#aunt zelda imagines
smilesrobotlover · 11 months
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Some love at twilight stuff with the fam. Rusl and Uli are cute, Colin is an annoying little brother, and Kori and Rela are bffs and do everything together. I love them all.
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sheikfangirl · 2 months
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Post-TotK Zelink family fluff 🥰 All the real life parents here KNOWS this cute moment won't last. This is gonna end with a kick in the face or a tiny baby fist in the eye 😂 I love imagining all the different onesies Zelda Jr has with adorable patterns. She has a one with purple Mushrooms (sponsored by Cece of course) , one with koroks (DUH) one with blupees, one with bokos, sand seals (gifted by aunt Riju)... I'm not gonna spoiled all the themed baby gear and toys scattered in the Hateno house, i wanna keep surprises for future posts haha
Sorry, no polished art today, I will really do my best to redeem myself with Zelink week 2024 :) Please stay tuned! Cheers!
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As a look back into the last decade of fashion and an insight into the next, we have one final lookbook for the 1920s. That is of course for our next heiress in her early childhood years and final months in her beloved home city of New Orleans.
All of her clothes are very trendy, and would recently have been bought for her by her father. They are also more practical for strolling through the streets or reading alone than they are for playing with other children her age. She is a vivacious and excitable young girl, and her colors and patterns reflect that. They are also more in line with the tones her father Antoine and Aunt Jo tend to wear, as she is more like them in temperament and spirit than her mother Zelda.
She does however share her mother’s imagination and starry eyes, and we can see her dressing to be the young lady she images herself to be, or as her father likes to call her, the Little Princess. The quality of her wardrobe as well as her bows and Peter Pan collars impart the impression of a fanciful, if spoiled, young girl.
All CC linked below the cut.
Everyday No. 1: hair (TSR Warning) / dress / stockings (Base Game) / shoes
Everyday No. 2 dress / shoes
Going Out: hat / coat
Party/Formal: bow & socks / dress
Sleepwear: headwrap / dress
Hot Weather: hair / dress / socks
Cold Weather: coat / shoes
My immense thanks to the CC creators who made these looks possible! @pixelnrd @simiracle @plumbobteasociety @zurkdesign @historicalsimslife @historicalfictionsims @oranos @hezzasims
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frost-queen · 11 months
Witches hour (Reader x Ambrose Spellman)
Requested by: anon ,Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: You are but a mortal friend of the Spellman's, working with Hilda in her shop as you become off interest to the Weird sisters and one wicked boy. They find it funny to scare you till it gets out of hand and you get hurt. Afraid and frightend you run to the Spellman's because you are too scared to be alone. Ambrose comforts you and considers to tell you magic is real and how he feels about you.
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“Ambrose.” – you called out as he was blocking your way in the small row between shelves. He chuckled leaning with his arm on top of the shelves. – “I’m just standing here.” – he answered smiley. – “Yes in my way.” – you laughed out picking a book from the few books you were carrying. With a small novel you hit Ambrose against his shoulder. It startled him making him flinch. – “You know how much your aunt hates you slouching against her books.” – you said teasingly. Ambrose smiled sheepishly, rubbing his arm as you moved past him. You went to the next row to set the books you were carrying away. Noticing Ambrose had followed you. – “Shouldn’t you be at home helping your aunt Zelda?” – you questioned.
Ambrose pulled his shoulders up. – “Maybe?” – he replied mischievous. – “Wait till your aunt Hilda sees you here.” – you joked out. – “Alright, alright you sure can pester one way.” – Ambrose answered bothered as it made you laugh loud. – “Now go.” – you said slapping another book playfully at him. Ambrose moved his hands up, backing out of the row. – “Go.” – you mouthed laughable to him, seeing him linger. Looking over your shoulder you looked to see if Hilda was coming out of the back door or not. Ambrose exited with a grand gesture making you laugh loud. You kept laughing till you heard Hilda’s footsteps. She had come out of the back area carrying a box.
“Was.. was that Ambrose?” – she questioned seeing the last of a shim disappear into the night. – “Sure not, Ambrose is at home as he is supposed to.” – you told her with a cheeky smile. Aunt Hilda quirked her eyebrow up but was gullible enough to believe you. – “I’m just going to set this box away and we can start locking up for tonight.” – Hilda spoke showing the box your way. You hummed loud in response. Hilda left as you continued to stock the few remaining books away in your hand. On top of a shelf laid pumpkin lights as you smiled upon them. You blinked confused seeing a pumpkin light flicker. It was so briefly you weren’t sure if it was a trick of the eye or true. The lights appearing normal now. Leaning in closer you stared at the pumpkin light.
From the corner of your eye, you saw another pumpkin light flicker. Turning your head you saw it flicker clear as day. More lights started to flicker making you be stunned at bit, not knowing what to do. Then the flickering stopped, all the lights turned off from itself. Curious and confused you leaned closer once more, pointing your finger out to tap the light. The moment your finger touched the light you saw a scarier face appear on the light. It had scared you so much you dropped the book in your hand, jumping back against the bookcase behind you.
“Everything alright Y/n?” – Hilda asked lifting her head up from across the shop near the window. Looking back at the lights, they were normal again. – “Yes… everything is alright.” – you answered to pick up the fallen book. You quickly put it away. Meeting up with Hilda, you said your goodbye’s. – “See you tomorrow Y/n.” – she spoke giving you a hug. – “Happy spooky season.” – you called back to her, waving your goodbyes, knowing how much Hilda loved the spooky season of October. Only a few days till it would Halloween.
A cold breeze would creep up on you once you were outside. Leaves dancing in circles on the ground carried by the wind’s orchestra. Looking up to the night sky you saw a crescent moon. You started walking home in the dark of night. The trees rustling as a breeze swept underneath your coat sending your scarf up. It caught you off guard making you turn a bit around as if someone had touched you without permission. Your eyes went slowly up seeing a figure stand at the end of the street. Lighted up by a streetlight. It came you the chills. A loud scream carried away by the wind made you cover up your ears and duck down. Looking back up the shadow was gone. Panting and frightened you turned around only to be met up with the shadow.
You screamed your lungs out, swaying your arms around and take a run for it. You started running for your life, wondering if you had seen too many scary movies last night with Sabrina, Theo, Harvie and Rosie. That must be it. Your mind was still thinking about the scary movies you had seen. A dog barked loud making you jump away, picking up more speed to hurry up home. Out of breath you reached your house, hurrying to get the keys. Panicking his much you dropped them.
Scrambling to get them, your hand shook as you tried to stick the key in the keyhole. With one last scream of feeling rushed, you opened the door jumping inside. Without looking back, you shut the door behind you. Locking it immediately. Switching on the lights you felt more at ease. You jumped out of your skin seeing three girls in your living room. One of them sitting down, the other two sitting each on a side. – “Well hello mortal.” – the one in the middle purred out while checking out her nails.
 “Who are you?” – you asked loudly. – “What are you doing in my house!” – The girl that sat clicked her tongue swaying her finger to the side. – “We’re but friends mortal.” – she slowly got up. – “Shall we play a game?” – she asked not expecting an answer from you. – “This one is called.” – the redhead on her left said. – “Hide and scream.” – the black-haired girl on her right filled in. With the snap of a finger went the power off. You squealed loud at the sudden darkness. – “Now run!” – A loud whisper filled your ears coming from behind. Lightning stuck all of the sudden, lighting up the room. You screamed loud seeing that the girl’s faces had become horrifying. Almost demonic. You started running for your life up the stairs. Hearing their loud giggling and cackling surround you.
You ran into your bedroom, shutting the door behind you. – “Oh mortal let us in.” – one of them spoke, knocking gently on your door. Covering your mouth to silence your breathing, you backed away. – “We only want to play.” – one of the other spoke. You backed up against your bed as it startled you. A sudden grip around your ankle made your eyes widen. Before you could utter a scream you got pulled at your ankle.
Falling flat forwards, your face smacking hard against the ground. Looking over your shoulder you saw a boy hide underneath your bed. His face half caught by a shadow. His wicked smile reflecting against the darkness. You screamed it out, kicking your feet at him. What is going on? You thought. Rushing up to your feet, you wanted to run for your door, remembering in the last second that those three girls were just outside.
The boy came crawling from under your bed. Your eyes stood wide with fright, pressed against the door. He started to rise his hands as fire light up from your flooring. Forming a circle around you. You screamed it out as he could only laugh. What kind of witchcraft was this? Your head was spinning trying to process the magic just happening in your room while trying to deal with the fear. – “Leave me alone!” – you called out to him. He pouted his lips. – “But we were just making fun.” – he slashed his hand down as it made your head turn with a gasp. Feeling a sting on your cheek.
With trembling hands you went to touch it. Fingers stained with blood when you looked at them. He had left a cut on your cheek. – “You’re the devil!” – you called out. – “Oh honey I assure you I’m not. I am merely a child of night.” – he answered with a grin. Not wanting stay here with him, you jumped over the fires to the back of your room. – “Oh we got a runner.” – The boy called out swiping his hand across. A force picking you up as you got flung out of the window. Glass shattering as you crashed through it. You fell onto the lower roof part of your porch, rolling over it to drop to the ground, landing in a bush.
Groaning loud you got up seeing the cuts all over your arms and legs. You got up, running for your life. Limping at bit from the fall as you didn’t want to be home alone anymore. The boy was watching you run from up your room. The three girls coming to stand beside him. – “Great you’ve chased her away.” – Dorcas said slapping his arm. Agatha sighed loud. – “Ambrose would be furious if he finds out we scared his little mortal friend.” – she spoke making Prudence roll her eyes.
“I do not care one bit for that Spellman. He should know better than to mingle with lame mortals.” – Prudence chuckled deep. – “Shame I couldn’t make her bleed more.” – the boy said with a shrug of his shoulder. Dorcas and Agatha quirking their eyebrow at him. – “We don’t want her dead you moron! We just want her scared.” – Dorcas called out. The boy rolled with his eyes not caring much.
“Ambrose!” – you shouted loud. Huffing and puffing out of breath as you reached the Spellman’s house. – “Ambrose!” – you shouted again running up the porch. – “Ambrose! Ambrose please open up!” – you panicked banging loudly at their door. The door opened as you exhaled deep pushing yourself inside, not wanting to be one minute longer in the dark. – “Y/n what are you doing here?” – Sabrina asked as she had opened the door. – “I…I…” – you tried to speak. – “What happened?” – Sabrina wanted to know as Ambrose came down the stairs. – “Y/n?” – he said widening his eyes at the cuts on your body.
“What happened!” – Ambrose demanded to know, rushing up to you. – “I…I…I fell out of my window.” – you told him still catching your breath. – “What?” – Sabrina called out. Ambrose stared confused and slightly worried at you. Sabrina pulled her shoulders up as she had no clue as well. – “Come.” – Ambrose said wrapping his arm around you to lead you upstairs. Sabrina closed the door giving her cousin one last worried glance. Upstairs seated Ambrose you down on his bed. – “Now Y/n tell me what happened. How did you get these cuts?” – he spoke worriedly.
You looked frightened at him. – “There were these girls in my house.” – you told him. – “Girls?” – Ambrose repeated confused. – “Three of them. Demanding to play a game with me. All the lights went out!” – you panicked explaining your story to him. – “Then upstairs in my room was a boy, hiding under my bed. Fire! Ambrose there was fire!” – you grasped for his hand, startling him with your sudden loud voice. – “Fire?” – he questioned. – “Yes. Poof fire.” – you gestured out. – “It was like he created it out of thin air.” – you said as Ambrose’s eyes widened. – “He gave me this cut without touching me.” – you showed your cheek to Ambrose to show him.
“When I wanted to run I got thrown out of the window by a force. Leading to my appearance.” – Exhaling deep you felt yourself slowly come at ease. – “Darn witches.” – Ambrose mumbled under his breath. – “Huh?” – you said hearing a whiff of his words. Ambrose chuckled nervously. – “Have I gone crazy, or did they do magic?” – you asked to be certain you weren’t losing your mind. Ambrose slightly nodded, not wanting you to feel insane. He carefully watched your reaction trying to see if it was perhaps a good idea to tell you he was a witch as well. – “Okay…” – you replied neutral not sure how to react to it.
“Why… why would they taunt me? Is it because it is almost Halloween?” – you slapped Ambrose his hand out of pure over-reaction. Ambrose shook his head. – “It is because you are with me.” – he told you making you furrow your brows. – “Why would they do that?” – you wanted to know. Ambrose took a deep breath pulling you closer to him by your shoulders. – “Y/n I’m going to tell you something and I hope this doesn’t change anything… or at least maybe a bit.” -  he started.
“Ambrose you are scaring me a bit.” – you answered. – “Don’t be.” – he made sure. He took another deep breath before speaking. – “I am like them. I am also a witch, so is Sarbina and my aunties.” – your mouth fell open with shock. – “But I assure you we mean you no harm Y/n. We aren’t all bad, besides we adore you. Specially me… I…I…like…no love you Y/n. That… that is why the weird sisters, and that boy tormented you. It is because they can see I care for you, and I am so sorry for that.” – he finished.
You slowly smiled kissing Ambrose by surprise. Ambrose pulled startled away. – “I’m not scared anymore, knowing you won’t let anything happen to me.” – you told him. Ambrose nodded still trying to process the surprise kiss. – “Also I like…no love you too Ambrose. I just didn’t think you saw me in that way.” – Ambrose laughed loud, grabbing a hold of you to kiss you. This time longer and deeper. – “I promise you no harm will ever come to you.”
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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author-main · 8 months
Are you still looking for questions about Hyrule? Does your Hyrule have two Zelda’s in their world or one? What’s their relationship like with them?
They have Two Zeldas. I see no reason to merge them or only have one. Here are their portraits. Look Hyrule has a big giant forehead <3
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Dawn is much older than Hyrule, between 15-20 years older. Idk, I've never seen a Zelda and Link who are so different in age. Before this, I hc'd that Dusk was 2-3 years older than Twilight, and maybe Valkyrie is older than Wars too. But it's nowhere near this. Aurora and Hyrule are closer to the same age. She might be younger than him by a year.
I can imagine the Era of Decline being a lot darker than the Chain expects. Because Hyrule is so bubbly. He's not broody like Wild, or grumpy like Legend. So they never expect Hyrule's era to be that bad. But when they meet Dawn (most of the Links have, save for Wars and Wild) and see his kingdom it's like "Damn bitch you live like this?"
When Dawn sent Impa to find the most courageous man in the kingdom, she didn't expect to be saved by a ten-year-old amnesiac the size of a toddler. But that's what happened, and she's less than thrilled. If they ever let her, she would officially adopt Hyrule. But Hyrule's a traveler, hates being stuck in one place for long. Hates etiquette even more. Getting adopted by the queen? Absolutely not. He still likes her though! Whenever he does visit the castle, she treats him as if he's her own child.
Aurora's own brother placed a curse on her for keeping her father's secret. Now, she's alone far in the future with nowhere to go... Is what I would say if Dawn wasn't stoked to adopt another child (even if she's her Greatx5 Aunt) and officially have an heir. Hyrule also acts as a substitute brother.
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fox-bright · 1 month
I'm playing TotK again, and wondering. After all is said and done, villain routed, battle won--do you think Zelda ever prays to Hylia again?
I mean, imagine being her.
You devote yourself with fervor to the worship of your grandmother goddess, she whose golden blood runs through you. You know, you know that she is real; her mark is visible everywhere on the face of the world. You meditate and you sacrifice and you pray, you pray so constantly that it comes and goes like breathing. Waiting for the still small voice your mother told you stories about, before she died; waiting for the touch of a golden hand. For comfort. For purpose. For peace.
And all you get, ever, is silence. Not even the quiet of a held breath, the hollow ears-ringing of an empty room.
And then Calamity comes. And you do everything you can, and it's laughable how quickly your defenses break. A straw against a sword. Your army dies, most of them in the first few minutes of the fight. And your family dies, your father, aunts and uncles, cousins every one destroyed inside the same forty-five minutes. And your friends die, everyone who pledged themselves to you--they die first, and in pain, in full view of their people.
(And then their souls are trapped for a century, waiting for you to finally fulfill your fucking promises.)
Your warrior, your most devoted, your silent watcher, dies in your arms.
And then She comes to you. A drop of Her spirit, too little, too late, only just enough to preserve your knight until his body could be healed. And you scrape together every other bit of power you can summon and every scrap of knowledge you've ever managed to learn about wards and magical defense, and you walk into hell, and you curl around the devil and you go to sleep for a century.
And you have some power, now! Enough to fight him when he wakes. Enough to put him down, for a little while. And you think, maybe it's over, you can gather up your scattered people and rebuild at long last. And you start, and you get five or seven years at it before the real enemy shows up.
And again, you do what you have to do.
And again, you sacrifice...everything. All you have. More than you knew you could, because at least when you petted the devil to sleep for a century you were still yourself. Now you have to lose even that, and for an unimaginable amount of time. What's a century next to a hundred millennia? What's the eyelid-flicker of your mortal life, that mere couple of decades--you don't even notice decades anymore. Centuries are seasons to you now.
And here's the real bitch of the problem, that could only become clear to you from this height; you could never get Her attention in that mortal lifetime because you'd already been in perfect communion with Her for scores of thousands of years before you were born. Because anyone who is Goddess-touched gets torn out of time, and good luck putting your feet squarely on any forward-stretching path ever again.
Because the Dragon of Light is never out of Her sight, not ever, not for an instant, and what does some bit of chaff, some mortal mite, have in comparison to that accord?
What do you think it's like, to realize that the reason everyone you ever cared about died, was because they already had? Because when you went back, the ever-watchful eyes of Hylia learned everything you knew, and would not act to change it?
What do you think it's like, to know that no matter how hard you struggled, every single bit of effort you ever put toward saving the world was wasted? That there was nothing, nothing you could have done? If you'd known, you could have told them all to get away from you, and that's the only way you could have saved them. But you didn't know, and She didn't warn you, did she. No matter how much you abased yourself, begging for knowledge or aid.
And now at the end of all of it, returned again for a second time to her little, mortal self, tiny body, tiny lifespan, how do you think Zelda feels? She's been Goddess-ridden for longer than every civilization on her planet has existed. She has had Hylia's voice in her ears for every moment of eons. She has access to knowledge now that not one of her line of Priestess Queens has ever imagined.
But I think. If I were Zelda. I'd get my feet squarely back on the ground, and I'd commune with Her one last time, and I'd tell Her. "You got what you needed from me. And I guess I got what I needed from you. So we can call it even; we're quits. I'm done. I'll leave the key under the mat."
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meganelixabethh · 10 months
The main breakfast food mentioned at the castle is porridge with occasional mentions of meat like sausages but never really toast. The only person who mentions toast is Aunt Zelda. Right so imagine you’ve only ever eaten either porridge or meat (or porridge and meat?) for breakfast and some lady presents you with a freshly baked (we know she bakes her own bread angie doesn’t need to say) crusty white bread that’s been toasted and smothered in butter. That would be life changing. Nothing would ever be the same
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prankprincess123 · 8 months
I love the fact that in some games Impa is this wise old crone who may as well be Zelda's grandmother by how she acts, other games she's outright her adoptive mother, and still others she's this epic bodyguard and big sister figure. And overall she just gives off the vibe of an exasperated aunt who is in every lifetime definitely going to let Link and Zelda sneak off to makeout in the gardens and will 100% teach them throwing knife tricks without prompting, but also really wishes that they'd please stop picking fights with demons. She is not actually part of the group actively cursed to always reincarnate together, but she almost always ends up being reborn in the same century and ends up involved in their battles anyway, and she could really use a break from this nonsense.
Impa deserves an award for dealing with their nonsense over and over in so many lifetimes when it is not her fight or her curse by any stretch of the imagination. But no matter how many lifetimes she's handed a sobbing princess and told to take care of her - no matter if she's an old woman being handed a newborn princess to be nursemaid to, or a teenager being handed an 8yo who already wants to fistfight Ganon and told to be her bodyguard - she continues to love and protect this little gremlin princess to the best of her abilities for as long as she can. So of course she's going to help fight Ganon, yet again, because her little goddess and the little Hero need help, as they always will.
Demise cursed himself and Link and Zelda, not Impa. But she is always there regardless simply because she loves these kids and won't let them do this alone if she can help it.
And I love her so much for it.
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zoroshark · 1 year
Firstly, I love the nickname you got for Rauru. I can truly imagine Sonia calling him Rwandan when they are not in public but in private with each other. Secondly, do you got a headcanon of what their child would look like or even how Sonia was copping with it to have a child from a Zonia?
Secondly, do you got a headcanon of what their child would look like or even how Sonia was copping with it to have a child from a Zonia?
Thank you! The nickname Ran Ran was made during the time TOTK wasn't released and no one knew of Rauru's name, so I came up with it. For the second part of your question, I'm going to need some clarification as I'm a little confused on what you are asking. For the first part, I actually made a fan child between the two!
Here is my Rauru/Sonia fan child, Solis!
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For Solis' design, I did my best to combine both Zonai and Hyrulean features. Solis would have ears that are longer than Sonia's but smaller than Rauru's. Her facial features do lean a bit more on the Zonai aspect, especially from the forehead to nose, but from there it's similar to a Hyrulean. Her skin is fur-like/fuzzy with scales. The rest of her body is proportioned normally unlike Zonai, with her long neck being an outlier.
More info on Solis is down below! Warning for TOTK Spoilers and a long wall of text!
Gender: Female
Age: 26 (years after Imprisoning War)
Height: 6'8"
Species: Zonai/Hyrulean (Hylian) Mix
Personality: Kind, Inquisitive, Stubborn, Playful, Adventurous
General Info: Solis was a child of King Rauru and Queen Sonia. As a child, she was free spirited, with her sense of adventure and curiosity sometimes getting her into trouble. She would often sneak off from her studies to watch her father hunt or to pick berries with her mother, but always made up for time lost. Her family would teach her to love and care for everything around her and she was a happy princess in their care.
Sadly, that happiness would be taken away after tragedy befell her home. After the death of her mother, father, and aunt, young Solis became mute, and a shut in. Due to her shift in personality and being too young to take the throne at that time, others in her family would take a temporary charge in her stead. It would take many years after the Imprisoning War for her to open up again, slowly coming out of her bubble and enjoying the world around her.
As a fully grown adult, she hopes she can make her family proud and be a strong, kind ruler just like her parents.
-She was around 5-7 years old when both of her parents and aunt passed -She also witnessed Zelda's transformation into a dragon (hence experienced the loss of 4 family members) -She has no secret stone of her own -She is proficient with swords and bows -She was either under the care of Sonia's relatives or by the three dragon sisters (Farosh, Dinraal and Naydra) depending on the AU -While having both time and light powers, she was closer attuned to her light magic -When she was off her royal duties or outside of the castle, she was a bit of a goofball and willing to try out new things that her court may deem as reckless (Ex: trying to find ways to fly up and get on/near the four dragons)
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K, so just. Random Assortment of thoughts.
(This got long so I’m yeeting it under the readmore)
1) CC!NextGen - how about, the fewer kids these couples/groups have, the less likely they’ll ALL want to be Heroes. Like, Say for Umi, Miku, Miyuki, & random kid 4 (Nitaru’s here somewhere, but we aren’t counting him, he’s an outlier). Like, LM wants to be a hero. Umi might, specifically in sea rescue, but otherwise, I don’t see her being THAT into it? I … Honestly can’t say I see Miku wanting to be a HERO-Hero - like, I can see her wanting to be a cop, or a detective, but I could equally see her wanting to be a historian, or a hairdresser. Then Adoption4/ LM’s baby brother (I’m arbitrarily deciding Deku randomly adopts a little toddler boy, they have three girls[?]) he DOESN’T want to be a hero, he’s, like … an analyst. One of the Iida kids becomes a movie producer, or set designer, he ends up with like, 5 or 6, not ALL of them want to be Heroes. Neither of Mina’s kids become heroes, but (if we do the Mimic Kid, and the Blood Drinker Power-Up) both Tooru/Himi(/Sato) kids do. Akiko does, but neither of the twins (if we give them twins) do. Someone wants to be a doctor, or a lawyer, or a scientist. One of the Kyoka kids starts a band.
2) CC - Mimi made the joke that Koda’s future husband is just Goliath from Disney’s Gargoyles, so that’s what I’m more or less imagining now. Big, impossibly beefy guy with wings. Has skin like stone, though he can be cut and bleed, though it is really hard to do. Doesn’t actually turn to Stone, but can hold himself stupidly still for HOURS. He prefers signing over talking most of the time, because he thinks his voice is scary (it’s DEEP, and when he’s mad, it can be TERRIFYING).
3) MHA-Monsters - think I sent the ask, but given Shoji is often associated with Octopi, you could make him a Cthulhu-esqe creature from the Deep. He doesn’t necessarily HAVE to be an Eldritch horror (I’m imagining something a bit closer to Octolings from Splatoon mixed with Monster High), but he could be. Or, if it’s funnier, he’s constantly annoyed by people assuming he’s some kind of Eldritch Horror, because whatever species he is, is NOT RELATED, the only reason people think that shit is because of Lovecraft, which is really just insulting-
4) MHA-Monsters - because they weren’t mentioned, I’m guessing; Hound Dog’s a werewolf, Ectoplasm is a poltergeist, Lunch Rush is actually a completely normal human who is just really good at making large quantities of food, Power Loader is a Gremlin, Cementoss is basically a Goron (Legend of Zelda).
5) MHA-Monsters - if Hagakure is a ghost, are we doing, like, recent ghost? Older? Is she straight up dead, or is it more of a Danny Phantom situation?
6) CC - How/when to Shoji and Tokoyami start dating? (I mean, how do ANY of these kids start their relationships, but that seems like a lot, this is already long enough, those two annd Tooru/Himi are who I’m currently most interested in, but Shoji/Toko, let’s start there. If you want to do any of the others, feel free, but yikes, this is getting long)
7) CC/Suggestion - I know you said you wanted to do more with Ojiro, so Mimi suggested submitting her version of his backstory? Anyway, Ojiro backstory, Mimi Version: Ojiro was mostly raised by his grandparents, with assistance from some aunts and uncles. His mom is pretty flighty, doing whatever takes her fancy. She likes to live fast, free, and fancy, something that is hard to do with a kid. So, she decided he could “visit” with his grandparents - she just dropped him off one day, and never came back. His grandparents are somewhat gruff, but kind people, who love Ojiro a lot, and try to teach him practicality and common sense. They are very “we have no idea where we went wrong” about Ojiro’s mom. His uncle owns a martial arts dojo, where Ojiro spent a lot of his childhood. His aunt travels a lot, which is why she Didn’t take Ojiro in, while his uncle is married and has eight kids, which is why he didn’t take Ojiro (to be clear, they both would have, but they all thought the grandparents would give him a more stable childhood). Ojiro has very few memories of his mom, and in fact hadn’t talked to her in years … until shortly after the Sports Festival, when all of a sudden, she was calling to reconnect “because [she] missed [him] so much!” (The whole family is giving her a bit of the side-eye here. Oh, you want to reconnect with your son? After you dumped him for a decade? Right after seeing him on live tv in a very prestigious hero school? Hmmmmmm…….) 
(Ok, Mimi now wants to know how Kendou/Ojiro would go - material artists with very simple Quirks)
Final note for Ojiro: the one thing most of the family hasn’t really forgiven Ojiro’s mom for, even beyond just dumping him off and leaving, is that she has never told anyone who Ojiro’s dad is. None of them know, and they’re pretty sure SHE doesn’t know either.
Again, mostly just sharing to get the thoughts out, you may pick, choose, alter, and discard at your leisure!
1.) Oh yeah it’s. Umi I debate between her being a Hero or her doing stage shows and the like. Maybe both tbh. Miku I don’t think she’d be a Hero but she has some great like, paleontology vibes. But yeah there’s just all sorts of kids and some don’t end up Heroes but a good chunk do.
2.) Now I’m straight up imagining Goliath. Voice and all. Holy fuck.
3.) I answered this one in the other ask!
4.) On one hand Hounddog as a Werewolf makes sense, but then I’d probably have him more relevant to the plot given Katsuki so I’ll swing back. For Ectoplasm yeah with a name like that gotta be some kinda Ghost. Lunch Rush being Human is great. Not even a Witch just full on Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School applied for the job and got it not knowing. For Power Loader I already have Mei as a Gremlin, and I while there’s some allowance for repeat creatures I don’t think havig them repeat is what I want. On the other hand since I already hit my classic monster movie quota, let’s work on the high fantasy with some Dwarves because they’re craftsmen who dig underground(maybe make him more a Dwarf/Elf considering the lack of beard and burlyness. I know I likened the harpies to the Rito, but that wasn’t quite a ‘I have Zelda creatures thing. I’m swinging away from that for a moment.
5.) While I am yoinking from my DP Lore a bit, I am letting her be like. Dead. ( (which my DP lore lets them be dead too lmao) Don’t worry she’s fine it happened a while ago she got over it and is moving on with her lack of life. It’s a funky thing of Ghosts /can/ age but I’ll come back to that later
6.) Ahahahaha. I need to hammer out who asks who but I do know that they’re gonna be dating soon because the Mall Arc is gonna have them on a date.
7.) God even the ‘default settings’ kid gets to have childhood trauma! But also I like this a lot. I am vibing with the Kendo ship though! I can see them talking!
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luna-lovegreat · 1 year
Even if you have the game unless you are very far in and have all the tears do not read
Ok so oh my turnips I just saw some fanart of mineru and zelda, with mineru holding zelda while she transformed and I’m gonna cry, she and Zelda were so close-
If you do the stone tablets quest you learn they did research together and got on like a house on fire they might have terrorized ancient hyrule together with their experiments- it even mentions mineru neglected to eat or sleep while researching constructs which it also states Zelda helped with that research and I know they just went full out college student mode spending tons of time together in the research zone (which apparently zelda was awesome at and it says she rode the constructs around like a crazed scientist I’m just imagining Sonia telling rauru zelda and mineru broke something again and destroyed the gardens like I said they were like a house on fire)
… but Zelda spent so much time with her because she was a like minded scientist… this is beautiful I just- Minerus heartbreak when Zelda told her of her decision…
I know Sonia is her new mom, but mineru was her cool new aunt that she actually was closer too in that mineru was there for her interests, Sonia was there for her emotionally (and to be clear I adore Sonia) but mineru had a special role and place in Zelda’s heart… based on the tablets, zelda actually spent more time with mineru because they had so much fun doing research together I just- I love them and I love Sonia and she truly is Zelda’s new mom, but mineru is underrated- she was just as important to Zelda- though in a different way, and her power even allowed her to be there for Zelda even eons later I just love them mineru and Zelda forever yall
(Also here’s the link to the fanart it’s amazing again spoilers though)
Credit to artist celandinedream
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unseemingowl · 8 months
Howdy!! A long time ago you mentioned you were working on a sequel to It's Witchcraft, Baby and I know it’s not out and may never be which is totally fine, I get it. BUT I’m wondering if you’d be willing to share any bits and pieces you have of it? I just reread and love it so much. That nick and Sabrina are so flirty and spicy.
Hope you are doing well regardless. 😊😊
Hi there
Thank you for the question, it's very flattering to hear that there is still someone rereading my stories for caos when the fandom has pretty much become a ghost town as far as I can tell.
The Howling Heart, the sequel to It's Witchcraft, Baby, was a story that never really got that far beyond the notes stage though. I dug through my old docs to see what I could find. Just a short little snippet of them sort of flirting. Past the cut.
Hope you enjoy.
Sabrina nearly tripped over her feet when she saw who was heading up the path towards the mortuary, towards her. The cold made Nick’s cheeks redden, wind tousling his dark hair. It made it far too easy to remember what he had looked like the night he had spent in her room, flushed cheek pressed to her inner thigh, dark eyes watching her writhe under him.
“What are you doing here?” She said, suppressing a grimace at how squeaky her voice sounded as her belly tied itself into knots.
“I was doing some spellwork in the woods, thought I’d stop by, see how you were,” he said, cramming his hands into his pockets as he stopped in front of her.
Away from the desecrated church and alone with him it was a lot harder to be blasé about what they had done together. At the feast ceremony under the watchful eyes of Zelda and the coven the anxiety had felt like a lead weight in her belly, too much had been at stake for his presence to be a distraction. Now though… The way he looked her over in a way that would presumptuous from anyone else was definitely a distraction.
“How I am?”
“Yeah, you know after what went down in the desecrated church last night. You aunt got you out of there pretty quick after they… well, after they dug into Mildred.”
“Oh, right, that,” Sabrina replied, the bothersome hunger of her thoughts veering wildly off course and back into horror all over again.
"My tolerance for the grisly is pretty high, but that was a lot, even to me,” he said with a grimace. “I can only imagine what it was like for you.”
“Still processing,” she admitted, restlessly shifting her weight from one foot to the other, trying to find her footing with him, the casual way he wove back and forth between sincere and flirtatious. “Thank you though.”
“You’re headed somewhere?” Nick asked, gaze lingering on her heavy tote bag before flickering to her mouth on its way back to her eyes.
“Actually yeah, I’m spending the day with my mortal friends,” she said, giving him a nervous smile. “So while I appreciate the check up, I really need to go or I’ll be late.”
“I can walk you?”
“That’s nice, but I know the way,” she said, exhilarated by the way he obviously wanted to be closer to her. “But I’ll see you soon, yeah?”
“We got plans that I don’t know about, Spellman?" He asked, one dark brow lifting in a way that was far more charming than such a little gesture had any right to be.
“At the academy,” Sabrina clarified, trying not to laugh, before turning around and heading down the path heading towards town.
“I'll be right where you need me."
When she looked back the first time, he was still standing where she had left him, raising his hand in goodbye with a cheeky grin, and Sabrina muttered a curse to herself at being busted, but when she darted a second glance over her shoulder, he was gone, and her smile faltered.
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ladiesandwitches · 3 months
@halliwellauto gets Sabrina in the muse roulette
Filled with determination and intent, Sabrina marched through the front doors of her home, a plan fully formed-- well, half formed at least-- in her mind. She just needed one other witch to do the spell, and she just happened to live in an entire household of them. And if her aunties didn't want to help, then she was absolutely certain her cousin would be on board.
"Aunties! Ambrose! is anyone here?" she called out, striding through the home and finding only empty room after empty room. Could everyone really be that busy? Okay, so Ambrose definitely was making up for lost time after being housebound for 75 years, and sure Aunt Hilda worked at Dr Cee's, but Aunt Zelda was usually here. Unless she was dealing with something at the Academy or with the coven.
"Bless it," Sabrina cursed, heading into the living room to crash dramatically on the sofa, but found a familiar face already there.
"Aiden" she said in surprise, wondering just how long the aunties were going to be gone if they'd decided they could leave Aiden without a guardian. Okay, her Aunt Zee she could imagine thinking the girl was old enough, but Aunt Hilda was way too maternal and cautious. Unless, she didn't know...
"Hey, you're a young witch looking to sharpen your skills, right?" She began. "How would you like to do a spell with me?"
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aheathen-conceivably · 9 months
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As the weeks went by it became harder for Violette to ignore the struggle around her. Her mother and father worked more each day, and she finally began to put a word to the struggle she had seen on their faces. Hunger. It was guttural, relentless, a pain in her stomach that felt hollow but somehow large enough to consume her. It grew and grew until it expanded beyond her stomach into her whole being; it became part of her, a crude hunger mixed with childish dreams that she would never be able to shake, even at her happiest. 
She knew that if she went downstairs she would find nothing but dried beans, as always. She missed the full cabinets of their kitchen in New Orleans and the okra gumbo her Tante Marguerite would deliver every Sunday. She missed her father, and the fleeting perfect moments she had with him. His absence seemed to stretch out longer each day until all she could think about was her hunger. 
So to pass the hours she began dancing in the mirror, practicing the steps he had taught her and imagining that she was somewhere else, somewhere he wouldn’t have to struggle to make her mother happy. Somewhere hunger didn’t exist. She danced until her stomach growled again and it became harder to move, harder to wait for him until finally she went in search of someone, anyone, so that she wouldn’t have to wait alone.
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She went out to the field, where her mother and uncle Gio were always working. The tall dead stalks had been replaced by small sprouts, seemingly barely clinging to life. As soon as she saw her daughter, Zelda tore her attention away from the soil and went to her, bending down to her level to ask why she had come looking for them. Without missing a beat Violette told her mother what had brought her out of the room: she was hungry.
A clear and vivid pain crossed Zelda’s expression and she pushed a growing curl out of Violette’s eyes, “We’re working as hard as we can, my love. See there, those little sprouts? Those are all vegetables that we’ll be able to eat. But I’ll be inside to cook what we have soon, okay? Then your Poppa will be home with good news today, I’m sure of it.”
Violette stared down at the ground, answering her mother’s heartfelt answer with silence. As she tried to lift her daughter’s face to look at her own, Violette finally spoke without looking at her, “Can you come inside to play with me now, Momma? Or can I go find Aunt Jo?”
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Zelda turned toward Gio, who had walked closer at the sound of Jo’s name; he answered her silent question with a quick shake of his head. Violette looked toward him and caught an expression she had never seen before. It was full of pain just like her father's could be, only his held a sort of guilt that told her it was his fault: his fault that the more she saw of him the less she saw if her aunt Jo, his fault that her Poppa left everyday and came home defeated. It was his fault that she was hungry. She wanted to yell at him, to tell her mother not to trust him, to run all the way back to New Orleans.
Instead her mother's grip tightened on her arm, “You know your Aunt Jo has been tired lately. She’ll be alright soon enough though, okay? Why don’t you go back inside? I’ll be there in a minute to cook. You can help and we’ll spend the afternoon together like always, I promise.”
Violette looked at her mother, a growing anger in her expression as she acquiesced to the brush off. As she turned away she stole one final glance at the door of the cottage, where she knew her aunt Jo had been locked away for months.
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queennsansa · 1 year
Hi! Can you do the HP meme game for CAOS characters? I'd love to see what you come up with! Kay, thanks, bye!
Thanks for the ask, it's been a while! Alright, here we go...
Father Blackwood
Have you ever read a 6/11 fic?
Have I ever read a Roz/Father Blackwood fic? No, and I have no desire to :’) what a way to start off this questionnaire!
What would happen if 12 got 8 pregnant?
What if Lucifer got Prudence pregnant. You should see my face right now. Nope, not answering that. That would be a very different show.
Can you read fics about 9/3?
Hmmm, I’ve never read Agatha/Harvey but I’m not opposed to it. We don’t know all that much about Agatha but maybe he’d be good for her!
Would 2 and 6 make a good couple?
Nick/Roz? Honestly, I see the vision. I’d read that. She has enough spark to intrigue him while being a bit steadier and nicer than Sabrina. He has that sad bad boy thing going on and I don’t think she’d be all that charmed by it, but maybe if she got to see him in a different light? I’m here for it!
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5/9 or 5/10?
Lilith/Agatha or Lilith/Hilda… Okay you know what, I think Lilith/Hilda would be genuinely hilarious. Hilda has some serious darker depths and I think she could keep up with Lilith. A real opposites attract. Wouldn’t last, but wouldn’t it be fun to see the journey?
What would happen if 7 walked in on 1 and 12 making out?
What if Ambrose walked in on Sabrina and Lucifer? He’d hopefully perform an exorcism.
Make a summary for a 3/10 fic.
Goodness. Okay.
Ten years after Harvey left Greendale, a mysterious and disconcerting message has him returning to his hometown. He encounters a ghost town with only one light in the dark night—the Spellman house. And his ex-girlfriend’s aunt Hilda, who seems convinced Greendale is dying and Harvey is the only one who can save it. Together, they attempt to solve the mystery of what happened to Greendale, but more lurks outside the house than just the ghosts of their past…
Is there anything such as 1/8 fluff?
I’m sure there’s Sabrina/Prudence fluff out there but I’ll be honest, that doesn’t seem like the appeal of a pairing like that. I’d like to see some enemies-to-lovers, messy angst.
Suggest a title for a 7/12 hurt/comfort fic.
Ambrose/Lucifer? Lol. Okay. Well, the song I was listening to when I got to this question was a cover of Franz Ferdinand’s Take Me Out by Young Summer. It’s not giving hurt/comfort vibes but maybe in their own way it could be? So there, a line from the song as a title: "A Shot Away From You". Nicely ambiguous and eerie.
What might 10 scream out in a moment of passion?
Hilda would absolutely scream out “oh dear” or something.
If you wrote a 1/6/7 fic, what would the warnings be?
Sabrina/Rosalind/Ambrose. Aside from the ‘incest’ warning I think this would be quite wholesome actually!
When was the last time you read a fic about 5?
I’m not sure I’ve read a Lilith fic before, I usually stuck to fic about the kids. Wouldn’t be opposed, I could be here for Lilith/Zelda for example.
“Sabrina and Agatha are in a happy relationship until Agatha suddenly runs off with Zelda. Sabrina, brokenhearted, has a one night stand with Father Blackwood and a brief, unhappy affair with Lucifer, then follows the wise advice of Lilith and finds true love with Harvey.” What title would you give this fic? Name three people on your friends list who might read it. Name one person who should write it.
I love that this like… almost makes sense? Sabrina/Harvey as endgame cracked me up. I would name this fic “long story short” after the Taylor Swift song. I wouldn’t make anyone write or read it though.
How would you feel if 7/8 were canon?
Don’t have to imagine, Ambrose/Prudence remains iconic. Probably ended up being one of my favorite relationships on the show.
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Do you think 9 is hot?
I think Agatha is hot, yeah. Apparently the actress is still dating Tommy Martinez which is a gorgeous couple if I’ve ever seen one.
What kind of plot would you use if you wanted 6 to deflower 8?
What if Roz wanted to deflower Prudence? Seems… improbable lol. Maybe Roz could be the first person Prudence has sex with where she actually has feelings? I think Roz would be very respectful and Prudence would be a little standoffish but then melt. Of course there’d be some world-ending drama that would force them to work together, which would get them talking and Roz would see past Prudence’s prickly shell.
If you wrote a songfic about 2, what song would you choose?
Looked up my Nick playlist for this. I’ll go with something angsty set during season 2 and say Julien Baker’s Shadowboxing: “When you watch me throwing punches at the devil / It just looks like I’m fighting with me.”
What would be a good pick-up line for 9 to use on 10?
A pick-up line for Agatha to use on Hilda... Hilda’s really getting around here. Hm, I think Agatha wouldn’t be cheesy with her pick-up lines, she’d just put on a sexy little dress, show up at Hilda’s door and be like “I know you want me”. And that’d be that.
What is 3's super-secret kink?
I think Harvey would have a praise kink. Is that super-secret? Wait, no, okay, alternatively I think he’d be into cuckolding. Has anyone written that fic? They should. I’m imagining a Harvey/Sabrina/Nick AU for Sara Cate’s Give Me More and it sounds amazing in my head.
Would 11 shag 9, drunk or sober?
Father Blackwood and Agatha—yes, but it would be a ploy of Agatha’s to bring down Blackwood and it would work.
If 4 and 7 got together, who tops?
Zelda would top Ambrose. Tell me I’m wrong.
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grapeyv · 5 months
Hi I don’t really use this blog for anything but reblogging stuff I like but I do have two other blogs @grapeyvscanvas and @mood-ring-fanfiction and those are the ones I treasure..
ANYWAY so uh update on my life, I finally moved out from living with my father like I’ve wanted since 2019, and while I am happy, I’ve basically just transferred into another undesirable situation. I’ve gained more weight (I used to be 180 lbs in 2022, now I’ve become 255 lbs), my fiance and I (oh yeah did I mention I’m engaged now?) were about to move into an apartment but ended up having a financial surprise because my fiancé’s car broke, so I had to move in with his parents, we were also going to get married that same month but when I came here I found out that his grandmother and aunts freaked out that we weren’t gonna have a wedding, and so we decided to had to plan for one to avoid family drama, and I also found out my fiance also wanted a wedding but I didnt listen to him because I was being selfish. I have more food options I can eat but it’s also still limited because his mother gatekeeps it all “for recipes”, I started having anxiety episodes almost every night due to my weight gain and it’s stressed me out a bunch, I had a job but then had to quit due to numerous undesirable working conditions and violations that I couldn’t handle contributing to, and now it’s super hard to find a job all of a sudden. My fiancé is now super stressed too because he just quit and got a new job but it pays way way less ($2 an hour but apparent tips are supposed to make up for it??? He barely gets any tips!!!). We have deadlines for multiple payments like car, attending my best friend’s wedding next month, a family reunion in August, our own wedding in September, and getting our own place to live in, and together right now we only have like $1 to our name.
It’s okay though, I’m not worried because now I have more options and opportunities, and I’m with my fiancé so I know we both can get through it. I just need to keep supporting him, calling him a good boy, and I just need to keep searching for jobs all day every day, and keep intermittent fasting. I’ve already lost 2 lbs after 9 days of fasting. Imagine how much more I could lose if I add in exercise…
Also I started using 4chan and it’s fun, I’m gonna post all the art I made in the past few months on my art blog @grapeyvscanvas okay byeeeeeeeeee
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