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cookrunwrite · 3 years ago
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Day 2: #10daychallenge 9 things I do every day... 1. Make coffee 2. Drink coffee 3. Shower 4. Clean the house 5. Make food for my family 6. Read 7. Smile 8. Pull my hair into a bun 9. Eat #authordeannamartinezbey #writerdeanna #coffee #coffeeandbooks #home #food #smile #eat #hair #clean #mylife #authorslife #authorsmind #writersmind #adayinthelife https://www.instagram.com/p/CZHSjngLldw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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whyinc · 5 years ago
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Some are sworn in to protect us, while others are sworn in to eliminate us...
It’s time to love ourselves and stop hurting each other, killing each other, taking from each other. We want respect, we have to start with respecting each other. Here we face again another vicious wake-up call with #policebrutality but when this all dies down, XYZ will still sit on the phone plotting on robbing the next man or allow jealously to overspill because XYZ used their 24 hours differently than you. This shouldn’t be the only time our unity is displayed. Let’s recreate the #blackwallstreet and support black businesses and our black brothers and sisters. It’s an insult to injury because the officers involved, their suffering will NEVER be equivalent to the crime they’ve committed. We don’t need the rage, the violence, and vengeance a.k.a looting. Yes! We may feel great after the impact after we smash that glass and take the product out of the store…. But that just at that moment. These exact businesses we are destroying are going to just collect an insurance check to become bigger and better allowing the insurance companies to pass their loss off to the policyholders. The district attorney is fast-tracking the charges against the officer to 3rd-degree murder…. WOW! We still painting on a small canvas with a tiny brush, never going to see the bigger picture. We’re doing what they expect us to do, we’re doing what they already label us as “dangerous”. In times like this we need not bring out the worst in us, but the smartest of us, we could never win a war if they wanted to go there and war with violence isn’t the answer. Be peaceful, show how hydroponic we’ve grown. A peaceful protest is beneficial, the marches are beneficial, the statements are beneficial, but destruction won’t change the devastation that has taken place and destroyed families and it won’t change the outcome for the next victim or the trial of this cop or the next.
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mindfulgraffiti · 4 years ago
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Not everyone has the same ideas, behaviour and standards as you. Once you lower your expectations, you may find yourself hurting less... #MindfulGraffiti #Expectations #Throwback #HurtfulWords #HangingLikeClouds #Yardsticks #Writer #AuthorsMind #Mindfulness #ThoughtYoga #EnergyHealing #Instamindfulness #Enlightenment #Motivation #Gratitude #PurposefulLiving #CreateYourOwnHappiness #InspirationDaily #PositiveEnergy #GoodVibes #MindBodyAndSoul #FoodForThought https://www.instagram.com/p/BvbENwmlaTl/?igshid=14e5v9na7hiqs
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nettpress · 5 years ago
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Mmm....? 🤔🤔 #books #authorsmind #modernshakespeare https://ift.tt/2N8KtPm
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#AuthorsMind The Art of Being an Author
#AuthorsMind The Art of Being an Author
I absolutely love being a creative mind. There is something about having a blank canvas, sheet of paper, or page (Word document) in front of you that represents the endless possibilities and excites me. Knowing the world I create has numerous options and a vast number of creative outlets is a thrilling thing. I’m infatuated with the notion of getting to know the inner workings of these…
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cookrunwrite · 3 years ago
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Every day I get to look at this as a reminder that I am strong. Then, I see that I'm not here to please everyone, so I can stop trying. 😁 Thank you #flaneryoconnor 🥰 #authordeannamartinezbey #writer_deanna #writerdeanna #strong #strongwomen #strongwoman #encouragement #bestrong #authorsview #writersview #writingview #momsfuel #encouragement #behappy #smile #authorsmind #toughcookie #momslife #entrepreneur #businessowner #familylove #wakeforest #wakeforestnc #bestlifenow https://www.instagram.com/p/CUXJYuTrCED/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cookrunwrite · 4 years ago
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Let's have some fun today! I'll go first: Do Exposure And November November And Makes absolutely no sense 🤣 #authordeannamartinezbey #writer_deanna #writerdeanna #instagramgames #internetgames #sillygames #sillygame #letshavefun #letshavesomefun #predictivetext #authorsfun #authorsmind #authorslife #writerslife #happythursday #thursdayfun #games https://www.instagram.com/p/CTCKdbBrQlt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cookrunwrite · 4 years ago
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Have you guys ever had bubble tea? I am addicted, let me tell you! I found a place in Raleigh and will be going back frequently for more! 🧋 #authordeannamartinezbey #writer_deanna #writerdeanna #bubbletea #bubbletealover #bubbleteatime #bubbleteaaddict #bubbleteashop #beansandbubbles #aurhorslife #writerslifeforme #writersfuel #authorsfuel #writerscommunity #writermom #momswhowrite #booksbooksbooks #authorsmind https://www.instagram.com/p/CR6HTyursjn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cookrunwrite · 4 years ago
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Please allow me to introduce to you.... my new logo! @mfarrowsocialmedia is on point! @midlifemargaritas is her other name 😁 Her blog is hilarious! #authordeannamartinezbey #logo #logodesigner #mylogo #authorslife #writerslife #writerslifeforme #authorsmind #aboutme #authorlife #logodesigns #logoinspiration #coffee #books #glasses #pink #brand #mybrand https://www.instagram.com/p/CK3q6Fzg2iH/?igshid=1d4pko54kccdi
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cookrunwrite · 4 years ago
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I have been eating plant based for 2 weeks now, and my energy is returning more each day! I made this array of veggies with a dressing that was based with hummus. It was delish! #authordeannamartinezbey #writer_deanna #plantbased #healthylifestyle #authorslifestyle #aurhorslife #writerslifeforme #authorsmind #aboutme #health #authorhealth #healthywriter #tellmesomethinggood #newlife #makingchanges https://www.instagram.com/p/CLEiAYbAFdA/?igshid=3cctoucn4frz
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cookrunwrite · 3 years ago
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This is definitely me! 💯 I'm considering changing my message... Anyone else? #authordeannamartinezbey #writerdeanna #nophonecalls #texting #textingmemes #textlove #phonecall #phonecalls #voicemessage #funnymeme #happyfriday #mylife #authorsmind #authorsstory #writersmind #writersstory #truestory #letstext https://www.instagram.com/p/CarjZCwr3Z7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cookrunwrite · 3 years ago
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I love this meme! It proves a point about fonts 🤣 #authordeannamartinezbey #writerdeanna #writerscommunity #writersview #writersandreaders #writerproblems #fonts #fontstyle #writerswrite #fontsmatter #funnymeme #authorsmind https://www.instagram.com/p/CZzUU05LXrq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cookrunwrite · 3 years ago
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I received another great message on my tea bag 🎒 Who's ready for some opportunities? 🙋🏽‍♀️ #authordeannamartinezbey #writerdeanna #opportunity #tea #teabagmessages #lawofattraction #greatday #authorsmind #authorsandwriters #booksarelife #readersandauthors #happytuesday https://www.instagram.com/p/CZtuuqLLtha/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cookrunwrite · 3 years ago
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Day 4 #10daychallenge 7 fears or phobias 1 through 7: Wasps Ferris wheels That says it all for me! What's your top fear? #authordeannamartinezbey #writerdeanna #fears #phobias #Wasps #ferriswheel #aboutme #mylife #writermom #writerslifeforme #authorsmind #writersmind #mymind #iamwhoiam #happyfriday https://www.instagram.com/p/CZRfQnXL-C0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cookrunwrite · 3 years ago
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I figured I would jump on board with a fun challenge! Day 1: 10 random facts about me... 1. I love coffee 2. I love hiking and nature 3. I'm all about fuzzy socks 4. I'm always cold 5. My body temp is lower than the average persons 6. I like bubble baths 7. I swear by emergen C packs and green tea when under the weather 8. I love squirrels 9. My family is very important to me 10. I prefer the mountains over the beach #authordeannamartinezbey #writerdeanna #aboutme #challenge #writerscommunity #writerschallenge #authorschallenge #authorschallenge2022 #gettoknowme #authorsmind #random #facts https://www.instagram.com/p/CZCEYevr6U6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cookrunwrite · 3 years ago
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Happy Saturday ☕️ Here's to a productive, coffee filled day! #authordeannamartinezbey #coffeeandbooks #coffeeislife #coffeetime #coffeelovers #happysaturday #todolist #productive #productiveday #saturdayvibes #saturdayfun #familyfun #authorsmind #authorsandwriters #momslivinghappy #momsfuel https://www.instagram.com/p/CXV3zmsr1Q-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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