#augustine and donnie
gornackeaterofworlds · 11 months
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@star-sparkler 's Augustine and Donnie! I gotta be honest I'd finished the cloaked version before you even gave me an answer(I wouldn't have posted it if u said no) I was so excited and inspired cuz she's so cute!!! He is the ethically questionable dad ever
Also I'm really curious what the extra feelings would be behind the responsibility of knowing you made a Hamato. Like, you have to train them to fight and stuff now. You have this child you want to protect and cherish and keep safe forever and knowing that because YOU made them, they'll have to be in dangerous situations with the world possibly on their shoulders. The horror of responsibility
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abbeyofcyn · 7 months
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We're in 😎
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tangledinink · 10 months
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interdimensional fankid playdate...? 👀 @beannary @star-sparkler
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(they're having a playdate, too.)
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shardkn1ght · 3 months
I’ve been wanting to draw August for so long! And I finally had some time to do it!
August belongs to the wonderful @star-sparkler
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v-albion · 7 months
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Good luck on the competition!! @tmntaucompetition @star-sparkler @zeawesomeness
Vote for True Colors Au here!!
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donniesdorm · 1 year
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the dinner voiceline between these two >>
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atomicmindz · 5 months
My hand slipped
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Augustine belongs to @star-sparkler !!!
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honeylief · 7 months
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I made a thing for @star-sparkler  of their bean, August! Used my own take of Future Donnie besides
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sydnatiousva · 4 months
Part seven has touched down! Thank you so much to @kathaynesart and @star-sparkler for letting me dub this amazing little comic! 💖
Please head over to YouTube and check it out!!
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sugarpasteltmnt · 7 months
(quietly screams)
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aealzx · 8 months
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The living room was fairly easy to locate, especially since Leon could hear his brothers’ hushed voices along the jangle of a small bell. The back of Raph’s head above the couch was the first part of his brothers that Leon saw, then he quickly caught sight of Lil Mikey swishing a feathered toy through the air between them. Leon was a little surprised to then see a mostly white cat scramble across the floor before leaping after the toy, reaching Lil Mikey’s shoulders easily and earning a series of muffled cheers and coos from the two boys.
“Hey Mikey- woh-,” Leon started as he reached the edge of the couch, breaking off when he noticed there was another figure with them, and said body was fast asleep on the couch next to Raph. “...How is he sleeping through this?” Leon asked, squinting in confusion down as Mikey just snored softly, seemingly oblivious to the playing around him.
“I dunno, but Raphael said we shouldn’t have to worry about waking him,” Raph responded before getting immediately distracted by Lil Mikey leading Pepperjack to jump onto Raph’s lap. Both of his legs were propped up on a square cushioned stool, so it was easy for the cat to perch on his thighs and swat at the feather Lil Mikey was swinging. Leon was pretty sure Raph would start crying with the way his eyes were shining over having the cat perched on him so readily.
“Are you here to play with Pepperjack too? Isn’t she cute? It’s the best name, isn’t it?” Lil Mikey asked in rapid succession, the arm that wasn’t caught in a sling swirling random patterns with the stick.
“Well I am curious why she’s named that, but I’m actually here for you,” Leon admitted with a chuckle, pleased to see Raph and Lil Mikey both doing a lot better than when he’d first found this lair. And Raph was even getting ridiculously spoiled with someone carrying him around and a pet not being afraid of him.
“Me? What’s up?” Lil Mikey asked, pausing in play for only a moment before realizing it probably wasn’t urgent and therefore he didn’t have to stop immediately. Leon was being rather relaxed, so it was probably just a casual request.
“Yeah, Donnie is awake, but he’s in his ‘I hate food’ phase,” Leon explained, wiggling his fingers in quotes and imitating his brother despite not having heard Donnie say that before. “But he also has to eat something considering it’s been like fourteen hours since he fell asleep and he has blood loss to deal with,” Leon rambled, rolling his eyes slightly as flopped his raised hands out into a shrug. “The stew from last night makes him wanna puke. Can you figure something out for him? Preferably with a lot of iron?”
“O’oh… Yeah, let me see what I can do… Or what I can boss you around to do,” Lil Mikey stammered slightly, wiggling the fingers of his injured arm with a mild gesture to it. He wasn’t going to be cooking on his own anytime soon, and he could understand Donnie being in one of his selective moods. He could still remember the rage that had saturated Donnie’s ninpo as he’d mutilated Augustine’s machines. Even under the protective barrier he'd created, the energy had prickled Lil Mikey’s skin. And the way Donnie had spoken to them made it obvious to Lil Mikey that he had been borderline to breaking down screaming. Honestly Lil Mikey was surprised Donnie was even talking at the moment. “What’s got iron in it?” he asked, pushing the memories from his mind for now and passing the feathered toy to Raph before following Leon on the way back to the kitchen.
“Beef. Red meat, spinach…. Uhhhh, “ Leon was quick to answer at first, but then trailed off before fishing his phone out to search the internet for a reminder. “Eggs, shrimp, sweet potatoes, strawberries, beans….”
“Hmmm… that should be easy enough then- Hey Don,” Lil Mikey hummed, thinking over the options pretty quickly, then greeting Don when he saw him at the table.
“Hey Mikey,” Don returned with a slightly sleepy hum around the mug held close to his mouth. Just sitting there smelling the rich scent of coffee was so relaxing. “How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?”
“I’m good! My arm isn’t numb anymore, but it also doesn’t hurt,” Lil Mikey chimed, swinging his arm slightly then wincing as the movement earned a twinge of pain in his upper arm. “Unless I move it too much, heheh,” he corrected sheepishly.
Don could only smile thankfully at the response, knowing that Lil Mikey would still be sore if he moved too much and just glad his arm didn’t hurt when it was still. He also knew he couldn’t expect a teenager to keep an injured limb still for long. “Let me know if anything feels unusual,” Don prompted automatically, then glanced at Leon in a sheepish flinch before apologetically adding. “Sorry, habit. You can still go to your brother if you’re more comfortable that way,” he assured, not wanting Leon to feel inferior or replaced in any way, and addressing him next. “Let me know if you can’t find anything you need in the infirmary.”
“...Sure,” Leon responded simply before focusing more on Lil Mikey.
It was a bit of a surprising response, but after a bit of consideration Don realized it was probably just because Leon was concerned about something. Either that or he wasn’t in need of help that only they could offer so was back to being wary of them. Or perhaps it was something else? Don ended up lost in thought about the sudden shift in behavior as Leon opened the fridge again to follow Lil Mikey’s directions. 
“I think he might eat some steak if we cut it thin enough and keep it plain. Looks like they have spinach too, so we can just make sure that’s washed well,” Lil Mikey mused, looking over what ingredients they had in the fridge and latching onto some of the foods Leon had listed.
“Really? Just bland boring steak and raw veggies?” Leon voiced his doubt despite still grabbing the containers Lil Mikey selected.
“Yeah. It’s still hard to predict what won’t bother him. Usually I just default to his flavorless juice, but since he needs more than that I think keeping it simple and something that’s completely within what he would expect would work,” Lil Mikey hummed, doing his best to help with one hand and snatching the bag of carrots before Leon closed the door.
“What if that doesn’t work?” Leon asked, following Lil Mikey’s direction to snap open the package of beef and start cutting it up. He’d never had to help with this issue before, so hadn’t really paid attention. Lil Mikey cooked for them a lot, but other than that they usually tended to feed themselves. And the last time Lil Mikey had been unable to cook for them both Leon and Donnie had been unable to help either.
“Lock him in the kitchen and he’ll eventually piece on enough things to feed himself,” Lil Mikey responded bluntly, earning a snort from Don that caused Leon to glance over at him after giving his own snort.
“Well that explains a lot,” Leon snickered, letting Lil Mikey locate the frying pan and click on the stove.
It was a simple enough meal that it didn’t take long at all to cook, even with Lil Mikey having only one hand available. Watching the two interact and make easy comments to each other earned a fond gaze from Don as it reminded him of several moments he’d had with his own brothers.
“Are you sure that’s cooked enough?” Leon ended up asking when Lil Mikey told him to take the beef strips off the frying pan.
“We’re making steak, not shoe leather,” Lil Mikey shot back, swatting Leon’s hand away and grabbing the tongs to pull the beef off himself. It really was a very plain meal, but Don wasn’t about to comment on it. They knew their brother way better than he did, so he’d just have to trust them to get Donnie fed.
After each taking a turn in the small bathroom, April and Donnie had shuffled back to the bed they had woken up on. Donnie’s wary eyes were constantly flicking around the unfamiliar room, and when he had even the slightest suspicion something might touch him he was all for flinching away from it. Especially anything that hinted it might touch his exposed back. It was obvious he wasn’t comfortable there, but it wasn’t like he could leave and go somewhere to decompress. Which meant he had both hands gripping April’s hand like a lifeline, his form keeping close to her as she tried to match his pace back to the only established safe spot. Sleeping on a bed for fourteen hours was enough to have it categorized as probably safe in his mind. Safe enough that he was quick to scuttle back onto it and shuffle the blanket up around his shoulders to give some sort of cover to his back. And only after a moment of April sitting on the bed in front of him did he register that she was unnecessarily exposed as well. Which prompted him to wordlessly extend one arm, offering her the option to share the minuscule ward that was the blanket.
April could only snicker slightly at the offer, but nevertheless scooted over to tuck in next to Donnie again. She’d honestly thought Donnie would have been ecstatic about being in another dimension. But something was obviously wrong, and he obviously didn’t want to talk about it. April didn’t know what exactly had happened, but the minimal information she had gathered from both Raphael and her own observations made it easy for her to jump to undesired conclusions. There was always a fear of what would happen if certain people got a hold of her brothers. And with Raphael saying they had a run in with a scientist, and Donnie was suffering from blood loss yet had no visibly major wounds, April was fairly confident in her thoughts. As much as she hated to think them.
Feeling a little sullen now, April wrapped her arms around Donnie’s upper arm while she leaned against him. They were quiet as they waited for Leon to return, listening to the quiet hum of the infirmary machines. She could be patient. Her brothers were all together in the same home now. There was nothing immediate to worry about.
Apparently Donnie wasn’t as patient though, for after at most ten minutes he shifted uncomfortably. “...Raph is in the living room,” he announced quietly, somewhat abruptly and without explanation for why it was important.
It caught April off guard for only half a second, but she was somewhat used to this kind of behavior from Donnie and hesitantly proposed an action in response to the comment. “Wanna go join him so he isn’t alone?” Donnie hadn’t mentioned anyone else with Raph, so she could only assume Raph was alone, and that might be bothering Donnie at the moment.
It seemed her assumption was correct enough, for Donnie nodded once and gave her a moment to respond, or at least register the response from him, before he started squirming off the bed again.
Snickering slightly once more, April complied and scooted off the bed as well. Donnie insisted on clinging to her and keeping the blanket over them both though, so they ended up shuffling out of the room in an awkward waddle.
The new lair was unexpectedly quiet as they made their way down the walkways, half remotely directed somewhat by Leon, and half just able to see the living room and Raph once they reached the railing. Donnie wordlessly nudged them along, falling a little more quiet as the room they were in was now more open and had more potential for other people to be there. He seemed determined to join Raph though, almost single mindedly pattering towards his big brother. The closer he got the more a small strain of comfort threaded into his tense form.
Until someone new abruptly threw their arm around his shoulders.
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Well that took freaking forever |D Major holidays are a pain =<= But I guess cutting off all caffeine to try and fix insomnia issues, and then stopping a mood med because I found out it reacts with the stomach meds probably didn't help either.
Anyway X'D I'm really glad you guys like Pepperjack and Onion Ring. It took me like 5 days to think of their names X'D Hopefully Pepper looks okay, drawing animals is always an effort for me, I'm so inexperienced |'D
I can't remember anything else I may have wanted to ramble, so enjoy =3=
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smallturtlebomb · 4 months
i was bored and i wanted to doodle kiyoshi with my most fav donnie fan kid, augustine made by @star-sparkler
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kiyoshi isn’t used to sibling love so if he ever meet august he would become the cold hearted overprotective older brother
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beannary · 11 months
Hey, I think someone has stolen your art. You’re who made Augustine, supposed to be Donnie’s kid, right? Because this person has a post and the username is of your oc. (If I got you mixed up with someone else who has a Donnie kid, let me know! but this is giving me the vibes of your art)
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Ah no I'm not the one who made augustine and that is not my art.
Augustine was made by @/Star_Sparkler on twitter and that art belongs to @funneylizzie so yeah that is definitely stolen
kaljsdhflksajhfd very flattering that you think my art has the same vibes as lizzie's her art is a huge inspiration for me
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the-lavender-clown · 11 months
Master post
Shades of Purple AU
SOP Poster
SOP Ficlet
SOP Post Movie Drabble
SOP headcanons 1 | SOP headcanons 2 | SOP headcanons 3 | SOP headcanons 4 |
The Dragon on 5th Avenue
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen | Chapter Fifteen | Chapter Sixteen | Chapter Seventeen | Chapter Eighteen | Chapter Nineteen
Fanart 🥺: thejavavoid (Donnie and Kendra) | spiritdancer9000 (Donnie)
Sep!au Comp Propaganda: one | two | three | four | five
Spotify Playlist
Love and War AU
Don’t You Dare
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
You’re Back
Chapter One | Chapter Two
Will You?
Found You
You Promised
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
Without You
Fool’s Gold AU
Illustrations: The Breadwinners/au synopsis | Donnie and Casey Jr illustration | Shelldon doodle page | Donnie and Casey Sr illustration (“Surprise!” Edition | Babyifed Shelldon | Augustine and Shelldon (not canon)
Videos: Cassatello married
The Price of Ambition
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Fanart 🥺: lizaaardstuff (Donnie) | lizaaardstuff (Shelldon)
TMNT Multiverse Election 2024 Propaganda: one (introduction)
Spotify Playlist
Brains and Brawn fics
The Big Brother Club
Where We Belong
Lav’s TMNT Iteration
Au Synopsis | Donatello Hamato character sheet | Raphael Hamato character sheet | Leonardo Hamato character sheet | Michelangelo Hamato character sheet | April O’Neil character sheet | Casey Jones character sheet
A Father’s Daughter | Brains and Brawn | Biggest Sister and Littlest Brother | Post Successful Mission Selfie
Random tidbits: one, two, three, four
Spotify Playlist
Commission Info
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lovelyshydahlia · 1 year
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Here’s the next gen girls! Daughters of my oc’s and the turtles. I’m pretty proud of their designs and really grown to love them as characters🥰 anyway they are all the first born children of each other the turtles.
keep in mind, this is their designs in general, so they’d look different in some universes, like rottmnt.
first I’ll introduce in the lineup is 💜Angelica💜 (also known as Angie.)
First I want to say she is kinda inspired from the oc Augustine, by @Star_Sparkler. I absolutely love her oc, please go check out her work, she’s a really good artist. But anyway, I like to think Angie has become her own character enough, so I hope it doesn’t come off as a copy😅
-Anyway, first off is backstory:
Angelica is the oldest daughter of Donatello and Joy, and the oldest cousin of the Hamato’s. But how does an android and a mutant turtle have a child? Well Angie’s backstory is a little dark. You see the government had managed to get Donnie’s DNA and grow a mutant turtle in hopes of making mutant soldiers. Angie was the first successful experiment. But fortunately Joy and the turtles discover this when Angie was a baby, recusing her. Joy quickly got attached and so Donnie and her adopted the child.
So Angie is the only one on the team that’s full mutant, having three fingers while her cousins on the team has four fingers.
Now even though Angie is kinda a clone, she at the same time is not. Her DNA was a bit flawed so wasn’t an exact copy, and in order to finally make it a success, they had to alter it a little, kinda like they do with the dinosaurs in jurassic park. It’s why she’s a girl and looks different and even acts different.
Unfortunately this leads to Angie having some insecurities about her identity. She really doesn’t like thinking herself as a copy and even less about her origins and what she was made for. She tries to focus on what she has now.
-Next her role on her team, she’s surprisingly the leader!
Angelica was kinda chosen by her cousins because she was the oldest, and they were already following her lead. Not only that but much like Leonardo, she was the most mature and responsible of her team. Because of these similarities, Angie really looks up to her uncle Leo.
But even though she is a leader, she still has her father’s tech skills. She doesn’t consider herself as talented as her father thanks to her interests being more towards ninjitsu, but she is still the one considered the brains as well.
Angie has two younger siblings. A android sister, and a human adoptive brother.
a type of spear. Basically taking something similar to the bow staff, but adding a blade.
Next on the lineup, 💕Ren💕
-backstory and Team role, second in command.
Ren is the oldest daughter of Leonardo and Hana, and the second oldest cousin on the team.
So Ren and Angie are honestly best friends and have always had each other’s backs. Ren trusts Angie to lead, but Angie trusts Ren to look after everyone when she isn’t around. They really rely on each other and value each other’s advice. Not only that but Ren is also a great strategist and skilled fighter, probably the fastest out of all of them.
but deep down Ren does feel a little insecure. She feels a little like a disappointment since she didn’t become a great leader like her father. She really looks up to her father and has always wanted to grow to be just like him, but she quickly discovered she wasn’t like him. She was more emotional and impulsive, lacking restraint and was a little too carefree and laidback . Her personality is a little like Rise Leo, but like Rise Leo she has the potential to become a great leader someday.
twin brother, younger brother, younger sister.
she both wields a katana like her dad, and a tessen/war fan like her mother.
Next on the lineup, 💚Kimi💚
-Backstory and Team role, the protector.
Kimi is the oldest daughter of Michelangelo and Kit, and third oldest of the team.
Despite being the smallest in her team, Kimi sees herself as a protector. She’s fierce when it comes to the protection of her family. Because of these similarities, she really looks up to her uncle Raph. She is the best at tracking thanks to her heightened senses she inherited from her mother. She is also the best at stealth, having slight shapeshifting abilities she also inherited from her mother. But unfortunately her abilities are weaker compared to her mother.
Kitsune genetics usually should be stronger, allowing the children to have fully inherited from the kitsune parent, despite what species the other parent might be.
But Michelangelo’s genetics also turned out to be strong thanks to his mutation, causing Kimi to come out more half kitsune and half mutant. Which is why she has some green skin.
So while her mother can fully transform herself, being able to fully turn into a fox, Kimi can only hide her ears and change the color of her skin, hair and eyes. It really frustrates Kimi and she keeps trying to improve her abilities in hopes she one day master it, but she secretly has doubts.
She is part of triplets, there’s herself and her two brothers.
chained Kunai.
Next on the lineup, ❤️Rose❤️
Rose is the oldest daughter of Raphael and Grace, and the youngest on the team.
Out of everyone, Grace was the one who wanted to have children the most. And when she saw it was very much possible for Raph and herself to have children, she was at first hopeful. That was until she realized her own health was getting in the way. Her body wasn’t as strong as Hana or Kit. It broke her heart to realize she might never be able to do it. But she tried to accept it and looked into adoption at first. But fortunately one day it finally happened, she was pregnant with Rose.
Both Grace and Raph were very nervous, afraid something could happen and this could be the only chance they’d have at having their own child. Fortunately Rose was born safely.
Despite being the youngest amongst her team, she was the tallest and strongest. But despite her size and strength, she was the most gentle and timid. Because of this everyone is the most protective of her.
-Team role, the medic.
Despite being related to the most aggressive one of the turtles, Rose the least violent. She wasn’t the biggest fan of fighting. So instead of worrying about fighting, she worked on healing. She learned everything she could about medicine. But she will sometimes also act as the muscle of the team, lifting, throwing, restraining, she could do it.
one younger adoptive sister, she is a arctic fox kitsune.
I’ve been thinking two large/Fuma Shuriken. But I’m also considering bow and arrows.
Well that’s it! I’ve been considering a story for these girls and kinda how they truly become a team. Basically the girls get transported to the last ronin universe just as Michelangelo goes on his revenge quest, leading to him and the girls crossing paths. He then becomes kinda their sensei as they help fight against the foot and shredder, but also try to find a way home. Kinda inspired from the episode from the 2003 series, “same as it never was.”.
Anyway, if you have questions about these girls, please go ahead and ask!🐢💚💙❤️💜🧡💚
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renisrandom · 17 hours
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The 100 Turtles Who Really Really Really Really REALLY Love You
First 6 turtles completed! 94 more to go!
A stupid au I made because I have 100 Girlfriends brainrot. I’m going to be adding more OCs too, so that’s why Augustine by Star_Sparkler on Twitter is here too.
Raph is paralleling Yamame because they are both gentle giants who protect things smaller than them. Leo parallels Mimimi since they are both narcissistic and see themselves as the prettiest face. Donnie and Augustine parallel Kusuri because of their love of science that they use to make the craziest things. I think Mikey parallels Rin best, due to them having a cute and innocent look, but have a secret violence streak. And Renaissance parallels Shizuka due to their shy personality, and small featherlight body that can be swept away by a strong gust of wind.
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