#aussie trans men
kalethemonster · 2 years
pre-top trans men get yourself some trans tape noooowwww, especially my fellow aussies as its getting hotter and i dont want yall melting this summer. i got mine from an aussie trans run company called sock draw heros (its based near oxford street in sydney,,, bc ofcourse it is) and it’s great. i am currently able to sit in bed shirtless with little to no dysphoria and stay relatively cool despite using a fuzzy ass wheighted blanket every night. it also survives the shower so you can wear it for multiple days and not smell like complete ass also it can be used in combination with a binder if you think you need it, just remember to be careful guys and practice binding safety
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thomascott · 3 months
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Fitness 🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♂️
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official-penis-posts · 2 months
I notice you’re having a couple of trans men asking about stuff lately and I’ve just recently put together a document with some info about transitioning for a few other people who had been asking me so I figured I’d send an ask and see if anyone would be interested in a Dropbox link to that doc.
I’m an Aussie so specialists and surgeons I’ve mentioned are Australia specific (particularly hunter valley/Newcastle region) but the general info about processes and HRT would be fine.
I do also add to the document from time to time as I remember more details to add to it or as I find out more info as I go through things myself.
I’m pretty open about being a transman so even if anyone want to dm me with some questions I’d be fine with that too. (FtM 7 years on T [1 year on gel format and the remainder on injections], 2 years post top surgery + 1 year post full hysterectomy & currently looking into phallo)
Hey thank you for sharing this!
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nerdishpursuits · 7 months
Can you elaborate on your tags about reading jk Rowlings original post?
Just that I admit that at first, when the JKR discourse started back in the day, I didn’t actually go and read the essay she published on her blog, which is the one that started the entire thing. I did go and read it, eventually, because I tend to like forming my own opinions on things. Personally, I didn’t see any evidence of transphobia. Same with her tweets. Sure, she’s a sarcastic troll some days because she’s, probably, tired of this topic. She was arguing there is such a thing as biological sex and people transition from one to the other in order to embrace living authentically. And that kids should be kids as they have no way to consent. They need to be left alone, or helped to make informed decisions they’ll not regret later in life. Perfectly fine and I’m very much supportive of that.
Everyone should love and live as they please, and no one has the right to ostracize them for it. What she called problematic was the complete denial that biological sex exists, hormone blockers in kids who can’t really consent, self IDing as a woman without actually transitioning and some trans activists saying a biological woman’s experience doesn’t matter. I don’t see that as being transphobic. Just logic and concern.
Over the past few days my partner and I went on a deep dive on this topic and found there’s plenty trans people agreeing with JKR. We’ve seen videos of trans women competing in women’s sports and winning, then commenting they don’t care at all about the medals and winning, but simply enjoy having a good time with their friends at the gym. Why compete in the women’s weight lifting category if you don’t care about winning then? Aussie surfer Bethany Hamilton was dropped by her lifelong sponsor in favor of a trans woman who previously competed, and won, in the men’s division. Swimming, wrestling, roller skating even etc. There’s trans women out there claiming they’re the ones who know what a woman is because they’re forced to think about it, whereas a biological woman is simply born and therefore, inferior. Others who claim they experience period cramps or that their genitalia is superior to a biological woman’s etc. As far as I’ve seen. JKR and other trans people have spoken out against these kind of situations, comments and claims. That’s why I think that cancel culture is so toxic. We need to look at the whole picture and stop claiming things are black or white or the damaging adage of if you’re not with me you’re against me.
I think a very loud minority, who doesn’t represent the entirety of the trans community, might actually be doing more harm than good. Not just to the trans community, who deserves nothing but acceptance and support and love, but the rest of the LGBTQ+ community as well. Pushing a narrative too fast, and forcefully, isn’t helping. It’s actually turning people against us and it’s frustrating and depressing. Denying actual biology and elbowing your way into biological women’s spaces won’t win you their love. Calling them birthing people won’t win them over. Calling them lesser won’t open doors either.
There’s a ton of material to be found on YouTube, there’s podcasts, articles etc. Personally, I think people need to sit down and talk and debate and be diplomatic. I’m not saying JKR isn’t without her faults but I do think she’s been demonized for speaking her mind and voicing her concerns about women’s spaces and kids. It’s as if people can’t have a healthy debate anymore. We need to cancel those who don’t agree with us. It’s the all or nothing mob mentality and, personally, I’m sick of it. This is a nuanced topic and should be treated as such. But now you can’t even be a centrist anymore. You have to be for or against and nothing in between. How about we look at what’s right or wrong, for both sides, and decide accordingly. Why this inane ideological war that radicalizes people who should be having a productive conversation instead.
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echo-s-land · 1 year
French queer playlist because why not
Comme ils disent by Charles Aznavour (1972) | about a gay man, he cross-dresses too. Don't really know how to explain that one. It's great, it aged really well (Aznavour was a straight man but he had several queer friends)
Sans Contrefaçon by Mylène Farmer (1987) | wasn't actually written with trans masculinity in mind, but it's a trans masc anthem at this point
Ziggy (un garçon pas comme les autres) by Céline Dion (1991; the original cover/song was in 1978 tho) | girl falls in love with her friend, a gay teen - is sad for herself but doesn't insult him or anything
College boy by Indochine (2013) | a song I found not so long after figuring out my own queerness so it has a special place in my heart. lots of cw for the visual clip (homophobia, bullying, conservatism, police violence, religious hypocrisy, physical assault, crucifixion)
J'ai le droit aussi by Calogero (2014) | gay teenager wants to live like he wants, is scared of other's view/judgement on him (including his parents)
Mohammed je t'aime by Gargäntua (2015) | being gay in the hood is like everywhere else - it may not be a good idea to be public about it. lots of cw for the visual clip (physical assault, homophobia, internalized homophobia, suicide). I hope one day Gargäntua will make a song about Mohammed finding happiness because he clearly deserves it if not for the trauma in this song
comme les autres by keen'v (2015) | gay man (teen?) coming out to his father, father is homophobic
C'est toi qu'elle préfère by Alice et Moi (2017) | sapphic anthem at this point; unrequited love
Normal by Eddy de Pretto (2018) | gay man responding to an homophobe (honestly i find it very satisfying)
Grave by Eddy de Pretto (2018) | the singer is an openly gay man, he talks to a wide range of different gay boys/teens/men and are telling them to not worry when they discover their homosexuality; that it's okay
Séduction by Joanna (2018) | bi woman falls in love with another woman
Ta reine by Angèle (2018) | wlw.
Amour censure by Hoshi (2019) | Hoshi is an openly lesbian singer; the song denounces homophobia
Immoral & Illégal by Gargäntua (2022) | 'Everything I love is immoral and illegal' - if that's not a queer feeling. More seriously, it's more me deciding to interpret the song this way then the song being about queerness. Still, whether you listen to this song and think about addiction, queerness, or any marginalized community, well.. well you can't change my mind about it having (intended or not) queer subtext
La mort avec toi by Gargäntua (2022) | literally 'partners in crimes', I decided it was queer for various reasons but you may not think like me
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saphsslut · 4 months
hey there i'm alya here's a get to know me
18 ☆ she/her (cis) ☆ single ☆ switch ☆ gamer ☆ aussie ☆ lesbian ☆ autistic
my interests: video games (tlou, rdr, LiS, res evil, dbh, gta, tomb raider), star wars, music (goth, emo, whorecore, sapphic), drag, cosplay, art, animals
ASKS ARE OPEN ^^^^ chat abt anything or send horny asks. DMs are also open if u wanna hmu
trans women and non binary welcome on this page!! <3 but fyi i am not attracted to people with penises so please dhmu
DNI: men, homophobes/transphobes, zionists, misogynists, racists (bigots in general really), maps/zoos/p3dos, dykebreakers, swerfs/terfs
kinks below the cut
yes: praise/degradation, bondage, dom/sub, consensual somno, edging, orgasm control, strap fucking, oral, fingering, free use, marking, anal
hard no: master/slave, pet play, ddlg/abdl, body fluids besides female cum, cnc, a/b/o, terms like daddy, cock, dick, etc., incest, choking, knives, rape/race/age play (wtf even r these)
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naoko-world · 4 months
Men aren't inherently bad
As a context I can sometimes see some people talk seriously about men as if them being men make them bad people. I could even see some people extending it to trans men!
But if you see, for example, more men being predatory than women, that's wrong to say every one of them are predators. They can even be strong allies!
To prove it to you I'll talk about some men who proved they were good people and far from predatory. Of course, I could talk about men I personally know but it will be better to concentrate on celebrities since talking about people I know won't make you that interested and will not prove anything to you.
But first, a bit of chauvinism
Still, I'll start by being a big chauvinist and talk about two french youtubers I see as feminists! (Even if none of them actually said they were.)
Le joueur du grenier (the gamer of the attic)
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To introduce him a bit : He started his main emission by being inspired by the angry video game nerd and the nostalgia critic, and is one of the most popular youtuber in France. In his videos he's talking about bad old games, and sometimes talks about tv shows or other kinds of things that aren't games but are nostalgic (like old advertisements). He's also doing other things but I'll stop here since I'm not here to convince you to watch his videos.
In one video about Barbie games (this one in his second channel) he said as a joke "Pourquoi je joue à ça ? Parce que c'est marqué 'Software for girls', donc moi je veux prouver que même les mecs ils peuvent y arriver aussi." (Translation: "Why do I play it? Because it's written 'Software for girls' so I want to prove that the guys can do it too.") I don't know you but I always found it absolutely hilarious! And incredibly feminist!
Even better, in his most recent video he talked about Wii games for girls and, in it, he showed us a world where he's a woman (his role is played by an actress of course) and is playing the games with three other girls. The best is that it doesn't feel like a bad parody, you can really see him in this woman! It's not a stereotype!
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OK now I'm talking about Squeezie, who's the Youtuber N°1 in France! He's basically the french Mr.Beast/Pewdiepie with a lot of concepts. His most popular is Who's the imposter, for which he added dubbing for one of the episodes.
To tell you about something pro-feminist he did, I could talk about his video about Kathrine Switzer, who's the first woman to run the marathon at a time where it was forbidden for women to run it. I could also mention his video where he invited one actress who was here to promote La maison des femmes (the house of women) which is a place where women can receive some care for various cases like when they're victims of violence.
Even better, in his emission Le pire date (the worst date), in the second episode, he was playing with 2 other men, but also one woman. Among the dates there was also one man. So we could see one woman trying to win some women's hearts (they're all actresses of course) and the men were seen trying to win a man's heart (also an actor).
Now for american celebrities!
It's time to talk about people you may know!
Keanu Reeves
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This one surprised me a lot! Because I would never have thought about what he's praised for: not touching women when doing photos with them.
I personally did photos with celebrities and each time they were touching me because it's some kind of a automatism. It never bothered me because I never thought that I had the choice to refuse or accept being touched. So, hearing that Keanu Reeves don't touch women because, by default, he considers he doesn't have their consent... That makes me feel so happy! Also thinking about the possibility I could refuse to be touched during a photo.
Frederick Douglass
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Here is an example of a man who escaped slavery to finally become a leader of the abolitionist movement in New York and Massachusetts. He was pretty famous for being a good orator and his writing against slavery but, according to a pdf from the secretary of the commonwealth of Massachussets, he was also fighting in favor of women's right to vote. I quote it: "Frederick Douglass’s lifelong commitment to women’s rights reflected a belief that rights should be universal, not limited by race or gender. He believed that disenfranchised groups should support each other."
Fred Rogers
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Well, this one I couldn't know them and I'm so happy I could learn about his existence!
For what I understood of it, he animated the children show Mr.Rogers's neighborhood, where he talked about many societal issues such as divorce or how to deal with issues of race. He also added in the show a recurring character who's an african-american police officer (played by François Clemmons), another character who is a mayor who is an african-american woman (played by Maggie Steward), and he showed his puppet Lady Elaine Fairchilde travel to Jupiter and discover a planet...
That man seemed to be a really good one who was embracing feminist values, as well as the anti-racism.
Danny DeVito
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In an interview for The guardian, Danny DeVito has been asked if Hollywood is unfair to women. I love his answer, which is: ""I don't think it's only Hollywood, I think it's just generally speaking. Most men somewhere in their psyche are still dragging women around by their hair. It's terrible. I have two daughters, but even before my kids were born I always thought that it was terrible."
If we're asking about his actions, when Mara Wilson's mom got Breast cancer during the filming of Matilda he and his wife cared a lot for the girl, even inviting her at their home so she could forget a bit about her mother's illness. You can see more details on an article from Thelist.
Nonetheless that's so sweet of him!
Tom Hiddleston
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Honestly when my friends suggested Tom Hiddleston because "he's a feminist" I was pretty skeptic. Especially since I heard men calling themselves "feminists" but being jerks outside of this.
But then, when looking for proof of it, I found this video showing many times where Tom Hiddleston was respectful toward women... Which convinced me he earned his place in my post... Especially with how many times in the video he's praising actresses he worked or is working with! Like OMG Tom I hope you really think that! Also... If I were them, I'd be touched by those words.
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Back to YouTube with a man who made me question how I support trans people: Alex from the channel SquidTips.
Why is that? Because he's straight and cisgender but is showing the LGBT flag and trans flag in his logo and in his shorts where they're visible behind him (for example in this video). You can see in the screenshot that he even wears t-shirts with these flags.
He's also promoting LGBT rights in his longer videos, like in this one about why transgender women belong in women's sports.
What else do you want? He's awesome!
David Tennant
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When thinking about good men one of the first people I thought about was David Tennant.
Like if I got fed up with him as The doctor since he returned in the role to be another incarnation of it, I still appreciate some things he has done and is probably still doing.
In the said things there's this t-shirt you can see him wearing during the promotion of Good Omens season 2, which is saying "Leave trans kids alone you freaks", and the trans and non-binary pins he sometimes put on.
In the same topic, he also said some things that are very pro-transgender and non-binary as the Media ThePinkNews reported.
And as a last one... My favorite...
Rick Riordan
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Rick Riordan is, of course, Percy Jackson's author. He also wrote the sequels The heroes of Olympus and The trials of Apollo, as well as the spin-offs The Magnus chase and Kane Chronicles, and standalone books related to that universe.
Let's say that I admire this man... He included a lot of representations in his books after Percy Jackson ; which had been reproached to him by some parents who didn't want their children to learn about homosexuality, trans identity or other things he included ; but, in the first series, you can also see something awesome: strong and smart girls and women who aren't here only to please the male characters! I even think that Annabeth, Percy's soon-to-be-girlfriend, could have been the main character instead of Percy.
In the first series you can even see a daughter of Aphrodite and a daughter of Ares being besties and deeply loving each other (officially without them being in love with each other, especially since one of them has a boyfriend and the other one found her love interest at some point)... That's pretty touching! What is awesome is also how none of them are shamed for being either girly or not enough, they're only both two girls with different tastes.
I love these books, I love this man, I want to be a writer like him !
Adding that, outside of his books, he also created the imprint Rick Riordan presents, where he highlights books about other cultures or mythology written by other authors who asked to join the imprint. You can see a list of these books here!
As a conclusion I will only hope I could convince you that claiming that men are naturally predatory is a bad way to fight for women's rights but also incredibly wrong. Like I chose these examples but I was given many names ! No, being a man doesn't make anyone a bad person.
Also we can't fight for equality between the genders if we're stuck with the idea that the entirely male gender is an enemy of women. Furthermore, this idea brings some questions like "Do you consider that trans men are enemies too?" (Well, I saw some people who would reply "yes" to that question) and "What about non-binary people? Are they enemies or not?”
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windypuddle · 1 year
enstars headcanons
ok im going in order but i dont have headcanons for a few characters for sure. so. whatever on we go . just saying in advance these are mostly gender and Autism
eichi tenshouin: look i cant say anythinf about this guy hes already canonically terminally ill and gay. like what do you want me to do
wataru hibiki: genderfluid. whatever gender fits the performance. shes the moment hes the star theyre the epitome of an actor
tori: boy you are so gnc. princess but not a girl you know
yuzuru: has definitely had impulse thoughts about dying his hair and having a scene phase at 3 am
hokuto: bigender. sooooo queer . also autistic
mao: um ritsu braided his hair sometimes when they were younger
chiaki: trans guy i have many feelings about this but he leans into the hero thing because its gender affirming. also autism
kanata: no gender only blublublub. likes wearing long skirts. filipino. has like 1 million fish earrings. also autism
tetora: TRANSMASC ‼️💥💪
midori: transfem... also autistic.. she is so important
shinobu: Autism Autism Autism. bonus the detachment from gender that sometimes comes with the autism but he hasnt really thought about it. hes just some guy
hiiro: transmasc autistic i will die on this hill
aira: my lovely mutuals have convinced me with blasian aira its canon to me now. white french? no. cowards happyele are cowards i tell you. theres such a vast portion of the francophone world that is not white . also transmasc
mayoi: scaredgirl weirdboy core. whatever gender is easier at the moment. she likes being pretty
tatsumi: ok yknow what. fuck it. aroace tatsumi
nagisa: so much autism. nonbinary guy. religious trauma
ibara: lesbian. not going to elaborate bc thats not my problem ibara is just a lesbian
hiyori: hes just gay idk what to tell you. cisboy gay who is so annoying. when people complain about "gay isn't a personality trait" theyre complaining about him. also chubby
jun: also gay but fans love him for being normal about it. one of his main motivations for working out is being able to princess carry hiyori. hes so polite usually its insane but with eden he doesnt care because he loves them so hes a bit of a bitch
shu: god is a woman and her name is shu itsuki. transfem and autistic i will Also die on this hill.
mika: transmasc and autistic
hinata: men liker but dont ask me about her gender idk
yuuta: i see those slipups in twin peaks girl u are transfem nonbinary i think
rinne: bigender [wild cheering] also demi aka down bad for niki specifically
niki: tboy swag but hes not really bothered too much about medically transitioning. arospec i think
himeru: Sooooo nonbinary. so so so nonbinary. i like to hc afab nonbinary himeru and mainly got top surgery to more easily pass as kaname but like gahdamn of course you have blue hair and pronouns (they/it/no pronouns)
kohaku: tboy swag . the gender in crazy:b is off the charts
rei: 1 million genderqueer and SO gay. has all the problems of an older sister but also the hotness that comes with issues u know.
kaoru: ok. bear with me. aussie. also transfem... like what do you mean you hate men and only hang out with girls. definitely arospec
koga: AUTISM!! weirdgirl to autism boy wonder transmasc swag pipeline
adonis: also autism. he can be gnc. as a treat
keito: come on man we all know youre gay and insufferable about it
kuro: he should get to have piercings i think
souma: autism boy wonder. while you were busy learning social cues he was studying the blade. also applies to gender norms
nazuna: boy there is something gender going on with you. weirdboy or maybe a gender cis people have never heard of.
tomoya: That Is The Normalest Girl I've Ever Seen
mitsuru: autism
hajime: girl what is your gender. hes like the narrator of the arch nemesis cynthia post. so poor they cant afford a gender
tsukasa: autistic and please please please let him be chubby. staring at happyele with my biggest saddest eyes Please let tsukasa be chubby. while you're at it can he wear a skirt. please
leo: ok i give a lot of characters autism because i have autism and i get it but i think leo has adhd
izumi: agender. any pronouns. idk what to tell you he said in next door that he doesnt care about gender only beauty
arashi: only normal one in knights. i love aranee she should get 1 million hours to stress bake if she wants to
ritsu: ah i understand why vampires are gay. occasionally a girl if its funny
natsume: Diversity win!! the angry witch is transmasc!!! neurodivergent but i think its funnier if i dont specify.
tsumugi: new gender unlocked its pathetic wifeguy. hes every spirit in the fields of punishment and he does it willingly for natsume
sora: wahoo autism ^_^ yippee!!
madara: is cowboy a gender?
feel free to reblog and throw in ur own headcanons i love hearing other fans hcs it is so awesome!!
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nintendont2502 · 11 months
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hey hi howdy yo etc its me aussie davesprite/ds/nintendont/crow/whatever the fuck
18, Aussie, queer as shit and trans as hell
@gayvesprite < art blog
i dont have a dni but if youre a cunt im blocking you <3 peace and love on planet earth
all my links n such here
talk to me about these please pleas eplease im begging
Homestuck (ESPECIALLY davesprite)
The Smith Street Band
fuckin. aussie shit? i guess? always down to talk about that
did i already mention davesprite
god ive completely forgotten everything else im into apparently. god damn!
things i do sometimes i guess
write fic
art (debatably)
sewing (even more debatably)
video game
Listen To Music
scroll on phone for hours on end
eat hot chip and lie
uni? does uni count?
music i like
The Smith Street Band (< so so so normal about them)
Toby Fox
Hilltop Hoods but just their older stuff
Bliss N Eso but only like. Flying Colours and two other random songs
Florence and The Machine
Brian David Gilbert
Tom Cardy
Homestuck OST
Seth Sentry
Violent Soho/Idles/DMAS (combined because theyre the same vibes to me)
Weird Al
Bo Burnham. I guess.
a bunch of other random shit here just go check out my main playlist
god idk what else to put here its like 1 am uhhh. men :thumbsup: ask me about heirstuck i guess
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thomascott · 3 months
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Shower time 💦🌈🥵
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credulouscanidae · 7 months
during my first visit to england when me and my partner were both pre t, we tried to go to a public toilet that had a pay gate of like 40p or something. i, being a fresh aussie tourist, fumbled with my change trying to work out what the coins were, and i got stuck at the gate and looked obviously flustered.
this older man was leaving the toilets at that same moment, so he pushed the exit button for us and prompted us to run through the now open gate.
we thanked him for his help, to which he replied in his heavy northern accent, "no worries. by the way, what are you both doing in here? this is the men's room"
my baby trans arse had no idea how to respond, but my partner, in such a dead pan tone, promptly replied with "we ARE the men"
and the guy just shrugged and said "oh alright" and walked away
i still think back to this fondly and while i havent been in a situation like that since, it's absolutely a response i'm going to use if questioned again lmao
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coochiequeens · 2 years
It’s bad enough that grown ass men are trying to weasel their way into women only spaces but to see them now try to do they same to space meant for minor girls is infuriating.
An Australian mother has come forward to express concerns about an adult man who had been given access to her daughter’s Girl Guides event, ostensibly on the basis of his gender identity.
Every year, the Girl Guides in Australia holds a Jamboree advertised to Australian parents of as a week long adventure of female empowerment for their daughters. This year, over 1,000 young Australian girls between the ages of 10 and 17 attended the event in Ballarat, Victoria. For many, this was their first time away from home and family.
While most parents might assume that the staff in closest contact with their girls would be female, one Aussie mother was horrified to have received a text message from her daughter that there was a man in attendance. 
Speaking to Reduxx, Queensland mother Sadie* says she had allowed her 14-year-old daughter to travel with her Guiding friends to the Jamboree, but shortly after received a text message from the girl informing her that there was a man “pretending to be a woman, wearing a Guide shirt.”
Sadie said she immediately contacted the camp leader and second-in-charge with the information her daughter provided. After a brief investigation, Sadie was told that the man was “was part of the Scouts group assisting the event set-up but not staying on site.” Sadie was initially told the man may have “borrowed” the shirt.
Sadie says that she understood that the usual procedure for males on Guide camp sites was for them to be chaperoned by a Guide Leader. But, as messages from her daughter continued to roll in, Sadie quickly learned the man was participating in events directly with the girls.
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Sadie explains she received images and messages from her daughter of the man performing onstage in a skirt with the local hosting guide troop, mingling with the children, and appearing to act in a supervisory capacity.
“If I could have jumped in the car and brought her home, I would have… but this was the first time she had travelled interstate without me, I was even fearful of telling other parents as I didn’t want them to feel as distressed and helpless as I did. Parents should have been told that a man was participating as a Guide on-site at the Jamboree.”
Sadie once again contacted Camp Leaders, who told her they would “talk” to her daughter — something Sadie says she instructed them not to do. She told Reduxx she did not want her daughter singled out or disciplined, and was concerned her child would be “gaslit” by adult staff insisting the man was in fact a woman.
Upon returning home, Sadie says her daughter told her: “We could all see he is a man, he had facial fluff, but nobody dared say anything.”
Girl Guides Australia’s Child Safe Safety Frameworks places emphasis on that it is an “inclusive, supportive, safe and friendly girl-only environment,” but further policies articulate that “girls” can include anyone who identifies as such.
According to the organization’s Guidelines for Diversity and Inclusion: “Membership of GGA and SGGOs is limited to girls and women. Under the terms of this policy, ‘girls and women’ include persons who identity as and live their lives as, females. For the purposes of Australian Guiding membership, non-female gender is a lawfully permitted basis for denying membership.”
On the basis of these guidelines, Girl Guides Australia is open to any person, male or female, who expresses a “female’’ gender identity. Ironically, any female who does not have a “female” gender identity, such as those who identify as as “non-binary” or “trans,” would not be allowed to participate in Girl Guides membership.
The guidelines further state that the organization would not discriminate against any member on the basis of sex or gender identity.
Sadie believes the policies must be urgently reviewed in order to ensure the safeguarding of the young girls who participate in Girl Guides events. 
“The Girl Guiding Inclusion policy … does not reflect community expectations. It must be reassessed by sensible voices who see safeguarding of our children as the priority, not the inclusion of men and boys able to roam unsupervised around our young daughters,” the mother says.
Sadie has told Reduxx she has reported the presence of a male at the Jamboree as an official incident with her daughter’s Girl Guide Leaders. At this stage, she said she feels her “concerns have been taken seriously.” If the response is considered unsatisfactory, Sadie may escalate her concerns higher in the organization.
Girl Guides Australia did not respond to a request for comment on their policies.
While the identity of the transgender male who oversaw the youth at the Jamboree is currently unknown, this is not the first time concerns have been raised about the global shift in “inclusivity” amongst Girl Guides organizations. 
Last year, a frenzy was sparked in the United Kingdom after a trans-identified male with a disturbing social media history became the lead Commissioner for the Southwell division of Girlguding, the nation’s Girl Guides franchise.
Monica Sulley, a male who identifies as a woman, became the lead Commissioner for the Southwell division of Girlguiding in July of 2021, but came to widespread attention later on in the year after concerning social media posts emerged. Sulley had made posts on multiple platforms of photos of himself posing with weapons, dressed in bondage gear, and captioning himself “Mistress.”
Some members of the public who attempted to contact Girlguiding to submit complaints about Sulley were later contacted by police and threatened with arrest
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qnewsau · 8 months
Bill Armitt: A trans man in the bush in 1950
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/bill-armitt-a-trans-man-in-the-bush-in-1950/
Bill Armitt: A trans man in the bush in 1950
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After a trip to the Big Smoke to consult Sydney’s leading gynaecologists, trans man Bill Armitt caught a bus back to the bush and disappeared from history.
In 1950, 22-year-old Bill Armitt lived in the 100-year-old slab hut where he was born. Home-schooled on a farm 60 kilometres from Goulburn, he grew up with no other kids to play with. Although assigned female at birth, Bill stopped wearing dresses at seven. He cut his hair short, wore men’s clothing and took up the tough life of an Aussie bushman.
The Sydney Truth interviewed Bill twice for newspaper articles, once at home in the bush, and again during his trip to Sydney.
Bill told the paper he worked six days a week, getting out of bed at 5 and making breakfast for himself and his elderly father. He then made himself two thick jam sandwiches for lunch, and walked two miles into the bush where he worked until dusk clearing scrub and grubbing out stumps. Back home, he made dinner from cold mutton and boiled potatoes. He read a Western novel by the flickering light of a kerosene lamp for about an hour before bed.
Once a year, he went to the pictures in Goulburn and saw a Western.
But, happy as Bill seemed, he “worried for years as the the nature of [his] sex.”
A Macquarie St specialist told Truth it was possible Bill was a man whose sex just needed adjusting by an operation: intersex.
Bill Armitt in Sydney
Bill left the farm and headed for Sydney where he saw the sea for the first time, rode an escalator, and a train… and was examined by gynecologists.
They declared him medically a woman, devastating the young man.
“I know in my heart that I am a man and that I will always be a man.”
The gynaecologists referred Bill to a psychoanalyst who confronted Bill with his choices in life.
Dress as a woman and superficially live life as a woman: “a fish out of water, a social misfit.”
Or go back to the life he knew and loved – the hard life of a bush worker. Kudos to this 1950s psychoanalyst for recognising Bill’s truth. He already lived his authentic life. It was a tough life but the life he loved.
At 5.10 on a Thursday afternoon in 1950, Bill Armitt caught the bus back to Goulburn, returned to the family farm and never again made news.
His father died in 1956 and Bill about two decades later in 1974.
Trans Men in Aussie History:
Eugene Falleni: The trans man who killed to protect his identity.
Newspaper apologises for outing Bendigo trans man 143 years ago.
Revisiting Bill Smith, Australia’s first transgender jockey.
And overseas….
1945: When Kiwi transman Mr X got married.
Murray H. Hall: trans political operative shocked New York.
Charles Winslow Hall, ‘exposed by illness’.
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violetbarks · 1 year
I'm Violet, I don't really know what I'm doing but I figured I should make a pinned post? >.<
I'm trans, 23, Aussie, Sapphic (mostly t4t but not always), and use She/Her or It/It's pronouns. Am puppy brained and a total bottom.
This blog is for following n (hopefully) meeting cool kinky / queer people and will be inherently NSFT, have lewd / kink posts and stuff.
DNI: 🔞minors, no age in bio/pin, Terfs, right wing pol, anti-lgbt+, CisHet men.
My DMs are open otherwise but I literally don't know how to see them rn. I'm also shy/anxious as fuck so I will basically never message first but I do wanna make new friends n stuff >.<
I also have a Fedi page: @[email protected]
As for kinks/interests:
BDSM (generalised)
Dolls & Drones
Much more (I can't decide what else to list there's too much >.<)
I sometimes write microfics n stuff when something pops into my head
Hard limits:
Age play
Hurtful / mean-spirited degredation
That's all I can think of to put, I hope I can edit this later ><
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shartancashmore · 1 year
Tilly’s v Danes in a  few hours ... surprising how many here in Oz are keen to watch women’s soccer, considering how one-eyed they are with their blessed Aussie rules or Rugby.  It’s a real boost to women’s sport and the whole ‘should trans/biological men play against women’.
‘Til its done
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menalez · 1 year
Same Anon re: butch rep or lack thereof in queer love ultimatum:
Do you have a link/tag for your posts about the show? I didn’t see the butch rep post and I’d love read what other radfems think. I scrolled back but couldn’t find it.
And yeah I agree pretty much everyone except Xander, yoly (although she’s not 100% innocent,) and Sam suck to varying degrees, I only singled Vanessa out because the ask was about gender identities and Vanessa identifies as pansexual instead of lesbian. I felt bad for the other lesbians because they were to my knowledge, lesbians attracted to women, but technically dating self admitted non-women. Toxicity/drama wise, I pretty much agree with the general consensus on Mildred/Lexi/Rae/Aussie/tiff/Vanessa so I’m not going to add anything abt them.
My only unpopular opinion is about mal. Mal doesn’t necessarily suck per say, I think she’s a decent person and she’s super fine. but like Vanessa, her sudden reversal into wanting to propose seems motivated by wanting to “win,” instead of a genuine desire to commit to yoly. The fact that she suddenly started picking up after herself around the house shows she was capable of doing it all along but was content to let yoly pick up after her. The way she is motivated by wanting to win is a lot less obvious and less malicious than Vanessa, because she does care about yoly to some degree and she might not even consciously realize her motives. But I don’t think her intentions are genuine, I think she’s a real smooth talker towards both Lexi, yoly, and the camera/audience. I empathize with her a lot because I’m a poc lesbian (femme Indonesian though, not black butch,) and if a white woman showed up with a real chance of taking my girlfriend away I’d be feeling all types of old insecurities and might feel the overwhelming urge to win. I might be reading into it, but I just think if everyone wants to call Vanessa out for her sudden change of heart, it might be good to acknowledge that Mal is kind of doing something similar, but a lot less clumsily. I know she said she eventually wanted to get married after her finances were taken care of, but after the finance conversation w/yoly, I’m a bit suspicious about whether she was actually taking concrete steps to make that reality happen, or if she was using that as a delaying excuse. I would hate for her and her bestie to spin the narrative that yoly was some sort of gold digger who abandoned Mal to fall in love with Xander’s financial statements, because it kind of looked like they were implying that in the last episode. I had a soft spot for Mal, but I think I if the threat of xander were to go away, Mal would go back to her old, not-picking-up, marriage and kids delaying self.
this was my post about it. no one besides me rly shared their thoughts on that tho, to me i just thought it was concerning and indicative of a larger trend & commonly held idea nowadays that gnc = u must be non-binary or trans somehow. it all goes back to "cis = you identify as the gender you were born as" and gender simply being the societally & culturally ascribed roles based on ur sex... based on that logic ofc butch lesbians would not fit in and ofc many gnc people dont "feel" like theyre women (if female) or men (if male) but rather simply exist in the body that theyre in and dont conform to the gender roles pushed onto them.
i actually rly thought tiff was terrible at first but surprisingly, out of the bunch shes not the worst. definitely aussie (big disappointment. was into her at first), vanessa (also disappointment. shes rly beautiful too), mildred, and lexie are the ones i really didnt like. i loved mal, xander, & rae the most. im at a stage where im not 100% sure about yoly i mean she seems really lovely but the fact that mal expressed these insecurities holding her back from marriage & yoly basically confirmed every single one of them was like. really sad to see. and seeing mal cry so much was heartbreaking too ? like poor baby mal i want to just hug her and find a way to cheer her up.
i do agree w u tho that mal wanting to get married doesnt make much sense. i mean yoly basically confirmed every fear mal had that was keeping her from getting married to begin with!! if that were me id be like hell no im not proposing to u, if my main concerns were 1. im not financially ready and 2. my partner falls in love with everyone quickly and in the same way so why would *i* be the one, and then my partner went and proved she wants someone with more money + falls in love so fast (2 WEEKS!?!??) then id just say no way maam! we'll get married when u address my concerns! BUT that said, u made some decent points. i also was skeptical of the sudden flip to wanting to get married to yoly & the sudden meeting all of yoly's desires, like when someone is acting that way u rly dont know if theyre genuinely that way or if theyre just doing it to win. im skeptical of those things being consistent things too.
i got a similar sense to u there but also i generally just dont believe anyone is 100% genuine on the show, maybe the most genuine has been rae or even yoly bc yoly has been pretty direct & open w her feelings despite the issues it was causing. xander seems sweet but i definitely thought it was odd that she told yoly shes in love w her and then when vanessa asked she said she doesnt love yoly .. oh also sam is just amazing. i loved seeing her grow enough to stand up for herself and speak up unapologetically. i was super disappointed by aussie tbh she was like one of the women i was rly rooting for bc idk asian butches just have my heart bc they make me think of my lovely gf yanno but she rly let me down and was imo the absolutely worst of the bunch, even tho the one who would get shit on all the time is vanessa (who i think is not even as bad)
also lexie is annoying as hell and i think rae should dump her bc i was just getting some red flags from how lexie was acting ngl
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