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germplush · 10 months ago
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6/5/24 | Nibble in a cute dress/skirt! we did some errands today can't really remember much but we did take thes photos! them with a fidget we were playing with.. cute!!
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samzier · 2 years ago
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Aww la creature
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alterhumanblog · 7 months ago
This is a PSA because my bio is not long enough!
This account is a safe space for: psychological therians, spiritual therians, physical therians, poly therians, holothers, contherians, suntherians, cladotherians, starkins, theriomythics, ambitherians, alterhumans, otherkins, snakelinks, plantkins, objectkins, dollkins, concept kins, otherlinks, link hearted, otherhearted, therians who don't do quads, devinekins, stormkins, lightningkins, copylinks, fictionflickers, fictionkins, demonkins, angelkins, autistics, godkins, zombiekins, vampirekins, ghostkins, monsterkins, cryptidkins, objectums, nonhumans, voidkins, songkins, spacekins, objectlinks, plantlinks, felinelinks, caninelinks, link hearted, therians that don't have gear, polykins, placekins, factkins, goat therians, snaketherians, ADHD, tropecepts, paleotherians, alterbeings, cladokins, cladomythics, fox hearted, shark hearted, dog hearted, clown hearted, gunkins, robotkins, Aikins, demon hearted, angel hearted, furries, transspecies, species queer, fictionkins, mythkin, speciespunk, glitchkins, coping links, musickins, oceankins, firekins, earthkins, marskins, planet hearted, Rainkins, snowkins, mouse therians, rabbit therians, ockins, neopronouns, xenopronouns, emojipronouns, multi name users, alien hearted, alienkins, aesthetickins, aesthetichearted, and everything else that I couldn't fit!!
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im-adrienne · 1 year ago
Any other autistics feel this way?
People around you, like parents or therapists, tell you that "good people exist" yet every interaction you seem to have with others outside of your support system is nothing but combative, negative, full of disdain, and, at times, manipulative and shady. Just saying hello to some people gets you a nasty look or a choice word. It makes you feel like you can't talk to people or work with others.
When it starts to happen you get in your head like, "It's happening again" and "here we go" despite having done nothing wrong except show up, ask a question, or greet someone. Feeling it happen again brings on so much sadness because it shouldn't be happening.
It's like neurotypical people sense you're different and react to that in such a terrible way that it brings about a burn out trigger...and no one believes you when you tell them that you get treated differently.
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blueberry-sleight · 1 year ago
because autistics are different from each other, some of us can understand cues or subtext in conversation that others can't. What's more, some studies show that autistics are better at talking to other autistics than with allistics.
To be clear, I am not saying that I am better than other people at understanding subtext, but that I want to make a place to do it together.
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captainshazamerica · 1 year ago
Okay really specific question
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Another Adult Autistic Question
As an adult, when someone teases you, or makes a joke at your expense, or tries to pull a prank on you, does it make you unreasonably Furious?
It's like I hit my limit of that when I was about 15 or 16 because people did that to me my entire life. It got around in a very small town that I was completely gullible ........ and I was gullible because I was autistic and did not know I was autistic until I was 45.
But now anytime I'm made fun of even the least bit, I cannot tell you the absolute Fury that rises Within Me against whoever it is. Especially my husband who loves to say sarcastic things and jokes until i am upset and near tears and then mumbles " You do know I was joking the whole time. Why can't you just take a joke?! I can't say anything to you anymore!! .
And about 85% of the time I do not see them as jokes, I see them as personal attacks.
It is just because of having that done to me my entire life when I was pretty much powerless to understand what was going on.
Does anyone else feel this way?
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arianblodeuwedd · 2 years ago
I know nobody'll read this, but I need to tell this somewhere.
I was diagnosed with autism, ADHD (without hyperactivity) and dyspraxia the 19th April 2023.
After 23 years, I have FINALLY a diagnostic.
But I don't know how to feel. Idk if I'm happy cause I have a clear answer, or... Sad? Disappointed? Idk, cause we know, my mother and I, what I have. Many professionals told to my mom she has a Münchhausen syndrom, she was crazy and many bad things.
Idk if I have to be sad or happy cause my mom cries when the psychiatrist tells her the diagnosis on the phone. (I was alone with them cause my mom working so I called her to tell her the answer).
I feel like I'm not in my body, like I feel... Nothing. Idk what to do, how to react, I know just a thing: I don't know.
It's so messy in my head, and at the same time it's not.
When they told me the diagnostic, I just said "oh, ok". Idk if I was shocked or just "ok, it's nothing".
I want to cry but at the same time, not. I feel guilty to be neurodivergent cause my mom had difficulties with me. She didn't know what I had, but she known something wasn't right. But she's a really strong people, she's never told me I was a difficult child or adult. She never said something hurtful to me. She's the only parent who is here to me, the only one who did her parent role. So, I feel guilty because I think "And if I wasn't born?", "If I was normal, she was need to live this fight".
When I told to one of my friend I can't do sport thank to dyspraxia, he said "I know people with that and they can do sport. You searched just excuse". He's also neurodivergent so maybe he doesn't know I was hurt by his words. It's juste... An ableist reaction and maybe I overacted? Idk.
I do a civil service (service civique in french) because I can't find a job but need money. I'm happy to be useful, but it's just stressful. There are many noises, smell, many people, I'm overstimulated and have shutdown. So, many I do "a comedy" like people say in France (meaning I exaggerating and it's nothing).
I repeat. I know nobody'll read this. And it's not important. I was just in need to tell this somewhere. Without someone has pitying of me or say "my poor!". I don't need that. I just need... Idk. I write this here because I feel comfortable and secure here. I have my routine here, I never see someone being mean and the community is really kind. So, thank you to be what you are.
If you read this, thanks for your attention.
I'm just an almost 25 yo french people who is lost in them head and doesn't know to speak English very well (I'm sorry to that).
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the-future-is-chrome · 1 month ago
the neurodivergent experience:
20% of the time: wowwieee!!! i love my passions and interests!!!!! they make me so happy i want to jump up and down!!!!! weee!!!!!!! :3333333333
80% of the time: this mind is a prison
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suffering-and-misery · 5 months ago
adhd executive dysfunction sucks bcuz im just sitting there and my brain is like
no work done no rest gained. literally no point of this at all
(to everyone who reblogged, donate and share @olagaza's initiative!)
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anexperimentallife · 9 months ago
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liamstorm · 28 days ago
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no neurodivergent infighting here
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bipolarmango · 6 months ago
My doctor and therapist: now with this autism + ADHD diagnosis you need to learn to unmask because masking all the time will make you burn out again and feel like shit
Other people: well it's just interesting how after getting the diagnosis you suddenly start behaving like that I mean I'm not saying you're faking it's just funny how you suddenly cannot be normal like you were before
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carrionhearted · 7 months ago
Sorry for infodumping about my special interest out of nowhere, you said a keyword and it activated my unskippable dialogue
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2003-playground · 7 months ago
Can we stop using "still lives with their parents" or "unemployed" or "doesn't have a drivers license" or "didn't graduate high school" as an insult or evidence that someone is a bad person? Struggling with independence or meeting milestones is not a moral failing.
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