#Last 28 Days
freshthoughts2020 · 4 months
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daeyumi · 10 months
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Exploring the depths 🌌🪻
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horrorpolls · 8 days
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moeblob · 7 months
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Harvey telling the farmer it's their time for the annual check up before knowing them for a year is always funny to me. But the fact I keep drawing Asmodeus♡ with a big mouth and fangs made me read the dialogue more like "that's scary, please stop" rather than "okay onto the next part".
Anyway, I have never drawn Harvey before so please enjoy my attempt. (gives him a lil gray. as a treat. to me. the gray is for me.)
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alirienn · 11 months
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wtftaylr · 2 months
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blushing and kicking my feet
(I'm working on character busts for my Courier's TH profile! [which is a big WIP btw pls ignore the mess] I wanted to wait to post them all in bulk but i also cant control myself, here's cass)
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gracepuenteart · 3 months
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Finally posting more of those pieces I mentioned I did. I wanted to make some art for atla, and then I had the idea to do tarot cards of all my favorite spirits! I'll be posting the other ones throughout this week. Anyways here is La the ocean spirit :)
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dear phoenix, I’m gonna go off a gut feeling here and assume you proposed? If you did how did you do it
-NOT the space deer :3
“I did propose. After the like.. 2 years of planning and collection of many blessings, I took him out for a walk in People Park at sunset. It was cold, being winter and all, but it was nice.
We found a spot to stop, and I summoned my courage and started my speech. And he said yes.”
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“So.. yeah. December 21st will always be one of the best days of my life.”
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ckret2 · 8 months
My evil plot is to lure you all in with Evil Ford AU headcanons and then hit you with the epic-length post-series human Bill redemption arc fic I'm actually working on.
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freshthoughts2020 · 3 months
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the-cypress-grove · 10 months
I saw your "So, you want to write vampires..." post, and I was wondering if you can do something like that for zombies? Completely okay if you cant though !!
So, You Want To Write Zombies....
I had intended to turn the "So you want to write BLANK..." into a series so feel free to make requests of different creatures or things to so I can prioritise what you will find useful. I haven't written about zombies in a while so this will be a little rusty. Tell me if I need to change or add anything. With that said, ONWARDS!
This is more important than with my vampire episode. Most zombie stories are usually set in or around the initial outbreak so it is vital that YOU know how it started even if your characters don't.
Potential Origins you might want to consider:
Experiment Gone Wrong: It was believed to be a cure until patient zero died and rose again.
Experiment Gone Right: It was a biological weapon deliberately created and released.
A Result Of Climate Change: Some sort of virus, bacteria, or fungus was trapped in the ice and, as the icecaps melted, it was released.
Magic: An option for if you're going for a more fantastical setting.
Virus / Fungal Infection: A classic, but a good one.
Aliens: It's a result of alien interference.
2. Build Your Zombies
There are many things to consider when your deciding what traits your zombies will have and a lot of that will stem from your origins. Do they just shuffle or can they run? Can they evolve or change? Can they speak? How is the infection spread e.g. is it by touch, by biting, is it airborne? Are they affected by the cold (with no body heat it might freeze them solid or at the very least slow them down)? Are they affected by the heat (this will speed up the rotting process maybe causing them to fall apart)? Do they congregate in groups? Is there a cure? Can it even be cured? How quickly will an infected person turn? Can they swim / move through water? Can animals be infected or can they carry diseases? What are the zombies senses like e.g. can they sniff people out? How do they hunt e.g. are attracted by noise, or smell?
All these will factor will determine how likely it is for your human character to survive.
Most importantly, what are you going to call them? In most media, zombies are never called zombies.
3. Themes
The zombie genre explores some of the most interesting themes (at least to me), as often the true monsters of zombie stories tends to be what humanity becomes when law and order is overturned. How far will people go to survive? Who are the true monsters; the zombies, or the people left behind?
4. Characters
Whether you have one human character or, more likely, you end up having a group, it's interesting to explore the pack bonding that occurs when these people trauma bond with each other. They go from strangers to a family unit willing to kill to protect each other.
Some things to consider:
Who is more likely to survive the initial outbreak? First responders will probably die first as they will be on the front lines during the initial outbreak. Most people in cities will die. Rural communities / those who live in isolation will be more likely to survive the initial stages.
Humanity WILL change: in order to survive people will become increasingly ruthless and selfish. This is an arc you may wish to explore through a character.
Who will be valued: doctors, vets, anyone with combat experience, will be highly valued by survivor groups. What skills will your groups need/look for? If your story takes place years/decades after the first outbreak are these skills taught and handed down or were they hoarded. What professions are more likely to survive your zombies?
Trauma: ALL your characters when exposed to your setting WILL be affected. They will all handle this in their own way. It is up to you to decide how they do it and how it manifests. Are they paranoid? Are they mistrusting? Do they try to drink to forget? Do they push others away because they lost people? Or are they clingy?
5. Setting
Your setting will have a great impact on your characters. Cities are likely to become overrun, rural communities are likely to last longer. In the cold, zombies might be slow or stop all together until they thaw. In the heat, they might rot quicker and fall apart.
If your story takes places years after the first outbreak it is likely most stores will have been stripped of their supplies by various groups.
Places where communities might form:
A bunker: is this the beginning where people are afraid? Is this later on when they need to leave when they are running out of supplies? Have generations lived down there?
A boat or a series of boats: it's mobile and zombies are not likely to be able to swim. How do they get their food? How do they get clean drinking water?
A prison: It's defendable, but how did they clear it out?
An old castle or fort: they're built for defence but how do they get supplies?
Hills / Mountain: the terrain makes it difficult for a hoard of zombies to navigate.
6. First Response / First Days
This will be where most stories begin. The response will depend on your selected origins. Who are the first to die? Who is more likely to survive? How desperate is your character to survive? How smart is your character? What is the government's response (do they want to help, will they send in the armies, or will they burn cities in an attempt to contain the zombies)?
Where does the outbreak begin?
How quickly does it spread?
7. Decay of Modern Society
All rule and law WILL breakdown, but how long does it take? This will happen quicker in some groups / people than it will in others. What rules will groups enact amongst themselves?
Have buildings become rundown and overgrown? Is tinned food still good? How have people adapted to their situation? Do cars still work?
8. Supplies
What are people eating? How are they getting it? What about clean water? Medicine?
All this will impact how long your characters will supplies and can add conflicts and dangers for your group. A zombie in a well will taint the water. A store that's been cleaned out will leave your character hungry, desperate, and irritable. If your character is diabetic, how are they getting insulin or NOT getting insulin. What about asthma? Can they find inhalers?
9. Dangers
Obviously, you have the zombies but there are other dangers out there.
Other people within their group, other groups, or lone survivors.
The weather
Unstable buildings
Injuries and illnesses
Their own mental health
Eating the wrong plant
Animal e.g. roaming packs of starving dogs
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strawberrybyers · 9 months
new religion just dropped and the god is this tiktok edit. the amount of times i’ve watched this is insane
link to tiktok vid
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pawsandsuch-office · 8 months
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utilitycaster · 3 months
For music recs I give you The Amazing Devil: forest lyrical nerd morning
I am quite acquainted with The Amazing Devil and they are great! I do appreciate the spotify daylist phrasing as requested though and you're 100% correct.
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peeptheaesthetic · 8 months
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You have no fucking clue how bad I want to be t4t in a zombie apocalypse. Leave some show/movie recs!
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of-mutts-and-men · 9 months
I really really wanna rub against someone and get them progressively wetter (as in I get wet all over u)
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