#aurora celeste
dianassswoo · 9 months
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[ART TRADE FOR @/sxturniia ON TIKTOK; NOT MY OC] Aurora and Wally...under a tree...waiting to see the stars...They are so cute <3
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desolaluna · 13 days
Closed Starter: @vanisheveryday for Fryda
Location: Some park :P
She had far too much time - she did. Perhaps if there was something keeping her attention at bay, Aurora wouldn’t find herself stuck between the railing of the park bench. Weaved between the metal polls that held the bench upright. Of course, it'd be on a day she chose to ditch her overalls and came out sporting a skirt. No matter which way she twisted or turned, Rory couldn’t seem to free herself so she let her body go limp with a sigh.  There were other people at the park, none too close, but they could definitely see her. Aurora told herself that if she spent another ten minutes stuck in that position she’d call for some help, but until then she’d continue to shift and bend. “This is all your fault,” she scolded the beetle she’d been spending time with. Finger pointing at it judgingly when she was the one caught in a trap. “We could have stayed on the table, but nooooo. You wanted to fall through the crack. I was only trying to help you.”  Hearing footsteps behind her, Aurora kicked her feet in excitement and tapped the metal with her hands. “Hello!?” she called out, unable to move her head enough to turn and see who had come behind her. “I know this looks like the perfect porno, but I do need some help, please. Hello?”
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leviadraws · 4 months
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I've been really enjoying playing Celeste, so doodled this in between things
I've not finished it yet, please no spoilers
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saturnselkies · 17 days
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scifi Celeste and Aurora
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aquarii-if · 8 months
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The gods of Aquarii and Chronos have ruled for billions of years. (Psst! You can take this quiz to find out which god parent you should choose!)
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Delano, The God of Time- Delano is the father of all the gods and goddesses, except for Celeste, who is his granddaughter. Nobody knows how Delano came to be, it's just accepted that one day he appeared on Aquarii and decided to create the Mitans. Delano is beloved by the Mitans for his laid-back personality, and being one of the only gods who can actually take a joke. For some reason, Delano decided to give his demigod children clocks for pupils. The hands actually move. Being a father of ten other gods, and a grandfather, Delano is pretty much the perfect dad. He's supportive and caring, but strict when he needs to be. Delano values independence, so he expects his children to be able to complete tasks and challenge themselves without his help, but he'll still be there to protect them if they find themselves in a situation where they can't save themselves. He wants them to be strong, but also smart, don't overexert yourself.
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Aquila, The Goddess of Water- Aquila is the eldest of all the gods and goddesses. Delano decided that Aquarii needed a planet, and used a couple of meteors with H2O in them to create a planet entirely made of water. The ocean then began to create a large whirlpool, and Delano used this whirlpool to create Aquila. Aquila is known to be very unpredictable, which causes Aquarii's oceans to be quite dangerous. At one point of the day, the water may be calm and gentle, but in a single instance, it can turn aggressive and furious. However, Aquila is known to be a very kind and supportive mother, so long as her children remain respectful to her. Similarly to how a single wave can throw a surfer off balance, one disrespectful move toward Aquila, and her child can be sent into a world of punishment. Aquila likes to turn her children's pupils into the ocean, their eyes tend to be dark blue with waves gently moving across the water, and you can even see the white seafoam in their eyes.
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Mahina, The Goddess of Death- It's quite strange to see that the goddess of death came before the goddess of life, but Mahina has always liked to make her own rules. While Delano was distracted and attempting to create another planet in Aquarii, he wasn't able to stop a meteor from coming in and destroying the planet he created for Aquila. As the waters of the planet completely burned over and the planet exploded, a woman appeared. She giggled at the destruction and demanded that Delano do it again. Originally, Mahina was the goddess of misfortune, but she later switched her position to be the goddess of death when Alula created Mitans. Mahina is an impatient, selfish, and overall terrible person to be around, but she's even worse than her own children. She's known to be quite neglectful and abusive towards them and mostly sees them as weapons and servants to her cause rather than actual people. If they show even a hint of emotion in her presence, she writes them off as weak and practically abandons them until she finds another use for them. Children of Mahina tend to have small black cracks in their skin, and their scleras and pupils are turned completely black.
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Aurora, The Goddess of Love and Beauty- Similarly to Mahina, many find it strange that the goddess of love came before the goddess of life. But even gods can feel love and want to be beautiful. Originally, the gods did not have bodies, they were just atoms floating around through space. Delano wanted to feel the ocean, so he decided to attempt to create a form that could feel. His first form can only be described as monstrous, but it was his, and he thought it was beautiful. These emotions caused Aurora to form, and she complimented Delano's form and caused Delano to experience love toward himself. Aurora is known to be an excitable and happy goddess, she adores the Mitans and wants them all to live long lives full of love and beauty. She doesn't believe there is such thing as 'ugly', and can find beauty in practically anything. She's also known to be quite a good mother to her children but can be a bit of a pushover as well.
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Alula, The Goddess of Life- It didn't take long for the four gods before Alula began to feel lonely. Delano decided he wanted to create a species that weren't gods, but a species he could take care of. These feelings caused Alula to appear, and she said that she could help him. She caused some islands to appear from under the waves and began to grow trees and other plants on these islands, before she used the land, the water, and the stars to create the Mitans. Similarly to Aurora, Alula cares deeply for her Mitans. She does her best to keep the galaxy healthy and alive and takes care of the Mitans to make sure they live long healthy lives. However, she does have a bias towards her children, who she tends to spoil with an abundance of food and herbs for them to stay alive longer than the average Mitan. But she doesn't do this for nothing, she expects that her children use their powers to help others, and she's known to offer harsh punishments to her children who use their powers for evil.
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Ida, The Goddess of Wisdom and Curiosity- Of course, Mitans wouldn't have lasted long without some kind of intelligence, but Delano also wanted them to be independent. He had the Mitans become curious creatures and encouraged them to explore the world to satiate these curiosities. While the Mitans were searching through a forest and discovering the other forms of life there, Ida came and guided them to a clearing that was the perfect land to begin building a civilization. Ida is stoic and withdrawn, preferring to keep to herself. She's not very interactive with Mitans or the other gods, but she is still known to be helpful when it comes to the evolution of Mitans. She's been a great asset to Mitan space travel. Ida is not the most emotionally supportive parent when it comes to her children, but she isn't against emotion like Mahina is, she just isn't good at comforting people. She's quite supportive of her children's personal endeavors and will help lead them on the right path of whatever they wish to accomplish. She believes there are many different forms of intelligence, and whether her children want to be scientists, artists, or warriors, she's right there by their side.
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Cielo, The God of Creativity- The Mitans quickly grew bored with the geometric shapes of the world and the many mathematical problems they had to solve just to make a tent. They had creative abilities and wanted a way to demonstrate them. Delano gave them the idea of using the tree sap they used to make syrup and glue to make something they could write on and to use the charcoal for fire as a writing utensil. The Mitans began writing many stories, creating music, and even drawing on this newfound invention. As they did, they heard some music playing from the forest, and there they found Cielo, playing a tune using a stick he carved into a flute. Cielo is a very carefree god who prefers to have fun and play with Mitans rather than attempt to rule over them. Out of the twelve, Cielo is the favorite. Cielo's children tend to have healing powers and can heal others just by playing a simple tune. Cielo encourages his children to be kind and to dream big, along with doing everything they can to achieve these dreams.
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Sirius, The God of War- It wasn't long before the Mitans began to see their differences. Originally, these differences were welcomed and encouraged. The Mitans used their differences to further civilization and evolution. But of course, different people tend to butt heads all the time, and that's exactly what happened with the Mitans. Two groups of Mitans began to fight more and more, and eventually, they began to get physical. Another group of Mitans stopped them before anyone got hurt, but they suddenly heard loud clapping. When they turned, Sirius was sitting nearby, encouraging them to keep going. When Sirius was younger, he encouraged Mitans to fight more and even stated that differences shouldn't be welcomed and should be challenged, because everyone should strive to be normal. But over time, he matured and realized that he actually didn't want them to fight. He doesn't encourage peace, though, and he believes that sometimes people have to fight to get along and that fighting can actually help you learn more about someone. Sirius loves his children but has high expectations for them. He expects them to be strong and stick up for themselves, however, he's still kind to his children who lack self-esteem, and he tries to help them build their confidence. Still, he doesn't like slackers or self-pity, he always expects his children to strive to be better.
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Anatole, The God of Seasons- At the beginning of Aquarii, the weather was known to be a disaster. Control of the weather was shared between Aquila, Alula, Delano, and Sirius. All four have very conflicting personalities and opinions, which caused them to fight using the weather. Aquila didn't see anything wrong with it raining all the time, while Alula didn't want it to rain because the Mitans couldn't build their civilizations and couldn't protect themselves from her hurricanes. Sirius also didn't like the rain because he couldn't make it hot enough, while Delano didn't want the weather to be too rainy or too sunny, just calm. Alula then would argue that it wasn't challenging enough for the Mitans to just have calm weather all of the time. The excessive change of the weather every day was so intense that the four accidentally caused a flood. When the flood was over, Anatole was protecting the Mitans and a rainbow appeared over their small village. Anatole used to adore the Mitans, the same way Cielo and Alula did. But a couple thousand years ago, he randomly disappeared, and nobody has seen him since. The only reason the Mitans even know he's still alive is because their weather is still normal and predictable, which means Sirius, Aquila, Delano, and Alula still don't have control of it. Anatole has never had any demigod children, so nobody really knows how he would treat them, or even what kind of powers they would have.
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Soleil, The God of Emotion- Technically speaking, Soleil and Anatole are twins. Just seconds after the gods and Mitans saw Anatole, Soleil appeared from behind him. Originally, Soleil didn't have a purpose, as his godhood wasn't very obvious when he first appeared. But Delano thought his reactions to things like artwork, the Mitans fighting, the Mitans falling in love, and his extreme empathy towards others were unusual. So Delano appointed him as the god of emotion, and he fit into his role perfectly. Soleil is very hard to predict, one minute he's happy and joyful and bringing hope and love to Aquarii, and the next he's pissed off and causing the gods and the Mitans to fight and wreak havoc on one another. Nobody really knows what makes Soleil mad and what makes him happy, because of this, he's not well-liked among the Mitans or the gods. He's known to be very calm around his children and his brother, Anatole, though. But he's quite controlling, and a lot of Soleil's children tend to be dependent on him, and quite spoiled, or they grow up to resent him and develop a desperate need to be independent.
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Donati, The God of Fortune and Wealth- As Mitan civilizations grew bigger and bigger, they began running out of food for everyone, and had to begin splitting it. But they quickly realized they couldn't split everything equally, so they needed a way to differentiate who deserved the bigger pieces. Delano then grabbed some gold from underground and shaped it into a thin circle. The Mitans were unsure of how they were supposed to ration these coins when Donati appeared. He had the Mitans fetch more gold and make more coins, before explaining to them that the best way to ration them is to give more to the ones who work harder than others or have a more important job. Of course, the way money is rationed now in Aquarii is much different than Donati originally intended it to be. It's no shock that Donati loves money and expensive things, and out of all the gods, he's the easiest to please. Just drop an expensive gold piece of jewelry in front of his temple, and you're set for life. Donati is a nice father, so long as you're actually worth something to him. All of his children so far have been nepo babies, Donati doesn't like having children with poor people, or anyone who isn't famous. Donati loves spoiling his children, and he has a hard time saying no when they ask him for something, even if he knows he shouldn't be so lenient with them. Overall, Donati's children are pretty blessed.
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Celeste, The Goddess of Consequences- Celeste was originally a demigod, a daughter of Aquila. But Aquila adored her so much and believed Celeste was so powerful that she couldn't bear to send Celeste down to Mahina, and when Celeste died, Aquila took her body up to the god's domain and ascended her to godhood. During her mortal life, Celeste took vengeance on a man after her mortal mother was harmed by him. He came and murdered her in the middle of the night, and Celeste trained for years and did every piece of detective work she could to find him. Once she did, she tortured and brutally murdered him, before doing the same to countless others who committed similar crimes. When Celeste ascended, she became the goddess of consequences, swearing to take revenge on those who did evil. Celeste has a very neutral opinion of gods and Mitans as a whole, believing that whether someone is good or bad is up to the individual, not the species. Celeste has no soft spot nor practices any kind of favoritism for her children, she believes that they are just as capable of bad deeds as anyone else and that they deserve equal punishment. She's not mean to them, though, but she's not the most present mother either.
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andreal831 · 1 year
Why does Celeste get so much hate?
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My latest Celeste tiktok edit got me thinking about the different treatments of Elijah's love interests and Klaus' love interests. Specifically, Aurora and Celeste.
Because when you think about it, they are basically the same character. And yet, Aurora is treated with a lot more sympathy than Celeste.
Celeste was first introduced as a past love of Elijah. Elijah states that she was one of two great loves that he has ever had. We see that he was so consumed by this love that he, for the first time in 800 years, waivered from his family. This made Klaus angry and he had her brutally murdered.
Similarly, Aurora was Klaus' first love (yes, I know there is a debate on first or second love. I think she was his first). Klaus was so in love with her, that he wanted to bring her on the run with him and his family. However, when Aurora reveals that Klaus was responsible for his mother's death to Elijah, Elijah accidentally compels her to breakup with Klaus. He then proceeds to compel her to pretend to be Rebekah for 100 years.
To me, there are very similar stories. Except, at least Aurora isn't murdered. Because of this, they both turn to revenge against the Mikaelson family for the harm the Mikaelsons have committed against them. They even have similar runtimes on the show -- Celeste is on TO for 13 episodes and Aurora is on for 17 episodes.
Yet I've seen a lot more people support Aurora's hatred of Elijah and get angry at Celeste's revenge against Klaus. The most logical, and probably accurate, reason is that Klaus is the fan favorite and the show centers every storyline around him, reducing Elijah to a background character. Which reduces his love interests down to background characters. This is a big reason why people will "never forgive Elijah" but don't care that Klaus killed Celeste.
But the arguments against Celeste are often that "she was doing too much." While the same people will support Aurora because she is the female Klaus. Celeste essentially toyed with the Mikaelsons for the better part of half a year, but Aurora buried Rebekah at sea, murdered Camille, and tried to murder Elijah and Freya. If Aurora wasn't doing too much, I don't think it's fair to be angry at Celeste for trying to get her revenge.
I also see so many people saying 'if Elijah hadn't compelled Aurora, they would still be together,' but where is that logic with Celeste? I don't even think Celeste and Elijah get their own ship name when she was just as important to Elijah as Aurora was to Klaus.
Aurora typically makes lists of people's top favorite characters. She was so popular that they brought her back in Legacies. Celeste hardly got a mention once her character was killed, even though she was an ancestor on the Other Side and still could have played a role in the witches.
The TVDU has a habit of sidelining POC characters and it seems Celeste is just another woman of color who does not get enough credit. After all, her plotting is what set all of The Originals into motion.
(Celeste doesn't even come up when I search the tags)
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jupahochiko · 1 year
•🪻Outfits I think Emma, norman and ray would love on you🪻•
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(btw sorry for not Posting in so long I was in the hospital 🥲👍🏻)
-like ray I feel like he would like the more basic style.
-"you look stunning as always love."
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-Cmon she would adore you if you wore this like clinging to your side rambling about how cute you look
-"Cmon you look adorable cariño!"
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-I feel like he just loves the more basic style over other styles that use to much accessories giving you maybe 1 complement (cmon it's ray what do you expect?)
"you look nice I guess.."
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Husk: *holding the baby girl* Meet our new little kitten.
Angel: Her name is Aurora Celeste Morningstar
Lucifer: But we’re gonna call her “Rory!” She’s so precious!
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Art by @Yoite1996
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8trackaxolotl · 2 years
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Both trilogy and prequel vinyl sticker sets are available on Etsy! Shop - AxolotlsOddities :)
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auroraveill · 1 day
Caper Cavortion complete!
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Did not expect to find a jumpless level in the expert lobby given how much tech involves jumping, but this was a super cool map! Definitely one of the harder yellow experts lol
Next map is Polaris. Wish me luck lol
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introvertedphantom · 1 year
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My Flora Keychain and Celeste button came in today from @axolotlcosplay shop! Decided to show off the keychain on my pin/Keychain board! (Sorry Celeste djjfjf I haven't figured out how to put the button on the board yet) Along with @jordydraws/@jordydrawsmerch cute Aurora pin! (Idk who made the Professor Layton and the Luke Keychain. My sibling got it for me at a con a while back. If you know who made it please let me know! And will give proper credit!)
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And the bonus sticker that came with it!
Thank you for making a worderful Keychain of Flora!
Keep up the good work!
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hsslilly-blog · 2 months
every single one of my ocs has to like something a lot to the point of concern. claire likes insects of course. audrey (courier six) likes fish. catherine collects political campaign buttons. blair has over 20 crucifix necklaces. wait. why do they all have names starting with a b or c
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saltysugarbird · 2 years
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Some animal crossing art I have made 2020-2021
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saturnselkies · 1 month
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Assorted drawings of Aurora and Celeste
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aquarii-if · 6 months
Not delano's tho? I thought HIS would be the strongest
Delano’s kids are definitely strong, but I’d say compared to being able to summon the strongest winds (Anatole), literally being able to make anyone do anything you want just by using your beauty (Aurora), summoning literal death at your fingertips (Mahina), being able to completely erase someone’s existence and make a whole new species (Alula), blood magic (Aquila), and basically having the power of all of the other gods (Celeste)- being able to stop and reverse time is not really comparable.
But based on game mechanics, I could definitely see Delano’s children being one of the strongest because MC probably won’t get the power to do all of the things listed above in game. They’ll still be pretty strong though. 🙃
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Welcome to the official tumblr page of "The Archmage is Dead." "The Archmage is Dead," is a novel that I'm working on.
What if you suddenly became the face of hope? For ten young mages that dream just became a reality, albeit due to bloody circumstances. The Kingdom of Origin has lost the Archmage, losing the cabinet that worked alongside him as well. Our main characters have been chosen to fill these roles, but they’re not as excited as they should be.
Join as this unlikely assortment of mages take on discrimination, politics, relationships, cults, and demonic entities😁
Tagslist below!
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