#aurora carmine
seramilla · 4 months
Now we need snippets of Sera and Carmilla as grandmothers!!!
When Caz, Rhys, and Oberon are born, Carmilla and Sera are the typical over-protective grandmothers. Particularly Sera, who has never even seen a baby before, but will still carry all three of them around at the same time, swaddling them close to her chest.
Carmilla's been through this song and dance before, but never with boys. Both of them are out of their element when they become toddlers and start rough-housing on a daily basis. Caz in particular can be kind of a bully, taking a little too much after Velvette when he's really young, but he mellows out as they get older. Ronnie and Rhys are inseparable and always want to be together, so Sera will feed and hold those two at the same time, while Carmilla feeds and interacts with Caz, who is more independent. As far as temperament goes, they are pretty typical babies. A lot like Clara was. Nothing too extreme.
When Aurora is born, Carmilla is more in her element. She can handle girls...or so she thinks. Rory is very different from how Odette was as a baby. Rory is a bit of a firecracker and a lot more fussy than the boys ever were, but her grandmothers are patient and soothe her through her tantrums. Sera can't get over the fact how tiny she is, and just like with the boys, wants to hold her constantly. As a toddler, Rory gets into everything -- tearing pages out of books, pouring bottles down the sink, coloring on the walls, etc. Carmilla can't believe this child came out of Odette -- her perfect angel baby who never did anything wrong in her life. Carmilla blames Verosika's genes. Rory mellows out the most as she gets older -- but those first few years are rough.
Lysander is finally the break that they all need -- he reminds Carmilla exactly how Odette used to be as a baby, so it's like some weird cosmic joke that he came out of Verosika. He meets all of his milestones very early and is smart as a whip. He is absolutely obsessed with his grandmothers, especially Sera, and sometimes they are the only ones who can calm him down when he's upset. He doesn't get upset or cry very often, though, even as a newborn -- he's the most chill baby Hell has ever seen. But he constantly wants to be held, and Sera will never tell him no. She's almost perpetually holding him and carrying him around on her hip. Carmilla worries he's being spoiled, but Sera insists he just loves them very much.
(Should I do one for the Charlie's Angel's fankid I came up with? I haven't fleshed her out enough, or figured out if I'm adding more, but I could try, LOL).
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rocknroll7575 · 5 months
Rising Dawn - Chapter 4: Knight, Snake, Orphan, Arrow
Jax and Bertilak ambled through the weathered entrance of the diminutive ancient temple, its timeworn façade a testament to the passage of ages. Restored under the careful eye of its recent custodian, the temple bore signs of rejuvenation amidst its age-old architecture.
As the duo ventured further into the temple's depths, the guardians stationed within ushered them towards a secluded chamber, hidden away from prying eyes. With each step, the air grew heavy with anticipation, a palpable sense of intrigue guiding their path.
Upon crossing the threshold into the chamber, their gaze fell upon an unexpected sight: their elusive "investor" reclining in a bath, the scene juxtaposing the solemnity of the temple's surroundings with an air of casual luxury.
In the depths of the tub, Vermillion Raddock reclined, his demeanor exuding an air of serene detachment. A rouge Huntsman by trade, he had once called Mistral his home, yet now found solace amidst the shifting sands of Vacuo. Renowned as a figure of both dread and awe, his name reverberated through the annals of Southern Vacuo's history as one of unparalleled notoriety.
Throughout a decade, few could rival Vermillion's prowess in the art of death. His hands, stained crimson with the blood of countless adversaries, bore witness to the extent of his lethal capabilities. But it was not merely his physical prowess that inspired fear; it was the manifestation of his Semblance that truly set him apart.
In his undertakings, Vermillion consistently veiled himself behind the guise of a boar, concealing the essence of a seasoned 50-year-old man beneath. With a complexion weathered by years of life's trials, his brown skin bore scars, a testament to the harshness of his existence.
Atop his head, a close-cropped mane of red-greyish hair spoke of both maturity and resilience, complemented by a rugged array of facial hair. But it was his eyes, a vivid crimson reminiscent of freshly spilled blood, that captivated onlookers, while a scar etched defiantly across his nose hinted at battles fought and conquered.
Despite his age, Vermillion remained undeterred by the passing of time. As a seasoned warrior, he had weathered countless battles and witnessed the depths of human strife, rendering him an intimidating force whom none dared to challenge.
"You wanted to see us, Vermillion?" he inquired, his voice laced with authority.
Vermillion, reclining in the tub with an air of nonchalance, lifted his head at Jax's address. A sly grin danced across his lips as he met Jax's piercing stare. "Ah, the illustrious king graces us with his presence," Vermillion quipped, amusement coloring his tone. "And how fares the expansion of our forces under your esteemed leadership?"
"They are my forces," Jax corrected sharply. "You may fund me and my organization, but make no mistake, they are my people, I brought them together with a singular purpose: to defend Vacuo,"
"Is that so?" Vermillion's tone was laced with disdain as he eyed Jax with a mixture of skepticism and amusement. "Do those followers of yours, who grovel and worship at your feet, realize that you're not cut from royal cloth?"
Jax's gaze hardened, his resolve unshaken by Vermillion's barbs. "I may lack the lineage of a true king, but Vacuo is in dire need of leadership if it is to withstand the looming threat," he asserted firmly.
Vermillion's expression shifted, a flicker of genuine interest dancing in his eyes amidst his lingering smirk. "Oh~? And what manner of peril do you believe threatens our beloved Vacuo?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued by Jax's proclamation.
Jax's derisive snort echoed through the chamber, a tangible manifestation of his frustration. "Even a blind man can see the writing on the wall, someone's tearing through the kingdoms like a rabid beast," he declared with a note of urgency. "Vale's already fallen, Haven's been hit, and Atlas? They're cowering behind their walls like scared children! If we want to come out of this alive, we need to stand together under a leader worth a damn!"
Vermillion regarded Jax with a quirked eyebrow, amusement dancing in his eyes. "And ya fancy yourself that leader? The "savior" of Vacuo?" he prodded, his smirk widening.
Jax's chin lifted defiantly. "Damn right," he shot back without hesitation. "Isn't that why you threw your weight behind The Crown? Because you saw in me what Vacuo needs?"
A smile played at the corners of Vermillion's lips, though it held more cunning than agreement. "You catch on quick, kid," he conceded, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "You're exactly the kind of leader Vacuo's been yearning for," he assured Jax, the truth of his intentions hidden behind a mask of false encouragement.
"Ever stop and think about all the shit we have to put up with?" Carmine grumbled, slamming back another shot.
Perched on stools at a local watering hole, Jaune and Carmine found respite from the rigors of their latest mission, a routine Grimm extermination commissioned by Gillian to safeguard a Crown-protected town.
Jaune arched an eyebrow, a wry grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "By "shit" you mean the endless stream of missions Gillian keeps throwing our way while Jax and Bertilak cozy up to their mysterious benefactor?" he teased.
Carmine's response was a vehement nod, her frustration palpable. "Exactly!" she exclaimed, her voice edged with exasperation. "Why is it always us getting the short end of the stick? Why does that guy get to tag along with Jax while Queenie saddles us with these mundane tasks?"
Jaune chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "I wouldn't go as far as calling them mundane," he replied, amusement dancing in his eyes. He decided to steer the conversation toward a more intriguing topic. "Speaking of that benefactor, ever crossed paths with them?"
Carmine shook her head, her expression thoughtful as the bartender refilled her glass. "Nope, but it's always struck me as odd," she admitted, swirling the contents of her drink. "Some creepy figure bankrolling us, fully aware of what we do, It's... unsettling, to say the least,"
With a weary sigh, Jaune raised his glass to his lips, savoring the warmth of the alcohol as it spread through him. A sudden buzz from his pocket interrupted the moment, prompting him to retrieve his scroll and check the notification, revealing a new message from Gillian.
Carmine tossed back another shot, her gaze locking onto Jaune with a raised brow. "Gill?" she inquired, her voice cutting through the ambient noise of the bar.
Jaune nodded, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features. "Yep, wants our asses back as soon as possible," he confirmed, his tone resigned.
With a swift motion, Jaune stashed his Scroll away and swiftly drained his glass, mirroring Carmine's actions as she knocked back another shot. Rising from their seats in unison, they prepared to depart.
"Who's footing the bill this time, me or you?" Jaune quipped, fishing through his wallet with a playful grin.
Carmine flashed him a mischievous smile. "It's my turn," she declared, producing a handful of lien and laying them on the bar's counter.
Exiting the establishment, the duo stepped back into the bustling streets of the town. However, their departure was abruptly halted as a commotion caught their attention.
In front of them, a young girl was unceremoniously thrown from a passing cart, landing in a heap on the sandy ground. Clad in nothing more than a tattered, gray garment that scarcely passed for clothing, she appeared to be no older than ten. Her pink eyes, olive hair, and dark complexion stood out starkly against the backdrop of the dusty street, but it was the sight of her busted lip that caused Jaune and Carmine to freeze in their tracks, concern etched into their expressions.
"Thief!" The cry echoed through the bustling street as the cart owner emerged from the rear of his vehicle, brandishing a single-edged knife. "Dirty little thief!"
The man lunged toward the young girl, his accusatory finger pointed like a dagger. But before he could make good on his threat, Carmine intercepted him, her stance firm and unwavering, while Jaune extended a helping hand to the trembling child.
"Put that knife away, you fool, or else!" Carmine's voice sliced through the tension like a whip, her eyes ablaze with righteous anger.
Recognition dawned in the man's eyes as he took in Carmine's imposing figure. "Y-You're the Rattlesnake of the Sands! Carmine Escolados!" he stammered, his voice trembling with fear.
Carmine nodded, her expression steely. "Damn right, now tell me, what's going on here?" she demanded, her voice brooking no argument.
The cart owner hesitated, his gaze shifting uncomfortably to the young girl cowering behind Carmine. "That thief there stole some food!" he accused, his voice quivering with indignation. "She's been plaguing my business for days, swiping goods whenever she pleases! Today, I finally caught her in the act!"
Carmine's gaze flicked over her shoulder to where Jaune tended to the girl's injuries, wiping blood from her split lip. Turning back to the cart owner, her features hardened. "How much did she take? What's the value?" she demanded, her voice cold and clipped.
"About 20 lien," the cart owner responded, his tone defiant.
Carmine's glare deepened, her jaw clenched in frustration. "And what punishment did you have in mind for her?" she pressed, her words dripping with contempt.
"I was going to cut off the little thief's hand!" The cart owner's words hung heavy in the air, sending a shiver down Carmine's spine.
Jaune shot to his feet, his fists clenched, and his eyes ablaze with fury as he glared at the cart owner. "You were going to mutilate her over 20 lien!?" he roared.
The cart owner met Jaune's enraged gaze with a defiant stare. "The punishment for theft is the removal of the hand that committed the crime!" he retorted, his voice dripping with self-righteousness. "It is the law, and if you are ignorant of the law, then you must not be Vacovian... what are you?" he demanded, a sneer twisting his lips.
"Valerian," Jaune spat back.
Disgust twisted the cart owner's features as he recoiled from Jaune's declaration. "What is a dog of Vale doing here!?" he spat, his voice laced with disdain.
Carmine stepped forward, her presence commanding attention as she inserted herself between Jaune and the cart owner. "He's with me," she stated firmly, her tone brooking no argument. "That a problem?"
Realization dawned in the cart owner's eyes, his demeanor shifting from hostility to panic in an instant. "N-No!" he stammered, his voice trembling with fear.
Carmine's nod conveyed a sense of finality as she addressed the cart owner. "Good! Now then, we'll cover the cost of what she stole and handle her punishment accordingly," she declared, her tone firm and authoritative. "Understood?" she questioned, her gaze piercing.
The cart owner's head bobbed in rapid agreement, eager to comply with Carmine's directives.
"Good, now buzz off before your face pisses me off more," Carmine said.
With a nod, the cart owner retreated, his steps hurried as he made a hasty exit back to his cart. Jaune observed the man's departure, a mixture of contempt and relief flashing across his features as the cart owner vanished from sight.
Turning his attention to the young girl, Jaune approached her with a gentle expression, lowering himself to one knee to meet her eye level. He searched her face for any signs of injury, his concern evident in his gaze.
"Are you okay?" he inquired softly, his voice laced with compassion.
The girl nodded, her eyes obscured by a curtain of hair.
Jaune offered her a reassuring smile and nodded in return. "Good," he replied gently. "Do you have a name?"
Again, the girl nodded, still remaining silent.
A playful glint danced in Jaune's eyes as he leaned in slightly. "Could you tell it to me?" he asked, curiosity coloring his tone.
Instead of verbalizing her name, the girl simply pointed at Jaune.
Jaune's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You... want me to tell you mine first?" he surmised, his amusement evident.
The girl's affirmative nod prompted a smirk from Jaune as he reciprocated the gesture. "Alright," he replied, his tone warm and welcoming. "I'm Jaune Arc."
Carmine sidled up beside Jaune, draping an arm casually over his shoulder. "And I'm Carmine Escolados," she interjected with a grin, punctuating her introduction with a thumb pointing toward herself.
A chuckle escaped Jaune's lips at Carmine's theatrics. "Now it's your turn," he prompted, turning his attention back to the young girl.
Clutching the hem of her dress tightly, the girl hesitated before speaking softly. "A... Aurora," she revealed, her voice barely above a whisper.
Jaune offered her an encouraging nod, his smile genuine. "That's a beautiful name," he remarked kindly. "Do you know where your family is?" he inquired gently.
Aurora's gaze dropped to the ground, a shadow crossing her features. "I... don't have one," she admitted, her voice tinged with sadness.
Sympathy softened Jaune's expression as he regarded Aurora with compassion. "I'm sorry to hear that," he murmured. "Do you have somewhere to stay?" he pressed, his concern evident.
Aurora shook her head, her demeanor resigned.
Jaune closed his eyes briefly, a heavy sigh escaping him before he met Aurora's gaze once more. "Would you like to come with us?" he offered tentatively. "We have food, and I'm sure we can find you some clean clothes."
Carmine's brow arched inquisitively as she shot a glance at Jaune, silently questioning his decision. Jaune felt her gaze on him but remained focused on Aurora, his resolve unwavering.
"R... Really?" Aurora's voice quivered with disbelief, her eyes wide with astonishment.
Jaune offered her a reassuring nod, his smile warm and genuine. "Yep," he affirmed with a hint of excitement in his tone.
Aurora's nod was swift, her face lighting up with a mixture of excitement and gratitude. Jaune rose from his crouched position, extending a hand toward Aurora, which she eagerly accepted.
As Jaune and Aurora prepared to depart, Jaune caught Carmine's gaze, silently conveying his intention to explain his decision later. Carmine returned his look with a nod of acknowledgment, trusting Jaune's judgment as they made their way back to the town's small inn to collect their belongings.
Once they retrieved their gear, the trio hastened to the stables where their horses awaited them, Aurora's eyes widening in wonder at the sight of the majestic animals.
"Horses!" Aurora exclaimed with unrestrained excitement. "You ride horses here!?"
Carmine nodded with a grin, her enthusiasm mirroring Aurora's. "You bet, little lady!" she affirmed. "Our base isn't too far from this town, so we use them to get around," she explained, patting the flank of her horse affectionately.
Aurora's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with joy at the prospect of riding a horse. The sight brought a small smile to both Carmine and Jaune's faces, their spirits lifted by Aurora's infectious enthusiasm.
With their horses saddled and luggage securely fastened, Jaune and Carmine prepared to depart from the town.
Jaune lifted Aurora onto his horse, ensuring she was positioned comfortably in front of him to avoid any discomfort. "You ready for your first ride?" Jaune's voice was gentle, laced with anticipation as he glanced down at Aurora with a warm smile.
Aurora's eager nod was met with a chuckle from Jaune.
"Alright, but I won't be going too fast. Don't want you taking a tumble," he reassured her, his tone infused with care.
Carmine's playful banter interjected, her grin mischievous. "Aw, and here I was hoping to race you back to the base," she teased, a glint of challenge in her eyes.
Jaune's grin widened. "And exhaust the horses before we're halfway there? Not happening," he retorted, his playful tone tinged with amusement.
Carmine rolled her eyes in mock exasperation, but her smile remained. "Tch, you're no fun," she teased in return, shaking her head.
Jaune chuckled at Carmine's antics as he gently urged his horse forward with a light squeeze of his legs. The animal obediently fell into step beside Carmine's mount, the trio setting off from the town at a leisurely pace, the open road stretching out before them.
About a mile away from their base, Carmine and Jaune continued their journey homeward, the rhythmic motion of their horses' steps lulling Aurora into a peaceful slumber. Jaune held the reins of the horse with one hand, his other arm wrapped protectively around Aurora to ensure she remained securely seated.
As they rode, Carmine cast a concerned glance at Jaune, her expression troubled. "Gillian isn't going to be pleased that you brought a kid back with us," she remarked, her tone tinged with apprehension.
Jaune's response was resolute, his gaze fixed ahead on the path before them. "I understand, but what choice did I have? Leave her behind to face the consequences of theft?" he countered, his voice unwavering.
Carmine shook her head, her brow furrowing in contemplation. "No, but did you consider the ramifications of bringing her along?" she pressed, her concern evident in her voice. "Our line of work isn't exactly child-friendly."
"I'm aware," Jaune replied, his tone tinged with determination. "But if we're going to make a difference in Vacuo, maybe we need to ensure that kids don't have to grow up on the streets, starving and thirsty."
Carmine's response was tinged with bitterness. "Like how I grew up," she retorted, a hint of pain in her voice.
Jaune's expression softened with empathy. "Exactly," he affirmed gently. "But that doesn't mean others have to endure the same hardships,"
Carmine nodded in acknowledgment, sighing softly as she recognized the weight of Jaune's decision. "Look, Jaune, I'll support your choice," she assured him, her tone softer. "Just be aware that this adds another layer of responsibility to your already full plate,"
Jaune accepted Carmine's words with a nod, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. He understood the gravity of the situation and the challenges that lay ahead. 'If I could help Mom and Dad raise my younger sisters, then this should be manageable, right?' Jaune thought optimistically, his determination undeterred.
After a long journey, the trio finally reached the base and hastened towards the stables nestled comfortably in the shade. Jaune and Carmine dismounted their horses, Jaune passing Aurora into Carmine's care while he began the task of unloading their belongings and removing the saddles from the horses before leading them into their respective enclosures. With gentle hands, he freed the horses from the reins.
Amidst their chores, a distant shout pierced the tranquil air, prompting both Jaune and Carmine to recognize the familiar voice.
"Oh boy..." Carmine muttered under his breath.
Approaching the barn's entrance, Gillian emerged, her gaze sharp and accusatory as it locked onto Jaune and Carmine. "You brought a child here!?" Her voice rang out with a mix of surprise and frustration.
Carmine exchanged a glance with Jaune, then attempted to defuse the situation. "Queenie-"
"It was my decision," Jaune interjected, cutting Carmine off, his tone firm.
Gillian's glare intensified as she directed her fury towards Jaune. "What were you thinking!?" Her voice echoed with disbelief.
Jaune remained silent as he hung the reins on a nearby hook, his lack of response only fueling Gillian's anger. Marching towards him, she seized his shoulder and forcibly turned him to face her.
"My room. Now," she commanded, her words laced with authority.
Jaune met Gillian's glare with a steadfast gaze, his jaw clenched as he slowly nodded in acknowledgment of her command.
Without a word, Gillian pivoted on her heel and strode out of the barn, her departure marked by a resolute silence that hung in the air, leaving Carmine, Jaune, and Aurora in its wake.
As Gillian vanished from sight, Carmine cast a sideways smirk at Jaune. "How you haven't got an arrow in your eye yet is beyond me," she quipped, her tone lightening the tension.
Jaune released a weary exhale through his nostrils. "Take Aurora and my things to my room, will you?" he requested, his voice tinged with resignation.
Carmine nodded, her smirk widening. "No problem," she assured him, her tone playful. "And try not to piss her off more, or else I'm gonna have to find a new drinking buddy," she teased.
"I'll try," Jaune replied with a wry smile, the corners of his lips twitching faintly.
With a nod of agreement, Carmine took charge of Aurora and Jaune's belongings, her steps echoing against the stable's floor as she made her way out.
Meanwhile, Jaune exited the barn and proceeded towards the heart of the base, his path leading him directly to Gillian's chambers, notable for their grandeur compared to the modest quarters of the other occupants. With each step, his mind churned with a mixture of frustration and self-recrimination. He cursed himself inwardly for failing to ascertain the identity of the Crown's benefactor, a critical piece of information that he and Theodore desperately needed.
The implications weighed heavily on Jaune's mind. If someone was clandestinely aiding the Crown, it hinted at a pattern reminiscent of the chaos orchestrated by Cinder in Vale—the Fall of Beacon, and the assault on Haven—all orchestrated by shadowy forces. The prospect that Shade, their sanctuary in Vacuo, could suffer a similar fate gnawed at Jaune's resolve.
Jaune stood outside Gillian's imposing chamber door, apprehension mounting with each passing second. He rapped his knuckles against the wood, the sound reverberating in the corridor, only to have the door swing open abruptly, revealing Gillian's furious face glaring daggers at him.
"You wanted to see me?" Jaune taunted.
Without a word, Gillian gestured for him to enter. As Jaune stepped inside, the door closed behind him with a definitive click. He turned to face Gillian, who stood before him, arms crossed, her intense gaze fixed squarely on him.
"You're right," Jaune began.
Gillian's eyebrow arched in surprise. "Excuse me?" she prompted, her skepticism evident.
"I said you're right," Jaune affirmed, his voice resolute. "I shouldn't have brought her here, instead, I should have left her to fend for herself—starve, steal, risk losing a hand, that's what I should have done," he admitted, his words heavy with criticism.
Gillian let out an exasperated scoff. "For the love of Oum! Will you quit being an ass?" she exclaimed, frustration lacing her tone. "That's not what I meant and you know it,"
Jaune met her gaze squarely. "You did mean that, because that would have been the consequence if I hadn't brought her here, Gillian," he retorted, his voice firm.
"And bringing her here was the better option!?" Gillian's incredulous expression betrayed her shock.
"No..." Jaune conceded, his voice softer now. "But she's safe here at least,"
"Safe... why do you care if she's safe? How long have you even known this girl?" Gillian's voice held a mixture of curiosity and skepticism.
Jaune's gaze dropped to the ground, his expression sheepish. "I... just met her today," he admitted quietly.
Gillian's disbelief was in full effect. "Today!? Are you fucking mental!?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with incredulity.
"Look-" Jaune began, but Gillian cut him off with a sharp shake of her head.
"No, no, you don't get to have a say right now," she seethed, her frustration simmering beneath the surface.
Jaune fell silent, waiting for Gillian's next move. Yet, she remained still, her gaze fixed on him for a long moment before she closed her eyes and released a heavy sigh. "Are you going to take care of her?" she asked, her tone softer now, tinged with concern.
Jaune met her gaze steadily. "I will," he promised earnestly.
Gillian nodded, a hint of relief coloring her features. "Will you be teaching her how to fight?" she inquired, her voice betraying a trace of apprehension.
Once again, Jaune nodded. "I have to... there's no other way for her to survive here, right?" he reasoned, seeking validation.
Gillian nodded in agreement. "Right," she affirmed. "She can stay."
Jaune's brow furrowed slightly, surprised by Gillian's relatively swift surrender. A realization dawned on him that perhaps this situation wasn't as dire as she had initially portrayed it to be. "You're not angry about this at all, or at least, this isn't the only thing stressing you out, is it?" Jaune ventured, sensing there was more beneath the surface.
Gillian's eyes fluttered open, her gaze meeting Jaune's before she offered a quick nod of confirmation.
Jaune's curiosity piqued. "What else is there?" he pressed. "The meeting with the benefactor didn't go well?"
Gillian shook her head in response. "No, it went fine, Jax and Bertilak should be back soon," she assured him.
"Then if it's not that, what the hell could be stressing you out so much?" Jaune inquired.
"Nora Valkyrie," Gillian replied abruptly, her words sharp and decisive.
Jaune's heart skipped a beat, his entire body tensing at the mention of the name. "How did you get that name?" he demanded, his voice tinged with urgency.
Gillian met his gaze with a solemn expression. "She's been traversing most of the southern towns, asking for you... Who is she?" she questioned, her curiosity matching Jaune's intensity.
"She's no one," Jaune replied briefly, his tone defensive.
Gillian let out a soft chuckle, her demeanor unwavering. "She's not "no one" if she's looking for you," she countered. "Who is she, Jaune?" she pressed, her tone insistent.
Jaune clenched his jaw, his fist tightening at his side. "She's... She's my ex-teammate," he confessed, the words heavy with unresolved emotions.
Gillian's eyes widened in surprise. "She... She was a part of your team?" she echoed, her disbelief evident in her voice.
Jaune nodded, his mind racing with the weight of Gillian's revelation.
Gillian let out a weary sigh, her shoulders slumping slightly. "This... this makes things complicated," she confessed, her voice tinged with frustration.
"Why?" Jaune queried, his brow furrowing in concern.
Gillian ran a hand through her hair, her expression troubled. "Because... Jax has given the orders to kill her on sight," she divulged, her words hanging heavily in the air.
Jaune recoiled in horror, his eyes widening in disbelief. "WHAT!?" he exclaimed, his voice laced with shock and disbelief.
Gillian took a step back, startled by Jaune's sudden outburst. "She's asking about us, looking for us, we can't have that," she explained, her tone firm.
"So what!? You're just gonna kill her!?" Jaune's voice cracked with a mixture of anger and desperation.
"No, we aren't," Gillian clarified, her gaze unwavering. "You are."
Jaune's eyes widened in disbelief as he staggered back, the weight of Gillian's words hitting him like a physical blow. "W... What?" he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.
Gillian's expression softened with sympathy as she met Jaune's gaze. "I... I know this will be hard, but you need to get rid of her," she urged, her voice gentle yet firm. "She's looking for you, so, in our eyes, this is your problem that you need to fix."
Jaune's head shook slowly, his expression wrought with inner turmoil. "No... No, I... I can't do this," he protested, his voice heavy with uncertainty.
Gillian fixed him with a determined stare. "You can and you will," she asserted firmly. "I'll be making sure of it, since now I'll be the one going on missions with you," she declared, her tone leaving no room for argument.
"You can't-" Jaune attempted to interject, but Gillian cut him off with a resolute shake of her head.
"I will," she insisted. "This is where you prove yourself, understood?" she demanded, her gaze piercing.
Jaune's glare bore into her, his anger simmering beneath the surface.
"Understood?" Gillian reiterated, her tone unwavering as she raised a questioning brow.
Though his gaze remained fixed on her, Jaune slowly nodded in reluctant submission.
Gillian nodded briskly in response. "Good," she affirmed. "Now go, take care of your... daughter?" she inquired, her voice tinged with a hint of skepticism.
Without a word, Jaune brushed past her, his footsteps echoing against the floor as he exited the room, the door slamming shut behind him with a resounding thud.
Left alone, Gillian sank onto her bed with a heavy sigh. "I need a drink," she muttered to herself, the weight of the situation bearing down on her shoulders.
I wonder what Vermillion is doing here? Wonder why he's helping fund the Crown? So mysterious! Jaune's officially adopted a child! As for why, we'll find out soon, however, now he's tasked with killing Nora!?
Oh boy... I wonder what is going to happen next?
The next chapter is going to be more focused on Jax, Gillian, and more on Jaune, and trust me, Jaune and Gillian's relationship will further!
Anyway! Stay tuned!
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worldofgoo · 1 year
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an assortment of unposted drawings unearthed through archaeological excavation (most years old)
the last lineup was scrapped/never finished because i realized how it sucked that they were all literally the same exact pasty white but really struggled to finish any lineups of these guys, which is why im posting the shitty ones that suck too because its better than Nothing
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rosescries · 2 years
I’m making fantasy like outfits for the kids in the God Sun and Moon AU. It’s going okay-ish. They’re 14-4 years old and I have no clue what I’m doing. I have general ideas I’m thinking, but the problem is translating them into fantasy-like designs. The Glamrock kids from my other blog I’ve been steadily ignoring since I made it are getting remodeled for this though! And I remembered DJ Music Man exists this time!
No, none of them are Sun or Moon’s kids. They’re the “kids” of the other gods. Worshipper Mc is filling the role of Sun and Moon’s, kind of.
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 years
La metà di quel cast è sparita l'altra metà era già famosa
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the-reverii · 11 months
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━━ ✰ masculine.
⭑ atlas
⭑ charles
⭑ dominique
⭑ edward
⭑ francis
⭑ dorian
⭑ henry
⭑ lucien
⭑ remus
⭑ reyes
⭑ rowan
⭑ vincent
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━━ ✰ feminine.
⭑ adrienne
⭑ anastasia
⭑ adaline
⭑ anya
⭑ aurora
⭑ blair
⭑ carmine
⭑ charlotte
⭑ clementine
⭑ daphne
⭑ estelle
⭑ evangeline
⭑ evelyn
⭑ felicity
⭑ fleur
⭑ florence
⭑ josephine
⭑ lenora
⭑ lynette
⭑ lyra
⭑ madeleine
⭑ octavia
⭑ ophelia
⭑ pandora
⭑ penelope
⭑ selene
⭑ zephyra
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some of the names may be used for either masculine, feminine, or androgynous characters, i just compiled them in the two categories. if you have any ideas to add, feel free to comment them and i'll do my best as to add them!
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celestiall0tus · 10 months
Do you have a list of hero names you use for your aus? I sometimes get them confused with each other...
Well, now we do. Let's go through the lists. The structure of these are as follows: Miraculous - Holder - Superhero Name
Miraculous AU:
Ladybug - Marinette - Ladybug
Black Cat - Adrien - Chat Noir
Bee - Chloe - Queen Bee
Spider - Zoe - Widow
Mouse - Juleka - Souris Blanche
Pig - Amelie - Nacre
Fox - Lila - Volpina
Lynx - Marc _ Sleuthlynx
Dog - Sabrina - Cheri
Rooster - Felix - Ripper
Bat - Mylene - Dread Queen
Tiger - Kim - King Tiger
Goat - Ondine - Faun
Monkey - Bridgette - Harlequin
Raven - Nathaniel - Achlys
Wolf - Alya - Louve Grise
Owl - Max - Noctua
Ox - Ivan - Iron Bull
Horse - Alix - Liberte
Rabbit - Rose - Lapine
Peacock - Nathalie - Mayura
Butterfly - Gabriel - Papillon
Snake - Luka - Viperion
Dragon - Kagami - Ryuko
Turtle - Nino - Carapace
Salvation AU:
Ladybug - Luka - Metal Bug
Black Cat - Kagami - Kuro Neko
Bee - Marinette - Bumblebee
Spider - Nathalie - Black Widow
Mouse - Alya - Muridae
Fox - Marc - Fantastic Fox
Lynx - Lila - Lincina
Dog - Nathaniel - Familiaris 
Rooster - Audrey - Eris
Bat - Felix - Hades
Tiger - Alix - Tigrix
Ant - Tomoe - Ari
Goat - Nino - Sanguine
Monkey - Kim - King Monkey
Raven - Anarka - Sorrowful
Deer - Sabrina - Fawn
Owl - Zoe - Owlet
Ox - Chloe - Crimson
Koala - Sabine - Mama Bear
White Cat - Adrien - Chat Blanc
Rabbit - Rose - Bunella
Peacock - Gabriel - Paon
Butterfly - Colt - Emperor
Snake - Juleka - Vipress
Dragon - Mylene - Draconne
Turtle - Bridgette - Aegis
Absolution AU:
Ladybug - Marinette - Ladybug
Black Cat - Adrien - Chat Noir
Bee - Chloe - Queen Bee
Mouse - Juleka - Whisper
Fox - Lila - Volpina
Rooster - Nathaniel- Scorned
Raven - Marc - Mourn
Deer - Alya- Fawn
Wolf - Alix- Fera
Ox - Ondine - Ira
Rabbit - Rose - Bunelle
Butterfly - Nathalie - Papillon
Snake - Luka - Viperion
Turtle - Nino - Carapace
Paradise AU:
Ladybug - Marinette - Hope
Black Cat - Felix - Cat Noir
Spider - Felix - Araneae
Bee - Chloe - Ambrosia
Spider - Zoe - Widow
Black Cat - Zoe - Sith
Mouse - Nathalie - Dragnet
Fox - Bridgette - Void
Dog - Sabrina - Agape
Rooster - Juleka - Wrath
Pig - Alix - Circe
Bat - Rose - Dread
Tiger - Nino - Aurora
Goat - Luka - Sin
Wolf - Alya - Huntress
Rabbit - Mylene - Luna
Peacock - Amelie - Erinona
Butterfly - Emilie - Echidna
Snake - Adrien - Aspik
Dragon - Kagami - Delphyne
Turtle - Gabriel - Alexiares
Cow - Kim - Siegfried
Swan - Ondine - Odette
Separate Worlds AU:
Ladybug - Marinette - Lady Beetle
Mouse - Alya - Gold Mouse (Biker) Cream (Reporter)
Fox - Nathalie - Vixen
Dog - Felix - Flairmidable
Raven - Luka - Nevermore
Owl - Alix - Snow Owl
Goat - Nino - The GOAT
Peacock - Juleka - Ghoul
Butterfly - Adrien - Iris
Snake - TBA
Dragon - Rose - Cinder
Turtle - Mylene - Chelone
All That Remained AU:
Ladybug - Marc - Scarlet Lord
Black Cat - Felix - Cath Palug
Bee - Sabrina - Aviator
Mouse - Juleka - White Mouse
Fox - Lila - Volpina
Dog - Chloe - Lady
Rooster - Ivan - Talon
Bat - Tomoe - Koumori
Tiger - Adrien - Tigre Rose
Goat - Nino - Ibex
Monkey - Kim - King Monkey
Wolf - Alya - Louve Grise
Owl - Max - Glauca
Ox - Kagami - Senketsu
Horse - Alix - Chevalier
Rabbit - Rose - Bunella
Peacock - Emilie - Hera
Butterfly - Nathalie - Faerie
Snake - Luka - Viperion
Dragon - Mylene - Drakon
Turtle - Socequline - Warden
Cicada - Marinette - Cicada
Chameleon - Nathaniel - Changeling
Swan - Zoe - Valkyrie
Cow - Ondine - Scarlet Cow
Dolphin - Amelie - Amphitrite
Amaranthine AU:
Ladybug - Chloe - Carmine
Owl - Chloe - Minerva
Black Cat - Zoe - Midnight
Dove - Zoe - Atropos
Butterfly - Adrien - Adonis
Snake - Luka - Atropa/ Juleka - Belladona
Mouse - Luka - Atropa
Dragon - Marinette (Nimue) Longg (Guenevere) Marinette and Longg (Mordred)
Fox - Alya - Rena
Siren's Song AU:
Ladybug - Kagami - Lady Beetle
Black Cat - Ivan - Razor
Peacock - Ondine - Siren
Bee - Mylene - Honey Bee
Fox - Luka - Maestro
Butterfly - Marinette - Iridescent
Raven - Adrien - Scourge
Dragon - Zoe - Wyvern
Bat - Juleka - Banshee
Swan - Rose - Venus
Turtle - Chloe - Mariana
Pig - Felix - Aetolian
Mouse - Nino - Director
Owl - Sabrina - Seeker
Robin - Lila - Pettirosso
Shark - Alix - Megalodon
Seal - Alya - Oblivion
Dog - Marc - Eros
Dolphin - Aurore - Sea Breeze
Koala - Nathaniel - Belphegor
Lynx - Colt - Lyncus
Rabbit - Amelie - Artemis
Horse - Emilie - Eleutheria
Ant - Max - Formica
Chameleon - Tomoe - Grandeur
Cow - Gabriel - Hou Yi
Spider - Nathalie - Neith
Dove - Sabine - Chang'e
Tiger - Socqueline - Tiger Lily
Bear - Kim - Otso
Bloody Bug Au:
Ladybug - Alix - Bloody Bug
Black Cat - Adrien - Chat Noir
Ox - Adrien - Tarueau
Bee - Alya - Bomb Bee
Pig - Sabrina - Porcelet
Dog - Rose - Pom Pom
Rooster - Chloe - Gallic Chick
Tiger - Marinette - Lady Tigress
Goat - Marinette - Faun
Black Cat - Juleka - Death Noire
Horse - Felix - Llameri
Rabbit - Luka - Harlequin
Peacock - Nathalie - Mayura
Butterfly - Gabriel - Hawkmoth
Dragon - Mylene - Hydra
Turtle - Nino - Carpace
Snake - Marc - Ouroboros
Mouse - Max - Apollo
Ox - Kim - Minotaur
Monkey - Juleka - Badb
Fox - Nathaniel - Fennec
Tiger - Ivan - Crimson Tiger
Court of Miracles AU
Ladybug - Marinette
Black Cat - Felix
Bee - Chloe
Spider - Manon
Mouse - Jessica
Pig - Chris
Fox - Lila
Lynx - Nora
Dog - Sabrina
Rooster - Aurore
Bat - Nino
Tiger - Fei Wu
Ant - Penny
Goat - Jagged Stone and Luka
Monkey - Bridgette
Raven - Delmar
Wolf - Alya
Owl - Max
Ox - Ivan
Koala - Kagami
Horse - Ali
Rabbit - Rose
Peacock - Adrien
Butterfly - Zoe
Snake - Juleka
Dragon - Mylene
Turtle - Socqueline
Chameleon - Nathaniel
Cicada - Marc
Swan - Ondine
Cow - Kim
Robin - Aeon
Dove - Mireille
Dolphin - Nathalie
Seal - Veronique
Shark - Jalil
Bear - Alix
Baku - Wayhem
Wendigo -
Pixie -
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mystech-master · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel AU/Rewrite idea: Aurora Carmine
There are two complaints I have seen about Hazbin Hotel
The Angelic Weapon weakness is stupid. How come no one figured it out before?
Please Let Vaggie have a character outside of being Charlie's GF.
I, like many others, have latched onto the idea of Carmilla being a mother figure to Vaggie, and the AUs where she is outright adopted. I recently had an idea where I took this concept and expanded on it to TRY and solve the two above issues.
The reason it is called the Aurora Carmine AU is because Carmilla's existing daughters, Odette and Clara, are named after characters from ballets written by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, them being Swan Lake and the Nutcracker respectively. So a third daughter would be Aurora, from Sleeping Beauty. Whether or not this would actually be Vaggie's true name, rather than the Vagina name Adam gave her, would depend on if she IS truly Carmilla's biological daughter that somehow got separated from her.
Ok so what do we know about Vaggie? She was one of Adam's top exorcists who spared a Sinner child and in response, Lute mutilated her and left her for dead.
For my idea, expand on Vaggie's hesitation to kill a kid. It shows she has standards, not everyone in Hell deserves Extermination, but that doesn't mean she is against it entirely. Maybe, much like Moxie in Helluva Boss episode 1 Murder Family, she thinks they should be more selective and actually go after the real pieces of shit, like Overlords. Imagine if Vaggie becomes the top girl to Adam because she tries to go after Overlords, not weak everyday Sinners. She thinks that by having the Overlords be targeted more it'll discourage other Sinners from seeking that power, but all it does is cause the next up-and-coming Overlord from rotating in. For some extra trouble maybe she is the reason some Overlords are in power now, like Valentino, thus making her partially responsible that Angel Dust is under him as she opened the way for Val to gain that power.
Anyway this continues until the Extermination where she ends up letting a Sinner go, but it isn't a child, that is way too obvious and easy. Instead, it is Odette, who went out to collect the Angelic Weapons early before the Exterminations are nearly over because she has been working herself to the bone to stay useful to her mother because she has it in her head that she has to do everything she can to not be a burden. After all, her mom worked so hard to get where she is so their family can be safe. It was meant to be a whole other idea where I explored where Carmilla draws the line between being a mother who cares for her kids and being a cruel Overlord who can't show weakness.
Odette is nearly exhausted, probbaly injured, and possibly on some kind of drugs to keep herself awake when Vaggie encounters her, Odette is desperately crawling away, Clara tries to come in and help her. But instead Vaggie sympathisers with the need to feel needed, and lets them go.
For Lute damaging Vaggie, here is my idea for how Angels would work differently. Angels are more like Sinners here. You CAN damage them, but they regenerate like INSTANTLY, like Lobo but maybe slightly slower. Unlike the Sinners who take a while to heal from their non-angelic injuries. Here, Lute removes Vaggie's Halo, which is what causes them to heal so quickly (this can only be done by a fellow angel or one of higher rank to explain why no Sinner does this), this means the injuries will heal much slower and thus leave her open to be taken out or beaten up or abused by the various Sinners once they come out after the Extermination.
When Carmiulla goes to find her daughters and bring them home, they encounter Vaggie's broken and bleeding form, Odette and Clara say she spared them, and Carmilla decides to take Vaggie home. After all, had it been ANY other Exorcist, her daughters would be dead. She owes her.
Back at Carmilla's place of course they need to treat the wounds. We know Hell has medical stuff that can treat angelic wounds down in Sloth, but those are A. in another Ring, and B. was only used for a noble Goetia. But Carmilla probably has some black market contacts to get some stuff to help. I doubt Pentagram City has a hospital considering Sinners heal and they are SUPPOSED to be dying from Angelic Weapons.
But now another problem, based on how Verosika's Beelzejuice alcohol mutated that fish in Spring Broken, Hell's chemicals have a mutative effect on non-Hell entities. so using the Hell medicine to jumpstart her healing ends up causing her to become a sort of semi-fallen Angel and gain the moth traits that everyone likes to give her. Lucifer became Fallen through an official process it seems while canon!Vaggie was just mutilated but is still physiologically no different from any other Angel.
Carmilla offers her a place at Carmine Industries as she could prove useful in some ways, she already shared her daughters' lives so Carmilla already saved hers. She knows to take advantage of a situation, even if she is still grateful. I mean it isn't like Vasggie has anywhere else to go.
So Vaggie stays there for a bit, possibly doing more desk work than being out among Hell so they can keep an eye on her and she is inexperienced with Hell. Eventually, Clara or Odette could stop playing up the "We are the powerful in-control demons who own you" act and just be casual with her and try to hang out with her. Expressing their own gratitude.
Yada yada yada, a lot of slow-burn bonding where Vaggie becomes more acquainted to Hell. This would all take place either in the 80s like she was first conceptualized, or in 2014 like she was later. To give her more of a history before Charlie.
Things get sour though, because Vaggie has her own opinions on Carmine's business. She is selling Angelic Weapons to people in the street, essentially causing the endless death to not just stop after the Exterminations are over. She has been strict but fair, so why doesn't she use the Angelic Weapons she's gathered to enforce some kind of Order in Hell? Why is she just using her power and influence to hide and protect herself instead of trying to do good? Carmilla of course points out how this is stupid and how that would invite a lot of dangerous people to retaliate. You work with the system, not against it. This is Hell, you adapt to the chaos, not try to tame it.
This causes friction between the two which ruins any chance at them deepening their relationship because Vaggie is really someone who wants to feel useful but still has a good enough head on her shoulders to know when she is ordered to do something wrong.
Then Vaggie meets Charlie and ends up befriending her, this would be before the Hotel gets fully built so she hasn't announced it to anyone, but Charlie wants to do something to help with the Exterminations and Vaggie starts to get a bit on board with it. Yeah Charlie is a bit naive about it, but at least she is ACTIVELY trying to do something to help Hell rather than use her privilege as a shield.
Eventually, Vaggie moves out with Charlie and the plot of Hazbin goes on as per usual.
When Carmilla fights the Exorcists, she puts a new theory to the test, based on a situation she noticed with Vaggie. After she was made into a pseudo-fallen, she seemed to become as vulnerable to Angelic Steel as any other Sinner. So it isn't just one kick from her Angelic Steel boots that does the Exorcist in, Carmilla has a grenade that has its shrapnel laced with Demonic Chemicals so when they pierce the Exorcist's bodies, they infect and corrupt the body during the regeneration process, allowing them to be vulnerable to the Angelic Weapons. I think by adding this little extra step it doesn't overcomplicate things but also makes it make a bit more sense why no one figured it out before, because Carmine is the only one to get a close look at an Angel like she did.
Now of course this would add some stuff to the canon show as well, like Vaggie likely having some reaction to Clara and Odette bringing over the weapons for Sir Pentious, and the interaction with Carmilla for the Angelic Weapon weakness in Hello Rosie. Maybe Vaggie didn't know it was the Hell Medicine affecting her that made her Fallen and thus vulnerable, maybe she thought it was just a natural effect of Hell on her, or something due to her being kicked out by the Exorcists. So her learning that Carmilla took this knowledge from her and made it into a weapon that has caused a lot of trouble could be viewed as a big breach of trust.
Vaggie would obviously have sparred with Clara and Odette in her years with them so the fight wouldn't be AS one-sided, because Vaggie would know they can take advantage of her offense-only fighting style.
I moreso just had the backstory details worked out so I have no idea where the canon relationship would change from here, but I think it is an interesting idea.
There might be SOME things I missed or overlooked, so please point those out if you see them and how it might mess with the story and it's cohesion.
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alto-tenure · 11 months
more polls. I can't stop with the polls.
we're disregarding the timeline here. also Layton is obviously the quizmaster. feel free to propose your own team arrangements here. jeremy campbell is from professor layton and the wandering castle.
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riverpancakes · 9 months
an even more updated list of my ever after high ocs
Aurora Beauty II, daughter of Briar Beauty
Rosaline Beauty, daughter of Daring Charming and Rosabella Beauty
Hareison "Hari" Blanc, son of Bunny Blanc
Fairest Charming, daughter of Apple White and Darling Charming
Gryphon Charming, son of the King of Nottingham
Halcyon Charming, son of the King of Nottingham
Merciful "Merc" Charming, son of Apple White and Darling Charming
Ranidae "Rani" Croakington, son of Hopper Croakington III
Thomas Darling, son of Jane Darling
Charity Doll, daughter of Clara from the Nutcracker
Autumn Ella, daughter of Ashlynn Ella and Hunter Huntsman
Bess Eller, the new narrator being mentored by Brooke Page
Maybelle Fairy, replacement for Tinkerbell
Nixie Goodfairy, daughter of Farrah Goodfairy
Chamomile Hatter, duaghter of Madeline Hatter
English Breakfast "E" Hatter, son of Madeline Hatter
Lavender Hatter, daughter of Madeline Hatter
Regius Hearts, son of Lizzie Hearts
Carmine Hood, son of Cerise Hood
Falcon Hood, son of Sparrow Hood
Ruby Hood, daughter of Cerise Hood
Rufous Hood, son of Cerise Hood
Murphy Hook, son of Captain Hook
Fletcher Huntsman, son of Ashlynn Ella and Hunter Huntsman
Flaxen Lockes, son of Blondie Lockes
Sunny Lockes, daughter of Blondie Lockes
Psyche Lovebird, daughter of C.A. Cupid
Coastine Mermaid, daughter of Meeshell Mermaid
Angelica O'Hair, daughter of Holly O'Hair
Rosen O'Hair, son of Holly O'Hair
Pipsqueak "Pip" Pan, daughter of Peter Pan
Bella Queen, daughter of Raven Queen and Dexter Charming
Allison Wonderland, daughter of Alistair Wonderland
Oakley Wood, daughter of Cedar Wood
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ocasoinefable · 1 year
El corazón se me hace flor cuando le digo tu nombre. te dibujo en mis manos y te abrazo... eres mi corazón y el latido- verte alegre es mi oración continua... Mis cabellos de mujer se anidan con una cascada al arrollo de tu manos - te veo en el silencio de la brisa, entre las ramas, al vuelo de los pájaros, cuando cierro los ojos y siento el corazón, al sonreír y sentir las curvas en mi boca, en el rayo cálido de la luz, en las auroras, al cerrar y abrir los ojos, en las noches y las mañanas. mi alma está prendada de tus letras, de tus espacios, de los colibrís con pico de flor, y la risa de las nubes cuando llueve, estás en el centro de mi pecho, en los bordes y las esquinas de mis ojos. En todo lo que me rodea y me hace sentir el palpito. Entre los poemas y las letras, en un día soleado, en las tardes oscuras, en las orillas del aire, en los rincones de la sangre. Te hiciste parte de mi alma, sonido en mi latido, beso en los besos, suspiro en la boca, risa en las pestañas, abrazo en mis brazos, vivo y amo pensando en ti; sí amo el color de una flor, pienso en tu mirada, si amo el canto de un pajarito pienso en tus silencios, si abrazo el calor de un escrito a la orilla del bosque me veo en tu regazo, y amo contigo; si escucho la risa de las rosas naranjas les hablo de tu risa y reímos. Cuando miro mis ojos me sonrojo violentamente; se muerde mis labios como nieve en clavel, porque en ellos estás tú, está tu nombre y risa, está tus letras carmines y el balido de tu sueño cordero, el olor del mar envuelto a tus labios, el calmo de tu palabra, la denudes de mi sonrisa en tus dedos, el vestido de mis dedos escribiéndose en ti-
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seramilla · 4 months
Ooohhhh what if the kids wait until mother's day to tell Carmilla/Sera that they're pregnant so one of their mothers day presents is learning they're gonna be grandmas?
Odette and Verosika in unison: “Happy Mother’s Day!!! Here’s your present!”
*hands them two t-shirts that say “Hell’s Greatest Grandma”*
Sera: *screams with delight* “Oh girls I’m so happy for you!”
Carmilla, having flashbacks to when Velkira’s boys were babies: “Umm…are you…?”
Odette pregnant with Rory: “Don’t worry Mom, it’s just one this time.”
Carmilla, hugging Odette and Verosika: “Oh thank you, Satan!!”
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rocknroll7575 · 2 months
Aurora's Dream...
Aurora nestled herself in Gillian's lap, her mother's gentle embrace cocooning her. Her father, Jaune, sat close beside them, wrapping his arms around both his wife and daughter, creating a protective circle of love. Aurora inhaled a trembling breath, her lips curling into a faint, yet heartfelt smile. "I... had a dream," she murmured softly.
Gillian's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she returned her daughter's smile, trying to mask the pain searing through her heart. "About what, sweetheart?" she asked, her voice wavering but warm.
Aurora's gaze grew distant, lost in the vivid recollection of her dream. "We made our own home, our own village, with Auntie Nora," she began, her voice filled with a fragile hope. "I had a little sister, a cute one... and everyone was there... Carmine, Ren, Cardin, Ruby... Even Uncle Jax was there... Everyone was so happy... I wish I could see it,"
Jaune's tears flowed freely, his sorrow too great to contain. He let out a heavy, shuddering sigh, his voice breaking as he spoke. "You can... J-Just hold on, ok? Stay strong, please, Aurora," he pleaded, his desperation raw and palpable.
Aurora's own tears welled up, slowly spilling down her cheeks. Fear gnawed at her heart. She didn't want to leave; she longed to stay with her parents. She knew they were just as terrified as she was, and the thought of their sadness tore at her soul.
But there was nothing they could do.
Summoning the last of her strength, Aurora's voice came out as a frail whisper. "Mom... Dad...?"
Gillian's heart clenched at the sound of her daughter's voice, so full of innocence and need. "What is it, little starlight?" she asked, her tone tender, though it quivered with emotion.
Aurora let out a heart-wrenching sob, her voice breaking as she spoke. "Promise me... that I'll see my dream... even if I'm not here..." she pleaded, her words filled with a desperate hope.
Jaune's voice caught in his throat. "Aurora-"
"Arc's word... both of you, promise me..." Aurora implored, her tears cascading down her cheeks.
Jaune felt his heart constrict painfully, each beat a reminder of the helplessness he felt. He nodded slowly, holding both Aurora and Gillian tighter and closer, his tears falling like rain. "I promise," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
Gillian's own tears flowed freely, like waterfalls, as she nodded in agreement. "I promise," she echoed, her voice trembling.
A soft giggle escaped Aurora's lips, a small, serene smile gracing her face. "Thank you..." she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I love you,"
"We love you too, Aurora," Gillian replied, her tone saturated with pain and love.
Aurora took in another deep, shaky breath, her chest rising slowly. As she exhaled, a long, gentle sigh escaped her lips, and with that, the life seemed to drain from her body.
The moment Aurora's breath left her lungs, she went limp.
Feeling the change, Gillian and Jaune looked down at Aurora, their faces contorting with horror and disbelief.
"A-Aurora...?" Jaune called out, his voice cracking under the weight of his sorrow.
There was no answer.
Panic surged through Gillian as she frantically brushed the hair out of her daughter's face, looking into her half-lidded eyes. "Aurora! Aurora! Baby, wake up!" she cried, her voice filled with desperation.
Jaune's panic mirrored Gillian's as he gently cradled Aurora's head, his eyes wide with fear. "Come on, sweetie! Stay with us! D-Don't go!" he begged, his voice trembling.
Despite their frantic pleas and desperate begging, it was to no avail. Aurora Arc had passed away, and the reality of their loss settled in like a heavy fog. All they could do was weep uncontrollably, their tears flowing freely as they clung to their daughter's lifeless body, their hearts shattered beyond repair.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Reading your angry-jaded-at-the-world Superman posts made me think of a Superbat Maleficent AU where fae!Clark falls for the prince he cursed to die.
(Like, idk maybe carmine or lex manipulated thomas into stealing clark's wings or something?? And yeah, that pisses him off.)
The three fairies are Alfred, Harley and Ivy. Instead of three adults raising one child, it's one adult raising three children. God bless Alfred.
Bonus: One or more of the batkids/superkids are Diaval (re: Clark's morality pet(s)). Just imagine Bruce growing older and becoming a dad to them, unknowingly repaying how they watched out for him as a kid.
They may be near century y/o fae but at heart, they're still kids.
mmmm idk cause the whole maleficent/aurora bring sipped or portrayed romantically squeaks me out bc she knew her since infancy so. Not my read!!
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rwbyazre · 1 year
You think you can post the height chart sometime as I'm curious how tall is everyone.
I didn't even realise that I haven't posted the height chart but here we go. Warning for spoilers obviously.
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From left to right for clarification: Adam, Zanthus, Ruri, Eirian, Chase, Roxanne, Hound II (Behind Roxanne), Mauve, Niccolo, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Sun, Pyrrha, Ren, Nora, Aurora at 11, Aurora at 13, Aurora at 18,
Ozpin, Glynda, Pacae (Behind Glynda), Cassandra Melina, Tabi Kaseya, Oobleck, Junior, Malachite Twins, Summer, Hound I (Behind Summer), Taiyang, Raven, Qrow, Qinri, Xanthe, Eliana, Theo, Chavi Kokkinos, Sable, Meuiranne, Jacob, Sage, Ankhesenamun, Afra, Alpha Stitched,
Ironwood, Winter, Khovsgol (Behind Winter), Clover, Elm, Vine, Harriet, Marrow, Pietro, Penny, Velvet, Robyn, May, Aisling, Roisinn, Yuki, Lou, Qiu, Argentra, Chau, Ciara, Lavender, Vionn, Rhiannon, Flynt, Neon, Kobalt, Ivori, Alon, Cerise, Jacques, Willow, Whitley, Kallan, Empress Huáng Xia, Jin, Jinn (Behind Jin), Odstesteg, Seigyoku, Hisui, Shinju, Ha-yun, Lady Quyen, Quyen Hue, Vernal
Sienna, Kaanchana, Banesaw, Iya, Ilia, Salem, Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, Roman, Neo, Gretchen, Tyrian, Giang, Watts, Merlot, Carmine, Bertilak, Teumessian, Ghira, Hajimu, Keahi, Icheku, Clementine, Kuluua, Safou
Chandra, Guiying, Mosu, Yinyue, Merrill, Wisteria, Chrysanthi, Eluhlaza, Winijay, Riley, Jack, Behmi, Wren, Hyeon-Ju, Opal, Horus, Liserian, Sterling.
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blueharborhq · 3 months
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Blue Harbor Pride presents a wide array of activities to celebrate Pride, including its infamous Parade, where all roads will lead to a festival full of fantastic fun! From live bands performing on our Rally Stage, bar space, street food and other local vendors, the town will not just be blue for the day, but an array of bright colors that provides a safe, positive place for all of us to sing, dance, party and celebrate who we are!
LOCATION: Cardinal Hill, Blue Harbor.
DATE: June 23rd, 2024.
PARADE TIME: 11am - 12pm.
FESTIVAL TIME: 12pm - 7pm. Celebrations and special sales continue into the evening in nearby bars & restaurants.
RALLY STAGE TIME: 3pm - 10pm.
The parade begins at Blue Harbor City Hall heading south on Central Row. It makes a left on Bishop Street towards the river, then left on Finch Street. It continues north on Carmine Way to Nightingale Avenue, where it turns right and ends at the festival grounds. The parade features floats from local businesses such as Aurora, Tres Amigos, and Happy Tails, marching bands and enthusiastic Blue Harbor residents.
Following the parade's conclusion, make your way over to the festival grounds where multiple community groups distribute a wide variety of information, including job opportunities, housing options, disease prevention and screening, legal rights and services, etc. Inside there will also be local vendors selling pride-themed product where a portion of the profit goes directly towards said community groups! Admission is $10, cash only.
An admission wristband also grants you access to our Rally Stage, where you can catch live performances of all sorts thanks to the sponsorship and help of 104.5 Harbor FM and eager station employees!
If you get hungry, there is also a food court located within the festival grounds, featuring trucks from Blue Harbor favorites.
EVENT LENGTH: 23rd June — 30th June 2024.
START TIME: 12pm ( est ), 5pm ( gmt ).
If you are participating in the event, previous threads do not have to be paused or dropped. You can continue with normal interactions as usual.
Please tag all event related starters with our tag, #event.bh, and be sure to give some love to available open starters if applicable!
Any questions regarding this event can be directed to the main or either admin on Discord.
AURORA — The dance-club not only has its own float this year, but will be hosting a Silent Disco at the festival, ongoing from 2pm - closing! Entry included with festival admission, 18+ (special wristbands for 21+ given)
BLUE HARBOR COMMUNITY HOSPITAL — Raising awareness to have as an equally safe time as a good time, various volunteers will be offering free advice, STI/STD tests, and contraception for all those interested!
BRIGHT SPARKS — The community hub will have its own stall, providing an area for the younger folk celebrating to participate in arts and crafts sessions, and give people a safe space to enjoy the festivities with friends and family alike!
CHILLED CREAMERY — Various ice creams including their limited edition Pride flavors will be on offer at their stall during the festival, and keep an eye out for freebies that may be thrown out from their parade float!
HAPPY TAILS — A float featuring all beloved furry friends, the pet shop will also have a stall up at the festival to give guests a chance to paw-lunteer, as well as the opportunity to purchase limited-edition Pride merchandise for their own pets!
THE LABYRINTH — The artisanal cocktail bar will be providing specially themed cocktails at the festival! All proceeds will be going to the various community groups being supported by this year's festival.
LATTE LOVE — Need a little pick me up? Be sure to stop by Latte Love's pop up stall to enjoy a limited edition Rainbow Frap, with a portion of the proceeds being donated directly to Bright Sparks!
MIC DROP! — Sing it loud and sing it proud with Mic Drop!'s sing-a-long parade float, belting out the best pop bangers that have shaped our community. Want to keep the party going? Keep an eye out for their car-aoke van in Cardinal Hill throughout the day!
THRIFT HAVEN — Providing various outfits perfect for Pride, the thrift store will have a booth set up for you to add color to your wardrobe! All proceeds will be going to charity.
TRES AMIGOS — One of the most beloved vendors in the city, Tres Amigos will be proving street-food classics, including tacos, tamales and, if you fancy something sweet, churros!
CHARACTER PORTRAITS — Bringing architectural precision to the delicate art of portraiture, renowned architect and Blue Harbor University lecturer Terry Lowenstein will be offering 10-minute live sketch portrait sessions at Blue Harbor's Pride Event. Their booth will be open from 3 to 6 pm, and all donations (recommended in the range of $15–$20) will go towards supporting Blue Harbor's community groups in need.
The following performers featured on the Rally Stage throughout the day will be:
DANCING QUEEN: AN ABBA SALUTE — takes the stage from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.
AQUA — takes the stage from 4:30pm to 5:30pm.
DANTE KIDD — takes the stage from 6:00pm to 7:00pm.
OPHELIA DANIELS DJ SET— takes the stage from 9:00pm to 10:00pm.
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