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Noticias amarillas de Beethoven
[Mutter, Yo-Yo Ma y Barenboim interpretando el Triple concierto de Beethoven. La foto es de Peter Adamik]
Grandes figuras de la Clásica (Goerne, Lisiecki, Sokolov, Mutter, Ma, Barenboim) presentan en Deutsche Grammophon grabaciones dedicadas a Beethoven en este atípico año beethoveniano
A finales de 2019, Deutsche Grammophon, posiblemente la más popular compañía de discos de música clásica que jamás haya existido, sacaba a la venta una gran edición dedicada a Beethoven. En 2020 se cumplen los 250 años del nacimiento del genial compositor y la efeméride iba a tener un impacto mundial en las programaciones, tanto de conciertos como de grabaciones. La colección de DG contiene 118 cedés y una serie de complementos en formatos audiovisuales: en total, unas 175 horas de música, incluyendo algunas primicias.
Nadie podía esperar entonces que una epidemia iba a provocar a la vuelta del año el cierre de teatros y auditorios por todo el mundo y la cancelación de conciertos y representaciones durante meses. Recluidos en sus casas, los aficionados no tuvieron más remedio que recurrir al consumo doméstico de música. De repente, la grabación (en cualquier formato) pareció recuperar un puesto central en el ocio de muchos melómanos, y el Todo Beethoven se convirtió en un producto especialmente deseado como compañero de la reclusión.
Pero la música de Beethoven no es una moda. Por eso resulta perfectamente compatible con esa macroedición la incorporación continua de nuevos trabajos discográficos en torno a su obra. En las últimas semanas, el sello amarillo ha presentado tres, que reúnen a algunas de las mayores figuras internacionales de nuestros días para ofrecer facetas diversas del corpus beethoveniano: la canción, la sonata, la pieza pianística breve, el concierto y la sinfonía están aquí representados.
El primero de esos trabajos en ser publicados (a finales de marzo) reúne al barítono Matthias Goerne con uno de los mayores talentos de la cantera de la multinacional alemana, el joven pianista canadiense Jan Lisiecki, que acaba de cumplir 25 años, pero firmó un contrato de exclusividad con DG a los 15. En su trabajo se incluyen las dos más importantes colecciones de canciones publicadas por el compositor: los seis lieder de la Op.48, escritos sobre un conjunto de poemas espirituales de Christian Gellert, y An die ferne Geliebte (A la amada lejana) Op.98, el primer ciclo de canciones sensu stricto de la historia. El álbum se completa con otras once canciones, entre las que se cuentan algunas de las más populares del músico, como Adelaide o las dos versiones de An die Hoffnung (A la esperanza).
Goerne es posiblemente el principal heredero de Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau en el terreno del lied actual, aunque sólo sea por su exhaustiva dedicación al género en el ámbito discográfico. Ha grabado todo Schubert (los ciclos varias veces), así como muestras muy significativas de Schumann, Brahms y Wolf, el póker del lied romántico alemán por excelencia. El barítono alemán reivindica aquí incluso esas discutidas canciones de la Op.48, piezas estróficas que todos los especialistas consideran lejos del mejor Beethoven y que era habitual escuchar en interpretaciones en las que sólo se cantaba la primera de las estrofas. Goerne las hace completas.
En sus versiones destaca el cálido lirismo y el despojamiento, la sobriedad de una voz que con los años parece haberse ido dulcificando y haciendo más refinada, lo que se aprecia especialmente en las obras más expresivas y profundas, aquellas en las que puede atisbarse en el arte beethoveniano algo de lo que serán luego los grandes representantes del género, es decir, las seis piezas de A la amada lejana y las otras tres canciones citadas arriba. Goerne ha colaborado con algunos de los más importantes pianistas de nuestros días. Y por ello quizás lo que más sorprende del registro es el joven Lisiecki, que combina el ímpetu con la pureza de líneas y el más exquisito detallismo en los matices dinámicos, que alcanza especial relieve tanto en la primera versión de An die Hoffnung (Op.32) como en las transiciones entre las canciones de la Op.98.
El ruso Grigori Sokolov (Leningrado, 1950) lleva tiempo instalado en el olimpo de los pianistas de nuestro tiempo. El entendimiento de su arte casi como un sacerdocio que exige una dura disciplina de trabajo diario y su fobia a los estudios de grabación han marcado su algo errática presencia en disco. Sokolov decidió hace años que sus grabaciones serían durante los conciertos, rechazando además cualquier intento de edición posterior, incluida la eliminación de ruidos parásitos provocados por el público o cualquier otra circunstancia.
Su anterior publicación en disco databa de 2017. Ahora vuelve a DG con un trabajo que se presenta en dos formatos: digitalmente se recoge el contenido de un doble cedé con obras de Beethoven y Brahms más una selección de encores (propinas) que, como todos los que hayan asistido a alguno de sus conciertos saben, rara vez bajan de cinco. A ese doble cedé en el formato físico se le añade un DVD, que incluye más obras de Beethoven y otras de Mozart, además de propinas diferentes.
El disco se abre con la más brillante y popular (en el sentido de la más pensada para llegar a un público amplio en su época) de las primeras sonatas para piano publicadas por Beethoven en 1796, las tres de la Op.2. La 3ª de ellas, escrita en do mayor, parecía hecha para impresionar, tanto al público como a los intérpretes. Y eso es lo que hizo Sokolov el 20 de junio de 2019 en el Auditorio de Zaragoza, donde se hizo el registro. Es posiblemente el punto más alto del doble álbum por la mezcla de claridad, intensidad y equilibrio de su propuesta.
De un Beethoven joven se pasa al Beethoven tardío de las 11 bagatelas Op.119, obras escritas a principios de la década de 1820 y en las que el genio del compositor se muestra ya libre de ataduras formales para manifestarse con una esencialidad que puede ser risueña hasta casi lo intrascendente (nº1), infantil, danzable (nº3), noble y expresiva (nº8), apenas un esbozo en arabesco (nº10) o profunda, desnuda, abstracta (nº11). El registro proviene del concierto que Sokolov ofreció en el Klavier Festival Ruhr de Wuppertal el 14 de junio de 2019, y en ellas el pianista ruso muestra toda su capacidad para matizar el sonido en mil formas, logrando una interpretación caleidoscópica, pero que tiende a subrayar la ligereza.
Tal y como se presenta, ese programa es el mismo que Sokolov hizo en su gira de 2019. Después de Beethoven venía Brahms, las Seis piezas de la Op.118 y las Cuatro piezas de la Op.119, que el ruso interpreta sin solución de continuidad. Música trascendida de un Brahms otoñal, que se registró en el concierto ofrecido el 8 de agosto en la iglesia de San Bernardo de Rabbi, pequeña localidad italiana donde tuvo una casa Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli y donde, en su honor, se celebra desde hace años un festival pianístico. Sokolov toca las diez piezas como quien escribe una novela, con sus partes descriptivas, sus puntos álgidos y sus depresiones. Domina ante todo la precisión, la claridad, el control de las dinámicas y del rubato. Aunque uno de los momentos más hermosos y conmovedores resulta ser el segundo intermezzo de la Op.118 (un Andante), tocado con una sensibilidad poética exquisita, en las otras piezas lentas, como el Adagio que abre las Op.119, se echa de menos un punto más de calidez.
Las propinas forman la tercera parte de todo concierto de Sokolov. En este álbum salen de los tres recitales comentados en número de siete: Rameau (Les Sauvages, Le rappel des oiseaux), Schubert (Impromptu D 935 nº2, Allegretto D 915), Brahms (Intermezzo op. 117 nº2), Rajmáninov (Preludio op.32 nº12) y Debussy (Des pas sur la neige).
El DVD que se adjunta al álbum, y al que no he tenido acceso, es la grabación de un recital que se celebró en el Auditorio del Lingotto de Turín en 2017. El programa incluye las Sonatas KV 457 y 545 y la Fantasía KV 475 de Mozart y dos de las últimas sonatas de Beethoven la nº27 op.90 y la nº32 op. 111. En las propinas vuelven a figurar Rameau (L'Indiscrète), Schubert (Momento musical D 780 nº1) y Debussy (Canope), a quienes se añaden Chopin (los dos Nocturnos de la Op.32) y Schumann (Arabeske Op.18).
El mismo 8 de mayo que sacaba al mercado el álbum de Sokolov, Deutsche Grammophon ponía también a la venta el último trabajo discográfico de Daniel Barenboim como director de la Orquesta del Diván, un álbum que se publica en tres formatos, CD, LP y Blu-Ray, aunque el Blu-Ray ofrece en vídeo sólo la primera de las obras, el Triple concierto de Beethoven, tal y como se ofreció en un concierto en la Philharmonie de Berlín en octubre de 2019.
El Triple concierto Op.56 es una obra atípica. Hasta que Beethoven decide escribir su obra entre 1803 y 1804, nadie había usado un trío con piano clásico con la idea de oponerlo a una orquesta. El Concierto se ha relacionado a menudo con las sinfonías concertantes, que tuvieron su momento de gloria en París en el último tercio del siglo XVIII y de las que Mozart dejó dos ejemplos sobresalientes. En cualquier caso, se trata de la obra concertante más discutida de Beethoven. Algunos comentaristas han destacado el desequilibrio provocado por los primeros destinatarios de la partitura, dos grandes virtuosos, el violinista August Seidler y el violonchelista Anton Kraft y un diletante, el archiduque Rodolfo, que era alumno de piano de Beethoven.
El papel del archiduque lo asume en esta grabación Daniel Barenboim, que actúa también como director. Sus compañeros solistas son dos de las grandes estrellas de la música clásica internacional desde hace décadas, la violinista alemana Anne-Sophie Mutter y el violonchelista estadounidense Yo-Yo Ma. La interpretación es extraordinaria. Dominada por el concepto de un Beethoven musculoso, robusto, heroico, el conjunto resulta de un soberbio equilibrio entre lirismo, delicadeza de fraseo e intensidad expresiva, un terreno en el que destaca una Mutter auténticamente desatada, sobre todo en el primer movimiento. Sonido brillantísimo y magnífico acompañamiento de los jóvenes del Diván.
Algo parecido puede decirse de la Séptima sinfonía que ocupa la segunda mitad del álbum y que proviene de un registro tomado en Buenos Aires el 31 de julio pasado, un mes justo después de que la WEDO y Barenboim interpretaran la obra en el Maestranza de Sevilla. Vibrante interpretación global, incisiva en lo rítmico, contrastadísima en las dinámicas y con dos puntos de apoyo fundamentales, un Allegretto por completo trascendido, de fraseo flexible y una claridad textural que hace aflorar un asombroso detallismo tímbrico, y un Finale incandescente, no tanto por el ímpetu rítmico, la punzante acentuación, el brillo y la potencia sonora de la orquesta cuanto por la forma en que el maestro bonaerense administra las tensiones, manteniendo al oyente clavado en el asiento con un juego de claroscuros y de matices agógicos magistralmente planificados y desarrollados. Sin duda, uno de los discos beethovenianos del año.
[Diario de Sevilla. 18-05-2020]
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Bella’s Fight Anthology We are thrilled to announce the Bella’s Fight Anthology. With nineteen short stories from some of your favorite bestselling authors, there is sure to be something for everyone! Bella is a sweet little girl fighting her fight against a rare childhood brain cancer. She’s currently undergoing treatment in a children’s hospital in Ohio. You can stay up to date with Bella’s journey here: https://www.facebook.com/BellasFight/ This collection will be releasing through all major e-book retailers on May 11th! We hope everyone will join us in purchasing, sharing, and lifting up little Bella. 100% of the sales from this collection will be given directly to Bella’s Family to help with ongoing support. The anthology is full of stories from all genres, niches, and heat levels. We have some clean romance, some suspense, steam, and everything in between! This is a limited time collection so grab your copy while you can! Participating Authors and Titles Include: Chelsea Camaron – Brutal for It K.L. Donn – Safe in His Arms Misha Elliott – The Deal Michelle Iannarelli – Choosing Lance R.S. James – It Begins With Hope Andi Jaxon – Craze Tempi Lark – The Kiss of Dawn Glenna Maynard – Making Her Mine Liberty Parker – Taken by Vegas Casey Peeler – Everett Vera Quinn – Facing the Pain James Ransier – My Fake Boyfriend Tiffany Ransier – Wild Power Esther E. Schmidt – The Fallon Brothers: Chance Nickie Nalley Seidler – I Dare You to Run Andrea Smith – The Other Man Crystal Spears – August and September Darlene Tallman – Sashy’s Salvation J.M. Walker – Control Us Promotional sign-ups are open here: https://forms.gle/8JfnsT2pDYnEZgPTA Buy links: Amazon US: https://amzn.to/3dC4c39 Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B088G348DQ Amazon AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B088G348DQ Amazon CA: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B088G348DQ Apple Books: coming soon: https://books.apple.com/us/book/bellas-fight-anthology/id1512840814 Kobo: coming soon: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/bella-s-fight-anthology Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/bellas-fight-anthology-chelsea-camaron/1137002742?ean=294016280 https://www.instagram.com/p/CAILcpmAJk-/?igshid=um97m80hq0g7
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The Burkina Faso Army announces more than a hundred terrorists "neutralized" in a month
The Burkina Faso Army announces more than a hundred terrorists “neutralized” in a month
Archive – Military of Burkina Faso – PETER SEIDLER / ZUMA PRESS / CONTACTOPHOTO The Burkina Faso Army announced this Friday that more than a hundred terrorists have been “neutralized”, that is, they have ended up dead, wounded or detained, during operations carried out from July 15 to August 15 in the country African. Specifically, the military has verified fifty incapacitated terrorists in a…
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Parlamentul a votat din nou pentru dublarea alocațiilor pentru copii
Camera Deputaților a respins miercuri, în calitate de for decizional, Ordonanța de Urgență a Guvernului prin care alocațiile au fost mărite cu 20% de la 1 august. Dacă legea de respingere a Ordonanței de Urgență este promulgată de președinte, intră în vigoare legea inițială prin care alocațiile au fost dublate.
Proiectul de respingere a trecut cu 166 de voturi “pentru”, 63 “împotrivă” iar 29 de deputați s-au abținut.
Procedural, legea de respingere a Ordonanței de urgență, după ce trece de cele două camere ale Parlamentului, merge la promulgare la președinte. Legea poate fi contestată la CCR sau retrimisă în Parlament. Până atunci, Ordonanța de urgență își produce efectele, iar alocațiile sunt mărite cu doar 20%. Doar după publicarea legii de respingere a ordonanței în Monitorul Oficial, alocațiile ar putea fi dublate.
Premierul Ludovic Orban anunțase în deschiderea ședinței de Guvern de miercuri că Executivul trebuie să se pregătească pentru plata alocațiilor mărite.
“În septembrie plătim și alocațiile mărite. Pentru alocațiile mărite trebuie să fim pregătiți să facem plățile la termen”, a spus acesta.
La dezbaterile din plenul Camerei Deputaților parlamentarii puterii și cei din opoziție s-au contrat pe subiectul alocațiilor pentru copii și s-au acuzat reciproc.
„Ați făcut un joc ieftin prin care președintele a promulgat legea dar guvernul nu o aplică. Nu copiii sunt vinovați pentru modul haotic în care Guvernul Orban a condus țara în ultimele 9 luni de zile. Până la urmă mă întreb pentru ce aveți bani? În timp ce împrumutați miliarde și miliarde de lei, spuneți că nu sunt bani pentru nimic”, a spus la dezbateri liderul de grup al PSD, Alfred Simonis.
„Doar PNL a mărit alocațiile. PSD când e în opoziție mărește absolut orice. Românii înțeleg foarte bine acest joc politic”, a fost replica liderului PNL, Florin Roman.
USR a acuzat, de la tribuna Parlamentului, că politicienii folosesc electoral subiectul dublării alocațiilor.
„Pentru că se apropie alegerile mulți politicieni se folosesc de copii pentru a obține voturi mai multe”, a spus deputatul USR, Cristian Seidler.
UDMR a votat împotriva ordonanței de urgență susținând dublarea alocațiilor.
„Această dublare a alocațiilor este cuprinsă în lege și promulgată de președinte. Datoria parlamentului este legiferarea, datoria guvernului este să aplice legile și să nu modifice ceea ce prevede legea. UDMR cere respectarea legilor și dublarea alocațiilor pentru copii”, a declarat deputatul UDMR, Eva Csep.
În cadrul dezbaterilor din plen, PNL a solicitat retrimiterea legii la comisie, însă propunerea liberalilor a fost respinsă.
Potrivit Ordonanței adoptate recent de Guvern, de la 1 august alocațiile au fost majorate cu 20%. Copiii cu vârsta cuprinsă între 2 şi 18 ani primesc 185 de lei, iar cei de până la 2 ani sau cei de până la 18 ani, dacă au dizabilităţi, vor primi 369 de lei. Alte patru creşteri, cu câte 20 la sută, sunt prevăzute în 2021 şi 2022.
Articolul Parlamentul a votat din nou pentru dublarea alocațiilor pentru copii apare prima dată în RoVestea.
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1939 Lale Andersen - Lili Marlene (original German version)
Popular with both the German and Allied WWII troops, and first issued under the title “Lied eines Jungen Wachtpostens” (Song Of A Young Sentry), this recording by the German singer-songwriter became one of the more historically significant commercial music discs ever made.
The fascinating and complex tale behind the song--and this version in particular-- is interestingly related in the 2008 book “Lili Marlene: The Soldiers' Song of World War II,” or you might just check the “Lili Marleen” entry in Wikipedia. See also the 1944 American-made recordings by both Hildegarde and Perry Como, found within this channel’s 1944 HITS ARCHIVE collection.
Original 78rpm issued on Electrola 6993 - Lied eines Jungen Wachtpostens (Lili Marlen) (Schultze-Leip) by Lale Andersen with Bruno Seidler-Winkler Orch. & Chorus, recorded August 2, 1939
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Tonight I’m going to talk a little about the Iffland ring, because it’s kind of cool, was considered cursed at one point, might be entirely a fake tradition created by the fifth bearer, and could easily inspire a story or two amongst the creative types.
It’s a ring with a cameo of August Wilhelm Iffland a German actor and dramatist one of the finest actors in the German language of his time, and that’s important to remember because Germany as a country didn’t exist at that time there were a bunch of smaller countries that spoke German. Anyway in a bolt of inspiration he decided to craft the ring that would be passed upon his death to the actor he considered the "most significant and most worthy actor of the German-speaking theatre" who would then do the same. So he passed it on to one Ludwig Devrient in 1814, Ludwig was close friends with E.T.A. Hoffmann whose work was adapted into the opera The Tales of Hoffmann and after Hoffmann died Ludwig become something of a drunk and died on stage performing King Lear. The next two holders were Berlin based and didn’t leave much of an imprint Ludwig’s nephew Emil and Theodor Doring.
The fifth holder was Friedrich Haase, a vain bugger who happily played up rumours that he was the illegitimate offspring of royalty, he travelled and performed around the world. He also may have invented the whole thing to enhance his reputation as the history of the ring is detailed in a letter he wrote to his successor Albert Basserman.
Albert performed in theatre, silent film and films with sound, his last film appearance was The Red Shoes. In 1933 he fled Germany, the Nazis liked his work and told him he could continue to act if he divorced his Jewish wife, he refused and wound up in America along with some other fine German artists. He outlived all three of the actors he selected coming to believe it cursed he placed it upon the coffin of the third but the ring was saved by Herman Robbeling who declared it belonged to a living actor not a dead one. Basserman refused to name a fourth heir so the responsibility fell to Egon Hilbert who wanted to name Werner Krauss the new bearer. Krauss refused until the actor’s guild named him a second time.
Krauss wanted to pass the ring onto a woman, Alma Seidler but the ring had to be passed to a dude apparently so it went to Josef Meinrad after Krauss also died on stage performing King Lear. After Seidler’s death a woman’s version of the Iffland ring was created in her honour. Meinrad named Bruno Ganz as his heir and everyone on the internet knows Bruno because his performance as Hitler in Downfall was turned into a meme, damn fine actor also who turned in a solid performance in Werner Herzog’s Nosferatu and a fantastic one in Wim Wender’s Wings of Desire. Sadly Bruno died a few years ago and the current bearer is Jens Harzer. So there you go an interesting bit of trivia about a tradition amongst German speaking actors.
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Tom Payne on his Instagram Story with Rogue Magazine Journalist Heather Seidler / August 19, 2017 – Los Angeles, CA
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Nighttides by Lisa Suzanne , M.C. Cerny , Laura Dunaway , Lia Fairchild , Tary n Plendl , Katherine Rhodes , Phalla S. Rios , Brittainy C. Cherry , more…Nickie S eidler , Amalie Silver …less pdf download
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Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants Names Garima Arora elit Vodka Asia’s Best Female Chef 2019
Garima Arora
(RestaurantNews.com) Garima Arora, executive chef and founder of Gaa in Bangkok, has won the title of elit Vodka Asia’s Best Female Chef 2019. Arora will be presented with her award at the ceremony for Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants, sponsored by S.Pellegrino & Acqua Panna, on Tuesday 26th March 2019 in Macao.
In partnership with elit Vodka, the 50 Best organisation is committed to celebrating role models who demonstrate a progressive vision for gastronomy. William Drew, Group Editor of Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants, says: “This award recognises female chefs whose passion, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit serve to inspire the next generation of cooks. Garima Arora has had a huge impact on the dining scene in Asia in a short period with her brilliant blend of Indian traditions and Thai ingredients.”
Arora worked briefly as a journalist before pursuing her interest in the culinary arts. After graduating from Le Cordon Bleu Paris in 2010, she worked at Noma in Copenhagen, learning alongside legendary chef René Redzepi. Recalling her two-plus years at Noma, she says the experience forever changed her approach to cooking. “I learnt how to think about food more intelligently. I started looking at cooking more as a cerebral exercise, thinking about what you do, why you do it and understanding your place in a community.”
Returning to Asia in 2016, Arora was appointed sous chef at Gaggan, the award-winning Bangkok restaurant that has held the No.1 position on the Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants list for four consecutive years. In April 2017, the chef opened Gaa, a three-storey restaurant located opposite Gaggan that celebrates a modern tasting menu using traditional Indian techniques. Showcasing her creativity and culinary inspirations, each dish is made from locally sourced ingredients and explores the connections between Thai and Indian food, from fruits and curries to sauces and spices. The menu is a reflection of Arora’s cultural heritage as well as the community that surrounds her.
Diners choose between a 10- or 14-course tasting menu, which changes quarterly to reflect seasonal specialties. The result is a dining experience that is innovative, modern, playful and unpredictable. In November 2018, Gaa earned its first Michelin star, making Arora the first Indian woman to win such an accolade.
Accepting the prestigious Best Female Chef title, Arora said: “This award is a validation of our team’s hard work and commitment to excellence. I am honoured that chefs and respected industry peers voting on this award recognise and appreciate our efforts.”
Frances Gaillard, International Marketing Director for Stoli Group, overseeing elit Vodka, adds: “Garima has accomplished so much in such a short time – a true testament to her diligence and to her distinctive fusion of cuisines learned in some of the finest kitchens in Europe and Asia. We are pleased to be the latest to recognise this rising star in the gastronomy world.”
elit Vodka Best Female Chef Award
The elit Vodka Best Female Chef Award – which features as part of Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants, The World’s 50 Best Restaurants and Latin America’s 50 Best Restaurants – celebrates and rewards successful women who have risen to the top of the gastronomic world.
Previous holders of the Asia’s Best Female Chef title include Duangporn ‘Bo’ Songvisava from Thailand (2013), Lanshu Chen from Taiwan (2014), Hong Kong’s Vicky Lau (2015), Margarita Forés of the Philippines (2016), May Chow from Hong Kong (2017) and Bongkoch ‘Bee’ Satongun from Thailand (2018)
Winners of The World’s Best Female Chef Award include Ana Roš, Dominique Crenn, Hélène Darroze, Elena Arzak, Anne-Sophie Pic and Clare Smyth
In Latin America, the title has been held by chefs Pía León, Leonor Espinosa, Kamilla Seidler, Roberta Sudbrack, Elena Reygadas and Helena Rizzo
How the Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants list is compiled
The list is created from the votes of the Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants Academy, an influential group of over 300 leaders in the restaurant industry across Asia, each selected for their expert opinion of Asia’s restaurant scene. The panel in each region is made up of food writers and critics, chefs, restaurateurs and highly regarded ‘gastronomes’. Members list their choices in order of preference, based on their best restaurant experiences of the previous 18 months. There is no pre-determined checklist of criteria, but there are strict voting rules.
Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants works with professional services consultancy Deloitte as its official independent adjudication partner. The adjudication by Deloitte ensures that the integrity and authenticity of the voting process and the resulting list of Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants are protected. To see more details on Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants voting process, visit http://www.theworlds50best.com/asia/en/our-manifesto.html
Notes to Editors:
William Reed Business Media
Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants list is published by William Reed Business Media, which also publishes The World’s 50 Best Restaurants, launched in 2002, and Latin America’s 50 Best Restaurants, launched in September William Reed Business Media is entirely responsible for the organisation of the awards, the voting system and the list.
Main sponsor: S.Pellegrino & Acqua Panna
S.Pellegrino & Acqua Panna are the main sponsors of Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants. S.Pellegrino & Acqua Panna are the leading natural mineral waters in the fine dining world. Together they interpret Italian style worldwide as a synthesis of excellence, pleasure and well-being.
Host Destination: Macao
Part of Macao’s magic as a tourism destination lies on its gastronomy. Alongside Macao’s dynamic restaurant scene, Macanese cuisine stands as a centerpiece on the city’s culinary experiences and just like Macao it results from a fusion of east and west cultures blended over the centuries. The city’s unique cultural background mix has been endorsed with the inscribing of The Historic Centre of Macao in UNESCO’s World Heritage List. This singular legacy has been highlighted once again with the recent designation of Macao as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy, opening a brand new avenue of development led by gastronomy and creativity, as the destination paves the way to develop into a world centre of tourism and leisure.
Official venue partner: Wynn Resorts
Wynn Resorts is the recipient of more Forbes Travel Guide Five Star Awards than any other independent hotel company in the world. Wynn Palace, which opened in August 2016, is the second luxury integrated resort from international resort developer Wynn Resorts in the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, following the launch of Wynn Macau. Located in the Cotai area, it features a 28- storey hotel with 1,706 exquisitely furnished rooms, suites and villas, versatile meeting facilities, renowned luxury retail, 11 casual and fine dining restaurants, Macau’s largest spa, a salon, a pool and extensive casino space. For more information on Wynn Resorts, please visit Wynn Palace https://www.wynnpalace.com/en or Wynn Macau https://www.wynnmacau.com/en.
Award Sponsor: elit Vodka
With a platinum score of 97 points from the Beverage Testing Institute, elit Vodka is the world’s highest- rated white spirit and is drinking pleasure at its most precise. Every stage in the creation of elit is a fusion of passion and precision. elit is a single-source vodka, with each of its high-quality grains being harvested at its estate in Russia’s Tambov region before traveling to Latvijas Balzams in Riga, Latvia, where they are blended with artesian well water. The spirit then is filtered twice through super-fine quartz sand and Russian birch wood charcoal and brought down to -18 degrees Celsius through elit’s signature freeze-filtration process. The result is a luminosity as remarkable as the liquid inside and a spirit without equal. Learn more at http://www.elitultraluxuryvodka.com/ or by following us on Instagram at @elit_Vodka and on Facebook at elit.vodka.official.
Other sponsors
Miele – Premium Partner, Official Kitchen Appliance Partner & Presenting Partner of the #50BestTalks and sponsor of the ‘Miele One to Watch Award’
American Express – Official Credit Card Partner and sponsor of the ‘American Express Icon Award – Asia’
Estrella Damm – Official Beer Partner and sponsor of the ‘Chefs’ Choice Award’ Valrhona – Official Chocolate Partner and sponsor of the ‘Asia’s Best Pastry Chef Award’ Douro Boys – Official Wine Partner
The Dalmore – Official Whisky Partner Gin Mare – Official Premium Gin Partner Cinco Jotas – Official Ibérico Ham Partner
Aspire Lifestyles – Official Concierge Partner Taipa Village – Official Cultural Partner Frontier Tojo – Official Sake Partner
Champagne Delamotte – Official Champagne Partner
Seedlip – Official Non-Alcoholic Spirits Partner
Sustainable Restaurant Association – Sustainability Audit Partner
Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants – social media
Follow us on Twitter: @TheWorlds50Best #Asias50Best Follow us on Instagram: @TheWorlds50Best
Become a Facebook fan: @Asias50BestRestaurants Subscribe to our YouTube channel: @worlds50best
This release is also available in the following languages: English, Thai, Japanese, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. The official language of the press office is English.
Note to media: For further information, images and media assets from Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants, please register at our online media centre at
For press enquiries, please contact CatchOn & Company in Hong Kong
Email: [email protected] Telephone: +852 2566 8988
source http://www.restaurantnews.com/asias-50-best-restaurants-names-garima-arora-elit-vodka-asias-best-female-chef-2019/
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#Matchday 🔥 DFB Pokal!!! ⚽️ @BSC_Hastedt 🆚 @borussia 🏟 Stadion Platz 11 ⌚️ 18:30h 📱 #BSCBMG #SkyPokal 📻 #Fohlenradio 🎧 @c_stra 📺 @SkySportDE 🎙 Oliver Seidler 🐎 #DieFohlen #FohlenElf 💚 #GladToBeBackhttps://t.co/0th5Ys6xV0
— Carmen Ge. (@KleinesCarmi) August 19, 2018
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Community members can see a free movie and learn about an upcoming event this weekend.
The Eighth annual IWALK for ACTS is sponsoring a Movie Under the Stars at 8 p.m. on Saturday.
Visitors of Stonebridge at Potomac Town Center in Woodbridge can see “CoCo” for free while enjoying free popcorn and water provided by IWALK for ACTS, a 5K walk/run event.
In addition to seeing a free movie, attendees can purchase raffle tickets for a two-year lease on a 2019 Volkswagen Jetta that is provided by Karen Radley Volkswagen in Woodbridge, according to IWALK for ACTS Event Director Beth Seidler.
They can also learn more about the upcoming race, which is run by Action in Community Through Service (ACTS) and Image Church.
It will start at 8 a.m. on October 6 at Stonebridge at Potomac Town Center and participants can check in at 7 a.m.
“IWALK is an awesome event that we do annually, and 100 percent of the proceeds that we raise through the event go directly to ACTS,” Seidler said.
ACTS is a Dumfries-based non-profit.
“They provide services free of charge to residents of Prince William County,” Seidler said.
The goal for this year’s IWALK for ACTS is $150,000. So far, it has received $104,000 in “committed funds.”
Registration for the IWALK is $20 per person and $50 for a family through September 1. After September 1, the cost will increase to $25 for an individual and $55 per family.
To learn more information about the IWALK or to register, visit www.iwalkforacts.com.
Those unable to attend the Movie Under the Stars on Saturday can participate in the raffle during the Movie Under the Stars on August 18.
Image Church will be sponsoring the Movie Under the Stars on August 18, when Peter Rabbit will be shown.
The post IWALK for ACTS to sponsor Movie Under the Stars in Woodbridge appeared first on What's Up Prince William.
via What's Up Prince William
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Most Likely To
Tagged by @priyaele thank you thank you ^_^
Rules: Answer with your OCs and tag some other people
These are all from the Compass Series
1.) Most likely to be President/Mayor/King:
Julien thinks he’s a king and maybe he is in a certain way, but actual political politician would be Ebelhardt Seidler. He’d probably kiss a baby for a few votes.
2) Most likely to get arrested
Hadrien. He’s from a criminal family sure, but he’s too brash, and doesn’t quite have the connections or the resources to buy or chat his way out of it.
3) Best hair:
Daphne. Hands down, every time, always. It’s a Thing.
4) Most athletic:
Warren. He’s a big buff dude that would be down to play any sport any time any where and he always spikes the ball when he gets a touchdown.
5) Best beard:
When he grows it, Julien. Because he maintains it and also because it grays just right.
6) Best bromance:
Remi and Julien because if they were a meme they would be the dragon bros. Julien helps Remi out with all of his connections without getting him mixed up in crime, and Remi understands that Julien isn’t the marrying type, but he’s not Not The Marrying Type, either, and doesn’t bother with it. They just want to see each other happy.
7) Most likely to give up showering:
You don’t get many chances to shower in the trenches, but we’ll go with Raphael.
8) Tallest and shortest:
Julien is definitely the tallest at 6′4″. Maelys is the shortest, at something like 5′8″. Everyone is tall and beautiful and #aesthetic
9) Most likely to start the apocalypse:
Auguste, if he ever got his hands on a compass, a la Bender’s Big Score-- too many of him in one place, not enough opportunities to resolve the paradox.
10) Most likely to stop the apocalypse:
Celeste. Just ‘cause.
Tagging @words-will-stay and @sapphicauthor if they feel like it.
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The Mid Century Project · Kalowski House
The Mid Century Project · Kalowski House
Creative People
by Lucy Feagins, Editor
Exterior of the Kalowski House, designed by Seidler & Associates in 1957 and upgraded by architect Colin Griffiths in 2008. Photo – Rachel Kara for The Design Files.
The Sydney home is hosting The Mid Century Project this weekend. Photo – Rachel Kara for The Design Files.
The event brings together installations and new films of classic Australian modernist buildings. Photo – Rachel Kara for The Design Files.
Tim Ross is running the project as part is his Man About the House show, and says it will be their most immersive experience yet. Photo – Rachel Kara for The Design Files.
There’s also an art installation by LA-based Australian artist Paul Davies, and an inventive display of rare Featherston furniture. Photo – Rachel Kara for The Design Files.
Author, comedian and mid century enthusiast Tim Ross. Photo – Rachel Kara for The Design Files.
Tim Ross gets a LOT done. The past couple of years have seen the author, comedian and presenter produce the wildly popular ‘Streets of Your Town’ TV series on the ABC, self-publish his nostalgic and hilarious memoir ‘The Rumpus Room’, and tour his ‘Man About the House’ performance in London, as part of the London Festival of Architecture.
This month, he’s back in Sydney with a very special new project.
‘I had met the owner of the 1958 Kalowski House by Harry Seidler through a mutual friend, and we chatted about how she could make the house work for her current lifestyle’ Tim explains (he is very good at making friends). ‘The owner is one of those gems who stopped a mid century house being bowled over, and is about to embark on a renovation and restoration of the house’ he elaborates. With a small window of time before the restoration works commence, Tim managed to negotiate access to the property to stage a unique event.
Whilst he’s no stranger to mid century homes, this is the first time Tim has had the opportunity to completely take over a house, and curate a series of experiences within in. Visitors are invited to join Tim for his ‘Man About the House’ show, as well as viewing an art installation by LA based Australian artist Paul Davies, architecture film screenings, and an inventive display of rare Featherston furniture.
‘I have blown one of Paul’s paintings up to wallpaper a room, and it has a twist to make it a bit of an insta moment for people’ Tim explains. Various film screenings include a new film documenting the Brutalist Callum Offices in Canberra by John Andrews, video installations featuring mid century record collectors Andrea Black and Russell Hopkinson (of You Am I) playing records in the bathroom (!), and a Featherston film that has a twist Tim says he would prefer not to give a away!
Of course, the appeal of having a sticky-beak in the house itself is not to be overlooked. The Kalowski House was designed by Seidler & Associates in 1957 and upgraded by architect Colin Griffiths in 2008.
‘The best thing about this is that it will never happen again’ Tim summises. ‘It’s a truly unique experience’.
‘The Mid Century Project‘ – a ‘Man About the House‘ series by Tim Ross Multiple sessions, Thursday August 2nd to Sunday August 5th The Kalowski House, Dover Heights, Sydney
There are still a few places available for several sessions. Click here for more details.
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Red, White and Who
Latest from the news site: ATB Publishing have announced the forthcoming publication of Red White and Who: The Story of Doctor Who in America: RED WHITE AND WHO THE STORY OF DOCTOR WHO IN AMERICA Written by Written by: Steven Warren Hill & Jennifer Adams Kelly, Nicholas Seidler, and Robert Warnock with Janine Fennick and John Lavalie Full wraparound cover art by Dani Jones Published by ATB Publishing on 21st August 2017 “This is genuinely fascinating stuff… a warm, dryly caustic in places, look at the way the show was viewed, received, influenced by and ultimately loved by the American audience... you’ve earned this book.” – Gary Russell, from his foreword Every American DOCTOR WHO fan has a story to tell, and fans of the iconic British television show love to tell stories. All of them from the casual to the obsessed, will happily regale others with the tale of how and when they discovered the greatest science fiction media franchise ever. Most early American fans first met the Doctor in the early 1980s, nearly twenty years after the show began in 1963...but the story of Doctor Who in America – a complex and fascinating journey into pop culture – stretches much further back. In this book, you’ll find the rich history of everything Doctor Who in the USA – from American TV Guide listings of Canadian broadcasts in 1965, through the Dalek movies, the BBC sales attempts, the official debut on American television in 1972, the explosion in popularity among US viewers in 1979, the twentieth anniversary celebration in 1983, the conventions, the merchandise, the clubs, the video releases, the USA Tour, and every imaginable fan activity including cosplay, fan productions, PBS pledge drive volunteering, websites, podcasts, and much more, to the new heights of success, popularity, and participation in the 21st century. It’s an enlightening and entertaining journey for everyone who admires Doctor Who...and not just for American fans, but devotees around the globe. Think you know everything there was to know about our favorite Time Lord and his history? Get ready to discover a “New New World” in RED WHITE AND WHO: THE STORY OF DOCTOR WHO IN AMERICA! The 6x9 paperback book contains over 600 images across its 700+ full colour pages - a full list of contents and index can be found via the ATB Publishing website. Doctor Who News http://www.doctorwhonews.net/2017/07/red-white-who-240717080008.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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Ian McGuire - Na wodach północy
Marcin Wójcik - Celibat
Colm Toibin - Nora Webster
Martyna Bunda - Nieczułość
Richard Flanagan - Śmierć przewodnika rzecznego
Michael Crummey - Dostatek
Adam Wajrak - Wilki
Elizabeth Asbrink - 1947
Sven Lindquist - Wytępić całe to bydło
Marcin Wicha - Rzeczy których nie wyrzuciłem
Bernadette McDonald - Keeper of the mountains
Zadie Smith - Swing Time
Bernadette McDonald - Kurtyka
Radka Franczak - Serce
Paul Beatty - Sprzedawczyk
Anna Kamińska - Simona
Jon Krakauer - Missoula
Bea Uusma - Ekspedycja
Wojciech Kuczok - Czarna
André Aciman - Call me by your name
Wojciech Jagielski - Z zachodu na wschód
Andrzej Zawada - K2 pierwsza zimowa wyprawa
Julian Barnes - The Only Story
Anna Dziewit-Meller - Damy, dziewuchy, dziewczyny. Historia w spódnicy
Anna Dziewit-Meller - Damy, dziewuchy, dziewczyny
Karl Ove Knausgard - Zima
Karolina Sulej - Wszyscy jesteśmy dziwni
Hisham Matar - Powrót
Richard Flanagan - Nieznana terrorystka
Barbara Seidler - Pamiętajcie, że byłem przeciw
Justyna Kopińska - Z nienawiści do kobiet
Aleksandar Hamon - Dwa Razy Życie. Bośnia i Ameryka
Mohsin Hamid - Exit West
Elizabeth Strout - Amy and Isabelle
Ali Smith - Autumn
JM Coetzee - Lata szkolne Jezusa
Maurice Herzog - Annapurna
Edward St Aubyn - Patrick Melrose 1
Charlie LeDuff - Detroit
Anne Enright - Tajemnica rodu Hegartych
Andrzej Mularczyk - Co się komu śni
Kristin Hannah - Słowik
Jonathan Safran Foer - Strasznie głośno, niesamowicie blisko
Enright -
Cezary Łazarewicz - Koronkowa robota
Jacek Leociak - Młyny boże
Bartek Dobroch, Przemysław Wilczyński - Broad Peak. Niebo i piekło
Nino Haratischwili Ósme życie
Zyta Rudzka - Krótka wymiana ognia
Agneta Pleijel - Wróżba
Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir - Wyspa
Edward St. Aubyn - Mleko matki. W końcu.
Mikołaj Grynberg - Księga wyjścia
Gabriel Tallent - Moja najdroższa
Dorota Masłowska - Inni ludzie
Agnieszka Jucewicz, Grzegorz Sroczyński - Żyj wystarczająco dobrze
Reni Eddo-Lodge - Dlaczego nie rozmawiam już z białymi o kolorze skóry
Emily Fundland - History of Wolves
Ewa Winnicka, Cezary Łazarewicz - 1968
Paweł Smoleński - Syrop z piołunu
Asne Seierstad - Dwie siostry
John Steinbeck - Grona gniewu
Orhan Pamuk - Rudowłosa
Arlie Hochschild Russell - Obcy we własnym kraju
Marek Edelman - I była miłość w getcie
Nino Haratischwili - Ósme życie tom 2
Kasia Nosowska - A ja żem jej powiedziała
Marcin Michalski, Maciej Wasielewski - 81:1. Opowieści z Wysp Owczych
Marlon James - Księga nocnych kobiet
Jakub Małecki - Dżozef
Gail Honeyman - Eleanor Oliphant
Vigdis Hjorth��- Spadek
Bob Dylan - Kroniki
Julian Barnes - Pedant w kuchni
Rafał Fronia - Anatomia góry
Aleksandra Lipczak - Ludzie z placu słońca
Anna Bikont - Sendlerowa
Olga Tokarczuk - Opowiadania bizarne
Agata Tuszyńska - Oskarżona Wiera Gran
Janice Y. K. Lee - Emigrantki
Kirstie Clements - Vogue
Marie Darrieussecq - Świństwo (Truizmy)
Sorj Chalandon - Zawód ojca
Naomi Alderman - Siła
Mohsin Hamid - Uznany za fundamentalistę
Philip Roth - Spisek przeciwko Ameryce
Alysia Abbott - Tęczowe San Francisco
Miasto cierni
Piotr Trybalski - Ja, Pustelnik
Królowe mogadiszu
Karolina Bednarz - Kwiaty w pudełku
Dziecko w czasie
Vernon Subutex
Wolność i spluwa
Silva rerum
Kurt Vonnegut - Śniadanie mistrzów
Kurt Vonnegut - Syreny z tytana
Kurt Vonnegut - W dniu urodzin Wandy June
Jorge Luis Borges - Fikcje
Aldous Huxley - Crome Yellow
McEwan - Pokuta
Problem trzech ciał
Jorge Luis Borges - Alef
Jorge Luis Borges - Labirynty
Kurt Vonnegut - Slapstick albo nigdy więcej samotności
Kurt Vonnegut - Niech pana Bóg błogosławi, panie Rosewater
Kurt Vonnegut - Niech pana Bóg błogosławi, doktorze Kevorkian
Aldous Huxley - W cudacznym korowodzie
McEwan - Saturday
Aldous Huxley - Kontrapunkt
Aldous Huxley - Niewidomy w Gazie
Amerykańska - ogar piekielny
Tom Hanks
Księga szeptów
Więzy krwi
Ministerstwo niezrównanego szczęścia
McEwan - Czarne psy
Saul Bellow - Henderson król deszczu
Saul Bellow - Ofiara
Roth - Ludzka skaza
Roth - Teatr Sabata
Roth - Goodbye, Columbus
Peter Carey: A Long Way from Home
Krótka historia o długiej miłości
Heart Berries, by Terese Marie Mailhot
The House of Impossible Beauties, by Joseph Cassara
Mrs., by Caitlin Macy
Biografia Herberta
The Mars Room, by Rachel Kushner
Dehorah Levy: The Cost of Living
Aleksander Lwow - do kupienia
Christina Hesselholdt - Vivian
Marina - sprawdzać legimi
Barry Unsworth - Sacred Hunger
Kevin Powers: A Shout in the Ruins
Ali Smith: Winter
Urodziłem się pewnego błękitnego dnia
Michelle Obama
Kobieta na schodach
Jonathan Franzen - Wolność
Javier Marias - Tak się złe zaczyna
Javier Marias - Serce tak białe - do kupienia
Javier Marias - Twoja twarz jutro. Gorączka i włócznia
Javier Marias - Twoja twarz jutro. Taniec i sen
Javier Marias - Twoja twarz jutro. Trucizna, cień i pożegnanie
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Generał w labiryncie
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Jesień patriarchy
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Życie jest opowieścią
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