#author: roseanne a brown
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 1 year ago
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🔥 Books to Read After Watching Avatar the Last Airbender
🦇 Good afternoon, my beloved bookish bats! Are you a fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender? We're watching the live-action adaptation this weekend! Here are a few books to add to your TBR if you're an Avatar fan!
❓ What's your element?
⚡ I've been holding onto this post since BEFORE casting was announced, and I'm so glad I can finally post it!
🔥 An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir @sabaatahir 💧 Set Fire to the Gods by Sara Raasch @sara_raasch and Kristen Simmons @kris10writes ⛰️ A Song of Wraiths and Ruin by Roseanne A. Brown @rosiesrambles ⚡ The Prison Healer by Lynette Noni @lynettenoni 🌪️ Infinity Son by Adam Silvera @adamsilvera 🔥 The Tiger at Midnight by Swati Teerdhala @swatiteerdhala 💧 The Rise of Kyoshi by F.C. Yee @yeebookauthor ⛰️ Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake @kendareblake ⚡ Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard @victoriaaveyard 🌪️ Child of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi @tomiadeyemi 🔥 Nocturna by Maya Motayne @mayamotayne 💧 Furyborn by Claire Legrand @clairelegrandbooks ⛰️ Guardians of Dawn: Zhara by S. Jae-Jones @sjaejones ⚡ Kingdom of Souls by Rena Barron @renathedreamer 🌪️ We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal @hafsahfaizal 🔥 Truthwitch by Susan Dennard @stdennard 💧 Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin @shelbymahurin ⛰️ Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian @lauraksebastian
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authorsshipzutara · 10 months ago
Roseanne A. Brown ships Zutara.
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Explore her works on Goodreads and Storygraph.
Website: https://www.roseanneabrown.com/
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roseunspindle · 2 years ago
Books with “B” Authors that I Own and Need to Read Part 6
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* That Lass o' Lowrie's
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fyeah-anya-corazon · 6 months ago
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Beloved Marvel characters Spider-Man, Ghost-Spider, and Araña star in three original Spider-verse stories! Don't miss this collection from bestselling authors Justin A. Reynolds, Roseanne A. Brown, and Eisner nominee Pablo Leon!
Take a trip around the Spider-Verse (and New York City) in three comic adventures! The tour guide on his field trip to the Museum of Natural History has Miles Morales's Spidey Sense tingling... Gwen Stacy's punk band's concert at the Central Park Bandshell is interrupted by the Jackal ... and Aña Corazon must save her father from a trap laid by Kraven the Hunter at the Bronx Zoo. Filled with tons of action and laughs, this graphic novel is perfect for young readers in search of more spider-thrills!
Coming out April 1st!
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ccandd96 · 7 months ago
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This brand-new book is the perfect thing to pick up to cap off summer! Scars Publications just released the Down in the Dirt‘s May-August 2024 issue collection book “A Library of Collaboration”! This 422-page volume is a great way to stock up on issues if you didn’t buy all of the issues making this a GREAT deal! A listing of all the contributors and titles is available at Scars online, and authors are also listed in the description now online through Amazon throughout the U.S. and Canada. They can also be ordered in the U.K., all of Europe, and even Japan and Australia!
The contributors to this book (of writing and art) include A.R. Williams, Alan Ford, Alexandra Dark, Angela Carrozza, Anthony Thomas Voglino, April Fikstad, April Goodwin, Bill Tope, Binod Dawadi, Brenda Mox, Brian Beatty, Brian Connelly, Cailey Tin, Cameron D. Alexander, Camille Akers, Chitralekha Hore, Christopher Strople, Ciara M. Blecka, Clarence Allan Ebert, Clive Aaron Gill, Corey Smith, Corey Villas, Daniel de Culla, David J Tate, David Sapp, David Sowards, Debra Wilson Frank, Devin Sparkman, Dick Yaeger, Donald Reed Greenwood, Dorthy LaVern McCarthy, Doug Hawley, Douglas Young, Dr. Adyasha Acharya, Drew Marshall, DS Maolalai, Duane Anderson, Edward Michael O’Durr Supranowicz, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, Elena Botts, Eric Brown, Erik Priedkalns, George Beckerman, Gil Hoy, Greg Beckman, Hannah Ferris, Hasan Chaudhry, Helen Bird, Holly Day, Isabel G. de Diego, J. Ray Paradiso, Jackie Bayless, Jake C. Elliott, James Bates, James Nelli, Janet Kuypers, Jerry Guarino, Joan Mach, John F. McMullen, John Farquhar Young, John Grey, John Riebow, John Zedolik, Joy Myers, June Wolfman, Justine Fleming, Kassan Jahmal Kassim, Katarina Pavicic-Ivelja, Ken Weiss, Kris Green, Kyle Hemmings, Kyle Trenka, L. Sydney Abel, Latoya Kidd, Laura Bota, Lee Hammerschmidt, Madelyne Timmons, Mark Pearce, Mark Wolters, Marvin Reif, Matthew McAyeal, Megan Mealor, Michael Gigandet, Mike Rader, Mykyta Ryzhykh, Norm Hudson, Oleksandr Gorpynich, Olivia G. Benson, Olivier Schopfer, Paul Stansbury, R.T. Castleberry, Raha.M, ReLand, Richard K. Williams, Ronald Hernandez, Roseann Bauer, Rowan Tate, Roy N. Mason, Rykard Plaque, Salvatore Folisi, Sandip Saha, Sarah Das Gupta, Scott Taylor, Sean Meggeson, Shawn McMichael, Shontay Luna, Simon Kaeppeli, Steevie Karnes, Sterling Warner, Steven Grogan, Susie Gharib, Terry Sanville, Tom Ball, Toney Dimos, Tony Covatta, Vern Fein, and Westley Heine.
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deafblindshorty · 10 months ago
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bloodmaarked · 1 year ago
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a psalm of storms and silence // roseanne a. brown
first published: 2021 read: 12 march 2024 – 26 march 2024 pages: 568 format: paperback
genres: fiction, young adult, fantasy, mythology (african-inspired), romance favourite character(s): karina! least favourite character(s): farid can still choke!
rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗 thoughts: i was surprised that i enjoyed APOSAS more than ASOWAR! i feel like the story and the writing came into its own, and therefore i spent far less time comparing this book to others i've read, making it a more enjoyable reading experience overall.
as with book one, the worldbuilding and character writing continued to astound. i really liked the increased depth written into our two main characters, karina and malik. the direction the author went in with malik's character was so intriguing and he felt more multifaceted than he previously did, even if i still don't like him nearly as much as i do karina. it was joyful to see karina's character growth throughout the duology. i wish we had gotten slightly more depth into hanane, but i did enjoy how she was woven into the plot. farid was a very well-written villain despite my burning hatred for him, and his dynamic with hanane and malik was so interesting.
[LIGHT SPOILER] there is a chapter written around a character's suicide ideation that i think was incredibly well written, and i think generally the approach to incorporating anxiety, panic attacks etc. into the narrative has been done with a lot of care. i thought the chapter was a standout moment of writing.
i would love to see more of what roseanne a. brown writes! this was a solid duology and it's rare to find a series where there isn't a drop in quality as the books continue, never mind one where they actually improve.
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lachimolalaorangee · 2 years ago
Heyo guyss
So I'm back with a new book rec slash review!!
Do you like a book with
Enemies to lovers with dual pov 😏
I have to kill you but I fell for you troupe
Cool magic system
Badass and strong female lead?
I got yall covered
The song of wraith and ruin and The Psalm of storm and silence is a duology written by Roseanne A. Brown is a West African folklore inspired High fantasy
During the festival of Solstasia a comet festival which happens once every fifty years Malik along with his sisters Leila and Nadia sets off to the capital city of Ziran to start a new life however after series of mishaps and magic involved Nadia would be kidnapped who would be saved only if Malik kills the princess of Ziran - Karina. Coping her way after her sister's death Karina was the daughter of ( insert name) All she did in her life was run away from reality. Things turns upside down during the festival when Assasin's starts attacking the palace and suddenly being the queen of the country which she never thought she has to be anytime soon happens Karina is absolutely ready to do anything absolutely anything to bring back her mother from the dead even if she has to use magic which defies the balance of the universe. Will Karina actually succeed? Will Malik murder her before that ? Will they ignore the sparks flying between them and finish what they started? Guess you have to read to find out 😉!
My Review
As someone who knew nothing about African Tales and Mythology this was definitely a breath of fresh air for me! And the world building was easy to understand too.. And what I appreciate so much in this book is the characters. The author was not afraid to break the gender stereotypes. Especially the male character Malik was anxious , Extremely introverted and I saw much of myself in him I loved how she wrote about matters mental health and trauma in an extremely realistic way . As for Karina I loved how she was potrayed with so much swagger and boldness. And I really Loved the LGBT rep too ❤️
All in all the character building was good but however I felt the book was a bit... stretched out to be honest. And the character building between other characters was not good enough making it a bit boring
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In conclusion I'll give it a solid ⭐⭐⭐ stars
Sorry for the long ass post lol 😭
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newsnigeria · 2 months ago
What is Ifa Tuntun?
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What is Ifa Tuntun? When did Ifa Tuntun begin? Who is culpable for initiating it? Ifa Tuntun started the moment we Africans were packed into the hulls of the merchant ships and hauled across the sea. Everything changed from that point. Nothing has ever been the same again both for those who were forcibly taken and those left behind. Those forcibly taken did several things: - Some looked back and cursed the land that they were leaving, and those who forced them into captivity and alienation. - Some, knowing they would be killed, locked their captors into a fight, even chained, and got executed. - Some, with courage, jumped into the ocean, burying their bodies in the mother sea, preferring death to captivity. - Some descended into the hull of the ships into which they were led, determined to live to see where the rest of the journeys of their lives would lead them. They shed blood. They shed tears. They shed sweat, cold sweat. They shed urination. They shed milk, those mothers taken away from their children, their swollen bodies lactating. They met others who could not speak their language. They communicated with gestures, with signs, with sighs, with cries. That was the birth of jazz music, as they improvised beyond words to make their feelings clear. That was the birth of blues, as they sobbed, rocking from side to side, moaning ai, aye, bae, bi, bligh, buy, by, bye, cai, chai, chi, cry, cy, dai, die, dry, dye, eye, fae, fi, fly, fry, frye, guy, hi, high, hy, hye, i, i., kai, kwai, lai, lie, ly, lye, mai, mei, my, nigh, nye, pe-tsai, phi, pi, pie, ply, pri, pry, psi, pye, rye, sai, shy, sky, skye, sly, spry, spy, sty, sy, tai, thai, thigh, thy, tie, tri, try, ty, tye, vi, vie, wai, why, wry, wye, y, yeeparipa! Their blood, mixing with the sweat, tears, milk, and urines on the floor of the ship, as pregnant women gave birth, and weak ones gave up life and dead bodies left marks on the bottom of the slave ships—gave birth to the origin of abstract painting, conceptual art, and gestural images of body markings.
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© Tom Feelings, Middle Passage Photo / White Ship, Black Cargo That moment, which came for different people and their descendants in the foreign land, which they turned into the New Africa, was the end of an old order, and the birth of a new world. Their new voices articulated Ifa Tuntun, as they opened their mouths, and sang, in a rhythm, pacing, harmony, discord, and coloring never before known to humankind, Ifa Tuntun came out of these spirits: Aberjhani, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Linda Addison, Tomi Adeyemi , Rochelle Alers, Elizabeth Alexander, Kwame Alexander, Larry D. Alexander, Lewis Grandison Alexander, Candace Allen, Clarissa Minnie Thompson Allen, Robert L. Allen, Garland Anderson, Maya Angelou, Tina McElroy Ansa, Ray Aranha, Chalmers Archer, M. K. Asante, Jr. Jabari Asim, Russell Atkins, William Attaway, James Baldwin, Calvin Baker, Toni Cade Bambara, Leslie Esdaile Banks Amiri Baraka, Shauna Barbosa, Steven Barnes, Lindon W. Barrett, Samuel Alfred Beadle, Paul Beatty, Robert Beck, Christopher C. Bell, Derrick Bell, Brit Bennett, Gwendolyn Bennett, Hal Bennett, Lerone Bennett, Jr., Bertice Berry, Venise T. Berry, Henry Bibb, Eleanor Taylor Bland, Marita Bonner), Arna Bontemps, James Boggs, Demico Boothe, David Bradley, William Stanley Braithwaite, Gwendolyn Brooks, Claude Brown, Hallie Quinn Brown, Roseanne A. Brown, Sterling A. Brown, William Wells Brown, Anatole Broyard, Ashley Bryan, Niobia Bryant, Ed Bullins, Olivia Ward Bush, Octavia Butler, Roderick D. Bush, George Cain, Bebe Moore Campbell, Stokely Carmichael, Ben Carson, Jennie Carter, Stephen L. Carter, Cyrus Cassells, Kashana Cauley, Eddie Chambers, Lady Chablis, Charles W. Chesnutt, Alice Childress, Cheril N. Clarke, Cheryl Clarke, John Henrik Clarke, Stanley Bennett Clay, Troy, Pearl Cleage, Eldridge Cleaver, Michelle Cliff, Lucille Clifton, Wendy Coakley-Thompson, Ta-Nehisi Coates , author, journalist, Wanda Coleman, Marvel Cooke , Anna J. Cooper, Clarence Cooper Jr., J. California Cooper, James Corrothers, Jayne Cortez, Bill Cosby, Joseph Seamon Cotter, Donald Crews, Stanley Crouch, Harold Cruse, Countee Cullen, Waring Cuney, Christopher Paul Curtis, Frederick Douglass, W. E. B. Du Bois, Jeffrey Daniels (living), Meri Nana-Ama Danquah, Christopher Darden, Angela Davis, Frank Marshall Davis, Kyra Davis, Milton Davis, George Dawson, Samuel R. Delany, Eric Jerome Dickey, Anita Doreen Diggs, Nahshon Dion, Lonnie Dixon, Rita Dove, Sharon Draper, Tananarive Due, Henry Dumas, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Alice Dunbar-Nelson, David Anthony Durham, Richard Durham, Michael Eric Dyson, Ralph Ellison, Cornelius Eady, Sarah Jane Woodson Early, Junius Edwards, Olaudah Equiano, Don Evans, Mari Evans, Percival Everett, Eve Ewing, Sarah Webster Fabio, Ronald Fair, Sarah Farro, John M. Faucette, Arthur Huff Fauset, Jessie Fauset, London R. Ferebee, Lolita Files, Antwone Fisher, Rudolph Fisher, Liseli Fitzpatrick, Sharon G. Flake, Robert Fleming, Mary Weston Fordham, Namina Forna, Leon Forrest, Tonya Foster, J. E. Franklin, John Hope Franklin, Hoyt W. Fuller, Nina Foxx,Ernest Gaines, Ruth Gaines-Shelton, Marcus Garvey, Tony Gaskins, Henry Louis Gates, Roxane Gay, Nikki Giovanni, Roy Glenn, Donald Goines, Marita Golden, Edythe Mae Gordon, Edmond T. Gordon, Eugene Gordon, Charles Gordone, Amanda Gorman, Lawrence Otis Graham, Moses Grandy, Victor Hugo Green, Eloise Greenfield, Sam Greenlee, Bonnie Greer, Deborah Gregory, Dick Gregory, Sutton E. Griggs, Nikki Grimes, Angelina Weld Grimke, Charlotte Forten Grimké, Rosa Guy, John Langston Gwaltney, Yaa Gyasi, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Alex Haley, Virginia Hamilton Henry Hampton, Lorraine Hansberry, Joyce Hansen, Vincent Harding, Rachael Harding, Edward W. Hardy, Nathan Hare, Frances Harper, E. Lynn Harris, Michael Harris, Juanita Harrison, Saidiya Hartman, Robert Hayden, Essex Hemphill, David Henderson, Safiya Henderson-Holmes, Freida High-Tesfagiorgis, Chester Himes, Kameisha Jerae Hodge, Corey J. Hodges, Karla F. C. Holloway, bell hooks, Pauline Hopkins, Nalo Hopkinson, George Moses Horton, Roberta Hoskie, Tracie Howard, Detrick Hughes, Langston Hughes , Zora Neale Hurston, Jordan Ifueko, Rashidah Ismaili, Brenda Jackson, Jesse C. Jackson, Mae Jackson, Harriet Jacobs, T. D. Jakes, Ayize Jama-Everett, John Jea, N. K. Jemisin, Beverly Jenkins, Terri L. Jewell, Alaya Dawn Johnson, Angela Johnson, Charles R. Johnson, Georgia Douglas Johnson, Helene Johnson, James Weldon Johnson, Mat Johnson Varian Johnson, Edward P. Jones, Gayl Jones, Joni Omi-Osun Jones, Kelly Jones, Tayari Jones, June Jordan, Martin Luther King, Ron Karenga, Bob Kaufman, Elizabeth Keckley, William Melvin Kelley, Emma Dunham Kelley-Hawkins, Randall Kenan, Adrienne Kennedy, Nina Kennedy, John Oliver Killens, Jamaica Kincaid, Emeline King, Martin Luther King Jr., Woodie King Jr., Etheridge Knight, Yusef Komunyakaa, Pinkie Gordon Lane, Nella Larsen, Victor LaValle, Brent Leggs, Andrea Lee, Julius Lester, David Levering Lewis, Willie Little, Alain Locke, Attica Locke, Audre Lorde, Bettina L. Love, Glenville Lovell, Toni Morrison, Christopher Mwashinga, Nathaniel Mackey, Naomi Long Madgett, Haki R. Madhubuti, Clarence Major, Raynetta, Manning Marable, John Marrant, Paule Marshall, Ora Mae Lewis Martin, Hans Massaquoi, Brandon Massey, Victoria Earle Matthews, Julian Mayfield, James McBride, Nathan McCall, Bernice McFadden, Claude McKay, Patricia McKissack, Reginald McKnight, Kim McLarin, Terry McMillan, James Alan McPherson, Louise Meriwether, Oscar Micheaux, E. Ethelbert Miller, May Miller, Arthenia J. Bates Millican, Mary Monroe, Anne Moody, Jessica Care Moore, George McMichael Moyer, Toni Morrison, E. Frederic Morrow, Walter Mosley, Thylias Moss, Willard Motley, Jess Mowry, Albert Murray, Pauli Murray, Walter Dean Myers, Tariq Nasheed, Gloria Naylor, Larry Nealy, Barbara Neely, Huey P. Newton, Richard Bruce Nugent, Mwatabu S. Okantah, Oladejo Okediji, Nnedi Okorafor, Marc Olden, Porsha Olayiwola, Rita Omokha, Terry a. O'Neal, Tochi Onyebuchi, Roscoe Orman, Ewuare Osayande, Brenda Marie Osbey, Candace Owens, ZZ Packer, Gordon Parks, Suzan-Lori Parks, Tyler Perry, Eric Pete, Ann Petry, Delores Phillips, Steve Phillips, William Pickens, Leonard Pitts, Ann Plato, Sterling Plumpp, Carlene, Alvin F. Poussaint, Jewel Prestage, Robert Earl Price, Aishah Rahman, Alice Randall, Dudley Randall, Cordelia Ray, Francis Ray, Andy Razaf, Ishmael, Kiley Reid, Jason Reynolds, Willis Richardson, Florida Ruffin Ridley, Harrison David Rivers, Cliff Roquemore, Carolyn Rodgers, Octavia V. Rogers Albert, Al Roker, Fran Ross, Ola Rotimi, Shawn Stewart Ruff, Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin, Malinda Russell, Rachel Renee Russell, Carl Hancock Rux, Rupaul, Kalamu ya Salaam, Sonia Sanchez, Dori Sanders, Sapphire, Charles R. Saunders, Arturo Alfonso Schomburg, George Schuyler, Gil Scott-Heron, Clara Johnson Scroggins, Sandra Seaton, Victor Séjour, Fatima Shaik, Tupac Shakur, Ntozake Shange, Nisi Shawl, Lowrey Stokes Sims, Sister Souljah, Iceberg Slim, Amanda Smith, Cherise Smith, Danez Smith, Effie Waller Smith, William Gardner Smith, Thomas Sowell, A. B. Spellman, Anne Aurin Squire, Theophilus Gould Steward, Maria W. Stewart, Jeffrey C. Stewart, Nic Stone, Ellen Tarry, Mildred D. Taylor, Susie Taylor, Mary Church Terrell, Lucy Terry, Michael Thelwell, Angie Thomas, Clarence Thomas, Joyce Carol Thomas, Lorenzo Thomas, Piri Thomas, Truth Thomas, Pamela Thomas-Graham, Era Bell Thompson, Howard Thurman, Wallace Thurman, Ruth D. Todd, Lynn Toler, Melvin B. Tolson, Jean Toomer, Touré, Askia M. Touré, Quincy Troupe, Sojourner Truth, Omar Tyree, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Henry Van Dyke, Ivan Van Sertima, Bethany Veney, Olympia Vernon, Dwyane Wade, Alice Walker, Frank X. Walker, Margaret Walker, Christopher George Latore Wallace, Michele Wallace, Eric Walrond, Mildred Pitts Walter, Marilyn Nelson Waniek, Douglas Turner Ward, Jesmyn Ward, Booker T. Washington, Frank J. Webb, Ida B. Wells, Richard Wesley, Valerie Wilson Wesley, Cornel West, Dorothy West, Phillis Wheatley, Walter Francis White, Colson Whitehead, Steven Whitehurst, Albery Allson Whitman, Anthony Whyte, John Edgar Wideman, Isabel Wilkerson, Crystal Wilkinson, Alicia D. Williams, Chancellor Williams, John Alfred Williams, Samm-Art Williams, Sherley Anne Williams, Walter E. Williams, August Wilson, Harriet E. Wilson, Kathy Y. Wilson, William Julius Wilson, Oprah Winfrey, Carter G. Woodson, Jacqueline Woodson, David Wright, Jay Wright, Kelly Wright, Richard Wright, Sarah E. Wright, David F. Walker, Malcolm X, Marian X, Camille Yarbrough, Frank Yerby, Al Young, Zane, and Ahmos Zu-Bolton. Moyo Okediji did not invent Ifa Tuntun. He is not culpable. If you kill Moyo Okediji, it is pointless. To kill Ifa Tuntun, you must kill all the sacred voices listed above. They are culpable. Picture is by Tom Feelings, Middle Passage: White Ship, Black Cargo Read the full article
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lovely-cherubs · 7 months ago
Marshmallowsona #1: Roseanne Guillaume Villanueva
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Visual/Concept Board:
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Personal Information:
Name: Roseanne “Amora” Guillaume Villanueva (Full Name)
Aliases: Amora Angélique/ AmorAngélique (Online/YouTuber Name)
Age: 23 (Crush Crush), 18 (Hush Hush)
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Brown
Race: Black/African, Latina
Nationality: Dominican 🇩🇴
Ethnic Background: Haitian, Dominican, Eritrean (🇭🇹🇩🇴🇪🇷)
Relatives: Asmarina Guillaume (mom), Ricardo Villanueva (dad)
Birthday: August 10th
Place of Birth: Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic
Height: 5'7"
Hobby: Watching Anime, Reading Manga, Playing Video Games, Collecting Antique Dolls & Figurines and rare things in general, etc.
Blood Type: O+
Favorite Food: Pate Kòde, Haitian Spaghetti, Haitian Patties, Diri Blan ak Sos Pwason
Neurodivergent Label(s): ADHD (inattentive form), Autism (ASD), Hyperphantasia, Dyslexia
Social Media Personality
Graphic Designer
Podcast Host
Love Interest(s):
Eli Kawase (current boyfriend/fiance)
Olympia Sheryl Spanierman (ex-girlfriend)
Anthony Rodriguez (ex-boyfriend)
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swansbell · 11 months ago
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To prevent any misunderstanding, this statement is crafted to inform those who come across it that this depiction bears no association or link to the actual Roseanne Park. This account has been created solely for fictional purposes.
.˚⋆ㅤ໒ྀི ˖ 𝑟͟𝑜͟𝑠͟𝑒́ : author's note
“…….” : in-character communication
꒱ྀི১ : out-of-character talks
If no symbol is present in the tweet, it indicates an in-character tweet without plotted content. Strict prohibition on any godmodding or metagaming forms.
Most activities in this space are primarily described in Bahasa Indonesia, with occasional use of English. As English is not the writer's first language, any grammatical errors should be disregarded.
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Swan Noir: The Shadowed Ballerina
Born on May 15, 1998, in the heart of Seoul, Nonaia Renée Swanbells, affectionately known as Nonaia or Nona, Naia, embodies a unique blend of Indonesian and Korean heritage. Raised in Jakarta as the cherished only child of her Indonesian-Korean mother and Korean-Canada father, her name draws inspiration from the elegance of the black Swan and the enchanting sound of Swan bells, symbolizing elegance, mystery, and depth associated with the Black Swan. Just as the black swan is renowned for its beauty and grace, Nonaia embodies these qualities in her character and artistry.
From a young age, Nonaia displayed an innate passion for the arts, nurtured by her parents despite their privileged background. Standing at 168 cm and weighing 44 kg, her petite frame belies the strength within. With an ISTJ-A personality type, she approaches life with meticulous organization and an unwavering pursuit of excellence. After completing her senior high school education at Nord Anglia International School Jakarta, she earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts from The Juilliard School, specializing in Dance.
Nonaia's journey into the world of ballet began in her childhood when her mother introduced it as an extracurricular activity. Enchanted by the grace and expressive movements of dance, she enrolled in ballet lessons, sparking a lifelong passion. Ballet, for Nonaia, became more than physical activity; it evolved into a language for conveying emotions and aspirations. Formative years set the stage for her evolution into a professional Artistic Director and show ballet dancer. As an Artistic Director, Nonaia's performances are a testament to her inner growth and dedication. Balancing the demands of her career with life's challenges, she exhibits independence, intelligence, and a playful soul.
Nonaia's strong mentality is a product of the struggles she faced, and she guards her heart against strangers. However, those fortunate enough to break through her initial reserve find a warm and caring friend. Her life is a narrative of resilience and self-discovery, with each challenge molding her into the formidable woman she has become.
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Nonaia Renée Swanbells
Nona, Nonaia, Nai-Nai
Place of Birth
Seoul, Korean
Date of Birth
15 May 1998
Sexual Orientation
Zodiac Sign
168.7 cm (5’6”)
44 kg (97 lbs)
Blood Type
Eye color
Light Brown
Hair color
Artistic Director a ballet show
Senior High School in Nord Anglia School Jakarta
Bachelor of Fine Arts The Juilliard School
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tea-ink-pages · 2 years ago
I know that lots of ppl out there are tired of YA, but you’ve probably missed out on a lot of new voices from marginalized / authors of color in recent years who’ve been publishing fantastic books with thoughtful and wonderful stories ― if anyone needs recs for books to capture that “unputdownable” & “adventurous” nostalgia or just looking for something fun, here’s a variety of YA fantasy:
by black authors: legenborn by tracy deonn, the gilded ones by namina forna, this poison heart by kalynn bayron, a song of wraiths and ruin by roseanne a. brown, skin of the sea by natasha bowen, the belles by dhonielle clayton
by latina/o & latine authors: blanca & roja by anna-marie mclemore (or any of their other works for those who want to read lgbtq+ magical realism), nocturna series by maya motayne, lobizona by romina garber, shadowshaper series by daniel josé older, the lost dreamer by lizz huerta
by indigenous authors: a snake falls to earth by darcie little badger
by asian authors: the star-touched queen by roshani chokshi (or any of her books), jade fire gold by june cl tan, the girl who fell beneath the sea by axie oh, we hunt the flame by hafsah faizal
*disclaimer: haven’t read all of these but most i’ve read & enjoyed or heard praise from elsewhere 
My take on "why there are many adults that only read YA novels" is pretty simple
The YA book explosion of the mid 2000's-mid 2010's was mostly scifi and fantasy genre, and trying to "get into" adult SFF is a punishment from hell
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black-is-beautiful18 · 4 years ago
Had to make another thread ❤
Tracy Deonn - LegendBorn
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J. Elle - Wings of Ebony
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Roseanne A. Brown - A Song of Wraiths and Ruin & A Psalm of Storms and Silence
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Kalynn Bayron - Cinderella Is Dead
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Ciannon Smart - Witches Steeped In Gold
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Dhonielle Clayton - The Belles & The Everlasting Rose
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Namina Forna - The Gilded Ones
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✨NEW YA Book✨  
📖A Psalm of Storms and Silence
Roseanne A. Brown
Balzer + Bray 
The highly anticipated second—and final—book in the immersive fantasy duology inspired by West African folklore that began with the New York Times bestselling A Song of Wraiths and Ruin…
Karina lost everything after a violent coup left her without her kingdom or her throne. Now the most wanted person in Sonande, her only hope of reclaiming what is rightfully hers lies in a divine power hidden in the long-lost city of her ancestors.
Available Now👉🏿|Amazon | Bookshop | IndieBound
Go HERE for more November new releases by Black authors.
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This year, GivingTuesday is on November 30, 2021. Please consider donating HERE or via Cash App ($BCBooksA) to support our mission to promote awareness of children’s and young adult literature by Black authors. 
Thanks for your support!
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curlyhairedbibliophile · 4 years ago
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#SFFSpring | Day 7: #ThatStackThoThursday 📚 - Books with Princesses 👑
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