#australia day 4
Day 4
I do not believe in luck. It is not something my species is familiar with. We believe in science and logic. I was not even aware of the concept of luck or faith until I left the planet my species populates. So I do not  believe that it was a coincidence when during this cycle, the human was assigned to work with me. I did not see the Terran during my cyclic meal intake, and was immediately called into the main machinery room without a sight of it.
The Vitrichl appeared shortly after with the human in tow. Vitrichl eludicated that the human had proved to be a skillful worker and was now officially assigned to my unit unless the Vitrichl explicitly stated otherwise.Vitrichl left to attend his other duties, leaving me with the human.
I turned to the control panels covering the walls, and speaking into a small microphone, I introduced the Terran to the machine. "This is human Quinn. It is officially part of my unit and will assist me." 
"It‘s 'she', mate.", the human corrected. "Excuse me?", I asked, careful not to be impolite. "She. My prounous are 'she‘, not 'it'.", she explained. "I apologize. I did not mean to upset you." "It‘s alright, mate. I‘m not upset, just correcting you for future reference.“ "Thank you", I decided on the safest route.
"So, a mechanic as well? Cool.", she folded her fingers into her hand and extended it to me. I was not confident how I was supposed to respond to this gesture, so I once again, did nothing. Eventually, she retracted her hand and let it disappear into a fold in her clothing which appeared to be a pocket. 
Clothing, I noted. Not many members of the crew of the SIIR Noxos wore clothing on a regular basis, apart from their space suits. This obviously raised even more questions: Why did she wear clothing? Was it out of religious or cultural reasons? Out of personal comfort? Did all Terrans wear clothes or was she a special case? Did specific clothing symbolise specific things? These are all questions I hope I will be able to find out the answer to one day.
"Soo, like…what am I supposed to do around here? Do I have like, a specific task or…? Cap didn‘t mention anything." Cap. That was a word the translating device wasn‘t able to translate. "Cap?", I questioned further. Her face muscles contracted in a manner that made the patches of hair above her visual organs move closer to each other and the skin above them fold.
"The captain?", she said. "Of course, I apologize. The translating device did not recognize that word. I call him Vitrichl."
"Oh, is that his name? He didn‘t say anything." "No", I reassured. "It is simply the word "Captain" in my species‘ language." "Ah okay…", she said. "Well, what about my task?" "Of course.", I assigned her a simple task, showing her where to work and what to do. We then continued to work in silence. I did not object, because it gave me plenty of time to observe the human.
Humans, or at least this one, seemed to have rather random patches of hair on their head. Attached to the protective skin over their eyes, in a line above the eyes and on the top of the head. In human Quinn‘s case, it grew down, barely reaching her chest and was of a deep brown colour, just like her eyes. 
The muscles in her face never seemed to stay still, always contracting or smoothing while she worked. It was probable that facial expressions played a big part in human communication.
She still stood on two legs, upright and used both of her arms to work. For some inexplicable reason, she usually held a piece of technology or something similar in only one hand, but seemed to keep switching sides in a rather random matter.
I‘d have to ask her about it, but it did not seem like an appropriate time.
After working for some time and me continuously observing her, she set down her equipment and spoke: "Y’know, you‘re probably not aware of this, but humans consider staring rude." She turned around on her feet and faced me, seemingly watching me process this information. I quickly responded, careful not to irritate her further after having done something so insensitive. "I apologize. I was not aware of humans‘ stance on this behaviour and it was not my intention to be rude or make you uncomfortable. If I may ask, though, I have been watching you for some time now and I did not notice you ever turn around to face me until now. How were you aware I was watching you?" 
"Well, I could just kind of…feel it. I sensed your gaze in my back. Kind of like a sixth sense, you could probably say." I blinked. Sensed my gaze? Sixth sense? What were the other five then? 
I voiced these questions: "What do you mean you sensed it?" 
"Well, I just kind of had this feeling of someone watching me. Don‘t you ever get that feeling?" Flabbergasted, I said no.
She raised and lowered the part where her arms and chest joined once again, similar to the gesture she offered on the second day. "Well, I guess it just must be a human thing." "I suppose", I agreed, and with that, she turned back to the control panel she was commanding and we continued to work in silence, although now I was keenly aware of my every move and careful not to let my gaze linger on the Terran for too long.
She left before I did, apparently to take in another of her daily meals (something that was not necessary for my species). Soon, the cycle was already over before I encountered the human again.
I have made great progress during this cycle and I believe that if the human continues to work in my environment, it will be easier for me to discover more information about humans. 
Perhaps that is why the Vitrichl put the human into my section. Perhaps this was his plan all along. But I do not draw conclusions. I simply propose theories.
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samcats · 2 months
Hot take maybe but Mike should’ve kept the long hair cuz he looked so cool in season 4 the Duffers robbed us
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partybarty · 1 month
Matt Wearn has become the first person to win back-to-back Olympics gold medals in the men's dinghy.
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camelspit · 1 year
me n the girls really do be doing anything except drawing
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allmylovecatherine · 2 months
hot ppl cry at the “it’s meeeeeeeeeee” in defying gravity (it’s me. i’m hot ppl)
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x-heesy · 6 months
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yepthatsacowalright · 2 months
Thoughts While Watching the Olympic Women’s Rugby Final US vs Australia match (on replay, because I missed it live)
I’ve decided that there is a secret third team playing - the Water family from the country Water - and that’s who I’m truly rooting for.
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Announcer while the camera focuses on the Australian team during halftime: Uh…sorry for the language.
Me: 👀👀 *frantically rewinding and plugging in earphones*
Me watching an Australian player say ‘fuck’ multiple times over top of Voulez-Vou playing in the stadium: Mamma Mia 3 (Rated R) looks great.
Have not watched enough of this sport to take the penalty box being referred to as the “sin bin” seriously. If it’s not two garbage cans stuck together confessional-style, what’s the point? No more game for you till sins against the Rugby God are forgiven by the Rugby Priest. Get in the trash.
Australian: *makes mistake after mistake, constant struggle*
Camera operator:
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Announcer: Wilimina’s got the wobbles on the sideline as well. A mascot of the Aussie team, looked after by the youngest player.
Me: “Looked after”. On the ground. Alone. Sure. We’ll tell ourselves that.
Watched a player pull so hard up on another’s shorts that her whole ass cheek was out and remembered that there’s a secret fourth team playing that is obviously going to win: The Lesbians.
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nando161mando · 5 months
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Say NO to 4x10s. They're trying to trick us into giving up on a 4-day workweek.
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freshthoughts2020 · 3 months
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killeroos · 4 months
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"Usman Khawaja played one of the greatest innings I think I've ever seen in tough conditions, just the concentration and power that he showed to bat in that heat for that long was extraordinary" THE TEST S01E02 - TRUST IN THE PLAN
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
favorite horror film that has your favorite practical effects in it!
Oooooh, thank you so much! Hm 🤔
I don't know much about effects, I would like to, but I just haven't educated myself 😥 I'll probably say Lake Placid though?? Just off the top of my head?? Cuz they actually had a big ass croc animatronic and I love that XD
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1ovestay · 1 year
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ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ☆
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temporary-dysphoria · 6 months
Literally going to be leaving the country on a short trip in less than 48 hours and I'm still at work, not packed, zero organisation.
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avvocarlo · 7 months
the way it's practically impossible to get anything done that you can't do yourself if you work monday to friday. what do you mean I have to apply for leave so I can get my car serviced? are you insane?
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hotdadlicense · 11 months
used reverse psychology this morning with my posts and it worked. today actually turned out okay and i even got an early mark. thankyou i love you
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grapecola · 1 year
My new post is called 4. Do read it.
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