#auguri spe
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Ancora un anno soltanto
e diventeremo maggiorenni
ma ci pensi?
Per quanto mi riguarda
se ci penso
mi vengono i brividi!
Ma come abbiamo fatto a resistere
per così tanto tempo?
Mi sa tanto che
ci dovrebbero studiare!
Sono tanto felice per questo bel traguardo
Ne approfitto per ringraziarti
come sempre tanto,
per aver continuato a sopportarmi
senza mai stancarti
Grazie per non avermi ancora abbandonata
La Tua preziosa presenza
molte volte mi ha salvata
dal baratro
Mi sento sempre più fortunata
ad averti incontrato
La Nostra Amicizia
nata a Primavera
ha preso tutto il bello
di questa incredibile Stagione,
capace di rinnovarsi di anno in anno
per donarci i fiori e i colori più belli
che ha da offrire
Grazie di esistere Fratellino Caro
Tu che non perdi occasione
di essere il Grande Cavaliere che sei,
in ogni giorno che condividiamo
da 17 anni a questa parte
Allora continuiamo così,
affinché la gioia sarà sempre
dalla Nostra
Ti voglio bene
Tua per sempre
Principessa Elena
#21 marzo#anniversario#amicizia#amico#buon anniversario#ricorrenza#17 anni#dedica#dediche#ispirazione#ispirazioni#poesia#io#me stessa#sentimenti#auguri#auguri spe#io scrivo#scrivo#scrivere#scrivendo#scrittura#scrittura creativa#mie parole#parole mie#scrivere poesie#poesia di strada
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"Cristo è risorto, e con Lui è risorta la nostra speranza"
Santo Giovanni Paolo Il 🙏
Usciti tutti i mali dal vaso spalancato di Pandora, ultima, residua, nel fondo, rimase la Speranza.
Spes Ultima Dea.
E io oggi sar�� buona, anche più dell'uovo di Pasqua.
BuonGiorno, e santa felice giornata di resurrezione a tutti /e. Auguri! 🙏❤
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Odio il Natale
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/4d700362e74ef5cab458a33c228678a0/8a8041533be3f6b0-a7/s540x810/6fd776d863b026df602ac0c0aa4b83f64cfe846e.jpg)
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Ragioni per odiare il Natale Il Natale serve a ricordare a quelli che sono soli che sono soli, a quelli che non hanno soldi che non hanno soldi, e a quelli che hanno una famiglia del cazzo che hanno una famiglia del cazzo! Charles Bukowski Pensiero natalizio farcito con un aforisma biblico. Polvere eravate, e polvere ritornerete. Memento, homo, quia pulvis es, et in pulverem reverteris. Per adesso accontentatevi della merda, e del panettone! Carl William Brown E’ vero che a Natale tutti diventano più buoni? La risposta la troverete nel vostro albero di Natale: tutte palle! Walter Di Gemma Vari motivi per odiare il Natale 1. E’ inverno. Fa freddo. 2. Ti rendi conto che anche quest’anno sta per finire e tu non hai minimamente rispettato i propositi che ti eri prefissato 12 mesi prima. 3. Il 24 dicembre ti ritroverai smarrito per i centri commerciali pensando ancora agli ultimi inutili regali da fare per alleggerire il portafoglio e pentirtene poco dopo. 4. Sarai costretto a rivedere parenti lontani, abbracciarli e baciarli mostrando un falso sorriso a 32 denti, fingendo di ricordarti benissimo di loro. 5. Ti ingozzerai di schifezze e sarai costretto a digiunare per 1 mese, sapendo benissimo che comunque quei chili di troppo sui fianchi non se ne andranno mai. 6. Tutti cominceranno a chiederti: “Che cosa fai per capodanno?”. E tu non saprai rispondere perché come sempre ti organizzerai 16 ore prima del countdown. 7. Troverai ovunque babbi natali appesi per le terrazze, alberi agghindati come trans, lucine psichedeliche e canzoncine natalizie in quantità che ti faranno credere di aver assunto la peggio pasticca di Ecstasy in circolazione. 8. Non hai più 5 anni e non credi più a Babbo Natale. Anzi, molto probabilmente ti sei già scelto il tuo regalo 20 giorni prima mandando a puttane pure l’effetto sorpresa. 9. Nel pomeriggio, dopo il pranzo di Natale, non saprai che cosa fare perchè fondamentalmente è la giornata più noiosa dell’anno. E’ più divertente prepararsi al Natale che viverlo. 10. Riceverai messaggi di auguri anche da persone di cui non te ne frega niente. O peggio, da persone di cui non hai neanche il numero in rubrica e sarai costretto a liquidarli con un banale “Grazie, tantissimi auguri anche a te”. 11. Tutti ridono felici e contenti. Ma che cazzo ve ridete a fa’? Io fra pochi giorni ho l’inizio della sessione invernale degli esami. Cristo. Nate Myler Odio il Natale Babbo Natale è un impotente: viene solo una volta l'anno. Ecco... mancano solo sei giorni al Natale... e se a questi 6 aggiungete altri 6 ke separano il 27 da capodanno... e se a questo aggiungete anke ke l'epifania viene il 6 gennaio... cosa otterrete? Un bel 666 ^_____^ No... noooo nn sono eretica o cose del genere... non odio la natività... odio solo il Natale... festa consumistica ed egoista... ognuno fa il co ke vuole... sei costretto a stare con parenti ke nn vedi e nn senti mai... (e ci sarà il suo motivo se è cosi)... devi subirti pranzi elaborati e lunghi... e alla fine ti ritrovi a cercare di skivare la LINGUA di maiale ke la nonna ha opportunamente messo nel sugo "xkè è tradizione!!"... Certo... è confortante entrare in cucina e vedere le zie ke tengono fermo il capitone x tagliarlo a pezzi mentre si dimena e si contorce nelle pose ed espressioni + strane... e il panettone?? 10 € minimo e ci trovi + uvetta di mrda ke pane...bah!!!... E poi ke altro?? Shopping sfrenato... tutti ke si affollano per le strade... ti spintonano... fanno a gara ad entrare in negozi superaffollati ed anke super PUZZOLENTI... troppa gente porta a mancanza d'aria... e troppi bagordi natalizi portano a FLATULENZA... (alla Alcott ad un certo punto, in fila, si sentii una puzza ke durò per QUATTRO stanze e ho detto poco -_-)... e tutto xkè?? x cosa?? Per comprare regali inutili ke nemmeno voi sapete a ke servono!! Si cerca il regalo ke costi poco ma ke sembri + costoso di quello ke in realtà è... per poi andare a finire al 24 notte ad aprire regali ke NON desideriamo e scoprire ke, anke quest'anno abbiamo speso sempre di + NOI di quanto abbiano speso gli altri per farci regali... e prenderlo x l'ennesima volta nel .... MA... ma... c'è pur sempre un MA....zzo tanto ke ci facciamo ogni volta per cercare di "essere felici... essere + buoni... d'altronde è Natale... è tempo di gioia... di serenità... di amore e di fratellanza".... certo. E mi vengono a parlare di ste cose quando accendo il televisore e ci trovo Costanzo -_- ... oppure quel travestito della De Filippi???!!!... -_- ma no... dai... suvvia... è bello camminare per strada con gente idiota ke va in giro coi cappellini natalizi come se fossero deficienti a cui è andata male la lobotomia... accecarsi gli okki con le luci intermittenti mentre vostra madre canta e BALLA (Dio, fammi morire dopo quella vista) Jingle Bells mentre addobba l'albero -_- ... qualcuno di voi ha un pò di Malox?!?... Uno Xanax... qualsiasi cosa mi atterri... o mi mandi in letargo... e continua a PIOVERE ciao!!! Cavalla Golosa 19 dicembre 2004
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ade9b3178fd217506feb4044052a1000/8a8041533be3f6b0-8d/s540x810/0a158b9260bd44dff93232d24d7e340b8bb592fa.jpg)
Natale a Napoli Addio, Babbo crudele!! EHEHHEHE E tra TRE giorni è il DSCD-Day... ovvero Deficient Stupid Dependency (on) Christmas-Day... e allora vedrò cenoni partire da mezza cotoletta di pollo per poi andare a finire a braciole grosse quanto una mentina... contorni a base di patatine fritte nell'olio del baccalà stufato e tenuto in caldo da Pasqua scorsa... pane congelato messo "sotto al forno" per l'occasione e, udite udite, cocacola e fanta scadute dal 2000!! YUHUUUUUUU!!!... Eh, si... i miei nonni sono dei "risparmiatori"... ma questo, un pò in tutto... Vedete, il pensionato odierno arriva a Natale ke è quasi prosciugato... ma nn sto parlando del suo conto in banca (o alla posta ke fa + nonno)... sto parlando proprio del suo stato di salute!! Li vedete tutti sudati... in cerca di un pandoro o panettone conveniente da regalare... assillati da rikieste assurde di regali dai propri nipoti... vestirsi pure da Babbo Natale per l'occasione prima di ritornare nel loro solito letargo... beh, poveri stolti... nessuno vive il Natale (ma credo tutta la vita) come MIO NONNO. Questi, è un uomo fortunato... eh si xkè può vantarsi di essere andato in pensione quando le pensioni erano ancora, diciamo così..."copiose" e "consistenti"... dunque non si può certo dire ke se la passi male... (nn credete, col cambio in euro nn ha perso dindini )... xò mio nonno ha una cosa ke nessuno potrà mai levargli: il gusto di comprare la prima cosa ke gli capita tra le mani....^^ ke sia scaduta o magari scartata...(nel senso di confezioni aperte) a lui poco importa...."costa poco... quindi è buona!"... Ora io non so come abbia resistito tutti questi anni senza, pardonez-moi il francesismo, skiattare o prendersi qualke malattia dalle porcate con cui si ritirava a casa... e a questo proposito sottolineo il suo smodato amore x le merendine ^^... Quante volte avrete pensato: "ma xkè a quel deficiente di Babbo Natale nn gli sparano un colpo in testa???!!!" oppure pensate a quei poveracci... quei derelitti ke si riducono a vestirsi da Babbo Natale x racimolare qualke dindino... con orde di bambini assatanati ke gli si buttano addosso urlando, sbraitando, sputando e piangendo... cn le mani tutte appiccicaticce di skifezze varie, alcuni con pannolini puzzolenti... altri ke lasciano dietro di loro una scia di puzzette della stessa "ampiezza" di una puzzola in amore... quei tapini... hanno + tempra loro ke mio nonno ke ha fatto due guerre... ma vi rendete conto di cosa possa significare tutto ciò anke se fatto solo una volta l'anno??!!!... Beh... e poi dicono ke il Natale porta gioia e felicità a tutti... Cavalla Golosa 01 gennaio 2005 ok... nuovo anno... e poi? Eccoci... 1 gennaio... lo so, magari pensavate ke fossi morta dato ke è dal 24 dicembre ke nn scrivo e avevo promesso di tenervi compagnia in questa assurda ascesa verso il Natale... ma dato ke a nessuno frega niente se scrivo su sto blog o se mi gratto la pancia... ho preferito scegliere quest'ultima opzione... anke xkè sono successe delle cose in questi giorni talmente patetike e prive di qualsiasi rilievo ke nn sono nemmeno degne di essere nominate su sto pezzo di carta virtuale... Innanzitutto... il pranzo a Natale è stato un disastro come volevasi dimostrare... ma almeno si è evitato di parlare di me e del mio fidanzato x una volta... (l'attenzione si è concentrata sulla pirlaggine di mio cugino ke ha regalato nn so quante rose ad una tipa ke nn lo caga nemmeno di striscio -pisello-)... poi tutti appestati... mio nonno… peggio degli altri anni non mi ha nemmeno dato gli auguri… si è limitato a darci quei poki nonnari e a lamentarsi xkè ce li aveva dati... Non vedo il mio ragazzo ormai da millenni e ci sto malissimo... mi sono dimenticata persino di cosa signifiki sentirsi abbracciata... dare un bacio... sto proprio per scoppiare... non posso kiamarlo se non x due minuti scarsi ogni volta x paura ke arrivi la gestapo a rompermi il caxxo e a fare la faccia storta xkè nn sto parlando col figlio di un avvocato, di un arkitetto o di un dottore… ma ho avuto il coraggio di presentargli a casa (maledetto il giorno in cui l'ho fatto) il figlio di un "commerciante"... classe bassa... non sono degni... non vanno bene... assolutamente NO. L'osservazione pedissequa è passata alla critica incessante e reiterata di tutti i suoi modi di agire e di fare... a cominciare dal modo in cui tiene la forketta in mano al modo in cui muove la bocca per parlare... da come cammina... x poi finire a discutere di quante volte mi tiene la mano... xkè lo fa e COME lo fa... ma questa è un'altra storia... potrei parlare per ore ed ore dell'odio dei miei nei confronti del mio ragazzo... ma nn so nemmeno se a qualcuno possa fregare qcosa... I giorni seguenti... mah... in casa... come oggi... come tutti questi giorni... rinkiusa tra quattro mura... a sentire continuamente le stesse cose... a parlare dei morti dello tzunami... ma i vivi?... Le persone ke sono ancora in vita? Quelle ke hanno voglia di vivere e hanno la sfortuna di abitare sotto questo tetto di ipocrisie e false pretese?... Quelle persone... ke fine fanno... ke vita fanno? Non sono insensibile alla tragedia... no, mai... ma credo semplicemente ke curarsi di + dei propri cari sia alla base della natura umana... o quantomeno di quella animale... E invece no... a casa mia si vedono telegiornali a tutte le ore del giorno... non ci si cura di nient'altro... e se qualcuno osa fare un commento sulla realtà quotidiana è tacciato di insensibilità e menefreghismo... e addirittura di egoismo... Pensate sia egoista xkè nn mi sento in colpa per essere viva... xkè vorrei vivere come le persone comuni e non nel 1930 sotto il III Reich??!!... Xkè semplicemente non penso ke uno tzunami in Asia possa compromettere la mia vita dall'altra parte del mondo?? Xkè nn ho paura di uscire... delle intemperie... della vita stessa??!!!... I riski sono ovunque... potrei morire anke stando comodamente seduta a casa mia ad ammuffire su quel divano ben rifoderato da 1.500€... e allora di ki sarebbe la colpa??... Lo vedo lì... quel divano... verde come il colore dei soldi... come il colore della bile.... come l'acido ke li rovina dall'interno... come la speranza?? No. Come l'invidia... come la grettezza... come tutte quelle qualità ke hanno fatto dei miei una famiglia piccolo borghese arrogante e sprezzante di tutto e di tutti... mi fate skifo... mi fanno skifo... e mi faccio skifo per non poter ancora sfuggire a tutto ciò... ma datemi tempo... Ah, dimenticavo... buon anno! Cavalla Golosa Se amate il Natale, le feste e la letteratura potete anche leggere i seguenti articoli: Aforismi e citazioni sul Natale Aforismi divertenti sul Natale Barzellette sul Natale La fiaba del pupazzo di neve Aforismi di C.W. Brown sul Natale Pensieri e riflessioni sul Natale Un buon libro per Natale Numeri sul Natale Odio il natale (Umorismo) A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Other books by Charles Dickens Fairy tales and other stories by Hans Christian Andersen Best Christmas songs videos and karaoke Christmas markets in England Christmas markets in America Christmas markets in Italy and Germany Christmas quotes 60 great Christmas quotes Christmas tree origin and quotes Christmas jokes Christmas cracker jokes Funny Christmas Stories Amusing Christmas stories Christmas food Christmas thoughts Christmas story Christmas in Italy Christmas holidays Christmas songs Christmas poems An Essay on Christmas by Chesterton Read the full article
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Hopeless - Chapter 5: The Consequences
Warnings: Angst, Language and PTSD
I am not a medical professional so I cannot say if this chapter accurately portrays PTSD. I did research it and compared it to what I have written. From what I saw, it looks like the reader is going through something along the lines of PTSD. So to be on the safe side, I decided to put PTSD in the warning.
Devil May Cry - V x Gender Neutral Reader
Fanfic summary: You have been kidnapped by a Soul Snatcher clan that used to reside within Red Grave. They’re torturing you for more information about the one who helped you kill their leader. While being held captive you begin to think about how to escape, how this all started, and if someone will find you. Then again, what would happen if you escape?
Hopeless Masterlist
Sorry this took so long.
Part of the poem V reads is Auguries of Innocence by William Blake.
Present Day
Vergil returned with you to Devil May Cry not too long after the others. Everyone gathered around, excited to finally meet you. (Although, they wished it was under better circumstances.) Nero covered Nico’s mouth, quieting her before she exclaimed her excitement about meeting you. Vergil reminded everyone you’ve been through a lot and needed rest. A lot of it. He also stressed the importance of giving you space once you regain consciousness. Vergil didn’t want you to become overwhelmed by everyone bombarding you at once. You would need time to readjust to your life; to relearn what you have forgotten.
“Try not to wake (Y/N).” Vergil left the room as V approached you. A big sigh of relief left him. You were okay just like Vergil promised you’d be. Lovingly, V stroked your hair. He got onto his knees, then placed a tender kiss on your forehead. A tiny smile graced your lips. To not disturb slumber, V took his leave.
Vergil was sitting outside enjoying the night’s cool breeze. No, he was still trying to figure out how to tell V the decision he made. Ever since he made the decision he has been trying to find the best way to tell V. Vergil knew V wouldn’t take it well. Especially since he didn't know if all or some of your memories were sealed.
It wasn’t hard for V to find Vergil. He recognized Vergil’s agitated sigh anywhere. V’s expression showed Vergil he wanted to know what happened. Vergil chose to explain to V what the healer explained to him. V’s grip on his cane was so tight his knuckles whitened. He was furious Vergil made the decision of you possibly forgetting him. But, he understood why. V expressed to Vergil he wanted you to be okay no matter what. And that’s what Vergil achieved. Before V said anything he shouldn’t, he left.
Slowly, you opened your eyes, then you observed your surroundings. You had no idea where you were. After further inspection, you realized you were in someone’s bedroom. The room more than likely belonged to the man next to you. You studied the sleeping man. A book with a “V” on the cover was on his face. Pale, slender, covered in tattoos and some bruises. You wondered who he was. That thought soon vanished. Silently, you freaked out when you saw a panther by his feet. Even more so when you saw the bird next to him. Does that bird have three pupils?!
“Hey Shakespeare, wake up! (Y/N) is awake.” The bird ruffled his feathers, then flew around the room. The panther lazily yawned then looked up at you. It would have pounced onto you but the man commanded it not to. His sultry voice soothed you yet you don’t know why. You’ve never met him. Or at least you didn't think you did.
Heartbreak filled V’s eyes when you told him you didn’t know who he was. You could tell he was restraining himself from approaching you. V wanted to hold you; to do whatever he could to make you remember him. To make him feel better you mentioned his voice was familiar to you. V’s saddened eyes lightened with hope. He knew you would remember him in due time.
To get an idea of how much has been sealed away, V convinced you to tell him about your life. You briefly babbled about your childhood. Nothing too unusual about it. You glossed over your demon hunting training. You didn't have many friends because of it. You slightly elaborated your demon hunting career. Honestly, you enjoyed it and would never leave it. When you reached recent events, nothing came to mind. All you could remember was meeting with a gentleman for a job. You couldn’t remember the conversation or what the job was.
V meticulously chose his words while explaining what happened to you and how you met him. He also kept some details to himself. You took it as him not wanting to offend you. V did not want to be the reason you regain your horrid memories so soon. He knew you would remember eventually yet he will try to prolong it for as long as possible.
Few Years Later
You were surrounded by darkness. The sound of your breathing was interrupted by an agonizing scream. A familiar scream. You couldn’t remember where you heard it from. But you knew it. You instinctively followed it. The scenery changed as you made your way to the scream. The scenes varied from a bar to chaotic parts of Red Grave. It felt as if you were a part of each scene. As if you were reliving someone’s life.
The screams were muffled when you spotted an out of place door. The same door you’ve been seeing for too many nights. You banged on the door. Its barrier forced you away once again. You stared at the door, cursing at it. Each time you approach the door, the same thing happens. You didn’t know why you let yourself repeat this scenario so many times: banging the door non-stop till your hands bleed and the screaming abruptly stops. You wanted to say it was because you wanted to save whoever was behind the door. For some reason curiosity was more of a reason. You were unsure if you were curious to see who was behind the door or what was happening. There was no doubt you would find out soon. The barrier was significantly weaker than when you first saw it.
The muffled screams were non-stop. Whoever was screaming seemed to be in more pain than before. Desperately, you kicked the door while reassuring whoever was on the other side you were there to help. Nothing seemed to be working. It made no sense. It was a simple door. Nothing special about it besides the barrier. It didn’t matter. You had to get through it.
The door's final attempt to keep you away woke you. Your eyes shot open. Your mind felt hazy, then it was racing. Your heart was beating frantically. Sweat rolled down your body as you sat up. You growled from irritation when you realized you were in your room.
“(Y/N), are you alright? It seemed like you were having another nightmare.” V’s worried voice relaxed you. He softly caressed your face then kissed your forehead.
“The dream with the damned door...like almost every night now…” You were so frustrated with it. At first, you didn’t mind not opening it. You can’t always achieve something on the first attempt. After a couple weeks, well...It started to become frustrating. You tried to stop yourself from going near the door. The temptation of seeing what was behind it grew stronger with each attempt to open it. Not only did it create the most interesting scenarios the closer you got to opening it. It also seemed to be calling you to it. You were too close to give up on it now.
You yawned as you rubbed your temples. Lazily, you kissed V on the cheek then made your way to the bathroom. Whispered curses could be heard through the bathroom door.
V’s eyes followed you until the door blocked his view. His worry for you grows each time you mention the door to him. Ever since you started to dream about that door, you slowly started to become different. When the door made its first appearance, you became more irritable. V thought the irritability was from difficulty sleeping. He read poetry to you before bed but it didn’t always work.
The next thing V noticed was your interactions with everyone changed. Most of the time you would secretly observe them as if you were on a mission. Sometimes, you would barely talk to them or get lost during a conversation. V knew you were listening. It just seemed other stuff was on your mind. Other times you put up your guard when around a crowd of people.
Attempts to discuss your behavioral changes were made. Each time you yelled at V, confirming nothing was wrong. When you realized you were yelling at him, you automatically apologized. You explained to V you had no idea why you were acting the way you were. V would try to get some sort of explanation out of you. Eventually, you explained it was your dream with the door. The weaker the door got, the more realistic the dreams from it felt.
V was certain the door in your dreams was the seal to your memories. V brought up his concerns for you with Vergil the first chance he got. Solemnly, Vergil explained to V once the seal was released it cannot be remade. V was furious but hid it well. Instead of dealing with his feelings about this, he focused on you. Whenever you needed him, he was there. Whenever you were feeling down or anxious, he would do everything he could to make you feel better and safe.
You and V were on a double date with Nero and Kyrie. Kyrie wanted to have dinner at a new restaurant on the other side of Red Grave. The subway ride there was like any other subway ride. Nothing exciting to see. All of you chatted with each other, trying to decide where else to go besides the restaurant. You were excited to see a whole new part of Red Grave. It took the government long enough to start rebuilding it after what happened. Yet for some reason an uneasy feeling started to consume you.
Kyrie and Nero got off the subway with V following behind them. They’re voices faded as they neared the exit. You sat in the subway, staring at the advertisement on the station’s wall. The advertisement seemed familiar to you in a way. Yes, you’ve seen this advertisement in many places but that wasn’t it. It was as if this specific advertisement contained something. You were convincing yourself it was nothing and to catch up with the others. You couldn’t think of any reason as to why you didn’t want to get off the subway. You forced yourself to get off when the last call was announced.
A flash from a faulty light took you to a destroyed version of the subway station. The advertisement you were looking at before was torn. Not from age but from claws. As you turned your head, you saw the subway was no longer on the tracks. It was stuck in the wall on the opposite side of the tracks. Chunks of the station were around you, along with corpses. Broken electrical wires and pipes were above you. You turned your head again. Your eyes focused on the claws about to strike you. Your instincts screamed at you to defend yourself. “Get away from me!”
“V, are you okay?!” Kyrie’s voice rang through your ears. Your eyes shot open. The station was intact. Not one thing was out of place. Nero was helping V get up. V reassured Nero he could get up on his own. You could see a bruise forming on his chest. You were petrified. Nothing could explain what just happened or why. I attacked V? No, that’s not right. I punched something else. I was being attacked.
“V, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” You examined V’s chest while apologizing to him over and over. V continued his reassurance. He didn’t want to ruin anyone’s mood, especially yours. He kept quiet about how much your punch hurt him. He gently wiped your guilt ridden tears. He kissed your hand, then led the way to the restaurant. You squeezed his hand, pouring your emotions into it. “I’m so sorry, my love.”
V kept himself composed the entire time. Within himself, V was more than worried. He felt your fear through your punch. Your eyes were filled with fear and yet they had determination. The last time he saw you like this was when you almost died. V had no doubt your memories will be freed soon.
V and Nero froze as you and Kyrie crossed the street. Disbelief filled them. They couldn’t believe the shitty luck today was presenting. The restaurant was on the roof of the building you were held captive at. Nero was spitting out excuses for V to get you away from here. There was no way either of them could let you enter that building, let alone let you eat dinner exactly where you were almost murdered. Before either of them could get to you, they watched Kyrie pull you into the building. Nero muttered “fuck” as he and V made their way to the restaurant.
Nervously, you laughed as Kyrie pulled you to the building. The uneasy feeling from earlier strengthened the closer you got to it. The feeling continued to worsen as you reached the roof. Your stomach was in knots. Your breathing started to become shaky. Your mind screamed for you to get away. You couldn't understand what was going on with you. You noticed Nero and V were a bit hesitant about coming to this place too. So maybe it wasn’t just you freaking out over nothing.
You wrapped a few ice cubes in napkins then placed it on V’s chest. You kept apologizing to him. You couldn’t understand why he wasn’t mad at you. All you saw was his concern for you. You wanted to explain to V what happened earlier. Just not with an audience. Everyone would think you lost your damn mind.
You couldn't stop yourself from figuring out why the events from earlier happened. Your mind conjured up so many reasons. You tried to figure out which one was a plausible reason. You didn’t want V to hear it was because of your damned dreams again. You’ve been using them as an excuse for too long. You could only conclude work may be starting to become too much. Maybe you needed a vacation. Who knows?
“(Y/N)”? You looked at Nero like a deer in headlights. Was he reading your mind? You weren’t sure. He was giving you a questioning look. Sheepishly, you apologized for not listening then asked him to repeat himself. You found out everyone was discussing the changes made when this part of town was rebuilt.
“What happened here? I know the Qliphoth was here. It just seems something else happened too.” Nero threw V into the spotlight. V’s explanation was vague. It barely gave you the answer you were looking for. You gave Kyrie a look, silently asking her if V was hiding something from you. Kyrie’s reply was a subtle shrug. She had no idea what was going on.
Dinner continued normally. It was as if everything from earlier never happened. Nero and Kyrie acting lovey dovey. You and V were trying not to tease them. It scared you how easily everyone was able to push something like that aside.
V glanced at you, looking for any sign that you were well. Ever since you entered the restaurant he noticed you were shaking. He knew you were attempting to hide it. The shaking appeared so strong, everyone thought you were freezing. He noticed you barely touched your food even though you claimed you were starving earlier. V thought it was best if you and him went home after dinner.
You and everyone else walked along the edge of the roof to exit the restaurant. V used his cane to deviate your wandering eyes to him. He made absolutely sure you didn’t look below or beyond. He had to. He wanted to prevent you from feeling worse than you already are. He feared you would remember what happened here.
Kyrie managed to find enough room to take a couple of pictures. Nero tried to get out of it by saying he didn’t look decent enough. V attempted to convince Kyrie to wait since the restaurant was crowded. Kyrie asked what was the harm of taking a couple pictures. It’s been too long since Kyrie got to take group photos. Also, the sunset would be the perfect background. The guys sighed in defeat.
You and Kyrie gushed over the pictures as you continued to leave the restaurant. Nero pleaded with Kyrie to wait until she was out of the restaurant to look at them. Kyrie showed Nero the picture she was currently looking at. Nero made a quick comment, then placed his hands on her shoulders. You and V watched Nero guide Kyrie. It was entertaining, even impressive. Nero had Kyrie dodge everyone coming through the door.
Your laughter at Nero and Kyrie was abruptly interrupted. Someone forced their way between you and V causing you to slam into the railing. As you situated yourself, you caught a glimpse of a black haired figure below. For just a second, the figure looked like a beaten V. You knew V wasn’t down there, he was next to you. You couldn’t stop yourself from checking. You saw V, then someone strangely familiar looking at the table behind him. Briefly, you tried to remember how you knew him.
“Are you ok-tell me who killed Carmilla!” The calm voice evolved into an aggressive demand. You couldn’t figure out who was talking to you. The demand was repeated. You kept quiet. You had no idea who Carmilla was. You don’t remember any mission involving anyone with that name. The harshness of the demand escalated until it evolved into yelling in your ear. You covered your ears but it sounded like it was coming from all over. Even from right next to you.
“I’m not telling you shit. Give up.” The haughty voice was yours, but you didn’t move your lips. The sound of powerful strikes, along with your whimpers followed. Frantically, you searched for help. Nothing. No one. It was just you and the one asking about Carmilla. You closed your eyes preparing for the next strike. You started to take deep breaths. It was the only thing you believed would put everything back into place.
Few people asked if V wanted them to call an ambulance. V persuaded everyone to leave you be. He reassured them you would be fine and needed to be left alone. He knew the best thing for you was to have as much space as possible. To have as much time as you need to gather yourself. He knew you needed him too, but there was no way to physically calm you without possibly making the situation worse.
You stood still, gripping the rail for dear life. V studied the rhythm of your deep breaths and heaving chest. It was obvious you were trying to calm yourself. Even more obvious you were currently reliving your time while held captive here. Nightmarish thoughts raced through V’s mind. Nothing he conjured could be compared to what you actually went through. He wanted to understand but couldn’t come close to. In hopes of helping you and calming himself, V recited poetry from his book. “To see a world in a grain of sand…”
“WHO KILLED CARMILLA?! TELL ME! TELL...poor souls...dwell in night...does…” Softly, the harsh demands transformed into V’s poetic voice. You completely focused on V’s voice, hoping he wouldn’t stop. The man in front of you morphed into V. Tears cascaded your face as you tightened your closed eyes. You begged V to stay with you. You wanted nothing more than for this madness to end.
Gingerly, you opened your tear ridden eyes. You were back at the restaurant. For the most part, everything was back to normal. It was darker and people were failing to not steal glances at you and V. V was still standing next to you. He gently closed his book, then turned to you. Concern and worry were radiating off of him. V pulled you into a hug as soon as he saw your tears. You gripped V’s hand for dear life as he led you out of the restaurant.
As soon as V opened the door, Griffon flew around the house. You headed to your bedroom with Shadow behind. You collapsed on the bed, burying your head in your pillow. You released the anxiety and fear you have been holding. You screams and cries could be heard throughout your home. To help calm yourself you cuddled with Shadow, letting her fur catch your tears. Shadow’s purring was the perfect lullaby to fall asleep to, especially after today.
“...H-HE-LP!...HELP!...He-help...” Those pleas were all the encouragement you needed to continue to get through the door. Nothing was going to stop you this time. You mustered your strength then delivered one final strike against the door. The barrier dissipated, as it pushed you away one last time. The door became ajar.
Regret consumed you as soon as you stepped through the door. A blinding flash brought you to an abandoned building. Someone similar looking to the man from the restaurant was interrogating someone who looked like you. The person being interrogated was severely beaten. It was obvious the man was doing whatever he pleased. No one was around to stop him. It wouldn’t be long until the person was dead. In an attempt to stop him, you jumped on his back. He threw you across his back. Somehow you merged with the one you were trying to save.
The man deeply slashed your abdomen. He was merciless. It felt as if he was never going to stop until he got what he wanted. Not once did his sinister smile disappear. If anything, it grew with each of your screams, your pleas. You screamed for help but no one came.
The strike to your head was excruciating. You gripped your head, screaming, as your mind released every single memory that was sealed away. Meeting V at the grocery store. Tracking Carmilla. Working with V. Your fight with Carmilla. Your captivity. All of them. It was too much for your mind to process at once.
V raced to your bedroom as soon as he heard you scream. Quickly, he studied the room and determined nothing was amiss. V attempted to loosen the ironclad grip you had on your head. V winced from pain when you grabbed his hands. It was possible you may have sprained his finger or two. V didn’t care. He stayed with you, reminding you how strong you are and how you can get through this.
Once you were calm V asked if you were hurt. Hysterically, you described your nightmare. The torture, the pain. The rush of other dreams within it. It felt so real to you. As if it happened to you as you dreamt it. V tried to explain that even though you were attacked in your dream it doesn’t mean the attacks actually happened. You were having none of it. You described every attack explicitly while tracing each one on your body.
V tried his best to calm you. Nothing he did relieved you. Not one bit. Your mind was frantically processing the memories it released. You couldn’t think straight. V tried to hug you but you pushed him away. His hurt expression made you feel worse, but you had no choice. You needed to stay away from him. You weren’t sure if the one in front of you was V or a Soul Snatcher; friend or enemy.
“Who the fuck are you?” Shakily, you cocked your gun, indicating you weren’t playing around. Shadow immediately placed herself between you and V. Griffon babbled about you not recognizing V or them. You didn’t care. You just needed to know what was going on.
“(Y/N) put the gun down and I’ll answer all of your questions.” Your defensive aggressiveness from before your memories were sealed has returned. There was no way V could weasel his way to convince you nothing was going on. To V this situation felt like he was reliving his very first encounter with you.
Your eyes narrowed with suspicion. Would he attack once you lower your gun? Will he actually tell the truth? What if this was a Soul Snatcher? Too many questions raced through your mind. You had no idea what part of yourself to listen to. Fuck it. You needed answers. “Lie or attack, I’ll make you regret it.”
For your sake V had to prove he wasn’t a Soul Snatcher. He recalled when he gave you the ring you were wearing. Hearing your argument made V realize it was pointless to retell the time you spent together. He was determined to prove he wasn’t a Soul Snatcher. No matter what. The only thing he could think of that a Soul Snatcher couldn’t do was summon Nightmare. Doing so caused quite a scare for your neighbors.
Your neighbors panic soon turned into silence. Irritated tension was all either of you could feel. Both of you wanted to say something. Neither of you knew what to say or where to start. So you both stayed quiet, trying to figure out what to say. The silence was unbearable for Griffon but he managed to stay quiet. God knows what either of you would do if Griffon said anything.
You took one deep breath, then decided to tell V everything about your time in captivity. The torture, the Soul Snatchers involved, your thoughts. Everything. You turned yourself away from V when you started crying. V attempted to reach over to comfort you but you indicated for him to stay where he was. You didn’t want to be touched by anyone.
V wanted to hold you. He wanted to do anything and everything he could to remind you you’re safe with him. But he fought himself from doing anything that would make you uncomfortable. He knew you would fulfill your promise if he did anything you saw as a threat.
If V had to be honest, he didn’t want to explain what happened when he found you. Besides the fact he was like you; not wanting to show weakness or vulnerability. He isn’t proud of how he reacted. That night was a tornado to him. It was fast and destructive yet it was a blur. Still. It was no excuse to not tell you. You told him everything. Now it was his turn. V sucked it up and reluctantly told you what happened.
You listened to V, unsure how to take it. At first, you were terrified to hear you almost died. (You remembered you made the choice but it was frightening to think about.) Soon fright turned into anger. You blamed V for having your memories sealed. Not long after, you questioned if being with V was the right thing for you. You even questioned if you would be with V after everything that happened.
V sat across from you, waiting for you to say anything. He was aware you were angry. He knew you would need time to process everything. It could take a long time, but V was more than willing to do whatever he could to help you. Except for one thing.
“I-I...I don’t know how to take in all of this...I-I think I need to sp-spend some time away from y-you. To absorb everything I just remembered..a-and what we just talked about...I also have to think of what’s be-est for me.” V’s heart broke in two. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He was at a loss for words. He was unable to argue with you.
“Don’t.” You froze. V’s hand was hovering above yours. Without touching you, he guided your hand to lower itself, then release the clothing you were holding. Was V going to convince you to stay with him? You couldn’t tell. You knew he was going to say something. He was close to you but stepped away. “You should stay here. I’ll leave.”
You couldn’t believe what you just heard. Why would he leave? You should be the one leaving. You whipped your head around to see if V was really leaving. He was. Already he grabbed his bag, then his book. It didn’t take long for him to gather the rest of what he needed. Once he was packed, he approached you. You anticipated him doing some gesture to say goodbye. Your heart broke when he did nothing except say his goodbye. With each step V took away from you, you felt more alone than ever before. When he was completely gone you believed you made the wrong choice.
#devil may cry#devil may cry v#DMC#dmc v#v devil may cry#v x reader#dmc v x reader#dmc5 v x reader#dmc vitale#vitale x reader#vitale
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Dolci, regali e corse con tuffo (Lago Nero, 30 maggio 2076, II° anno)
In giardino, non troppo lontano dalle sponde del Lago Nero, è stata allestita una tavola, ricoperta da una tovaglia giallo acceso, sulla quale si possono trovare: cupcake al cioccolato decorati con glassa arcobaleno, tartine salate, ciambelle, biscotti, qualche brocca di succo di zucca, d’acqua e di succo alla mela. Inoltre, sparsi per tutta la tavola si possono trovare pacchetti di caramelle tutti i gusti+1 e di quelle che fanno fare i versi degli animali. Palloncini luminosi a prova di spillo di tutti i colori sono appesi in gruppetti di tre o quattro.
Cad.: «Buon Compleanno» All’interno, quando la ragazza deciderà di aprirlo, troverà una sciarpa rossa, fatta a mano, con sopra ricamata la mannaia e la scritta che inneggia ai Wigtown Wanderers. «Come stai?» -- «Bella festa»
C: «Grazie Cad!» esclama mentre accetta il pacchetto che le viene offerto e che non è capace di non aprire immediatamente. Gli occhietti azzurri, non appena capisce il contenuto del pacco, si sgranano mentre la bocca si socchiude. «Cadel! Grazie! Wow!» il pacchetto viene poggiato a terra con poca grazia mentre la sciarpa viene sollevata e gli occhi continuano ad ammirarla in ogni dettaglio. «E’ fighissima!» commenterebbe infine guardando Cadel con gioia e anzi ora lo abbraccia pure se quello non si scansa. «Grazie grazie!» -- «Tutto benissimo, tu invece?! -- E grazie! Mi ha aiutato Gus ad organizzare!»
Seb: «Finalmente glielo diamo!» le ultime parole dette alla quintina, prima di avvicinarsi alla sorella di tassorosso e attirare la sua attenzione con un «Chloe!» -- «Abbiamo qualcosa per te! Tieni lui» e, Chloe permettendo, gli passerebbe Rospo in braccio. Prende il suo zaino e con delicatezza va ad appoggiarlo per terra. «Aprilo!» è il "pacco" migliore che hanno trovato, per un regalo del genere. E` chiaro ci sia qualcosa di quadrato, come una scatola, e una volta che Seb avrà ripreso il suo rospo Chloe sarà libera di andare a scoprire cosa sia: un topolino bianco in una gabbietta di piccole dimensioni, quadrata «Eloise ha fatto sì che fosse più piccola, ma poi può farla tornare normale. Dovevamo farla stare nel mio zaino» una scrollata di spalle. Eloise aggiunge che "non è da parte nostra", visto che Seb si stava per prendere tutto il merito «giusto, sono Log e Isa ad avercelo dato, così da consegnartelo oggi!» -- «Anche a Rospo piace, sai?» -- «e un regalo da parte mia mia» un pacco di Zonko. Dentro, un frisbee zannuto rosso.
Niall: « Ey up » saluta così, guardandoli un po’ tutti. Guarda basso « com’è che si dice.. » per poi alzar il capo e sorridere a CHLOE « Auguri ecco » non sembra molto portato per i compleanni insomma. E poi le attrazioni sono molte, intanto il Lago e poi il cibo.. « posso? » indicando il tavolo con il mento. Ehm no mi dispiace, nessun regalo.
C: «Seb! Eloise! Eccovi!» -- «Oh!» Gli occhi si fanno molto curiosi e seguono i movimenti della sorella e del fratello accetta Rospo senza esitazione, lo accarezza pure con una mano. Poi lo scambio, Rospo torna a Seb e il pacco nelle mani della bambina che lo scarta subito. «OMMMIODDDIOO!» uno strillo di gioia nel rivelare il contenuto di quel pacchetto, un topo! «Oddio, oddio, oddio!» mentre finisce di scartarlo per bene, si avvicina la gabbietta al viso sorridendo al piccolo animaletto, che per ora sembra un po’ in ansia.
«Grazie Seb! Dovrò scrivere a mamma e papà stasera! Dopo anni finalmente me lo hanno regalato! Ma ci puoi credere?!»
emozionata con una mano cerca di scartare il frisbee zannuto, probabilmente Seb la aiuterà perché un po’ in difficoltà. Ed è mentre sta scartando questo regalo che sente e vede arrivare NIALL, che lei trova thunderissimo nel modo di vestire così particolare e diverso dagli altri. «Hey!» -- «Grazie!» -- «Certo! Tutto quello che vuoi!»
«Secondo voi, come lo dovrei chiamare?»
Cad.: «se magari è una femmina potresti chiamarla May...oppure… magari è meglio conoscerlo meglio prima di dargli un nome »
Tris.: «Sono al cioccolato!?» si libera le labbra di un sospiro estatico, già pregustando quei cupcake dall’aria deliziosa «Ah, seh, giusto...» -- «Auguri Mac!» -- «T’ho portato `na cosa pure io... ‘spe che non la trovo...» ma disordinato com’è, potrebbe impiegarci minimo qualche minuto a ritrovare il regalino apparentemente perduto. Sta ancora rivoltando la tasca sinistra dei suoi jeans quando, errando cogli occhi sul resto dei compagni, nota la scopa di NIALL «Come mai la Thunder?» - «Ci facciamo `na gara clandestina, più tardi?»
Niall: « Oh » - « Perché sì » - « Siamo all’aperto, una scopa ci sta sempre bene » Nota poi, a scoppio decisamente ritardato il nuovo topo di CHLOE, sentendo qualche parolina in merito a un nome. « Che dimostri prima il suo valore.. » il topo eh « poi gli darai un nome » guarda il lago. « Ci facciamo il bagno? »
C: «Sì, forse hai ragione… Magari aspetto a dargli un nome.» annuendo «Aspetta ma… che modello è?» - «Wow!» si avvicinerebbe, gabbietta ancora in mano, per dare un’occhiata da vicino a quel manico di scopa lucido ed in ottime condizioni. «TRIS! Grazie!» -- «Una gara?» -- «Valore?» - «Io ci sto!» - «Ma se giocassimo tipo a quidditch NELL’ACQUA?»
Cad.: «Oh sarebbe bellissimo» -- «Ci sto». Non approva invece più di tanto l’idea del bagno di NIALL, ma CHLOE la mette sotto un’altra luce e tutto diventa estremamente intrigante. Gli occhietti marroni brillano come il sole sull’acqua del lago e anche l’espressione di morte sparisce. Sorride divertito concludendo «Allora dobbiamo solo prendere le scope»
Tris: «Ah!» localizzata finalmente la tasca in cui aveva sistemato il regalo, quella posteriore, sfila una busta e la porge a CHLOE con aria trionfante «E` un po` stropicciato, vabbè...» - «E non è proprio quello di Terry Homley maaa `nsomma, ci sto lavorando» promette ad ogni modo con un sorriso che vorrebbe sembrare convinto. All`interno della busta spiegazzata, infatti, la TASSOROSSO troverà una fotografia animata dei Wigtown Wanderers al completo autografata dalle sue quattro Riserve. «Te vuoi stare sempre nudo, ciccio» scoppia in una risata riguardo al bagno «Sono lontane, però! Ma dobbiamo organizzarla, `sta cosa, prima della fine della scuola»
«Dai raga, tutti a fare il bagno!»
Niall: « Thunder 3 » esclama poi, lisciando pure il manico lucido. « sì. Ogni creatura deve dimostrare di avere il proprio valore » « E’ caldo » commenta a TRISTRAN in merito al voler stare sempre nudo « che aspetti? »
C: Apre la busta e «OooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO» Si volta verso TRIS che andrebbe ad abbracciare quasi in corsa, se lui la lasciasse fare.
[...] «Sì, vero! Sono lontane…» lei comunque andrà in acqua così com’è vestita, quasi. Infatti inizia a togliere solo scarpe e calzini.
«L’ultimo in acqua è un vermicolo puzzolente!»
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Surrexit Christus spes mea Cristo, mia speranza, è risorto Jesus, my hope, is risen Auguri, Buona Pasqua Happy Easter (presso Ceccano, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-3m_nOgPve/?igshid=12dx9zm0c46sq
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