#autistic jace stardiamond
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t4tozier · 9 months ago
jace creates his mirror simulacra because he’s doing the dishes one day and he’s already having a bad day for whatever reason and he keeps accidentally knocking shit off the counter and he’s wearing gloves but water still keeps dripping into it and he keeps feeling gross old food through the gloves and when he rinses a spoon it sprays all over his shirt and after that he creates a whole ass new spell because he vows to never do the dishes again. and you know what? he didn’t <3
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sleepytimestardiamond · 7 months ago
jace stardiamond/starbreaker regression thoughts
he’s usually pretty young but will occasionally middle regress (typically brought on by rat grinders regressing)
he’s autistic and deals with a lot of stress at work, particularly once he becomes VP, so when he regresses it tends to be because of one/both of these things
porter does not think he’ll be any good at caregiving but he’s better than he thinks
he understands the importance of a good tantrum and letting all your emotions out
he’ll come home one day and jace is close to tears after washing the dishes and porter asks what’s wrong and he just just watches jace slip into regression in real time.
“i had to fill out four separate surge reports today, and aguefort’s on my back about submitting my professional development goals, and—and everyone was bein’ too loud today, an’ i did th’dishes ‘n’ th’ food got on my hands, ‘n’ shirt’s wet ‘n’ stickin’ t’me, an’—an’—“
and porter pulls jace into him before he can reach full meltdown status, because usually he likes the deep pressure from porter’s hugs, but this time it only makes it worse because it presses his clingy shirt against his skin and jace bursts into tears and pushes porter away and hits him if he tries to get too close and porter raises his hands and is like. okay. alright. i get it, kiddo. go on and get your Rage out, and then let’s get you changed and go from there, yeah? can you follow me?
and jace is still sobbing, flapping and rocking on his toes, and porter just waits patiently and holds his hand out, and eventually jace takes it though he doesn’t stop crying
and porter leads him into the bedroom and sits him down and gets him changed into his comfy clothes that he only wears when he’s regressed, his big shirt with the cats on it and his star-patterned pajama pants, and as soon as he’s wearing something better he calms down
porter ruffles his hair and goes “there’s my little star. go grab your cat, and i’ll make dinner.” and jace nods and hops down off the bed and mage hands his fluffy cat plushie down from off the shelf in the closet, his massive collection of plushies, and his voice is a little softer, words and hand movements a little more slurry, but his magic knows what he wants, and soon he’s clutching his kitty close to his face as he toddles after porter
porter picks him up and sits him on the counter so he can watch while porter cooks, and listens as jace babbles about a new show he watched and how he saw a coloring book about it in the store but got scared to buy it ‘cause he wasn’t a baby then and coloring books are for babies and he was real big then, and porter just chuckles and tells him they can buy it together next time they go to the store, and jace rubs his face against his kitty’s and nods and kicks his feet
long tangent to say. jace has about 40 plushies. he likes making blanket forts and Will demand that porter get all of them down for him so they can cuddle with him in his fort
swivels between bossy and demanding and soft and sweet. porter indulges both of these moods.
scares himself with how powerful his magic can be sometimes. since it’s innate, he doesn’t always know what’s gonna happen with it when he’s little. he’ll just. want to be wherever porter is, and suddenly he’s There. this causes issues if porter’s at work or at the gym, especially because jace already freaks out that he’s not at home anymore
zara will come over to babysit if porter has to go out at night for whatever reason. she spoils him rotten but is probably actually more strict than porter is. he can have ice cream for dinner, but if he tries to hit her or cast something at her he gets put in timeout because she does Not stand for that
loves entertaining himself with cantrips and especially loves when he can surprise other people with it. he will giggle madly when he lights the curtain on fire with a prestidigitation but then bursts into tears because he feels so guilty when porter has to give him a lecture on how that’s very dangerous and he can’t go lighting things on fire
sticker chart king. he loves seeing progress on his sticker chart and he loves putting stickers on himself and porter
the coziest little baby ever. he loves being wrapped up in fluffy blankets and wearing loose clothing. all of his clothes and plushies have their tags removed so they don’t itch
porter has so many nicknames for him. the most common ones are kid/kiddo and little star, but there’s a lot of “slugger” and “champ” in there as well
zara prefers “little one/darling” or “sweet boy.” jace loves being sweet boy <3
always has to have something in his mouth. his plushies’ fur always sticks up in weird angles bc he’ll mouth/bite them when he doesn’t have a paci or chewing stim toy available
sleepy little guy. he loves sleeping on porter’s chest but will be sooo cranky if he’s woken up so porter isn’t allowed to move until he wakes up on his own
porter either gets called by his name or he’s bear. zara is zaza, zee, or za. if jace is sleepy she might be mama but that’s rare.
just little jace greeting zara at the door, squealing “zaza!!” around his paci, and zara swoops him into her arms with her supernatural strength and nuzzles his nose and coos, “how’s my sweet boy?” and jace kicks his legs giddily and babbles at her while porter gives her the rundown
it doesn’t happen often but jace has been known to be overheard in the halls of aguefort whining at zara that he wants bear(?), and zara gently shushing him and rubbing his back and telling him that bear’s in class right now, why don’t you come with zaza and we can hang out while we wait for him to finish up? nobody has any clue what they’re talking about but nobody will ask
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delinquentbookworm · 8 months ago
@t4tozier's got it bad fic has me thinking about autistic Jace
specifically autistic Jace being understimulated, like his whole body feels light in a really unpleasant way, as though he's been hollowed out or something, as if his bones are empty, as if he's going to float away.
needing something to anchor him down, to compress him, give him enough deep pressure to regulate himself, and then Porter gets home and Jace is just so relieved to see him
"c'mere, need you on top of me", reaching out for Porter with grabby hands
"this is what it's gonna be like now we live together, huh? no seduction anymore, just, 'come here and get on top of me'?" Porter's laughing, teasing Jace, and Jace just whines and shakes his head
"not sex. just lay on me. like a weighted blanket."
and Porter doesn't get it, but he obliges anyway, laying on top of Jace and resting all of his weight on him, and it just instantly makes Jace feel better, immediately satisfying that sensory craving
he lets out a little groan and Porter teases him like "are you sure this isn't a sex thing?"
Jace slaps his arm and calls him a pig and Porter responds by wrapping his arms around Jace and squeezing for as long as Jace needs to feel like himself again
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whoblewboobear · 6 months ago
autistic jace thoughts go
Hiiii Kodie!! AHHHH YES! I’ve been rattling that man around my head long enough to have some specific Thots™️ Let’s GO 👏👏👏
- Jace is such a creature of habit. He will sit in the same exact spot in the break room & during staff meetings. He will pack the same lunch until he gets tired of it, he likes when Porter parks in the same spot when they carpool together.
- There are times where everything food wise gives him the ick, he’ll just skip lunch and have like 7 various drinks near him at all times throughout the day.
- His favorite stim toy is the ono roller (also my favorite good god I’m in love with that bad boy.) something about how smooth it is really does it for him. If he’s at the white board he’ll have his wand in one hand and his roller in the other. He went through so many stim toys before so he has a desk drawer full of ones that weren’t right for him. He gives them out to students if they want’em
- Can’t sit down for too long. Mr man has to pace. His freshman are definitely freaked out by him just strolling between desks but but his upperclassmen are used to it.
- He needs the lights dimmed 90% of the time. Wayyy too overstimulating. He’s meticulously lit his home so specifically and then splurged on a dimmer switch for the bedroom. Wishes he could dim his tv like he can the rest of his arcanotech (crystal, laptop, etc) shits too fuckin bright.
- will steal Porter’s iPad to binge his shows so he won’t get so overwhelmed.
- For the most part he’s okay with sounds by way of working in a school of loud rowdy kids. But on rougher days that shit is grating. He keeps a good pair of noise canceling headphones on hand for emergencies.
- Cannot do sounds of people eating. He slinks into the breakroom at work to eat when it’s mostly empty.
- Porter is a loud man and he loves him for it but sometimes it’s a bit much. He will just up and leave a room if Porter is existing a bit too loud.
- In the beginning he’d shoot off a quick text to say he needed a moment but now they have a little hand signal that Jace will do when he needs a moment of complete silence.
- So many click-y mouth noises. He can’t stop and you cannot make him. He tries to reign it in a bit when he’s around a ton of people though.
- When he’s excited sooo many ear wiggles
- Bites on his wand- like the back end of it. It has so many teeth marks but hey if he can still cast with it who cares. The texture is nice 💖
- Loves doing things with his hands & this crosses over so well with a lot of his interests. I feel like he has a lot related to crafting of some sort. Maybe knitting or item restoration (clothes or toys.) Likes tiny and meticulous things ALOT.
- Veeeery particular about how he organizes his supplies too. His craft room is locked tight now bc if he walks in and anything is out of place his brain will break and unfortunately someone will have to die 💖
- The one and only time he ever raised his voice at Zara was when she borrowed super glue from his craft room so she could do her nails. He loves his partners to death but he has banned Zara and Porter from going in there without his permission. He doesn’t budge on that.
- He loves fashion HOWEVER there are pieces in his wardrobe that he will not wear bc the feeling against his skin is atrocious. Loves admiring them tho.
- He’s very charismatic but good god is it like pulling teeth in convos with people he couldn’t give less of a shit about. It just feels like work. There are a few teachers at Aguefort that met him on a day that he just couldn’t be bothered to mask and think he’s just an asshole.
- So blunt sometimes it hurts. Porter is the same and so is Zara. Most of his time is spent with one or both of them so when he hangs out with other people and they give him a look after he says something he’s just like “🤨?”
- Good god don’t beat around the bush with him. If you don’t tell him something directly he just 🤷🏼‍♂️ if he doesn’t need to think about something extra, HE WONT.
- Will make Porter and Zara leave the room if they argue talk over the tv. If he’s too overwhelmed he’ll teleport to his room to finish his show alone. But also will yap over the tv if he’s uninterested in what’s on.
- He blames this mostly on being a mage but he thinks bugs are really cool looking! He’s not big on spell books, instead he has books on insects. He doesn’t like killing them and if he sees one framed and hung up on a wall he gets very sad about it. Aguefort has a few in his office so he tries to avoid being in there as much as possible. His favorite are moths and beetles tho 💖
- Saw Porter eat a bug once and went nonverbal
(This came out longer than I thought it would 🫣)
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j2zara · 8 months ago
thinking so hard about j2 looking and acting like jace when jace isnt pretending for anyone or putting on a show of being cool girl. dirty blonde hair, comfortable baggy clothes in pastels, soooo sweet and willing for anyone who’ll show him a soft touch. maybe a pair of glasses. he literally Is jace before porter and jace haaaaaates his ass so much.
J2 IN BIG OL' GLASSES AGENDA FINALLY WE'RE STRONGER TOGETHER!! Also pastels Bluejay trutherism. He would look so cute in pastels. Jace doesn't understand bc i think he's a jewel tones person. But. J2 is so cute i love him so much.
The funny thing is that Jace HAS all the clothes from his slutty college phase and his grunge phase and his emo phase whenever even *I* write cloneverse stuff but actually? This might be the truest thing ive ever seen. Something about IYWD paints pre-shatterstar early aguefort jace as. Almost a Goodboy. Like. Very much deconstructing from either of his religious upbringings but i do think there is even a shy, slightly buttoned up conservative vibe. Like. Literally buttoned up. Porter is the one who convinced him to stop wearing his scarves so tightly wound lol. Held in place by a family heirloom with a symbol his mother's galicaean faith. Replacing one god for another. That's J2 to me. He's so 25 year old green new hire jace coded it's not even funny. Desperate for direction. For someone to tell him he's getting things right, maybe even give him a little guiding hand.
(And how much does Porter dictate? Porter told Jace he liked his scarf undone. Sure J2 gravitates toward blue, but did Blue become J2's thing because it was the one thing that Porter was able to pick up as well? Was he bluejay before, his own person from jace, or did he become Bluejay for porter?)
For the record. I still think jace can have those rebellious phases that we love to use to give the clones fodder for dress up so i will chalk this up to like. He's at a new job he's kinda falling back onto what he knows and what he knows is putting on that perfectly cultivated Jace Stardiamond Personal (Lights Camera Bitch Smile)
Anyway. I honestly think out of the clones J2 is probably the most like myself (not really in personality but maybe when it comes to things like personal taste and presentation). That wasn't really on purpose I think I just needed thing thats differentiate him from Jace. But. Like. He's very oldest daughter he's very like takes on all the responsibility for himself and i wouldn't exactly say perfectionist but I do think he just. He takes on a lot and is terrified of failure, desperate to prove his worth, his utility. Like off the clock you know he's changing into sweats immediately but when he's on the clock you know he doesn't crack.
Again the differentiation from jace i guess. I liked this idea of someone who was actually kind of frumpy and laid back in his downtime, as opposed to Jace who is always on always performing always perfectly cultivated (which is why J2 feels so manic pixie coded so You Belong With Me Frumpy Next Door Neighbor Taylor to jace's Bitchy Head Cheerleader Taylor). And i don't think these traits are too distanced from jace, Jace is very preoccupied with his own comfort (and like i love the autistic headcanons, particularly abt him dressing for comfort especially because i relate to that so hard i wear the same halter top in different color every day fjkldjakfjla) but that's why jace is willing to put in the work sometimes right? Work to maintain the comfort. Or at least the illusion of effortless, the cache of being a hot and fuckable elmville 9. And Again that idea of everything being effortless and the illusion of being laid back while Jace has this white knuckle grip on everything.
And like. Jace takes all that one willingly, that's self imposed, but if you had to perform being perfect all the time, if you were told that was your job, wouldn't you want to escape a little? Relax on your downtime? Be a creature of comfort? That's J2 to me. And tbh i do think there are a lot of instincts in J2 that might be his own thing but also might be Of Jace. Would jace be a more relaxed and carefree if he didn't feel the need to be On all the time?
Tbh i am compelled by Jace's dislike of J2 b/c like. I get it but also you created this and he thinks he created his perfect replacement for porter and you WANT him to be able to take care of porter while also resenting him for taking care of porter while also seething because J2 is a low rent knockoff but also look at him he doesn't even CARE about playing the part of the cunt porter married and Porter still likes him (Jace does not know the extent to how much J2 is obsessed with wanting to be the cunt porter married. J2 is willing to put in the work for that and that alone. Otherwise he is a dirty blonde in old badidas shorts cardigans and slides w/ socks. with a gender he thinks is probably not cis but does NOT want to unpack rn).
I do also wonder if Jace resents how soft J2 is and does want to push to see if there is that underlying cunt porter married in there somewhere. Like. This guy CAN'T be as sweet and perfect as everyone thinks he is. (it comes out sometimes. Cunty j2 is something i hold very close to my heart bc it doesn't come out nearly as often as cunty j3 or j4 but it does exist)
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t4tozier · 6 months ago
guys i’m bored . who wants to play dolls w me
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t4tozier · 10 months ago
Fic List
Best. Summer. Ever. - E, 3/? chapters, Graphic Depictions of Violence
High Achiever Universe - E, 5 works
Five Dollars Cheaper - M-E, 2 works
Howlin’ For You - T-E, 4 works
what is this, richie city? - E, 4.6k words
i belong to you (know you’re all mine too) - E, 4k words, F/F
see me seeing you - T, 1.9k words
stray thought/dog/bullet - E, 6.4k words
Worship Me (I'm What You Need) - E, 3.k words
don't worry baby - Maggie & Richie, 1.4k words
Fantasy High
I Know It's Today - M (rating to change) , 2/? chapters
A Dying Star (Or, Red Giant) - E, 1.7k words,
Right for Us - E, 3.1k words
you're a dog (and i'm your man) - T, 582 words
Commentary for i'm your man
if i put my fingers in your mouth, would you bite them? - E, 2.7k words
When I'm Down on my Knees, You're How I Pray - E, 7/7 chapters, 13.3k words, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Got It Bad (So Bad) - E, 3/? chapters, 6.7k words
Rich Boys, Fine Wine - E, 4.8k words
(be the first who ever did) - E, 4k words
Eat Your Heart Out - E, 2/2 chapters, 6.2k words
you take my last name - E, 2.1k words
pray it all away (but it continues to grow) - E, 2k words
You're Royalty to Me (I'll Get on my Knees) - E, 4k words
cubicle confessions - E, 2k words
HC List
Richie Tozier
Werewolf Richie
Outdoor sex with Eddie
Size difference
AuDHD wolf Richie
Trans Richie
Trans bear Richie
Trans Reddie HCs
Nonbinary moodboard
T4T Streddie HCs
Various HCs
Various HCs pt 2
Eddie Kaspbrak
Vampire Eddie
Vamp HCs
Biting Richie
Bites and speech impediments
Fantasy High
Jace Stardiamond
Jace and Henry
Warlock theory
Masochist Jace
Jace considering Suggestion
Clothes, music, and angsty HCs
Worst thing and romantic HCs
The morning after (Jace gets shatterstarred)
Class change
Why Jace wears two belts
Horse girl Jace
Porter Cliffbreaker
Car HCs
What type of car
Bumper sticker
Washing his car
Car fridge
Misc HCs
Clothes, music, and angsty HCs
Worst thing and romantic HCs
Class change
Accidental voyeur Gilear
Jace gets his wisdom teeth out
Ship names
Size queen/masochist Jace
Jace objectifying car-washing Porter
Post-canon sillies
Post-canon less sillies
Post-canon silles pt. 2
Quirk and love languages HCs
How they start talking
Jealous Porter and oblivious Jace
Meetings for The Plan
Porter cooking
Shatterstar anniversary
PDA at Aguefort 1
PDA at Aguefort 2
Class swap
First time HC
Needy Porter
Needy Jace
Hooking up with other teachers
Rockstar/groupie AU
Bunny Jace and werewolf Porter
Survivor AU
Autistic Character HCs:
Richie Tozier
FNAF Special Interest
Vegan Richie
Food and sensory seeking
Food in general
Stim toys
Post-canon disability
AAC user Richie
Coming out to the Losers as trans
Losers Club
Jace Stardiamond
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t4tozier · 6 months ago
This is such a weirdly specific headcanon but here we go; Jace is one of those people that really likes to use expressions and sayings.
Like in his first appearance he used “spoonful of sugar” saying, during an announcement “leaving the edge of the map of how and if this school can function” and what if the final battle Porters line of “if ifs and buts were candy and nuts” was something that he’d heard Jace say a few times and just found himself accidentally copying it.
Also funny idea that the staff members take notice of this and end setting up a ‘Jace saying’ bingo with everyone putting 10 bucks into a pot for the Winner to claim. So everyone gets a random bingo card and they set up and a group chat without Jace where they have to report any expressions they hear.
Lucille ends up being the winner when Jace comes out with “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” over lunch in the teachers lounge. He’s incredibly confused when Lucille all of a sudden shoots up and shouts bingo with everyone either laughing, groaning or clapping.
Another thing is I can’t decide if it’s a rule that you can’t actively/purposefully encourage or set Jace up for a saying cause you know these guys are gonna find ways to cheat and manipulate the situation.
Or they don’t make it a rule and it turns into a game of who can make Jace use the most expressions, Jace is oblivious to this and is just like “wow everyone’s being super friendly and chatty lately I wonder why 🤔 oh well probably no reason”
PLEASE jace bingo,,,i’m obsessed w this idea. i think you’re typically not allowed to but if it’s been a minute and nobody’s really been able to cross anything off they have a free for all. poor jacey just enjoying the conversation 😭
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t4tozier · 6 months ago
jace having a Bad Sensory Day at work, his shirt is too tight and there’s an itchy tag and he’s approximately .3 seconds from a surge attack and meltdown when porter slips into his classroom like “mr. stardiamond, a word?” and jace narrows his eyes before beckoning porter into his office.
porter shuts the blinds and pulls off his shirt and jace is like i’m literally in the middle of class and you’re trying to fuck?? but porter rolls his eyes and tugs off his undershirt too and hands it to jace being like “i could tell you were having a bad time with your shirt. i don’t have an extra but you can take this one, and this way nobody will know that it was mine ‘cause you can’t tell i was wearing this” as he pulls his overshirt back on
and jace is like. this is stupid. thank you. and changes into the tank top and it’s so soft and smells like porter’s cologne and deodorant and it’s nice and loose on jace and he can immediately feel himself relaxing because that godsforsaken shirt is off now.
porter leans down and kisses jace’s cheek and leaves the office, tossing the kids a quick apology for stealing their teacher as he goes. jace has to give himself a moment to calm himself down so he doesn’t go out with his ears bright pink and then goes back out and he’s so much more relaxed. and all the students are like that’s SO sus. but it was way too fast for them to have fucked and jace isn’t snapping at everyone for breathing too loudly anymore so they just. pretend like it isn’t glaringly obvious that their teacher is fucking the barbarian teacher
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t4tozier · 9 months ago
i know wild magic surges have specific effects. but i say they can cast more than just those three or whatever spells. anyway jace w stims and tics that trigger corresponding spell surges
snapping his head casts a thorn whip
kissy noises/puckering his lips casts friends on the closest creature
flapping his hands causes a mage hand that is not controlled by him
blinking/squeezing his eyes shut changes his eyes (via thaumaturgy)
echolalia casting vicious mockery on the nearest creature
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t4tozier · 7 months ago
To go with your autistic Jace headcanon, a lot of people in the past have not believed him when he says he’s autistic due to him being so practiced at masking and also just naturally very friendly and chatty person aka not fitting the stereotype of autism so he has a hard time telling people and not a lot of people at augfort even know.
Also Porter learnt pretty early on that Jace needs clear clarification for anything suggestive or it’ll just go over his head e.g
Porter: So I was thinking since were both staying late at the school we could go to the gym and get our own workout in ;)
Jace: you really wanna what lift weights, after spending all day teaching and doing admin?
Porter:…. I was talking about fucking on the bleachers Jace.
Jace: oh ok, yeah that makes more sense. Also yeah sure thing.
YEAHHHH !! WOOHOO !! autistic jace my king <33 yes he is sooo good at masking it honestly kind of sucks for him bc then he crashes whenever he gets the chance to drop it. good thing porter is there for him <3 but yeaghh oh that’s so silly. “yeah sure thing” i love him so bad. he responds to sexts like professional emails. “let’s circle back to this after school. best, jace”
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t4tozier · 7 months ago
more autistic jace thoughts: he completely unmasks when he drinks so he’s either RBF all night and if someone asks if he’s okay he’s like yeah i’m great 😐 why do you ask 😐 or he’s so hyper expressive and cannot hide his thoughts at All. he also mirrors ppls expressions and they’re like are you making fun of me🤨 and jace is like no of course not 🤨
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t4tozier · 8 months ago
I think the (in the beginning) few times Jace spends the night he learns Porter is 1) kind of a cuddly sleeper and 2) very heavy
No I don’t know how he takes this information I just think he should be squished by a bear
I AGREE. jace usually hates cuddling. it feels too restrictive and like what if he needs to piss during the night?? he’ll use a misty step if he has to but he’d rather not waste a spell slot and also then he just falls on his back and that’s no fun either. but with porter he’s like wait. i’m thinking.
like after they fuck porter kinda passes out as pulls jace to him. but he lowkey sleeps in the slut position. like one leg up ass popped out. and when jace is there that leg goes over jace’s waist instead. so jace is like firmly pressed against porter’s tits locked in with his leg and. he doesn’t actually hate it. it’s better in the morning when he’s ready to wake up because it’s the perfect position for him to grind against porter’s bulge but when he’s trying to sleep it’s almost distracting.
@delinquentbookworm said it first but if jace is feeling understimulated it reaaaally works for him. he hates feeling restrained but he loves feeling cozy. and porter laying on top of him feels cozy to him. so sometimes he’ll sleepily tug porter to be more on top of him than just his leg so he can go to sleep with a warm weighted blanket on him and porter wakes up with jace’s face pressed into his tits. he has no idea how jace breathes but he seems to love it.
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t4tozier · 8 months ago
cant stop thinking about porter being soooo handsy. always has to be touching jace
oh always. jace loves it because it’s kind of grounding for him, knowing that he’ll always have porter’s arm wrapped around his waist or his shoulders, his hand resting on jace’s hip. he walks into the bathroom in the morning when jace is half-asleep, rests his head on top of jace’s, and presses up against his ass. even in his sleep he’s got a vice grip on jace like he’s in a wrestling match, holding him to his chest and one leg over jace’s waist. jace is one of those people who hates being touched unexpectedly and is very picky about who he is comfortable with touching him casually, so porter can’t help but feel a little smug at the fact that he’s the only one who gets near 100% free rein. maybe 95%.
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t4tozier · 9 months ago
jace loves a seam ripper. he hates when his clothes from fantasy gucci come w tags so he will spend an hour after going shopping fastidiously removing the tags from all of his clothes. he has yet to find a magical way that works better. porter’s like just rip them. jace is like no!!! it doesn’t work like that!! u just don’t understand you sleep in 50 thread count sheets.
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t4tozier · 8 months ago
hi!! i just read ur autistic jace chapter in 'got it bad' and i want to say its my favorite of all time !!!! jace n mary ann having a close relationship or mutual understanding bc of their autism is something i needed so baddd, and also showing how their autism differs (flat voice/hyperemotional voice) is actually so important to me as a hyperemotional autistic person !!! i felt so seen !!!!!!
i also want to talk abt how i feel mayb jace has communication cards when he goes non-verbal or overwhelmed? mayb after that meltdown, mary ann tells him about it since she also has one and she helps him make a small one for his keychain. mayb porter also has a copy attached along w the keys to his truck, in case jace doesnt have his on hand :)
oughhh tysm!! i loved writing them together and showing the differences and similarities in how their autism presents <3 mary ann ily so bad.
i almost included communication cards! but then i thought about that post that was like "he would not fucking say that except it's characters who have never gone to therapy in their lives talking in therapy terms" and i got scared LOL. i think that jace doesn't even think about it because he's like i always have my phone on me and it's always charged. i'll just text or use the notes app. but then his meltdown at school happens and he doesn't have his phone and he's glad that mary ann let him use hers, but what if that doesn't happen again? what if he's stuck somewhere where nobody will let him borrow their phones and none of them understand what he wants or why he won't (can't) talk? and that freaks him out a little and yeah i think it would be sweet for mary ann to be like jace. you should use these. they help me, jace.
and jace does at least always have his keys on him, so they make little ones that are like. store card tag size ykwim? so it doesn't get too bulky. i don't know if porter would have an extra set on his keys if only because if he has to drive jace home and he doesn't have his cards or phone or if even typing is too hard, he doesn't want jace to be without a voice, but i do think he has a copy either in his truck or his desk or something. jace doesn't even know he has them until he forgets his own one day and starts freaking out even more and porter gives him his set and shrugs and tells him, "mary ann threatened me."
i also think that maverick's vest has a couple of patches on it with super basic answers. yes, no, maybe, i don't know. porter uses them if he's starting to dissociate or has a flashback that makes it hard for him to speak, but if mav's around when jace has a meltdown, he gets two weighted blankets and two sets of comm cards :)
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