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starwolfskin · 3 months ago
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Hello would you like to hear about AuroRay?
My dear OC Rayjack smooches and holds and loves Aurora League of Legend and I’m happy for him, everyone should be 🐰🐺✨
Instead of spamming have a masterpost of my dearies, da neurodivergent animols, the cuddle fluffers, the yapping nerds…… I love them
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wondabarappa · 2 months ago
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Boho Aurora
I got some new clothes from my aunt, and I wanted to draw Aurora in them!
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chaserainbows · 3 months ago
just when you thought it was safe to go back outside BAM THE SEQUEL
@splicedskies for altra i assign geckone
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it's a psychic type with protean that can mega evolve into a psychic/dark type with protean, it's a goofy little guy with color changing powers but it also complements those abilities with illusions to confuse its opponents and fully disguise its shape, its mega evolution is also REALLY strong
@the-wandering-rock-collector for steven i assign crystox it is not a steel-type but steven has the range
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it's a rock/poison type with poison point sturdy and solid rock as abilities, it lives in dark caves and blends in with the ground so steven would have to be mindful of them so as to not injure himself on their toxic spikes and i can see him using one of them on his team because of that familiarity, also his ace pokemon is a spider too
@deusproxy for tomohiko i assign aurorai
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it's an electric/ice type with snow cloak competitive and cute charm as potential abilities and it's one of the pikaclones of the game, it's a rare encounter in the more distant icy areas of the region so that rarity not only makes them very unique to match his role as a proxy but also reflects how he's the kind of person that prefers not to be the center of attention
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marcuslash · 7 months ago
Esta vista panorâmica composta bem composta olha para o sul da Península de Banks, perto de Christchurch, na Ilha Sul da Nova Zelândia. A base de uma pilha rochosa em forma de torre está inundada em primeiro plano, com as estrelas do Cruzeiro do Sul no topo da moldura e o pólo celeste sul do planeta Terra perto do centro. Ainda assim, capturada em 11 de maio, a vibrante aurora austral domina o mar estrelado do sul e a paisagem celeste. As cintilantes luzes do sul faziam parte de extensas exibições aurorais que entretinham os observadores do céu nos hemisférios norte e sul do planeta Terra, causadas por intensas tempestades geomagnéticas. O clima espacial extremo foi desencadeado pelo impacto das ejeções de massa coronal lançadas pela poderosa região solar ativa AR 3664.
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Crédito da imagem e direitos autorais: Kavan Chay
Fonte: https://twitter.com/apod/status/1791652151321825529?t=6AGnFXTziHOgtub_uu80bg&s=19
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viecome · 1 year ago
Cuaderno de poemas. Federico García Lorca
Mi corazón oprimidoSiente junto a la alboradaEl dolor de sus amoresY el sueño de las distancias.La luz de la aurora llevaSemilleros de nostalgiasY la tristeza sin ojosDe la médula del alma.La gran tumba de la nocheSu negro velo levantaPara ocultar con el díaLa inmensa cumbre estrellada.¡Qué haré yo sobre estos camposCogiendo nidos y ramasRodeado de la auroraY llena de noche el alma!¡Qué haré si…
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periodicoirreverentes · 1 year ago
embriagada de memorias vivo
Lala González Self Portrait (1898)-Suzanne Valadon embriagada de memorias vivocon la frente inmersa en la piel de un versocon ganas de perderme en el valle de la auroray no volver atrásquedar presa en sus suspirospuede que sea el fruto de las tantas veces que le nombréconjurando herejías para hacerle regresarhoy, estoy sin palabras para llamarlemas aún así mi cuerpo tiembla solo con…
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bb-latvija · 1 year ago
Dānijas kompānija Zenvo Automotive savā vēsturē prezentējusi otro pilnīgi jauno modeli - Aurora hibrīda superauto (nejaukt ar Oldsmobile Aurora sedanu no pagājušā gadsimta 90.gadu vidus), tam ir ļoti izsmalcināts tehniskais pildījums un a. traka cena 3,6 miljoni eiro. Zenvo Automotive, kas dibināta 2007. gadā, vēl nesen bija vienreizējs superauto ar vidējo dzinēju ST1 un tā atvasinājumi. Aurorai ar viņiem nav nekā kopīga, izņemot zīmolu un galveno dizaineru – abus modeļus "uzzīmējis" dānis Kristians Brends. Aurora pamatā ir jaunā ZM1 platforma ar oglekļa šķiedras monokoksu pie pamatnes.   Oglekļa šķiedras apakšrāmji, pie kuriem piestiprinātas spēkstacijas balstiekārtas un elementi, ir integrēti monokokā, arī viss ārējais apspalvojums ir izgatavots no oglekļa šķiedras, un apspalvojums ir diezgan niecīgs - Aurora priekšā ir milzīgi “caurumi”. un aiz muguras, caur kuru ažūra stumšanas stieņa tipa piekare uz dubultām šķērsvirziena svirām "aplī". 70% no nesošās konstrukcijas nekas nav nosegts, tās svars ir tikai 120 kg, vērpes stingrība ir iespaidīga 63 000 Nm/gr. Salīdzinājumam teiksim, ka konceptuāli tuvajam Lamborghini Revuelto virsbūves stingrība ir "tikai" 40 000 Nm/gr.   [integrate_google_drive data="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"] Zenvo Aurora pamatā ir 6,6 litru V12 benzīna dzinējs ar 90 grādu izliekuma leņķi un sausā karteri eļļošanu, kas no paša sākuma ir izstrādāts ar Lielbritānijas inženieru kompānijas Mahle Powertrain (pilnībā piederošs Vācijas automobiļu detaļu meitasuzņēmums) palīdzību. ražotājs Mahle GmbH). Dzinējs ar nosaukumu Mjolner (tulkojumā krievu valodā kā "Tora āmurs") bloka sabrukšanas laikā ir aprīkots ar četriem zemas inerces turbokompresoriem - ar to palīdzību izstrādātāji vēlējās sasniegt ārējos ātruma raksturlielumus, piemēram, atmosfēras dzinējus. Maksimālais ātrums ir 9800 apgr./min! Maksimālā atdeve - 1267 ZS un 1400 Nm. Ātrumkārba - 7 pakāpju "robots" ar tajā implantētu 150 kW (204 ZS) elektromotoru, šis elektromotors ne tikai palīdz benzīna dzinējam paātrinājuma laikā, bet arī darbojas kā starteris, kā arī atbild par atpakaļgaitu, atsevišķs kastē nav atpakaļgaitas pārnesuma. Visa jauda no iekšdedzes dzinēja tiek nosūtīta uz aizmugurējiem riteņiem, izmantojot elektroniski vadāmu pašbloķējošo diferenciāli.   Zenvo Aurora tiks piedāvāta divās versijās - Agil (attēlos sarkans auto) un Tur (tirkīza auto), abas var braukt pa koplietošanas ceļiem, bet Agil ir vairāk orientēts uz trasi, ir attīstītāka aerodinamiskā aste (tā dod 880 kg lejupielādes ātrums ar ātrumu 250 km / h) un askētiska salona apdare, un Tur ir pozicionēts kā tūristu modelis - tam ir vairāk "laizīts" korpuss un daudz dabiskās ādas salonā. Aurora Agil sver tikai 1300 kg, līdz 100 km/h paātrinās 2,5 sekundēs un maksimāli līdz 365 km/h. Aurora Tur priekšējai asij ir pievienoti divi atsevišķi elektromotori, kas katrs ražo 150 kW (204 ZS), nodrošinot visu riteņu piedziņu. Aurora Tur spēkstacijas maksimālā kumulatīvā jauda ir 1876 ZS. un 1700 Nm, paātrinājums līdz “simtiem” aizņem 2,3 s, maksimālais ātrums ir 450 km/h. Tūrisma versijas pašmasa ir 1450 kg. Pilnpiedziņa būs pieejama Aurora Agil papildaprīkojumā, taču šai versijai joprojām būs savi šasijas iestatījumi un agresīvāka aerodinamika. Akumulatora ietilpība, veids un atrašanās vieta netiek izpausta, taču tiek ziņots, ka tā pilna uzlāde pietiks 35 km elektriskajā režīmā. Abas versijas ir aprīkotas ar jaudīgām oglekļa keramikas bremzēm un viegliem magnija sakausējuma diskiem ar centrālo stiprinājuma uzgriezni, rezerves riepas ir Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 vai Cup 2R 265/35 R 20 priekšā un 325/30 R 21 aizmugurē. Zenvo gatavojas ražot tikai 100 Aurora superauto eksemplārus - 50 Agil un 50 Tur, ražošanu paredzēts sākt 2025. gadā. Cena oficiāli nav paziņota, taču saskaņā ar britu žurnāla Autocar datiem tā būs vismaz 3,6 miljoni eiro.
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fuzzymaro · 1 year ago
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Creator of aurora
I had an opportunity to do a watercolor painting again because of this nice commission for WeltherrscherinSaedis! This work was mailed to the buyer so they are the owner of my original physical work done on paper.  My commissions are open and I do both digital and physical artworks!  Pricelist available at: my webpage fuzzymaro.art
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fakeplasticsims · 5 years ago
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𝕤𝕠𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕟 𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕥 + 𝕔𝕠𝕣𝕖 + 𝕒𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕔
More moodboards, this time for the Newcrest crew. Uri has been a long-time friend of the trio but not as close since he’s always lived in the next town over. Aurora is a fairly recent addition and she’s usually busy trying to become internet-famous.
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witchandhellhound · 8 years ago
Aurorays are now available on my shop as a custom order!
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starwolfskin · 4 months ago
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As I plan on making little comics for my League OC, Rayjack, I made a little height chart for him and his friends! (He’s the short king!)
So here’s Aurora, Rayjack, Aphelios and Sett!
He’s best friends with Sett (who gave him a part time job at the pit) and is madly in love with Aurora (yes, my little oc x canon ship AuroRay say hello to them), Rayjack knows more about Phel from Sett and not so much from interacting directly, but a “friend” of Sett is a friend to him!
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claudiosuenaga · 3 years ago
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Os 60 anos da Operação Dominic: Testes nucleares em altas altitudes para "perfurar" o firmamento
A Operação Dominic, uma série de 31 testes nucleares realizado em 1962 pelos Estados Unidos no Pacífico, está completando 60 anos. Curiosamente, Dominic significa “do Senhor”, “o que pertence ao Senhor”. É a versão inglesa de Domingos, nome originado a partir do latim Dominicius, que quer dizer literalmente “pertencente ao Senhor”.
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As ogivas foram lançadas de grandes altitudes por aviões bombardeiros B-52, e o míssil Thor também foi usado para levar ogivas e realizar testes de explosão nuclear em grandes altitudes, testes esses que foram chamados sugestivamente de Operação Fishbowl. Ora, Fishbowl quer dizer, literalmente, "Aquário". Seria esse um codinome para "cúpula"?
Os testes nucleares da Operação Fishbowl foram originalmente planejados para serem concluídos durante a primeira metade de 1962, com três testes chamados Bluegill, Starfish e Urraca. Bluegill é um peixe de água doce norte-americano da família dos peixes-sol, com bochechas azuladas e capas branquiais. Starfish é "estrelas do mar". Urraca, palavra do latim medieval, significa "ladrão" em espanhol.
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Um teste chamado Kingfish ("Peixe-grande") foi adicionado durante os estágios iniciais do planejamento da Operação Fishbowl. Dois testes de baixo rendimento, Checkmate ("Xeque-mate") e Tightrope ("Corda bamba"), também foram adicionados durante o projeto, portanto o número final de testes na Operação Fishbowl foi cinco, já que o Urraca foi cancelado.
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Por que se utilizaram esses termos aquáticos para testes nucleares feitos em altas altitudes se o firmamento, segundo a ciência oficial, não é propriamente constituído de água?
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O míssil Thor carregando a ogiva Starfish Prime chegou a um apogeu (altura máxima) de cerca de 1.100 km, e a ogiva foi detonada em sua trajetória descendente quando caiu para a altitude programada de 400 quilômetros.
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O Starfish Prime causou um pulso eletromagnético (EMP) muito maior que o esperado, causando danos elétricos no Havaí, a cerca de 1.445 quilômetros do ponto de detonação, apagando cerca de 300 postes e acionando numerosos alarmes. Após a detonação Starfish Prime, auroras brilhantes foram observadas na área, bem como na região do conjugado sul, do outro lado do Equador, a partir da detonação.
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De acordo com um dos primeiros relatórios técnicos, "Os fenômenos visíveis devido à explosão foram generalizados e bastante intensos; uma área muito grande do Pacífico foi iluminada pelos fenômenos aurorais."
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Todas essas experiências para observar os efeitos no firmamento não resultaram em grande coisa, a não ser em mais contaminação nuclear nas áreas atingidas. Não foi à toa que Wernher von Braun (1912-1977), engenheiro alemão e uma das principais figuras no desenvolvimento do foguete V-2 na Alemanha Nazista e do foguete Saturno V nos Estados Unidos, mandou gravar em sua lápide, a título de epitáfio, o Salmos 19:1: "Os céus declaram a glória de Deus e o firmamento anuncia a obra das suas mãos."
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Você pode encontrar mais detalhes sobre a Operação Dominic no site The Nuclear Weapon Archive.
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dark-artifices-only · 4 years ago
Congrats on 200!!!
📷15+🕯22 pls?
Tysm anon 💜💜
📷: Aurorai Maker
“Jesus Christ!” Sterling shouted. “Where’d you learn to drive?”
“Nobody asked you for commentary!” Emma yelled back as they hurtled into the moving traffic. Luckily it was late and the lanes were mostly empty.
“I don’t want to die on the Pacific Coast Highway!” Sterling wailed.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Emma’s voice dripped acid. “Is there a different highway you’d like to die on? BECAUSE WE CAN ARRANGE THAT.”
Join in on the celebration 💫
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poesia-em-vida-blog · 8 years ago
🌻 Felicidade 🌻
O que significa de verdade a “FELICIDADE”, pra mim felicidade é um bom dia que você recebe no meio da rua, é um elogio de uma pessoa inesperada, é um carinho, uma flor arrancada do vizinho, é um convite pra sair e olhar a lua, é chamar pra ficar na calçada na frente de casa falando coisas aleatórias, é encontrar amigos com quem pode contar de verdade, na verdade mais que amigos anjos, felicidade esta nas coisas simples, as atitudes mas inesperadas da vida, encontrar esse felicidade toda em uma pessoa é uma dadiva da vida que poucas pessoas sabem apreciar...
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metaversegamedevelopment · 2 years ago
Solana Game Development Company
Dappsfirm is a renowned Solana game development company offering a high dynamic blockchain-based gaming platform. We build games on the Solana blockchain networks with high security and functionalities. Our Solana game development services include game analysis, development, and design of your gaming platform, from gaming platform ideation to deployment and providing complete services.
Solana NFT Game Development Services
Solana is the top-rated and fastest decentralized blockchain network. Dappsfirm offers NFT games on Solana to provide you with speedy output with the lowest transaction fees. Solana NFT platform helps the users to buy, sell and trade NFTs in a secure way.NFTs( non-fungible tokens) generate more revenue and help the artists to cater their works. These tokens are available within the Solana platform based on customization. 
Dappsfirm is a full-service Solana NFT game development company that offers competitive Solana-based NFT game development for enterprise and startup clients around the globe. We create Solana-based games, tokens, NFT marketplace, and other crypto & blockchain products.  Our blockchain developers, game engineers, UX/UI designers, and industry-leading experts are ready to take your project to the next level.
Features We Offer in Solana NFTGame Development
* Proof of Stack Protocol
* Decentralized Network
* Smart Contract Integrated
* User-Friendly Platform
* Highly Coded Programs
Why Should You Create Your Game on Solana Blockchain?
Solana is a single blockchain system based on the Proof of Stake consensus method enabling low entry barriers and efficient time-stamping of transactions. It processes over 68,000 transactions per second. Solana blockchain improves scalability and faster exchanges. This opts for the interest of users to create games on the Solana blockchain.
With a top talented team of developers, we are efficient in developing Solana games with high speed, and background colors avoiding network congestion.
Benefits of Building Games in Solana Blockchain:
Safest blockchain networks: Solana is considered to be the secure and fastest blockchain which has the capacity of maintaining more than 50,000 transactions per second.
Low transaction fees: Solana blockchain affirms the highest secured workspace with very low transaction fees. This makes millions of users to use this platform.
Pos and Pow enriched: Proof of stack and proof of work of Solana is the most prominent feature that molds up scalability with quicker functions.
Top Trending Solana Based Games in the Market 2022
* Star Atlas
* Auroray
* DeFi land
* Solajump
* Ninjagame
* Genopets
* DeFi Land
* Solice
* Decimated
* And more
Adavantages of Blockchain Games On Solana 
You can build your own blockchain-based games from scratch as it has many advantages:
* Decentralized
* High scalability
* Safest transactions 
* User-controlled platform
* Coded smart contracts
* Platform made more reliable and funfilled
* More earnings from the NFTs created.
Why Dappsfirm For Solana Game Development?
Dappsfrim being a customer-eccentric firm develops solana-based games with special features. We as a team of 10+ developers in blockchain technology assist in developing the NFT gaming platform on Solana blockchain at an affordable cost. With your own customization and requirements, we design a platform with all criteria included in it to shape your business.
Hire Solana Game Developers!
We utilize an agile development process to build an ultra-modern gaming platform on Solana for players to enjoy all the iconic features developed for your full engagement on games. We have highly skilled full-stack developers and if you are in need of hiring skilled developers, You can hire us on a daily, monthly, and full-time basis. We promise you in bringing outstanding deliverables.
For More Information Contact:
Call/Whatsapp - +919597355524
Skype - live:.cid.31364a310d2d094f
Telegram – Dappsfirm
Visit - https://www.dappsfirm.com/solana-game-development
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llybian · 7 years ago
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Aurorus + Darkrai = Aurorai
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