ali3nboyfriend · 5 years
@autisticbenpaul replied to your post: “transformers things I picked up from fanfic and will never let go of...”:
throwback to baby smokescreen being raised as a seeker = wiggling door wings the same way
starscream, getting angry: [rattles his wings]
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drdone · 5 years
the brothers from thunderbird as a GROUP or like. separately? idk if youd wanna di them all individually so you could also pick ur favs if you have them
Oh, my god dude. I’ll do them all but lord this is gonna be a long post. So here’s a cut, sorry those on mobile, oh my god. Gonna go in ‘bird order, because I want to that’s why
Favorite thing about them:
Scott: He’s very protective of his brothers. He’s a good leader and learning to be a better one, which I hope is a thing that continues.
Virgil: I love him. He’s so confident in his brothers’ abilities. He’s such a dork. Also, he looks like he gives really good hugs.
Alan: My FUCKING boy, dude. He’s adorable, he’s capable, he’s smart, he’s such a little brother. He’s actually matured a lot. He’s a good pilot and a little shit.
Gordon: This boy is great. He’s the jokester, but obviously still competent, he’s a good big bro to Alan, an obvious little bro to Virgil for sure, which is so funny to me. Also, he’s so kind.
John: Okay, first of all, he’s so smart. He’s a good, calm voice. This is gonna sound cheesy, but he’s like the lighthouse in a storm, when you need help he’s the voice that finds you and helps you to safety. The point of first contact, if you will.
Least favorite thing about them:
Scott: His temper. I get it, but yeah. Still love him though.
Virgil: Mmmmm I don’t know. He’s felt weird in the most recent episodes, kinda?
Alan: When the narrative has him act too childish in order to emphasize his age or something, I don’t know.
John: That he doesn’t use EOS as much as he should. That’s really the writers’ fault. EOS is great and should be used a lot.
Favorite line:
Scott: This might sound like a cop out but it’s “See you in the sky.” He’s said it a few times when heading out to Thunderbird One. It’s just a good line, I don’t like, I like the way he says it, confident and ready to go.
Virgil: “Want me to pick you up anything while I’m out?” He’s. Such. A dork. This joke while in a very overwhelming situation to calm a woman down is good. Also really speaks to his character. Also, his interactions with Alan in Inferno? Hell yeah.
Alan: Oh, no. Oh man. So many. I think nearly every line in Deep Search. And Ghost Ship. Two very good Alan episodes. Long Haul, also a good Alan episode. His conversation with Conrad? Best thing ever.
Gordon: Same problem as Alan. I really like him in Weather Or Not, Escape Proof, and Lost Kingdom. He’s fantastic in Up From The Depths part 1. He’s good in Bolt From The Blue, and Attack of the Reptiles. I think, though, his conversation with Aiden in Extraction is probably the best.
John: It’s definitely a cop out to say “International Rescue, we have a situation” but it’d also be kinda true. Anytime he talks to EOS is good. I’m a big fan of Thomas Brodie-Sangster, so like. Anything he says is good. But “The code is ‘EOS let them in or I’ll swap out your processors with a pocket calcuator.’” is pretty high on the list.
Scott: Him and Virgil.
Virgil: Him and Brains.
Alan: Him and Kayo.
Gordon: Him and Virgil.
John: Him and Lady P. We all knew this was coming.
Scott: Hoo boy so this isn’t really a shippy show, and there’s not a lot of prospects. If I were pushed, I’d say him and maybe Jane? I saw Scott/Brains once, which was an interesting idea.
Virgil: Virgil/Brains (Also, I want you to know that while I was answering this, at this point I accidentally deleted everything and literally almost started crying, okay, holy fuck.)
Alan: Alan/Brandon, or Alan/Conrad. Or all three.
Gordon: Gordon/Lady P
John: I don’t haaaaaave one for John.
Scott: Scott/Lady P. Nope nope nope.
Virgil: Virgil/Lady P. Stop it.
Alan: I’m really not a fan of Alan/Kayo in this iteration. I know it’s a thing in past versions but I”m not into it in this one.
Gordon: I saw him once shipped with Brains? Which. What.
John: Okay. So. I don’t necessarily have one for him, but I don’t particularly like John/Kayo. It’s not a nOTP. It’s just not my thing.
Random Headcanon:
Scott: Went to Stanford and is actually a pretty good CEO of Tracy Industries, if a little busy. Or a lot busy, it turns out.
Virgil: Has a fanbase for his art. Is completely unaware of it.
Alan: I was talking about this with @preludeinz earlier, but there are definitely college classes and lectures specifically dedicated to the shit Thunderbird Three and in turn Alan gets into. Trip around the sun? Literal actual alien lifeforms? Venus? Are you kidding me?
Gordon: He’s a marine biologist and I will hear nothing else. Also, this boy has definitely done the whole star thing. He’s been in a few movies, guest starred in a crime show where he was the murderer. Has a huge following online.
John: Wrote textbooks. Specifically one that when Alan goes to college, he ends up using. Has definitely been propositioned to more than once, both while on duty as Thunderbird Five, and on the ground, giving lectures or being dragged around amusement parks by Alan.
Unpopular Opinion:
Scott: I want more Good Leader moments.
Virgil: Okay, don’t hate me, but I still have mixed feelings about the whole Virgil-and-John-age thing. I liked him being the middle brother.
Alan: I think my unpopular opinion about him is just ‘I want more of him.’ Which isn’t really like. Bad. He’s just my favorite and I love when he has screentime.
Gordon: Needs a meatier storyline. A good thing to grasp onto. He’s often the one in the most danger - he’s nearly died more times than his brothers, and that’s some SHIT.
John: MORE! SCREEN! TIME! Also, again the age thing. Like I’m mostly over it but it’s just a thing.
Song I associate with them:
There’s no way I’m doing all five of them separately. “Hey Brother” by Avicii, honestly.
Favorite picture of them:
Not doing this separately either. Also, I’m cheating by using a promotional picture (from here) but I just
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Notice how they’ve kept the heads relatively level? Alan (red sash) has to be standing on a stepladder it makes me laugh every single time he’s so short.
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angeltannis · 5 years
idk if you got an answer between the post and now, but i saw u asking abt sources on kenny being Carver- to MY knowledge, gavin Hammon himself said they had originally recorded stuff w Kenny being the crazy leader of Howe's. i think it was recorded at like a con or smth!!!
oh wow, that’s nuts...honestly would have made the season so much more coherent though rather than having the cabin group get completely thrown away in favor of it becoming The Kenny Show (ft. Clem). he was practically a villain as it was, as someone who is an abuse survivor it was legitimately scary to watch people call him literally a fucking God after he acted like he did.
Lilly got that shit treatment but Kenny didn’t even though you could side with either of them in S1, wow lmao...i dont even have to point out the blatant misogyny
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m0nstergf · 5 years
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dykenisha · 5 years
autisticbenpaul replied to your post “uh unpopular onion apparently but why tf do people like scooter...”
this is coming from someone whose first exposure was tftbl, but i think (biased from my own results) they tried to make him less......weird and creepy in tales vs how he was in 1 and 2? just from what i know though
true, he does tone it down a lot in tftbl. honestly tho i first saw him in tftbl too and he still felt creepy to me, i just couldn’t quite justify those feelings with the little overt boundary-crossing he does do in that game. 
playing the other games definitely shed some light on why he unnerved me so much, but now i’m like why do people like him at all?? are we all collectively ignoring how he played a huge role in driving his sister to go live alone in the desert because he had a weird crush on her?? 
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joypendants · 5 years
BORTH BORTH BORTh - nah jk happy birthday man 😄😄😄
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tempurl9876 · 6 years
the magician + the emporer!!!!!!!
the magician: have you ever written a poem or song about somebody else?
i’m sappy and gross so yes i have ajsldgkhkgdfjhdhjf
the emperor: what are some names that you like?
I LOVE SO MANY NAMES but i few i love are nevaeh, indigo, esther, frank, and jude :3c
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sirenballad · 5 years
autisticbenpaul > sirenballad
url change
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liminalratz · 6 years
3, 4, and 13 !!!!
AWWW, Thank you, Charlie!!
3.) List your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
Oh boy, omg...
Deltarune - Ralsei!
Ava’s Demon - Odin
The Walking Dead Game - This one’s hard, but I’ll have to go with Ruby!
4.) Do you like your name?  Is there another name you think would fit you better?
13.) Inside or outdoors?
Inside, definitely!! You def won’t catch me out hiking or camping, that’s for sure ASDFADFKL.
[ask me identity stuff!!]
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your-fave-t-poses · 6 years
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Dororo from Dororo (2019) t-poses!
Requested by @autisticbenpaul
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ali3nboyfriend · 5 years
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drdone · 6 years
wednesday: name a fic which you have posted which you think is underrated?
Oooh, this is a hard question. Here’s the thing: If I posted it, I’m probably damn proud of it. So I really don’t know. If I really have to pick, I’m gonna go all the way back to my TMNT 2k12 days. My favorite fic from those is the more things change, which is a fic set mid-season four, after the space arc. It’s about the turtles relearning how to be on earth and dealing with their different cases of (not really) mild PTSD. It’s something that isn’t touched in the show (though I’ll be real I didn’t make it through season 4) and it really bothered me.
Oh, also the one and only Dragon Age fic I’ve ever written, Sunny Side Up. I personally think it’s hilarious. Varric Tethras is a joy to write.
friday: most self-indulgent fic you have ever posted?
There are. Many. I have no goddamn shame when it comes to this, okay. I write things I want to read. Furthest back is Metaphorically. It’s a Teen Wolf fic. It’s - again - about Stiles dealing with his PTSD. I find that a lot of shows don’t address the aftermath of being in traumatic situations. It drives me fucking nuts. I don’t understand.
Second is The Adventures Of Space Dad, which is a Voltron fic. It was from early in the fandom. I was seeing posts about wanting deaged paladin fics and I could not resist. I liked my Shiro.
Third: tired heart, exhausted mind. A TMNT 2k12 after the trials episode, where I got fucking fed up of Leo’s attitude and wrote a fic about the B team. Donnie deserved more credit. I’m still bitter.
As for Thunderbirds, we start with Out Of Practice, which is just a chance for me to yell about Alan’s skills as a pilot and Virgil as an entire character. And of course, As Above, So Below, the Stranger Things AU. Lord, my God, that entire thing is entirely for me. Oh my god.
saturday: what gets you excited whilst writing?
Characters. Dialogue. Banter. I love banter. Snarky banter. Character interactions are so much fun to write. And when I come up with a perfect line? It’s so damn satisfying. So, so satisfying. When I manage to pull off a plot I was thinking about. When someone reads it and compliments it. The rush of knowing that I like what I wrote. Lord. I love writing a lot. Creating is so...it’s my passion, you know? I’ve been a writer for so long, and I really don’t know who I’d be if I didn’t. So writing in general.
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angeltannis · 5 years
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autisticbenpaul replied to your post: wow I can’t believe the writers are confirming...
kenny stans be like “lilly stans are evil bitches” and then justify abuse bc its their hot white fav
good point but also
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fall0utboi12 · 5 years
name 5 of your favorite fictional characters and tag some ppl
Tagged by @autisticbenpaul
1. Ben Paul (twdg)
2. Clementine (twdg)
3. Dorian Parvus (DA:I)
4. Fenris (DA 2)
5. Tenn (twdg)
Tag @king-of-clubs98 @sarahsben @wickedcinnamonroll
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name 5 of your favorite fictional characters
I was tagged by @autisticbenpaul !
N. 5 : Mrs Coulter (from Northern Lights) such a cool villain
N. 4 : Sam (from LoTR) sexy and loyal need i say more
N. 3 : Wade (from the Michael Vey series) too bad he’s dead
N. 2 : Snufkin (from the Moomins universe) funky little introverted anarchist
N. 1 : Ben Paul (from TWDG s1) he’s babeyyyy
Tagging : @dhdrawings @alexas-skeleton and @nerdcafeolatra
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tempurl9876 · 6 years
the breakfast club + e.t.!
the breakfast club: which high school stereotype do you fit into best?
probably the nerd or the quiet kid because that’s essentially what i am, lol
e.t.: what’s one ‘weird’ feature that you love about yourself?
oof this is hard, uhhhhhh…. i don’t have an answer right now but if i think of something i’ll add it here
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