#augh my wallet
killjo-q · 10 months
health update ig
went to a doctor today to get it checked because the lack of sleep was driving me crazy. it got to a point where i was getting bad headaches all day and my hands would shake sometimes (didnt know that could happen or maybe my hands were just tired idk jdhd) I only slept an hour or two since yesterday im kinda suprised i have not passed out yet. anyway…
turns out, im still very much anxious and depressed haha djjfh i thought graduating college would have solved it but nah its still there ig
also they have prescribed a strong- hmm not exactly sleep med (relaxant or sedative? )for the insomnia, i do hope this works…
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xamaxenta · 10 months
ah making a call back to my ancient mas monster hunter au Sabo gets injured badly during a rampage and Marco is the one to bring back the beasts head
Its crude, like a trophy, but after Sabo had been left to die by his wyverian clan he’s a huge fan of eye for an eye literally
Its nice to see them get along at last, in Ace’s opinion, although he’s a little rattled at the efficiency and how quickly Marco had hunted the creature, supposes hes not the research base commander for nothing
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technicolorxsn · 2 months
auauauaugh why is clothing so stupid
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strixhaven · 4 months
yay! yippee! i have my T!
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flamebladed · 2 months
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I have made unwise financial decisions
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cassie-thorne · 1 year
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ingwion · 1 year
the siren song of a new gaming pc w my imminent promotion money.....
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
i am so eepy and my warm bed is calling out to me. but. photo
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watatsumiis · 2 years
Would anyone be like. Super crazy mad at me if I were to link a kofi up to this account ?
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whatberry · 2 years
tumblr :((( the new monster high dolls are so expensive :((((
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omegalodon · 4 months
God where did all my moneys go
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autism-corner · 8 months
dreams are so mean. what do you mean i dont have a girypop gf with whom im also in an alterego relationship with. what do you mean my alterego isnt called wallet.
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tarrare-big-naturals · 11 months
Screaming and punching the air bc that one comic I read recently was so god damn good and I genuinely would buy the OG art from it but alas i am to suffer as an RA and cannot afford to pay artists their worth 😔
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malisaaalr · 7 months
im gonna put him in my wallet hes literally chilling in my pocket rn
deadass gonna kiss him
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me when ppl mention tokio hotel around me as if i dont have tom in my pocket rn..
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compacflt · 10 months
Do you ever think about how rooster probably had to walk past that poster of ice and mav shaking hands when he was at top gun the first time cause like
well ackshually top gun (navy fighter weapons school) moved out to NAS Fallon in Nevada after the USMC took control of NAS Miramar in 1996 (2006 in my timeline) so i don’t think he would’ve seen it there
but during training for the Dagger mission at NAS north island… the first time, Rooster was probably totally blindsided by it—made him stop dead in his tracks. Jesus. Who put that shit here. Exposing them in the light of day. Total bullshit. Then: “eugh.” And every time after that he just squared his shoulders & walked past & refused to look.
Every time MAV walked past it he probably hesitated & smiled. That’s me & my baby, that’s me & my tomcat, et cetera. oh my god we used to be so YOUNG. augh. look at us. —But can’t get caught staring, have to move on quickly. He has that picture in his wallet anyways. There will be time to look at it later ❤️
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cardierreh15 · 1 year
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Knight in Shining Leather
I do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work!!!
Warning 18+: Violence , Cursing , Attempted SA , Blood , Gore .
Pairing: Geralt Of Rivia(modern) x Nessa (Black!Plus Size Female)
Description: Geralt being a knight in shining armor.
Word Count: 2.2K
One shot
It was a beautiful autumn night. The night’s air smelled of cinnamon and pumpkin. With it being just cool enough for her to wear a cardigan over her shoulders. Pretty soon, she would get too warm to even rock it.
It was roughly 9:45pm and she had come from a night out with the girls. Her best friend insisted that she drive her home since she stayed so close by. But Nessa was too hardheaded to let her do that. Besides, the walk wasn’t even 20 minutes away.
But a lot can happen in 20 minutes can it?
Her thick heeled boots clicked loudly on the asphalt, echoing throughout the street and bouncing off of the other buildings. She lived in a small town, so it was no surprise that almost everyone was in the house by now.
Nessa had her hands tucked in her pockets, at this point walking absentmindedly. She didn’t even realize there were two men walking about a few yards behind her. She didn’t think much of it, perhaps they were trying to make it to their destination too.
But their footsteps grew a little impatient.
This caused her to take further strides; holding her purse tightly in her arm as she tried to sneak her hand into it to retrieve her pepper spray.
‘Get her!’ One of the males exclaimed.
A panicked gasp escaped her lips as she did her best to take off but they were close enough to snatch her up by her cardigan. ‘HELP!’ She exclaimed before a man placed his large hand over her mouth and held a butterfly blade against her face. ‘Shhhh, shhh. Now, just be a good girl.’ He whispered against her ear.
She then bit down into his fingers and stepped on his foot. The criminal yelped out in agonizing pain.
‘Fuck you!’ She exclaimed before she was instantly grabbed by another male.
‘Get the bitch into the alley!’
‘No! No! Stop!’ Nessa begged and pleaded as she tried her best to fight back. But they weren’t having it.
They slammed her against the wall and she whimpered out in pain. ‘Urgh!’ She fell to her hands and knees. ‘Please— take whatever I have… it’s all material— I don’t want it! Please.’ She insisted, sobbing as she held her chest.
The bald headed guy began to dump out all of the contents in her purse and searched through it. ‘Awww, the bitch ain’t got nothin’. Lipstick, tampons, some other make up, — a wallet…’ he then looked at her name and then started going through her wallet where he snatched out $500. ‘I found a jackpot…’ then he walked over to the the ginger haired gentleman who towered above her.
‘How much ya find?’
‘$500. And It’s a Chanel wallet, taking that too.’ The male chuckled.
Nessa was on her knees before them as if she were praying to her God. Her hands shook as if her bones were chilling in the Arctic.
‘Nice,’ the ginger chuckled as the bald guy passed him some cash. ‘Now, the question is… what do we do with you?’
‘Hmmm. She’s pretty cute. She’s thicker than the rest of em. And you know I looove when they fight.’ He said as he shoved the wallet and the cash in his back pocket.
She instantly knew what baldy meant, and it caused her to panic a bit more. Until suddenly, the ginger just happened to step out of the way, and the bright LED street light caused a thick shard of glass to glisten in her eye.
Carefully leaning down as the two men bickered about who were going to have their turn with her first, she then grabbed the glass in her hand and waited.
The ginger sighed and rolled his eyes, ‘whatever. Fuck it. I’ll hold her still.’ He then squat down before her, ‘Alright sweet heart, you’re gonna—‘
Nessa instantly swiped the glass upward, aiming to stab him beneath his chin but instead, slicing his cheek.
‘AUGH!’ He practically jumped back; feeling the stinging pain at his cheek. Ginger grabbed the gasp and looked at the bright red blood in his palm. ‘You fucking bitch!’
His partner instantly brought her up to her feet, disarmed her and slapped her across her face so hard, he split the inside of her cheek.
She fell to the ground, her mind spinning as if she had swallowed a whole bottle of tequila. She could only hear the sound of their voices. They were so loud in her ears.
‘Kill that bitch! Kill her!’
She didn’t even know who was saying, all she knew was that she was pretty sure she was going to die in this filthy ass alley. And it would probably take her loved ones days to find her knowing these fools.
The ginger some how had the strength to pull her up to her feet. ‘You fucking— BITCH!’ And he kneed her in the stomach before she fell back down to the ground again. He kicked her, several times in the ribs.
Nessa whimpered out, choking on the air that was fighting so hard to come into her lungs. She lifted her hand up, in a “I surrender” kind of way, ‘please. Stop.’ She was too weak to scream for hell at this point.
‘Stop? Haha… oh wait til we’re done with you… get her up.’ Ginger said to Baldy.
Suddenly, everything felt like it was moving much slower than she was. Between the two antagonists, was a pair of bright golden eyes that reflected in the shadows. She thought she was hallucinating so she just laid there, accepting her fate that was to come.
When Baldy lifted her up to her feet, her head rest back against the brick wall. ‘Come on… make it quick.’ She breathed out tiredly.
Ginger chuckled and then Baldy chimed in. ‘Suit yourself.’
Suddenly, a bright flash whipped through the air like something out of a supernatural movie.
Nessa felt Baldy’s grip on her grow weaker and she noticed a thin line across his neck. A dribble of blood came leaking from his lips and his nose. She then noticed the sunken glare in his eyes.
His neck became a waterfall of his blood and a millisecond later, his head fell to wet the concrete and his body followed.
Nessa felt her stomach turn at the sight. She stumbled backwards in fear; immediately covering her lips to hold back the throw up that tried to fight its way out.
Ginger let out a scream as he saw his buddy’s head roll at his feet.
She felt too damn sick and scared to move really. Also, she couldn’t get over — how could someone be that talented with a blade that:
A.) No blood had spilled on her.
B.) None of them were able to see or hear him coming.
Ginger instantly pulled his gun out and walked over towards Nessa. ‘Whose there!? Come out!’ He snatched her up and pointed the gun at her head. ‘Come out! Or I swear to God, I will blow this bitch’s brains out!’
‘Please—‘ she started as she held her hands up.
‘SHUT UP!’ Ginger yelled as he looked all around. ‘Alright,’ he then clicked off the safety, ‘I’ll give you to the count of 3… come out— with your hands up… and I won’t kill her…’
‘Why would you think they’d come out for me?! I-I don’t even know what’s going on!’ She said out as she wiped her bloodied nose.
‘Shut. The fuck. Up. I swear you’re making this so much easier!’ He said as he continued to look around, ‘ONE! …. TWO!….’ He pressed the barrel against the back of her skull.
On three, a white haired male stepped from out of the shadows; those damn golden eyes making an appearance before he did. He wore black leather, and held a huge sword in his right hand. He had a scowl on his face that could kill instantly.
Ginger’s mouth fell slightly as he watched the tall, unearthly being approach the both of them. He stepped back, ‘Y—you… it can’t be. B-BACK UP!’
He just kept walking towards them. The sound of metal clinked with each step.
Ginger had finally hit the wall and Nessa looked back at the both of them.
‘Y—you’re dead! Y-you’re suppose to be dead!’
‘Says who?’ The white haired male asked, ‘You?’ His head fell to the side. Then he looked behind him, noticing the women who still stood there. He then looked back towards Ginger, ‘Go ahead… shoot her.’
Nessa’s eyebrows tugged into one in confusion. She wanted to impose on this reunion but she was hurting too bad to talk.
Ginger’s bottom lip trembled as much as his wrist did when he held that gun.
‘Go ahead…’
Ginger swallowed his spit, glancing over at the beautiful woman. He just didn’t have the guts.
The white haired male let out a sigh, ‘I knew it,’ and stabbed Ginger in his abdomen with the shiny sword.
Ginger began to choke. Wheezing as if he’d punctured his lung.
Nessa let out a harsh gasp and covered her lips in shock.
‘You’re… a coward.’ He twisted the blade to open the gaping wound more, ‘You pray on the weak… women and children… you and your friend don’t deserve to breathe for another second.’
He then snatched out the sword from Ginger’s abdomen and the male fell forward.
Nessa just stood in her spot, watching the man who just tried to kill her moments before, choke on his own blood and eventually took his last breath as the rest of him seeped into the cracks and crannies of the destroyed asphalt.
She was too frightened to scream, to run but also… her body was riddled with pain. Anything extreme would’ve probably caused her to pass out. So instead she asked, ‘A-are you gonna kill me next?’
The being then pulled out a dark cloth and wiped his shiny sword off in one swipe, ‘If I wanted … you’d be dead already.’
Well that was quite evident. She took in a deep breath as she just watched him sheath his sword and bend down to go in Ginger’s pocket.
She peaked over, ‘… he-he said you were suppose to be dead… are you like someone important?’
He didn’t say anything, instead he retrieved her money from the corpse and then ventured to the next.
‘Could I at least— know your name?’ She asked as she began to pick up her purse and the rest of her belongings. ‘You did save me after all, I would like to know who you are… In case I don’t ever see you again.’
He smirked as he grabbed her wallet out of the headless corpse and looked at her ID. She had a glorious smile. A smile that could turn any rainy day into sunshine.
Vanessa Hodge, December 18th, 1997, Address…
He took a mental note of her address before slowly rising to his feet and walked over to her.
She looked from his hands to his chest, that donned a silver necklace with a wolf engraved in it. She wondered what that meant.
‘Here,’ His voice brought her out of her thinking trance, ‘Your things.’ He looked down at her as she rose to her feet and threw her purse over her shoulder.
‘Thank you.’ She said softly before wincing at the pain in her cheek.
He lifted her chin to examine her.
Nessa hissed at the sudden, searing pain.
‘They most certainly did a number on you…’ he said as he looked at her split eyebrow. ‘Come. Let’s get you fixed up.’
‘Alright… only— if you do me a tiny favor?’
‘Hmm.’ A mere stranger, asking him for favors? He wasn’t the type to be handing those out. Especially without pay.
Yeah, she had no idea who he was.
‘You tell me your name…’
Was that it? She wanted to know his name? She almost got taken advantage of, got her shit pushed in and almost got her brains blown out but — she wanted to know his name?
‘I-I think it’s fair… I’d like to know who my knight in … shiny leather is.’
It grew quiet once more before he rested his hand on the handle of his sword and lifted his head with a gentle smirk.
‘I mean I think it’s also fair because you’re still a complete stranger and—‘
‘For someone who is in a lot of pain, you sure do talk a lot.’ He said as he shifted his weight and folded his massive arms across his chest.
Nessa felt the heat rise to her neck, her cheeks and then her ears. She looked off to the side, trying to avoid eye contact for a moment.
God you’re gonna blow this.
‘My name is Geralt. Now, if that is all you request, we should leave now.’
She let out a gentle puff of air and quickly walked towards him, ‘Lead the way.’ She shrugged.
Geralt swiftly turned around and they headed in the direction Nessa was heading.
‘So, you’re gonna tell me what you do and why you walk around with those things?’ She asked; swiping her dainty manicured finger at his silver handle.
‘No.’ He mused
‘And— Please don’t touch the swords.’ He said, hearing the cling that she left behind with her touch.
‘Oh— sorry.’
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