest learning the pattern for executing his combos before focusing on what the finishers actually do. From there, you can test out finishers for each persona, and decide which ones are worth keeping based on that. I will say though, that the finishers kinda dont mean anything until you get to the end game, where high leveled personas will have spells like Concentrate or Debilitate as Finishers; but always know that a finisher spell is ALWAYS a spell that you can just as easily cast with SP. Dont make the game more stressful or complicated than you need it to be.
(As an addon, if you can understand Akiras moveset, then learning the other ones will be WAY easier since they are all virtually the same. The only thing you need to memorize is exactly what spell is used on their finishers; it took me forever to realize that Yusukes last finisher is…a combo enhancer…that makes his finishers last forever… and you would NOT know that unless u started learning his moveset since his ai never uses it)
If youre someone who wants to farm and level up to gain access to more personas, you should find the strong enemies around a map instead of constantly reclearing the entire jail. Unlike the mainline games, enemies do not respawn after leaving a floor; you gotta leave the jail and come back to make them respawn. If you are okay w the repetition, it is easier to memorize the spawns of strong enemies (not the minibosses that are burning) and beat them up for good exp and money, esp since all spawns are static. Silky in the Shibuya jail is the first one that comes to mind, since Ann is able to stunlock her w Agis, AND she spawns very close to one of the checkpoints (its before the underground section of shibuya but i cannot remember the name of it) making it easy to jump in and jump out to replenish SP, and continue farming.
And finally, despite what I just said, dont take the bosses of this game too seriously. They arent easy but they are absolutely doable without insane builds and optimization. Bosses have aids in the form of interactables of their respective weaknesses (Shibuya has party poppers with wind affinitiy thats eventually used on the boss to stun them.) Stock up on healing personas, Stock up on Items from Sophias shop, and target weaknesses whenever you can to force an allout attack as fast as possible. The combat can be overwhelming, but at the end of the day, the combat is really just ‘run around from attacks and spam spells or combos until the thing dies’. I hope that helps a little bit, and if push comes to shove, i will always recommend watching a playthrough instead of fighting through a game that feels like a slog to get through. Most of the story comes from the cutscenes and city interactions, so you arent missing much by watching someone beat up shadows for u lol and bc i genuinely LOVE the characters they introduce, its worth it to learn about them.
It sucks that Goro isnt in the game, but it was made prior to Royal iirc (the japanese release was the only one available for some time). I will say though, the themes of this game fit him so perfectly, and if youre of the mind to speculate and make aus, then you will be joining me in the obsession of making Goro interactions w the team. Palaces were about corrupted peoples desires distorting the world around them, and they were always someone so reprehensible, you were not intended to sympathize w them and even debate if what the thieves were doing was wrong. But Jails serve an entirely different purpose, and the end result is having Rulers with depth to them, and the overarching theme of ‘if you fuck up your life and others over the decisions you thought were correct, can you recover?’ And the answer is always ‘yes. No matter what, you can always start over if you intend to do better and be better’, and I think thats a good reason to see the entire story through :)
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clonerightsagenda · 1 year
Gotta say lads I am not optimistic about a fall Alecto release date considering it has not made it to any of the review journals yet and is not in Edelweiss either.
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