#austen anon
citrinesparkles · 2 years
hi! it's austen anon dropping by! 🌟
i've devoured your writing master list and reread some of my favs like 2+ times already!!
p.s. i hope my messages don't make you feel pressured to chug out content or anything like that!! i know that writing isn't always a consistent thing!!
instead, do you mind dropping some fic recs? i figured you're probably the best person to ask!! i'm open to any dc fics, i'm not super picky ♡
DARLING HI <3 im so so glad you're enjoying omg!!!! the idea that anyone but me rereads my stuff is so. its mind boggling in the BESTTTTT possible way im so touched :)
not at all- and you are SO sweet for thinking about that! i'm very very touched that you enjoy my work, and i do want to finish and post some more SOMETIME, but i'm also trying to be gentle with myself as i come out of a bit of a bleak spot mentally and physically <3 thank you for checking, but don't worry at all sweetheart!
HEHEHEHE boy did you come to the right place omg. i LOVEEEEEE giving recommendations!!!!!! i have so many omg.
(just a heads up, while these fics are pg13. the blogs linked may contain 18+ content! please proceed with caution + respect their rules <3)
masters of none is a brilliantly written multi-chapter ongoing jason x celebrity!reader, and is one of my favorite fics ever.
shades of red is a oneshot, but that seems like underselling it. it's a beautiful analysis of a relationship with jason and i think about it all the time.
baskin robins commercial as unsent love letters is similar, in that it's a another montage style look at jason trying to be in a relationship. it's, again, beautiful.
jason_the_midnight.mp3 is possibly the best songfic i've ever read, and got me hooked on the midnight! it's the angstiest on the list i think, but i absolutely adore it.
and if you want more, i'd highly recommend checking out my recommendations tag. it's where i keep all of my favorite work by other writers, and there is some GOLD in there!
(it's worth mentioning that the four fics i linked are from absolute rockstars, so i'd DEFINITELY check out the rest of their work, too! <3)
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anghraine · 3 months
Do you have any favorite/interesting short essays? I'm in between semesters and not wanting to fall totally out of practice reading academic writing.
I do! It seems like you're specifically thinking of academic essays, which for me are generally specialized enough that it's a bit difficult to recommend them without knowing what topics someone is interested in.
That said, some academic essays worth reading, which are available on JSTOR:
Julia Prewitt Brown's 1990 review "The Feminist Depreciation of Jane Austen" articulated a lot of my frustration with feminist critics' often rather narrow readings of Austen (it's not anti-feminist, but rather pointing out the short-sighted form of feminism and bizarre hot takes in what was then the established feminist literature on Austen specifically). 11 pages long.
Elizabeth McGrath's 1992 article "The Black Andromeda" about the whitewashing of Andromeda (especially in reference to Ovid's Andromeda) in art and general discourse around her. 16 pages long.
Jacqueline Jones Royster's 1996 essay "When The First Voice You Hear Is Not Your Own." I have a lot of gripes with composition studies, but this one's good. 11 pages long.
William K. Wimsatt and Monroe C. Beardsley's 1946 "The Intentional Fallacy" is very dated, but also very worth reading in terms of the history of anti-intentionalism, especially given how important anti-intentionalism is to modern fandom (usually in reference to Barthes's "Death of the Author" but the basic concept long predates it). 19 pages long.
It belatedly occurred to me that you might be looking for shorter or more casual essays than these, or on less directly academic topics (though maybe not!). For instance, if you're more "here" for SF/F than my other interests, there are some great essays in Uncanny Magazine and Reactor among others (I find Reactor a bit hit and miss, but when it hits, it hits hard). For instance, I recently read and enjoyed "Seven of Nine is a Third-Culture Kid" by Dawn Xiana Moon and "On Learning to Read Generously" by Molly Templeton.
I could also give you some recommendations for essays more directly about history or psychology in some area that I find interesting, but that's likely to be less accessible and I assumed not what a follower of mine was likely looking for.
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linusbenjamin · 1 year
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Jack. This place is crazy. It's just... I can't... It's driving me nuts.
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bethanydelleman · 1 month
I was wondering about Darcy asking Lydia to return to her family without marrying Wickham. So Darcy was willing to destroy Elizabeth's reputation if it means Lydia does not marry Wickham. Austen should have told what he was thinking about here. Even if Lydia does not marry Wickham, she still belonged to her father. So it's simply throwing Lydia from a terrible man to an another terrible man. Mr Bennet can send her away if he wanted to an isolated era and shun her so she does not harm their image even if it's against her will which could lead to her eloping with some other dude . Darcy has no control about how Mr Bennet deals with Lydia because legally daughters belonged to their fathers. But with Wickham, Darcy holds his debts, he can put pressure on him . The five sisters would have their reputation restored and not condemned to spincterhood. I mean if Lydia return unmarried, no man would want them for wives. The best solution is to let Lydia marry him, but not to live with him, considering the power he has over Wickham, he sends him away in some place with really difficult conditions and they could simply claim Lydia's husband fears for her health and doubt whenever she would be safe living with him or something.
I don't think Wickham would agree to that, it also wouldn't fully restore Lydia's reputation if she never lived with her husband. Mostly though, I think your premise is flawed.
Mr. Wickham is not equal to Mr. Bennet in terms of horribleness, not even a little bit. Mr. Bennet may not save for the future and I hate how he treats his wife, but he does feed and clothe his family, something Wickham never proves himself capable of doing. And we know (and maybe Darcy knows) that Mr. Bennet gives into his wife when giving in will grant him peace. Mrs. Bennet isn't going to allow Lydia to be cast aside. Mr. Bennet is a bad father, but Wickham is on an entirely different level.
We don't know what Darcy's plan was if Lydia agreed to marry him, but I really doubt a man as intelligent as Darcy was going to let the entire family be ruined by Lydia's mistake. He knew what he was working with and he also knows that money is the strongest bleach. He would have done something.
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teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
how would chrollo react to his darling flirting with him because they're bored (or other reasons idm)
The first thing you notice in his expression is surprise. Though short-lived, you clearly saw the widened eyes and the flicker of excitement in the way he smiled before he composed himself immediately. Chrollo first tries to decipher your intentions. Last night you had scowled at him when he threw an arm around your shoulders, but now you're blatantly flirting with him?
Something doesn't add up.
But he would be a fool to pass up on an opportunity like this.
So, he plays along. He flirts back and watches how you slowly shrink into yourself. Compliments and passionate words effortlessly fall from his lips as he tries to take complete advantage of the situation you put yourself in. Chrollo uses all the lines and confesses all that he had been thinking about, grey eyes attentively watching how you slowly grow more uncomfortable.
If anything, it should teach you that unlike you, he is sincere in his affections.
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jewishbarbies · 5 months
I feel like she chose the 1830s in her song to sound cultured or educated. That or it’s like those privileged white girls who fantasize about the 1950s because they’ve bought into the narrative of being a perfect peak feminine woman taken care of a man while ignoring the fact that they literally would’ve been seen as their husband’s property 💀
definitely said the quiet part out loud with that lyric 💀
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Is there any time travel fiction you enjoy? If so, do you have any recommendations?
I really like The Jane Austen Project, which is about a doctor who goes back in time to recover one of Jane Austen’s lost manuscripts and figure out what killed her. The time travel aspect is very good since the Regency parts are scrupulously researched, and it features a time traveling character who actually has done research and prepared (so very little secondhand embarrassment).
But what I really love about it is that the main character comes from the world in which climate change has ramped up to an extreme degree, but people are still living happy, fulfilled lives. The environmental consequences are mentioned, and they are implied to have been devastating to the world as we know it today – the “present” world of the novel is very different and in many ways worse. But humanity has not completely collapsed, and therefore I find it to be a hopeful take on the subject. Even though most of the book is set in Regency England.
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walkingnorth · 1 year
I finally got Love & Gravity, so I re-read the entire volume starting at volume 1. It's just as great now as when I followed it on Webtoons, and I love having it in printed form. However, I am the teensiest bit disappointed by the fact that the 4-koma special comics aren't in the books. The one about Austen's childhood and her fairy tale book is one of my favorite parts of the comic. May I ask why it's not in the physical release?
Yeah, I was disappointed by this too :(
Unfortunately the nature of print comics publishing is that someone important decides on a page count (in my case, 250 pages for each book) and then you have to stick to the page count, because printing more pages messes with the budget.
250 was fine, if a bit tight, for book 1.
It was not enough pages for book 2.
The team fought hard to get me more pages and we did get a longer page count, thankfully - I think it ended up being 268 pages? - but it was still really tight, and so we made the (very sad) decision to leave out the 4koma special.
But I fully agree that the fairy tale book is important, and while adjusting the panels and dialgoue for page viewing, I managed to squeeze a mention of it into chapter 21. So it's still there, just not in exactly the same way. (Thank you for reading, and caring, and getting the print book!! Much appreciated!!!)
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literatureloverx · 25 days
What are your favorite books?
(Also i'm the anon that requested that chuuya dazai dynamic analysis :3 great work btw. And could I take the '🎪' as my emoji?)
Of course, 🎪-anon!❤️ I actually have many "favorites," but Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment tops the list for me—at least for now. I can rank some others for you, though.
I should note that I haven't read The Brothers Karamazov and Demons yet, so there’s a high possibility that my list will change once I’ve read them. (Apparently, The Brothers Karamazov is even better than Crime and Punishment? We’ll see.)
1. Crime and Punishment (I just love it so, so much. No words needed. It changed my life.)
2. The Idiot (The book might seem boring, but it parallels a perfect Christian man with a pure soul against an impure world. [Prince Myshkin is literally me.])
3. White Nights (It broke my heart, and it’s melancholically beautiful.)
4. The Children of Hurin (Tolkien is obviously a Fi-Ne user, which makes his works a little confusing and structured in an unstructured way, which is tolerable for me. There are many things that are simply there just because, without explanation, so one can try to find the meaning behind them. My favorite aspect of the book was the Curse of Túrin.)
5. Anna Karenina (This book seems boring at first too, but there are some very good quotes and situations one can learn from.)
6. Pride and Prejudice (The OG enemies-to-lovers story—I like Jane Austen's delivery.)
7. The Crocodile (This is one of Dostoevsky's short stories, but it’s not as well-known as White Nights. It made me chuckle now and then, and it’s truly an admirable work.)
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amethvysts · 2 months
alguma possibilidade de fazer headcanons de bridgerton com o cast de lsdln??
pior que eu não sei te dizer diva kkk eu já iniciei uns headcanons sobre lsdln!príncipes da disney, e não tem muita fantasia, então eu acho que é quase a mesma vibe. pretendo também fazer alguns sobre enzo!principe, mas com uma pegada mais moderna
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dear-ao3 · 1 year
mr knightly is mid to me im so sorry 😭😭😭
to my dearest anon: i sincerely hope that one day you will find yourself a dear friend and soulmate that resembles mr knightley, and i hope that then you realize what a true gentlemen is.
ps: i believe its knightley, with an e
best wishes,
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citrinesparkles · 1 year
citrine!!! it's austen anon stopping by to say that they are extremely late to the party and have just now watched the queen charlotte series!! i wanted to ask if you had seen it yet and your thoughts if so (because i have MANY).
OOOOO i have not actually!!! but ive gotten some of the plot from a good friend of mine and i've heard it's just the bee's knees. from what few clips i HAVE seen + her summaries it looks like it could be very good!! i think it could be a really interesting look into relationships and how they're impacted by mental illness and how people might choose to navigate that, which i think is very interesting. (plus, both the leads seem INCREDIBLY compelling!)
i may get around to it someday! i've been catching up on a lot of media lately so who knows 🧐
im trying to work through my comics backlog at the moment and get back into reading (im most of the way through a novel As We Speak 😤and im very proud- it's a star trek novel, but it still counts, okay?)
i hope you're doing well, lovely <3 <3 <3 <3 im sending you the world's biggest hug rn MWAH
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anghraine · 4 months
Hello, i want to ask about an exchange in Pride and Prejudice between Darcy and Miss Bingley about "fine eyes". Why did Darcy tell Caroline ? I know by "he was thinking of her with some complacency" that he is saying the truth but why did he tell her?And what does "great intrepidity" mean? I am SO confused
In context, Caroline is trying to establish a sense of rapport and bonding between herself and Darcy as part of her general pursuit of him. In this scene, she's emphasizing her familiarity and understanding of him by telling him that she knows what he's thinking. Darcy warns her that she probably doesn't. Caroline then vents her own feelings of contempt that she assumes he shares (not altogether irrationally, though she does completely ignore his reply) and emphasizes their total agreement.
Her attempts are generally pretty transparent, and undoubtedly are very obvious to Darcy here. His reactions to Caroline seem to range from "she's a somewhat irritating but at least familiar and tolerable fellow hater" to "something between sardonic amusement at her expense and active annoyance" to "I am genuinely offended." I think at this point that he's not seriously offended, but does find the whole maneuver pretty contemptible and annoying.
Basically, revealing that he's thinking of something entirely different—the pleasantness of a pretty woman's "fine eyes"—directly rejects Caroline's attempt to claim rapport through understanding him without providing specifics. Caroline does not really pick up on the implicit rejection of what she's trying to do, and deliberately fixes her eyes on him, clearly hoping for some hint that he's referring to her and this is an elaborate form of flirtation. Darcy's identification of the woman with fine eyes as Elizabeth immediately shuts that down.
We know that Darcy will be concerned about the possibility that he's led Elizabeth on after their Netherfield debates, in a way that's both comically arrogant in terms of their actual interactions and severely principled in terms of his sense of appropriate conduct towards women. So I tend to think what's going on here is a mixture of feeling it would be pretty shitty to let Caroline imagine he was thinking about her while, at the same time, being simply annoyed with her.
The "great intrepidity" is tongue-in-cheek, I think—to be intrepid is to be daring and unconcerned with danger. So on the literal level, Darcy is being very daring in revealing his (low-grade at this point) attraction to Elizabeth to Caroline, someone who will obviously be hostile to the idea and be petty and annoying about it. The tongue-in-cheek aspect is that this is all honestly pretty trivial at this point and the only danger at hand is Caroline being slightly shitty. I think it's later suggested that Darcy didn't realize at the time just how irritating this would be, so in terms of his consciousness of danger, the "daring" here is ... real as far as it goes, but the stakes are comically low for him.
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linusbenjamin · 1 year
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We have to go back, Kate.
#lost#lostedit#tvedit#lost spoilers#kate austen#jack shephard#nikolatexla#hi anon this is for you and all jate shippers <3#there are so many scenes of them but unfortunately i don't have all the eps#especially the scenes where they kissing and the first time they met :')#so i want to talk about that last gif a bit 😩😭#i don't want to talk about charlie's death i don't think i can handle this#oh my god i thought sarah was coming out of the car and WHO CAME INSTEAD#when i first saw bearded jack i kinda thought it's probably after the island but i wasn't sure#so i saw kate and my heart skipped a beat#i literally cried when jack said i want every single plane to crash#now who is waiting for kate and whose funeral was that...#i can't describe how i felt during that scene so i'm moving to the next issues#so i met daniel miles and charlotte today aghhhh#and the man who gave them order is the man with hurley in hospital... interesting#i'm having a hard time understanding locke rn because he absolutely didn't have to shoot naomi#i mean he's acting like ben. ben shot him and now he does the same thing to sbd else#and hurley saw jacob. and i couldn't figure out who's sitting on that chair... thought maybe jack's father but no#and hurley said oceanic six??? only six people survived huh...#and the best part is... ben was sayid's boss#I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS#my heart didn't just skip a beat. it stopped right there#this show's the best thing that's ever happened to me#people say its finale was garbage you know what i really don't care
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bethanydelleman · 9 months
Merry Christmas to you!
On this day, 208 years ago, Emma spent the day thinking and being miserable over her big mistake over Mr Elton and Harriet.
And a belated Happy Birthday to Emma, which was published on 23 December 1815! Cheers.
Happy Birthday to Emma! And what a Christmas that poor girl had, oh dear!
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 9 months
You are jealous of alba and you have too much time on your hands .
Again?! Wow, you racist fuckers never learn!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Excuse me, bitch. Why the hell would I be jealous of a flat ass hoe, who's only asset is getting naked in front of the internet or some old guy paying her to get inside one of her holes? Who's "husband" can't stand her long enough to actually touch her, let alone fuck her?!
I said it!
I'm sorry you are a sad lonely racist who nobody loves because you have time to go into MY page and tell me what I can or cannot do.
Since you're so interested in what I do, let me tell you, I spend more time with my family in the past few days than you have ever in your whole life, considering you emulate a racist Nazi with zero career, money, husband, but lots of clients.
And not the clients that will get her Hollywood Fame like you think she does.
Now, I've officially wasted 30 minutes of my life on your pathetic, waste of space ass, so I'm going to go and spend time with my Mother, because it's the holidays, and like I said, I don't know if this is our last together.
So, take your probably flat ass, and get off my page before I blow up. There's a reason why you're only the third Evil Anon with a weak ass insult, supporting your favorite slutty Nazi, do you really wanna test me? Or the rest of the Fandom?
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