#austria hungary
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prusijavi · 3 months ago
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mioritic · 2 months ago
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Nagyvárad / Oradea, Transylvania, 1915
Fortepan / Péchy László
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sonyaheaneyauthor · 10 months ago
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1916 postcard of Ternopil, Ukraine from the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. X
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gjf-productions · 3 months ago
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Austro-Hungarian officer on the Italian front, 1918
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thekingofwinterblog · 1 year ago
Tolkien's crowns.
You know something that really annoys me about the Tolkien movie adaptions?
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Like a lot of things Jackson did, he basically crafted something completely new out of the bare bones we get from some descriptions, for better or worse, but the Crowns are another matter, because not only did Tolkien give very clear descriptions, and even drew the two most notable ones(the crowns of the dwarves and gondor)that appeared over the course of Lotr and the Hobbit, both had very, very clear cut meanings and symbolism behind them, that tied them to their real life origins.
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The crowns of the dwarves of Erebor and Moria look like someone took their helmets and filed down the sides so only the skeleton remained, to varying degrees of success.
But you know what tolkien used?
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In the books, Tolkien's dwarves uses crowns speciffically modeled after the crown of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.
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Well if you know anything about said empire, and the actual inspiration for Tolkien's dwarves, the picture is a bit clearer.
See Tolkien specifically modeled his dwarfs, their history of losing a homeland, desire for a new one, and their proud, industrious culture of craftsmen and skills of making money on a mixture between the Norse mythical dwarves, and the Jews in the long centuries after the Romans kicked them out of their original homeland.
Now with this in mind, Tolkien choosing to model the Dwarves crown on the Austrian one is him specifficaly choosing a real, Germanic crown as the inspiration... As well as a nod to the fact that the Austria-Hungarian empire was legendary for his time(The time Tolkien grew up in) as a progressive haven for jews, probably the best in Europe.
An empire, that was also destroyed by fires of war, just Moria and Erebor.
In other words, there is so much symbolism here that is completely and totally stripped away by the helmet crowns the movies gave them.
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Hell, even the original hobbit animated movie got this right, while Jackson did not, as they basically just made the crown the austrian one, just a bit more exagerated.
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Meanwhile, there is the crown of gondor, which completely missed absolutely everything tolkien tried to do with the Gondor crown.
It's a crown that fits perfectly with the rest of the city, this is truly a crown of the Gondor that the movies portrayed.
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Meanwhile, Tolkiens Winged silver crown... Does not.
Even within the context of the fact that the books gondor is an early medieval(as it does not have plate armor at all) styled kingdom in terms of armor and clothing design, the crown does NOT fit in the slightest.
And that's the point.
The original crown of Gondor was a simple war Helm of the day that Elendil wore, and the later one that Aragorn wore was a more fancy replica of that helmet.
It is outdated by thousands of years, a relic of an elder time that was long lost even when Gondor's lost it's Kings in the first place. It's not supposed to fit in.
Also the fact that Elendil wore this, and it was considered just fine, tells us a lot about Gondor's fashion and style of arms during the closing days of the second age.
However, then we get into the deeper meaning behind the crown and where it was inspired from.
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Gondor's winged crown was very deliberately inspired and based on the crowns of ancienct egypt, which was one of the main inspirations for Gondor and(to a lesser extent) arnor.
Just like Egyot there were two kingdom, an upper and a lower one, though in middle earth it was instead called the northern and southern ones.
Just like egypt, Gondor's entire socity and political and economic strength was based around their massive river that ran through the realm.
Just like Egypt, one of the biggest problems the gondorian elites had was their obsession with grand mousoleums and graves for their elites, focusing far more on the dead rather than their living children, and wasting who knows how much coin, manpower, energy and resources on such rather than just burying them in thr ground.
Basically the same problem egypt had building stupidly expensive superstructures for their dead in the form of pyramids, rather than something actually useful.
Then there is the fact that just like how lower and upper egypt combined their regalia together(as in they fused the two crowns into one, bigger one), Aragorn very deliberately made the royal regalia of the reunited Kingship BOTH his ancient and out of place winged crown, and the Silver scepter of Annuminas, the royal symbol of Arnor, combining the two of them together into one office.
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westernfronter · 5 months ago
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Another asutro hungary doodle
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victusinveritas · 10 months ago
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There's some life in Twitter yet
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thethousandsorrows · 5 months ago
"A toast to the groom... To the bride~!"
To your union... And the hope that you provide... May you always be satisfied!
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Mochidex's Austria-Hungary card in my style, they're so cute 😭 Have fun figuring out who's on the card... ;)
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cutecountryballs · 1 year ago
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what a beautiful baby
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treespen · 8 months ago
Reminder that in 1897 Transylvania was Austro-Hungarian. More specifically, it belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary, of Austria-Hungary at the time.
Transylvania will not be part of Romania until 1920.
Transylvania became part of the Kingdom of Hungary in 1002, and it belonged to "the Lands of the Hungarian Crown" until 1920.
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cid5 · 18 days ago
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Oldest Austrian soldier of WW1 a 79-year-old Gaspar Wallnöfer veteran of Austrian wars in Italy in 1848/49 and 1866 WW1 1917.
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prusijavi · 10 months ago
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A-H fun af to draw 🙏
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mioritic · 3 months ago
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The Transylvanian Saxon painter Ernst Honigberger (1885–1974) and his sister, the pianist Selma Erler-Honigberger (1888–1958) in their family home in Brașov (Brassó/Kronstadt), ca. 1915
Arhiva de Fotografie - Colecția Renascendis
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sonyaheaneyauthor · 9 months ago
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1859 Austrian stamp, marked in Busk, Ukraine.
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crazystar009 · 1 month ago
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WW1 X Friday Night Funkin (Countryballs)
Do you think a Countryballs FnF mod would be great?
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itzrhymesgamers · 8 months ago
Pov : You were doing some art on ms paint until your almost finished with it and you lost progress
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