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viswash6390 · 7 months ago
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tamisdava2 · 1 year ago
@themousefromfantasyland @ariel-seagull-wings Alright, by democratic votes we've got a winner, it's Grigoriy.
Alright, now the next poll will be about Grigoriy pseudonym, if I'll ever manage to come up with good pseudonyms to choose from.
Psst, @themousefromfantasyland @ariel-seagull-wings @vanilla0chinchilla @granny-griffin @giugirl743, another poll with name suggestions to help me to name OC.
Ask whatever question you want if you need additional information about the OC.
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themogaidragon · 2 months ago
Do you know a flag for autistic persodivergents?
Persodivergent And Autistic Combo Flag
PT: Persodivergent And Autistic Combo Flag /end PT
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ID: A six striped flag, with the first, second, fifth, and sixth being wide while the third and fourth are narrower. The colors are, from top to bottom, brown, light brown, black, white, tan, and orange. A symbol is in the center, a diamond shape split in half horizontally with the top being white and the bottom being black. Going through the diamond is a back slash, with the top being black and the bottom being white. On top of the diamond shape there is a letter A written in calligraphy, being a rainbow that starts off dark at the top and then gets lighter at the bottom of the A. END ID
ID: the same flag, but with a rainbow nautilus placed on the diamond shape instead of the A written in calligraphy. The nautilus curls to the right into a rainbow. It then is divided in the half, with the upper half being a dark red, dark orange, dark yellow, dark green, and dark blue and the lower half being light red, light purple, light sky blue, light violet, and a light blue. END ID
Made via combining the persodivergent flag (link) by @epikulupu, the autism pride flag using the nautilus (link) by @intervex and the pastel edit (link) of the aufinity symbol (link).
Separated parts of flag for archival.
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ID: the rainbow nautilus isolated, on a transparent background. END ID
ID: the A written in calligraphy isolated, on a transparent background. END ID
ID: the black and white diamond shapen with a slash symbol isolated, on a transparent background. END ID
ID: the flag without any symbol on it. END ID
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intervex · 2 months ago
Even more autism pride flag options
After my latest autistic pride flag post, @pride-cat messaged me suggesting a mashup of the red-orange-yellow-lime-green (ROYLG) flag with the Autistic Pride Day logo. Here's what I came up with:
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The top one uses the grey from the disability pride flag and the colours from the ROYLG flag. Bottom left uses a white background like the neurodiversity flag. Bottom right uses disability pride colours.
(At pride-cat's suggestion, I tried putting the APD logo on the ROYLG flag but felt like it blended into the background - you can see pride-cat's version here.)
@posting-stuffies tagged me about @ryanyflags's gold infinity icons, so here are two flags putting the gold infinity first on a plain white background then on the grey background:
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While on the idea of "plain symbol for autism on a white background" I figured I'd make use of the aufinity symbol by @palpablenotion:
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And then finally, this post by @spaghettimakesflags and this post by @themogaidragon inspired some more flag ideas that led to:
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These are all free to use and remix! I hope this helps for moving people away from autistic flags that have Metis style infinity symbols in them (such as the original ROYLG design). 🧡
Code used to generate flag combinations is on github. SVGs here.
In the near future I'm thinking of putting out a survey of autistic flag options. I'm assembling a list of options here, so if you know of any autistic flag designs that don't use a solid white infinity that aren't in the document please let me know! 🧡
Tagging for archival: @radiomogai @liom-archive @disabilityflagsarchive @disabilitypride
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bbdeathz · 9 months ago
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Und aufins Legends nach SWSH. Ich gestehe aber, dass ich hier wohl auch sehr wenig schreiben werde, weils eher Gameplay ist und am morgen kann man eh keine Bilder mehr auf twitter laden, also muss ich mir so ein USB Kabel bestellen etc
ich finds aber auch mal schön nur zu spielen und nicht danach noch zig Beiträge machen zu müssen Zur Not nehm ich welche aus anderen Replays und sag da was zu, geht ja
Aber Gameplay noch spaßig und das gesamte Scenery, ich spiel aber auch immer im Theater Modus und da ist mehr Sättigung, aber sieht schön aus :P
Wieder Ottaro, weil ich Hisuian Admurais Attacke richtig cool finde von der Animation her. Mal sehen wie lang ich diesmal brauch, aber Legends IST eines meiner Fave Spiele, weil es eben das, was es soll, gut macht und Dinge fehlen zwar, aber das kann ich ignorieren, weil das ne ganz andere Art ist
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444namesplus · 10 months ago
Ainennou Aitauri Aiva Anhoton Anne Anse Aufin Aulitai Aurin Ausü Auti Damin Daunisoisite Denreitesa Deri Dero Desi Detotiu Dihi Dine Dinüdisinten Ditati Doisinu Duini Dunimenrei Duso Eidetetan Eiha Endu Enhaivi Ennatüne Enne Ensan Ensuideu Enti Entüno Eusu Faseme Fifane Finna Fisa Fise Fitin Fühau Gehenu Geti Gise Hamoine Hane Hari Hasoinari Hauna Hehaiteu Heibiuhinse Henansaisali Hense Hensünoda Henü Herei Hesi Hesohonsi Heson Heto Hiha Hihi Hihiti Hilo Himi Hinfin Hinhuta Hinserü Hireidon Hise Hoitüniudi Hona Hosu Hosü Hotinnaisa Huhidon Huni Hurito Hödaneti Hühen Indiu Inhünena Inlati Innifize Innonsatiu Innotape Innu Inseuve Inti Intonminnita Iudouti Iudüsa Iula Iunitili Iusa Kese Laha Lahe Laseno Lati Lautote Leisitesi Leninu Lentei Leufi Lidi Lido Lina Linru Lite Litindadau Loliu Loti Lotü Lututa Maneibai Meunouhau Meunu Misitatinti Mitinnaneto Mitotu Moimi Mosoteu Munsadüni Müne Nadini Nahau Nahenato Nailenuson Nairi Nandi Nanren Nantinne Nanu Nata Natimi Naune Nauturiu Nautü Nebatantei Nedarei Nefe Neisu Neitenda Nemöro Nendu Nenenre Nenfoni Neni Nenisou Nenoni Nente Nento Nenuna Nepirani Nesi Nesin Neteu Netinti Netisi Neto Neuteu Nidatinata Nide Nifo Nihensa Ninen Ninin Ninisui Ninne Ninpi Ninse Nintetai Ninti Nintile Nipe Niriniurin Niritote Niro Nisa Nitaseti Nitau Niti Nitore Nitotin Niure Noha Noho Noiha Noipa Noiresiu None Nonen Nonfe Nonne Nonteniha Noro Noso Noupi Nudindi Nusiranipa Nutebisite Nutiti Nühetigite Nüsoso Nüsui Oini Oininhü Oirito Oitin Onfa Onfontu Onnelonteisui Outa Outin Outina Pede Petiti Pihi Raho Raninni Ranratiru Rari Rata Rati Rause Rautuntei Renne Renu Resi Retehennin Reti Retote Ridi Rihiketeu Rinai Rine Rinneita Riri Risendi Riseu Riteti Ritunmatotei Rohin Ronaihinti Ronnetin Ronsen Roritenare Rutou Rüne Sadi Sadutuitai Sainontai Salai Sali Sanosei Saranu Sate Sateroni Satun Saunoniha Sehe Seitosa Sena Senasomi Senensiten Senesanne Seni Senosui Seri Sesiu Seta Setan Seto Seuta Side Sidei Sidirau Sigeu Siguto Sili Sini Sinsarahison Sinsi Sinsü Sinu Sisisirin Site Siti Siude Siuhine Siuna Siuno Soireti Sosü Soten Sotonri Subi Suitü Suntu Surenta Suteina Söle Sühautine Sühei Sühiu Süsi Tafintin Tahi Tahiu Taisi Taitahehidin Taiteiva Taitüsen Tamoinoinoni Tandipu Tanotiusun Tanroisi Tanto Tarenonteni Tasi Tata Tatatütiu Tate Tedi Tegi Tehi Tehitenhi Teinü Teipi Teirerisezen Tele Tema Tendiso Tenei Teneirafü Tenete Tenha Tennerin Tenniti Tente Tenton Tenunso Tera Tese Tesintü Teso Teti Tetiura Tetünengü Teudosun Teumehaude Teuni Teuridin Tide Tidinmau Tido Tidonentehiu Tiginoi Tihini Tinarisensoi Tinasi Tinenrato Tinnariuti Tinne Tino Tinpitin Tinranpi Tinuni Tirei Tiro Tisa Tisi Tisinepa Tita Titasin Tite Titenne Titeu Titi Tititisü Titiu Titoutu Tiuföna Todon Toge Toihin Toisa Tolu Toneitinhuliu Tonigitane Tonlofira Tonosin Toriso Tosanni Totinteu Toton Touseusidüsen Touti Tuhinunhe Tuideu Tuitipou Tune Tunodi Tunve Tusi Tusihaina Tusunte Tutü Tötoteri Tüputütunni Tüte Unnina Untufahei Voihi Zadi Ühatü Ünisagu Üniu Ünu Ünüpeu Üpeuhi Üsai Üsü Üte Ütesi Üti
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circushead · 6 years ago
bring back aufinity!
we never seem to use it, can we bring the aufinity back as a symbol for autism? it’s much easier to work into things where the autisticat may not be very cohesive and whatnot.
in conclusion, yay aufinity!!
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shamelesslymkp · 7 years ago
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(I’m really bad at image descriptions, I’m afraid, so this is mostly just going to translate the flyer text.)
Text, Both Flyers: Acceptance Not Awareness This April, DON’T #LightItUpBlue. Listen To AUTISTIC PEOPLE Speaking And Go #RedInstead. Learn More At AutisticAdvocacy.org Nothing About Us Without Us Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN)
Images: Flyer 1 features @palpablenotion’s Aufinity symbol. Flyer 2 features @strangerdarkerbetter’s AutistiCat, AutistiBat, and StimmyKitty.
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dailyaspecpositive · 8 years ago
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Aufinity is a symbol of pride for autistics, derived from the neurodiversity symbol.
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palpablenotion · 8 years ago
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Some people expressed interest in an inclusive symbol of the autism community. Some suggested the letter A with the neurodivergent rainbow infinity as the horizontal line. As I thought that could be confused with other symbols, I instead worked the letter A into an infinity symbol.
I call this Aufinity! Combining “autism” and “infinity” for an easy to search tag. If anyone uses it, tag it aufinity so I can see and reblog!
You can see here that one of the cross sections is playing the horizontal line of the A - I also crossed the different segments of the line in order to maintain the way infinity symbols often do.
The A is predominately red in reference to #redinstead and solidarity towards self advocacy among the autistic community. The line making up this image goes through the full gradient of the rainbow in order to represent the spectrum of individuals with neurodivergencies.
I’m hoping that those who felt Autisticat didn’t represent them would appreciate this symbol instead, though there’s always room to use and enjoy both.
If there’s any issues with this symbol, let me know. If you would like a header or icon or other graphic made, just ask. I’d be more than happy.
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quilted-patch-kit · 7 years ago
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Inspired by the queer series of 'I Am Not Difficult To Love' pride flags. Left one is transparent, right one has a white background.
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themogaidragon · 5 months ago
Hi! I just wanted to ask if you would accept an idea for an autism and schizotypal personality disorder combo flag? I think i haven't seen any yet
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Here u go anon. Used purple and grey since it's colour used for schizophrenic spectrum and schizotypal pd and put it on the mostly used ASD flag with the aufinity symbol (link). :)
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marcgrogi · 3 years ago
Aufin Protocol DeFi 3.0 Auto-Staking with All-time Highest Fixed APY $AUFIN
Aufin Protocol — DeFi 3.0 Auto-Staking with All-time Highest Fixed APY $AUFIN
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#autostaking #BinanceSmartChain #DeFiProject #investing $AUFIN
🌐Website: https://aufinprotocol.com
🔍 Open App: https://aufinprotocol.com/app
👉Docs: https://docs.aufinprotocol.com
👉Telegram Channel: https://t.me/aufinchannel
👉Telegram Group: https://t.me/aufinbsc
Aufin Protocol Overview
Aufin Protocol is shortened form of Automatic Financial, a protocol that provides a decentralized financial asset which rewards users with a sustainable fixed compound interest up to 480,419.00% for the first 12 months.
Aufin focused on DeFi innovation that creates benefits and value for Aufin token holders. Here are some benefits for holders of $AUN:
Low Risk with the Aufin Insurance - 5% of all trading fees are stored in The Aufin Insurance which helps sustain and back the staking rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk.
Easy and Safe Staking - The Aufin token always stays in your wallet so it doesn’t need to be put into the hands of a 3rd party or centralized authority. All you need to do is buy & hold as you automatically receive rewards in your own wallet so there’s no more complicated staking processes at all.
Interest Yield with Automatic Payments - You need not be worry about having to re-stake your tokens. Interest yield is paid automatically and compounded in your own wallet, guaranteeing you will never miss a payment.
Highest Fixed APY - Aufin pays out at 480,419.00% in the first 12 months which rivals anything in the DeFi arena to date. After the first 12 months the interest rate drops over an Epoch.
Rapid Interest Payments - The Aufin Protocol pays every Aufin Token holder each and every 10 minutes or 144 times each day, making it the fastest auto-compounding protocol in crypto.
Auto Token Burn - One of the exciting features of the Aufin Protocol is an automatic token burn system named “The Aufin Fireplace” which prevents circulating supply getting out of hand and becoming unmanageable. The Fireplace burns 2.5% out of all Aufin Token market sales and is burned in the same individual transaction.
The Aufin Insurance
The Aufin Insurance uses an algorithm that backs the Rebase Rewards and is supported by a portion of the buy and sell trading fees that accrue in the Insurance wallet.
In simple terms, the staking rewards (rebase rewards) which are distributed every 10 minutes at a rate of 0.01613% are backed by the Insurance parameter, thus ensuring a high and stable interest rate to $AUN token holders.
5% of all trading fees are stored in the The Aufin Insurance which helps sustain and back the staking rewards provided by the positive rebase.
The Aufin Insurance keeps holders safe by:
Avoiding flash crash through price stability
Achieving long term sustainability and future growth of the Aufin Protocol
Greatly reducing downside risk
Insurance Address: 0x9Cb8d953d13A8D9CC867BfE057e077C6C8e09F64
The Aufin Treasury
The Aufin Treasury plays a very important role in Aufin Protocol. It provides three extremely critical functions for the growth and sustainability of Aufin.
The treasury can become important in the event of an extreme price drop of the $AUN token or unforeseen black-swan event. It helps to establish a floor value for the $AUN token.
The treasury provides funding for marketing, growth hacking the Aufin community.
The treasury will be used to fund new Aufin products, services, and projects that will expand and provide more value to the community.
Treasury address: 0xec9aBe02586fE5CabF8700997e607d4B80516064
The Aufin Fireplace
2.5% of all $AUN traded are burnt in The Aufin Fireplace. The more $AUN is traded, the more get put into the fire causing the fireplace to grow in size, larger and larger through self fulfilling Auto-Compounding, reducing the circulating supply and keeping the Aufin Protocol stable.
The other benefit to an everlasting burn of circulating supply is that due to the deflationary nature of it, equates to a higher value of each $SAUN token, therefore increasing the individual value.
Fireplace address: 0xf26f15B215570C5450f97b748Bbd71C9cc212a51
The Aufin Auto-Liquidity
Every 48 hours, the Aufin Auto-Liquidity will inject automatic liquidity into the market. On each buy or sell order there is a 4% tax fee that automatically gets stored into an Auto-LP wallet and built into our protocol's smart contract is the mechanism which smartly takes the 50% of the amount of $AUN stored in the wallet, and will automatically buy $BNB at the current market price.
The remaining 50% of $AUN in the Auto-LP wallet will be used for the $AUN side of liquidity, therefore giving equal an 50/50 weighting of AUN/BNB which will then be automatically added as new, additional liquidity into the market pair and raising the amount of liquidity in the pool.
The Aufin Auto-Liquidity will do this every 48 hours by adding more and more liquidity to the pool which will allow $AUN token holders to easily sell their tokens at anytime with little to no market slippage. It will also aid in maintaining protocol stability to make sure the APY is upheld for the entire life of The Aufin Protocol.
Auto-Liquidity address: 0x85CD20D9Fb8f9d11Dc43C17cD399794eCE7b184E
Fixed APY
APY stands for Annual Percentage Yield. This measures the real rate of return on your principal amount by taking into account the effect of compounding interest. In the case of Aufin, your $AUN tokens represent your principal, and the compound interest is added periodically on every Rebase event (Every 10 minutes), otherwise known as an 'Epoch'.
Your new principal amount is your then current Aufin token amount, plus your new rebase token amount. This total amount is what gets calculated for your next rebase rewards.
The Power of Compound Interest - It is important to note that your balance will grow not linearly but exponentially over time. Taking a compound interest of 0.01613% / 10 minutes:
Example:  If you started with a balance of only 1,000 $AUN on day 1, after a year, your balance will have grown to 4,804,190 $AUN.
$AUN Token
$AUN is a Bep20 token which rewards its holders with automatic passive interest payments every 10 minutes over the lifespan of 12 years 8 months 26 days 3 hours 30 minutes until the maximum supply of 10 Billion tokens has been reached.
NO TEAM TOKENS - The Aufin Team will NOT hold any tokens. The only tokens owned by the Treasury will be collected via accumulating trading fees. We are committed to the longevity of the project and thus the $AUN team cannot dump on you.
NO EXTRA MINT OR HIDDEN TOKENS - The $AUN smart contract has NO ability to mint extra tokens nor can the supply be manually increased or used in an artificial way to change the initial supply by awarding ourselves free tokens. The initial supply is 1,000,000 tokens only.
NO RUG PULL - Liquidity will be locked for 12 years via trusted network which cannot be touched or released early. (This means that you as a token holder will ALWAYS have the freedom to buy/sell whenever you like without restrictions or complications - your tokens that you buy are yours and remain in your wallet always and are never 'locked').
NO BOTS - All front run and sniper bots will be instantly blocked by the Aufin smart contract by the blacklist feature. Our smart contract cannot block normal wallets, only contracts ie bots.
Aufin smart contract: 0x72c6239cC8dbE1b02E539cdD95ee86ED771b8A0B
Trading Fee
The amount of the fees (14% for buys and 16% for sells) allows Aufin to provide $AUN holders with the stable high yield of 480,419.00% annually.
Buy Trading Fees:
5.0%: The Aufin Insurance
2.5%: The Aufin Treasury
2.5%: The Aufin Fireplace
4.0%: The Aufin Auto-Liquidity
Sell Trading Fees:
5.0%: The Aufin Insurance
4.5%: The Aufin Treasury
2.5%: The Aufin Fireplace
4.0%: The Aufin Auto-Liquidity
Road Map
Phase 1:
Website Development
Whitepaper Documentation
Deploy Smart Contract
Pre-launch Marketing
Phase 2:
PR Marketing
Airdrop Campaign
Bounty Campaign
Fair Launch on PinkSale
PinkLock Liquidity Locked 12.5 years
CoinMarketCap Listing
CoinGecko Listing
5,000 Token Holders
10,000 Token Holders
15,000 Token Holders
20,000 Token Holders
25,000 Token Holders
50,000 Token Holders
100,000 Token Holders
250,000 Token Holders
500,000 Token Holders
10 Million Market Cap
25 Million Market Cap
50 Million Market Cap
100 Million Market Cap
200 Million Market Cap
300 Million Market Cap
400 Million Market Cap
500 Million Market Cap
1 Billion Market Cap
Cross-Chain Integration
Phase 3:
Building Aufin Blockchain - A Complete DeFi Multi-Chain Solution
Become a Leading Top 10 MarketCap Cryptocurrency
100 Billion Market Cap
For more information
Website : https://aufinprotocol.com/
Whitepaper : https://docs.aufinprotocol.com/
Telegram : https://t.me/aufinbsc
Twitter : https://twitter.com/ProtocolAufin
Medium : https://medium.com/@AufinProtocol
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/user/AufinProtocol/
Discord : https://discord.gg/KyNcSPquNP
Forum Username: Marc Grogi
Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3398600;
Telegram Username: @marcgrogi
BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0xAA4d8Ad286ED50864F6281bE05691eBcC4041DdD
#Proof of Authentication:
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juna777 · 3 years ago
Aufin is the world's most memorable speculation stage
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Aufin is a convention for decentralized monetary instruments. It gives the foundation to get and straightforward exchanging of monetary instruments on DEXs. Aufin utilizes shrewd agreements to guarantee that all exchanging is done decently and without control. It empowers the making of monetary instruments, for example, engineered subsidiaries and fates, which are presently impractical on many decentralized trades. To additional the soundness and security of the convention, Aufin is upheld by its own decentralized guarantee the board convention, Caspian. Caspian considers the collateralization of positions on the convention. This assists with balancing out the worth of the convention. Later on, Aufin will extend to help new sorts of monetary instruments and extra elements for the broker.
Aufin is the world's most memorable speculation stage. Aufin takes care of an issue that has kept on waiting in crypto and blockchain enterprises, which is the absence of admittance to crypto resources for the typical financial backer. The Aufin stage will allow financial backers an opportunity to expand their portfolio, be it for their own speculation or the venture of an outsider. Aufin is another convention that permits its clients to make any exchange quickly, secretly and safely. It utilizes blockchain innovation to offer its clients the greatest and speed of exchanges. Aufin utilizes cold capacity, 2-factor verification, and IP whitelisting. Aufin is airdropping 225,000 AUF tokens to their local area individuals. Take part in their Telegram and Twitter missions to procure up to 75 AUF tokens. Likewise get 20 AUF tokens for each reference.
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Aufin is an AI-driven blockchain convention controlled by another class of Artificial Intelligence: Cognitive Computing. Aufin characterizes an information structure called the Cognitive Object, to store important information. Mental Objects are connected together in a permanent blockchain-based diagram, and can be questioned, refreshed, and shared by outsiders. This empowers another type of open information that is decentralized, straightforward, and responsible. Aufin gives on-request, dependable information by working with a commercial center where information suppliers can adapt their information and information buyers can buy the information they need from confided in sources. Aufin has an exceptionally fascinating symbolic deal structure. There is a complete stock of 100 million tokens, with 60% of them being offered to general society in two phases, the first being a private deal. The excess 40% will be sold north of two public deals, with an aggregate of 10 million tokens being sold each time. The public deal cost will be brought somewhat each time down to make a markdown for early buyers.
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The blockchain is another innovative headway. A great many people can accept the idea of the blockchain yet don't have the foggiest idea how to utilize it for their potential benefit. The Defi Protocol will be an extraordinary beginning stage for anybody who needs to utilize something like the blockchain. Yet, what is the Defi Protocol? The Defi Protocol depends on the Ethereum convention. Making decentralized applications and savvy contracts can be utilized. The Defi Protocol is hoping to meaningfully have an impact on the way that individuals utilize the blockchain by making a more straightforward method for utilizing it. The Defi Protocol will be an extraordinary beginning stage for anybody who needs to utilize the blockchain. Aufin, the main decentralized convention for crowdfunding has been sent off. Aufin is a stage that permits financial backers to buy and exchange value organizations preceding their underlying public contributions (IPO) on an optional market. Aufin is additionally ready to give admittance to speculation amazing open doors that are not in any case accessible to people in general.
Website: https://www.aufinprotocol.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ProtocolAufin
Telegram: https://t.me/aufinbsc
Medium: https://medium.com/@AufinProtocol
Discord: https://discord.gg/KyNcSPquNP
Bitcointalk username:  juna777
Bitcointalk Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2826469
Proof of Authentication: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5393738.msg59888932#msg59888932
BSC Wallet Address: 0x79b91dA4d639279050b1213D3eAFda48738CFDa2
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The only way to move forward financially is by forgiving yourself for previous financial mishaps. Business by @tsbwala #finance #personalfinance #financesolutions #financetips #financegoals #financefreedom #instafinance #finances #efinance #educacaofinanceira #financerulestheworld #hdfcpaperfinance #bajajfinancefacility #hdbfinance #aufinance #ministryoffinance #thefinanceclub #financeissues #financeteam #microfinance #financemanagement #realfinance #liberdadefinanceira #ajivikafinance2018 #travelfinance #yahoofinance #propertyandfinance #myfinance #financeblogger #simplifyingfinance (at TSB Cooperation Private Limited) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSdCXtnpdsN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bethylmethbrick · 3 years ago
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Final Chapter: It’s the nights that seem unbearable. Without Beth by his side the nights seem to take forever to pass. Bethyl Love
Read On AO3
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