#aus are already pretty absurd by definition!
dollhousemary · 2 years
@ the people in the notes of that post being like “oh my god just make people up 🙄 it’s annoying/it doesn’t make sense for blah blah blah” why do you hate fun?
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devotedfem · 1 month
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→ Darkweb
Synopsis: In your 4 years working for the FBI you never witnessed something like this. An unknown hacker that stole all of your confidential files has been blackmailing you for weeks. The only thing he asked in return to not leak confidential information, it's a "date" with you out of the city.
Jeon Jungkook x f. reader
Genre: criminal au | yander-ish
Tags: criminal Jungkook, detective reader, chasing, violence, yandere Jungkook, stalking, stalker Jungkook, hacking, kidnapping, delusional Jungkook.
From the series masterlist; The chasing.
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The burning feeling of rage and frustration run hot in your veins. Your files were hacked, all of them.
Every time you try to open a file, a mocking notification shows up:
Accept my date pretty please?
That was what anger you so bad, because the person who is doing all of this just wants a date with you and that was ridiculous and absurd. Couldn’t they ask you like a normal person instead of stealing confidential information? It wasn’t that hard.
“Fucking creep,” you groaned sighing deeply, already tired of dealing with this.
This information was delicate, and the government would arrest you or even kill you if these files fall into the wrong hands. It was something that genuinely frightened you, this wasn’t a game for you, this was serious but that psycho was playing mind games with you, and for what? For a simple date? There must be a bait, definitely.
You tried again to open or close a file, and the same notification shows up, but three times.
Accept my date pretty please?
“Oh my god! Okay you fucking annoying creep!” you shouted, clicking on the accept bottom.
And then, nothing happened.
You snorted rolling your eyes, but your breath hitched the moment that the screen of your laptop went completely dark, and then, another notification shows up, telling you the direction of your date, but what scared you was the message below it:
Don’t be late and go ALONE, or you’ll regret it😊
Your hand trembled a little when you closed the notification, but you felt relieved when you opened your files without problem this time.
But that uneasy feeling was heavy in your stomach, something was really off with this person. But you weren’t a coward and neither a bad detective, so you will endure this.
Hopefully you will end alive.
The last thing you remember, it’s sitting in a restaurant waiting for your stalker before you felt a sting at the back of your head and everything turning black.
You groaned with pain, blinking slowly to open your eyes. Your heart stopped and your veins run ice cold at the sight before you. You were in a dark warehouse, with your legs and wrists bounded, sitting in front of a table with candles and food.
Was this your date?
The realization frightened you, and although you were expecting something like this to happen, you didn’t feel any less scared. You couldn’t help the tears streaming from your eyes.
A tall and buff man sat in front of you, he was dressed nice and all in black. He has a youthful face with piercings in his lips and tattoos all over his arms. Your heart squeeze inside of your chest, he was so handsome, why didn’t he just ask you out?
He took off the tape of your mouth, smiling prettily like a bunny.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Why did you kidnap me? Couldn’t you just ask me out like a normal person? Or fucking have this date in that restaurant instead of… here,” you said watching your surroundings with distress.
The sweet smile of the man fell at your words, his face hardened making you feel nervous.
And then, he slammed his hand on the table, making some things to fall to the ground, shattering. You startled scared, watching him with wide eyes.
“You will speak to me nicely! And you should be more grateful that I took you here instead of killing you!” he shouted with anger, and your eyes blurred with tears.
You nodded, too scared to speak.
His face softens immediately, and he stands to come closer to you, grabbing gently your chin to make you look up at him.
“I didn’t mean to yell at you sweetheart, but don’t make me angry again, okay?” he asked softly, but his eyes were hard with a warn written in them.
You nodded again, but he just sighed annoyed.
“Words, y/n.”
“Okay,” you whispered, and he smiled at you widely, stroking your cheek as a reward.
“That’s my good girl,” he said smirking, but he didn’t move from his place, instead he came closer to you, leaning his hands on each side of your chair, caging you between his arms. You looked up at him with fear, and he seemed to like it.
“And no, I didn’t kidnap you. You accepted this date, it’s consensual, and you know what is consensual too? You living with me very far away from here.” He said with mischievous and darkness in his eyes.
This time you cried with desperation.
“No that’s not true! I just accepted your date, not you kidnapping me!” you wailed, scared and angry, but he just looked at you with amusement and sadism.
“You should’ve know better before clicking that bottom.”
You laugh wetly with bitterness and no humor. The man was crazy and that didn’t even surprise you.
You were so fucked up.
@demonshauntingthedoves @oddracha
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haykawas · 11 months
summary : you knew you were doomed since he first smiled at you.
word count : 1.6K tags : gn!reader, hanahaki disease!au, mentions of blood, angst. just... angst. fluff if you squint.
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You knew you were doomed since he first smiled at you.
You had met at a little coffee shop, the kind of place where the barista knew your order by heart. You’d discovered this little haven of peace when you were in college, and since then, it had been the only constant in your life.
And then he had shown up, turning everything upside down and changing your whole world for the worse and for the better.
Suguru was the embodiment of enigma and allure, he had been since you first laid eyes on him, like a riddle you longed to solve. That day, he came and asked if he could sit across from you as there was no other seat available, and you agreed with a smile, your heart fluttering as he grinned in return. 
Going back, you could have sworn the Café had been pretty calm, that day.
The first petal slipped from your lips one evening when you arranged to meet at a cozy jazz bar in town that he particularly liked. Before you met him, you had never been much for jazz yourself, but you could now give an hour-long lecture on the spot if someone asked you to. Your eyes were on him as he talked about a book he had recently read with passion. You had always liked the way he delved into his interests, the way his eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, and the way he furrowed his brows when he playfully poked fun at the outlandish theories he had heard a few days prior, and formulated his own to emphasize the absurdity of some of them – and you’d never tell him, but his were often even more absurd than the ones he liked to poke fun at. The conversation went effortlessly, but as he reached across the table, leaning in close enough to remove a stray eyelash that had caught on your cheek, you felt it catch in your throat, just begging to crawl out and make itself known.
You swallowed it without a second thought, a smile gracing your lips as he made a joke you didn’t hear, his eyes locked onto yours, a warm, gentle light in their chocolate depths. You remembered how he’d noticed your mind had been somewhere else like it often was when you were with him, and he’d laughed, the noise being music to your ears.
He’d always loved jazz more than any other genre. As for yourself, you’d always found solace in the melodious timbre of his voice, a preference that held much more significance in your heart than any other music.
You dug your fingernails into your palms to direct the pain elsewhere, a soft laugh leaving your lips as he started telling you about the time his white-haired friend had almost burned his apartment down.
At first, it had been a mere tickle in the back of your throat, a subtle reminder of the love that could never be. You would always brush it off, finding all kinds of excuses as Suguru looked at you with worried eyes, and asked you if you were okay. However, as the days turned into weeks and months, the illness began to flourish within you. What had begun with you occasionally coughing up a petal or two when you thought he wasn’t looking became full-blown crises that even made it difficult for you to breathe.
By this time, you had already figured out what was causing your suffering.
Hanahaki. Of course.
He could never have loved you.
You thought that deep down, you had always known that you loved him, from the moment he’d asked if he could sit with you, when the café had definitely been practically empty.
It’d just taken a while for your mind to realize it, when your heart had always known. Then again, you didn’t want to change anything about your relationship, because you were content with what you had. So what if he sometimes met with other people, what if he spent the night with them, doted on them and asked you for advice? In the end, he always came back to you.
You didn’t need him to love you back, to cherish you like you cherished him, to see you and only you, to be the only person he’d want to touch and taste and worship– 
Until you did.
And yet, you could never tell him, burden him with your truth. He was too beautiful to have worry marring his delicate features, too precious to bear what was your pain and only yours. He had a soft heart, and you knew that if he ever learned of your predicament, he would never forgive himself, knowing he could have done something, anything, to save you.
But you couldn’t be saved, you couldn’t be helped. That love was too rooted in your heart to ever be unearthed. And deep down, you knew you didn’t want it to be. He had become a part of you and to give him up would also mean giving up a piece of your heart.
Somewhere along the way, you’d learned to live with it, knowing exactly when you’d need to excuse yourself to the bathroom to spit out what had first been petals, then had developed into whole flowers, and then into stems. Eventually, the thorns began to grow, causing you to start coughing out blood, requiring you to always have tissues at hand in case Suguru would ask questions. He was too clever not to notice, so you eventually started to avoid him on the days you felt worse than usual, the ones that would have you glued to bed, panting.
It was Shoko who had first figured out what you were going through, and how could she not? Your friend was a doctor, a doctor who had immediately called you stupid for not consulting her on the matter. She’d urged you to tell him, practically begging for you to come forward and stop this madness.
In hindsight, maybe she had been right. Perhaps you should have told him everything, to spare yourself from this situation. You closed your eyes in regret. 
What was supposed to be a simple movie night with Suguru, like you had every Friday, had just taken a completely different turn. Despite the pain you felt, you couldn’t help but blame yourself for what you were about to put him through. You’d been sitting on his couch as you two watched one of your favorite movies, because it had been your turn to pick, and he must have been starting to feel a bit tired, because he suddenly let out a small yawn, before gently resting his head on your shoulder. Feeling the weight on you, you’d turned your head and had found him already looking at you, a cheeky smile on his lips, before redirecting his gaze back to the movie.
It had been innocent on his end, but you were already too far gone. Your heart hadn’t been able to handle it, and you had to come up with an excuse to rush to the bathroom as soon as you felt it. This excruciating pain shooting through you, a pain so strong and sharp you didn’t even have time to close the door behind you before you’d collapsed on the cold floor of his bathroom. 
Pain clawed at your heart as you felt the thorns bore into your insides, your face contorting in hurt. Your breathing was frantic, your eyes glazed over and filled with unshed tears as you desperately gasped for air.
One minute you were lying on the ground alone, and the next you heard him rushing to you, cursing as he discovered you lying in a sea of petals in agony.
You tried to speak, but your voice came out hoarse and strained, the thorns piercing your throat.
“Don’t speak, you’re only going to hurt yourself more.” He murmured softly as he cradled you in his lap, one hand holding the back of your head as his eyes searched yours.
“How… Why didn’t you tell me you were hurting so badly?” His voice broke as he tried to comprehend the situation, the shock of seeing your body almost passed out on his floor mixed with the realization you’d been hiding your suffering from him for months. He’d immediately figured it out when his gaze had fallen on the bloody petals that now covered his bathroom. “I could have helped. I could have saved you.”
“Now you know that’s not true, I’m stubborn and you know that.” You laughed, your chest tightening and heaving painfully. You smiled sadly, placing a hand on Suguru’s cheek to cradle his face. In a heartbeat, he covered it with his own, intertwining your fingers and pressing your joined hands to his cheek.
“Love, Suguru, is a disease with no cure. I couldn’t save myself from it any more than you could have.” You managed a weak smile, and he watched in despair as the light slowly disappeared from your eyes, your hand suddenly laying limp and cold on his cheek.
He felt a violent pang in his chest.
He’d been too late to save you.
His slender hands tenderly rested on your cheek, while his fingers frantically swiped at your lips to wipe away the blood you’d coughed. Suguru laughed in disbelief, eyes crazed as his mind didn’t seem to process you weren’t just playing a trick on him, fooling him into believing you were no longer there when you had just been making fun of a stupid romcom character together.
When did it all go wrong? Why hadn't he noticed the spiral you'd lost yourself into, when all of this could have been resolved with just a few, simple words?
The man exhaled a shaky breath, his eyes still wide with shock. The pain in his chest grew unbearable, as if a thousand needles had suddenly pierced his heart, and he gasped, clutching his chest. His eyes shut tight as he started coughing uncontrollably, the pain blinding him momentarily.
When Suguru finally opened his eyes, they fell on a single delicate petal, painted crimson.
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AN : sorry . in my defense hanahaki is one of my absolute favorite tropes and i'm a sucker for unrequited love (even if it isn't the case here). so here we have flowers as a metaphor of unprofessed love, the petals representing the words you want to say but won't. i got inspired by one post i saw about hanahaki not being triggered by unrequieted love but instead by trapping your feelings inside, as "love needs growth". (also, even though i don't take requests you can always send me some suggestions!! so i can make bullet point fics, drabbles or even bigger works if i'm inspired! so yea just leaving this here since i don't have anywhere else to say it yet)
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missfunkyhotmess · 1 year
A good slave
Nanami Kento x female reader
Tags: SMUT, oneshot, professor au, sub!reader, dom!nanami, subdom dynamic, unprotected sex, dry humping, rough sex, sight use of degrading terms, power dynamic, vaginal sex, u protected penetration.
Word count: 2821
Minors DO NOT interact
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Even though you are well aware of the fact that you shouldn't be doing what you're doing at the moment to get his attention, but you couldn't find any better way than this.
You know very well that if you kept failing your tests on purpose, it'll only make him more angry than actually giving you attention. But you longed for his attention so much that you were willing to go this far. You didn't care about the other subjects as you were doing pretty well in those, but when it came to his subject, you were purposefully failing all of them.
Of course because of the needy little attention whore you are, you'd love the slightest or the faintest amount of attention he'd give you when he scolds you in his raspy taming voice in front of the whole class. Even though you're supposed to be feeling embarrassed, you couldn't ignore the burning sensation building up in between your thighs.
You fantasised about getting even just a little of his attention directed only towards you. Since he's your professor of course he needs to give every student equal attention. But you craved for more.
And what did you do for that, fail all his tests on purpose. Nanami was definitely quick enough to catch onto this absurd scheme of yours. That's primarily what you awaited for. He calls you to his office only to give you a bit of attention and send you back on your merry way.
But when you got to his office, this wasn't what was going on and you could tell he wasn't just gonna warn you a bit and send you back, rather there was more to it. And the pent up tension in the air around this gated office room, made you sure of that.
Shoes clicking against the tiled floor after you hear the faintest click of his door, as he makes his way towards you, sitting on the chair facing his wooden desk. He plops down on the leather chair with a sigh slipping past his lips as he brings his chair closer to the table.
Plopping his elbows on the table resting his chin on the back of his palms, he stares directly at you, taking you by surprise even though you were aware of it. He takes a solid few seconds to stare at your startled face before speaking in his usual husky tone of a voice.
"Now tell me what's going on here?"
The daggers he throws at you made you realise you fucked up. You knew your professor, Nanami, wasn't the type to take bullshit of attitudes as your reply to him but you still went and did exactly that.
Yes you wanted his full attention, his cock in your pussy, his marks all over your body, but that didn't include making him angry on purpose even though a part you you eagerly wanted to know how that side of him would be.
Taking out your test papers from a drawer on his desk he throws them on to the table for you to see. And you gaze towards it in fear of how to response. Is there even anything left for you to response about at this point?
Both of you are aware of the things he's insinuating towards so without tensing up the situation more than it already is you decide to be frank with your professor.
"S- sorry sir. This won't hap-"
"You're failing them on purpose, aren't you?"
His words hit hard like a knife being dug into your skin. You knew he'd figure out sooner or later, then why are you surprised. Is it because he's actually playing your cards against you?
"No, sir, I- I would not do such things."
"Then tell me, why is it that all your other subjects have flying colours but you're failing only my subject?"
"I- I was uh was um-"
"You know very well there's no point in trying don't you? Just be frank with me."
You didn't dare tell your professor that you're failing them just to get even a dint of his attention. But now there's nothing you can do. You're trapped in here until you tell him exactly what he wants to hear, the truth, or you might never even get to see his face in class.
"Y- yes sir, I failed them on pu- purpose."
"Now, why is that? Even though I might have my own assumptions about it, I want to know what's your reasoning behind it is."
"I- I.....it was a dare, sir."
"Lies." He chuckles. "There's no point in lying cause you know both of us already know the answer. So just tell me the truth."
Heart hammering against your chest as you try to calm the unbearable feeling inside your chest and between your thighs just to be able to reply to him. How pathetic of you to get aroused just by him being a little rough towards you.
Yes you've fantasised about being alone with him, touched yourself thinking about him, even today when he summoned you to this office, a part of you got overwhelmed with emotions knowing you'd get to have his attention all directed towards you only.
But you weren't prepare for him to know exactly the cards you were dealing and using them against you. And you know there's no point in lying, so you just spill the beans.
"Fo- for attention, sir."
"Who's attention?"
"Y- your sir."
Eyes flickering back to your thighs as you try hard no to make eye contact with him. But the stares he's throwing at you makes it impossible for you to do practically anything.
"No one taught you to look at your seniors while speaking?"
You shake your heads left and right as a negative que and slowly turn to face him. Cheeks heated with red dust flushed across as his stares bore deep inside you.
"I- I'm sorry sir. I'll make sure not to fail them again."
"Are you though? Your actions speak otherwise."
Gripping tightly on your skirt as you watch him intently, leaning back against the chair tugging his tie loose from all the exhaustion while he continues to stare at you. Gulping in the desires you immediately shift your gaze from him only to have him raise his voice to tell you to face him.
"If you're so sorry then, show it to me."
You ask not having the slightest idea of what he's insinuating while he unbuttons his shirt and spreading his legs as a que for you to understand. And thats when it hits you. You stare at him flushed red.
Of course you fantasised about him throwing you on his wooden desk slamming his fat cock into your tight little pussy while pining you against the desk railing you like a complete beast. Yes you touched yourself thinking about all these things but now that it's actually happening, you're at a loss of words and your body at a complete freeze.
"Come here."
He taps on his thighs, indicating you to follow through as you get up and make your way towards him, stopping in between his thighs. His hands smooth across your bare thighs below your skirt level, softly tracing it to your inner thighs, making you flinch.
"This is what you want, don't you?" He asks palming at his dick in the confines of his pants when you look down at his crotch only to gulp in fear and excitement. Thinking about what he looks like down there, what his size and shape is down there you stare in awe and completely zoned out when his chuckle brings you back to sense.
"So desperate. Are you getting wet just from looking at my dick?"
He states, bringing his hand to your inner thighs while tracing its way slowly towards your clothed sex. A whimper leaves you mouth when he rubs against your clothed clit that was starting to get filthy wet by every stroke of his finger against it.
Your eyes screw shut to the sensation down below as your thighs try to shut close trembling a little but he makes sure to spread you legs apart whilst rubbing against your greedy cunt.
"Here. Sit here."
He taps on his thigh as you slowly bring yourself on his thigh sitting down when a shock of pleasure makes you shiver a little the second you clit comes in contact with his thigh. Nanami picks it up as he grabs on your ass and rolls your hips on his thigh earning a moan from you.
"Hump on me. If you manage not to cum until I tell you to, maybe I'll consider rewarding you."
Eyes glossy radiating lust as you nod your head uncontrollably to his words and start dry humping yourself against his muscular thighs. His hands rest on the arm rest as he relaxes himself and looks at you desperately humping on his thigh wanting to feel the pleasure and cum soon, but holding back for his reward.
"Look at you humping like a bitch in heat. You want my cock that bad?"
"Y- yes, sir, please."
"Then you gotta work for it. Go on."
The eagerness and desperation piling up inside you as you start humping a little faster than before trying to feel the pleasure of at least being able to touch him. Hands on his shoulders as they grip tightly trying to latch onto something, anything as the pressure in your stomach keeps building up with every stroke.
His cologne bores into you as your head plops down on his shoulder even though you aren't sure if he'll like you being this comfortable and feeling pleasure at the same time. But miraculously enough he doesn't say anything.
But what's mesmerising is how his cock starts bulging in his pants slightly which you notice and subconsciously your hands make their way to his crotch but a slap on your wrist makes you back of when you realise this isn't your fantasy world.
Its real and actually happening.
"Dont get too greedy. Be happy I even gave you this much. Otherwise you won't get what your working so hard for."
"Y- yes sir."
Voice quivering as you feel your orgam rolling closer and closer but you hold yourself back with trembling legs and shivering body which he notices and to make it even worse he slowly traces his hands on your back beneath your top inside.
"Tell me. Did you touch yourself while thinking about me hm?"
"Yes s- sir."
"Such a filthy little creature you are. Having nasty thoughts and deeds over a professor."
The seriousness and dominance in his voice makes you feel tiny and helpless while you continue to hump on his thigh overstimulating yourself. Slight tears forming in your eyes as you sniffle a bit.
And not long after, your professor picks you up by the ass and slams you down on the table as your back hits hard on the wooden rough surface. Flipping you over, he puts your skirt over your hip as you hear him unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants.
Soon you feel his complete hard cock rubbing against you ass. He grinds a few times against your ass before he slams his fact cock into your tight pussy burning the inside wholly. You feel as his cock stretch the inside of your pussy so much so that it becomes hard for you to support yourself.
His cock is so much better than what you originally fantasised about and his hip work is so much better than those in your mindless fantasies. Hip slamming roughly inside your tight cunny increasing both the pain and pleasure inside your aching walls.
Hand grabbing your neck, pinning you down onto the desk. Muffled cries, groans and chains of curses were all that were being heard in this confined place as your professor keeps fucking you over the edge. Body still sensitive from the edging as waves of pleasure rolls over your body with every single thrust.
"You know what we're doing is wrong, don't you? But you're still taking my cock in so eagerly." He scoffs while his rough hands grab tightly onto your loose hair forming a slight stinging sensation on your scalp pulling your head back but not all the way.
"I doubt you failed all of your test just for a cramp of my attention. Its my dick that you originally wanted didn't you?"
You try to form a full sentence but it was that much hard to do so as you feel his cock split you in half with every single time his crotch aligns with your hip. Every thrust from his cock in your pussy kept uncoiling the knot in your stomach bringing you closer to you oragsm.
And thats when you feel a strong tug on your hair pulling you all the way to his chest as he growls in your ear making your supporting knees give out but he holds you in place.
"Speak up. Didn't I ask you something?Tell me what is it that you actually wanted?"
"Y- your cock sir. Your fat cock in my throbbing pussy si- angh."
"Tch. What a dirty slut you are spreading you legs to your professor just like that."
Whimpers were all that made way past your pursed lips as you tried hard to hold you voice down. It is currently school time and the campus is swarmed with students and teacher but here you are, a dirty little attention whore, fucking your professor.
You felt the pressure in your stomach grow as the tip touches your cervix perfectly with every rough thrust being thrust inside your greedy cunny. And you clamping down on him made him realise so.
"Sir- pl- please, sir. I wanna cum. Can I cum?"
A strong sting forms on your ass cheek to your words as you realise thats him slapping hard against your soft butt cheeks. An angry growl from him made you scared to the bones thinking what might happen now when he speaks.
"Can you cum what?" It took you a minute to understand but you catch onto quick.
"Can I cum please, sir?"
"Now that's a good girl. Yes you can cum now."
Just by his words your pussy gushes out cumming all over his dick when he doesn't even stop to let you cum rather thrusts more into you but sloppily. That's when you realise he's close as you clamp down on him.
"You've been a good girl listening to everything I said. So here's your reward."
And you feel him release his thick hot milk inside your walls painting your inside white and he keeps thrusting until he's milked his cock dry of cum inside your unprotected pussy. The warm feeling of him shooting his cum inside your pussy fills you up as you both pant for air letting go of the exhaustion.
He pulls away and puts his pants back on as you do the same after having him help you down from the desk cause of how much your body was exhausted and how shaky your legs were. Tapping on your skirt once last time you turn to face him as he speaks.
"Dont fail your tests cause I won't take that bullshit anymore and will have authority change your professor instead if you do so."
You keep your eyes down to the ground both from respect and also the overwhelming feeling piling inside your stomach to the thought that you actually got to get your professor dick burried balls deep inside your pussy. You only nod in reply.
"And also focus on class, and if you have any questions, come see me at my office." Your gaze immediately shoots to meet his fierce eyes as you can see through his gaze exactly what he means when you again nod in reply.
And before you could walk away from the desk and out the door fixing your clothes properly, he walks up in front of you and stops you before leaning down onto your ears only to whisper.
"But after hours, of course."
And sends you on your merry way as you sink in the feeling and thoughts of what just happened now with a flustered smile plastered across your face.
But what you failed to notice was the smirk that creeped up on his face as well as he thought to himself about how he'd like to fuck you again another time. Cause he couldn't deny he loved the way your dirty pussy clenched around his fat cock without any hesitation, without any shame.
He just loved the shamelessness of your attitude when you let him do anything with you like his little slave. And he thought to himself once last thing.
You'd make a good slave.
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pickle-in-a-pickle · 8 months
Concertante (in D Major)!
Ohh, I'm so glad you asked this one because I actually have so many thoughts about it!! It's definitely the biggest thing I'm working on right now and the one I have most written for out of all of my WIPs.
It's a non-magic AU where Tom and Harry meet at a summer program for classical music. I've been obsessing over this one for a good while now and even have a pretty long outline written already. The only thing left is to write it at this point.
A small snippet under the cut:
Tom started after him, quickly feeling his heartbeat begin to match the rapid rhythm of the downpour. With each step the wet grass bit through the thin fabric of his socks more and more; it would’ve probably been more comfortable without them at all. He chocked on the rainwater during one inhale, leaving him coughing and gasping for breath. Harry was already on top of the cliff, and for a moment, Tom wondered what the hell he was doing, chasing a stupid boy outside during a thunderstorm. Then a lighting flashed somewhere – one, two, three seconds before the rumble – and he was running again. Even Harry wouldn’t stay outside once the storm was right on top of them. He reached the cliff with stinging calves. The rain felt like it was only getting worse, and he could only make out the vague shape of someone standing a distance away. Harry was heading towards the water, not the forest like Tom had initially assumed. And then, he kept getting closer. Once Tom could see him clearly, he also found out why; the path to the beach was rocky and steep, slippery and dangerous when dripping water. Harry flinched when Tom pulled on his shoulder, positioning them a bit further away from the edge. “Harry–” he began, only for Harry to shout on top of him. “What?” “Stop running, I want to talk.” Harry looked confused for a while, then shook his head. “I can’t hear you over the rain, speak louder!” And he was right, of course. The droplets hitting the surface of the lake below were echoing off the walls of the cliff, making it night impossible to hear anything else. “Talk! I want to talk!” Tom shouted, feeling his cheeks heat up embarrassingly. Harry glanced at the lake again, before finally turning to face Tom properly. “Well, I don’t!” But despite his words, he didn’t move and only kept glaring at Tom with his green, green eyes that matched the backdrop of the trees perfectly. “We need to! It’s ruining our lessons–” “I really don’t care!” Harry yelled back, taking a step towards the edge. Tom wanted to follow, reach out again, but didn’t in case Harry got the insane idea of backing away even further. “It affects both of us,” Tom seethed, beginning to feel frustrated. “As if I don’t know that! Maybe you should’ve thought of that before you insulted me!” Insulted? Tom wasn’t sure what Harry meant. He didn’t remember insulting Harry. It really was absurd how he was making such a big deal out of it. “I didn’t insult you–” “Oh you didn’t have to say it!” Harry cut him off. “I know what you and your friends think of me! I’d rather ruin my own lessons than let someone like you treat me like shite with no repercussions!” Tom couldn’t believe he was being grouped together with the likes of Draco Malfoy. “Don’t speak of matters you know nothing about,” Tom bit out. Suddenly he was hoping Harry would take a few steps backwards after all. Maybe Tom could even push him off. He took one step forward; Harry took one closer to the edge. Another one. And another. And– The cliff was lit up by a flash of lightning. One second, and the thunder screamed, so loud Tom could feel it all the way in his bones. Both of them stopped in their tracks, turning to face the main building. It took a mere fraction of a second for the decision to be born. Then they were already running back towards the house, sharp rocks and sticks digging into bare skin and threadbare fabric alike. Another flash and a rumble. Tom could hear his breathing over it, and it sounded near hysterical. He could even hear Harry’s in front of him. They were out of sync. Neither of them slowed down before they were securely on the porch, sopping wet and dripping water all over the colourful carpet there. Once inside, Harry turned to him one last time with a defiant edge to his expression. “Don’t talk to me again,” he said, demanded more like. It was definitive, and Tom couldn’t form a response before Harry was already bolting up the stairs. The lightning struck again, and the resentment tasted like nitrogen oxide on his tongue.
Not a lot of music in this snippet as the scenes I've written for that are not nearly as exciting (yet), but for anyone curious, Tom plays the violin while Harry plays the bassoon! I really hope I'll get the time to write more of this soon because right now it's on my mind 24/7. I desperately want to post the whole thing one day 💖
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wrongcaitlyn · 7 months
about your series dear reader, will we ever get to see Nico having a collab or featured song in the future... heehe... love your work btw
thank u for the ask!! and thank u for reading i’m so glad you like it <3 i’ve actually thought abt this quite a bit!! the thing with collabs, is that either i could use an irl celebrity, or i could make a character a celebrity and make them work with nico—so here are my thoughts on both options:
1) a real celebrity - i try to stay away from involving real life people in the fic, as in interactions, because i don’t know any of those people irl and i would hate to, like, mischaracterize someone or write positively abt someone who eventually gets revealed to be like a shitty person, yk? the most i’ve ever done, i think, is that one time i mentioned nico taking a picture with lorde - but even then, it wasn’t him talking abt her, it was just a picture that was posted. that, and the absurd amount of taylor swift name drops that i have, which i will never stop😭
basically, though i have considered it (my mind is literally CONSTANTLY imagine collabs of nico and other celebs/other songs), i literally have a playlist of them, i don’t think i would ever include it in the fic. simply bc of the concerns mentioned above :/
(however, i would like everyone to know that ive been imagining nico as a surprise guest on the rep tour, and having him featured on rep tv, for like- literally as long as ive had this au in my head. ill never write him collating with taylor (bc again idk i just feel strange writing abt real ppl) but in my head, it’s canon)
2) creating a new celeb - this one is hard, pretty much bc i’m… out of characters.
like, i still HAVE characters to use, but i already have plans for most of them and a majority of them aren’t actually part of the music industry. i could justify a collab between alex and nico bc she’s like the only music person i have written, but i also don’t wanna force that
if i ever do, which i doubt, bc i don’t have any plans to at the moment, it’ll be a pjo character, i just don’t have any idea of who that would be :/
oh and! last reason why i’m hesitant to add a collab - i feel like nico writing music is so engrained with him working with apollo as a producer, and their studio dynamic. obviously, it’s good to step out of your comfort zone, but i think that it’s also some sense of caution and comfort between them, that they’re the same people who will work on every nico di angelo song and album.
either way, i have seven albums outlined in total. the time span of greatest of luxuries goes from 2018-2024. that may be subject to change, but im feeling pretty confident abt it (it used to be 2028 btw😭) and anything PAST that time range is completely up to the reader!! i have lots of ideas of what could happen beyond that seventh album, and i have an idea (and a playlist) of the eighth album, but i can definitely imagine a lot of features in the future as he branches out. (and also him on rep tv. or ttpd. will update when ttpd comes out if i think there’s a specific song he’d slay as a feature on)
and lastly, for features. yes. he is on the hunger games tbosas soundtrack bc i say so‼️
(i imagine yellow flicker beat by lorde, even tho that was written for mockingjay, i just feel like it fits his vibe, but also, can’t catch me now works perfectly too)
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demenior · 9 months
i literally do not remember if i've already sent an ask but if i haven't i would love to hear about the critrole werewolf AU pretty please! and if i have. then i would like to hear about it again anyway 👐
Check my list of current wips here and send me a title and I’ll post a bit or share some details about it.
The CritRole Werewolf au is a mighty nein werewolf au. I set it in a vaguely modern world, but... in the 90s/early 00's. I wanted it to have some Buffy/Blair Witch/Lost Boys vibes. Like, grotesque and terrifying but with moments of absurd humor and a really bitchin' soundtrack. The Brjeau's are, loosely, the main characters.
Beau and Fjord were the intro duo. They're amateaur ghost hunters touring the country's most haunted locations. They're using Beau's absent fathers' credit card to fund them sleeping in Fjord's work van and get them access to dope shit like handheld video cameras and microphones that Beau uses to prove the supernatural is real. (Fjord films/runs tech. He a) doesn't believe in the supernatural and b) is terrified of it).
They pair up with Caleb- a mysterious dude in a long duster coat with a weird accent who may or may not be a monster hunter, and Veth- who's definitely just some normal housewife who just so happens to hate werewolves and definitely isn't one. They join the team after a scary event where Fjord is lost for a few days in some weird haunted place/sacred temple to some old forgotten wolf god. Caleb and Veth want to make sure Fjord isn't cursed, Beau is thrilled to be proven right that the supernatural exists, and Fjord thinks this is all ridiculous. So what that he's been having some weird dreams? That doesn't mean anything.
(You can see where this is going).
To keep things reigned in, I tried to limit all the supernatural entities to just werewolves (save for Fjord's eventual eldritch horror wolf thing he has going on).
Yasha, Caduceus, Fjord, Veth and Jester are all werewolves. Some of them were born werewolves, some of them were turned. Some were turned willingly, some not(t). Caleb and Beau remain Team Human (though Scourgers are now werewolf hunters, and through grueling training are a weird almost "half" werewolf, so they can't be turned).
#If I included Molly he would be killed during Fjord's first transformation#to keep things loosely in line with canon events.#caleb would be a reformed hunter who got kicked out of hunting society#bc he started to go hey what if werewolves AREN'T just mindless killing machines?#and astrid n eadwulf blocked him#i have it loosely set in north america#to really keep the buffy slash scooby doo slash lost boys vibes#but then LMAOOO god i started talking about an ukotoa temple#aka some sort of evil wolf spirit temple thing#where fjord gets cursed#and like???? where would you find THAT in north america??? what am i on???#anyways that will need some finessing#but otherwise this is purely an au of no thoughts just vibes#caddy has a fun genetic condition in that he is a werewolf born to werewolf parents#but he actually cannot shift! he's in his lil human form only#yasha is a naturally born werewolf as well and has mostly lived away from humans#veth was of course forcefully turned when her family was attacked#jester met artagan (a werewolf. more like a coyote lmao) and thought he was so neat#she let him bite her so they could play together more#jester acts more like a dog and doesn't get why everyone is so obsessed with violence#(until she gets it)#and fjord is of course cursed and has no control of his cursed form#all the other werewolves are just like... people that also turn into wolves#fjords curse is where the mindless beast myths come from and hes just a big ol killing machine#anyways.... yeah! thats the crittyrole werewolf au#if you (or anyone) wants more#i have about 800 words written that i can share#wip#werewolves#critical role
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neppy-34 · 4 months
Hi again!! I'm you said I could bombard your ask box lol, but I won't go overboard!!
I was just thinking about the toyhouse au, and I remembered you said in a post that AM was ticklish, and it got me wondering, has anyone of the four survivors (since I'm pretty sure nimdok isnt in the au) tried to tickle him before??
I mean it'd be interesting, but I'm sure AM would a master of revenge at the same time😭😭
Omg hi mouse!
Oh yes they definitely have. Actually the first time they even tickled him (at least on purpose, AM has horribly sensitive wires) was as a group!!
They were getting a bit sick of AMs relentless tickling and teasing, always doting and bothering them. After a relatively intense game of hide and seek, and a thorough round of tickling that befell the survivors through AMs avatar. They all congregated to discuss how to get the AI to let up a bit. A taste of his own medicine perhaps?
They talk for a while, giving him a virus? No thats too brutal, messing up the furniture? No AM would simply fix it and tickle them as punishment. The silent treatment? No AM would just bug them till they spoke again.
They continue with seemingly no end in sight, until one of them relents that they wished they could just tickle AM back…
It’s as if a lightbulb goes off, the answer was right there all along!! Of course they would just tickle him back, of course AM is ticklish right? When Ellen plays with his wires he smiles wider, and titters. They all thought it was AM being AM but now..
So they call upon him, ted being the one to actually call out AMs name. While the others duck behind couches and furniture. AM appears almost instantly, and ted (very reluctantly) asks AM for a small hug. (AM changed teds sweater to be very comfortable and soft, and usually hugs ted without asking, cause he sees ted as a big teddy bear now)
Of course AM gleefully complies and throws his avatars arms around ted, snuggling into his sweater. That is until ted knocks AM off his balance, sweeping his feet off the floor. Sending them careening down to the floor as ted attempts to keep AM still as the others emerge from their hiding places.
AM is already giggling, laughing at the absurdity of everything happening, hes already very aware of what theyre about to do, and makes no effort to strain against benny raising his hands above his head.
As they all get their due revenge, AM keeps up his coos and taunts still patronizing them through his incessant giggling. Which of course only makes their tickling more fervent (especially ted and Gorrister)
After all is said and done, they all lay together on the floor, and AM holds the survivor thats closest to him, and pushes his back up against the closest one on his other side.
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lumiereandcogsworth · 7 months
wait wait omg I have another question bc I was thinking about parents n such. you might’ve already answered this, and if so please link me bc I wanna seeeeee, but how exactly did things go down when Adam’s mom and dad died? Like how did he feel? How quickly did things change? Obviously I know things went Bad™️ but I’m still 👁️👁️ curious
so in my little timeline world, adam was nine and a half when his mother died, and so very close to turning sixteen when his father died (a month before his birthday.) i— gosh. alex, my guy. it’s so much. it’s the crux of everything. like adam would still be shitty if they lived but the fact that they DIED? and when he was so YOUNG? my gosh. my goodness. okay.
when queen renée died, the rest of the world wasn’t too terribly impacted. she wasn’t the most active of queens (because of hidden mental and physical health problems, and the fact that louis didn’t really let her Do anything on her own. she was essentially a trophy wife) so while the country was SAD, and engaged in usual Mourning The Queen practices, life carried on. the throne had an heir so no one was super concerned (as they were when louis’s First Wife died… but that’s tea for another post.) the servants were pretty sad. mrs. potts got pretty close to her, and lumière & plumette really adored her, so this was a big loss for them. they knew how abused she was, how much she loved her son, how desperately she wanted to run away with him. it broke their hearts that she would never get the chance to know freedom again.
the servant who had been closest with queen renée was her lady’s maid, anne. louis had her fired, finding no use to her after he tried to fuck her and she refused. anne was devastated to leave adam behind, he was like a nephew to her, and she knew things would only get harder for him as he got older. she even considered staying, being one of louis’s mistresses just to be around to protect adam… but she couldn’t bring herself to compromise her own life for his, as much as she had loved him and his mother. so she left. and truthfully, if she had stayed, there isn’t much she would have been able to do. he wanted his mother and no one else.
louis himself hardly cared about renée’s death. he never loved her, only mildly cared about her at times. he had become increasingly frustrated with her over time, as she continued to combat him, and mostly as she continued to fail to carry another pregnancy to term. (giving birth to adam very nearly killed her, and she just ended up with issues that caused her to keep having miscarriages thereafter) (these issues would definitely have been fixable in modern day. but ya know.) so louis was, overall, indifferent. mostly disappointed in how poorly she performed as a wife and queen to him.
adam, on the other hand, broke into a million tiny little pieces that would take decades to recover from! his mother was his whole world. he struggled so very much, even excluding all the abuse from his father, he just Struggled. renée was the only one who could really get through to him. she spoke his language. she understood his needs even more than he did. so losing her really just felt like he was cast adrift in shark infested waters… with no hope of ever being rescued.
the staff did everything they could but it was hardly anything at all. louis became even more strict about their interactions with adam, because he found it absurd that the staff should ever feel friendly with royalty. but still, they tried to sneak around. they tried to tend to his wounds when he’d been hit too hard. following renée’s death, adam had terrible, awful nightmares. he’d wake up in the middle of the night screaming. he’d start crying and panicking and shaking. lumière started sleeping outside of his room, so he could come in and comfort him and get him back to sleep. louis eventually found out about this and put a stop to it, of course.
in the autumn (renée died in march) adam had turned 10 and was sent to boarding school. some of the time in paris, some of the time in italy. louis really just didn’t want to deal with him. he just Really didn’t like adam. adam was timid and shy and weak. he was nothing that an heir should be, and he hated that HE was his only heir. (which is why he hated renée so much for not giving him more sons.) (but he also hated adam, in turn, for BEING his only son.) (and, deep down, louis saw himself in him. louis used to be this way, as a child, but his father beat it out of him. the cycles keep on cycling…) so adam lost his mother and his home in a very short period of time, and it was wholly impossible to deal with. he was bullied by other school boys for being so shy and for preferring books to any other activity. (he especially Hated being outdoors.) he was also disciplined by professors for reading during class, or spacing out, or not understanding instructions and being scolded for asking clarifying questions that came across as questioning authority.
and when he came back home on breaks, he had no reprieve. his father was constantly barking orders at him, trying to get him to just behave “correctly.” he constantly yelled at him and hit him. sometimes louis would take adam along on trips because the people wanted to see the heir, (it was good for publicity), and adam always hated how fake his father would be in social settings. but he always very much studied him too. he was trying so hard to survive, so he studied what made the other people laugh, what made them LIKE his father so much. he studied so hard and he practiced his behavior in the mirror at night. he still fucked up, in louis’s eyes, all the time. he was never going to be enough, never going to get it right, but adam started to grow so twisted, so desperate for louis’s approval, because there was no other alternative. it was become louis, or die trying.
there was only one time that louis ever remotely appeared proud of adam. the prince was thirteen and louis took him hunting with the other men. louis pulled adam to a secluded spot, and they crouched down when they saw this really magnificent elk. just huge. louis told adam how to aim and get in position. adam’s heart was pounding so loudly in his ears, his palms were dripping with sweat, he was so scared he’d drop the gun. he held as steady as he could, his father’s words echoing in his mind, and he pulled the trigger. the elk falls to the ground. louis laughs. he LAUGHS. adam’s heard him laugh, at social events, but never with him. louis claps a hand on adam’s back (which makes adam flinch really intensely, but louis doesn’t even notice) and stands up. “good shot, boy,” louis says, now calling for the other men to come and see. adam is paralyzed as he processes what just happened. a dismal little spark ignites in his heart.
additionally at this age, thirteen, adam gets very into fashion. he realizes that wardrobe is a huge factor into being liked and admired, and boyyyy does he want to be admired. it’s also the year he starts school at the university of paris. he’s still a tragically shy bookworm, and he’s still very regularly picked on, but he finds a group of delinquents to be terrible with. they commit little crimes like stealing liquor from the professors’ quarters, and breaking busts and vases in the night. adam is still fairly quiet but they discover that if you get some alcohol into him, he becomes the life of the party. AND BOOYYYYYYY DOES HE WANT TO BE LIKED!!! he starts drinking and engaging with pretty much everything that can intoxicate him in any way. everyone suddenly LOVES him at parties. he explores sex and just how many ways it can distract him (and how desperately he craves the attention.) he forgets about everything. he loses himself. he loses the little sunshine that his mother adored. he loses the worthless creature that his father hates. he forgets the world. he’s free, for just a moment. he has everything.
the summer after he graduates from the university of paris, his father comes home from a trip with a bad cough. he’s been rather decrepit for a few years now, despite how young he is (47) but this seems worse. i will note, here, that i actually have written a fic about this period of time. i wrote it four years ago (january 2020, can you believe?) and it remains my longest fic (18.8k). it is A LOT. i was still building my lore and it honestly isn’t very well written at all. i was so proud of it when i made it, and i’m still proud of it in a retrospective way, and it IS all still my canon, but my gosh it’s so wordy. it’s just a lore infodump. i’ll link it here but really and truly feel no pressure to read it. it’s… a lot. but if you do want some intense introspection and lots of words! go for it.
but, i shall continue to explain and tell you all you need to know right here, lmao. basically, louis dies at 47, right before adam turns 16.
(oh, i didn’t really say what caused their deaths, huh? for renée, i think it would be so sick and twisted if she died from an STD that louis gave her. don’t you think? but i also just think she didn’t have a great immune system. she was sick a few times before this and recovered but was worse each time. so hey, take your pick. it’s all bad! as for louis, i think his lifetime of debauchery honestly just decayed his body at a much faster rate. he didn’t remotely take care of himself and he indulged A Lot. plus i’m sure STDs were involved. fuckin whore bastard. bitchass motherfucker. rot in hell you son of a BITCH— anyway. yep!)
louis dies and adam, at this point, gosh. how is he supposed to feel? he hated him. he hated that man more than he even remotely liked anything else. he hated him so much, he dreamed of his death, he longed for it. but now that it was finally here… what is adam supposed to do? adam grew up so twisted; forced to conform to his father’s ways, forced to bend into his mold, forced to crave his praise and basically started living for him. and now he’s gone. adam had really started to come alive with his father at parties. it wasn’t often but they really started to… look like each other. they were never close, and once the party ended and they were in private, louis still berated him for a thousand things he said and did wrong, still hit him and belittled him. but they had their shining moments in public, so adam had always counted it as a small victory.
and now it’s just. nothing.
so what does adam do? he spirals.
he descends into the madness, he leans into it. he needs oblivion, because he’s directionless now. there are advisors and elders begging him to focus on finding a wife so he can take the throne, but he shirks every responsibility he can. he continues his debauchery, he meets people, exciting people, lavish people, sexy people, beautiful, beautiful, GORGEOUS distractions. he drowns himself in alcohol and drugs and sex and parties and a glamorous life free of troubles. his father’s council (well, HIS council, now) still arrange royal balls that invite eligible women for the prince to meet, in the hopes of finding a wife so he can properly take the throne. he attends these balls because hey, a party’s a party. he gets so lost in himself. grows so cruel to those around him, so cold to the servants who had once been like family to him, so angry at the world yet desperate for it to like him.
he gets so lost and hopeless, his heart grows so wretched and angry, that one day… an enchantress decides to teach him a lesson.
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hopeswriting · 2 years
Twin fics are hilarious especially in khr. I don't know when it started but I noticed there used to be a trend a few years back and with Tsuna specifially being the overlooked because he isn't popular and his other sibling having more charm and into sports oh yeah did I tell you that Nana bullies her own son and the twin being in on it they crank it up to eleven but I still liked it even when I knew it was absurd haha. I know Nana isn't the best mother but there no doubt she loves her family lol.
I think the funniest part is sometimes they make Tsuna to sweet. I honeslty don't know how to explain it but like he makes bento boxes or takes care of wounds and his voice being mute due to bullying. Man, canon tsuna we make fun of but he so resilant that he doesn't let the peer bullying get to him and it slides off him it still effects him but yeah. He's snarky when we're first introduced to his character he has always been kind but not to the point where he like is an angel about it haha.
hi nonny, thank you for the ask!
okay but same for literally everything you said actually!! idk about twin fics in other fandoms but i did read some from khr back when they were really popular too, yeah. just some tho, because i quickly moved on from them and started scrolling past them unless other aspects of the fic were really appealing to me, and it’s pretty much for all the reasons you said here.
i wouldn’t go as far as to say they’re hilarious tho? i think it’s a little mean because it’s clearly not what those authors were going for, so i think i like absurd better, which (imo) they inevitably were at times when, indeed, dialing up to eleven too much the, like, sub-tropes? of this trope. like, the core aspects of what makes this trope recognizable beyond just giving tsuna a twin/sibling. and yeah, they did get a laugh out of me sometimes here and now too lol.
but just like you i still liked the ones i read tho!! there’s a lot of interesting and fun things to do and explore with this trope, but the way that was done the most often, re: dialing everything up to eleven, just didn’t do it for me for long haha. and yes, nana definitely isn’t the abusive mother they made her to be so often lol, but once more i think it’s a little unfair to say that when of course they tweaked it on purpose for the purposes of their fics. and that’s just what we all do whenever we’re writing fics, and especially aus, right? looking at canon from the angle that will best let us state the thesis of our fics (< sorry for being pompous for a second here but i literally can’t think of any other way to say it lmao 😂), and maybe or maybe not dial it all up to eleven lol, but yeah.
so that said, what i find funny with this personally is that, like you said, canonically nana already isn’t the best mother one can have. and tbh i think there’s already plenty of angst to go off and explore from that? especially because if you keep her good sides, then it makes it more nuanced and complex and hurts more, but i do see the fun in just making her basically the worst mother on earth to tsuna haha.
and talking about tsuna, his characterization in those fics is the biggest thing that ultimately put me off reading them. and the thing is, making tsuna basically a saint isn’t really mischaracterizing him. like, tsuna has all those traits canonically, but also let me go on the record here and say that i love so much and i’m so attached and protective of the fact that tsuna is, well. a loser to say it like it is lol. and that’s of course affectionate and i’m absolutely not saying it in a judgmental/insulting way, but in a factual way. because tsuna’s lazy and judgy and doesn’t like trying hard and doesn’t like having responsibilities of any sort and can’t do sports and doesn’t have good grades and doesn’t know how to talk to girls and cowers easily and is a thirteen years old kid. and of course by the time the manga starts his years of bullying has a lot to do with that, but the way i see it he was just your average kid before that too, maybe or maybe not already struggling more than the others on some aspects of life. and then the years of bullying made him give up on trying to ever be more than that if he ever had the motivation to do it, making him become below average.
and you’ll notice that not all the things i listed above are things you’d necessarily call flaws instead of weaknesses. in the way where people are good at things and bad at others and what you’re good and bad at is different for each person and it’s fine because that’s just the way people are. and it’s the point, and i’d even say it’s the whole point of tsuna as a character. *bangs pots together loudly* IS EVERYONE LISTENING?? because the point is, as we see tsuna reach his full potential through the course of the manga now he finally has people allowing him to and telling him he has, in fact, plenty untapped potential that’s just waiting for him; as we see his good sides, his kindness, loyalty, protectiveness, love, courage, compassion, forgiveness, resilience, understanding, etc, it tells us that he had worth and value all along despite his “bad” sides. that he didn’t deserve to be punished for them the way he was and that that was just gratuitous cruelty. which again is the whole point of him as a character, so when you take that away from him, that’s when you lose my attention as far as i’m concerned.
*bangs pots even louder because i’m not done* IS EVERYONE STILL LISTENING??? because not only tsuna was meant to be a loser, you’ll also notice that amano made a point to keep reminding us literally to the very last arc that he made little progress when it came to school or sports or girls etc, because he’s also meant to stay a loser!! because sure, it’ll be useful and will help him in life if he gets better at those things, but also he doesn’t need to become better at them to be treated with basic respect and decency, because those aren’t things that are tied to whether you get that from your peers or not. and they least of all are tied to or infer in any way on whether you have worth and value as a person. *wants to bang the pots again because it’s fun but puts them down instead*
and i get that giving him an even harsher treatment from the people around him than in canon makes all of it more meaningful and impactful. and prolly that’s what amano was going for too by giving him that backstory, because by the time we meet tsuna he had every reason to be bitter and resentful and hateful of people and the world, but he kept choosing to remain kind and loving instead. so yes i get that, but honestly? for me making this all he can be also takes meaning away from it too at the same time. it’s like, if that’s all he can be then he’s not choosing to be kind anymore no matter what life throws at him, is he? it’s like that quote that goes something like “if you’re unable of violence then you’re not a pacifist, you’re just harmless”. (and actually that’s something that’d be so interesting to write about and explore, like?? what do you do in the face of the violence thrown at you when the only thing you’ve ever known to do with it is to cradle it close with bleeding hands?)
and sorry i went a bit on a tangent here, but yes, hard agree with everything you said nonny, especially about tsuna. tsuna is kind and loving and everything i said above, and he chose to remain all that in the face of the harsh treatment he received for years, chose to endure it when he could have retaliated with anger or hurt or hate, which we know for a fact he’s able of, and he was hurt more for it, was hurt longer for it. he bled for it, and has still gaping and bleeding wounds from it when we first meet him in the manga, however resigned he was to them by that point. and *threatens to bang the pots again if you’re not listening* the cruelest thing here, the tragedy here is that all that pain was plainly and utterly undeserved and unwarranted. and that’s so important to me actually.
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cha-melodius · 1 year
RWRB and Man from UNCLE crossover... go! (Modern or Cold War AU!)
Hello anon, and sorry for taking forever to answer this. When you sent this ask back in last October I was in the doldrums of writing Nova, Baby, a little stuck. I'd shared some snippets previously, which might have been what inspired this ask, but I didn't want to dive into this ask knowing that I was nowhere near posting the story. Then I didn't want to answer it until I'd actually finished posting the fic so that people would have a chance to read it. Because this ask is a lot easier to contemplate when you make it a crossover between Alex and Henry as spies, rather than something like canon!
Ok, bumping UNCLE up to a modern setting and having Alex & Henry tangle with them on some mission would be fun for sure. For some reason I'm picturing the UNCLE crew as older in this situation though, like in their 40s or early 50s. They've been working together for at decade or two, been around the block quite a few times, and suddenly these two young agents show up in the middle of an operation, mucking things up. Maybe Alex has even heard rumors about an art-thief-turned-CIA-agent, but he didn't really think they were true. Also I'm amusing myself thinking about Waverly having some history with the Mountchristen family, having been British Naval Intelligence but not part MI6, so when he realizes who Henry is he's like "Oh Christ, NO." 😂 This would definitely happen sometime in the middle of the events of Nova, Baby, amongst A&H's various undescribed missions together.
I'm even more intrigued by setting this during the cold war though, which I guess makes the RWRB part an AU of an AU, lol. More thoughts below the break!
Ok, Alex is CIA, right? What if he's actually part of the extraction in Berlin? Not a big part, just one of the other agents hanging around at the safehouse later. Point is, he knows Napoleon. Not well, but he's familiar. Alex has mixed feelings about Napoleon because on one hand he's a very prolific criminal who got a pretty decent deal to get out of prison, but on the other, Sanders treats him like shit and from what little they've interacted he seems like an ok guy. This also means Alex hears about Illya and the chase through East Berlin and everything. Of course he's not part of the mission in Rome, and after that he loses track of Napoleon for a while, not knowing that he's now part of this independent spy agency, working with the very man who chased him down in East Berlin.
Ok, fast forward a few years. Alex & Henry have already been forced into a partnership. Napoleon & Illya are working together (with Gaby) for UNCLE. No one is together in any way, but safe to say there's some pining going on lol. In the midst of a mission in Bolivia, A&H end up at odds with a giant Russian agent—bad news. They didn't realize the KGB was involved (spoiler alert: they're not). It's a pretty bad misunderstanding, and thing go south VERY quickly. Then, suddenly, Napoleon Solo shows up, throwing himself in the line of fire, risking his own life to protect this Russian agent. Alex is completely befuddled. He thinks maybe Napoleon isn't CIA anymore (well, it's complicated), that he defected. It takes a while to convince him otherwise.
Turns out they've been following two different threads that lead to the same baddie, so they need to work together. Easier said than done—Illya is, as always around new people, grumpy and forbidding. Maybe Alex catches glimpses of him around Napoleon when they think no one is watching, and it's shocking (because he's secretly a giant Russian lost puppy, natch). Henry is pretty skeptical about all of this but he'll do anything for Alex (though not without complaining), so he goes along with it. Meanwhile, Alex and Napoleon kinda bond during this time. Ooh, maybe they cook together, both being really into cooking, and we get a very absurd scene of Illya and Henry both being jealous (for no good reason, of course) and trying not to show it.
More random thoughts: idk how it would happen but we definitely need Nora and Gaby to meet, because they'd get along like a house on fire. What if, in this universe, instead of playing James Bond, Arthur Fox was basically Ian Fleming? Maybe Waverly even knew him during the war!
Ok, I'm going to stop now, but thank you for the ask, anon, and I'm sorry it took me so long to get to it!
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iminye · 2 years
Húrin and Lúthien for the ask game?
I am so sorry for the late answer!! Tumblr didn't show me that I got an ask D:
sexuality headcanon — demi in all categories idk it's just the vibe I get
otp — there is only one. the man, the myth, the legend who returned from death after lúthien convinced the keeper of the dead that true love is a real thing. beren.
brotp — daeron, mablung and beleg. I have... a lot of thoughts on this particular friend group
notp — everyone above and also celegorm
first headcanon that pops into my head — I think I have talked about the idea before that she doesn't really get the purpose of food because she never needed it. after becoming mortal beren not only had to teach her about it but also keep track of the absurd amount of allergies she and dior both had to deal with.
favourite line from this character — every line and I don't just say that because I don't have a physical copy of the silm with me right now - honestly though she's pretty awesome
one way in which I relate to this character — I too would dance in the woods if I could
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character — literally can't think of anything
cinnamon roll or problematic fave? — queen
sexuality headcanon — strong bi vibes
otp — morwen
brotp — maeglin, ok hear me out about this one because it's little bit cracky and definitely leans into an au idea that's not leaving me but you cannot tell me that húrin didn't take one look at this orphaned, emo kid and went full adoption mode (morwen would probably sigh but go along with it if húrin had just snuck maeglin out of gondolin lol)
notp — turgon
first headcanon that pops into my head — see the maeglin one above but also the knife he gifted túrin for his birthday was made in gondolin as well
favorite line from this character — same problem as with lúthien, I currently don't have any copy of the books with me but my favourite moment is his and morwens reunion it always makes me cry even more than I already am
one way in which I relate to this character — he's just a really cool dude who loves his family and is ready to annoy the hell out of fight the devil, 10/10 can relate
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character — nothing really
cinnamon roll or problematic fave? — cinnamon roll
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yestrday · 2 years
who would be the most terminally online in the academy au? im putting my bets on xiao but yknow it could be anyone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
my dear. who else could it be but our lovely, moody shut-in?
xiao is definitely a gamer, he already has the hair. back before he met you his internet addiction was absolutely crippling. probably a discord mod for some games and other ... mmm... lewd stuff, but he isn’t one of those creepy ones. actually the one some may hate cuz he's too strict + is online most of the time. if any of these online moots knew you they’d be so grateful for pulling him off his keyboard. 
aether and lumine had Instagram accounts made for them since they were children because a) they’re pretty b) they’re pretty twins and they pretty much took over it when they were 13 or something. (I actually hate it when parents do this because ew your child’s face is not something you should post about in a public setting). they’re those ulzzang models you see and both have around 500k followers. one day they wake up and check their followers and aether starts parading around how he has 501, 009 and lumine gets mad. next lumine smugly slips in that she has 501, 010. it goes on.
childe starts fights on twitter and laughs at their stupidity. does ugly duets on tiktok for the memes and also cuz people like seeing handsome men doing ugly stuff. his tiktok page is full of memes.
venti has an absurd following on his tiktok and yt page for posting covers and original songs. is the victim of childe’s tiktok stupidity. he liked it at first but there’s only so much an artist can take when someone mocks their art. ten seconds away from making a callout post on twitter dot com abt childe
thoma has a decent Instagram following abt his homemade meals. no one knows how he looks like or how he actually works for the kamisato family. pretty low-key foodgrammer, around 20k followers bet
itto makes those stupid tiktoks like eating cinnamon and those life-threatening trends. has a lot of followers, 40k probs, but his comments are just people dissing him and telling him to stop being a bad influence to children on tiktok. i agree. he should take it down.
no one knows, but scara’s a stupid, stupid fuck who dwells in the toxic side of twitter. likes making callout posts filled with purposely false information because who tf cares if this dsmp streamer talked shit abt some other streamer. no one. they’re barely relevant and people are still losing their nuts over this. disappears into the mist once people caught on, but not before doxxing someone. the damage has already been done and now everyone who doesn’t do their research thinks that streamer A shaves their balls on prnhub as a side job
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ranalatus · 2 years
The Imposter — VI.
genre: SAGAU, villain/imposter AU, isekai
characters: yae miko, hu tao, chongyun, ganyu, brief mentions of other adepti, imposter!GN reader, creator of teyvat (true god)
warnings: blood, mentions of death, undeserved hate towards hu tao and chongk :(( (yae doesn't mean it i swear its because of circumstances)
notes: and here's part 6!! Almost 2k words full of lore for the story!! (p.s. i definitely overlapped reader's main "ew fuck death" idea with cale henituse)
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You run your hand through your hair, wishing to just tug it all out
You never wanted to play God in the first place, and yet here you are
“Your excellency,” Yae Miko, the person in charge of accompanying you today, greets. “Is something the matter? You look stressed.”
You look away from her as she elegantly (and rather shamelessly, considering you're posing as their God) sat on top of the desk in front of you
How could you not be stressed? The conversation you had with the true God a few days ago has been messing with your head
“I'm.. What?”
“Do you not believe me?” You stood up, walking closer to their survival kit. “I can prove it to you. The God of Teyvat usually has sparkling gold blood, I don't have it,” You take a knife from their bag (where they got it from, you don't know), and slowly, you prick your finger. The red blood that drips from your hand is a telltale sign. You're not the God. “See? Now you try.”
They flinch when you lightly push the knife towards them. A few seconds pass and they still make no sign of taking the knife themselves to test your theory out, only staring at your bleeding finger
“I thought people who transmigrated had different color blood from other people here,” They eventually whispered. “I didn't think..”
So they know?
You hum. “Perhaps it was your brain trying to rationalize this situation. It's alright, it's pretty normal in absurd situations like ours.”
Your words of comfort barely moved them. They stayed still for a little longer than a few minutes, and you were getting restless. You've spent too long in here already, Xiao could burst in at any moment now. You had to get them to forgive you or else–
“Am I really.. The God?”
You stare back into their eyes. Disbelief and distrust swirled in them like stars in the night sky. It'd have been beautiful, if only the life in them hadn't faded away
You gulped, feeling guilt wash over your being
“Yes,” Carefully, you grab their hand, feathery touches trying to comfort their cold figure. “You are. Trust me.”
Would they be more inclined to forgive you if you smile? You thought. It was rather selfish thinking, but you witnessed Teyvat's cruelness right in front of your very eyes. This much is nothing
And so you smiled, you showed them kindness for the very first time since they arrived. Genuine, untainted kindness
Is what they thought
You frowned. Were they touch starved for too long? Lonely? Had it really been that easy to earn their trust? Their forgiveness? Their fucking identity?
Their reaction to your smile was apparently, to ask you for a favor. And it had shocked you so much you weren't even able to ask for their forgiveness so you don't lose your head
“I.. I'll trust you.”
Your smile grew wider, more happy as you opened your mouth to finally rejoice in not having to die. Until the next words came out of their mouth
“Then, can you continue posing as the true Creator?”
“I need.. Time,” They look away almost guiltily, biting their lip and gazing off into the distance like they had much to think about. “I need to give it more thought, as well as settle some things with a few.. Acquaintances.”
You could give them time. You could allow them to think things through, settle things with whoever they've come into contact with (who were sane enough to actually talk to them first instead of trying to serve their head on a silver platter to you), but why did you have to continue posing as them?
It's awkward. It's uncomfortable. And though you're in the presence of quite possibly the most beautiful kitsune you have ever seen in your life, it's distasteful on your tongue
“Your excellency,” A soft hand on your chin forces your attention away from your thoughts, eyes going from glaring at the wall to staring into the sparkling galactic eyes of the fox lady now taking up most of your vision. “If I hadn't known any better, I'd say you're getting bored of me. But that's impossible, right? After all, you told me yourself that I am your favorite.”
There is nothing but pride and playfulness in her eyes. She really believes she has the favor of the God
And hell, if you were the God she'd be right in this moment
But you're not, and that fact is enough to make you shake her hand off your face and get up from your seat
“I wish to take a walk in my gardens.” You say, not even waiting for her to catch up, afraid of the enigmatic air around her
Because of this, you miss the way her eyes narrow at your back briefly before she gets up as well to follow you
. . .
Unfortunately, even the gardens seem to be just as eventful as your mind
“Chongyun, Hu Tao, what are you doing here?” You question, with no hostility in your voice whatsoever, Yae notes, but said Liyue citizens only simultaneously shake and freeze under your gaze
“That– Your excellency, we–” Hu Tao glances over to Chongyun, who seems to have been just as frozen as his vision, clearly no help. Hu Tao firms herself just a little bit more, before her eyes slowly drifted back to their so called God
Her hands subtly push the notebook onto the table behind them as she speaks. “Your excellency, we wanted to see you.”
“Oh?” Your eyes don't seem to hold any suspicion nor doubt, in fact they seem to have brightened up a bit. Hu Tao faintly called herself crazy at that moment. “Is there a reason you want to see me?”
“There must be,” Yae interjects, standing side by side with you. A privilege not many people get. “Seeing as they rushed over to your gardens right away and not to your reception area.”
“Is it urgent?” You ask, eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly. You take a cautious step closer to the tense individuals, who you assume to have been tense because something important happened. “Is it related to Osial or Beisht? The Fatui? I can call the Tsaritsa here immediately if anything happened to your home.”
The people of Liyue shouldn't go through any more traumatizing events, especially under your temporary rule, you think to yourself. Yes, perhaps preventing serious situations from happening would allow me to escape death from their hands
The three acolytes surrounding you, unable to know what you are thinking of, stare at you stunned for a moment
It's not that you used to hate Liyue, in fact you didn't even care about the nation much in the first place. You would have had it completely remodeled had Zhongli not barely convince you otherwise, given how taxing it would have been to it's people
What was more shocking was the fact you called it their home
Did you ever think of the nations as a home to anyone? To you, every place on Teyvat was just a piece of land with resources you could farm. To you, every creature on Teyvat was either out to kill you or there to worship the ground you walk on
To you, well, it always revolved around you
To think of Teyvat as more than just an unwelcoming earth? A boring piece of land?
To think of Teyvat as their home?
Hu Tao bites down on the bottom of her lip, feeling her hands shake from where they're behind her back. Chongyun clenches his fists tight, also realizing their God's strange wording
“..It's nothing serious, your excellency,” Comes Hu Tao's quiet voice, unlike her usual self, you note. “We wanted to see how you were doing.”
“Oh,” You had to suppress the smile that wants to appear on your face. “I am.. Coping. It's not something you have to worry about, so you may go back to your parlor and exorcist business.”
“..Yes, your excellency.” Both Hu Tao and Chongyun mumble before bowing deeply to you. You watch them as they leave, feeling a breeze pass by you as you turn to look at where Yae had just been a moment ago
“Hm?” You look forward at Yae who was leaning on the table, narrowly eyeing the two Liyue citizens who had just left
“Your excellency, they wasted your time.”
You blinked once, twice, before opening your mouth and barely responding to the rather vicious comment of the kitsune
“Uh, well–”
“I don't get why you don't just get rid of their acolyte status. It's not like they're much of a loss.” She leans further back, hands moving behind her back to support her upper body weight. Her eyes then move to you, making you feel a sort of pressure that's pinning you down. You feel naked under her eyes, as though you have no other choice but to tell her how you truly feel
“That's pretty harsh, Yae,” You walk closer to her, unwavering, just as a true ruler should. “Compared to you, yes, they may not be that strong or whatever, however they are still my people. They are still just as capable and just as full of potential as you are. I don't blindly choose my acolytes.”
A complete lie, your inner voice whispers. You didn't choose these people at all. Though, it is true they're just as capable and full of potential as Yae is. After all, everyone in Genshin could have been a DPS if the player wants them to be. And while you are definitely not the actual God of Teyvat, they are still temporarily your people
“..A fair judgement, your excellency.” She swiftly moves her hands in each of her opposite sleeves, bowing a full 90 degrees. “Forgive me for not properly assessing your wisdom of choice.”
Suddenly feeling iffy, you shake your head at Yae's actions. “It's nothing. Just keep my words in mind next time. I'll head back to my room now.”
Yae stays in her position. “Of course, your excellency. Then I shall follow you back in a bit.”
You were truly scared of this woman. “Don't.”
She doesn't say anything else as you leave, thus you couldn't hear the shuffling of the two Liyue citizens who have not yet left because of Yae's words. Nor could you have heard their hushed whispers
“..Hey, let's– let's not say anything about the notebook for now.”
Hu Tao and Chongyun finally leave, feeling both of their hearts lighten up and become heavy with burden simultaneously
Meanwhile, a figure hidden in the blue leaves of a tree nearby jumps off, landing safely down in front of the previously bowed Yae
Yae Miko brings her hand out of her sleeve, a notebook with the Feiyun Commerce Guild logo seen on the cover
“Investigate this with Morax, and we should call over the Knights of Favonius people as well,” Yae hands the notebook over to the adeptus in front of her. “I'll inform the Shogun.”
Ganyu nods, flipping the pages open and skimming through the contents. A frown takes place on her face as she stops on one of the pages
“..I should inform the other adepti as well,” She bites her lip, hands trembling a bit. “The vigilant yaksha, Xiao was said to be the one who last located the imposter before all operations related to the hunt ceased, right?”
“Correct,” A smirk appeared on Yae's features, finding this situation to be a whole lot more entertaining. “It seems our vicious lion of a God has many secrets in their mane.”
Truly, you wouldn't have expected one tiny forgotten object to be the cause of such a massive uproar in the future
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Tagging: @quiet-qqq @uchihaeirin @celesther @renamichii @karylles-world @keepdaydreamingg @campanula-rotundifolia @whitebunny80 @liyacreate @nishayuro @applepi1415 @karmawonders @ayamvirus
— IM SORRY THIS TOOK LIKE FOREVER LMAO my laptop broke and I couldn't play genshin for a while, since my motivation also went down during it 😭 not to mention the stressful school week I had *sigh* but its finally here! And we're progressing with lore 😼😼
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Commander Buir
Follow-up to this post. Not in any particular order, just spitballing ideas, with contributions from several friends on discord.
Like presumably it takes long enough for them all to meet up again that Anakin and Cody do, in fact, end up treating each other like family, just so I can have that good good "well, guess I'm Dad now" energy. Shmi isn't entirely sure what's going on but she's not a slave anymore and her kid seems to like this rando mando, so.
Anakin gets to have a mom and two dads, though one of the dads is arguably younger than him.
Also when they all meet up again and Cody explains the "General Skywalker got shrunk" thing, there are three reactions: (General) Obi-Wan: Oh, Anakin. Obi-Wan: [gestures to take him, ends up with an armful of clingy padatoddler] Anakin: You can't blame this on me, Obi. Obi-Wan, a little teary, because babies cause emotions: Of course I can, you absurd human being. ------ Rex: That's... my general. Anakin: I am, Captain. Rex: Cool cool cool I'm gonna go stand where I can't, uh, break you. Anakin: I'm not THAT fragile! ------ Ahsoka: [gasp] Skyguy is SKYKID! Anakin: Padawan, this is-- Ahsoka, grabbing him and cuddling: Oh my goodness you're adorable this is the best day ever. Anakin: This is humiliating, Snips, put me down. Ahsoka: Never.
Anakin hates being a toddler because of the lack of independence but Cody keeps picking him up when he's cranky and just holding him until he falls asleep and that's... nice.......
- The brain limitations aren't quite as bad as the situation with Sokanth and Ylliben in the other AU, but - Even if his brain is mostly adjusted he’s still got a tiny body with different needs that he’s not used to. Like, he needs to sleep more but he’s got more energy than usual when he’s awake and it’s all weird.
Cody carrying around toddler Anakin like "God you give me ulcers but you're adorable, you little shit."
Inconveniently tiny body aside, Anakin has a pretty great time in this au. His family are all together and safe and within reach. His wife isn't around, but toddler brain means he doesn't have the Romance Drive, so that's not as bad as it could be It could be significantly worse.
@atagotiak asked: Does Anakin get annoyed about being called cute? - To which I say, He bites the first few times but Shmi tells him that's Naughty so he stops. - Babies are cute so you packbond with them before they’re annoying, Anakin is cute as a self defense mechanism - He’s extra annoying so he needs to be extra cute
You know how you need to keep an eye on toddlers so they don't, like, fall down the stairs or put something toxic in their mouth? - They need to keep an eye on Anakin specifically so he doesn't rewire the ship they're in while they're in hyperspace. - He has less self control on account of being smol. He still has all the mechanical knowledge! Just less comprehension of y’know, consequences.
Anakin, with a sippy cup: This is demeaning. Ahsoka: Your hands don't work great enough to avoid accidents yet. Anakin: It's still embarrassing.
General Kenobi can't just kill Maul, not when Maul is baby right now (sixteen, which is baby enough) so he just. Kinda. Kidnaps a baby Sith. (It's fine. He's fine.)
General Kenobi (not to be confused with Padawan Kenobi) decides to declare Maul his new padawan because someone has to deal with this teenager, and Plo already claimed the rest of Ahsoka's training. And Anakin's three, so.
"What do we do with Maul?" "Eh, I can handle him. I dealt with teenage Anakin getting arrested for illegal pod-racing twice a month, I can work with this."
Maul bites, but only slightly more often than Anakin, it's fine
Ahsoka definitely bullies Maul whenever possible
Consider: Rex holding very still because Anakin wanted to be tall, so he climbed Rex. Being unexpectedly climbed is better than being unexpectedly yeeted. It's still extremely nerve-wracking. - Cody is perfectly capable of running around with a backpacking toddler General, but Rex freezes like a statue. - Ahsoka finds this hilarious
You know how little kids like to be thrown around and swung in circles and stuff like that? This must get even more ridiculous with force users. Can throw a child real high and catch them safely. - Rex panics whenever Ahsoka throws her chibified Master
Literally everyone except Rex loves being yeeted. Even Maul can appreciate a good tactical yeet no shut up he's not having fun this is TRAINING - Rex is Suffering - Cody, a very Tired Dad, deserves to mock his vod'ika a little, as stress relief - Rex, a certified Little Brother, shoves Cody off something tall. Jokes on him, Cody thinks freefall is fun too.
Tia asked: So the people who didn’t exist yet got flung bodily back in time and Anakin did the mental time travel. Why did Obi-Wan not become Padawan Kenobi? (I mean “because I want it that way” is def a good enough answer I’m just wondering if there’s any reason.) - Which, well, it really was mostly "I want to" but here's two options, both of which come down to Blame Daughter and Father. 1. They figured a responsible adult Jedi Master was needed to convince people. 2. Nobody was supposed to get de-aged but Daughter figured they needed to make Anakin less liable to kill things for a few years. - Also IDK the Force God-Manifestations also took away any risk of rapid aging and early death from the clones because uhhhhhhhhhhh I said so
Rex and Ahsoka are fumbling their way through a relationship where ages are just really confusing and awkward, so they're keeping it to just kisses and cuddles for a bit.
Cody is so tired he doesn't even realize anyone's hitting on him until it's been three years of co-parenting with Shmi and his General. - Somehow Anakin knows Cody is in a relationship before Cody does. Cody has never been so embarrassed. - How did he manage to be less observant than Skywalker? -- it was sabotage; all his brain cells were taken up in managing said Skywalker -- Because Skywalker was up at three in the morning whacking a training droid with a stick so he didn't have the energy for Relationships
Also Shmi's come-ons are super subtle, while the General's are... well, Cody's gotten very used to ignoring anything ambiguous on that end because fraternization rules, and also because Obi-Wan flirts a lot with everyone. So.
Please imagine Cody and General Kenobi walking around with Anakin tucked into a toddler sling while they do whatever work they've ended up with at the Temple. - Yes, Cody is helping the Jedi figure out the best plan of attack to take down this slave ring because his grasp on tactics is phenomenal and he knows how to deploy people at greatest efficiency, but also he's got a nosy toddler on his hip who keeps offering his own insane-but-competent ideas. - General Kenobi ends up with a Council Seat just on account of, like, being the kind of person he is. As often as not, he's got Anakin tucked into his robes, chewing on the ear of a stuffed tooka or something.
IDK what Shmi's doing but apparently Legends had it that some of the administrative and support positions in the Temple were held by non-Jedi civilians? So probably something like that.
General Kenobi: Ahsoka's babysitting. Anakin: I'm her master, I don't need babysitting, this is-- General Kenobi: Fine, then you need supervision, so that you don't blow up a training salle again. Anakin: And you think Ahsoka would stop me? General Kenobi, eye twitching: Fine, I'm leaving you with Plo.
Even if he’s mentally an adult Anakin always needs supervision Look at canon! Anakin was left without supervision for like two days and he became a Sith
Quinlan gets distracted by how attractive General Kenobi is and tells Obi-Wan "dude, you're gonna be so hot once you can get rid of the stupid haircut" and Obi-Wan pushes him into the nearest pond.
They end up with this weird "Uncle Jango" situation (uncle to Anakin, via weird brotherhood-ish to Cody) because Rex and Cody are just like "Uhhhhhhhhh yeah okay" about him eventually, and Jango just like. Drops by. Trying to Earn Affection Of Blood Kin by bringing weird gifts for them and their (ugh) Jedi.
"Okay, Rex'ika, I stopped by Shili--" "What?" "--and apparently this is a delicacy there, so just... your girlfriend will like it." "She's not my girlfriend." "..." "Okay, I can't call her my girlfriend. Jedi have rules about that sort of thing, and--" "This will make your Jedi happy, probably. Just take it, kid."
Baby Anakin got his arm back but for some inexplicable reason still has The Eye Scar. He matches Buir.
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floral-poisons · 2 years
love whisper
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pairing: lilia vanrouge x gn! reader word count: 5k words warnings: violence, reader in distress notes: this fic takes place in my twisted wonderland high fantasy au. lilia serves as the eternal librarian of the emerald library. typically there is only one that is chosen. but in a strange anomaly, you have also been chosen to be a librarian for the library. the title is derived from the gfriend song of the same name and i wrote this with a slowed version imagined. also, um, consider this as like a celebratory gift for me finishing the bulk of finals? ao3 link: 📗📗📗
The small pond reflected the sun, allowing the clear water to shimmer. It was a nice day. Such days were rare to come across in the country of Diasomnia, known for its barren lands, stormy weather, and unnaturally green skies during certain times of day. Your fingers moved effortlessly as you weaved flower after flower into a crown. You admired your work, looking at the soft petals. White, pink, and yellow with a touch of green. Not your finest work but certainly better than before. A small sigh left your lips as you leaned back into the blanket you had laid out, letting the rays of sun hit your face. It felt nice, very nice. Days were rarely this night in the stormy kingdom of Diasomnia. “Nothing can ruin this.”
And suddenly, you heard the sound of horses, their hooves kicking up dirt and the grass. “It’s nothing.” Another noble probably ran away from their home to explore the outside when they weren’t supposed to (of course you knew since your best friend, Gil, did it all the time). Although the sound got louder and eventually stopped, replaced by footsteps instead. Your body tensed when you felt a shadow loom over you and you could no longer feel the soft touch of the sun. Your eyes fluttered open to see…Sebek Zigvolt? What was the captain of the royal guard doing here?
“(Y/N) (L/N), yes?” he asks sternly.
“Yeah. What business do you have with me?” There was no business to be had. It was a trick question. You were nothing more than someone who made flower arrangements for a living, liked to forage and bake in your spare time, and occasionally dabbled in books. Being a scholar was your dream as a child but as the circumstances of your finances came to light, that dream seemed less and less likely. Until it was just that. A dream. A false dream that was never meant to happen.
“You’ve been summoned by The Bell.” Sebek pulled out a piece of paper. “By Order of The Saints of Emerald, you have been chosen to become a Librarian of the Emerald Library.” He looks down at you. “Now get up.”
“Funny joke. The Emerald Library chooses one Librarian like, every 10,000 years or something. And there already is one.” You rolled your eyes until you felt two people tug at your arms. “Hey!”
“Let’s go. We have much work to do for you.”
— — —
“This is absurd.” You huffed, crossing your arms as you leaned back into the chair. The room you were in was pretty dungeon-like albeit without any chains or torture tools. Was the entirety of the castle like this? How depressing. Other countries had such fun, intricate palace designs too. Then again, Diasomnia couldn’t be good in everything. They had to have some weakness. “Very funny, you know. I get it. I get it.”
“This isn’t a joke. I don’t know why you think I’m joking.” Sebek huffs.
“Because it’s definitely to get back at me when I was a kid when I said I would become the next Librarian. I get it. It was a foolish dream.”
“It wasn’t a foolish dream.”
“Easy for you to say. Your family has money and you had a guaranteed position in the palace when you would’ve finished your training.”
Sebek sighs. “(Y/N), that’s not what I meant.”
“Sure, sure.” You put your hands up.
“But you need to take this seriously—”
“And there is the serious Sebek I know.”
“I mean it! Before you know it, the real deal’s going to arrive—”
“Oh like who? The Fae Prince?” You mock.
The door suddenly bursts open as if on cue. Sebek straightens his posture and you sit upright. You felt a chill run down your spine as the person’s steely gaze met your eyes. He was princelike with fair skin and purple-blue eyes that complemented his shiny silver hair. The long lashes framed his eyes in a dreamy way. Your breath stopped for a second as you looked at him. He was beautiful. Was this the prince? “I’m not the prince.” He says immediately after you have that thought. Your shoulders slump slightly in disappointment. It checks out though. No one has truly seen the Fae Prince’s face, aside from the Royal Scribe or the captain of the Royal Guard (aka. Sebek). Even those who have seen his face would never tell.
“Then who are you?”
“Silver, Royal Scribe.”
You could feel your mouth open in surprise. “Close your mouth.” Sebek scolds you. “It’s improper to gape.”
“Well why are you here?” It came out of your mouth before you could stop it.
Silver sits down across from you. “To record.” With a swish of his hand, a giant stack of papers appeared in front of him as well as a quill pen and ink.
“Record what?”
“Everything. Your life, your parents, your job. We must keep records of the Librarians.” Silver picks up the pen.
Your face immediately falls as reality begins to set in. “So…this is real?” Silver nods. “This…this is really real?” He nods again. “I don’t want to do this.”
“You must.”
“I don’t want to be holed up in a building all day for the rest of my life! It sounds like a miserable existence! Actually, scratch that. It is a miserable existence!”
“You have no choice. The Bell has chosen you. To defy the Order of The Saints of Emerald would mean exile.” Silver’s facial expression darkens. “From what Sebek has told me, I don’t think you can afford exile.”
You were barely making end’s meet as it was. Your job was only good during the good weather seasons and even those lasted for a short time. Furthermore, both of your parents had passed away and your uncle and aunt had stolen the fortune left for you, blowing it on themselves and your pompous cousin. You had nothing to go on. Plus, you weren’t well versed in travel. You hadn’t even really left beyond the small town you lived in (and now the Palace). To be thrown into a new country, suddenly, without any money or material possessions would subject you to a cruel life. “This is cruel.”
“Magic rules above all else (Y/N) (L/N). You know that very well. Do you dare test it?” Silver raises an eyebrow.
You slump back into your seat. “...No…”
“Good. Now, please tell me your name, your family name, and the magic you specialize in…” Silver begins to write, his hands moving fluidly to the sound of your voice.
“My name is (Y/N) (L/N)...” You tell him about your parents, give a brief backstory, and recall how they passed. “I specialized in…light magic…” You muttered.
Silver nodded along. “How impressive. Now, tell me your life story.”
— — —
“I never want to do that ever again.” You huff, arms crossed.
“You won’t have to.” Sebek mutters. The carriage ride was quite rocky. You didn’t understand how Sebek could still remain so straight as the carriage moved from side to side every few seconds. This is what happens though when you live in the mountainous region of Diasomnia. “We got everything we needed from you.”
“What are you going to do with that information? Rob me or something?”
“Archive you.”
Your face falls. “Archive…You can’t just archive me!”
“We can. And we have to.” Sebek sighs. “You know well that it’s part of the process to become a Librarian. I don’t know why you’re pretending you don’t know how this whole thing works.”
“Well excuse me. I gave up on my dream to become a scholar a long time ago! No money remember!” You huff. “The knowledge doesn’t serve me. So I replaced it for more practical knowledge.”
“Well you might as well touch upon the topic again since all you’ll be doing is looking at books.” The carriage finally stopped. Your home was a humble one made up of wood and stone, reinforced by magic so your roof wouldn’t catch fire during the common lightning storms. “You know what you have to do.”
“Yeah…I do.”
— — —
“Are you sure I can’t help you move in?” A frown appears on Gil’s face.
“Gil, that’s not how this works. You know it as well as I do.” You tucked the last book into a small blanket, tying it with a piece of fabric.
“Yeah but…It’s going to be my last time seeing you. Being Archived essentially means being socially exiled! To work for the Library!”
“A dream come true.” Sarcasm dripped from your voice. “I wish you could come. But when you’re a scholar, then come visit me alright?”
“Of course.” Gil walks out with you to the carriage and gives you a tight hug.
“Also your voice sounds great.”
“You think? I would like it to be a bit deeper. But I can’t take the stronger potions.”
“It’s a journey. And you’re almost there.” You smile. “Don’t stop, okay?”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” They laugh.
“You better come do some research at the Library. I don’t wanna be left alone with a creepy old man.”
“I kind of doubt the current Librarian is a creepy old man.” Gil raises their eyebrow.
“How do you even know?”
“The Librarian’s name is Lilia I’m pretty sure.”
“That’s literally an old man’s name Gil.”
— — —
Great Seven, this was a depressing sight. The Emerald Library rested atop the mountain, which itself was surrounded by a wall of thorns. It was crystalline with a beautiful reflective surface albeit opaque. You could not peer into it from the outside. The material was a shimmering green color which glowed every time the green lightning from the sky struck it. For it being an institution of great scholarly knowledge, it was surely inaccessible. Probably on purpose, meant to keep people like you out. The carriage landed gracefully on the bridge across the entrance. You exited it, Sebek crawling out after you along with other members of the Royal Guard. “You ready?” He questions.
“Yeah…I guess so.” As beautiful as the library was, its towering structure made you feel like you were doomed. And in a way, you were.
Your boots made clicking noises against the ground as you walked into the Library. “Lilia-san! Lilia-san!”
You screamed when you saw a man suddenly come down from the ceiling. Was it even the ceiling? The shelves were so high that the darkness allowed them to blend with the ceiling. He lands perfectly on his feet, a black cloak billowing behind him. The inside of the cloak was a hot pink that matched the same shade as the hot pink in his hair. A pair of spectacles rested on his nose and the gold complemented his fair skin. He wore a black poet shirt tucked into matching color trousers and his hands were covered by black gloves. “Sebek.” He tilts his head to the side a bit, seeing you. “A stranger. You must be (Y/N) (L/N), yes?”
“How…How do you know my name?” You nervously whisper.
“Silver sent the documents about you.” Oh. So he already knew everything about you? To be fair you didn’t disclose everything to Silver but it still made you feel exposed. It also meant you had already been Archived. “You’re the new Librarian. What an anomaly. I should be dead by now.”
“But you aren’t.” Sebek tenses up a bit.
“Yes. But you,” Lilia turns to you. His red eyes stare you down and it makes you nervous, as if he’s about to pounce on you to kill you. “Being here must mean my time is coming to an end. A new Librarian is chosen only when the old one’s about to get fired by death.”
“You never know. The Bell is unpredictable.” Sebek asserts. It seems like he might be in denial at the idea of the man in front of you dying so you could replace him.
“Only once did two Librarians be chosen at the same time. Sappho and Lune. That story turned out terrible.” Lilia put his hands in his pocket. “It’s a once in a million chance. But let us not think about such things.” He looks at you. “We must get you settled. And then tomorrow we’ll start your training.” Not even a day to get adjusted to this giant place? “Oh is the Prince still going to come by and visit? It’s been some time since I’ve seen him.” Wait, the Librarian has seen the Fae Prince?!
“Yes. Thankfully, nothing has come up as of recently. So he’ll be coming by along with Silver.”
“Ah,” Lilia places a hand on his chest. “It’ll be nice to see all of my children again.” Children?! This man was a father? “I raised them.” He turns to you. “Since you look confused.”
“Well, maybe you can show (Y/N) to the living portion of the library.” Sebek looks up and you follow as well. It almost seemed as if the library was…breathing. “And we can move all the stuff in.”
“Of course. This will become your new home after all.” Lilia began walking and you followed. You didn’t notice that he glanced back and saw your face fall as your life outside was over.
— — —
“Great Seven, this is depressing.” You bury your face into the papers.
“It gets easier.” Lilia closes another book and opens another one. “You’ll get faster.”
“How many books have you gone through? Have you maintained and studied?” You look up at him.
“And I’m only at 690…”
“It takes time dear (Y/N).” Lilia set the books down. You’ve been training nonstop for the past month or so. Lilia was teaching you how to maintain the books since that was the job. Your brain was about to explode from how much knowledge you were absorbing. Your scholarly studies were never this intense.
“It’s not even that. This whole thing is miserable!” You wanted to throw the books at the wall. “I hate being locked up in here! How do you even deal with this?”
“You find ways.” Lilia pulled his glasses off. “To cope eventually.”
“Feels like it’s going to take forever.”
“Are you an outside person?”
“I mean, I made flower arrangements for a living. My specialty in magic is light magic.” You shoot a shot of light magic into the lamp since the light was beginning to dim again. “What else?”
“Not many people want to go outside. Though I can see how this would be your personal torture. But then again, didn’t you want to be a scholar?”
“This is not what I meant. I mostly meant research and adventure I guess.” You slump yourself down into the books.
“I guess that makes sense.” Lilia set his stuff down. “Let’s take a break.”
“Yeah. Let’s.”
“Do you want something hot to drink?”
“That would be nice.” You look down at the books you were maintaining. “A History of Thorn Fairy Tales. Why would this be helpful in any way?” You scoff. You stopped looking at the book upon hearing something. It was a gentle hum and it sounded…familiar. It sounded like the music you would hear in the village. There was a hint of a piano too. “What the—” You stood up, rubbing your ears. Surely you were imagining it, right? Except it was like an itch, lingering in the back of your head. You didn’t know where it was coming from. The seemingly endless darkness of the library only haunted you and added to the creepiness factor. You didn’t explore much but from what you have explored, this library was bound to give you nightmares and hold some unforgettable, scary secrets. This was one of the oldest institutions of scholarly knowledge on the continent, after all. There was also no one but you and Lilia in the library. After all, being a Librarian meant a life of solitude, dedicated to your life’s work as a scholar.
“Is everything all right (Y/N)?”
“Ah!” You turn around to see Lilia holding a tray. Resting on the tray was two cups of hot chocolate. Which, where did he get? “Hot chocolate?”
“Yes. It’s quite good.” He sets the tray down.
“But it’s expensive.”
“We have plenty of funding.” Lilia gives you your cup and he takes a sip. “A hot drink makes this life feel a little less lonely.”
“Does it?” You took a sip. It was good.
“At least for me it does. Most of my life was chaotic, hectic.” Lilia takes another sip. “So to have peace and quiet to myself is something I need.”
“Doesn’t it get lonely though?”
“I never said I didn’t.”
You pursed your lips and decided to not to press it. Again, the sudden mysterious sound hits your ears again and you turn your head. “Something bothering you?” Lilia asks.
“No. I promise.”
— — —
You were out of groceries which meant that food would be low. You didn’t understand why Lilia didn’t seem so concerned when the both of you should be. And you weren’t going to listen to him. “You shouldn’t go out.”
“We need food. There’s a town near us, isn’t there?”
“A small town. But it’s not like they’re going to be out and about.”
“I must try.” You put on your cloak and begin walking out.
“(Y/N).” Lilia sighs until looking up. “Ah, fairy sticks. (Y/N)! (Y/N), wait!” He exclaims, getting out of his seat and running after you.
“I need to get out anyways!” You bursted the doors open with a swipe of your hand, your boots moving across the stone bridge. You were too focused on the sight in front of you and didn’t notice the swirling storm above.
“(Y/N)! That’s not a good idea.” Lilia looked up at the sky.
“You can’t stop me!” As you were about to step off the bridge, a sudden surge of energy pushed back against you. Your heels dug into the bridge to prevent yourself from being entirely blown away. And it hurt. It felt like your skin was burning. “Ah!” You looked up, seeing, for a brief second, the translucent magical barrier that formed a dome over the library.
“You can’t leave!” Lilia yells. “We can’t leave. Don’t worry about food—”
“That is the most impractical thing I have ever heard!” You yell back. “Why can’t I leave!”
“We’re bound by magic here! Magic rules above all, remember?”
“Of course.” You were beginning to despise magic.
All of a sudden, you felt the atmosphere suddenly become darker. It felt…unsettling, heavy. There was pressure on your chest. “(Y/N), get back here!” Lilia demands.
“At least let me breathe some fresh air!” It’s been far too long.
“I am serious! At least get behind the barrier!”
“I am behind the barrier!” You exclaim.
“No you aren’t—”
“Yes I am!” Your attention was suddenly taken to the black blobs that were beginning to move. They didn’t seem threatening but you already knew what it was: blot. Sentient blot was rare considering that blot in general was more like a disease. “Great Seven.” Your fingers tingled with the sparks of magic and easily, with a few simple spells. But they just kept coming and for some reason, only got bigger and began combining with each other. Absorbing light magic? Impossible. Light magic was the most effective against blot. Your feet moved on their own and you turned around, beginning to run. Halfway across the bridge, you tripped over a stone that jutted out from the bridge. You felt a scratch on your face and turned around to see the looming monster that had taken shape. Were blot monsters even possible? Yes, scholars lacked any knowledge of anything in the Blotlands but this didn’t seem plausible. They erased said plausibility over a century ago. Immediately, on instinct, you stuck your hand out. “Light Ray!” Your strongest spell. Yes it wasn’t complicated but you never claimed to be a scholar in magic. The light blinded you for a second, your eyes immediately closing and looking away. When it faded, you opened them again and looked up. Horror dawned on your face as the monster seemed unphased and even was…acting full? As if you fed it. “No…” Immediately, you use your arms to cover your head, prepared for your doom.
“And this is why you should listen to your elders.” You look up, seeing Lilia land in front of you. A sudden black fog overcame the two of you. “To think I already banished you. Well, I don’t mind doing it again.” The atmosphere suddenly changed. It was heavier and much darker and there was a green aura that surrounded Lilia’s body. It was kind of his color too. The fog dissipated as well as the blot and what you saw wanted to make you pass out.
It was a shape, a mass that had multiple limbs and random eyes. It also was humanoid and had legs and was walking towards you. Lilia clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “You’ve grown. I can admire that. But you’re no match to me.” He positioned his arm in front of him, his hand having his index and pointer finger uncurled along with his thumb. “There’s a reason why The Bell chose me.” You saw a magic circle form. Magic circles were rare and ancient magic. Only people of a certain caliber could master such a technique. How strong was this man? “But for now, begone beast!” A sudden surge of magical energy fired into the entity. You heard screams of pain, but your eyes were closed and you curled into a fetal position as a massive dust cloud with tiny parts of stone chipped flew behind the Librarian. The scream eventually stopped and the dust cloud dissipated. You could only look up at the man in front of you, his back turned. His hair stopped moving along with the wind and his cloak settled. There was dust all over the pristine black fabric. “As long as I don’t have to do more than that, I should not worry. But he has managed to break through the first barrier.” He sighs before turning around and looking down at you. “You’re hurt.”
“Yeah…I know…” You were still trying to process what you had just seen.
Lilia puts his hand out. “Come. Let’s go get you patched up.”
— — —
Lilia Vanrouge. Lilia Vanrouge. Lilia Vanrouge. Where had you heard that name before? It’s been a week since the whole bridge fiasco and you were busy going through book after book. “Lilia Vanrouge…Aha! Found it…again…” How many books have mentioned Lilia Vanrouge? A lot of them. And a majority of them were about war. “Just how many books are you in…” You mutter.
“Probably a good sixth of this library.”
“Gah! Don’t do that!” You exclaimed, turning around to see him. Lilia pushed up his spectacles.
“Looking for information on me?” He smirks.
“Ummm…” You felt your cheeks become hot in embarrassment and even a small tingle of heat in your ears. “Maybe? I recognize that spell!”
“Oh? Do you?”
“I’ve seen it before! You know that magic circles all have a unique appearance in accordance to their user. So if I’ve seen it that must mean—”
“I’m significant? I mean, you’re correct. I’m surprised you didn’t recognize me for the first few months you were here.” Lilia adjusts his gloves. “I used to be a general.”
“The…The General Vanrouge?” You swore if it could, your jaw would’ve dropped to the floor.
“You might better know me by the Destroyer of Storms title.”
“That…that was you?!”
“Of course it was.” Lilia has a satisfied smile on his face.
“What…What are you doing here?!”
“In the library? Because I was chosen. And it makes sense. A Librarian shouldn’t just be a scholar. They also should be physically adept to protect the library from such monstrosities as…”
“Last week.” Your face falls as you think about it. “I’ve never felt such unpleasant power before.”
“It’s a mystery. I’m still trying to figure it out myself, honestly. In all of my years of living, I have never seen such a thing.”
“It would be a fascinating study!” Your head turns. Again, that whisper of a sound. It’s been bothering you for a while now and you could never find the source.
“Do you hear it?” Lilia’s face grows more serious.
“Hear what?” You look at him.
“The Whisper is what I call it. I can hear it too.”
“You can?”
“It was a lot more faint until you arrived.” Lilia begins to walk. “Follow me. I think it’s time you see more of this place.”
Immediately, you follow after him. “I feel like I’m only scratching the surface of this building.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that. I’ve been here for a while and I’ve barely discovered everything.”
— — —
The sudden open space was…shocking. You had gone down what felt like an infinite flight of steps, guided by a ball of light you summoned. Lilia eventually led you to a door that was covered in a variety of foliage. It was a lot more colorful and lush than the native foliage in Diasomnia. When he opened the door, you were met with sudden sunlight. It was like something out of a dream. There were lush fields and a waterfall, a stream, a pond, flowers, trees of all kinds. You noticed that it extended far beyond your sight. “There’s also a garden down here which is where we get our food.” Lilia looks at you. “So we don’t need to go out and get groceries. And if we’re in need of meat, Sebek has no problem sending shipments.”
You were in complete awe and your spell fell away. The sun in here felt just as real as the sun you felt outside. It was a perfect image, perhaps even better. And it calmed your nostalgia. “Anyways follow me. We aren’t just here so you can gape.” Lilia began walking.
“Oh! Sorry!”
You were quick to follow after him, looking around. There was a lot in here. Was this what laid beneath the library? Diasomnia was quite barren so this was a genuine surprise. Although as you walked deeper into the area, you noticed some circular shapes of magic. Walking closer, you saw that in it was a floating book, accompanied by a pen that was writing on the page. “What the—”
“(Y/N).” You turned to Lilia. “Busy staring, are we?”
Your face became hot with embarrassment. “No…”
“How’s the sound?”
“The sound…” You realized that it had become quiet, almost a very low whisper. “It’s almost nonexistent down here.”
“Yeah. Because of that.” He pointed to a book a few meters away from you. It was a bright hot pink book with a pen writing furiously. You walked over immediately, leaning over.
“What happens if I read it?” You turn to him.
“Nothing.” Lilia shrugs. “But Librarians don’t read any books that are currently being written out of courtesy. It’s up to us to live through these events and the Librarians after us to study them.”
“I see…” You look at it furiously scribbling. “Have you read this one—” You turn around to find Lilia gone. It was what he did a lot of the time. You looked back at the book and then squinted when you saw something. “What…” Your name and Lilia’s name. Gently, you poked a finger through the magic barrier. There was no resistance so you put in both hands and grabbed the book. There was a bit of resistance to pull it out but for the most part, you were able to pull it out (probably because you were a Librarian). Even without the pen, the writing kept appearing on the page. “This is a thick book.” Then again, Lilia Vanrouge has been around for a long time. What caught your eye though was the sentence that just formed.
After all those centuries alone, Lilia was grateful that he was no longer the only one.
You felt a frown cross your face. Being a Librarian wasn’t your choice. But for Lilia, it must have been such a lonely existence. He existed without you for centuries upon centuries. At least you had someone to talk to and guide you while you were here.
(Y/N) was beginning to find Lilia a comforting presence and a stirring of romance came about within (Y/N)’s heart.
“Okay, that’s enough.” You put the book back into its magical sphere and the pen continues to write. “That is too weird.” Perhaps that was why not reading the current books was a rule: because it was way too weird. You walked around, trying to see where Lilia went. You saw him laying down on the ground, eyes closed and his skin taking in the faux sunlight down here. It was truly like another dimension. You walk over as quietly as possible though Lilia sits up and opens his eyes.
“You’re not as quiet as you think.”
“Well you were a general so I think I hold a disadvantage.” You huff, sitting next to him. “Why didn’t you tell me about this place?”
“Because it’s meant to be undisturbed unless we need food. You’re supposed to let things just happen down here. It’s beyond our control.” He picks a flower from the ground before handing it to you.
You take the flower, feeling your fingers graze against his glove. It sends a small shiver throughout your body. “I see…This would be a good place to do work, you know.”
“I guess so. But I fear getting the material upstairs dirty. Or ruining a millennia’s worth of work.” He sighs. “Alas, there’s not much I can do.”
You didn’t say anything. Rather, you move closer to him until your shoulders are touching. “Let’s not do work today.”
“I can agree.”
The two of you sit in silence as the gentle whispers of books travel through the foliage.
Amidst the fields did a love start to blossom. A late bloomer for sure.
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